HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-10, Page 1Signal + Subscriptions � N � CASH IN ADVANCEp 19 Tile POLICY for 1895. __- FORTY-SEVENTH ---FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2499 bie T -I LEADING NEWt3PAPf3R OF 1-rcritow COUNTY_ GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, .IANI•Altl 1U1, 1895. *1, Renew i -or The D. McGILLiCGDI►y. 19,41:teA\ICD iattidsif ''e c 1 EV013 E4ii,11..CVIV:i& THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. What laOolfEOn at the Capital air r barer. Tapper .ay. 1111r melt reeky Urea• •,4.,.4 tmisuse aa• T..a- talea-- The Saedter. Mate Mad I keit. I...sg.. Tait Sato CaQ,ipoode.ce. l)T'lAWA, Jan :,th In a recent letter 1 thanked Sar Charles Tupper tor tee 'fervor he had rendered us to calling eLtee- ttun to the fact that the "Grit" policy meant nodose" revenue end taxation and oeweetuently • reduction of the amount of your serotuge.. wondered on Public 4\'orka The Tory organs say the mousy has reit been imuudered. If it has nutwhy has the I:ovI raiment, to pleading Ignorance •aid vir- tu., oi..cru t alt thee. actions aga.nat the Mcl•reevy■, the r• Lonia, the nenaoal. and titer. after their game had been expos. rd and they saw that open rebellion coedit only be checked by going through the fors of collecting the millions you have bora robbed of. The exposure that tullowed the Laugevm McGreevy investigation showed the government that Parliament was not tee tnbuual for thesis nrwt►gauoas unless they were prepared to throw up the sponge at cup. There was sou much latitude given there in the production of witoeaes to ad mit of o.ncealnteat el facts and when Edgar formulated hie serious chargee of badling and corruption against oar Adolphe Carom, the government said " t ih ' no, you rough( us ono*: you don't .at.:h ns again. We will grant the inquiry Fut it muet be carried no through • commission and we will name the men we will sit on that _•ommilalon,' a•d they did. The result you know. •' Whitewash." Kat kiir Chorlss Tupper says the Grit policy would be to reduce the- rev.eus and uxattnn. Have you any ob. lection to that' Dont you think our tax teen would .toad • little reduction ` to 1874: your taxes from,, cuetome and excise amounted to 11G,1311,`..3'. In 1893 it had caare.•ed to $9,321,367 In 1878 you paid $12,:82.824 in otuma duties . in 18. )ou• paid $141.934,003. 1)o you ever stop to think how much of the tales that are tskw out of your pockets thrvugh the custom house goes to pay interest on the national debt la 1893 in Interest alone. to say sottomg of the, sinking f uud and commissions, you paid ff..dO1.,884. While our population is only ooe•foerteenth of that or the I'sued States we are taxed annually over one• third as much as the people in the United States are taxed to meet interest charges on their debt, their interest account for 1893 being $27,204,1!02 .tr Chu. Tupper promised in 11378 that it you no urned • Tory Government to power the national debt and interest charges would bs lowered. tor they would run th• couatry for Ira money than the Liberals were tax- ing you. Had the 1.overument kept the pr.,ma►e then made by or Charles, or had they even left the debt as at was when they came tato power in 1.7h, you would have been peeing $5,703,00h in interest on debt today ionised of $9.806.884, that is, apply, tog the same rate of interest we are now paying. It u for drawing attention to the actual eoodition of affairs that they say we aro preaching " blue ruin What else can we preach if we tick to the text they have given us in their own recyrd. What else but bankruptcy and ruin can be pictured if we are to go on at this pea much longer: Now slut seems like • lot of election rot as the ayipv goes, and no doubt by many at will be so regardeo, bot unless they wish to deceive themselves let them give )net • little attention in dudymg up the matter e nd they can o•ly arrive at the one con• clue on. " Sufficient unto the day kc." appears to be your motto, and you are content to drift • Igcludior Minister t'ester's new loon, they have added at the rate of as!+,300,000 a year to our national debt since they aims in power. which at 3 per cont. per anaum, means $279,000 added every year, to our interest • moon t. 1 surpass three-fifths of the people of Canada ds not know what the national debt is or what the annual tacatino reecho,. They aro content not to know. But it 1 can I want to make them know, for if i can arouse the indifferent ones to • study of the ▪ uietton of the •dminietratinn of our affairs I then fool oertasn that eke gigantic rattler, that has been married out ender • protective tariff in (panda will seam. l-ou hare invested seouvh money in the snterbria to werraat • little study oa your part as to haw it is going to pan out. ` Do sot take the Agents ea they give them to you, but take up the public amounts a d look up the figoNts for yourselves. Take the public aeeount& for l893, ad ne page 49 you will ,,ret Iota of islormatioa about your taloa. /b pare 39 you will also learn some- thing •boot that colossal monument, our " Natinaal Debt. " tine thing a w.11 mot find claseigthere. and that iefj.d w,w much of what yon bate n.nd into the 'reason- h.i Foos to the bre .1'.r sed rorr.ptior fad. That a kept h • he Goveremeat's pocket diary. How s•aay ewe out of every bemired ors tall sou why they belong to the p,rtaeeler pol.tieal parr y 'hey aro supporting • They inherit their politioe ;ate their relives T►ov an ant ri•h so be bothered 'studying ap polities or the condones of the fiaanre. of the esmtry. They will loam, that to ties, who have risme time to figure it not �W bsssse w dopes .1 w protes- stady ei our political affairs would produce di/srsea resells r elate Tare. roma overlooked the impsrlaees of per- eaaossllr heneOeial easels nod were atr- iasieot action : bet now that at bassos the. S*elp1'iRl. .are Wane! aseslipntiae, ad /ass will nom hop ether `gsj M a ia. 11Oa dually *are Ile TOPICS OF A WEEK. The important Psrnt. 14 a Few Words For Iter Iteaeter.. I:trat destitution 1. reported in New (oh to hand. Italy and Ito... a have opened negotia- tious for a reciprocity treaty. The Belgian Clover uwrut is In favor of annexing the Coogn Erre State. Several wrvere earthquake shock. were felt at Athens. Greece, un Tburstley It transpires that the Armeulan ma -..••re i,. the second Zekki 1'm.ha has .Mier., l 18' l)IUtligan, of Buffalo. diel ou Fri- day of diphtheria. Anti toxiue failed to cure him. Wardle Levitt of l'aledouia committed subtitle on %Vedor.day by cutting h6 theme. Mr. A. Skinner, a fornier resident of Melita. Man.. haw committed suicide is England A ti .and mar!: r. ate expo trel to play in the laouyarl on Hauialtu t limy mem 'rhursslay. '1'b. lie•Igun Government bas prohibit.o the imp..rtati.nr of live cattle f th. L nite.s State.. ',Louis. the six-year-old sou of Mr. J. W Th.onom of Winnipeg. was killed by th Sall of *derrick. 4 The .teenier Silvia. which sailed frogs liali(av for St. .John's. Nfkl.. Thursday took rr•:.al► tit gold Ruffolo has •).44e. saloons, 114 hotels, 7' storekeepers. ;ft dnugt Lias and 114 tavern, licet,..,l to' .ell liquor. Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop. Ptr.ident of tilt Michigan \%uui.i. • 4'. T. U., diel at Jack - moo most fifty .ix years. About :1.4 Ilzehe•rndenbelonging to Hull (Grimsby awl Vier h. Eng.. lust theft lives iii the recent Tv... men entered the ptwtoffke at ('in cinuati. ,knocked down the cashier..e.•ured •boast F.:.4111..tiiil i•rapeol. Mr•. flanuah Baker, widow of the lair W. F linker. at Toronto. committed .ui• ride at. amnia oh Wed to -slay. The United States wilt probably build two end p•rhaiet threw large battleship. t once. to riot 'ties I deet each. • .1 violent earthquake ,hock was felt at Mrs -Otos. Italy. on Thor+clsy and the itt- bola tail r. wen• panic -iricken. Fix.• valuabir hone. were destroyed in a lin• which burgled the Queen'. Hotel ,table. at Itrwtforvl on Wednesday. Lr George Mare. one of the 'toot fa- mous cntontul.rgtst., ut the slay. i. ."earl Ih Mary ea. born hi Prniafa lu 1189. . On Saty)day Afternoon for North Land. a ester ship t.. the North 'West. was launches' at 4'Irrrlaud. She cost (e.t)!lU Iloo %i r itry den annonnomd at ()an :moque on Fri.1., t hat the Ontario Govern matrt proper"' Io e.tahli.h A pioneerdair) farm MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Result Oi the Polling Monday. a Ora.► Sweep 1■ r..•erlrh-a.bl. leatiaa I:lerted are. r ever Nllllaat rree•4Nt •eller agate ttleeled raver -- 4 maple Uem er 4 • e e•.rll. THF, ale. tion, on 'Monday last in trrwe was • surprlae to malty. It was belle•• ed generally that 'toiler • previous majority sur the mayoralty would be seriously adect- ed, 1f not entirely wiped out. but the result !lawas a dppuinteut, the vote for Rut- mas ler remained practically the tains. A greater .urprmi was the detest of I1'roudloot fur the roe, whip and the election of Mclean, and we must say we regret tt, for, admituag the enterprise and map of the latter in private punulte, he to a long 'way behind I'ruudtoot in municipal know ledge and influence to the body to which he has been elected. In the wards, we must confess that there not • marked Improvement, as several good representatives to last year's tanned have been replaced by inferior mea so far as .1uahficattoo for public other is comeeroed. 1 ne resul4 of the polling are se follows FOR MAIOK. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tot. J. Brmt.sa i2 69 49 44 64 76 45--419 G. Acheson 36 42 62 50 36 54 30--310 Majority tat Hotter, 109 FIK REEVE:. R. Jit LILA. 75 71 54 40 47 69 39 -395 W. I'roadfoot S4 43 59 a5 57 62 36- 346 Majority ter McLean, 49 FOR cul'NCILIA►Ks-ST. DAVIT 'S. 1 2 Total. .1. W. Sana ........ .... ..74 83-157 R Tnoerlluis 83 72 -166 W. H. Mrsiber. 74 74-144 C. A- Handler .'.. 56 79-134 $T. PATRICK'S. 3 4 Total. Jas. W,i •er..... .132 67 --149 A. S.' soak- 75 56-131 M. (..loner .. 71 45--116 A. 1'. MaLiso 59 48-107 F. J. I'rrdhan. ....... 61 37 98 ST. (:EOKI:E:'M 5. M. Nis nd1.a.ts... 71 E. cam mos ,... H. Jk.hor . Mr. Henry'Knntt. brewer. of Hamilto,, J. A. Reed... . hat. legion action agnin.t Aid. Wm. Han- R. K. Sailow, 50 70 70 . 61 rock for alleged slander. claiming try uei damage.. Attorney -General $itton of Manitoba '.ty. toe I'nvit'ee will recent any inter- ference by the Ihrntlnios in their sncool legislation Pages Leo'. enevrliral practically esta- hll.he. an American ei•,•Iasiawtical court. Mgr Salolli 1.c nhrmedAnd strengthened 111 hie pedti.w. The *1,11 tnt(ne remedy for diphtheria has proved arms+•/rel in three came at Chatham. tint.. and the physicians pro- m...t1'r it a great .Retro,,. Au old man named William Babcock wwo found drat) in to 1 • on Walnut street. Brantford on Wednesday. Death had resulted from exposure. The my'a'riout dlet,g,car:tne. of Mr. A. M. Dalton. a partner in the tanking firm of Harrison A Dalton. Neepaw-a. is causing same anxiety to hie friends The Philadelphia Grand Jury returned a true hill again:it l'. W. Mowbray-, the E:ngliih Anarchist. charging him with making* arditImia speech. The re-tnnflt in the Winnipeg Mayoralty contest is Completed. As a moult Mr. McMicken in unseated and Mr. Gilroy u declared elected by eight majority. The )larqulae de Gretitle. known in late, years imply a* Mme. De Grerllle. died on Sunday at her humble home at No. 1:01) Franklin avenue. Morris*nle. N..Y. .1 Ship, a young pierchant tailor of Montreal was. k1llr.1 uu Friday by living 'struck by a railway car at the Mountain street rrwaing of the (:rand Tniesk Hail way. Trdnr munierer•, A. J. L. Roddy. Aa. drew Winter., s:eorge Akxtoler *nil C, 1). Kiger. made their 'haps„( the Nasbvilk, Teno.. (' y Gael on "Wed need*y. Dr. Harseent. of Montreal, aged l., swallowed carbolic acid and died in Ha11 Mx on Wedoeelay nlgbt. He left a note saying hi. last Ilfe inmpellel him to com mit the deed. HOT. K. 1. Rexford, Principal of the Montreal High School. received a black e•v' the re.nit of tronbie with the rem taker. Mr. Wm. Laughlin. The latter boo leen dismissed. A11.1.111.1 1 hnrch-t3,tt of St John the Evangelist has been robbed to Loudon, n, making 48..lxth. The thieves not only robbed the Ivor lox. Int drank 1 win los Ilea of the e.ommnnlon wino. The prier to be paid (or tie 30,4410 ton. of steel rills recently ordered by the Penn q Ivasia Kafln.a.l t ompany 1. int_ per tun. Iwai year the company paid t►at per leo ter ita rails. t11111d the menset price is the Lel. eel on 111111111111 L__ A repot, Beta OmeliMakeepie wh .1n Paitha Governor d WM& who olt•I mantled the military atone la file Samoan district of Arsmde. has been a* aseninated by am Annelle, who atter wends S814 ' Wio,haw t The youngest w n1 .lea Hel- ler& The was s . s. 1.enly hjered last weak is settles al.e.g sway, sad It is e*p•wed that he will •o• lose tb w of Ma Is . Big yam& le ems* le hi aver. S7. ANDREW'S. 6 7 Total Ti.'.. Scotia,. 98 49 147 Tito-, Nos Prat. 84 43 127 D. t'a.1EU•. 84 42 9126 C. A. Nairn ..60 39--- 99 I►. C. Strachan 66 32- - 914 After the returns were at m there was a demonstration by the friends of Me..rs- Ilutler and Mclean o• the Sonars, and • bonfire on Montreal et., which gave the youagaters an opportunity to let off their peat -un Nebo • COUNTY COUNCILLORS FOP 1895 Ashfield, Hayfield., Blyth, llrussals, ('hnton,- Colborne, Exeter, tuts ►., tt►f Tir. G lrctm, 1 Macksorie, 1 Ktckley. Koros. Young. Kerr. McMurchu, Kennedy. Milloy, A. A. Young M t•1 'allum, I:ray, Strachan, I Turnbull. 1 Turnbbuu ll. (lod•rich, McLean. Holt. Goderieb lip., I'ox, Churchill. Howick, ('oak. Hay, McE:wan. 1 T•rabull, 1(:eirer. Hallett, McIMnsld. Brigham. McKillop, Heneeweis E:vass, Morris, Mooney, Kirkby. Stanley, Mcllves, F.rritt. H. Ki1Mr, 1 Sherritt. Vselorth. Watson. Gunn. Tooker•rnith, Sheppard. McKay. Turabsrry, McPherson, Cruikabank, t'.borae, Kay, Kidd. K. Wawaaoah, Patterson, Brows W. Wawaaosh, Smart, Gibson. Wroieter.- ands a Wioghun, b♦ariia,. Holme. Politically tat IMO ty eaeaell will stead 28 Reformers ad 23 w. OUTSIDE MUNICIPALITIES S4ph.a, 1tat'. /1•41 11101.0. The result of the poll in Ashfield on .San. 7th, 1P(t`v. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ()Irvin 91 72 33 55 1011116 24-421 Webster 44 86 90 11: 13 40 46--346 Jamieson 4 612 1'. 13 30 12- 92 Kiekfey 73 8R 66 714 16 30 34-332 Mellongs M 62 41 29 79 34 `Jb 318 tanaal. •. Iteev.,J. Barn.: Collect Ilan, Bailey R. Garels..J. Fraser, Or. Stanhsry. Rxatrea -Sows. T. H. Not/ dem ad Rw�BaaNa Tl W. > 11111141.4 Dr. idea. 14�e 2.w. Torp tr,,WW��ht k, sad Wit RaetwQw-raw-W. H. Ken. Clem - driers -R. Laillerdelis, J. Wyse, W. H. McOraeken. R. Dreams. 'hw-Rev. John Rem, Adam Reid, Tar. Orebro. ROA roam -Mayor -- w Maw M. Osy. Rosea ---A A floes. homeayRamve -Jaime Wane. Ceneolnmo-- .rak ward. Jobs Weir, A. M.Oonspeell,11 Wham: Dost ward. John Plevflk, Joke Reeeetsen, T Keating South weed, (.serge sill., Jam" I OV ERi, H E Hi RO N TRACT. Gillespie, E'. (.uthridgs. t'al:uks• Reeve, T. M Kay : council - hors. N. Ihlbndp, ,Sohn Hunter, K. Gardiner aW W. hydd. N' nr. a tr - -Mayor, W. F. l*nockua.hire tears spading : seputy reeve Holmes : somatllors, Ward A. It Ars,.'ou,J. Mc (aim F. Forbes. Woo \ trait Reay, T. ht sanders, by .c drum' icon ; .ounoillors, .I. Haraard, 1: W Ksthee fcod , 1y. 4V,Isom : school trustees, T. Kae, M 'tmdrr.00, A. Muuro. Col Reeve. A. Malloy. acclaims tion : deputy reeve. Andrew A l ou.,, 22h, Alexander Young, jr , 192: councillors, Nathan Johns, Ob7, Andrew Million, 2.0, Samuel Potter, 253. Henry .1. Morris, 219 First three osaaotllors elected. LOCAL BRIEFS. The annual congregational meeting of Kmox church will be held on Wednesday, Jan 30th. The -doss of I.agland hold their annual supper at. the Cutup Hotel, thte evening I hureday. Aootverary services were held io North- st Methudut church ruudy school on ounday !mt. 'kating has been all the 'go' lately. '''here has been good statute at the .o,.l and in the barter and river. Geo. Thomson will supply you with .ny make of pants you may regusre. tall ou him and get rock bottom pncea. Au Alvi.ton woman wrote her •ddrers for • music peddler, ands found she had signed a mote for $18 sad ordered • lot of music. The thanks of Tun Sn.'. a are due R. S. l'hilw•, )r., of the Stan Dept., Washmp- tia, ter tate copes of Washington news- papers. Jas. Robinson has his new stere, t r. %Vest so and o•Iur., nearly ready for oc cup•t,00. • A plate glass trout is being put in this week. There is talk of building • new monster skating rink. The new our will be erected on the sone site as the present one but en larged ect*usively. A special business meeting of the l I' S. 4.. E. of Knox church will be held next Tuesday evenug after the regular meeting. A full attendance is requested. The I.. A 4 . exhibition will w held on Friday, Jan. 2bth, in the (:rand Opera HERE'S A POINTER. The subscription price of THE SIGNAL is One Dol lar in Advance. Send in your Dollar at Once, if you have not don! so before. It takes Grit and Green- backs to successfully run a paper like THE SIGNAL. We'll supply the Grit, if you furnish the Greenbacks and it is Your duty to do it and to do it at forthwith. House. Further particulars will be announced to thew columas la er. Tor S,...•i. carrier boys desire to extend their beat wishes to the patrons of Tna aims it. in town who on tandly reserved them on their annual Vow Year s round. The schools opened on Monday. Goderich Collegiate Institute appears to haven reput- able name wherever kw -ono acquit. • num- ber of pupils from out.rde pouts are at present attending. Gemmas not •AL.l.. A number of sleighs sod cutters for ale cheap at my shop, ad joining Robt. Thompson's blacksmith shop. As the easaoo is advanced they will be gold at vary reasonable pnces. W. A. Mo4'I.1' MONT. 9fi 4t With the new year an important change in the postal regulation was inaugurated 1 he use of the private postcard will be legal i■ Canada. With • one pot stamp any ordinary eared may be gent through the mails se well as the regulation official post Mrd AUCTION SALES. 411 parties mooing their ale bills primal at this once will have• free notice inserted In tots list ea te lb* time of sale. .Ian 11th and 12ts. Ancona ale of groceries, shop foroituro,sto, at Kudaiman'■ grocery, K menton et. Varruntt, lan. 12 Auctio• ale at (:adry's A. tom Rooms, Hamilton at. se Setarday, San 12th, at 1 o'clock r w Hemet, harness and ether articles at a bar N• llamas Dana ..ed 1a Allaa•Ite Lal.. WWaat4114411 11nt., Jan. ; Mr Wm. Wright. of thi- ;.late, while .r* ng the Loser Allamet lake with an empty ale!git the lona+, a ralnahle t.•1un broke through the ice mad were drowned A few boors afterward.. Arthur lawlain was crooning attar the same spot with • load et oats mad wtthont warning the tenon. sleigh and load disappeared thr•'sgh the Ism, he barely had thee to Opting from his lard oe to firm lea Th. doe ,e Small; eight Inchon in thickness hot ow*, le the severe sold in hal of cracks. Death Was Abad seals Cru re ve. Oat., Jae. 7. - The lam. Dr. Kay. famom la slavery days for helps. camp/ Wavle teem tam UMW females to Casella, aid bore Yaterdap. agd • Nesse ..sit The Chalet from the Local Mill. A weekly elgeie •t I.mete maw• served .p i. melt Carry bads rob mad rotas t itemrd and (•■de■,ed ?rem Laces gercelea. B\ ETRE wan. Smith- hat a citty .aatnemuon witn 14184) Ilowera. 1 _ .• Ethel Wm. Milne has dupe(seJ of hie timber limas In Paxton towuahp. laey Ituexpected thettam t.rey Iara,u age cope will be argued un •Iwuary IJth at London. Salorth WEB Mitchell, • machinist at the Mondry, gut nu hand badly smashed hat week. Exeter Mrs. Th.. fellow died last week slit an alums to several montha at the age of -19 year* 11 Mouth.. Ethel .Sohn unders was elected trustee for she pubo. ichuul this year. Mr lime was the retiring totem. Brussels 5.. A. I'uwell, of 4 ,routo, for merry of Itru.aels, recently came through a long siege et typhoid t.ver. • Ileuesel. lohn McAlpine has gone to ('allalen where he will assist 4y. A. Edgar au butter and 'Metre naakuv. Claybrook last Townley the six muutk's old chil4 of Peter Mellusai.l died the parents are sympathised with 4ahel It u said W. E. Sanders has rent ed 85 m. 4\ ikons farm,'sth nun. Will . next Meal will W fur • housekeepor. Wtngham • W. F. Rrokeo.hire has pur ,taped the brick residence ut Neil NILS .reg - or, on Franco t, at a lair price. Exeter : lieceipts from the dog tags this rear exceeded by $ d10 the amount derived to former year. fron: the tax ey•tea,. 1 urnborry The oumintion for Turn - berry went ort very quail♦ on Monday, the old conned going in ley acclaoauen. Krussels J. A. Creighton was the Ir.... of the market .tale. fur I/too, at 4123. W. J. McCracken had them last yaw for tat. t'ranbrook :\Ifred Reymann, who is in Detroit, has been laid up with erysipelas but hu recovered sufficiently to resume wo k Brussels dam McColl has one w ion dun where he has secured • patties in the large dry goods establishment of 'f. A. Mara Howell Thee. .Iarrott, of Hassell, formerly of ('luta, ('ultenat., has been no. goose' as principal 3f eourtright Public School tor 1895. Clinton Sidney Jackson, of town has passed his final etamtuateon at the Ontario 4 oilers of Pharmacy, standing fourth highest on the lot. Clinton The case of Young vs. Estate of John Strep, tried at Uivtsiou 4'ourt some to •.e ago, has Neu decided in taror of plain- tiff tot Lull amount. Holtnesville . Prier to his severanos with the members of St. John's church, Rev. L W. Diehl presented each with • cabinet pt oto of himself. oeslorth Messrs. 'owan h Govenlock shipped three car loads of pressed hay from 1)ublm station and • large quantity from S•atorth tact week. Brussels R. Hedersoa him been imcapa- atate.i from work throurh injury to his right hand by it beteg caught In • soap be- kimgang to a set of harness. Zurich .1. A %Vilitsnte, of Zurich, hay dog dupuse of his interest 1n the mill there to Willi McNevitt who will became. cameo of Exeter an the near future. Gray . Grey towahip reeves are all elected by acclamation this year mid are . Thos. Stenches, reeve : Arch. Hulop, let deputy : and .las. Turnbull, 2od deputy. Grey : l)a New ''oar's day, .cane, daughter of .lames McNair, 15th son., pas. sod away to her rest. She was in nor 31st year. The funeral took olace on Thursday. re•forth Fred Clarkson, eldest sou of C. Clark.on, R. A., of the Collegiate bit 10, nee gone to I'reucetoa to eater up..o his duties as principal of the pubhe school there. Exeter At the close of school, the pupas of 1' tee school waited upon their teacher, .lames A. Dempsey, mod presented him with a haodelme gold ring and a oaten bolder 'trowel!' • 1►. Sinclair and wife,ot Dakota, wire ..siting Mrs. 1). Sinelair and tamily .d W. H. Tinclar donne the parr week. It is about 12 rears sines they were in 4 h1. saris 8.1 .re. Godonch Tp. John .looking has seed what is known as the "Joe Churchill farm," 14th .on , to Mr. Pickett, of town, for the sumo of 43,400: the faro („Mamas 1) aloes with fairly good buildings. Ethel : A r.edt al 0/oration was re.ently portormed upon W. Mabee am the removal of onrnething after tag nature of d canter on the Arra. Mr. Milo. is, doing nwely and we hone he will soon be O.K. 5-af nth Wm .lone•,nf Augleta,Georeia, who had been stnppieg at the parental home in tows dories, that past few montane for 'hs poi -prise of recuperating failing health, re - her .ed to Augusts last week. soothe 141 Thursday, U. • 20th, \I1 s ,Senna 8lsntard ww the reciptri,t •( an dee• dre.• accompanied with a g. ld watch rho a and an album front hw pupils, as s rotor, . f the rpsct sad .steam in olid ahr wr held by them. Holnteeyae • Iesaraiag ul Mie ode Rnmball'o departure is a few does to Mor. don, Manthe remaining members et toe ebnir prasenteJ her, nn last Ynday�1K with • h..dess e. fruit -dish, two phsls frames and as address. Orey : An Owen momma paper of a late :arm ay* t arT. A. 15.id, i rine4pal ..1 the Model School, was premat.d with as ad - =middr. hasdsim.geld-►sed dcame h ahs stwdiaaa. prior a. the .se1a.in• of the fall term, es Friday sweeter. /lupinea Mr. mad Mea Willem I)ssrftrg, .t 1Mlhsn. eslshratd their 1sri.th wed Nes OI•Ipa_, es T..$ay I. A hego number .f relatives and frisson were pees F'IN'S) il`' R THF BO eat and • njtsyed the hospitality of Mr and• Mn Uearug sod knoll; Easter 1'be pub:•, ■ •hool epeas today .1'hur.da) t with the old staff of teachers. • etespt two T. A. "'rows, Principal, and Miss Read. one of the assutaots. 'their pla.m are taken by Mr. Lockhart and 4u• Ja.•kea, daughter of N11ham .Seckel', ,,f 1 shortie. l'tanbrook '1'n. matron for the new brick school house has been let to Menu. l'oumbes k McI►o.sld at 111.5:41 Building to be completed by 4k•tul.er lit. ''here wlll lie • Mone basementfor furosoee under the sow action!. Tho buildmo will be erected on the told site Was✓hun Wait. I'olher, • 1. rinser .\d. vanes employee, spent a week -is town with Ms friends, veturnioq to KYffalo on 11 lay Jut. nob h.. a good p.wit1nn in the Iii$' City, and rag called back by tel.gralo to superl•4cid the . otnpuru.. of • tine pine of catalogue•work. Gedertsh "1'p. 1'8e wife of Jas. Leith wait,, of the Mainland, who left herr re- cently for t'.bfurma, arrived at 1. r Angelos .o lase Nth ; she writes back that the weather ass delightful at that time, dowers tieing in blu.,u and everything hastoe a e lmm,r apneas wap. Grey The r••.odeoce 01 Wm Ellis, town ship of ,:ray, elan the warns 01 • vers. plea" ant gathering on New l ear'. tiny. Ti,r» elision was the ,seam.',, ••t their eldefst daughter. Mary, to Wt. I. tt1e, of Inger- loll'. The tore/loony www p •rt• nn,•I by her pastor. Roy. •I 1• Barker, of In.:eradl, Clinton \ few day'• aeo, while art unu tog frum school, Master 8,h,•1e 11•.Imes Kurt hes knee by falling on w f usty nail, i he injury stented so slight. thy. auth,ug woe thought of at. uanl • day on two ag •, when • witness aim o(- blood planning was de veloord, by wheh he is confined to h-1. I:adench Tp.. The d-ath of William BlitTii', on sundae, of the lith •,o., was entirely onetpected, he having hero d1 only for s tbuple of dame He was liviiggoateed awl was a very gusts, umobtru,uv• doge* flop : he was a member of tot .lo.epb w K t' church : his wit, ani mescal eh.ldren mut vivo nun Blues -ale Geo. Burgess, son ut .1„hn 'tugger, of this pl•cx, who u • graduate of the cheese factory here, is employed a An expert at the new dairy school at Kingston Another son of Mr Burgess, .Joseph, also a graduate of the factory here, is the maker in • large factory not far from It.Oevi#'e. H,s factory has been turned into • Mister .reamery, and is beteg operated this winter. MRS. SNUCK IS -WANTED. • A t taablr 11 I4*e.. for the IMMer. 110 she. 11.wdrribt*t ease. ST. Tnuw.%.. Int . .lam The, pee lirnrlutr) heariufr of Iln•'1lrmdrr.h,at nine der (Ave ,,, used here in the . its hall before 'Nab.. Magistrate White anal .Sus rials of• the 1% -the. Frank i1,1nt, IkanL•1 Turner tern! lhr:old Fcr'gu»..n. 4 The crowd was 'we Knott tint the magist'r.y/.o o,ued nag w.•un• order aud 111e• hall ',Web -aro' The aft Tentacle wit+taken sip with the 'video's. of two daughters of priwni'l Ilea ersbott. The younger daughter te. titled at the ingucst that she retired very early ext the t(lght before the trsg.vly, but elle '*1.1 shad .hr wit• itl thl. city that night and that her 1,1hrr. Welter awl Int deeas•d r: • t.• the city in the murex ng sn.I slit' her father dn.rr on to Sparta and Welter and N-. Ilrnde•rshott return'.! home atarnc yo.ut,.. rhe and Welter ionic to the cit) about .ix o'clock in the even Mg and suet her 1*1 4er Imre and drove home Trial adjoarnel until t...lay. ST TIMM.s.. Int . Jam., . Three wit. 'moo*, •. *err a ter ireel at-theinvestigation into the Middleman+, tnytnl'r un Sonar day 4'1oatrie. Welter. cnu.fn of the younger prisoner awl brother in law to prisoner, ,Sohn Hrndercbott. wee un the erased for Goo hours fli. memory Sus -nod impruy el store the inquest vol nearly every alt -oar waw prefixed by b 1 don't noniron Sear, or "As near an 1 ran remetnla•r The only new matter .hefted from "nim .was that he hal 5,0.1 Sr branch curt fn,,,i the fallen tree at .I .11,1 I lendrr.tlot t'., un ion. end war. *hat I.e,hrd like a 1 11.• 4.1 hair. Thu. brawl, bad'leen suet in two mad witone+ lamed the pier. for nate k•,'ping in a room in .Sohn Hpoder.hutt'a Ile Alterwan'.', informed hi. solicitor, Mr M.Uouald, of the nod. What ha.l brooms of law chips. or where they were now he ..orad not -ay When Mr 18.nehnw rh',ir,l to gne.tiou (liar'. Welter a+ 1.. pi -lamer Header shat'. defrauding the Ancient (toiler of Fur.•.ter. out of .1••k benefits. Mr Mc Iheiald objected to all thi. cin.. of w drone going on. After* long argelmeu' i1 was de•ide.l to ailnnit *11 evidence mato Hrod'r.hutt'e •f1,•ntpte or alleged at tempts t.. defraud insurance croutonse. The oilier wltne..e. examined were Nn Wrlt,r..s ate of floe former .1?.,, and their hire! man, George ('rile The bit for was al %tepid, ,4uw and tunwllling n witness am fns mi+,re+. w:t. bright. quick and apparently willing to tell all M. Imes. Nothing new was .lieit.d from either witn►ws. At the concussion Mr Merkwiald +Aid that hi- stoat ino_•e•tant witn.u. xi, - Peter S( • k, a crrn.fn of one pet -otter and sister -in, ion 10 t e •'ber. wl... :i.4 to hate, -..•n the use men*' o..tdw when ;1 t,.,• felt ha••I I»en .pi• '• •1 away Hpa•k•.i that if the t ,own nit'• • re had liar in .mfr kr -plot( 1 would • lertake toplrvlahera.aw 11 And ! soviet be r.olstns.p.• lion., •t' awe ('.iunty ('roan Attorney18t..a veMntr..y.v.rml) rroudaud11r Mrlhnt:t:d'sMom n*t.on aid promised to do all they ronld to find w laxly and have Ser Syne.. evel'tro. The oonrt did not .it today. 'ming Mac Om day The inve,u igation w111 .gni•• he peosedd withto morrow. Oa. howbeit are ...verity woo esteemed &glare have hew remind by Presidmet Harper of 181 QNap Vhtrorstty hem John D Ruckataller as • New Tsar's gat, bed 8110,000 has •ale.•• been reoeive d ham Signa Caroline T 11 t.k.il to esaablla • eogItwa 01100,11W In !tomboy, iadle. agile the rellglon • of the w • • r Id News Notes from W tItert+ 1. br anode „ r•.. a CO 1 Mash.• ,•w are• aeldlsg • 4 •104•,••.1,,• a IS..aatea•e4 aa•► 1 sager, N• wars* greys sur osmolar 4'mrtnp„adest. ‘, ASII I \t:T" IN, Jan , th. all the adnututratiee istlupace l'ewgresswsel .lot .red we • Curr passed, is the game of the hour. not snot to make much d,rfareace engaged an the gator what sort of • 1a11µ is. 1- very energy a hent gettiaa • hill pawvt It u area . breed. of l'rrei.hwt r'k.elan.i that approve • bill w h aaeesdmeht pro for the coinage of IM elves teign10 senator H111, who is now helping mnetratioo In as efforts to pow a bill, that an.ewlmeut . 41 tarry the bell t the Senate. Nicete' Hill is a very eh yvolirietan. and some of hu'relsetioau, .;u ling( that of the Me defeat 1,1 h and his piety hate begs proven true, aritgah(bits oll do with bwh.i predicting nor any other ma brews what mat of a the H..uae it goose to seed to the ,' assuming that the Hose will joss •cu MII, which now we.. probable, but w the ;alk at teelay a loemoeratec caucus Mg rnaa• a certauti). It se supposed, i. •ot yet • ertam. filet the ileum will y on the 1 .rll.le • tarsal. bill and the posed amendments•ad valeta nice the lat lett of thes week or the hest of the se and the rrn.nl firem hes is that kind of a currency all yin be passsd, �a•oa;or 11111 to the the only man who yet predicted that ay sort of a hill would or could he pard by the . at this session l:eprcent•ose rhino*. r: 1'a , u a tato that the labor commission proposed les bill would he hvsenrial to the (motry that he has offered :o donate 41x0.000 e( his own moues to ply the ueoewry ex- pense* of the Ammonite, d Congress *U1 pass has 8.11 pruvldu.t fur the cummisseoa, The hill is to the hues cf a spool com- mittee of the (louse, watch %nil .rant public heartags for W4 against lt, 1t it decides that there is time to sJ t apse it .t .8.session. S.aatur •tea.rt aid a son.ewhat costly ' iperience with 1 ham dtpbnet., who for • uumin•r of )r.6 ei,,psed hu house, local• ly'known se "otewsrt.8.stlo'. and that but hese uu'0 111111 dosht(hl of statements made by there who fallow diplomacy w • profession. M any rote, he 'introduced a iesdutson in the Swats, mooring of the secretary of tete whetter lobs W Fester is in any way officially mewled with the I nueel \I•tert...rerimnt.All! on hu mks - . mop is China and I,pa, and, notwith- standing the statement .1 `roaor Morgan, that air Fester led so nlheal connection with the ['stool statel..eranent, he said that he wished that stateliest to esme of- f dally from the 'rcretary of .tate. A. if to acceh: ua• a t1* do obs !Senator St wart said he w.. swap tMt SIr Fuser had publicly stated that be had no official oos- Pectioa with the 4.. s.u.ef unapt. Itealirmv that the gooey estimated to come in from the urea•• •.t otl bs needed by the I.over.sisst t►stear, those who are seeking to indirectly kill the income tax by striking out the appropriation to put it into effect, which is costumed in the emergency appropriation bill passed by the House be ire the room and sew is the hands of the 'erste 4 - e' en Appropriations. Are proposing •Mit 11 s barrel le added le the 4t on beer and the the ol0 4t of 2 oasts it. bank cl.cke he rn:v"l, n order to ne plaice the money the could he lost to the Treasnry by • folios to provide for the col lection •f the t00,nw 4t. Thu uadet- ground m•ormeot sgateet the income tax w.s .t tint •rented .0 msignifi.ant, 5.1 opinion. regal hog 1• .r ,,tine gerloa 010Ce ft u pseo r.. M ily, 4 not openly edon- ed by the toatrsuoo Ic a spill ►y many that it ,.m 8. n,o. neat aW brought aloof a removal ••1 (madly reams tioss brtw.en I'rw*Arbt 4'lere kat Senator Hall Then te likely to M a short but Hve1y fight in the Il..ew,..r the portion 01 rho Naval •phof 1.,1 u0n all providing ter iso ►ud,hn, .1 tease.' battleships. A111heugh the my"nty tot the House ommittae Sn Naval affairs hes s est $' d in favor e1 the View bual.l,., ••f 14.1. bmf leahlps it n met C.r tam that the House will the saws Viet of the mttM 1'• something', Ilk. 1}:.800,1)00 act, sad there are Iota o1 melt to the Houle who are op- p„� u, uy su•A espm.d,ture at 15t. i.. ; nav ret .r. whnetMpot intn bu dtiag haMM- naval vlerel., alta of Kentucky, i• KepresentanN liar: y. y. evidently a believer co thriftiness as wet as nspotum Hs hss )*n ght he littera-yeR- old e,n to WWrtlugtoe pr surrably seek atm one o1 sehnul fir i8. tsps. eed "'ad* Ma h•. pen•are .esr.Nry, in order to arrp?be11110.meth in the Berry famlly. 1'M.aet glen 1I'. ":wry anMhtoy dYAio- ▪ e•.Mag utls m^ IIhe t es.t .t ►slag It- • allret s.em 1 bats St's w rFewbl- n g '•t , •Mp+• hu leen '•Ire asd w San e"o ff:liter keel} Iim�htllaAr babas mil. pe...e'ip•I did wMt t' 8 -- .w a a;e4 • Mnitdl mature. L' •' +smiths i4nap wrapper' twsrmc ,g.. swat t" W ba' Das. a- wean. r,ok 1►Id io.. r Thas a �Y") ii Ga« Fire•, . I u1.. s: 'lest t eK Tarsals sad yns will remel.r by sant • pre(te padres. ►reP from a.lrsxetleseyryt awl well worth fr•mi14�. T1s asap to NsM� a M msr8 j..d k lis wyppm•' it e•I t _ f1 ` •'► terrott .M ail soy see" 1. theta. M woe.... low •Mere• Rase.nbs ter Tth