HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-3, Page 2• With • made that ossld �ad turned -mail SW legged ed tamped )wield Nerdy et Ida led of the reel, The Duke naps it with tee sad beet, They all leered in main Pipers ranged to a row, E Shmas to lams Kato•, heeks like crimson began u blow, At the weddiag of Rhos Maclean. At the wedding of .hon Maclean 'Tey blew with leap of Iwetbrr, Asti Wit biome was the strain Them Pipers played together ' with the mountain dew, Bilty of hone and thew, •with the Monnet • blue, ' Terms and blackce„k feather . ,Aced every piper was fou. Tlveaty papers together. e bet Medicine. r. WiLM)It, Contractor and 'r, Sulphur Springs, Texas. .oaks of Ayeer's Pills: rev's Pills are the b,•st medicine I rival; and, in my Judgment. so general remedy rood he devised. • used them 1. my family and mended them to my friends sad .yeas for more than twenty year& ey e.rtain kuowl..Ige, many cease e f.•ll.,wing complaints have bees •et. Iv and 3rmanently Cured vuse of Ayers Pill%stone : Third :Il*, dumb ague. Mlaona fever. ....tache, rheumatism. Hut, dys- .oasttla.tion, and hart colds. I that a moderate uw• of Ayers •iitinurd fees a few days or weeks, •tura of tlrr roil plaint required. found an absolute cure for the rs have wooed al..vc.' lure beep selling nmdieine -Mr 'ors, and i eau saf.•ly may that 4 Pula yh'i. _bette'r sallsfaetlom v n h. r Yiol I ever ,old." -J. J. , Stmt•,•11 -ini i t•. 11., Ca. let kf-t'fa PE LLS b, • .. A r ' o ... !.•.well. lre55 erj ' ' -.ifectly. HE DIME BANi+ MAN. $intrul Crszsaynnrte for he Now ITTLE OF EVERYTr4ING. *ay l mg Wath MN Baby nay. v, 'Luau r. nests-. nay be that fortune leaves n.e, may be that fame deceive» ine, t pleasure's early vintage Ins leaked from me cup of ley : my looses .nil my crosses to me u , m.,re than dross i• r•ILck, when 1 frolic, with my little baby boy. y be that I'm a sinner, n my chance, growler thinner, • gold within my nature 'infers much from base alloy : 1 know that 1 m • mellow, np1. hearted, tender fellow, 1 temp and play and frolic with my bright eyed baby boy. ]toy be that 1 grow weary hamnetimes of the world w dreary, t moody meditation may too oft my mud employ, his merry eyes begu.ltng gee my humor *010 smiling, practice many au mile with my laughing baby b,). ben the little fellow a dreaming, And the golden owecade a streonong me his head upon guy bosom, and he sleeps w.thout annoy them 1 kis the lips of laughter ihnkiag that the great hereafter be ebeerl.ss 111 ora not frolic with my baby boy. . Tee wedding et alum Uarteas. Robert Bntb•nan's New Volume, lade of Life. Love and humor.' h. weddug of Shoo Maclean 'way wet and wind weather ' Ar the thee' twind and the rain, Cam• twesty Pipers together ' reach and Dougal i)bu, ady of Ida too, •cb with the bonnet o' blue, *Sartori, and blackceck teather : every Piper was fou, Twenty Pipers togethei ' a t rum erljleated the idea wade a Le- iser and Mrsme Insane - Mb lark In a Weer, ticket wktrb aresgen tea Beed- . ed 4 Mimi at tee algae 11me TIE SIGNAL : GODIRICA, ANT.. TATTRRPAT .I A N. 3. 1*14. SHIPS THAT CAN NEVER COME IN. er►. wondrously fair are the Leland. of HAW 1'hope .1.04a we never have Been Hut we I. 1641,1 they are septa* -ot there in the weal, Their valleys all gl..wlne to green. \o t hod ever cruse•r t to dr i ropl. a1 sky. And there le no ...rr.,w our .in, .\04 utast ,n their harlrw all peacefully lie the .hip./ lass . au 114,11 .-..iaa.11. There de ell the fair tares our fancy may ase. N114 eye, of the tenderest Moe. That owe In .,ur .lumber. u. ,,w sad to m!. 1• drrrue. that ,-an 'trvcr cutin• I rue. \\'r )..> full) greet there, nor w t.h they were hero ''111.1 All of the .ganger stat din. Thr) are Intentully gn•rtit.g the hopes we MY dear- th', ewes that lever ,..rue la. V t:os W trzaaaw. in I'Mraao Jostle.. •' I F you want romance, if you want stories of told, blood, luck. everything that goes to make up the garnet of hsmaa mis- sion, coma with ire to the patent ofboe, and behind those capes tilled with dry as dust specificatinas and legal pkreseoloi' I will show you skeletons that moons had red blood w their reins. Thus spoke • friend of mine, one of the bat known patent attorneys in Washington told then be walked across the room and picked up from hu desk one of those little cylinder hanks to hold ILS worth of 10 Dent pieces which ware ell the rage • taw years ago. Holding the toy in his hand, he said "When you come to write the romance of the patent office. you an retake • chapter of what 1 sin rotor to tell you. l'ou remem- ber the craze for these banks • few years aro, ud how it turned everybody to savior dioses until at last there was an actual scarcity of that cola created ' Well. the history of this p•teet is worth while tenter. 1ta1 The knot was tied, the blaseisg said, Mhos was married, tea tweet was spread. At the head .1 the table, eat huge and hoar, [htemg S adv of Ida, age foreesore, or'd, gray as a Maslow. Beal. Aad clad in crimson from head to heel. 0 Beseech sad round hist na their d Gathered tea teem of mtnstreli.. With kespues, dallies. acid lade and Marling seises, sad kegler Oases& At soap and haggis. an rosin and beil'd, Awhile the happy aid gaM sriag wird-- While Shoe aid Jean at tea table ends Shook beads with s hundred of their friends, - Them rams a Deice. Thee' the snot dans A wee bright tote fleshed is t e. goer, '1be Duke bistsetf, is the kilt sod pkd. Wish shim. .at kisses, like the keens of s iteehL h04 b. leek a rite, amid he cried est plats, �/I drink te she health d Sbom Ysele•n ' `ye Ethan the Piper and ,lean kis wife, A elms Amide sada merry life '" Then oat be shpt and each rata epees* Te his fest, and with "hem*" tea chamber ream •• Meer the tables " .brik'd est is. A low, a sesamhle, and it was a*e.' And them the Pipers all in • row Termed their pipes andMN to blow *•-.11:4 b11s all te demons s ood fain : d) of leis sad Ksreob Mere, e edel Dim Mem [.Hanes. shore. !beg tits the eewe*ms) ea the Not At the wedding of Mee Msel.oe. NOT ORDINARY. Annie Sargent was fifteen when her mother died. the three boye were older. Jabez Sargent never Rot along well with bis children . hr was too hasty and un- reasonable When his wife was alive she had often prevented wordy wars be- tweeu her husband and the boys. An- nie did not have her mother's tact. and besides', she stoosl in awe of her father. When Will, the .,Nest, was twenty- otie, he went to the city to Lind work. He had a hard time. hat the folks at home never knew about it He wee lapsable and determined. so two years later. when Joe tame of age. Will was side to get him a goes) situation. Only Fnd and Annie were left at home atter t hat. It was only a month after Joe went away that Fred had a letter urging him t.. J.sin his biotitevs in the . y. "Why should you stay ••n that old farm. when you aright Ira hero with no .earning a 414,11ar amt a halt a day at least! Talk with father als,ut it and let uie know 114.501.1. Fred Inokes1 un from the letter with bright eyes. •'What ds it!' asked Annie. She was clearing np the dinner table. "Joe wawa we to go to the city. He's t a place for me. and I can tarn a dollar and a half a day at the very first. Do you 1* 1i,•v,• father will let me go' Where is Lr'" •v Mt in the barn." Annies voice w,nn,l.d strat.ge to Fre.., but he was hnrryinz out of the door Ile }lanced 1u at the window as he pamcr.1 it. fie •ltd tot .top, but _.nolo a free haunted )tint. lie trio•1 to think it was th••,nn- e•venness of the window glass that dis- torted her. f.•ntnris, lint he knew 11 was tears that made her eyes so bright. 1suppose you can go,'. said his f .ther rather nnrrationaly. "bet I'd rather you won't], stay here. You can melp a good deal about the farm when you area mind toe --but you ain't $ mind to. most of the time " Freu went bio•.- into the bon=e. He was jubilant to think that he was going. but indignant at his father's remarks. He got a piece of paler, a' en and the ink iwdtie and began a letter to his brother. He wrote it hastily and put it 111 au envelope before mottle Colne Into ;no" room. He could nut towel np jest Deal for 114 Warr writing .toe's nnt.e 011 the , i 'sluts•. Whit lir had finished he s.id. "Fal her says i c.:n go, .111.1 i ant y!.,iug t.e take this letter W the !woodlice right off. 1 told Joe I'd be there in a week" Annie did not speak : her lack was towards hili. Halt a wile f the Sargents lived old Mrs. Millie. nt .leut.iuirs. Site was a friend to all the toys an.l girls ►n the neighborhood. and ryen the rider jie•eiple were sometimes Otero get her advice, for sn.• hal a "level head ' After Fred hate mailed bit letter he went directly t.. Anut Millie's to tell her his plana She was sitting in the kitchen knitting when he went it. ••.fell. what is it' she asked. looking at hint. •'gows1 news 1 gneiss. - He told her the news. and she listened quietly. She was silent do long after his finished that he began to be impatient. • W hat do you think of it!' he asked •'I think,' she said. slowly. "that you might have waited a.into before yen de- cided to go." • • W hat's the um to wait'" -Yon might have thought of some things that would wake yon feel you onglit to stay at home." ••What things' 1 don't like the may father treats ane." 'lbw* he treat Annie any better'" "I don't knnw's he doss." • •How did Annie feel when the oil er hove went away!' Blue for a week Who cheered) her np•" "I tried to. -father didtt t '•It will he pretty lonesome for her it yuan" '•1 could write often and-- • 'Ant you wonldn t." ' And 1'd earn tor) nrnch m,:nethat 1 could give her thing,' she wants " '1 guess you d find yon mold nee all eon d earn for yourself." a What' Do you think 1 ought to stay at htwne just for Annie," • •Well. considering that she left school when vibe wanted to be a teacher. and gave np all her plane and staid at home and worked hard just for Will and Joe and Fred. -i1 dors seem rather tough for them all to desert her and go and do what they want to." Fred looked very sober • Think it over." said Annt Millie "Ant I've written." he returned, brightening a little. • -t ouldn t yea write egiter i never advance • nu money on his patents or speculate to them. That is not my business, which is simply to represent him In a legal capacity before the efhce. But one dry • mu came into my New 1 ork othse with an idea which he wanted to patent and about which he wanted to cos - suit me. 1 toll him that the fees and ex- penses would amount to " • lir. Connolly,' he said, • 1 haven't $135 in the world, and 1 never expect to have that much at one time.' ••1 looked at the mu and I looked at the model and said to him. •I have never yet taken an interest in • patent, but 1 wiU pay all the expenses an connection with this patent if you will give tee • quarter interest In it. •• • Why '7' he asked. .' • Rooms. you have • fortune there, 1 told him. •' However, the man rid he would see about it. A few days later he came back with his brother in-law, who had advanced the money. 1 pr .cured his patent for him. •• Now, to go neck and tell you how this men conceived the idea for the hank. Ile was is the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad eompany at Jersey 'it y. receiving a salary of 814 a week. He was not an un- cultivated ream, but bad • little knack for mechanic". lie was in the habit of spud- iog bra Sundays with his aster, and one day when he called there he found his oeph.w,a child of •bout throe years old, sitting o.• the floor shaking • toy back .ad trying to get the money oat. Has slater explained that whenever the youngster dropped. • cent into the bank he, lake root children, was wild to tet all the money ort to count, and she weet on to my to her brother, • Why oan't you invent • bank that will show how much there is in it.' and the brother said he thought be could. That gave him the idea. Attar he got his patent he had • few banks made, and on Saturday nights be used to put them in • basket, carry them around to the toysbops in the neighborhood and dispose of them. He (owed only owe drawbwk he could not make them tut enough to supply the de- mand. After he had been doing Wainer in this way • few weeks he ware to see toe. He told me what he was doing ad them went oo to say ' Mr. Coasolly, do you Mink you mould find come eve who would led ore 118,500' Therm • factory u New- arh which 1 ors bey fee thea aaronat, sad which is ism the thing i want for melded nay ',teaks. If 1 ova tet hold of that fao- ter, , I •m sure I am sell ell the banks I ooe make. " 1 told him 1 thought 1 mail get him the money and to came sad see me in the course of • few days A tow days Tater he MTN ik sad said he didn't think I need lather about embus me that messy, as be espeoted to have it seat week. 1 asked bis where M was geiag a get it free. '• You will tarok 1 sin eakbellmbimg this .eery, beeasse it sewed. s improbable, but 1 m slimily relating the foots without the *lightest •saggeretton or meanest. He seta he lied a lottery ticket, sad M septet. edit world draw • prima Det wait : let ase W1 this story of the lottery tseket. Ile wad sem. Near mss weans/ at lee.y laity da- msel te make np • peel and hey • I.M1rr east. gash era .s put is $1. Wham the time same, the Niters beaked est, mid solo himself and sae ether, a earpsetee, pet in their dollars. The Utast drew W000. •• With his .Mee M besets eat the New ark Meter, .d is • .feet time had 000 eau et week tends. est ties. 1sek., sad eves Wm as emidl.et ko us with ells. He At the wtNine of Shea Ma dere. ammy Mame esgesher SIeeT d eat. whim e0 mei. Obese/ et Ammo .d ►meths, *si of the rentmh dew, Weft their pipes they Mew. lelreet home teed thew. h1i, with lamp el leather : ewerNew west ia end pry 'sd emm r�a hide i *'glee)') her shod. smell1.,tt#ns the bo can I." Frei amrwsed. He did not sip mush that night The mixt mof.Sg after breakfast be followed kis father out to the barn He was gone a hdlg time. When he cense in there was a queer empty:sloe am his face . satisfaction, regret, remittance% and high resolve. Hs gut the writing materials and sat down at the dining table Annie was paring apples. She watched Mtn closely r'1e�*Int to send any word asked, looking np. "1'm -bend my love," she wd, and brut oyer the apples. Fred noticed, and soiled. "Want to real itt • be asked. '•Yea. ' she said. 1'11 wash my hands first " She took the letter and begau to read. "Pox little girl," Fred thought, as he looked at the woe begone fare. The woe begone expr'eesioo did not stay long. She looked up quickly. and waw him stuffing at her. She opened her' lips to speak, but chok ed Willow!. She threw her arms around his neck !nil hugged him tight it was his turn to choke. the. "AA. Int ,t, Glad "_�! _Wbbed. "11 would have killed ire." Fred had to write the letter over again. it was so criuupl.d up in the embrace. This happened the last of May. When Fred told Aunt Millie als.nt 11 the old lady looked pleased. and when he told her something else she Laid tier knitting down deliberately. walked over to him. took hilt fate between her Minds and looked into his eyes. • if you did it.' she maid, "you are a regular-- Well, we'll wait and see.," Then she kissed him. • What are you reading"" asked Annie one evening. • very interesting book. answered Fred. gravely. She looked over his shoulder. "The cook boo "Why txk'ii't" "Don't 1 feed yen bnn:;ry ••1 have enough to eat, let I want to learn to cook. Will you teach we'' 'If you ate in earnest,' you can come and mix tip Ute bread." and Annie whisItd off her Apron and held it out to hon. Fred brought a r• )..•king chair from the sitting room. and trade Annie sit in it.. ••\ow tell me everything to do." Fred took greet ;.ride in that firead, for it ttirne0 out well. and after that he insisted on niakir all the bread. His success was hot so good with other things. Wheu,Antie gave him minute directions he got along all right. trot whet* he tried to g, alone, he wet 'with wislnaps. Fred kept his temper, and attuned the cook .wool dilige:ttly. `i imetimes he would take his perplexities to Aunt Millie. --Say. Aunt Millie! I made an old fasieioawl johnnycake this morning. and when 1 tried to tarn it over it all fell to p•i•e••o. what made it do that'" ' 1)id the water boil when you put it Sot o t i..• e:e.,p".' • •1(.t anile. "That is whit s the matter.' Then the next time he saw her he would say. "i had the water broiling this time, and the johnnycake was A. num- ber one." ' tine evening in Jnly. Fred said to Annie. "How long is it since you have been to see Mary $I ennt`•. Mary Sloctuu wits one of Annie's friend*. who lived in the siert town "1 have not been there to stay any for tor.. years." "Haven't you got a standing iwcita tion ti. go -there and stop s month'.. &'Yes. bot- - '•Then write to her this very night and tell her you are coming next Fri- day to apend a week with her." Thr end of it was that she went, and hel a good time. "But they know so cinch," she con tided to Fred. "1 felt as though 1 didn't know a thing, and Mary dors splendidly with her school... They were washing dishes, and P'red carried a dish away-. and in the iwc In ai..n of the pantry laughed softly to him self. "Jost what 1 wenteai" • Let's take a walk." Fred the dishes were fini,'he.L It was a beautiful moonlight evening. and they walked along for some distance in silence. They climbed a big boulder and nest,down. •Y„n ..•o that building overt" began Fred. •.The sch.odhonee' Yes.' •-Yon know how harp it i* teacher who will stay more term'. Yrs it If PO lonesome Exactly Well. before many more years have pewee., you aro going to be the teacher id that *chonl.' to Joel' he writing to war ..15 • relit aka sham sial..'°°° . • My. the Wake fly masa seek thea end yes mew la wee motel ..rt to • brieMeesta stet .it 1h• mos r i enough? Atte yon seem to ho ED I TORS, CLERGYMEN, PYSI z-Ea�F>. len and Women in all Walks of Lite Tel of the Cares Wrought by South America. Nervine SIX DOSES WILL CONVINCE THE MIST INC ..1oulties hope SSW Frederick," alb mid. as he rope to go. -Oh, so," he answered. ernIn*W ilet shortly. That eight et sapper there wee hardly s weird sppie. Jabots a••w tallied at meld them Pled was *inktaag Ns Imbed Attic Nit ore .M N m1 said. after to get a than one Why. Fred' What do you mean*" ln.t what 1 say, my dear " How in the world—" • Now. Annie, don't you say one word. Heinember i am the oldest, and you hate got to do just as i say " There was • determined note in his vote*. • • You are a rather remarkable girl. anal 1 want yon to live up to your repo tuition by keeping perfectly silent while I explain In two weeks examination paper* will come. and if you prem the examination -and yon mast -yew will go to the city and study to be a teacher You will board where Will and Joe do, and they will look out for yon. Tour vacations will be spent at boom Isere. and tf yea are very asatatnd 1 !I let yes del arm• of the work then" Rot bed ' how cue i go' It will be worse than for yen to go.' ' There is too question abort it." said PrceL firmly. Yoh are going And now Ws toast fortnight vee sense seely Lisa 1't help Toe via i nem" "Bed tea 11.11.417 tali *46 6911(111/7 tit emarkable office EDITOR COLWELL, OF PARIS. ONT., VIEW:. gnal elsno some ••11. s'aatal •11551(05 M Ib Joh Pliatislf ��u.S, w e^ 5�• epulis tea at�ainatios f( all stars' d madsad spawl prlallag A pews. al thte aaro5aee sal may ss.rthtgf y^u 5»7 Ire i5 sail af, as la such errs w' .it , f s that oarrto will meal netts th. approval .f est�,.uoes Ante tat I. This useful sirs s kept i■ the fall range of qualit same ns letter heads. While �a RaevinO, Nita&s are not so general an important p correspondence. got under the ahoy Letter k%eat*s In this line we hate stock of fine writing able for every class represented is this I prising_ laid and neo quadrille anther •r winded, as may be INA% ilkeaJts If the pay as-yeu-ge " p the order of the day the for account paper would ae great ; but there are sou who get so many duaaers they wonder if the stock wil run out. We don't intend and at present our stook is islets in this line with four Good paper and neat ruling. Both single and double and cents columns. They cheaper than hill heads, and the proper thing to send aft* delinquent once a month. Tbillf are sure to fetch him 'round,+ sometime. used, they till u costrsercial what we've earls. very large rs suit business ty, arm, Newspaper editors are almost as ; doctors and Aber medicines were sceptical as the average physician os i triedin vain. the subject of new remedies for sic . " I was prostrated with a partite - Nothing short of a series 1 r revers attack d ' La Gripped mmleostretnarkable and well anthen{{' is Mr. Oeleell, " and oosld find use sated corer will incline either an I relief from the intens pains and dim nd d editor ora doctor to seriously consider � trees of the malady. I ay the merits honestly glaimed for a and night. The doctors did not bel ',. medicines - -'-' - me, and I tried a number of seeds - Hundreds af; • of went- cines, but without relief. About tits derfnl recoveries wrought with the time i visa advised to try the South Great South American Nervine Tome American Nervine Tonic. Ills sleets were received from men and woolen were intglestaseosa The first dose I all over the country before physicians took relieved m•. I improvedv o began to prescribe this great remedy and grew stronger every dal• r in chronic cases of dyspepsia, in- Nervine Toais cared 05 � is a s digestion, nervous prostration, sick week." Novels*headache, and as a tonic for bald- The South Americas beg °p mneme tapped of vitallity Tonic rebuilds the Ore f o rms bthe its through protracted spalls of dick- street action os. t:s notable ane. nerve aeserweii lase it it _ During his expesieaoe of nearly a tester k .:i. fThe ee" quarter of a century as a newspaper every*Wer t medical s yr new publisher da Parr, Ont., Editor Ooh- most wino" Now, it would be hard to get along without envelope., and to keep up with the (lenient' for thein ate keep a large ((tock on ham!. A'e have now about a hundred thousand :n stock, and 'lie pro ea will range from 75c. to $'.:.00 per M. We handle coot mercial and legal sire. exclusively It •.\\��\\�evr‘a\ hr•.).‘.iA.\•at, has already leen partially euuw Prated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast antoun of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied b this adv't, but we do it all at T SIGNAL. d. of alcaissonswell, of The Paris Review, bee pub- aoncealaAa a el � humanity a•ity arias limbed hundreds of caissons of paid medicine advertisements, and, no doubt, printed many a gracefully - worded puff for his patrons as a matter of balances, het in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed arranted by his own personal experience, has be given • testiooaial over his awn signature. No other remedy ever offered the public hem proved such a marvellous re•elatioa to the most sceptical as the South American /ferries Tonic. It has never failed is its purpose, and it has curd when JOHN F from� The acting and suppV meet in eyot For de • tele Wh HE FINES C See& TAO GOOD JAPANS of the serve forme. American Nervine Tame epos the carve centres tissue' inetaatetseesely with the tree sourish - and urish•and that is why its sticte upon the whole always felt immediately. diereses, for general from enfeebled vital- 's:mach troubles of every other remedy can possibly A ‘NvAattoNms to an "At Home" or • weal require considerable taste in, tion sometimes, but .40 an easy matter In keep* stock the very latest a1* samples to be ate. Call and deb 'Q rOrer awe* of ortertelnmeats vemptly turn plain but nem with cord ar.d 1 sad • tall V 3 Retail Agent flog h and vicinity ctreuXofs WI aim to excel is ant kinds of work we but especially in this, in stock pima and f suitable for all rogturemes cards mot& TV.cM.tks This bad covers a large ret: work, from • bread or 05' yt. to a neat calling card, P dinary admission ticks( business curd or a printed meabersb' 2 Opttr Our facilities for turning re. elate of work are svidsoosi.i) fact that the great bulk done by las. T51a line cludee D odgtr o which our three fast presses are able to surprisingly short ti 16.‘‘s belong to the pester also, and we maks • diens—proaptnem he in this respect A n will appear in Toe t• charge when bills for here. 1ES . • . 'r -1-DIRECT), #\\ Rees t'1S O\ in the typographical primes me be does is this .stabile in an eupsffftioue ad a manner aadl Otte R tracts Vaa be Se *erg reowssaabke. Ws eatemi ear thanks ger are —1 Whit • �... �� SLIM T %Nin a 1