HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-3, Page 4aro
DAT JAM. 1. 1$.
scram o
a isb-41 ,
• eIMatrdp•Mm l
Wag Sams
retia Per year
r sober
a receipt of the dote
v flee that it is u.4
dress is desired. Veva'Veva'.h.eld be w...:..
eases/ advertisements. Ifla
orate per Ilse
t ttaeertloa. Measured by
e of sin time aid under.1113 per
1g of Leet, Posed. Strayed.
• tlitnatloas Wanted and
• Wanted, sot •zceodioR S
1 per month.
• .a1 ryes on sate. not •2
l for Bnft month. Soo, per see
Larger ad. -t•. a prvport:ui..
tepee` airohject ct whteh 10
■ ai.ry benefit of say quit -
7. 4 to. considered an em.
/harmed ....ordinal -Y.
50 110.1Pare.l type one cess per
less than
5. od/aary readier trite two
No moor for Ism than 30e.
ureb.s sad other religious and
rations bolt taste,
Alas ratters advertlsemeate.
amber of displayed ed.-rtoe
tied est the Stollow l.lg rIo,. :
rt too--Ile,
1 (0
the ................... r so
._--..-..... tio
of lams then two inches is
,elculdd. tee above heats. 5
allowed' for cash payments
contract : 15 per seat. on six
r Best. on • year'.. These
strictly enforced.
"The s0g..1" teellrety.
wbo tell to receive TAX SIONAL
by carrier or by mail, will
s0g0*lt.tlort as of the tact at
posel ole.
oscripts cannot be returned.
same he written on one aide
Psb1/sber's •Mire,
'Pouted, of nodrrich. hoe ,.seen sr
Travelling Arent for the tow -n-
4 er;ch, Colborne, Ambield and Wa-
petma.tere over the district are sloe
led to reoeire subscriptions to Tug
tMsslcatlonI must be addreoned to
Tina 8Ien.t,
• Call M. Ooderlch. (Mt.
.RICH. THURSDAY. U3. f. fiflb.
this issue TBS SWINAs. begins
v4ema •
...Atonal, begaa psblisuon In the first
of the year 1848. The present pro-
log been proprietor for nearly
"-lm't forget that we open thin year on
:leash basic. and if you want to keep an
'hoken record yen will have to adhere to
ot regulations.
Yiz S16NAt is a rood loos) newspaper
it worth a dollar i■ advance. if you
it comply with the re.luirements, •ad
.in advance so that the standard int ed.-
say he maintained.
•ire thankful to oar friesds for their
in the pest, and look forward to the
-.Ili ooldd0Ie.
ea pay soar dollar in advance and Tits
au. will dothe reet
-Mare you renewed your subacrip-
.•Tut Soma for 1896'. 1f not, do
ps}diic digs were at half mast
day, the ..cation being the aerial
one Tumorous
oto for s mayor to whom you
R ►oar ehildren as u exemplar --a
Hose feotateps you would not be
Ito see your meas walk.
of Oblivion are widely
oar keel " (Summit.' Mark
or mayor for a alma who will to
00 and sot • reproach.
"-Mayor BUTLu do to
tag the Summer hotel pro.
7 did nothing bot depre-
every p,ndble wanner.
ACatou mon than
nomination tr»eting,aod
. mealy ad .aseible ro-
of curtain mistime ex
10 wing,: were not clipped
rolled up an indebtedness et
000 lest year, which eaeoad
ef high taxon this year to
reason Mayor H(m.ai
W it Set a.Rkotiar his duty
he ,• whip woe elippd."
why he &Mold segleet to
ewers duty.
her df eleventh -boor stato-
r. published by Jou Herman
Leal take any Meeh is teem.
e vie otatonese that wow* he
Me Mar has isms.
Heirerr, of Tomato. wag
rem k. he Wdrrte.a of Tor-
e Both= hon been M he per -
"ler .1 Oaderieb. And beak ap-
e tbe ewes menses. The dreag
a seam to have bees thee thee
Geoid properly sigh -
k•m(erit sal atop repair
y t e dear $Mbw.
the moth
most tib shirr
A WGa-
i' Willa
00*/1G ANO GOiNG.
G. N. Davie sprat Nee Year. la Maga
P. 11 Wallace went is Berlin yesterday.
The Misses Colborne are ym:tiag i. Strat-
Jahn C. McKay, d Toronto, le vied/ft
Mr Tater. d Toronto, vatted town
last week
Met Amor Campbell meat to imalorth
A- G Gambia ha* returned to British
Mr. sad Mrs. StaU.kr are visit*" is
8t. George.
Mr. sad Mrs. Jetta Sharman are visiting
u W oodetook.
Percy Walton retereed to London W.d-
nmday motion..
Mrs. John W. 1' matter
lanais via Worsham.
J. A. Mclbugell, btetke- of Mrs. Merely,
has gone to Omaha, Neb.
Robt. Mackay, of ('hlorgo, la renewoag
old aeou0tut0aee In town.
Maes .1. Sharman km returned from Chi-
cago or visit her home ben.
.Isms. M.Kutght, of the Note, waited in
town during the pmt week.
Thos Elliott. of Wslkrtoo, visited his
brother 1:. M Elliott lost week
Jas. Edwards, of ('hleagn, was renewing
old acquaintance in town last week.
Mr. and Mr. Starling spent New 1 sin
at Mr. Sperling's paresis in Seatenh.
ft. .1. Mcleod, of Hamtltoo, 1a spending
part of hie Christmas boltd•ys in town
Mrs. Logan. of Ssgimaw, M,ch.. u vwtmg
her Intents, Mr. ted Mn. A. Ktrkbrtde.
11 McKay and Reg. Meek spent Sunday
*oh friends to the netghborhaid of Santo's
"Sem" Mel.ean is stetting friend* in
liluevale, Wuvham and other prints this
Mies Annie Murray, who has been visit
mg to London tor some time, returned home
on Friday.
H. Viisinger, of St Thomas, who had
been visiting here, lett oo Wednesday for
Port Elgin.
Harry Parsons, of the hank of 1'ommerce,
Stratford, spent • couple of days at his
nonce herr last week.
W. W'. Sto.I.Lrt, hoe returned to Cherry
Creek. N. 't ., after *pending his holidays
ender the parental root.
\Ir. and Mn, B. Lyons, of Buffalo, were
stinting its town :int week, the guests of her
mother, Mrs. Robt. Heslop
Mr. and Mn. Chas. Armstrong are .pend -
lug a portiou 1 the honeymoon la4loderich
before settling down in Chicago.
Chas. Ictus has brought he sr. o Charlie.
hack from Torooto. We are sorry to Irani
that it was found that medical txe•tment
eoutd not help the little fellow.
Mies Mary Vibert LeTourel, who has se.
cured a situation as pastor teacher at
('re 1110o, Towuahtp ot Stephen, left no
Wednesday morning for. her destination.
Mrs. I...1. 'Treble, of Chrystal lily, Man.,
and formerly of 1isderi.h, is vatting In
Illuevale. She will volt her frien.i. in
1.oderich, and Colborne township, before
she returns to her home.
W. S. Hemphill, tuner for A S. Nord
heiner,ud goo .f the late .1. Hemphill so
well knows in Goderich yew svo, will be
In town the week,tuoinr pianos. Any or -
dere left at Tire Sweet. Aim will have
prompt attention. Mr. Hemphill has suc-
ceeded. A. R.m.pergee in this district.
e 1111ti0g re-
woe etfM. 0.53.1 Pai.beeds.
To the .'liter of fax sionot.
Restore Sip -Not having had time in the
live minutes allowed in reply to Mr. But-
ler's false statements against me at the
aotutnatt00 meetuv, 1 now take t he oppor
tunas of maklnv a public statement in the
mat ter
1 He asserted that I paid only $')9 in
taxes for 1894.
This copy of )sok cheque will pr6ve
that stateuteot to bean absolute falsehood .
Gonion -R, Oct 31, 1894.
1'o the I'as d/u Bank of hummer°,
Pay to Mr. Jas. Reid or order $380.38 100.
GE()R(.F, A('UES()N.
The whole of my taxes for 1894, paid do
recty by me and by my tenontaamouots to
$638 75. How much do Mr Butler and
ha tenants pay in tares for real emote own-
ed by him in the town whore be has resided
ler over thirty yeah'
How much has Mr. Butler paid for elec-
tric light and water rates towards reducing
the balance mama the town in working
the electric Iwht phot and waterworks' 1
have paid es much for one hour's mann as
he has for the whole Ire yew daring which
he has hem mayor.
2( Mr Butler stated that the relief bill
of the town was meet- so low ea I said it was
in 1885 The facts from the tro•murei s
books prove that when he took exception to
my 'tattooist he tried to stuff • falsehood
down my throat The relief for 1883
amounted to 8931.74 for 1884, 51504 95 ;
for 1185, (the first year that I was 0000ect-
ed with the retie: committal, 562,5.54: in
1886 (my tetanal year), $560 25.
1 eoosider the above elplwtioos due to
the public in anew of the false aocettations
made against me at the public meeting by
Mr. Butler.
Gramm ii, Jew 2, 1116.
flay 0.5' Wlrlmarlm, f
To the Wiser of Tits 8mrar.
Omsk MIR Could ant something be dose
for o/ harmers by the council of .flits. in-
tremed in us in the rows of Gederiob `
TM subj.at of our eompl•ut is that we
lave no •moommod•tlon dor our bonen when
we Dome to town to sell oar wood, hay •.d
ether product*, .ad nor booms aro ofpem.d
in all ports of weather upon the mmrk.t
momottmm for hours together until • pus
ob.msr somas .long Now, we think that if
• rough /bed was heft tear the market
hos&., so that we onuld unhitch our teems
M place them in shelter to feed is comfort,
it wield boa boon which would he mach .p
probated by all who some to tow to sell
their predoes. The building omit not bean
expeaatvs one, simply an epees shed fitted up
with r wtlhout et•.reru, lad • small fee of
my 5 coats would i toff osrtei., be paid for
t►..oeommod.eiem. Thm fee a esrtemly
moil. bet our prodsce (.lobos small prbeen
jam WOW, Imo w. s ...1 afford to he mosso.
east is Serif. sad moll diciest it may ap-
pear we .I .frims that at the year's .d
the .mesas emltmetfd would pay good inter
est for the entry We remota, veers
leafy. - Repo M.e,Iweel. -
Tla.r.r ■.ngse.
Wsrbeth Use.. lees 10 awl 12. Colborne Tp.
Ut/amk: The M.00 ressivd hem the solo
. rm 11 wpm ►ele5the 1. e Had el
iigs.ineeter was inpand id la •
ef 150 psand. d Gear mad
Sim mow Ave kmWea
/visa - Wer Messer 111 relict of
at , Teat- asthf hoe es, ef 11u� . died
M aha r.tid.tew of her staphew, 0.11. ,
ca OiY1p. Dee. fBat. dam* .iter the dolt
W ahem* the Wow of dGththhgt fib rips
d/ ....t In 1101ra.
Th. Grist from the Leath 1111L
• W0..17 woes of 11NNy g.we served
up se Sats ay.ybfdy-Mtn sea
retail Capped .ad Ceadoa•ed
Seem Deere elomeea.
Itlwvle The balsam of our cheese, 160
boxes, has bees sold to Mr. look, of Inger-
soll, .t 10,, sesta
Brumsls Thou Kee/etel has takes •
w hoa •t Lowbton MOW, York Comity, .ad
ea Wedomday of last week alcoved there.
K. Wawa.osh .)absz Janata h.e dis-
posed ot hu farm oe•risU•g of 100 acres, to
Messrs. Patties Bro., tor the sum of 14,-
Chutes 1'. A. Hertz goes on • vett to
two of his sone, who are lying at ('h.tkaie:
bar expects u ramie tbr• for • mouth or
1 wo.
Grey - James 15.rk and family, of Neepa•
wa, Maattob•, aro home on a vett. Mr.
Dark reports having had • good crop this
• Walton .loo Morrison is home from the
Model tad u ready to teach the young idea
He is engaged at the Lesdbuiy school for
next year.
Seaforth Andrew Scott, of thus town,
has been re engaged for next year as teach-
er its the school on the the Mill Road o.ar
luudeeboro . Henry Smith,fon of the*sc-
owl foreman, is home on a yustt from Ruffs -
lo : he has changed so much that veru few
knew him.
Holmesnlle J. R. Helmet, returned
home from Manitoba, havtog deposed of the
carload of horses fust he took out there
• Wye tome ago.
Brussels W. A. Elgar sod family left
Brussels uta Weloe•d•y for l'allodeo, Ox-
ford Co., who:* Mr, Edgar will take charge
of the butter and cheese factory.
Clinton : R. lomhnsou, of town, ted
N elson Ball, of Auburn, (formerly with Dr.
Blacken( have passed their final examine
ten at the Ontario Veterinary College.
I.ondeaboro - Nelson Bell,nephew of Niro
.John Lm.bam, is herr ea • visit from the
.any off the straits ( Detroit I for hu holidays.
He look• as if the city agreed well with
Se•forth William ibig, who has been
te.actatig school in Madoc, Hastings 1'ouoty,
tor the past mix mooth., was to towo on
'aturday oa tau way to his home in Tucker
hayfield \fir 1lainie Campbell, who hos
been •tteudtog ('hatham Model School, to
home again; we understand she is engaged
to teach in the school oo I blgatty's side line
.luring 18,15.
Hensel! Thomea .J•rrott, who has been
attending the Normal School, at I Ktawa,fnr
some time, returned home this week He
has been engaged as Noocipal of 7 ourt-
wnght pubh•• *ghoul.
Grow On ('hnstmsa Day the home of
(;he. Bozell, 10th cont, 1:rev, wee the home
of • happy event, in the marriage of his
eldest daughter. Edith Rosamond, to .John
Engel, of Paw 1'.w, Mich.
H.rlock • 1lie sf those events which
cause so mush pleasure, took plat•. at the
residence of Mr. Taskr, on December 25th
when his daughter, Toone, was married to
Thoma. Arkell, of Teesw.ter.
F:. Ww•cosh . i'revtoue t. Mies Wat-
son'• departure from S. S. No. 10, Kass
Wswnno.h, her pupils presented her with •
pretty toilet sit and photo we, the designs
to both being carried out in plush and
Se•forth The residence of Mn. M.otsy,
Goderich street, was the some of • pretty
gathering on 11'eJoesday mor.ug, last
week, when her ',scoot' daughter, Miss
Nellie, was united to marriage to Ischia
Kennedy, of Clinton.
Hayfield Jobs Armstrong, • former
farmer of the Amble hoe, but now of Pilot
Mound, Mau., is p•yug he old trends
around here s visit : he is • brother-in-law
of the late David Collins, at one term •
blacksmith in this village.
Armee* : The Herald has been sold to
,lanae* Moon, who has socoessfally taught
for Dearly three yew iqq^ihio'e school He
will take poamem•too mkt week, we under -
steed. It a mid the Mteeditor will return
to the dry Roods business.
Hallett tine of thole mast ;dimwit
11enta took place at the home of .John Mc-
Knight; en Wednesday. the 19th toot , this
lasing the marriage of his eldest daughter.
Miss Lirzte .lane, td Richard Towhee, of
Winchektss, 1'storne township.
Meaforth `Warmest Robigeoa, a former
resile.t of McKillop, but who sow lives
D ear Mt Catherine., was In this vicinity
stating Mends last week. Mr. Robinson
has parohaafd • fifty acre farm Haar St.
I;atherinee Ott which he now resides.
Rayfield Abrother from Nebreak•,wh(tm
Mies Potterield had not emus for mix yew,
a000mpanted by a sister from Belgrar,. sur-
prised that young lady ea Friday evening
by appearing at the Christmas tree eater-
ater'Mamma they all returned to their boost
en Saturday morning.
Watton : W. Haokwell met with a pain -
fel accident while cutting straw Mat week.
He rot hie Miler lager 0.05111 in the sol
wheel of the mashies and it was ba11y
crushed. He drove to Dr. Armstrong's nf-
boe and had the injured portion taken off
and the stomp dressed.
Wtngb.m : Freak Malay, • prang man
who worked ie Messrs. Lott l Sturdy's
livery ler mina time, lest Summer. was ar-
rested is Guelph, • short nutmeg*, for meal.
ittg • home sem ss
from • Rres5 livery
m, tad nentesed to three years he the
Seaford" George Forum, formerly of
Stanley, but who for some yew has beet In
Pettish Colombia, was Is town oa Thurs-
day. He retirees' heat* on Saturday to
spend the holidays with his parents and
friends He likes Roush (:*lumbus sad i.-
feade goiter hook shout the Ant .4 March.
Rueter : On Thursday woman of last
weak, the sows reached here by tskphe.
from Brastfnrd, sarwseing the death of
Ir addia, eldest mate of Theis* H.sor., of
that plass. • farmer resident of this village,
aged sine years, altar • brief innate of cos -
remiss ef the Ise... The f...,.1 took
pima en 15.04.7 Mat M Brant/era
R. Weymouth : Oa Christmas day. M the
bear of We w'olot s n. 4w .f lima
.rash siMM aW lice p -
to every mathee a -e, tank plass M the ro
Mena" d B,short JGh.w.., Esq.. et skim
teemehlp N belay the tarebwe el Mb
yeimgew daughter, Alio Mend, MBs H.
• prosperous tj township ef Morels. sem1I d the
W LJMm : Wibure sea of Jeesph Sul -
Mrd, egad shat twelve mea with
wiry W eseidwd te
bat Mrrdwy. b a
• the Omni bsok flatheray Oaths awl
was MMYat ea the ethe
el the freight
MsRw� r
se e asst twee bashing a1r0g
sic mi ii` ha wee ... by Ito Ilse as/
the result mu that este tag teas bream .r
tie eater was limey .Asheil. At este Mose
the drams tbwgtt the hevieed leg reed
have so he take. eg. Oat he is deist very
well. sad it arty be caved.
Grey (la Metady eve&ag d Met weak,
W SIh. Assman, died .t the roddlome .t
hie sof in-law, Joao Brown, roar KthaL
He was b9 yew of age. He had not boss
well fur some tom., and it is theight that
the death of htue daeghtr hsebaed his.ad.
Mr. Assume lived a the meaty of Perth is
the early day., Bret swung • farm ea the
2rd oosossso. of Wallace, and moving to
Grey about eighties yew ago. lie ia enr-
vtved by four moos, Hoary, on the Mame
stead, tad oomo.sr.a of Gray ; John P.. al
I:Ienboeo, Mani roho ; sad two younger boys
LI. yd sad Mena, .t holm ; sad two
dasrbtera, Mrs Crews ad Mrs !'rtu.oa,
of 7 )1M w•L
HK VILLA TNK •rl,Ky Of 11,14:HT TRAMS W se•r
HIALTH --How mi. .:t'.ZAT WON 4% Ali
rix•Lty "mestere
From the.11arord broader.
Knowing the Ira Winton s' Medicine lb.
to be honorable and reliable firm we h.d
never any reason to doubt the enure truth-
fulness of ,he articles •ppwnng from time
to tune settl04 forth the particulrs of re
markable curt. affected by the use of their
Pink Pills. There a scarcely • locality in
Pained* which hu not furnished • nee of
more or ler prominence, and if tate partie
sitars, ss stated, wen nut accurate, it would
be impossible that the public would ant tied
it out and the remedy would be diecr..litru.
"fore e, therefure, every hrouod t• b.1 rye
that the statements ars accurate In every
particular. W e ha.* now been put 11. •
poeluue to verify nue of thee. comm for oar
seine, and ter e-1 re the re.ult taithtully,gty
tog link fills no word of praise not matted
in the case. Meese. F. Clarke le Co .drug
g nu, of Meafurd, who hare sold very large
qua:woes of thaw f•moue pills, drew our
attention to the case, g1v10g us the sane of
Mr Henry Lamb. a well knower nod respect
ed farmer of St. Vincent township Having
some acquaintance with Mr. Lamb we sought
an interview, and the following 1s the sub-
et•00e of his testimony "About 8 veers
ago, 1 suffered from an attack of intl•wna-
tom of the stomach, eausing me extreme us
,mamma. I tem attended by Ur. Clarke, of
Meaford, who brought not around, and I
have always given him the credo of saving
my Itfe oo that octoroon. The effects of the
•tt-ck however remained and 1 fell into •
state of chronic poor heajth, which com-
pletely uotitte.i me for my ordinary work
I was really dragging out a miserable exe-
teoee. I suffered for over seven yew from
• constant pain In my stomach, as well as
from weakness ted coatinuel debility. 1
tried many aioertoed remedies which I
thought might be suited to my case, deet
without relief. I at length decided to try
11r. Williams Pork Pills. 1 soon felt the
pain in my stomach relieved, and after i had
used ten boxes the pain was entirely gone
and I now feel like a new man. 1 can now
work half a day without fatigue, and as I .m
still using the lolls 1 confidently expect. as
1 have every right to do from the great re-
sults thus far, to he ahle to do my work as
formerly. I am 57 yew of age, and before
the attack eight yeah ago, I always enjoyed
good health. I have stated my experience t•
many people sod invariably reoommeoded •
trial of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills
The above is tNVeabstanoe of Mr. Lamb',
* tory, to which the Monitor may add that
that we c.nstder him • reliable and trust
worthy person who would make no state
meat which he did not know to be tnrrect
and tnathtul.
1)r. Wit:ami Pink fills contain all the
elements necessary to give new life and rich-
ness to the blood, and restore @battered
nerves. They are an unfailing specific for
such disomies as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus dance, setatie, morel -
gm, rheumatism, nervous headache, the .5.
ter effects of Is grippe. palpitation of the
heart, nervous prostration. all damsel d. -
pending upon vitiated humors In the blood,
such se scrofula. ehrooic erysipelas, etc
They are also • .pecitic for troubles peculiar
to females, such as .nppr•e.eiow, irregulars•
tie., and •Il forme of weakness. They build
up the blood, and restore the glow of health
to pale and tallow cheeks. to men they of
feet • radical cure In all cases arising from
mental worrypverwork or excesses of what-
ever nature.
ilia. Williams' fink Pale are manufactur-
ed by the (h. Williams Medicine Co.,
Hr..keille, thee , and Schenectady. N.. Y.,
and ere bold only in boxes bearing their
trade mark sod wrapper printed in rod ink,
at 50c. • hot. or six boxes for $2 50,aed mat
he had of all druggists. or direct by moil
from 1)r Williams' Medicine t'ompany,ftoes
either address.
A U. R. Cwetses• /a.peel.r *asp..doik
Flom ', Dec 27 -Inspector William H.
Warren, of the Bream customs hotter, was
suspended from duty by a special order
from :Washington pending an Invrstlg.-
tlon of alleged mie nndnct on his part
while on government Weimar in the
Hrlth.h provinoere The leisure and search
of the fishing almoner. Albert Geiger, on
October 2 last for alleged smuggling
merchandises with which Inspector Warren
had .smaldtr.hie to do figures' In the cam
A 0.151 r'.am. tied/sap
(:uoccKeTHI , Masa, Dec M. --Collector
Pew has levied a duty of 51 a barrel au the
wchooner Alice ('. Jerian'. cargo of 400
barrels of malted herrings The owner,
Wm. 11 Jirrdan. paid under peewit
Jordan cured the Alb as the Nova
Scotia shore with .foreign mit if the
salt had been taken from tilonewter the
Ash would have limn Admitted tree. The
rating 1s • new sae.
■see'OMM•. View Asylum.
H.or'avdii, Ont . Der le The Bret
nesignmewtof lunatics for Hrockville's
new asylnm were tra.d.rtyd yesterday
from Brockville a.ylum, numbering 71
They were aerempankd hy Dia. Rost and
Barber and were met M the station by
Borer Raker, wh.. bad covered rlts 1111
reodistgm to drive these totter new amylum
1ltaSteeal R.Nmm M
QeasaC Dee w -A bill to alter the
Moore& charter aste m'nielpsl elections
was up before the Private Rills Visa mdttse
yorYrday The MIS was rhsagd ea as M
promo' the eaadid.ey of btsges eaudidMss
1. mtmidpml .locusts 5. future
a0www meat w ohm lacer
Ossionsatea, Dia IS. -qtr. ateamtt
Yllatee. sir., ea etl ww1...psetst 016111111.
for *soy years s0 employe et /1e
la a, bopped dead we the Aiwa s04=
arae monde .
a_ --"sr•�+-e
Trade Went 1p With the I.0ueels(
Or the .terrkaa Tariff.
TAM Lams P....r Mer1Aa M This 5.ar niece
• M.►b.a 5.err•.. 5e- Cn..Aleir Im-
pert. at That 5'.rt •. 4.cs-
1,.1r4 WIW 115. P1111.
.0 night Mwtb..
PA1 .1, pee. 31 -The Hnffalu customs
homer is grurrnlly n':•nle.l ,M a g•ssl ban,
motor Indicating the trine wa111'auathe.
and err moo ./f the inipsrte entered herr
sera inn., C: n...1s the cumulous report hum
uuuetul iotorost. 11 15 .hump hy official
figures that out tit sixteen years have the
import% entered been .1.011411 as in PIN.
The value of goods entered this year rule -
jest to duty wain but Al.:44l.45,7 and the
duties collc.led 1472;M4 The gods en-
tered free of duty amounted its value to
H410.501• while the year previous they were
valued at $143.328
Shure the adoption of the new tariff
there has been a very large tmpetu- to the
Canadian trade. This is best show„ by a
n,nt5arative etat.mrnt of the value of
entries of gonds freer of duty for the four
last months of 1804 rx .-..nlparrd with 1,144
Month. 714.1. 7,411
Septenslrr . t)IM,:t4:. $4:5.47
1 /slither . . I:41,3.4 :C4,4Y.1
Noss -miser IwS,193 2I.(I4
Iksember . . . 700,7.5) ,•,-3,71)1
It i.. also .hewn that durigg the last four
months of 1)(M the damns* in cuetomo
collections ha. been but M1.300 as compotes'
with the previous year, while the decline
in the preceding eight months was fully
Rn 0.0110. Indicating with the lower tariff
rites a very largely iuerrae d b.lsiuere.,and
it nu1+t lir remembered that with the ad -
valorem dotter. .ulwtitutad for specific
duties the valuation of goods. has been
much lower *u1 does not fairly represent
the acute' increme. IMtieile for the var-
commo.dities represented are not yet
prepared, but lumber (11111.• oyer of the
bigga•.t items for the free list Rush in-
B alldlrp Along the u.nt. Will 51.
'Draped In M.,arwlag.
11.LLI►AS, 15.. 27.- "Thr work of draping
St. Mary'. cat 'talent began yesterday St.
Matthew's church. the .1ca'irmy of Music.
Spring Garden road court house, the
cemetery fence tau Park street, numerous
private buildings aloug the route of the
funeral and the busing... blocks in the
central .treeto of the city will he draped.
'The funeral car i. bring !wilt, the dark
drapery banging (runs it *Instal conceal-
ing the wheel. of the ear. Thick' marls
Jangle et the corners :sod the drapery is
caught up with silver loco. In the centre
11.5 the car is a bier and over all at the
height of right or eine feet is a Iargr
canopy supported 00 columns anti sur-
mounted with plumes and a cn,wu An
arch over the entrance ran the Park .trent
gates of the semesters a ill 'be 27 feet high.
The principal decorations will he in the
Legielativr Council chamber -t large
number of news and living 1.101(* resem-
bling the Easter lily, and extensive drap-
ings of white, black and purple are to he
employed. No gold is to figure in the ar-
ratigemeuts; silver lace will be used in-
HALtPAI, 1)e,. J1. --Gond and l.trfy Aber-
deen, Lady Thontp...n. Joseph Thompson
and members of the funnily. 4:.4rr44r iuld
Mrs. 1)rwdney, Sart' 11 and Lady Popper
and Mrs. Sanford ha.•e attired here for
the state funeral. The Hlenhrlm is ex•
p,ectel u.-n,ornow morning. Landing at
1 )nlnance will taker plots. about 1100n '111e
funeral will *tart from St. Mary's shortly
After noon. col Sherwood. chief of the
mounted police,.is to act as grand n,ar.hal
and he will be as/shoed by about ten Iwo!
Certleuatioa of tbw Ceescr'• Irquesl st
M tddiem.nb.
ST. THOMAS, 550.. 25. The Inquest 0o
the Hrndrrshott case opened at Middle -
march yeotrnlay'. Thr prisoner', Writer
and Heuderebott. were taker[ but
wen. not on the stated. I:hairies D. Welter
gave evidence in a very un.atisfactory
manner and was threatened with eummit-
tal several times David Hrndershott,
father of deceased, and Mary Hender.hott
were again on the stand. but nothing 01
much Importance tea. elicited. The in-
queot adjourned until today.
ST. TH.wA*, 1)rt. :9. -The verdict of
tie• sooner's jury in the Hrodershott carr
WS • That William H Hen.lenhntt
Bene to his death In Wardell's wonrl, in
the township of Sonthwold, on the 14th
clay of Ia.-ember. IMnt at the hand, of W.
H. Welter, nod John liendershott ea so
memory before the fact."
A Child thorned N Death -The rather
Perishes neeklaw Aes/esaoe..
Reofg*. N. W T , Dae 31 --The loose
of William Thompson. a farmer living IS
miles north of Regina, took fire on Satur
day while the tonally were.aleep Thome
sop'. yonngr15 child was burned to death,
another ehikl severely barbed and hie wife
badly burned about the belly Thompson,
Who waw perfectly nude when he ..roped
from the honer, hardily glared his wife and
burned child in an old building and start
d for a neighbor'*. The thermometer
ragi.urel nearly 40 below zero and
Thompson was frown to death before ha
rete heel the house.
New Rosh Niles tem MCrd.r.d.
BRAN-MORO, Dec- 11 Particulars re-
ceivsd herr from Washington, regarding
the death of Reuben Miler, who was robot
on Deremtver M. say the affair occurred at
6.15 dm , and 1be shooting was done by
erne Ton Craven. Areording to a letter
from an eye. leftmost. 7'raven and deceased
had a fight ami were separs4vL and noon
latter re,.nming hi. meal, ('raven grabbed
a revolver and 'lint him is cold blood. The
remains arrived herr no 8010rday sad
were taken to the resident* of Must. Milos,
Oak street, whence the fmmor0l took place
Ith alth et m ager s•••••.-
OrYawA. 011e. Owe.
(.theer of lir. Damon, e= -M. P., A.
died hero on Ratarday •100505 is his Nth
year. He wee chaplain d $L Aa�aws
Society for a couple of years He will sally
& ilea for a bee days sad death tem stat
ex permit
1r.awwlp Iftespoll o.weslea.
1aRoq11, Das 0.-A home home Wowf
lag to Mr. Attldraw H.y... es Oelbe o.
sheet, seer Cherapdde wee a iset e!
plm.ly deserwed by der TM ImmMm W
▪ nm15w ....r and oaMosed.a.aav Pr
ur Coa
April weather in December is
all the explanation necessary.
A positive loss, but our poiicy
is against carrying them over.
$40 Coats for $27.50.
$28 ie $18 50.
$25 it t( $17.50.
$20 " �/ $13.50.
All of this season's make.
Every Coat warranted.
Special snaps in Overcoats and
tCWS aninkticks\v"owe'exice
MUST IMPROVE THE CANALS I veteran.- di,. i:tt:..n :.seri 4 forge ntlmlrr
1 of friend of the de.-.•as.'rl (new the city "
and elsewhere The •.,Iln covered by the
Pinion .I:.4 l w,ls .-'arri.si its a gun • .Irroute
drawn h_, six h.,r-,'. 'I j,e 11th kind play-
ing a 5.l-..• amid a firm:: party of hoindred
own preor11.:.l flier holy The malty f1.ral
tributes weer. (.•*..i Ifni .n design
RMpt.11 of t5. 4sq.A.tseMrst ,.f 1'.Yfle
Works for 0144, work slate.
.41 t1ANr. Dec 31. super ,,t,•,drtt in-
ward minus. ..f the State O, part Meld ..f
Public Work.. lin. .Y.tuplQsl hi. report
•oi the operation of the state canals for the
past season. Thr number of tats carried
..n the canals during Is414 was a,• 12 .111, as etol54 for 14I. .4 ah.• rufersrn.
follows: Erie canal :1.144,144 tun.: Pham- (at sissy, Der 17 It. the Irgt.latitr A' -
plain 11250,2N; Black River :4,0._4, 4 .4,44.14g4.4 senility yesterday Mr Tessier • I5.rtneuf,
145 5471; ('ayuga rind Seneca 50.17" I'D."' asked if it was the attention a the Gut-
pated to INUf4 there is a 1.... of 4411,411: inn'. errnment to 511nt w,nw a*sistanar iso fur
1Te pts t .,aeon t.,nua,te n the •n,ullesr (amilir. of Si \Ihnn whin *uffrMl l.... ly
that has leen transported upon the canal. the Iand.IHM and overdrew of the II ver
any year Once 15214
The Superintendent say's. "Thr time is
fast rap pnarhing when .eprrat of the
canal. in a pi -mites' manner mn+t cease
unless,s the canals are improved. fns ptactt
Al operation cannot continue un:rxs the
business dune thereon can he dune at a
pmflt to the lunat-met.. it is clearly evi
dent that e duof the 1 egtsatuer wl
i'r to providthe the ty oleasurr. forl.•nnotrue-
*ton of largest p.,*sihir causal. intended tot
the 017.g:.tinn of tents of such construc-
tion An is ill 7.e able to navigate the inland
water. of ilii• state "
Iterrurtlr. Piens
THe.i.r.mD, Ont.. Dec. ;pt. One of the
moot destructive Armss that h.aoccurrel In
our village took place testentay totally
destroying the Targe std well equipped
roller Auur trill belohgtog to .lames ('ad-
vert The cause of fire is'tnkuown but is
.tipplers) to have originated front hot
7,,x.•o in the third 'dory. The fire misread
to the triune boom owned hy- the estate of
the late Mr Hose and occupied by John
Chester Thr next building to falls prey tr.
the devouring element was Mr. Blarney
Service's Tarn $which was soon levelled to
the rro,Ind A strong south west wind
wee blowing and there was great danger
of the many buildings in that direction in -
e luding D. Weirs tax mill, but through
the efforts of our citizen'stheme were saved
The Iq,aws were as follows: Jas. Calvert,
mill insured for $8,4x11, loan 57.001); Hose
estate. insurance Wm, lams 1135I): Harney
Service, insurance 51(10. D. Weir had ova
g1) bushel. of flax seed +toted In the grist
mill imported from ¥nglemd lad meson at
a high price and will be a hewer to the
extent of about $7$10
St. Anne in l peril. Pet. Hon. Mr. Tuition
replied that ...vera) such like demands
have horn n,:Ide to the Government by the
pari.hionerm of St. AnIse de Laprvade and
St Camunit .Ind the GnverllnIerli had to
await tw(,ni taking any action. as there
were two...,,Ales interested. The too.
eminent would gisr the matter their stri-
ous oon0ileratiern
STRATFORD, 57..' 9?. - John Har.lm*,i of
chie pl.0 r, son of t he G T. 1: engineer of
that nano-, • nt.•nvl the her of the %1hton
Meted yrstrnls) .end presenting a .wheel
revolver at Mr S t 4'am,•n.n the proprie-
tor, ts.id. "D )ou. 1.11 killyou TWIGS
the weapon missed fin•, the thiol time it
went ..R. the Millet going through 4'amer-
on's c..11 ,ort vest near his middle, but not
even scratchlc.i: him !birdman then ture-
el the recuts, r ton th. bartender holt it
only .u..ppwl 114. was almost immediately
arrested :end 1.,.-k.sl np He of lair hila
been drinkinu bast ill.
to tl.bawa Fir..
04114s.s Out IM. "li Firm wan dim-
cover.d to for Pedlar frame lenklings on
7lmc....t. It .tatted in Salter's barber
shop � which it . ompletely gutted {tentage.
5130) W Hotp ph 's Karnes. shop also
sustained dana:.ges to extent ,d pty((t.
I)amarte to buildings estimated at 1000
A11 fully covered 5y in.urante
A• 014 tike Cap/ala 11.1.6
HAVII.Tnc, Ihr_ 211 (apt Wm. Wooel,
who haw re.hlel in Hamilton for thirty-
seven seta'+, and who for quarter of a cen-
tury Saw hers in remnmand of bake ves.rl•,
d ied at his re.id.o.e here Deseamd waw
A nut, of 1 iris hey and came to Hankins
t etaH. I peltry Aw.latles. when a lod Ile was well known ..n the
New 71swarm. Ont.. IM's '1) - The lakes mill highly respected.
somal exhibit of the Ontario Poultry M•
. o.•iatlon will take plate here next week
commenting .Tannery 1 and continuing
until Finlay noon, January 4. Over 1,305
entries from 45 different plats in Canada
and the I'nitel Mates have been r.ertvd;
11,1/1) its prior. are offered. The Mock w111
be the flue1 un the continent. The exhibi-
tion hall has been enlarged and treaLly
Improved wad makes • splendid plat'. for
the show F Goble is the superintendent
The jndgew.r* Sharpe Rutierlekl, Wind
1. l: Jarvis, London . Thom Smelt,
Wondorta.rk . 1. J Jnhnsttnt, Toronto The
annual meeting of the poultry imenciatina
for li..Je'ti a of officers will take place
bent own January Sell Hon- Clarke Wal-
lace, Him .31. Dryden, J. 1 Gillett, Rx
psrlsaea51 F.rm. Ottawa, sad other pro
sanest gentleman will addeese the mese-
Sem*•./ or the Learn r)s5 tikes..•
Relation, Dee. 17 --The remains of the
bM 1X01 Ohl. Skinner, whirl' were
Istw/ghs Mee hum W*edees& Tuesday,
were kmrltld pestesithir a hsraaaa r
buy. Ilamr4 both
Ohm the weber, =dyes caaoaled
Non. 111111/aialwa,Mw
Why MenNN . Wheat N Ohm.
Mo.TRRAT. DSC. 17 --W. W. Ogilvie, the
h.g floor m1IMr, has returned from hie
annual tear of inspection in the west. He
*tat.s that 'the cause of the advance 7.
Mani,., ha wheat t. the scarcity of wheat
Mr (toilets. says it Is his Intention to erect
eh new elevators next year and to enlarge
the Winnipeg mill.
theimm4 the Rey Rtae..
VICTORIA, It 1'. Dee `M .The st.mmr
Mischief whit% .e anchored MT ('armaaah
has On board the fore. of police who wast
to the west roma of the Wand to maws"
to rapture the white man who sold • white
hoy u, • west .meat tribe of ladle.* They
• eelpthmltass
red tho tee sad waet sad
tease a/se.r •a-Wmd.
WILLAND, 001, Deo. 111. -Thee. Stator
the young mem who ese/tetd t.
attempted to ernes a Orval ?run:mi
semis about Ave miles west ef Nit
Pahl IPS the slot .t ihssambor I1eh, moo
helms the insert here rowdy for e.. -
Masa mai we /vW05 sty Ussery