HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-3, Page 37,77.---V ' -fin' 111 I>leatrslwle 11►L MIOHOLSON,?�a��L,. . seems impede ysad piss yreeWaal a 6 Iymrrmmsalms Asa lir iliMi. • desill d wie lar ,aides smMlai of testi OperaHsasa ..haws. al Ott salami r 1BIRAr aledllea$. IR. HUNTER. I'UYl5ICIAN, SUR 1.00 ae.Oaea Ms Mask Mesh s'ala Niwkt eel it noes Ibitlsh f aeyep fits. RwRal. CAMP,ION JOHNSTON, EARNS - ova Oi• se. -Over Jested'', Dreg $1.a.. uIL CAM 1l0tf, Q. C.. M. 0. JON N. eiZ le 1.0.. 0/TUB t DANCE?, BARRISTER, aebcltor. Convey/seer, to_ eta Ream .t loom rases. Horlusi Bl.ok, O♦ ()irate. Hetet. oed.rtob. Oat. l►-tt �. List BARRISTER, set PROC in Oistarte RO. HAYS, B/11t1USTE , SOLem. des and ICIT . OKgettertalk 0. l.lepaeb .lag Pre - initis Taaool OSTelk l*» testi at lowest ram ��ter- se GARROW t PROUDFO(YP, BAR- 01. T. arrow.AtternL fl•� beds riDk. J. T. Darrow. �.0 W. Preedleeit. CAMERJN, HOLT & HOLMES, Herrlwers. Solicitors 4 1 h seP r k•. ` . t.C. C.merea, a Holt ;Donee Ramos. O. WARD, OONVEYANOER, J. to.. Sad eemml.Yower ter tsetse and ec Weida. reeoRalsseee* of ball. affidavits s ttirwatlose. d.pasLUuss or mamas declare hem dl elag oreu.ou nnIng mthe High � ao 0ourt of 'J 011 Ofice. tike Oevtot Appeal for °surto. or 4 say (booty IR Dlvutoa Coen. All tmoseeltea* asref01V sad premed, sweated. Iladdesee sad P.O •direr-Doaaao•oa Out 1111+t iA.O/ ala 1n.O1P.1\eee CI V.111160111111, weeaiwell e. N ` mesal N».11eitmlinessOING I h podeAoh. 11i ON ET TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 1111 at bl per Safi. Nous dlsmeatsd. C. N tLO•'Jt, *Mee oppeMte Mort4'e Hotel. lied& rte►. MONEY TO WAN. - $26,000.00 Priv s. u per sen lip seedy. l.Or'1'U i D Y. 'S oppeatts Oslbseas res I. Mi-il L� J. T. NAITEL, DIRE, LIAR AND 1' . unmeant homemade sweat' at lowest neat Oise -Cor. Nertk+t Saud (lgarw 0.4 ' dolt t'i00 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO OANZ ROR moi t s s10t.Msa Rede ONEY TO LEND. -A LARON smeentot Primo* reads ler 4viStmse thea on eseserssISsreeagea, Appl3 t PIIOUD/OOT RRADOLIVNE, GENERAL II1. . weasos. Ileal Mato sed Meloy t Osl7 Ir -arm eomnsat.. wpeese•ud Moose to Lend we s+olgb ham sl the lowest rase a caters gels& is y to .alt IM .0 (M wer. oe-- sa Adoor freesSquare. West Street Rode. Sidmar 11.OY utie. fO1111t1OH IIBOHANION INSTI- �1J?U L:�U•RY AND fltRADINU- R00)ll, else. of oast street sad agger'. MP Mira Open tam 1 to a ►,xe„ Sad tree t to U roto ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leadity Daily, Weseiy ..d IUteeivwfed Pee/wwss,, Manuires, de., ow Pile. M illinnaHI TICKS?. ONLY sloes. peened tree use of Liman and tteed4lt- Applteauo.. rot membership received b7 (.Iberha. lames J. H. UOLHOHNE. 0010. STIVZN, Preideat atseei.ry. OlMwie► M.reh letk w THOMAS OVNDRT, AMMONIUM .ad is ersass *riot. O�ewit1. Oat- Amest Leaden .ad Laseaokir nsa sou•. i Ow. Sad re District Menial lea. Os. st- aaadad to is Sar part et the meaty. lede JOHN 1tNOX GENERAL AUO- tlaasar and Load Vslester, e.asrlsk, Onll .laid tad Smelt -RMS szperlease 4 the .ad 0ek los r 4 e pparMem se dr°b•rge with Memel uYsAww .B nam Wedges estrusted le bim. seems tett et HN aMaadrtth e'sbRetel. tzar .,n hl• od EMOZ oar udlnesse Nt1 1DBatt.I t 4 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT MIN 8TH86-Cd�ORIDE .T DR. E. RICHARDSON'S LITHE - 1 stood to -eight by a river's brisk. I'll. td and silver! clear It •ovne. I Lave Iw1 to .toopaod from 1t drlak, And I shell forget my eerie Sad wee0. »ere a boos to forget ills Sant, N it!. all Its morrow and all Its pain. 1 n pleasure. aid Joys leu .west to Ia.t. 11.. struggle and toll of Land •.ei brats. The doubts lied follies. the fault. and Meh- 1 arI steep to drink and yet god yet I pau.e beton oblivion etas: Is there anything 1 would got forget! The mead of a vole* of e1Q: The eyes than glle'tened with love and treat. Toe tow -tier • pend that's load been told. The pnrure of lips that have loos beea duet With • ,tart 1 turn host Lire's brisk. Oblivo.n mai be sweet std yet TM fates he praised that !did not drink T. an some things 1 would Wit forget. -Sdith *ossiens Tupper. in t tn. e . Work. RS*TAI. PARLORS. IPEM/ MOUSE I1LICP BEST-STMEET OODICUOZ, ONT. �DItt serdtee me unlimited INrtaetlem. atter a tis appr.tyrtl.. f dells ttel .wA the most mel :w palms. te embeds that i kave the sail she mehal 0 mat se w h Redertek. the West md..ttle dWovery which le warranted sere le meats the least pais daring tbe sztescties of teeth or stump' of any tied Is witty �e eases. very Uttls Ml■ la the !Sleet JOTS �Z,-0SL0 7:1 ffi r s tectal sese'tbet ie tat sever-sRhset Ill. Vetis the slightest. L harmless es water. r• the best method kae'wa ea earth to realer ie pull aea- IUvie M pais. Patleate more mor h rddttv+Ig Mr elon& an Its Mem. ♦Frwdtot�r'vldefea'f�tahe* mil sad .4 All dem dim My psOtisilaWrt'Ie are mine. UPI DR. R. RICHARDsOR. THAT BATH. -• w -.lure ,fir... . t'" THE SIGNAL : GO OH. ON T., THURSDAY, JAW. >I. llat. gled. The laughter of tie atterdsat seemed to echo la his sore like lits ehrt.ks o[ 10,1100 lends. He thought be war dying, and his past lite looted bio fore bim. a moving phant.smagerta is the mist. He ..w Widow O'Hara ' You old wretch'" she exclaimed. -Now you aro getting your deserts You would sell me tout, would your lihe shook her hat at him se he cower- ed there. and her figure wee replaced by others. the ghosts of those whom he had robbed. teeny of them children with faces pinched by hunger, who had areas fruits the grave to confront bim. Ab, it war * merry procession for Thank.giv Nig dry. as long as the longest chain gang of slaver that ever toiled under the lash iu the torrid interior of Africa Aud the maledictions they heaped upon hint their faces distorted with hatred and their voices quivering with rage? What a nolle they made, to be sure. these phantoms! Spens had never it awned that ghosts could shriek and yr. in that fashion. It was • pandemoni tum of sneers, wails, abouts and howls -- exclamation' of endless aversion and outbursts of undying scorn that pierced the brats and rucked the senses. It was indeed pleasant company for Thanks- giving day' Nor was that all' Beelzebub himself war there, and never had his horns seemed so high or his tail so long! • 1 dont like 1t,'• gasped Bhftins. "Let me get tont." "No. no, Blit. We've got you now, and we are going to give you • little foretaste of what will come when you have presently shuffled off this mortal coil. This is nothing to what it will be then." "This is pretty warm," moaned Blit fins, argumentatively. "Ab, but von wait. When you are dousing gayly upon the live coals, with sulphur Haines shooting up around yon. time you'll understand whet • torrid temperature is like. 1 have a nice, pleasant furnace especially prepared for you. and you shall have it all to your self. ' "But 1 don't want it all to myself, " groaned Bliffinr. "You'll get used to it. ('owe along. now," "What. now"' shrieked B1iffins. "Yea. now.'. "But I don't want to die now. 1 can't. 1 won't. 1 in not prepared. I've been an old sinner. Let me live, and I'll repent." "Oh, you'll repent? How many lie* have you told"' • •But 1 wont tell any more. 1'11 reform 111 go to church. 111 put 10 cents in the cuntribntion hoz every Sunday , 111-' "It's too late, Bhftlna. " "Mercy. 1 "Have you ever had mercy on the widows and children' Come on, now.' He prodded the unfortunate man with his pitchfork and lifted him up as easily as if he bad been a bale of hay. Bliffinr uttered a piercing shriek of deeper. and It was a beautiful day, but Burlins had nothing to be thankful fur. or rather it wasn't like Ithffins tobethank fel for anything. so after going over his amounts in the morning he left ms office with the saute immovable expres- sion of countenance and the sante steely look in hie gray eyes, Bliffine was in the chattel mortgage busineea, and .IA - he .marred from his dingy office he was turning over in his mind how much the Widow O'Hara owed him and how he would Dell her furniture on the morrow if the money war not forthcoming. which woo extremely unlikely. since three of the widow's children were down with the meaelee and the mother's scanty earnings had gone to prey the doctors few. Bliftina chuckled. ()h, thewe doctor*: and the tee:ales, and the scarlet fever, and the other ailments children 1144, prone to aro • boon to the chattel mart age shark' And Miffing knew how to squeeze people. for he had grown old in the occupation. flow he liked to get the widows and children and bed -rid- den workingmen in hie withered old arms. It was nut the philanthropic em bre, s_M pinch as the ort Whitrua1 with his humanitarianrian doctrines, coon no, indeed- it was more like brace of the iron virgin, dri pointed nails into the heart and the victim How it come to pass no one Perhaps it was became It was hours before mealtime. Perhap for the reason that time hung since he could not transact owing to the stupid custom of aside a day for general feastin the majority of mankind had to be mern' over' At that very Blilfine was asking i:tn'oelf. W merry because then. is Mekn world were they light-hearted the other days of the year we grind were they happy be -cava knowing ones eecure•l all the w cuw:, itlatt.oleaving to the of task of striving without succems, work ung with memoir remit* and agau►et hope' It Might ;tare been that workingmenac •eived- the em- vtng the brain of knows. yet two Mittens heavily. bttat41ews. getting g -aa t1 nythnig moment ere people eta to the because all one the few wlIyac her$ the bolting he were Gibers, Mislaid Older has two laid up far sheet • week, from a ...yore bee tr.•nt 0 ides!. 1f everylin•iv ealty knew hew efle iv. i r. L.volletee'e .yrs', of Turpentine ie for the ears of (olds and rremellr, they wield sever take soy ether remedy. 11 is by far the mot •fReseeeue 4 all `wins prepare soma Blyth : 1)s Moir aIle. iso T'.lae arrived .t taus Maths _Oslo!, bevies enfRaisatl► nsevesd to be able to be removed le Mr Mme lou flees W awa.eab. She had boss 1'r uovelal uveae is we of the l..pi We is do dep. when she hd M*. madesoiws a ensl5ies. A dewy Mow r dtwye mum pndset- iw o1 alio r essebs tin • ammorry Mew 'Hh is tae mime Avert Marry Pe. ,aa .estiV4 and proem em esrre ti -ilm ter /peri st .fi.k r 14 novelty of the idea appealed to UhtMns heir an &expiration -if such a.entwi441t could move his w.thrrei old heart and do-ty brain At any rate, he poised beton. a Turkish bath. hesitated a mo- ment entered. was given akey. and ill a few moments in the erclusio:t of a drt»n- ing 4 Mom was dtve.tiug his shriveled figure of its' rusty raiment. As he stalkrel' out with the towel wrapped about his loins he was met by the at- tendant ••Rtt;ht this way. sir." said the latter, and Bhffine followed him into a mom where the teuiperattlre at first 'teemed uncndnr•ble. "Ibn t thtm pretty warm?" asked Bltf- ens, as he sank into a couch. •Not at all. You'll have it warmer than this before you're through. • said the attendant, with a grin. it flashed acre... Bliffins inind that the man had a istrt►cnlarly villainous cast of oonnten Knee. but that may have been Bliffins' fancy for everyone hooked hit* a rogue or a fool to him, the latter class' pre- dominating Bltffiwi was left alone. for no one else happened to patronize the lath that mor A pleasant feeling stole over him His withered limbs seemed to be- cninr more supple and the thin bio d to circulate more actively in lila veins. He sank into a sort of somnolent nirdi taboo. his business traneactione still npperino4t in his wtnd. "Oh, 111 sell out the Widow O'Hara to -morrow," he thought. "and make • cool hundred by the transaction. People tell !me I'm hard. Bah' I'm a good business man. and .very day I'm growing newer and richer. Money is what makes you feared and hated Isn't it gond to kronor there is un .mein the world who doesn't drsptae yen'" The thon.ht was so pleb sant that he chuckled wore audibly than tumid. Meanwhile the atmosphere howl De- mme more cloudy and the hest *tots stiffing. Bliffinss began to feel unmet - (unmade • The temperatnre is getting pretty high. lie thonght. Is of Irtrarn rolled It wan (treat clout into the roam. as if the attenelante were bent in earnest opus thawing out his dry nil frame lie could hardly see uta cetilnq. "Whew1 can't stand :Lis." :-n•1 Bdlffin* Risin:. he mole uIo woo 1.. the door sad tried to open it. Horror,' it was locked, but through the gla.t Bihinacould arm tie villainous at- tendant "Lot sue ont?'• he *hogged The .tt.'ndant only grinned, and his fore kinked more eholtelieal than ever- • 'I'm roasting in her," exclaimed Ialiffina 'Weil, rood. " •aid the ailmndimat. '.You west let lie o.er The man grinned mph and tamed away. ''1'ttop I H eap t faros beak t Olt J'i• MF Shwas telera lits fI1IlleOti, fees. semen alma foinellitt him no ked Meanie move IMAM Uirompor Waft in heavier ein*As lraa OIL fie ' CRISP AND CASUAL esrdeek Nulls, ...U. ta1e sad ewe, n- aiden, the hear sad sure eseempetiea TM Perry umpsay ellen to take • tea years' freackre .a the Arepner waterwer4 Be. law'. Ple•eaat Wenn Syrup removes weenie .1.11 kiwis trim chddrea or adult ltfeh.rd Dagen, ea old .ad well -know. P. IL leloader, bee just dad, aged 71 years. That ksekty abagh can be gaall, oared by Howard's Pectoral Balsam. Pries 2bc. It a expected that • brasuh of the Hank .1 Heaultue .41 sum be upeeed ii 141110 Cnrreet. 7'he Ham'Ito. School hoard will pretest 1,000 books as pares to the Public sc400l- ok'eren. The South Waterloo farmers Institute will be is eemrm at Hamburg and Galt is January. Bering` the last lour menthe the Stayner White Mills have grouad over 40,000 bushels of wheel. Joan Bott.nll, of Fallarton, will soon take charge til the l.r•ad l'moo Hotel at (,'!tato•. It is said the 1'ollisgwood town omitted - lore are about to vote theoselves mammal aUowanose. Fmk Mo[esse's hots, barn, buildings .ad ooatosts, FaUuwlield, hare :.els de- stroyed by are. The Stratford G.T.It. look and Ladder (bmpauy has tkea first prize as the best n the system. A farmer was Send $1`. for selling • hoe of potatoes m the Hamilton market that wY umd.r weight. The Loud sesseemaot el the Massey -Harr e property, sobool Sad irootage tax at Wood. stock is $35,000. •rthur E. Roes. R A., of Cobden, has been elected president of the alms Mater Society of Queen's Calve/soy. • farmer has bees summoned to appear before the police magistrate of Hamilton tor selling a bag of uasoond apples. Ur Shselds, an souneat physician of Ten h.•seee, says " t regard Ayer '• `:•reapsnll• as the beat blood n.ed.ene on earth, sad 1 know of assay wonderful cures affected by mts See." PhyucLass s11 over the land hsve made si.silar statement&. "All right, sir Heady for the was sage treatment now, air?" 1t was the attendant who spoke I:liNus rubbed his eye, an he woke til and stared in bewilderment • 'Why, where is- Bah! I'm a fool'' • You went to bleep, sir. We gave it to you pretty warm, sir." 1 (1.0411(1 think yon did'" BMus. Did Bliffins emerge from his Turkish bath that day a changed man' Did he ct►ucel at once the debts of all Ins no fortunate creditor*' Did he send every one a turkey poet haste with the con pllnlente of the sea.on` Did be disp•tct a wagon load of prorisi»ns and garment! to every charitable institution that the Lime and the halt, the young and the aged might be fed and clothed? Not Blitlius! His heart wasn't of that kind. He was consistent to the end in hie character. He squeezed them horde! than ever. muttere.i sats Mees. Skis Uaoea.es aro more or lee occasioned by bed blood. (L B. B cures the following .kin dossers Shingles, Erysipelas, lacbtng Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Eruptions, Pimples. sail itlotches, by removing .11 im purtu0 from the blood from • oom'mo0 Pimple to the worse Scrofulous Sore 2w Riley'. Portrait After • few minutes' chat Riley said, with a comical side glance at me : "('oma up into my library." I knew what sort of a library to ezpect it was a plea- sant little upper room, with a bed and a small table to it, and about $ dozen !auks. Mr. Riley threw oat his hand in D comprehensive gesture, and said 'Thio is as .nmpttlous a ruotn as I ever get. 1 live must of my time in a Pullman cat or hotel. and you know bow blamed luxurions a.l (ordinary hotel is." He is a abort tnan with square should ere and a large head. He has a very dignified manner -at time& His face is smoothly shaven. and though he is not bald, the light Dolor el his bait makes him nmrn 00 Him eyes are gray and round. and generally solemn and sometimes stern. His face is the face of a great actor - in rent, grim and inscrutable: In action. fnll of the must elusive expression, capable of humor and pathos. Lite need humorists. be u *ad is repose His language. when he choose* to have it an. ie wonderfully concise and penetrat ing and beautiful. fie drops often into db,lect but always with. look m his face which shows be h aware of what he 1. fining. In other words, be is master of both torment Speech. His mouth Is hie wonderful featnr•--wide. Aetihlr clear - herb Sesser People who keep their Dream dark for fear of the suoltrht opothne their carpets sad furniture bale so Idea of the themes des- troying influence of sunlight and au. Resent experiment mad. in the Pasteur lsetitate have Mows that bacilli exposed to the son sad air were de.treyed in two hour whsle these exposed to the son, the air be- ing excluded, were alive after fifty hours of exposure. Ur. Pelona), of Naples, made an lasereettag ezpenateot loth cholera bactlh. N hilts he found those protected from the mite killed guinea pigs u eighteen hours, as usual, these exposed to the sun, i though not killed were rendered ehttrely bsrtnlesS. As to the inflames of sun sad air oo Micah, it was •.00rteused tk*t the nxygea of the sir had • marked effect to an - swung the tea's rays, end that the bacteria suffered more from the sun's rays if the sup- ply of oxygen was laetesmed thee if it use d,mloiebed. Certain liquids. too, whelk will uoderr0 putrefaction in the dark will rime's sweet and free from bacteria when exposed to hie sun's rays. Air and sun are Nature's panhere. ■abby'n %ew (Ypr.. She got out of her carriage and walked lath the cigar more, at the mire timle un- tasteatng her seslaktn coat. "I want a box of cigars for my heabsad, please. Let me see an l kind*. " Now here me some Key West goods we can sell for $8, and hen .re domestics from that down to 1250 " said the obliguor clerk. She looked at thea' carefully. „ti ou may wrap up Chet box at f2.50," mid she, with dummy, "I like the shade better. It will about match hie smoking ).stet-.. tar :Atter 1• Grippe. After la Grippe obstinate roughs, lung trouble, eta., frequently fellow. There u Do remedy en prompt, and at the same tame effectual .ad pleasant, as Milbare'e Cod Liver (hl !Emulates with Wild (merry and Hypopboephotes, which u the latest sad best oombt.eties of anti ooneumptiye rem. dies. Priv 50c. sad 11.00 per bottle. 2w The Way tae rear Sees Mt. Joyously to the hop.(uL Blithely to the maiden Busily for the housewife. Fest, too feat for the worker. With • cold shoulder for the uneuo•.asful Slowly, se slowly, te the weary sad sof (snag. O'er thor.y breaks and 'tenet" with the polititien. With heartaches and dteappointmeats for the ambitious. With its June sad ornately not without its December. W.en,..a Gray's Aro Whoopee/ mush and all threat seep "We always fry ours irk Cottolvr)e." Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Oysters,SarR- ris Chips, Eggs, Doughnuts V egetables, etc. Like most other people, our Urs formerly used lard (o all tl� purposes. When it dis- with any o? the -family (whlf:h it o&en did) we said it was �oo rich." We filially tried 1ene and not one GI us has had an attack d -"richness" side.ft--1 _ We found that, unlike lard�ottolene had no unpleasant odor when cooking, and lastly Mother's fa- vorite and conservative cooking authority came out and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the matter. So that's why we always fry ours in Cottolene. Sold to I sod 6 In. pmlls, by all grocer. Made eel/ bp THE N. K. FAIRSANI COMPANY. weals/rte. end Ann Strawy MONTREAL. Colborne fir James Long had the miefortnee to get her leg broken last week. I:rev The 100 sere farm belonging to the Jobs Loa` estate, 12.h coo , has bees sold to Joh.' Trireme. The price pard was 14.000. Norway Pine S. rue cures troughs Norway Piss Serop cures Bronchitis. Norway tine Syrup heals the lungs RETIRING FROI ROSINESS 30H RALPH, TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -at., has decided to retire from bu.inees, sad will dispose of his entire stock AT and BELOW ,_,OST! in order to sell nut quickly. JOHN RALPH. w -I1 The Old Reliable COAL ALWAYS 011 HAND. SOMETHINC YOU Otto t OW Chinaware (made by D. R. Ge of Antwerp, Germany), Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls, Plates, Cups and Butter Dishes, etc. NOW is the time to purchase your HART) COAL The hest and only 3l'KANTON HARD COAL in this tusrket supplied at current prices on shortest notice. All Coal WeigheJ at the Mar- ket. (;all and see GURNEY'S NEW OXFORD line of THE CHEAPEST AND B HARPER & The leading Slot a Dealers, Plumbers, T Heating Engineers of (3oderieh. E7Stot'e Fitting and Repairing promptly attended to COAL OIL --4 Imperial Gal's for 45c - HALUDAY'S IMPERIAL I8 LI IIP -TO -DATE RESTAIIRAIT. Choicest Confectionery, Oysters, F Only the Best kept on hi STOCK -TAKING SALE.. . As we intent taking stock next month, for the NEXT THIRTY 1l give some rue bargains u Stoves, Cutlery, Tinware, Lamp C3oc • \1"e have some of the beet Stoves to the market our; our twsreeei.r tp we are 'eller them cheap. However, rather than keep say over, we cheaper still. Ws are sole agouti' for U Moots a Co.'s Stoves of whiei we sold 7 big are splendid bakers, and the bre door is 1u11 sire of tire hoz for baraiag Examine this Stove before buying W M. LEE Orden left at EA.SPE$ 3 LIB'S store promptly attend. -d to Take it always- Take no other For Coughs and Colds time eller trowblse etc H•gy_rd'_ Yel- low Oil is the best 'embrotton .ver dr- S eayrup severed. It promptly relieve 4 m 0.me- ttea. pals .ad soreness from whatever ease uirwg._ 2* A 500'4 Beebe N•pelled. •'Lookn here. what's alt this talk erieet 'ballot retorts,' Anything to it' Reek°. there fa Don't arem prohibition. doss it' Ob, as. Well, that's all right. Here, John' Roll • ..other barrel e' iieiter se' epee the • ..dtl•.M stnsfM. Obdiw't. Ussgbe yield to the ietefel @toothlike aside. el Norway Pine Syrup. The maiden . orreiMent rough of oaaaatept(ye is cut His hipe are capable of the grim puck!, rimmed by tka t1 1..,ll threat mut end the merriest hem' When be sad Tung r.m.Ay. Prise NIs sad SOr 'Lw real. they (Mont like n . Ilii w I'r draw down into a atraight grim line like • NOW England dewot. • err close at awe side and nnt'nver lila white mod •Yesi teeth et the other. in the Sly Smile o1 I,ywh •wag, Qt she t3sv.rn.w to Offer a 'Benjamin F Jobn,en." the hntwbis e,nj for .0, sa' tien ewe w11► 1M stet ban.o:1,1 mud philo.ogther in hid SWR 1ff'" proper perwon he is full of guider-at- beautiful ua _ beautiful phikaophy. H. is win rather than learned wise with till quality that a in proverbs almost leeched with humor. His eyes are near .$gbtad tied kis naso im prominent His heed lad the • 'Moir hammer" valet". ea he ane is The purlieu issinas Mae there is m elilemeae of rewe.bl lie. between Mr. Riley, Ss - roe rim std Bin Nye H. is .bent f i0ra el 011e r a Weblike -Eta • n.stseew Uomeser "Times are a .gkty Mrd. You es& (hitt( nae ahem. left nm .d what'. spas' /be Rel./. Tensa Tells. tesetipalns. Readaeh., Rtlliewensse sod D .d Blood are promptly eared by Mri.ek ✓ ed Bitsm whtek map .pee she uMm.ah, lie.l. bowels, .54 Need, wring mil their M s.YMe• Erre. Mamie -Raw dM yes ever memealeere tin yang mas e1 his lope wyen/ Wier -Tea him shoppleis e.e es mei M him wadi me glee I nee M a hemp* /It1wtl1 • ,. Red of Spruce Oum WORSELL c FANCY SLIPPERS 14 FOR CHRISTMAS PRESEIv. We hate dust received a line assortment of Fancy Slippers •Ili Christina, Presents which we are prepared to LTive you at Prices competition hall and ..r thein We hear a great dead al.out Bargain Days just 110w. We Will Bargains in Ladies', Gents', anti l'hildren. Footwear of all styles. Men's Foxed Lace Roots, .olid loather, Woe. per pair. " " Congress ,' " " $1.1:10 per poit- La.dieti Butt Boole, from :►:n. up to >t:t.04P. Boys., Miens and Children's Shoes at equally low priors. In ( overshoes se will give you pries* lower than the lowest. Ladies Felt Button er-shoes at $L_.rt per pair. " Waterproof at 1.:,0 per pair. Gent. Snow Excluders, Lined, at $1.•'10 per pair. We carry the celebrated 1:ranby l overshoes in stock Elitt iron and will be sold at prices to suit the times lollies' Over Stocking. at 40.. and :•U.. per pair. We final in hoots and Shoes exclusitely and two give you for le,os money than you have to pay for inferior goods in tie P.S. Remember that we offer so PILE:JIII'M to net Goods except their F:xe.'ptional Value THE OI.D STANDARD REMEDY FOR. CO1TGHS, COLDS. ASTHMA and all Affections of the Lungs as ere ye. get Cleave syrup. TM drsy'e that are. .se. sad pc. a bottle. Geld everywhere. tuaT WATSON i CO.. Moore, emu Ca .UW1T:IEA L. Rob c. Roy Cigar 11', no WORM(' Tit I h but 0.1 canna smolt a better Cigar than dlROI ROY," ill% b allot I got Sal( d Owlsfor quatur • L r ■inane wawa, ss.. 11111 '-..tt' Corner h...t .t and Square W. SHARMAN, Succeeeer to NEW =..42NES N- - ar Ess c� 1 Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do Spread -Eagle style of advertising w, common at the cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right ere time, Quality considered. i need not enumerate Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public no House in the Trade can do better. as I buy Wholesale HOutte•1, and on It +trictIy es'•h basis. just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Sor, s.- Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Iwapretsen Rl.dt7 II.1M014. p rot 'A.M CROSS -CUT SAWI! We keep a 14r4. • a, or it of this market : grows' fruut four to use i'au1as on the face, AND ARE FULLY Them Bondi IVO hasp n 4sisid I. AT PRICES NEVER A NU Use of irilm, Jointers, Handles rill OsMa DA MIaSa1ld�BrDtld. +�ealexeak _"