HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-1-3, Page 1e.-- mv-ogeseoWeer..- ._,7e.,R.
H•t Spor'*t the Nomilnat ehlis
dppes•aa•S 1Oae Mayers tt7 and Rees weep
_mopes, gave Mn see ersegod-�'
seem .ter. is Sofro Ward
Iltr Aer ammeter.
attrr:dance at
evening. For
-Simnel 5ied1� have been ea -
i, bed elm generally bsbeved
makes woad go et without
friction Those who paced►t
ever, were out of their reaming.
bee om the ocaatou were red
speakers were fully charged with
y anti then were some hens btu
tk.o during the eyestag.
T. .heir was takes by returningotlicer
Mt ll at 7 i0 r v., tied the uses for re
musk uomtaattobe did not tenotaate uo
tat n•30, at which tune the following nom
mations were merle
tee name'
..eo. Acheson, proposed by .lame. Boob
man and Seel Coo.
.Toho antler, by Chas. Well. and F.dmusd
lifer nee •..
\%m Proudfoot, by Joseph Williams and
1 , - Clot!
kobt. McLean. by H tlu.aa and Jacob-
Foe Bepwty Reeve.
f'htbp holt, by H. 1. Straw
bit. Aced.
/o t'es.etater•.
y. A•naxa'• Watt.
Roy. Ttbapste, y ('i1.s. Wells end
J. W. Smith, by ('has
C. A. Humber, oy A.
W. H. Mersey, by .1 a olwell and A.
and J. S.
I:eid .ad Wm.
i'ryetal and W.
T. I'&Twlca'n tri tan
Jsa Wilms. by Jolts Walker and John
A 1'. McLean, by A. to.
E. Shannon.
Alex Smudges, by (.eo.
S. (lag.
F. J. Pridh•m, by Wm.
.Vu olhorne and
Jas. Yates, by .1. H.
chaos. las stoma b and J.
. O. Johnston y i
sallicuddy, by L. F. 1lencey and
bisoall' a k n
Women. by T. !hardy and It. Mar-
k. Sogsw., by Wm. Kobaeen and W.
h IAtl:op,,by Wm Itobieros and W.
!hall. lawn. y Jas Mitchell end H. W.
J•s Bead, by Dudley Kama sod D.
H 6y Malcolm Maraoald
tihepfard and D.
by ,1 fbaigie and Ras
Kusot t and 1).
I •sham and J.
imp of the dad yeas
year. Pnvie. to 1
es the relief o mama
away up. and • lot
heal pard ou4 la 1:
t over IIWO and
51504 •is lar he
and u 188b to$570.
&keg the elinint i0j
peraso. He lemin•U
os the poor and w
mate owes M t
but wises be Sped im
all degree. d lay Iola
the comers sac aid
were willing le ve on
aeakisg any self to ha
off ib. f fie k
several of t1ese
together, bursae
of she yelled 1.
wood, there's
from." That we
lief bit, and he Mould do
the opportunity •'wed,
tbe b.o.6t el thalvim'.
All Incas storm' had
toe amuses him (lee w
was burnt out betilt
hie workmen shutete
In .tore pay. At tt
very rood at
f ered .tars pay it
then coo pay Mall
wee untrue, as t
Roomy gold as well
Mr. MeV soar -
litotes mss.
Mr. Aebses-I
Mr. Mo\'icsr--\a4 you
the local .mss two ort:
Mr. Edw. Sbrr.a- Yes be
me cash. t
Mr. Acheloos, M' !M,
the put year bete *600
been laid by big am r tema0
and hu personal ape. had
the collector for soot . *400.
royal hoedreds d .•#kms
thousand* of dollars .ae.desvo« to sod
•vooe the provenly •' the tewm.ad would
like to knew hew mum money et Butler
had pod for a similar o rpose.
Mr. McNeer -He rajd me $204) ----
Mr. Acheson --1*, t'4t was toe imildhr
that .ink hole of • resertoir at thlt Mete.
se 'JE,IrOVIa imnamaaPTaoal VOIU
bathes aseaoond an ex to•at•bleowel him,•siedter bi•wl•rp .meld f sl er ela•litta iy (L••d w I THE DOINGS AT OTTA W A I TOP/Ci WEEK•
h.. he was drat b.1 els g.rai.h..d the area•. was by Pasuas )
Y Madill, m cad *001 If the Ire tMpeeanst Stec. •hew weeds
row Bu.,
The Indian Na*J .ii.l 'outgrew opened M
Madras tail Wednee ay.
Thr Plymouth Brethren are holding a
n,ufrrrnee !b Klugstast.
The Premier, Hua Markenzir !doe ell.
was t yearn aid is Thurwlay.
Ih Smythe), (a. 1'., has .rented u,
again oppose Hon. Vt'w HM' in Mug
Mee_ Mills. relict of the late Iloofptl. `I•m•
ue1 Mills, diel in Ilarntlton es 1Lunelay
wed 'Cts
"The Pedlar block to Oshawa took Haat
Yodel morning and consideiibler
was dome
Janes H Itobert.nm waa fnreu to death
at Peekskill. N. 1' , Thursday' He bad out over •pleaa.u', It s the
been drinking.
Irtsncin 11, the lent Kim; of Naples. die.d
nun slat u responsible la this
on Thursday at Anna. in the Austrian Ty worry le may be that the • o
rod. Ile was (earn iu IICI:.
hookers which bought the
A project is on toot w r,+tnitlieb a direct did sot intend to add to the mar
line of atenmship., between !Konen -al and ut the admmru•tao a by it peble
St. John'., Newfoundland cram of the 1'.,L.1. cterres y b[U ;
Henry \\1lkitusos of 1'ourtIaud dropped again that very thlag cry herr
dead :u, he was talkiltg with friend., in waded. At any rate it has deo.
Snrll's Hotel int Thursday
Mr. and Mn*, Audrrw Have, and family rte' gives •Wank syr o tar ares)
had a narrow mornpe from their burning we more bods, which the "nal
looter at London on Friday ereerag gold reserve had already
Thr mopprnrance of the Ku Kitty -Klan luoceeetul imbue* of boosts have k
At Hazleton, Pa , ham roused great shore- cued •wtul.y, but au
hensi.si on the part of it urns bonds would not °sly he
Anes. Lo
by K. ):.de" and S..1
Nairn, he .las. Satberleod and
avis'. WASP A. S. Cbryetol, by
'umber os J. H. Armletesg. laic!. t
PAT.iu s's WAILS J. H. Colborne, by
smeller. and D. ('. (1.1 Mall
(. art.:.'. Vii Ass
.!spawn, by Jen William and
Black (seal).
Aten.aw'S WASP
Peine, by A. Jobsetes and John
alas. of the seseisaeiese • poll was
. sad the meets of the semisoft
moven and ssossde0. road to the
after which the retursisr o1Ft-
the chair. and (ern. Sheppard
chairman of the diminutive pre-
fer badmen' rho Meows was
Iistlled to ebb quarter of as boor for the
for the mayoralty and reevebba
the privilege of • dye anisate. y
et the opening speakers. The
.4.. were limited to rive missies
Myer Kotler was first sated apps. but
rto epe4k first, when0p•e Nr.
took the pas$l•rm mild t4. ap-
the audience, who del so fail to
to the sew esadidmto'b plsek es the
He said that two years ago be
asked to .ead for mayor, bet .t
e busines orra4Smrst Me tame.•
d be was amble to aced. to the
d bib rosy friend. This year he
s hese inked, bed as tae .edition*.
ydpod be was as • better poet
11.had aecelpld was nmmimiaurnr►cn bid tocheat est )'v no littlehet y• b►r/s strher e( rapre('uwewteie he
figures bad run nut d his last math's oal•ry, boa so tae
nosey was tame could Ase when the melody of the timelam
the eat et eats( boa mime in, or where the opposing condi-
1804 It west up u data or the two new wen responsible for
It down 1. 564(1, the matter. After making o number of sever s.mpW M, and was sot i • polka
he did It with.•: derogatory remarks ageism. reeve Proudfoot to give •o eplMsa. A lot et cattle had • tae■JJart*ea she tsrew. Al Cu." sod
to Doo deserving and deputy reeve Ha., and w,Mi. the I bees p.rchaotl when prima were higher the •vt..1 slates The e).rdes tb.
malted the people electors • happy New dime, he regi from than now. and the old match bed to be
he food legru- the platform worked off Mere a redeem's wield he had trammeling, rna to Sam- Beast
te give freely, Mr. Geo. Asthma= in reply card he had a the prsoo Mr. Prvodteot bud he had tees .( the .Meso
0emprut01 been attacked as a bit with reference to bio I tar house of ref specs at his dorsa _-_-
mho hung around taxes, and reiterated the statement Mei hr ends, but the speaker did sot kaow that
work, bat who total of taxes .slua0t d to between 8600 and that gentlemen had the .•mist experience I Tex 44.11 At (eersp.adesoa
public se Mout , 5700, of withal' overly *400 he had paid by a budding opentioss eves of the must' TTAVI.A, Dor. oath 1 have �uat
Ines, he cut I ctte.lue persroally He was willing w have tretltog kind. Oa the cow qusuo be
• map when' the matter uvsttgated oy • oomtutttee of thoul(tit my man should have • wow, but resolved s. sends' statement from the
congregated I three and then would be So ditbculty in that me mus should have • herd woes then treaaary departssst, Weabtiigtos, showing
weed. ad ens , provng that Kotler was the lar. It had j wee no herd law. (Applause . the pebble debt of tar 1' toted Mats on 30th
1Mputy•reeve Hull thanked the electors Novembor.
Icer electing ►ism by wolamatton, end was het us compare now for .moment with
proosediae to spook whoa
Coo. Aohm.os mid Mr. Chairman, I oar neighbors across Ube border. lyn the
want to hoer what Mr. Holt has to soy, and 30th November, the interest hearing debt
I coni do it with William Campbell chatter• of the United 'tats war *63{),143,030 ;
tog behlod me. (Load !.righter. debt bsarag w utmost, $364,947,494
Mr. Molt wounu►ag, dealt with the ones-
tiou of the purchase of the Water/rooting an • total debt, 51,024,090,52a. How were we
mossier satisfactory to the .mit- fixed 00 the same dots'
soot. t to the coal question be bebeved 'I'be last t'an du Gazette pieces our debt
to encouraging the focal dealers, it the on the 30th November .t 5321,069,394.
public Interest did not suffer, and in this Now, while the population of the I)omtmes
Iwtaooe the public 4.4 not antlered. He u gives bythe government at 5,000,000 the
bad bees m laver of • chamge of ❑gate bewi of the 4'ntt.ee Stew r suat-
but the coati! had decided wach an'sclock ••Iat
t*,�.�. With thw, 1gu(ee the
he h the ped•hor of the as right thud
, debt head of population u wily figured
ab had voted for n, it was tight .bat n out. The resole u that while on the 30th
juseti by knight, bee,tar "obs.'oucheu had been November the per esplia debt of I'am ids
Jot. s rd rNDb dl vote event., •oil he ens. •mounted to w *6'920 the debt of the
Mr. c
reeve bed deice kis day beast of refuge
Weald here bee. ►sassed M (lorlericb. V What Is°olegOIIat the Capital
to 6be prtee of W heel, Mr. Pre.dfoot mrd
"Seto.. is the
re this come
dews the ri-
ming again at
pro tar tows
d applause,
pot a o1(ct.b
.kat whew he
heats t int
their work
was mot I.
bees better
pay story
animist of
tele• out
work to
he paid
$100 had
kyr tales,
paid to
had em
Mr. MO war 1t we
At thi. juncture tare
MoViear to take theplashouts of " `but up.moment," Ate.. sod it etc flaw
quiet was restored ley thmokatrmaa.
Mr. Achson mid it tali aha henj.stated
th.t It be was slee ed mayor be we« die
charge all tar oorporatu• mpsyees Ind de
the work bem.eif. (1.anrNor)• Not11 K of
the kind wee o.sumpbteedd bat !food raisewould be got fox the m.wy, sad the work
would be rained to a .ve:wManeed d b• -
log dots* in • slipshod emptier, se at prarst.If men of brains darooted •aura more seek
could Ile done at kir expse aae etest. Hen the •peek r p•e • l0tgilabitde-
scriptio of how t'nrper•tl06 ro dwo rk was
done. sad then gees an ids• of hew it .hind
be dose. He would be • Sterile. ex-ot�io
of all committer s.d would week bsrtly
in tar town's ►steres*, .id not tot party or
for boodle- 1 Load appeals) He `d
token an interest is the proeor. of to
SumMor hotel sobeme, but wild sat aen-
scatsttowly) support • hotel wits • bar le-
5.obed. Ae had, however. adored to
p.m) towards stoning s atomswithout • bar, it .ins o1 Des wild be
enberibe 51.000. He °loss.! usidst 1
applause by asking the elector. to support
hie co.did•ture.
Mr Butler received sae aptiasne frau
his trend. when ooeia/ forwrd, sad mt-
.•e4issaly bevaa • psrsusalneeek spas Mr.
Aokasoo, war. tt.. speaker laid, was a
suooer. at every b••easse except the tr.de
which he h•i learned. He had mile his
.mnoy y g1vies the -ssh•nu. Mas pyo
F:dward Sbarmtan He del sot I had$1,000 ,tnstract from hies, tad rot ell the
esesey i wanted. (Load •ppleas.)
at•tetnest app.srSd to spine Mr.
and so he left that plots of th.
qu.tYo. earl attacked Mr. Acheda's eat -
meat as to the reduction of the 'relief bU1,
cam sditg that the amount was ijrer lower
than *7100. The tteedscy was to b.yerd
the emitn.M, and this year w. a case apast, shiest* br wimtpt bad dapped
by kis heirs r ovd frost am ».
shi in the ooemit1a T►es Mr Lamm.
had talked •best tooaties mad M be
• heavy taxpayer, who all be dationR
the pan year was *BSB. i* bed berm meid
that be. (Bother) wee • Wldsur. Now,
Mr. Aohe.00 was • gain, teed Iooki.g,
cedes. ams, int thst metleu.s
had MI otrd tar ceased es M•wd we-
xami*.e., where the nestavesdsp et th. fire
limit bylaw was Wt aved. 14.'relent
o.esril hal squa seed messy t.11.yiag
water pips and fa ...test ja,Two years ego he Mewed • dynamo ase romi.g the mOMnSo.mireial sortrWS with one
5300 to *400 • ye.r nista be sewed,thi.g was deem sheet M He next
the oriel parobbta frees Mr. Les,
Mr that the eo iii bad bees
the transaction to the extent a It
tee He admitted, however the
M if1.*0 it was 3*. • tee ss -per
b.d been able to supply ee•1 4.
previous year, trot oosteedort terrpslity was hfsler.
also been cuoteoded by the rsurosg mayor
th.t he :Acheloos) had balldesed the council.
He booted the charge. Wboo bulletin, the
block on the corner of Northat. be had
been u error as to the reguletions, but did
everything i osible to remedy the error, sail
the then tonna! were satrMd loally with
what he cud door. 1. rho maim of taraddition tc !ant's oboe shop every requln.
meat et the law had been fulfilled. The
building had first been oouor•ted and when
that did not meiafy the street inspector the
building ala braked. Mr. Butler wow
cumplutted that ban wings had been clipped,
but they hadn't been clipped until he tried
sly we newt Ha should sever have bees
• chairman ,,I any of the communes, and
there was no preoedcnt for br 000duct aany other a.rporation In 1 onada. As to
bslldoring. \fr. Butler was the bone bull-
dozer, and some years ago when Mr. McLese
was put o0 a certain oommlttee in.twl of
him, the present mayor flew off tato • pet,
morsel ban petition a the council and tried
la bul0on the ceased that way. t Loud
Butler who had been chaing during Ache-
mos'i reply again attempted to talo the
A.form and began a diseusten, trying to
ster up ban :ovetatemeot u to the latter'•
aces, but wan galled down y the welttate
Robert Metope was a caalidate for the
reeve.hip because Reeve Pro.dfeot, be eom-
tended, bat done nothing to help bring the
homae of rafsp to (;odencb. A sebscrip-
ttoo should have been raised to hey • site
and prses: It to the county, .nd he (McLwould bars gives 525. Money had boon
squandered in Weiss the sewer levels. If
he wan elected be would do his beet for the
town, and up to date he had bees .uccemful
a most ret hs uttdsrtaings.
i:eeve t'ruu,Uoot thanked the electors for
the support they bad ves his in the pas.Mr. Mrlao or.sy other man bad • tight
w oppose him. but he should be eble to give
• rood reason rt doing no. It was peculiar
to Nee Mr. McLean and Mr. iiatler oow lir. Mclean --Yon are elected.
rousing togethr whew • few yeses .aggo the Mr. Host 1 ea, but it Isn't t.00 latalatter had reetgsed from th• 0000cil, and to change it. You mo ruing* against
pot the tows to the omit tel • new electro Me Proudfoot .nd run against me ren this
because McLean wan put on • oon.mittee for nue. •ed IIpr°oies you won't be empty-
whict: Rutter sod that gentleman ons sot reevve forts 1`� �Apl! t be done.
titButler Th.: is false. Mr. Holt lee it ern, if you ate anxious
1'roudfoot - It is trne .red I coo prove It. to have it so. After thankug the electors
At the Butler rushed on to the platform for electing them all nge im ylmirnta of the hs he wi ed
and the auJseso loudly called •t atm to Mr. Campton had decided to run bea'ause
tit down.Abote the habil of souedt* t►at followed, he hebeved It to he • Duhbc duty. He kid
Butler said. shaking hs fist and livid • t.xord. and era willing to be Judged ywith rage 1.s .re a 4- -d lar. it. After makieg • strong personal attack
Wheel or.ier was rstored F'roudfoot said , ss Mr. Acheson, be stated thet If the
Thio u o nice Man to claim to be elected elt re. of Rt. George's ward elected him he
layer, a .run who bas just called m e a would serve these faithfully.
0- d liar oe s public platform because 1 Mr. Kotler attempted to again addresmade. truthfil ttalemten. the electors, but wasn't very successful, and
Batter I ded.'t Ball you • d 4 lair, there wen loud crier for " McGillicuddy."
not sorry he hd voted for IcLoud •p• I%sited Stets was wily 515.01. per heed of
pl.useI Nha tby oomlmesaed botrte.s
that* year the) found a note against them In pp tat wbd•
tar bank fur 411,000 which wet* a legacy itut while Tassels hu bee4 tncre• Asoher
from the pia T:,r arta bad been reduced debt what hat* the1 uteriSlates heed da-
y *1,000 •ad soother tbou.and of county tag' (.ert•It0y nut siesertmg tt at tarrate bad bees wiped off F'or these resaoo* rate of 83 per ant in lb years. W• should
the toxin had been Increased by o-0tgbth he Inter.stad to these maws so let se
not 25 pet oent. ea Mr. McLean h.d .aid •road • taw momenta compares ••areal.id then wan no other way of decreasing with modern history it r ase et them
the debt, as we had practically 52(•,000 of feature, of our d:owernment yea do sot hove
un000trollable expeaditt.re annually. He your •..•nano drawn to every day y Tory
had been • member of the county ooental leader• and their organa It r ose of 11104110
for some years and knew of the fa,thful comparative stemeoeata they keep "mom'
ammo' of Yr. Proudfoot, and be didn't .booze .red only refer i'0 ►d when loroed to.want to bear Mr. hlel.ean or anyone cies Io 1878 when o.r present rulers took
blame the reeve becaw the hone* of refuge charge. tar debt of l odeda wan 5174,967,-
h d not bees located in I:od•ricb Both , or 54213.1` per heed of population whale
Mr. I'roudfoot and he hod done their hest the debt of tar 1 p.c 1teu10, wee *2.256. -
to bring the hoses hither, but when they , or 54201 par corms. The debt offound it was hotter to let it aro elsewhere 1 aide tody r X20'and of the 1'sited
yopardise h hame al• tar th y slaws $15.Ob per hood of populauoo. The
thente seetredebt of Cooled• um increased In lb years 83
th.bell 6uenes to have the scheme
nen umper stmt and th. population '21 per amt.harried matter b the Iorcatlos T• coward, eot to olasd y Mr. 1'roudfeo to ecr dd r 44 perowot daring these same period.
tete •atter •oil take his share of tar How does that condition of affairs stake
rspoos,bl Iany.You .
'.ow, •part from politics and the mumuthat might be •cored against those,whe tat
on the treasury bencbs by parading this
deploreble exhibit, don't you think It stime you took tar reins into your own hands
or took •oats steps to prevent any further
mort44.ites being rec rded agtent your
route Where sit to end • I have given
you the actual figures and 1e•ve it for you to
work tt out : where will they land as if
given another lease .f powerFor sixteen year• you Move been told that
the turning point had been reached and
that this was positively the Iast time thenwould be an increase a the national debt.But in what condition do we find the
inane. of the couatry today A careful
estimate of the financial department places
the deicit at i.e million dollars for the year
ending 30th .lune next. I )therm say It wi11
be nearer seven million dollars. Ths means
• farther deficit of the amtount of the
deficit to the national debt, for money will
have to be borrowed to pay it off. Tee
iower.ment •tSues themselves en the
growl that then has how • shrinkage io
revenue tram customs, bat they do sot re-
mind you th.t while they have received
lose revenue as compared with last year
there has hese an toereamed expa.ditunright in the face al tt where ecotiomy bad
beespromised. This u a faun 0* one m.►
oorrobor•te by looking •t page 1� of the
dart official gazette. `tby de you sot .iues-
tios some of the Tory stomp oratrs oa
them points when they go abet the coun-
try delivering their set •peaches and telling
oly one side of tee oast.
oat, eowenw05 (led ltgpl ten l He would have been 1t• debt of tar fatted `Stats has eleoma -whsle the
p•ninon has a-
ve tb.. 1i.l. tea .staletow to tar Yr. 4.h o Aeheure makd why 1.d rind r•iod too ono. satleged irr.gnloritiw .m abs
wbw h. hod preeiowd.wrer. and esaerws - Mr. Run.. M• weer had
iret it wens time • 0hmsgs W.I. hd. Hae and i nude up my Med set be
Ie see of the been i. $ n rat ow pm, and el the nes'.r.
i that the .sass neat T
stol i his private umerprbs wee as Mr. butler -Nampa 1 err
Sellae► meld be fairly Mfhe
he did net say it beastingfy. be he Yr. .4..olo Aahwsmm Thew
which 1.4 ohms*! Iwamoto,.
the pssekk, that N be were
-e hews, end .a that B
sod enoe.s.l.By earned esa
=Idlthe ewer's Asir
and the gealtur dM
.rise ebenld be • life low-
. He )tie rpr•he•) bei
*.0 awn par end
dew. • peMYeal .et. e
be bed ten attended be
be bed Map °Mseid
_Stem. Thi
.-Bid w mesh
bet i sever was is •
QwMsdea be eri0 thine • hews
molly tarsi H • lee& was
reeve leer H .este • lad- The
the levels, I. •esielp•sten of
..w.r �. *i... `. t
iasis ars Itheil/td N Ins► He
bed bed lib tetbtp doped ei she
a 4redlted limy nt•e sd
rsseeser ewe. er M tesald � pew
What I said was that your statement was a Mr. Melillo/wide made • few remarks
1--d be. l didn't say McLean wee oo is which he repelled the etatemeot mak by
11 to be es • committee.
the mayor u to the "brothel organ." if
hindfoot Too did, and i can prove that Mr. Kotler alluded to Toe t,.s I. he utter
yyoo did. d se.aeary. ('entisai.g. Proal- ed • falsehood u Ti,, Sn.'si had proved
rant bud that the chief reams odv.ao•d by Bolt to be the ante -brothel organ, and had
M . McL s for his candidature was tett he worked to eradicate the evil from this town
(P•oadfoot: h.d sot brought the house of
for vest. when the deal were under the
re45ge to l.oderieb. On that point be might pprorotection of the brothel mayor. t Applan.e-
eat that he pod worked ta hie best "Mlty Mayor Butler had stated two years ago on
to to se, but r the vole le tae .055014 had this platform that this soca) oval could net
has corned by osly • .ajorite of 'l, any be eradicated that 11 was as secure' to
disranon as w locality woad have throws emu and women as It was to eat, and for
tae scheme out shapelier, and tc was of three your. and • half 1t bed flourished
Siege importance to carry the scheme than soder his proleotiog *040 .nor, yet when he
te nes it In righting for location (load was deposed by the eppmtstatest of the
appasse 1 b• acral expssls*are for the polio* magnums* at took only thirty days
km; of the hese of refuge wod4 sot he to reeove the festering sores from the tows.
ted over iL,000 • year. and ae "Pillow It could easily bo ems that Butler's old
world be cell" for b• ander three was oo tune nerve had deterred him. from the
ream why comae tows' would no mem „amour a which he bad acted throu'boat
pato sad marry off the ta.dsra Tho largest the meeting. He had shooed almost every•
tem mould be for meat, and probably that body and kept heroisg up and down all
Wes :be regime Mr Mclaaa was as anxioaa 'minis( like an old hes on a hot gnddle, to
M beer the hosso hero. se that he Dodd the aeuswsent of the audience. the sate-
=the .xrttios•t• t.W Ih•t the lactase of his opposeats and his own &e-
p•t010 of the wen W bees lewd M M7 oo.u$s s. He was es the ran. and had at
when compared withthe leo pries et last diesov.red that he mold mot brarealy op.
oleic. Applawlw l Ho then dieome•d the pantie o,rinios. The brothel mayor
mea,srcy.s and spewed that a far motor ma bass .tired down. sod the Hoopla ouiht
s .{�, earl a 11. ries by �• be est teetet4.1 0n Mecum day amid depose
• tea had bete got weal Yr. I.ec pa,bler and blackguard mayor who had
Ibb year ti•'. 4504 bees o wwwee by torso lesg dt.gr•ecd the tows. (lead .p
the mayor I.at year. .otwitheuedimig t
tb. Ise. thet • anal strike ked barns es d t. 14*. r..ing was then brought to a oleos.
the latter p.ri.d• Hee •beolt eiy 1.•ied the
the mow of earth speed* mol ebrllapd TO L.ENOTMEN LIFE.
hander for proof- A0 to the watchmen's --
desk, be Aad voted bga.st the paraben, sen tr &weer. r Geed Weehk s evdw
wb.tber, tightly or wrongly, but the cheek
W •ass• 16•0161116111•7 retia
W dem it work to the .t$ oios 01 the as. that Ttodd*. Has" Pills .re w day do-
thOMMY% Deo. is ea estoblished
Meer. heir 1 The.»totswmst shoat the
the 0.ast.ble's iniery berg garn*.b5d by ilia More to increase average duration
No trte.sree ern • private matter. and mint ei life Ana any other medicine known it
within the ecgn'xanee of the mused at b!L
The ersorie light pole. were bought as
e41, a they bad weer been seder .the
M.tlt regime and the .xtemides ••f the
water ssr•idi nes ferry me est a rchteno
this heel hies nripisally ..ntowipi.ted. Mm
which ifr Kotler mesh' not carry not la-
.mimir be Mol faded is beimg aide to got Y.Iseb
pipe M the pr1Oe wbleu is hod .fertr•ede
Mee sbblr•d for. The waterworks enr0Me
shield he gives to every pert of the tens,
mil even resides% Afield ice tenpeli d r
,w sa, ro as M itrMeate the rove._ 0d
NDMIrebo a b.e* 0df-wslahias, 4 Applasas)
IIs the p5.M.t .,.tem was nate ee the
mew )las berth, thee ought le nr le the lake
fie it► Otlmlr• amid r�
• v -1k.r hem ems
M IM app, 1e. 1 ale M•• iba
14. Mr.
. *fid .tet &s• 1Nfing rear bye •n•
0 g M�yg41d r Wood
dm 1MierM1ed y >�e
Bks tlstA••s aBd 1B berleeti 1'
Ifi�tlf! Note* from
Valiant lelltrowWei.( .•MNlarul e1 ase
ear.•' ANres-
sHesd Sneer.
yreo our Regular
%% AstiIla(IN, Dee.
must ardent admirer of tarmanr soy that It begu*. t►a
der pleasant •,rptsos. A
aue other things to Battik
Ihphtheria is rapidly (depopulating the
villagr of Wesley. Minn., a pla.-r .1 atop(inhabitants. all Ilobr•ntians
The Brtuillan Gyrrnntrnt ha- orderrlla million dollars' worth of war material
from the Arntetroug.. of Englan.lMr Samuel Ialm.•rr, .r . art •ol.l and
reetreetel citizen of t�t'.oriretowu. dro-
ped dead un the rtrent on ('Irristma, morrn-
The writ for the re Sleetion of the new
('spinet Mint.a•r Hou..\ it IHekey.
souse a panic aruoa4 the tor.Ma
American securities wash wee*
this coautry.
It a tau situation diet
be item out that 1'rstdeotMetre
Mead of Isuuig m. re hoods, wt.
4 oagrees lar to par finanatal 1
which will ramie the treasury. el
Ira oesto0 of the Fifty Math len
see if it .tan do any bettor.
What the present. Cowers e
what sort ot a but, if any, will be
been ieetted. tixhog nnnunation for Jan- .t the 0oouderatwo et the lbw*
nary 15 the House, s today much .sere
(o1. M{cbmtl Frank. the founder .1 the .than it was the ant day the bale
free echonl system of Wisr.,usin, i. ,lead. ed to th• How. The four deli
A few day'% ago be celebrated hi. Srlth week that�jsstresa w1U be a m
hirt hday
Henry Monier, who jumped with the aid
of a tuirachute from the. Poughkeepsie
Ire dere the House t,.. omit&
hn.ncal discussion and it is expo
the majority will caucus In on
bridge SiuChi-lotuses Day, is suffering whether to r possible to get see
(mm vt',•rr IA)IlrNfa, to pose the Carlisle or any other I
trouble with the 1'arlisle bill Iia.
The jury euipannellel to enquire into the fact that It. 'muds are lob
the .;tan..• of death of the lair .Iat*,," ape then. support.and nm 01 sham.
Y {Iss.p►Irr rind that the oasis 1)( .!moth 000vetary Carlile bmt.elt, chianti
yw acr•identat drowning •lord tee Treasury any ime..r
Mr (. .%. Wicketed, (1 1' . ..f (lttawa,
has just .•elebrated the ninety fifth Jinni
tertiary of hi, birth. which occurred in the
last tear of the last .rntury'.
Gen Herbert ba Annotntce.I that he
would withdraw farm 11111 t0esitiou a..
Chairman of the Milliary Display tont
u his mend to call an extra seep
mittrr of Use Ottawa carnival. p
1'brietrnad Itsy iu sot. Iwniis, !Soso wens •.i hie boort that the republican 1
retwlerrd memorable by two murder.. formulate and pen • 14, 50 Dat INN
thirty emote of rutting. shunting and rot► `lance with his Ideas, whish my
tory, and ammults Ie1ttomerahle.
through the Seo•te ). a oesob
democrats and republieane. T
point out fleet Presides' t'lees40
ways been more a tmiord with
Wow of 6o•aoe than those held
John Rurns, the English lobe/ I
M.1' , addressed about 1,500 p
$taturday night. !Aeon the plat
which he spoke were meted seat
eat men. President 1'levotasd e
by the labor organizations wb
meetirge, but he did not gee 1
of Mr Rsroat was well 1015111404
.d .one of the ob.Jecuuoeble b
had been reported as heefsg
It rernaned for Senator Comer
what the Sesote had acted ler 1
bluntly stud that the bia#.ose p
to bought, or he would vee thee,
• new Government I ',tire was
abs session of Compress. The
bad taste, no to call it by • treat
the part of Mentor 1 awrros, as i
merle in Washington that be IN
interest m the Mahone grand.
New, that r just what s want.
be set down as certain that if tete
an extra memos of Conjures dem
4sancal 'etiolation iatisl.ctorpy
mincea rattan, ea extra session ail
lode.,(, It has been smelt.4
1 het President Ileteland haw
flaw, n1•.'/. Aat ten /0am 1T 14'. •R1 want
Rot her is an intersttta4 phase of the
question. We have sass that while our
own population has o.ly increased 21 m
1t. years the population of the U•Ited Atte*
INA 10 that time increased 44 . Through
the oo.resy of the United Sterne 000.al-
ennerel 1 art able to give you some Interest-
ing data herring no this point- The .tuer-
teely reports ot the United States e0s.ular
agess,es to elm Dominion thew that for the
quarter maim 30th September the value of
household effect& belonging to people lea.
leg Canada 1. settle is the United Slates
wit : ili,*47 from the Maritime provueme.
81Ja.,853 from (!,!ammo amid *64,760 from
QerAee. • total of .1015,370 frees Canada ex-
clusive el 'kited Colsmbte, this Territories
and Masieobo
Now. doilies M the °mediae returns for
last year i dad that eel $1,'X16,005 u piens
se the value el sawn of vertigo
leaving Cased'', to snake their brm serves
the bonier. while tb. dittoed Stites returns
is true that 11,aey pied. are seed who do show that the vales 5.411.117 reached 52,
not Impfaoitly follow the did roles gives es 232.422 It is sot enrprlslsg the (w -
the dirsslisoo w,.t est with .sob hoz. Mt Alas (.nvernnaest a4osld .skim os th. vol•
it s alar reso tout eery mors recover more um* cf this femurs of eer import awl..
rapidly by tires e55erv.soe of the Mune- let ID r»w of all there fee. tiler tell
tion gi. ss. Hundreds a twtiwi.b have von then r so stades. Do yen ts•Imve
been resolved by the Arm, hen, al to the them - Have you sot evd.sr .s of 1t e
term effeMed, by Ness pills, sod nen r AM is your ens families "r erwes4 rout Dns
inet•nee haws %boy failed. The pekes M triads!
ebbed Dodd'. Kidney Pith are sold passes 1 is ..t•tminly ane ash. islwtrise that
these 'HAM the mash of all. lbsy sear be W vesperal ned devdrpd ander 14.5
fres dl healer* M M/iy eesr per obs d....LL . "VS •a t of "We"'
ee mix boxes for IQ 10. Take ne iMir ai.eta" -
gym. is Mesa dymus.
fussier Oa Thursday aprons of last masa overlooked the us ri NDes et par -
Vim. (Ippertoh•eusrr. a young Irian wari
eras injured +Stow• vereks ago y • fall from
a erwmd storey at the Berlin Hospital
kidding. died on F'ri.lay at his home in
An illicit whiskey still has been decree
Med near i)eh,rafuealungtide the interne
.Donal )anYr.lary line. (Morro visited the
.I..ot and xlfwl .the pleat. Aden urn•.ting
lite le-r...ns.
W ,lliam -.nelair. Ih.' uonea:utter who
Ilmtert..I hire wife in England, tame t' To-
mtit," rod r• loomed; Si- (entwined by.
the 11.1...• %loam!Mttte y..tenlay to five
monthv m the 1'rn!nil Priwu.
'iti,.'ti . 4 \'nnru*I r are terrorized by
the or -at of n Kong of highwaymen. iur
Oar.. and firebugs, who hove found their
way to the city by way of the Sound. Pre.
ple are robbed at all hour* of the night.
Mr. W W (bailee and Mr. W. A. Haat
404.0f Montreal, who Imre recently re-
turned front the Northwest, .p.•.k eti
couragingly of better prices for w heat and
improved pronpeelo in that part of the
Alit fhw/ostaiso, M.1' . of Montreal, is
suing Abd. Cduff of Ottawa for 510,(x1'
daningeo fur slander on .anoint of some
renoarks that Aid. (fluff to alleged to have
made, referring 4o omitrwetw hell by the
Gen .Iohn W rooter. ex Seerrtary d
.trate a the United litmus, has been re
quested by the ('bromine Government to go
to Japan and ambit In the prone newest*
tion. Mr. rooter will Ko by way of Van
(.w1 ver
'Minna* 1. ('h.ppellr, 4N )Pars of age,
for many year( publisher of ('happed'. •
almanac. dropped deal in ('harlottetown,
P 5 1 o1. reeds!. He was n bnrther orf
Rex K Chappell.% now • mi.wsar) at
To11o, Japan.
weak as Willie, sen of Jamas Wi1N., of .the bemis*.i•l Aber and were Mee
sere Art
tid-W T!tvm kr
.NDd (gptay*slf.
Napr _
was PlaTim l wish • icy piaW. M dell Pew • acnes ; het •sow t ee b
WINDS ofd w h lea=beirbe • •
to el te /*menses the el
r ass Ire up► tasl*tg Ms
May: iZe ahM I' eye.
He le &poet IM ma . +• tai
Fdwanl 14. Carter. tr.lnsfer and coupuo
clerk of lb. National hank of Common*
Is \,-w 1..rk, has been artrdwl . harated
with appmpristing 115),000 of tar h•nk'e
money Carter is 44 years old, and has a
The urgency defiolmcy opprey
s the 00. thet, cants the spore,
uollectlog the 10.0011 tax. 15
by the Rouse before the mama r
Cockrell, who is in c►•rre d is ■
will call it op In the senate at
opportunity. Tarry is lifth d
p•snege of the bill, notwltaeb
.,emotional reports of • ambles
heel made to defeat It by 9su'
Quay The extent .,f the egg.
oppropn ties of the Keats tri
W halt a dr.zo mrs,'4ee agar
which Mr Quay • may NSW
able War.. 1 t is regarded r
whether there .ill even bee&
the hill is put upon its final pe.
1s not bosoms the means tax be
new friends to the Somata, but I
republic.., who expect it to pre
lar are 001mwl to have it wins
It le not probable that Atter
igloo/ Iyer had • cur, aplte.m
posed es him than that e/ prep)
hod the imams tax In the Mei
wife owl twoehtldrrn 1,see brongl,r 1., test .r .seri
Wn. .\ 1,1pp.1t 's ho mmmltteet forger as he is credited with him N
las a• 1 ole'Ww n -..ath Af- .. , t., rhe . 1evelmei .,.lewd pera5l)r
amount .,f Lair a n (lino .tole ,-.trtd 11,•I • Of noir'. * Wadi* .14
to Ow i nlawed' 1r.l, has hewn ..r•re.Md aI . •
Clip .intuit i. 1; 1 s'n wee etre ,.r the hold • life to hue •s the prepare
wit .pectilnior. riff the.alnty nod lived 11k, ..nosy• BMA a. we a/a w•
. it
i', rte \\ )n'rw r 1" ""wed*.iw
F'.cty rmpLryes of the Nee \ee►te..t 1
stun.. nt to'e..ste, Ms
nfllrP were di.. hwrR..l ..n TTior.,! .r s. h. elver fellows base any ems Mi
Mot's With me says
lam bse.b
the ori
Leek Old fleenequi
will rem
is aB
lug ,1. le... 2.4. were redo, ell In .ala. owl
NO hod their pay its orombd. These amour
0ollsw the report treed. y • eomsiefiw
enet prem Washtagtoa to amts the
1•eseley. wbofo w N i
Means a the
a.idlty M Port Hops, weaeart.R a rime
May friend of on • .Veda them wk•s be
tripped end fell Is root of tee Memo
ear width wevevir Mk
hr W V
,,,,8„„ .le......