HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-3, Page 5A INMITLE CORRECTIVE is what you need when your liver becomes inactive. It's what you get when \ou take I)r. Pic'ce's Pellets; they're free from the \ iolence and the griping that come with the or- dinary pill. All medical authorities agree that in regu- lating the bowels mild methods are preferable. For every trouble of the liver, stomach bowels, these tiny, sugar- coated pills are most eft -calve. They go about their work in an easy and natural way, end their good lasts - they strengthen and tone up the lining membranes of the stom- ach and bowels, thereby pro- moting digestion. Sick and Bilious Headache, Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Indiges- tion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, are prevented, relieved, and permanently cured. They're the rhea/v.4 pill for they're guaranteed t(r give satisfaction or your money is returned. __ - MEW ADVERTISEMENTS DEC. 27 P100 S ■ and Leal -F. J. l'ndhom Loo.l K. R. Sallow, Public notice 1.. M. Elliott !'Utters and Sleighs W. A. Mel 'Mowed Rulls for sale A. K. A•dereon New Quarters .las Robis.sa. lhswluteoo Sale Freer h Porter. For Coat Slanrhter Armateme & Co . Toe Writing Paper -it. K 1'albick Listmett Miss E. A. Mclwnnao N.Uie l.antbony *:rand 1 opera House. To the Electors C. A. Humber ... .. . Election t 00 A. `launders ... .. . Pias° tor Salo I'.1). drawer S30. Election card 1e.. N i em . 5 5 5 8 8 1 $ 5 8 i 5 5 S BORN. T1l'HBORNL-NI Disler. es Dee. hitt. *00t, the wife .f Tie.. ?Ishbeene, et. daarrbter. MARRIED. REID - CAIt1CY-tin the 101h Dec. ION. by Rev. W. H. Mea at the residence d William Cue,. the bride's brother. Isaac Omrge Reid. to Miss ICixabetb Dale Carol. bath of A.bdeld. DIED. WIWJAMO. In ltodericb. as Monday. Ilea 31.1 Int, w ghoul Williams. s. aged 117 lest. sod 10 montha. THE TALK OIC' THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook 11 Won* we • Mote Is & lee tease, 1 roger We test It* s titer. •saner T. Table' ■es•e, u' tattle ie'lt' Peens 1t." -Warms A photograph of yourself would be • now tbisg to rend to s mead at this use of the year. teas Sallow,. ear Mnotnsl-stand &mare. lie does the roott. Protect yourselves from the keen Wintry bleats ad oesaws es the trouble of wntine rear obOta ii notice. ■.. Pridlliato ma melt yon every time for 'myth's' la the clothitag 1701 TAILORINI- at close Dass satin satisfaction warts. loot alio rty Hoes so• la .slings ad overcastings daus•. emirs &se. reedy made overcoats at Deet, !last be sold, Dee them. 1. Mar'CORMAc. OUR SPECTACLE TRADE has inerwses& twertold daring the lest year. beeaw we have sewel•1 appliances. and Minor sp.cO& mew. lodge to bear oyes the esteem leer Obese resssee we ma yoa7(a•t soar *errtboee,gtl gemeeW 1 aM. ootidie t b i yw. W. I,sry 0v,. A timothy of keel matter is unavoidably Ids over this week, owing to preemies epos oar column•. TIRANA, TO TWO LIPI'r MOUNT**S. (lovaner Dickers, of the jail, desires to ex- pels his Weeks to the Rises Daughters fee • Any basket of oranges, received from than Isr the presses, by courtesy of Rev. .ice. Rdg•. it preyed • *wet addition to the New fear'' dinner. Diem rs Laytime. --Mea R. R. Smith ren Oliva $ behlerelle s.•.s.ine the sad news of the death .t her ern, Clarke. elm bee hors living bs'Iodised for • length .1 time. Deseesd was • favorite with all while hero mad the sewn of Id death will be received with sorrow. The body will likely he J- terred is R.ghvd. 9r. Genet.a's Cieusi-w Cst.rrao Tag. -Teo anal (lnear@ tree of the Mt George's S.M. will be held is the Greed Opera Heave m Tuesday. las. 0Nh. 1805. The program will oe..Nt d p•atfmitnm tableaus, marches, vocal •sd iastremeatal .sic. Dewe epee at 7 e'o.elt, eatert•ie wet te es.woaee at 710. Ad.fsi.s °Nldren 10a. adults 16.. Verson' UM Covert---0wres ler the revisits of the Demisise Vetere' lista, b Met Rama. by Jades Doyle, Review+ Barrister, win he Mid s fellow : Myth, J an. 1941: tgeshreek. Jas. 17th : Ilrue- •sb. J•. 11701; IDs I, Jas. lab t Whig' he.. Je. Skid : Wrereter. Jas. 9111 : Meirie. at 1Mp w . Je. 961h : 'Mherry, se linew•ie. Js. sell t Hewhb. Jas. 0011. Te Owl Man Lor. QowwItinna---We Web we • Hwy end prey.«. Now Tem W. Meth yes .et hominy wed tier the vase mewl d pallwMm ws 00 M iwes,M amt sg We peel ism. and tee tree by drM and .raw •/lr.,tfrn to beeline to newt • e sikesses et the mesa Om soft 1r EMI will he, "A pleased wr Meow win mall serosa' Geode far else0lef and dyeing ons be left with our EOM. Mises Yates' Milheery Mere. whim ear have beet emen1e.. IL Parker & Ce. Mesmer* and dyers, Tomato. 011E \LILTS (;•.TNONY. )0 1•11 Nellie Geothoey, the " Queen of 8,oisty Enter t.o,ers," sd who IN ou.ildsed by the }:oldish press t sierras the tied Geier t.rumetitle, himself, set with • mepiiboet tempt ion iu Montreal end Termite. Oft Wednesday, Dee. 19, the Co,nMse .1 Abet deem. who had expressed • desire to tae Mr performance, west, especially. fres Ottawa to Yostreel for that peewee. The Winder Hall wee crowded with • very feshiemble sndisnee, wbicb gave Miss Gentbeey • per het ovesioe. In Tomato, Miss Gsatbony ham made loar appesreses within at: weeks and the prem of the May pronoun. her toe ✓ reatst artist el bar kind that has ever visited Caseda. By a lucky stroke she Me Imo secured by Menage. Hart for Go -tench, for one of her brilliant perform antes and will doubtless draw a very large hour.. Neta 01 1'tersa. Caton services will be held during sett week by the Methods and Preebytwtan uoagrogsttow, nad the programme suggested by the Evangelistic Alliance will be followed, with the excep- tion of the Wedo.sdsy miming mesas,. when each pastor will coeduct his own meeting in his own chureb. Eeeth meeting will eomui.o. at 7 .30, , . r. The following is the progrent•ne Monday. Hemtluttob and Theeksgivmg, meeting to Ksox church, addressed by Roy. Jos. Edge, 'Tuesday, in North -et., Methodist church, addressed by Rev. .las. A. Anderson. W'edeesday, prayer meetings in all the churches Thursday, Foreign Misuse, to \'ictorts-at. e4.,reh by Rev. los. Edra Fn.hv, Hom. Mlrious, in Knox church addressed by Rev. Hy. Iryise. Pat.ttta-111. 'Grum The following from the (Streit Free fres will prove of interest to the many friends of the bride is 1:ode- tbetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and nch: The marriage of !ties Georgina Mc- speedily effects $ cure. It is • peerless Gain, daughter of Mr.. ;serge* Seguin of remedy for I'alpitation,Shortnesof Breath, Smothering Spells, fain in Lett sole sad all symptoms of s Dimmed Heart. list dose C000I0ce.. .lames V ileen. KNOWLEDGE Prise weafnrt and imprnveseent -.td lends les purw.nal enj..ynteut when rightly timid. The m*.iy, who live bet- ter than ..there and enjoy life store, with less expenditure. by alOro promptly adapting the world's best prnducta to the neoda of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pit» h.lut.l laxative principles embraced is the remedy, Syrup of Figs. lea excellence u due to its presenting in the fors met accepub:o and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- . uve ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling a.lda, headaches and fevers and pertuaueutly curing ennstipatton. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly fres from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs m for sale by all drug- gists ha Vac. bottles but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name. Syrup of Fi;,v and being well informed. you will not mend any substitute if offered. this city and George W. Palmier of ('htcagn, tarok place •t the retdesos of Rev. IK. firemen, 51 Watson street, \Vednesdiey evening, at i o'clock. Mies !:corgis Quire, sister of the binds masted se maid of honer end William 1.orand ea best coat. After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, 1 e, bbot street. The bride wore lavender brocaded alk with pearl trimmings and earned a bouquet of bndsl roses. The mead of h000r won cream henrietta with pout lace trim- mings Among the many presents was a piaoo presented by the groom. After Ito reception the happy couple left for Retrad. N, l , ray;. Ti.Mut.ri. 5. N.arl. Ittxawl. aTl.r�.. Ines. •enation of the stmde0tsat the Chutes 0d' Godwtch Model S -ho&. commend au the 10th of line. and continued until the 17th. The t'..unty Hoard mete I'letes of Setur- day me completed the work of the examtn- etlo0, The tollowing is • list of the.uccess- tul oa.didets Fewxt.r_ -Clary C.nyn, Sarah .1. Bell. Stegrie Dumas, Alice M. Cumulus's, Tena Forbes, Phoebe i)emeanor*, Amore Hamilton, Annie M. Ferguson, M.ggts Hartley, Mary Film Ford, Lille 1. - Mater, Ague* D. Hays, Etta Johnston, Adelaide V. Jeekell, Annie Laurence, Mary Love, Bela Mardis, Hamra McIntyre, Carrie Mclto.•Id, Maggi. McIntyre, Agus Uot:regor, \leggie skates, Rebecca Me. Now. Tete Sprung, Maggie e'. Smillie. Mt. Tynd•I, Family Turner, Mary V. Le- Teurol, Lueies Watson M tl.c . Thomas Krow.lee, Allan Bowles. George Bielby, John .1. Boland, Chan.. Wades, Wm. J. Brownell, Milton Carter, Wm. A. Elliott, Archie T. Elliott, Wm. Gordon, Hoary Fair, George Howard, Wm. F. Fyfe, Wm. W. Hodgins, Wm. Holland, Patrick Houle - has, Francs Kirton, John M. .!suss, Charles Leopard, Jobs S. l.idlaw, Coleman McIntosh, .John McKenzie, Alfred MoTeg- g•rt, lemeld A. MOKszis, Robt. A. Mc- Kee. Hugh McDonald, Wm. R. Mahood, (.'bene' Mitchell, John W. Morrieea, Wm. H. Reed. Cees. McKisnoo, .las. J. Powell, Jae. Rosh, Wm. H. Rowe, Robert J. Reid, Wilbert Sboldi...John Ras, Charlie W. Smears, Frederick Titbit, Alfred E. Tbomp- OM Alfred E. Wetherell. Ws. A. Terabit'', David Weir, .1. Wsrwisk, John McConnell, W.. Brooke, (:es. Ypetton. AmAJ �.. LOCAL BRIEFS. The Pianos ice rink wee opened New l ear's day. Will Guedry hes • esapis of goats which he is brsakiag is for •.ked. Geo. Thaws will supply you with achy make of pease you Myairs. (LII se him sad got rook hobos Ni' ea Several boyo on New Tar's day. bowl to enjoy 1bamssivsa, got • quiet old horse . d bars.misg • striae of sleds drove retied tows .ad sajoy.d themselves to their heart's •.sees,. H. I. Swag ddresed the .R•r,ess tempsran.0 m.etse isse Sunday. W. R. Robert es, who has hues fee the met two years is British Cd1mbia , will modest the seem* sect 9esday. Curren von Me1Jt. -A •umber of elegies sed cotters for We asap at my shop, d- josaang Root. Tharp es'i bMetssitb .hep. As the assess is advanced they will he said at very reesm•bls price W. A. Heet.v• rosy. 90 -et Kelief in six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hour. by the 4.reat South American Kidney Curt - This new remedy is • great surprise and de- lightonaccount of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack anti every part of the urinary passages is male or female. It relieves retention of water and pun in poising it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief this is your remedy. sold by John Deets, drug- gist. Grey . last week fourteen were Fathered es the Bethel for the sinister. bags of oats appointment ---------- - 1 1S0ttoa Cards. Teo THE FLNIe 0R °-THE TORN 1 or (OUKROCs LOIS- a.n c:•tT1.CV/., Having been requested by . Lege *umber of ratepayers, of both poliucsl parties, to allow myself to be nominated as mayor of 1.oderich 'tor 18.o. I have pleasure in consenting. While I claim no superiority over any of my fellow townsmen, yet 1 claim that 1 have some Oatmeal ability, and think that hav• ing been • resident for the peat forty years, and being one of the heaviest step -yet* in the town, it doe= t seem unreesenable to ask • liberal support on the present oc- tamien. 1 am not the nominee of any clique or party, but if elected will, without fear or favor, work Mr the interest of the town of (:derich. Your obedient I:mitt E AtHI:SON. (:od.rbch, Nov. 14, 1484. servant, TO THE ELECTORS OF ST DAVID'S WARD. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Oidl,saeb Prime. sooseton. Jan. 3. 11116. ru wb•s t .soil toil .r: 0R IIsi. Rise, ton., Nh.na, • tee .. Sor.alaae • 1...t.' Dees. • bi.eh Pi ins • Owe. .F.. bey1rg two mewed. Abash Ilry, `las ....... ►+.t•t•es, • hes& new wateer, Wood fresh .ip.stK rata- wood west Hides Sheep Skins Live U. Deemed Hera Bartow Ham.. tier ib PCS ns - MERRY, MERRY CIHRISTMASTIDE Whoa de we foil so barmy •ad wealthy. sad rim/Idly so. as at Christmas. alien we ro- ll M to • 57 Miro sad give gilt to omoee+watc the gat gift o1 Christ to taw. IMto1M ►stoI1* "SK (nit HOLIDAY G1K)I)ti 1 OS to 00 1, tl to13 M rt'T-OLAIe' PRIM .511(. very brew Hull. Taylor's. Riekseekers. and otbere. a .maty 1 M telt 00 oeautifel forms - In. to 06..v 1 he ems ....• ptable tit all gibe. 1 el toll On V to OS tie OS :t MIto0le Mto700 35 to 9 t9to•1:.5.NY til'liEit 11 toe 17 90to3M IS to00 00to436 3S to 0 40 IMu400 500 toaes 014 to0li 0 36 to0r T4 11 LET ('A-E$ V l'eilutiid, u•.. Ali, :tat: a an.' "Its . sew sad Maui ful d.stgn. Pub11e Notions. Dt'HL1C NOTICE. 1 TAKY TRM OP• pertaaily of wiabies 7 erer eleh men a eery beep, New Year. And bee 1 would summit in order to make yaur happioees .his tete. bermthe year ea the'psy u too ifeblas Ne credit. ('..h or pros for duce nor system f 1004 U. M ELLIO r r. the Hamilton -et grocer. '!1 WENT HURON AGRI('t'LTl'KAL Society.- The Somal meeting of Oils society will beheld at the Town Hall. Oodr- noh.•on Wedseed*y. Jesuitry 16. Is6. tin mooring al one o'clock e.tt. (Jr receiving the annus! report, steeliegomoeve am, tiwnt,oti50 oaf ireswl business. JAS. MITCHELL ecr.tar).' t lodorlsh. Joe. I. Mt. fell 1.0D1s r,0C01I.0W0,.-- Your vote and iaflu sace respectfully solicited for me as mule!! ,Cor for St. David's Ward for the ensuing year. Ye.s re.poctto sly C. A. HUMBER.. TO THE BLICTO4a OF ST. PAT - The sew treat? of isdgrsMu. between the Usbed Stave and Chia has been tip. proved by the Chinese Government sad will i• all probability be Millet seed will be be .fleet by pr sidi.tl.l pre..s.tiss o ut week. iihewe.emm Cared is • Day. -Best► Amerism Rb.-•eM Cee. /tr .1te..l en ed ...r•tgb•, redtosMy seises is we le three da yye► its suim epos the system is re.arhahM end myworesea It lessees *e woe the eases a.4 the Meow im.ndl tefy tlitppesa The fret Me df bs.edts. 76 sesta told by Jens Wilms. dr•ndw A "Dbw r nmsewa-41ns bottle M Eselhla Irvin Lheimene re- newed a garb hem ply bas... Who pias - sew le resewaseeding the remedy, se it Oeste with ...eery,- ,.r.spiewe in the ,rmvi bbeil ..el.rass � blsirdessg �. sod hewer. kWh hage.111= MGM by J.. w ibm. 0lachrt Waived ks de Yi.Ma - Da Owe Ise the Wiwi pleas pr- fbtll 1. enee.dOrmeerfim a - RICES WARD, LADImr 100 OrgTtirrOe,- 1 have bees Brie n ominated as a ° aneilman for at. Patrick's Ward. M7 record is before lea. I have el - ways done my duty to the best el my ability and if antis elected will oaetlnae to work Iittrw1gb1. irrespective et parts. creed se ea, other amlldloo. T'baaktn, loo fee Your past supper, and sdielting 7001 1640 sad influence for tee& 1 wash you the eomplirn.ste of the e esaon. and remain Timm era JAB. WILSON. For SSW 1)MAN(t Ful: SALE. - L piano in ,sod meditate mo tbly payments of 04.louver NIG >• d Animals for Sean' 1)1 1.1.9 FOR SALE. 4 THOIWUGH- wed bulls for eek, registered stock -A. H. A51)81180N, let 13 con 0. Asheeld. Des Lennon P.O. li t1 ilea Wee Ir.° THE KLI4(,TORS OF ST. PAT 1 RiCE'S WARD. Sl.asrse anti OawTetira-I bay amrv.d yea one Year se year r peeasa1atho at Use .masa board.' and soba present myself fee r.elee- new I have e*daavme4 to are tndep.seeet- y and ImpsrtMlls le al my acetone ss year r.epre.eatativs. and to the test Ial.rrwa the taws. •.d sir ward in pertlee_4r. sad mutat Mto penee se.00ss.tag. Movies ••to the ped ..tee of t he elegem'te ahem.e tbe teem mom fitted for the peeltNs, 1 trust 1 may have year •e.e sad leaves.. Wrhfism sus • sled New Year, 1 rEmin. T1wh(,Ily. ALDCE 1AU11Df01ta. /PO THE RLRQPORa (n THR TOWN 1 0/ OODsw011. Music. MISE ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER OF of Mamie sad Theory .xperfe ed. One dear New el Cart, Partw*a'. K east 11.3m -'Uotloss. 'UPHKMIA A. M.'LI NNAN'S LiNI- MENT-foresters! use ouIy. i. a poet true caro for epasal disease. Hip diem.. la flammatery Hbenesatum, lame tack. Lum- bago. Sore Throat. weak and sore Lustre. bruises, slid Joints. rupture. and all kindred diorama. 1t has also beer. found s sure for throat •Rectsas in horses. Price -' ,sura. None genuine without having the trode mark co labels and wrappers. and W. A. Melon ma's Liniment, Ooderich, Ont.. stamped os wax melon each bottle. Masufaetured only by LLPHEMIA A. M• I.ENNON. or'r patentee and peoprietrees. Neonate -et.. Ooderioh. Ont. sen It NO MID lege mtnpmissMss umbra sl 1 =mee!ethe =abadm aNsille= ` " imig Ligbsslsoss remarks et the seestied balsam11I �ti Istel !Iles! esws�tlng stases of erwerel 1M 044.w e.., stwwVroe; *ills�.pw.ysmw= OadorM= 1y 40.6� wss.� wMMssmM.s6ttsp•!leeiitO•Oe CI"ST0M SAwrnc:.-- Parties taking oat legs t1lp alder. for Series building or shipment. - SOTk- 1 am prenare1 to do custom sawing at i! icy M.. tee Hemlock. B•sewood and K1m. 03 per M., for Maple. Hercb and Ash !saving the best metier in 1'amide fr wort can be ituaranteed. Building material of all triads AT PATRON PRICES. l:r town los to give away -- Call aid tsar about them. KIDiYS PLANINO AND SAW MILL 00.07 Neer 0. T. K. depot. e GODIRICa+-FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORE& Wenner" - Try our new hone powers. prloe $15. The fleury plow+ are taking well. The Bynctesan land roller is the best at the price. 9711. The tic Cormick birder for ests also implement, from the Watford. Fleury, R'eteon and other Russ. Thebaadllog of the Nieto ell imple- ments Ins been transferred to Dwngannon as It is claimed 1 sold them too cheap. Plow pointe reduced in price. Uamtiags made to order. ('o.h for metal /Obly J.0-RUNI'IMAN. You tan please any friend from our stock. Watch our Windows and drop u. We tilts pesnuta la Mewlne 0.• 1101 Osla •11 the W. 4'. 1001)E. C'HE�IIST. el latest I�_"; Patent Hss. rdiotnI ALBZON 1111.001111.0011C -OO- 0000. TO ADV=RTI8ERS. Notice of changes oust he Left at this Office not later than Sat,te lay noon. The Copy for changes must tie 1ef: not later than Noe day noon. eusual Advertisements tai up to uoou Wednesdsy et ta7Zwenit • EW CHOPPING: MILL -THE SUB - scriber Meinr put in • new est of French Buhr mill stones 's prepared, to do all kinds of grata chopping with diepeteb. Still will he running o0 ToesdaY. Thurday and Saturday ec.-ry week. Brine In your W.i. and get It chopped and home same day. cepa, citFF o0n per hour. First-class hotel *d0 stylise0 toaooemsditioo close by. .1 .150. S. PLATT. COSI end Wed Yard Prow*/ 1~r Mil• se Mr Baal. Trs►vsWai Guido.' UPLAND TIMM RAILWAY. vest sit yaaS0 1$w. as5VR Miu.! Ie. SO Lou. Maitland Lspress 1-55 M:10.1 110 p.m. Mall and Lx press ... . .. .. tH p.w. 051550. Hail and Ex petal • .... •• 456tm. Mail Sorsa .... - g;p.m.Liman and Savings Society. :• is p... 1 1' 15 NUT WHAT VOL' EARN. BUT f Annual M..Ung. 1 WHATTDCJi� ,MA6[SYOURiCH. A NNr'AI. MEIIT1NG 41'NF: ANNUAL TRU er•r�}R.r.,O•NAND BRUIT. LOAN AND m.e.0 ag of Ibe West Huron (heere 1JXVereMKNT COMPANY. flutter Muiofocurleg('.mp*nt .l.imited.w, he held in the townehi1 hall Carlow on 1* n,.4ay. Jan. 0th at 1 r.v. for the election N trw,tor,, sod other bullion's JORN 'PIPPIN, WM. JIINK)<. Peat Secy. 977 2 11101.t4 1T0.a-Cameros. Holt end holm... D.rteunc. Interest Compounded eey six ...tom at four per rent. per snni,in. on mum. ITEM one dollar upwartta. Iiepritorewill find it to their advantage to conic and s. -e ,u. Wastes trial be se. and 51 an) 'sue wittiont delay on the serum) of appro.e.t .1,..rahlr property. It: xpen... moderate. Aoptical ions receive by tete Manager or sol.i iters. The Company • Deices are locate.: on North !ureas and. Court ilouse :tomes opposite Hvorof Nn..•t. Ilex.. 110111CK HU1tTr/N. J. 11. t OLOIDENR. Manager. V'ALUABLB FARM FOR SALL OR ♦ to rest -West bon let :1. moa. L t'.D.. M the township of Ashnell comprlil Miaow, having 16 acres in Fall when : tbeM aider the best of cultivation will be mt a bargain sad easy terse. Amity to McKAY.Oaterich. 9/ lot . FARM FDR SALE t, ACRES IX COW. Oeierl•b Tp. ea the pr.tn0ee mes sad barn'also . 09. N� p•rticalan apply to CRAB, OR*OOR, Porter's Hill. P.O. s 41 VARY FOR YALE OR TRADI-WILL see or aadhhi roe solos is L`Ist Ce. Wu* Dakota, for 00 or Illacres in Rum O.with ls- prevteenta 1 his term 1s in geed l.eallty,O els frees eonaty mat. with oohed bones oo tb• rims. It le weal improved. with good build - les., 100 sores M pastors with plenty of water. *40 acres of meadow and 110 acres wader culti- vation. W111 furnish 11 lung hems* 'Mb 1I1 cattle. with ell clods of fern l.p0mssts. if required. For further perticSWs sovlr to J. J. w01.01. ('lark. Se. Det. ODA. 97 lm L10R SALL -LOT NUMB*R I9. IN r the i48 .eaMmtM. (hd.rOeb rwasbep ...!Emla( 30 sorsa. Tem M a bat elms hew and situated within • Wpseerr�et 4Mtanepeepptloysf the tetra 1d (loderlc►. Oar PVILiP�HOLTa .0.derbh. FOR SALL-� N. i LOT 31, IND OON- kiifi F. SMtEETH'S PLANING MILL -eon- SASH, DOOR AND RI -IND FACTORY. I take *hie opportunity to infonu the public that 1 am still in the business notw.t'm:rndi•g all rumors to the contrary. and ►es prepared to do every .-Ines of work in my line from making • window frame to 'reviling •,story budding with mansard roof. lfetimates furnished end competition incited. The furnishing of Inn iIding material, sue b as lath. shingle's and lemur,' a stecislty. F. Sat F: ETH. Ooderich. July 118 plot. t� co,mrLETF STOCK. • Our stork of celluloid, leather oak and push geode is mow complete. Dressing at:d 'hating tree.. nsn,rures ht'.. kc. See our 2• .-.n' cu• glass hot:les tried with pertewe. .11oi tic atomizers, 1. WiL'('s-- 1'RE.cRIrl110N. DKr*. STORK. Telephoor it VALUABLE TARSUS AND TOWN ItROPE01 POR a�ii_ QR httJ �F Let r Is W flat .se'r'ss'�i. waerro .hip, meaty ei Huree.1 Ws tem Oderioh. eenelsting of Memos more Mss. Rare eh M. warty ser. recd wrbsr4 of Melee fruit. trod watered with wrist meek. its aseenew farm, man bees mar terra.. 7 to JOAN EN0x. nelleneer. Lot 1 Is the broke* treat. sriM of Me Lake reed lathe Western dIviale., Temehlp 51(051 .901009 lhome �stg• ~i oily 0 001. �3 sefles a bank sere. geedd sad . greased of 1. fruit, asnearly0 ugh! 0. cam terms. Apply to JOHN ENOX, Aretlsa o w. Iasi A tel 11. like maga, la the tewasblp o - sena more er M. trees* There bora s..4 ea geed�etebityandess . Aboboa area botw,ef.bes4 o('bei m fra(t. Sheet 111, saws of back. This Mss is oos.44ered a c /•�ba hew Tie own an be divined 0 M d terat*es easyt ems. A JOHNKNOX. Reuss e.d let b the town of Olsten. -Lot frame beam 10 slim Mem with geed eider. aisle .4 ilia 01 ywp.ir• Apply le IdNO Mit AwwMsesr. Helena.. e7�Rs ROTAL ROTRL NOW OPEN 1 ltw O,sesa Ian tbor.w00, ywasedIfs. toM? maTi.., haw- m1y►. woWe�bYMi_ :tzs:.rk :illaw::�s^ osa,k1, Dec. trey. int I'Kll"\II'H uF ARI riTss PYARMA4;Y ., XYAM I.S'ITER : Now that plush sad oaidf pods, etc, have Pons discarded Press.to w hero eadea.ar.d smeeetbing nice and fesionabls to pressen to your Moeda, at this lye eeaesa. We have the.. purchased • lir aortment et •Ieg$at perfumes._ somely pat up in flowered, onto ed uses. which oennot be ex.' mea gilts. Tho oder., tr. and best inade, with plum e and cut glass, are °sgruash tau. We tnrite you to elation, kuowec that you will be de.S with their beautiful appears s pronounce tn.rn the most use',.) dainty prelate that one .wuld g an apprecuttve mend. N'ishimg you, one and ail. • ''hrutmon /: i HAS. D.-WI-LLI AMs, old 0Iedal. Lefts ili*t and 1). us Reba !Isles a9 Meeh. tlederich. 0' LE sot &WU in painting or sculpture. hot ,an ales bosom in nor novel 1,14 lr.•aut 10.11 d.•Aurne of faretture. 1t is no boast. Lot an rcknuw ledged fact, *bat we .•srry thelargest and Seem Mock of funitur. ,n town and in moat urelettaoer is un.l urpeasc. in oho -ling pre.ents you .•a❑ *1n.t halting more i.o. spial! , or appropriate Ilan 0111' 00 our he*utiful reel or oak Nair.. an oak eshi set. or .-ouch, or parlor e 0511 ni•. hr., 1*ifnl Presents that n.re • II 01 drm11nd' and wield) al wants. 'ap•rior goods at uurpriainagg low peri. CO.Wt. ..,licit a .etnprriaon of goods and price.. knowing that you will tlnd our line the best end cheapest. l plwGtering a Specialty. 117MITHV'- 1-1'RNII"I'KE $TORE Ala ke 11F.Pt 1 I . On 1. !c.t,t•r.. 1 s•Few It i� u.ually a difficult clatter to ,select Christ - is as preSPnee. Visit troubles that lin* are at an land when IN 11 see the 4 oo'Is itis are s)wwing. Prieet• that all can r.seh. Me.Iical Hail. . ..E. DAA. P11. • e. SELLING OUT ! • Only FIVE MORE WEEKS �TODOg IT¢IN AND S �• $7,000w0RTH OF DRY uomis YET TO S=7.-1... 1111314 a Great slashing and cutting of prices in order t' clear out our entire stock by FBBRTJARoo lst, 1891 We intended this week giving a list of prices bu f have been too busy. Suffice it to say that our entiri Stock of Dry Goods has been re -marked -many linen' to less than half price. No selling o$, moving sale, or bargain day prices can compare with our Great Selling -Out Sale. What the people want 'is a l ar.p gain every day and every hour,and that is what vire are prepared to give. We opened on Monday -41E4 a case of Black and Colored Cashmeres and Henri ettas (bought before we decided to sell out, formes,. Spring's trade). We have marked them at such • prices as should clear them out within a week. Come and examine our Goods and Prices. We always pleased to show Goods. Every p4reOa come to this great Sale. JAMES A. REIP'JoJrdan'■ 73100k,c, .R.