HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-3, Page 8JANUARY
x :i 1
to Christmas rush we have been unable to reduce
the Stock sufficiently.
There W111 be • green advantage to those buying SCHOOL BOOKS and
I ,uu
„ pecial sales
wh.•u t
and took
tipsy at th
be .y,nld ha
and r•yutciet
To thorns w
will be sdyil'd.Ni till ibs Stock is reduced
No Goode charged it sale prices.
Booksellers and Stationers.
.Y Ret1 retepe•ee 4'•.
a4Ns"tea. eft,
NEWS OF THF: I ► I TRI,T ('• th• mai'' Rue' Mr. Headgeee..A4:1
• , Auburn, cod R.y. Mr. Hader,..., of
wood, took charre of the seryics. The lat-
ter gentleman delivered • very able th.-
PPom OUrowrnCorreapondents. course to parents and t..ob.rs. The ser-
mon was brim full et admonition and tn-
strucnon. There wise void attendance at
rawer IS•urm nee mere T .I c.a.., be all the meeting and great interest was
I irianufst ed. The thank offering os. Sunday
Fere Aalwawre Elie ews.f the
was 1135.
touey Iporietlr Rep.rsrd
fhw T1s eigaat.
Mut..,, I•ec:. 23.
Caniaira. F:NOTekra t .rani. Our ('hnst•
DUNLOP. mmi tine entertainment sew a fur atteod-
Jlo.oar, Dee, 31
J. H. Barker enjoyed his ( brains
nor with radio. at Exeter.
Miss Annie Mackay was called to Detroit
lest week by the illness of her mother.
Wm. Smith, with his family, from 1'
Albert. malted former neighbors and free
Isere ('hristara Day.
Mier Mary sad Nellie Tobi* vested
Gd.rleh township Ibm week, The eat
will remain for Lome time.
1 5011 DevaorT. -miss Kate MacDonald
is bawd es a yea to her parents here ea
relatives is the circular town.
Edwin Morris, who has been up
Aortia, Maaltob•, for several year'',
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joss
Morrie, ler the holiday season. He is al
swing many of his old schoolmates arou
here mrd is Sshford.
SnaerARDTO* AND Dt'\lose R.ULN %I.
('hrievuue eve of 1894 was made rem•rkabl
by the Barrows t Stewart traction engin
with task and threshing machine, •te•min
es route for the C..nipaay
farm, to ten the threshing there. ih
tank wen refilled hare, i .eorge seeing son.
old triode sod talking municipal polite:e
Hie partner was regrettiog the absence u
mice in spots of the falling weather. The
•din• Rev. Mr. Mackay ably tined the duties of
the ebur. Tee program given by the
scholars was well rendered sod • warm vote
netof thanks ie due to Mises Horton and
Clark for their untiring efforts in prepense
ort the scholars for it. John Mackay, of •:odic
ds n&h, sang several solo. in good voice, which
is Iwere heartily received. tierti.4.ordon, of
Sheppsrdsoo, recited in a pleasing manner,
ter ' Th. Goblins ", which led to • recall, u
Iwhich he rave " Tomniy'a Drawn ' mss
d Fads Mackay gave • roadies which was well
el received. The reverse Sunday school super.
ioteodsnt, ler. Macdonald, expressed the
deep pleasure it gave bun at hang with
the school which merited his silver jubilee
u in Leeburr, with S.oday school woe*, sad
oh his fortieth year as • S :. worker. He .iso
thanked the scholar. for the good order
kept to the school and the order u the eve
ming kept by the audience --the best ever
-- had at Christmas trees here. The use,
• which came teem • Dunlop forest, was well
e. decked with many primate and tokens of
well wishes from (mode. The occasion
• will ever be remembered by those present
• as • very happy event
row to kis fairer friends in that it prevent- T •-fret „Ian. 1, la
La -Yr..,., roesurr4 and Oilier Masa
trme.rs roams •►rest.
HAt U *i. X.S., Dee. J4.- A deep/etch
from st. John,. Ned.. "nye Meer. Conk,
otello seer , ea Premier t:taalndge. Good-
fellow. Hutchuimei end Ilubier. directors
of the Commercial Renk. lately .uopetul•
e.l, were arr.-nits' yr..trnlay on information
laid by hon George Sk.lt.x,. s ahem -
holder They are ehar,trd w iib mak mg a
(elm written .Iatenieut seal rendering
false arwuuttta to the &shareholder. look
will be arrested 00 another charge. ►itch
ii•enibezelettieet end fraudulently taktuts
the foods of the Irak. The diarlo•ures
against l'uuk are very dautrsityp, and cu•-
.iderablr excitement wan tainted by the
arrr.t,. Pitt., for director, who is In-
cluded to the warrant of arrest, i.. absent
from St John.. but will be arrested Im-
modI4irly on hin return. and 1f he dues
not return he will be &treated hi Canada.
Hail will he accepted fur the prisoners at
iJu.1si u web.
14steee, Dec. :R. --The Dally News says
in a loader on the arrest of the bank o•-
ters in Newfoundland " The arrests...tem
to be to the nature of au heroic remedy
for the tivancial trouble* in the colony.
Whatever for issue of the prosecution be.
it can hardly rtrrugthee the public confi-
dence on which the pour remnant of the
colony'. pru.perity for the moment test..
Newfoundland i, its a piteous state. the
has altuuet returned to arm principle,. as s
social organization, and dee attest now re-
gret her abut-.ightwl retinal to eater the
Dominion. If .he h,u( joined the federa-
tion tar would hat.:, letter claim on the
•treport-other store rommualUei: gd
refusal never wa. Iw.wl on any other rea-
adis than solar prudence."
Caw a Cease 1'P for ■ensues .•
Sar Nest.
nTu. Dec. al.-F:x-Add. Stewart
placed under arrest un Friday. cense
Saturday chary;wl with nulicirin
for hie influence an alderman
City Council Stewart pleaded
• through hi. lawyer. John title
6s. cam was rematith+l until
bail b. the amount of N!s0 being
renewer'. The cam i..tuie that the snag
has no power to try .uenmaeily.
oleteW Aawwu.. eaeat Thas Nttw
R.r.le. Thl, Honor.
[Iec. Al. - It 1. nutted, e
est for recipients u( Xrw 1"
c,fn [TWm Her Majesty well Ise H
Mackenzie Howell. Tins auuoun.wntr
ll9tial, but the uawr Of the Cone-
Premier P. mentioned be alt of th
re wtually in pax..eraida of autbori
information upou matters of t
A not *grisliest the T. R. t N.
HAMILTON. Dec. at. -.l. V. Ttetreh Q.C..
fur C. R. Smith. issued a writ
rimy against the Tun.uto. Hamilton
Buffalo Railway Company for IM,tMa
salary. trai"ellingr,xpenses and interest
k pay for f.,aur years part -►natter
was drawn up .we Xoremlr•r 1J. 1`t+U
n t' K. S4nitb and the Toronto.
uu red BuRsly, railway, *beret
termor w;t. to receive t►au per
a• agent of for company an
have all travelling expense.
nciprl part ret Mr. Smith'. bis
as to bami the sial. in the Citi
wit+ throughnnt which it sea
'peed to build it awl urge upon th
pxtlitirs toIamlt+tbrrv,mpany.
Thaw Vieserwp.i.sr Amnee.
IfAult.mx. Dec. 31. -John Kane and h
wife Mary were applicants for charity i
Mayor Steward. office. Kane says the
were victims of the eviction in (:alwa
Ireland, stud ..n reprrerntat' of u
4rtitkfal emigration agents had .ddd a
their belonging. and wilwl for America
They ,.my" they were led to believe tha
they would become wealthy do a to
uuonth+ in America. but their expect
Born have not been reali:tett and they i
lieu•, they would br better oft in Ireland
Thr old couple err trtiug to get hack t
their old home and \payor tltewert ga
then) a pica. for a port of the journey
T. Refers Qeebe'• Libel Lew:
1141' ADM 11'.•.:11. -How. T. ('. Ca.trretu
Attorney -General, ha° submitted to th
laurel I.eg;.lature hi. hill respecting new
paler libel. Mr t'aagraiu by thin projec
cleverly defines the libel law and furtbe
e.tablisl,e. the boundary' linen an to
sponnibility in journali.tn. Hitherto i
for Prot of Quebec a newspaper r,.nl,
1.e .owl for the most trivial and uninten
tional article published Now Mr. ('as
grain', project. if sanctioned. will protect
Iew.papaer- and will define the genera
public privileges txraeruing its let itutle
towns!. t1111. pre.,..
Mashed the flwvlr- p - Weak.
H it t.•A1. N. yi.. Dee 31 The Dominion
l.overnu,eil Saving. tank agent at Syd-
ney, C B., R. f: dlef4.naldi. of the dent
of Mel)..nitld K llenren, is defaulter to
quite a Large amount. A ,pedal agent
from Ottawa di.. ,..r.1 the defalcation
and Me1).mrld we. ern -sled a day or two
ego and tried under the verily trials net
Ivy .Imine Ikrdd. l'revuws to tbir friends
are said lit hat.• nook g.s.1 the defleiency.
McUupa'•I pleaded guilty and was .en-
tenmi to three month. in jail The affair
ee.rrentedgture an errilrmrnt throughout
('ape lirrtu. a% loony of them honk. are
in t lir hetet. of hnnne+n thin+.
Itreatntl..e Ie (feehee.
M,rtTl:k14.. fuer 'Si There are said to
Tt.t who
w*. p nue
up ou g a
bribe while
in for 004
and tr'
renew ins
Ae l"■
bon one
Mack! eat
i- unit
than I' re
fire it his
Act lug on
1+atu n
and ire ,
ret. 1
het wee.
Hamilton as
the t month
for servicesd
was to paid
The psi i
nese w e,,
til to +
'1" !
ed him from oo.aiig m his cutter and gni Mr. Brandon, of 1VIngharn, has started •
tug them • slue ride I butcher shop oo Main at.
'The &easelachool meeting of No. 9 Col
here wee Geld Wedne•dev of lest week
The ettendaaoe of ratepayers was not large
.1. G. Clutton wesaopointed chairman, an
Jere Lawson, secretary (Me or tw
=roes were discussed to which th
of education stldactorsly answered
1a the matter of grading of the whim
grenade n0 sono was taken. The bulldog
at sew fear en the North sole was ordered
A rural di.on.io.. &bout the school wel
was deeply lawn eotisg. The audit of echo)!
feeds for the past year wait mode by 1).
Gumming Sed 8. H. Williams. E. X. Shaw
the retiring trustee, declining re-election,
AL H. Chinos was elected for this burden•
Beene office mid .lams Tobin was appealed
ratepayer' auditor for the section for 18'ti.
Ti.• young people of hayfield had a good
time on New Veers day skating on the
d ale. and burs. ( hurclell, of Tomato hare
O been the gueata of Mr. and Mn. ('lark the
e oMrfew days.
.1n Yew 1 ear's evening • sleighing party
ool of young people went out to K. Wilde',
South 1 -we, and spent a very enjoyable time
for a few hours.
1 Walter Baker, formerly of Bayfield, spent
es few days last week to town. Mr. !faker
it looking well. He u engaged to teach
1, Ygmomdvule *Shoot for l•99;t.
A very enjoyable time wee *peat at the
' Tandem* of LM. S,snbury last night, u
hu daughter, Beta, was presented
1 with a handsome glass sett, by the young
' people of town s • birthday ereetiag
\•.res. Mies 1,1 ,ie Fergnscn a 'pendia.
tier Christmas holida.s at home. Mtee
1 dive Thompeoo is home for Cons mas
holidays Donaldson s sew mel! is
booming every day lie tasking will
. soon start here.
While s•muel Huston wee dewing outot
town the other day with • colt, it became
unmanageable and ram away, pulling up at
' • beech tree opposite Connor's. Help poen
I Dame and relieved,Mr. Huston. No damage
wap done except • broken shalt.
There was • big time here yesterday at
I the nominatien. 1"he nomination. were &s
follows . Reeve, Geo. Woods, .las, Herne :
council, Kichard Halley, Dr. otanhury, .1.
, F•lcoser, Geo. F:rwm, .pas, fowler :
trustees, • as.. Sturgeon, 1{. McUool, Wm.
fns H•DI*T W,- The other evening
ens of our yenog farmers near the Lsburn
boundary en the Wait side went to the
granary W ppm oats for hu horses. With the
lantern an( the oat measure he unawares
soK a teres rat, which at ooce turned for its
bale at the Soria gide of the passage. Lan
tern and enamors dropped giddily and the
owner made ne fasts he could to cut off re-
treat and his feet tisane down heavily on the
rodent's tail protruding from the hole. Theo
mune the tag of war ; manfully the rat
fought, bitiagstibrmaniter's armor of boots,
but with so impression The farmer was
!powerless to lift fig other foot or reach for
• spade near by and the wind blowing the
wrong way 1• oall tor aid there was no use
The raider with cirow0rta,cea thus ,• his
favor, moos sward, with its tel, however,
.14 .Uy 1•ttenmd•
MONDAY, Iles. 24th
Normal Hei1ie is resemble old sa.uaot
Misses Agnes Pentland and Sarah Polley
hay. gooe he Baltimore.
Thos. Reagan W rsMrwed from California.
He looks as N tb. (lades Stats bad treated
h m kindly.
A number 4d yeasff people from here at
seeded the s.wdse iecumbent upon the
onomoludatien 1 a t stook oo.pry o,
eh* .rtrundal et life. at Crewe last
Hy. Kerr ked bin lea broke. by being
Method by • H. is is • Teri critical
o..diti.e std i. over eighty year, old,
the fracture win go hard with him. The
limb was set by Den Malta, end Case.
Ines .f the happy rade we ere pleased
to ohroeicle cask plass .t tut. residence .f
D. MoIllw&4. lel tit.., Wst Wew.sOsh, ;
m the 19th fast The series was the
%arrow of hM ter, \lacy, •
t. John Tiflis, of Colborne t they may j
enjoy • lose, happy sed preep•rou• married
lifer tea wee et yews oerruegeadeat.
yV• .doreerad Mr. Ferreira. Sad Jas.
Courtly an es Mid nodesge at Smith's
Hill oa Friday, the 4th- Would it int
le•.k as moll if les P..v.ster lied called a I
entwine .t the Rslers Amem•ia" 's of Wet
Heron timid r gloar the preeld•s y and
rem m r IIM Indo e be mid be -
ward M. ," alt 1ldnew and ether
*Mr T - . Mr. )..-' .r. radars
ae•moo feremios'
r05- 1 sed rndtrueavv
r.wjy wee • ~sees.
a raft .f Meow was
and re
~ - ,g. g (arta
l sed wwfM
inood,('has. Tippet.
Tit.n.ty, .las. 1
7'hc follow,,¢ is the result ret the memos -
bone o, Moody lima Reeve, A. Malloy,
!y ooclan.tioe, Deputy -reeve, Alex l ores,
Andrew Yount Councillors, Hy. Morns,
Sem.' !'otter, Andrew Million, Nathan •Toho,,
etas .Iesk,M, sr.
Tt i i .r..tan. 1.
H •lam:r.oe, is vi.ftisg in Loudon at
his daughter's, ala F Long.
I. SI Higgins. barrister of Tomato, is
venae under the parental roof.
H. I.os, of Exeter, spent hie Christmas
holidays M•oorst his many trtends.
Hugh R...., of the Toronto Medical lbl•
leg., sleet he well ..ro.4 eoledeyo at hie
We wish all, from the editor to the
printer a devil, of Tor .SW.AI • very happy
New Year.
W. understand that las. Patterson, .f
the London ked is in the field se a ram-
eillor for Tuckermah
Mr. lied Mrs. Neal I:as, of the Load's
tweed, visited for a week in Wuseha., at
nisi, son in Is. s, err Mcllon114 M.P.
W. wadentsd teat the Patrons of !iota
Hurn lowed hnI4io
shortly to select &anther .nodulate 1s plate
of Mr. 1:eineo •
g • movement here
Seafert h Robe, • A Roulette. of Moro. ,
town, near 'teeth. and itis• hells leek
Fart, d Mehillen, were united a •.arrrge
at th. Mm. of re latter rear 'e&forth m
S.sfortb Prank Mct►eogall• of Vtrdoe,
M&a,tob., third men of A d, Mrlrrue&Il, •
see ulna premature Wise. -- of See
ad friends. preset* Me teen eidtiug eelstives
be in Quebec from 4.000 to 5,0110 people ,it
u( employ merit whdw• eonditinn i. descri4.
sol ao most deplorable. The federal and
Leal governments Std the rlty rr„ incll
have :won called upon to loin- work to the
unemployed. Judge Vali" bring, word
from the St. Lawrence below Sayrtl?na -
that ,no -t of the Innthreringeatablishnuente
tberr are closed) the. w inter and that the
.catterrl population along the errant an
redared to the brit extremity. Ile fear.
that there will he many death. from
marl -atom
4•h$ll tllMly Nereid.
IfAillt.roc, Use. $7 -A four-yearolJ non
of John I laver. 411111 King William 'street,
we. fearfully burned alawt the breast,
etnmerh. arm. and leg. yesterday by tb.
itpwrttIng of a stove ns. 111s parrot's hots.,,,
cr,.ing the melding .ratt.nts of a kettle
to Ise -pili,-1 roti; him. The ectislrnt we.
and .lipping out TM bey will probably
- Pero .►ek•-wsrytic--------
St M.,nt1.. Ont. il.r. M. -tont nlgbe
Are .s. diecrvpnsl in J. Ir \ir•tt .s
grocery ears in Inest's old striae Mock
The building which belonged to Ore T 1t
itnest estate was damaged to the .aunt 0f
:about Ain The grocery seek sea. nosn-
pletely deluged with water mad le :dreeet
a total In... Moth hairs are fully comma
by insomnia. The oriels 0f the aft le a
1 by n hrg of tag dear beseniag loons
Useful and Serviceable New Goods for
New hid Moves, Laced or Buttoned, Pearl Backs, $1.00 and $1 25.
Ladies' Black Silk Mittens, Best quality, $1.25.
Men'. best Lined Kid Gloves, $1.25 quality, now 95c.
Silk Mixed Scarfs, new patterns, '_5c. and 35c. each.
heal Irish Linen, Fawn embroitiere,l Hdkts, 35c, to 70c.
Extra large Hem Stitch, Initial Silk Hdkfs at 45e. each (all initials,.
Jaw/were Faacv Hdkfs, immense choice, new Embroidered and Ileo
Stitched, at 2 for 25c., worth 20c. each.
Men's large Plain Hem Stitch Hdkts, :silk, at :tic, each, worked .lawn
from :Klc.
New Eider Down Satin Quilts at pli.:i(► and $8.75 each.
Hest Chintz (guilts, White Batting tilled, ;1.75 sad 82.25.
New Dress (foods in Black and ('resat Crep)ns, Serge; and Fancy Figur
tri Blacks, Dress Plaids : new patter.is, finer than we have ever before shown
See our windows for theta.
Inspection Invited.
Highest price for produce.
Aad let it be • Lawn to us and impress up-
on our mends more forcibly the solemn
outing, " He yet also ready, for to • tame
you know not the Non of Mau cometh."
We *gam extend to you our sincere coo-
doleoce and our heartfelt sympathy to yeti
and your sorrowing family to this your sad
bereavement Offered op bebalf of the
peo,,le e( A.hlield." Mr. Griffin made •
suitable reply. W. STtrrat:ut+, ('lerk.
\ante.. TM Mooed maeaor ts Uueaas•oa
far Teo ase.., la a the ... 4 J. li. wird
J.P.. awv.7seosr, a.., ehe wW seniles
Laes'For Capes
a►GII mad examine goods and price..
McLese'Block. Cor. &mere and Montreal -et
50,000 Envelopes
zr-.e` '.nae •\:,
21 Toii of nig
i have met purcba.ed the .bo.• large
quantities and am prepared to offer to the
public the higbe.t grade ofyraper end En -1
"elopes at Prices unheard of before it
My stock of Blank Books,
Office and School Supplies ! N
den bee edem ant
work- sad N ant tovertestgi a remise
.ts ek
weuipaid for e s...
Trainer, .Ian. 1.
ll.+rrry... -John Stotbore, of Port Artie,Min uses, is netting relatives here.
ll :atoss-.-Cbartw 1 ouog •ed wife, of
Poan ttac, awhining relatives ben.
John Mothers, of fort Arthur, u velour'srelatives here.
J. Hiles, our popular general merchant,
hes issued • circular setting forth the rood
yuahpu es end low prices or h11171.111111111118stock of gapers! merchandise.
5i.1.!••e1n.. The merry prgli.g of sleigh
bells te again mea
t, eleigbug hawse re-
turned. Jack Frost is wow king, and is
making himself f41 in so small tensa.
A...Let M4rrnu
.,.. The anal meeting
of the Asetield d Waw•1..h Agrieulturel
Society will be held here oa Thursday, the
10th of Jan'y, 18%, commencing at two o'•
clock 1'. M.
Suis o. 1'eumeerv. 11'e have been in
tortn.d that or popular clothier mod tailor,
1i a 1. ,.irvtn, bsold out to .Is. Meld,
brother of our esteemed t .. W. C..; m.
tend. to lotete and tarry on business te
if arrutoo.
Neu Mr*O:i . At the annual public
echo.( meeting held es 11'edoeed•y, Thom.
Stoners was elegem, sa trustee, In lieu of
James Id•llougk, t1Stuing trustee. The
beard u Messrs oemeened of Mers H. J.
Thee Aan
Crawford, Toearersoo d Thomas
Ren to a n. --Jones 'craw cord, who has
been residing ter tiepest rex years at
Neew•, Mao., has recently returned to
his farm, south of Port Albert, where he
ieteeds to tend*. Jamesa cousin of our
popular sed highly esteemed mercheat, K.
J. Crawford.
Rrn axa1• m w
H1- STcu,ar.-Chsrl
.vies, • stalest at t►* school of Ped.gogy
wont*, who bee been spending his holi-
days with relative" here, left or Tuesday
last to resume hie studies. Charles r
one of our many young Canadians who de-
wros greet credit for vim and perwver-
aece in am thing he undertakes. Br
The S1orPoulah Boobnumerous irteed. wish hii the bast
, encases.
' l
Surly*no. -At the nomination• held
a the tows.hip 44511, list li•waacoh, the
old council was returned by acclamation.
n Ashfield, sloe. I4dli retired. The atter•
ideas* for rave are Hugh l:iryun and
Robe. Webster . for let deputy reeve, Jae.
enough, William Kickley and Jobs
&meson : for 2nd deputy, .loon McKwsie,
by slamatios ; councillors. Morrie Mel-
ton, F. Farris.
TRIAL rim Tiii'. r. During last week,
Harry Higgins, being charged with stealing
mousey from Samuel (rms, both of whose
were employeof Thos. Todd, St. Helena,
was brought by 1'oe.table A. 1). ('.eros,
under • warrant trued h Reeve A. Stuart,
of Wes 1', awaoo•h, before Messrs. Mal
lough, Stuart and Roberts, .1. P.'s. The d..?matedp•eet pleaded not guilty. As Uwe was
endeareendearas proof of the charge, the ones
wee dt•mi.•ed with costa."
elect.. assurn.rvlaad resew 44.54..
WE: 4iay Eref, Jaaaary 93.
Thets•ueew of So•iiety Int. tamers,
Direct from Terry's Theatre, Leedom (ttedr
ser, Us* mawarem.at of Vert & Rarrbl, is
her 4 )rigial, Humanise. sed Mural
sketches :_
Her First and Last Opera,"
'' Outward Bound,"
" In Search of An Engagement,"
"For Sweet Charity's Bake,"
" Mrs. Gushaway s at Home,"
" The Tail of the Programme.
Seats at Fraser & Porter's.
PRICES, -25c.. 35c. and 50c.
eiraN Opera NSW *rehears will ale in
Counsel mit .eosedkmg to statute, I►.a lb.
Members all prement Ms.ratee of preemies
rooting read amid pas.( A number of
ration were reed which appears is the
6sae..e.1 .tats.est. The following reeols-
tioa of needel.ee was passed Mined by
haired Ferree, .eteed.d by Willaam [Wi-
ley. ,1.war•N O&surfs, Rants or age•
rine Sir, Wb.... it haY
good i_. the eys.f an &Swim Cromer to
remove from you by death y ar f1
Mu, we .tread to you out o. ''"><;c
said all our sormers we bre the aeesela-
ties that yen are sot es or who has so
hops, but live in the hope of • ``lereoos
runny- U.e, sad where death will 6. swal
lowed up is life, sad t e Weal shell Pet
es ilnitertsehty W. aloe hope you will be red
'alibied o • spirit t 1 Meting; le bow be lad.
hers the Afilibebe7 (led .ud sy, • Then
doss .11 thew well 1 '11y *U1 he &ma" ,
l -Pirrone I:11..as. .I.sled
, of ifrsele, d formerly D.m-
iWos, ars visitant relatives sad r.. wieg
former acquaintances. here . McD.s.
Rtebard Begley, of Menitobs, aid Jas.
Begley, of K ferbam, •re spwdmg their
New Year's holidays with relatives wed
friends, as also rewiring old •o.1uaiita.ose.
The prairie revises se.e t. wit Itiob't
as he looks well end rigorous. James
Walker and wife, .f Osamu, .sed T. H.
Walk, of St Mary's, I .. Porth, are on •
wait t. Mr and Mn Jan Walker, in ear
village. It will be pleura, to the wernwreas
friends of the young men, Jas sed T. H.,
to Morn that they are succeeding well u
their respective locations.
Pt KIM' Si soot. CNwlma. Tann KuToi-
Tu'wsrT 1■ re/.enoe to the Pubo.
steer Christina, the entertei*sasnt, el
whr4 sobs appeared L our last, tie ex-
cellent sad emairebst lengthy program was
fain .red etbeanety serried mit. which oo.-
ertad el rwltaMsna, rep, dialogues. tae
strummer uresis, sole., dell drill, dorm,
.es. BwHrst.s►-By fiddle been, .a-
.5Ysam t Ida Dander. hoed : Wase
hernia, gird ; Warren Little, arr. :
Rey Lied., need • not $lswart, fair
Malloark, rod ' 011es Crawford,
Ito.d : t/ilil. etoollent : Pdit1
Reber, well doom : 1tta Rowers, geed ;
(ler. Ntethere, gad • Willis Ht stere molt-
ed •• Jots Refers Oermes,'• is ereelleet
.tyle t Jam Hale, gale i iw Seethe,
amort el her rook, desrms 4••i•t ..n.
the for redeatl.. 8aeg e - y the ecbel-
Iwa, " Hark, the Bell ars Romwell
dos.: 1.1111s Roger. mod Dells M hark•
geedt Malde Hiles, well rendered
rod t Peeek (MEOWS Ar-
rest applause t the pupal. "The
Maple ahem. trial a.as t gar
Vise -
Wee der Wane
Mannas Iters
• IS
Ne Quarters
The eenrer we ovate to the time for moving into oar New Store the Mre
a4Aiou we are 10 Wile oar Stork radii:rd to as small dimea•ione as possible.
We have yet several weeks before inoviag and during these few weeks you
should look through our Stock et I►ry Goods.
In fact, everything is marked down
ilemember. we are asking you to look at • Stook which is not only bases
offered at
but which in thoroughly assorted with the newest Goods of the sasses. Ws
cordially intite the hive( tion of our ,tock of Dry Goods.
Inspect ear Wool Blankets inspect our Bad 4'omfora impost oar
Grey Flana.ls - inspect our Flannelettes inspect our Mews Over-libirte and
1'aderwear inspect our Ladies I .aclerwear We invite you to inspect 'my
line of goods in our store awl compare prices
We're after you
for your Shoe trade. We want your trade, your
relatives' trade, your friends' trade, and we'll make it pay
you to buy your Shoes from us. Compare our pi -ices with
what you have been paying.
Ladies' Padded Felt 1lipin•rr, Fell Soles. S
" Felt, Leather Poxes! Gaiters,
" American It;id Button Tipped.
Genuine l)oogola, Pdteut Tip. Buttoneti,
Misses' Polished Calf, laced, 11 to 2,
Childs Heavy Laced Boots, Rivetted Soles,
Best l!selt Overshoes, b to 10,
" Overstocking. and Rubber. combined.
Boy.' Hand Pegged Bak,
Youths' Hand Pegged Bal.,
Mne'-: Heav)• Boots, Bellow. Tongue
!len•s Pegged Sour, S91i.I [weatLrr.
Meet's Seamless Gaiter,.
75 .50.
I leaf
Prices do the selling here -we just fit them and tie
them up. Every pair guaranteed No. 1 quality, and if
they rip we sew tbem free.
Custom work and repairing our forte.
The New Shoe Store.
Extraord i nary
N account of an important change to take plane in our Business
about the 1S of .JANi'ARY, 11195, it has been decided that
the large and varied Stock of FANCY GOODS and ('iIRIST-
MAS N(I%"ELTIES must be reduced to one half its present
size. This announcement to the Ladies of Goderich is alone sufficient
to ensure s speedy clearance of a Stock of Goods which is conceded to
he one of, if not the Largest and Brightest Range of Fancy and High
Art Goods in Western Canada, and affords a grand opportunity -tend
one seldom offered at this season of the year -to procure elegant and
mast desirable Goods at prices within the reach of all. Ordinarily the
merchant relies on December to produce great results• In this case the
Stock must move nut quickly and profits are swept out of sight. For
the convenience of Customers as well as ourselves we have divided the
Stock into lot, and e.) arranged that the different ('lasses of Goods may
be examined at leisure and without confusion. Experts in the F
Goods business will be present to wait upon you and assist, if required,
in selecting Stock to he made ap.
.0101,1111m. --
Meets ix . avrizard.
that the Entire Stock is at your disposal, and at Prices
simply 1'napproachable.
A Line of very cheap Trimmed Hats a Specialty.
what le the Rood of writhes nor N to tare UP. sad thee ea be able to "Ill the hill.
interval get ysar's.It te shops by takag • sates (. the
10 the
M. ate .t ieW eapneRr4.p_ras kTar•l vosnobsAodlteherresoshr Mep.ersasrmd kaHedareesrleA
7... window • eat eetasge•d.&rtlieul&r.
addressees* seer/aIle
(wide •serene d1ra, fad. ws. J. W. WESTERVELT Principal.
eft la amniotic. hr..rbt does the
how, Wee literally piked bathe deers
yi.11e Delos by Y. 41444.ee, who M tasted &
as ezcallest reser sad vioiett, added it
•. •.all donne to the mte.ss if the mewr-
tmietamt : • kaplgm, este was rives is •reel
leis styli by Tees. M.Kay, sed Melted
great delight. A .aim( dorm .1.Us &id
erpa by Meagre. Oilmen Sed McKay, de-
serves errs/ meoties. Marrs ' by
twelve eery. ' The Usha. Workmen," wae
well dose : M Ave hove, ' Have a hies,"
was tots emnig M else aodlen-s : W two
boys end awes " "rr 1
d Hiring Server," h
geed style by two boys .id (o.r girls y
ets00h1 rege••t Dell llalleegh meg • ossa,
whiel wail well deme, Dell drill, red bp
ram Mer.
dgirls. i.. etp eeii11 .,esti..
dem was .544 r.edeser
sad ida Werb.eek. as.g .t ePearl , W the
Ossd ifigbt " lie Ire wee the
itsd •• Gel `w ear Queen." maw
asm.atpadeee I were Minos latera
IWIMen, sesl.ta.t Tena Campbell. sad
Violet Mallon\ : °eter•a of mere.
Charles Neverall el whom performed
their parte la rare se to Weake the
wt reainasent as u.e•eanaled sure.•.
Presestres and sddr•ss to the former
narrow, A. R McKey, by the pupils Dear
Masher. (1s the ev. n/ Wrveriir your
moues s towhee in sur 50105, we dews
it fitting tact w. should robbed express
serve= dares*
..rpeer tee
pit y .. W. aN. 501 4.411 t. ok_
55ry year 1•itkhl end M isg .tare,
M folfeber w t• *5
i1. r•.peetiag *5 you 1w.. sow felt
he be 1 i , se's e•. only wit&
yea Mail
eer further Dresses
ties el Mod,. Peers wrap( the •eeemeseelog allow =A asil soder het. .
mall isba• et ear 05 •
serried= el ser =ad wilt Oe
app edatise Sadw
Ilse.h.lns effT. R. S. Nio. g, gr,,g .
Hebesilbe ler Ten essees. Owls It •
W hat is Going; on
Mir t harts T.pp.r u
wee*. Seaweed net
Oates- The Mae
Rad t seer
Too ala]*1. Corre.pood.
/ ►ThAW A, Jan
letter 1 theaked Sir t'44
service he hail rendered
Lion to the feet that
meant refused revrou
usoosiuently a reductuc
your warnings ,4•,woder.
The Tory org&us ..y
been s.luandered. 11 .t
1:ovtrameot, in pleadio
rue, ...tired alt three
Mcl.reeey., the I
and ether■ after their gt
eel 1,d they sow that ,
only be checked by guts
of .•ollecuor the null
lobbed of. The expose
Laog.vin-Mel.reevy to
the .:overement that
tee tribunal for these
they were prepared to t
at mica. There was too
them in the production
Mit of ueucealment of fa
formulated hie serious
and corruption against
the I.overoment said "
us nape : you don't catd
greet the io•,utry Fut It
tl.rough a cou.mtrtoo a
men we will alt iso
S ad tMv did• The
.. %V hiteweele
lint Sir Charas Tu
policy would be to r
and taxation. Have
eection to that 1►os't
ateol, would .toad • 11
187x. your tale. 1405*,
amounted tO *174811,
osre•.ed 1n 1,3G1,M'
1112, ,132.824 in &metope
pfd O. b4.003. ila
shame how much of the
out of your pockets t
house goes to pay Intel
to 1ti13 to totereet .l
of the sinking feud ea
paid $9,dOti.884. '4Vhi
oats- eoe•fo.rteeath o<
Sta:es we are taxed
third an much as the w
Slats are taxed to nee,
than debt, their !mere
imine $27.2M,3132
Su ('has Tupper pros
you ret urned • Tory lei
the national debt and in
bs lowered, Jr..they wo
for Item ntooey than th
tog you. Had the 1.4
pr.,mi►e then made by
they even left the debt.
come mto peer in Id7
been paytpg a, 03•(,(A
today instead of 89.130b.
log the same rate of it
It u • fix drawing
eoodutios of •fiats ate
preaching '• bene ruin
preach .f we .tick to
givens in their own
but h•.kruptcy and rut,
we are g•en&tthaNowtun.less likea lsthesior go..,.redwill be 107t
reg.rdeo, bot
deceivethemselves let
hole atention 10 .tud
.tedtheren rely are
dos o..
" Sufficient unto the
be your motto, and you
• Iocludtor Minister i d
have added at the rate
to our national debt
power, which at 3 pet
meas *279,000 added
Interest ••000unt.
I .0 three -fifth
Canada de not know wl
u or what the &ague
They are content not t.
I wont 10 make them
arouse the indifferent e
uret,on of the •41.isrl
11 then feel oertao that
that h•e been earried oe
tsriff ti (ao•da will es..
Von 4.... ,nye.ted .
ent.rpr1 e to warrant •
part ae to hew it is goit
sot take the arm .,
you, but take up the I
ook up the fi,uiie for
the public amounts for
you will vet Iota of tali
taxes. On pare 39 you
thing •feet that ado
l One tkmlg]] 1eht , will trot
. rd that ie how mach
Id 4010 rhe . real►.
ho .1.er and earrnptier
i& ' he (Iovs ...r.t•. p'
H n. ste...5K
youseawhy? rthey 4451.n
p.t'tidtal p.fty 'k.y &r.•
inherit (heir p•11Nio.
T►.v de tent a i.'. to )r
xpolitica .r the mod
1M setae►. TM1
thrtam trbe haw moa 1
A 4.▪ 144.0047 et Saes f
produce went reale
People overlooked al
.s..Uy b.eei5&I e•
aid w1 trends* iter
is nso•eelb kmirs.o shad
rs paetailsrat4 a grg W
.bleb- rsi Ise