HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-27, Page 6$ THE HONOR OF TIIC F' IMILY tt alir awl. M1110\, YOU •ay you have broker eft voar oupge-eat wits Sate Haibana' ," said Henry Elford, with sour surprise, to reply te an a' aounoameot tootle by his fired. f»sett Goldwin. '1s- es, my dear fellow, eau/ the, taut ma. Cr• hector of soy family u too aacrud t be placed a }eopardy by au mlleoianoe with • girl whose !saber hoe been ouot.cted of forgery I ash awry for p..or Susie, but tiers s no help ter leer in Ib.. ares. She IS Jutta brokea•boarted I bear. 'Hut.,' mid 1 .. friend, "tbe case hos not yet tach , hoz! de.wo$. A neer tnal las beim granted, and there may be a very I 11ffer.st verdict.' "tamely poeuule,' said Henn•tt .. on d be oh -u.d escape through moat, tuck et the Nat the drams romans, and it eon Bever he wiped out. 1 talked the matter over very fully with my father sad mother before 1 anaouue ed my determination to sato.,although 1 had already resolved what :. d,,. Father would, 1 suppuee, disown m forever if 1 could be so base and de - m .orable s. w make that young woman my wife, as view of the disgrace that Has taken • upon her other. Ti.ere have been the far • u.• rotten brmchts 1D our treoeslogioil tree, an l ( .could not :eke to be the scat to place • era • there.' 1 'I do not quite understand,' said his t•aod, 'Low, as • man of honor, you sou set I •aide an csgogemeut that was ford • year ago. and especially to view of the tort that your wedding day has been appointed, simply on the grounds teat you bane stated. ,.• wren: act Leung charged against the , you.g lady Ler.elf ' I •Perhaps you do mot look apes these I, thugs rlactly ae I do,' said iesajGehlwts.I (, •Our family honor has bra guarded with the utmost care for three hundred years, while you perhaps have D rears to take • much interest in the history of your anees f . tors.' t 'Nous of my relatives have thus far bees I sent to pre.. it Congress,' was leery'. re- ply, followed by the remark that he did sot Is think himself Jos stied In diare,rardieg an iD ergagomeot with• w t:by young lady ba - • cause of any act dose by another porton I p however nearly mister. t This cooveratlon, however, would give I, the reads. • very imperfect naw of the , h nnderlyi.g fats a regard to the case. Richard Goldman, the father of the venlig Rao who had thus discarded • worthy lady had been for several years intimately as- sociated in briars with Mr. Al art Hal- y horses,/the accused party and father of Surae. They bad been engaged in stock speculations on • large scale, but their o opentium had trees unfortunate, and some hes.y messes hal halo eu.tained, mere par k ,u alarly b. Mr. Halborson. w Coe forgery referred to c.,osist•d, u ase aiu.ged, in having attached the name of Mr. (.oldwu to • guarantee tor the redemption of • Domain certificate that had been sold to • sustainer. The sum of twenty thousand dollars had been pard for the certificate pro- vided, however, that the purchaser should I bold • ruaraotee option, to return it .t any i M THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. DEC 2T. 1R94. ebaree ee, d that w bales Dot epos- mid ttameMioo to no abase a Mpg filter ties atter another peaaad is rapid view b- I did sot for • memeat eurpeot ft well fore hint, and he begin rears were to realre ober- packer you haas d tstrted w sea' ly lama ever why h:. stock speculations a 'Well, Sere,' said her fatbar,'aay so awneouw uwith Mr l,oldwna had been se about this lortuuate discovery eteept disastrous. Hath Hatt e end had Dow coma. your mother, trent whom, of course, mud w lioldwia bad evidently resolvethrew robing. I .ha11 show the letter 10 that cert ti,au Mods, oats hods, sad oblige hint or redeem u, u the ugly way to escape to more Guy use d it Mita the trial comes ns bo • obarr of 1 ,rgerv. en ' A few Dore only passed, when Mr Hal• sesa mm plead to e you luoktrg •o well, os Mies Halbere,'said Henry Milord address lag the yams mam y, wbohe chanced wiserto er as • street oar, about three weeks .f ter the Incident Jut narrated. - '1 awell, Mr t•.li...4, and am pl a..c I to meet tau,' was the yours, ladle reply : and when she stepjrd from the oar, • tow blocks : art her os, it very naturally 000urred to 1110 gentleman that be would lobe uuly • very short ride by leaving alma' the gameo point, and acompanytag her home : whish wa he did. and during their couveruua eaeh telt the touch ail that true hying sympatay wht..h aotutltutes hue language of the hear:. w Mr. Elford had known Stefrom her ebildbood . and if a true record of his most secret thoughts had been kept sad shows, it would hove revealed the fact that he had ne often t►ought of her is let lbs very o whom he would some day delight to love and tall his own. It au too soon. then,o. however, to appron her with my Goch sentiments : and a later years the young men had realized, as he supposed, that it would be absurd for him to cherish Day *snout hopes i■ regard to .u•ue H•lbursoD- She was the daughter of a wealthy family. while he was comparatively poor : and no wisely concluded that the best way would ,hast is the ""mg limo In tis to any Irregularity of tM w Stomach, Liver, or Bowel. Duty teal prevent serious' kelt' rouse('u e no e a. Attention lawyer at use,. but he will not he It rayl boou was asled uu that obaige. The 'nant :sled was square at.d dir..r. The testi. loony on both aides was deer mad poetics. IMr. Goldoni, for the prose. utioo, swore Ipsistedly tL•t rite signature was not bis ows, •s-,3 that be had sot authorised it to r placed torte by the dcfe.d.nt, who. as the other has 1, swore to the fact as stated. • collateral tear:oat) bearing directly up u.. the twee wag adduced or. either side That the to u Dun had bel.. 'arre'o eogagud on *rock: speculations, and that their trans- MUoos w..' r -'1 other bol, in many can.., Imes loose and unbuaoev•like, was brought c:early to the notice 01 the court. The triend. of Mr. Haloor.00 to fact the public believed has statement : bis: the legal presumption was against him. The laetltl.ony of :he two n.Ct hang directly opposite, virtually went for nothlok, rho. the fact remained. admitted by ..e defeo 1 - ant blt..self, that he ba.: written' the name of the prosecuting wittier, sad w.a unable to show any •ut:iority fur halo, dos. s.. The trial was brief, and ended to convic- ton for torrery : and yet the belief in his nuowence was shoos. and an oppl* atioo for sew trial was readily Fantod. la that form be case w„ rattling when the conversation occurred . ith brings those young gentle- men tothe notice of the reader. be to think of her uoly .d one of hie early ' You Iwk sorrowful to -night, my dear.' 1 friends. said Mr. Halborsou, addressing his daugh- ter, • few days ::ter the verdict referred to. t was late in the evening and 1. wan alone n hu library, looking over his papers whoa u daughter entered and approached him - 1 glum.- at her face showed that romethi•g eerlou had occurred. Laying aside his paper, he turned to her and contaued • Well, my dear, I have my own cores and roubles -a wrest many of them -but pi..m tell me what tr .ubles you to -tight.' " Well, father,' eaid Susie, ' Bennett ;oldwta called to the early part of the eye- ing. He has boon here very seldom iatric•, nil 1 ha.. felt :hot some trouble was ap- ruaehing : but 1 was hardly prepared for he startling mnoumcameat he made. In toad of approaching and embracing me, es e has been .ocustomed to do since we wore engaged, althoutrh ID a constrained mtn,,es-, lowed amply, thea resumiug his riot, said : ' ]lir Halboreoa, 1 have oome to make an important anoouneemewt -to ask o0 to permit the cancellation of our en• gatemen:.' • Aad how did you answer him •' asked or father. • It seemed • hard stroke, father. You now our wedding -da, was appointed, rad e would have been married ta rex week,. Renato stated his reasons. however, for wins he evidently regarded as . stoma! foyer.' • Which was granted, I bops, without hesitation,' said Mr. Halberaoo. • I gave him so return, father, to suppose desired hu sympathy or pity ; but look. ow him firmly in the face, 1 said : • Well, r. tioldwa, yopr remotest is granted. You are released from your engagemeut.' Then excuuog myself fur • moment, I went to my room and collected all the engagement presents he had raven me, includtng his ring, and returned them to him, with the remark that they would be of Do further use to me.' same wltbun twelve months, and reaatvs back his mousy, lees tea per cent. • This eertifuate, Mr. Halbor,00, that you.seld me tea months ago,' Oka the per- ebaaer, coaling upon the gentleman, ' 1 Italie tendered to Mfr. l;oldwin to day, prop»ing to •errroder it. a.uording to the terms of the guarantee.' 'Well, sir,' said Mr. Halberson : and time be retired to accept It " H 'He repudiates the ruarantee.' said the purchaser- 'says he Dever •uthonred it, bee and that the signature is not genuine.' h 'Aad has he referred you to me " asked m for w eat • And whoa did be then say asked ]Ir. elbersoo. ' He seemed disappointed ; bad probably o hoping for an opportunity to tell me ow very sorry be was tor my disappoint - ea. After reselvar the presents, he sat • moment as If not knowing exactly bat to do : but 1 soon relieved him of hie .bare -meet by saying , Well, air, if the object of your visit u accomplished, it probably not necessary for you to remota v longer :' and he took the hint and with - w.. ' And now, dear father, said Suer, 'even if It is late, do please tell me s little mon m regard to this trouble math Mr. Goldwin. Or what ground doe* he amuse you of fer- !:r. Halborsoi. 'Yds, sir. And I expect you to Make it right with ea l,ttle delay as pow Rile.' was the patted reply. 'Thom is something very singular about this matter,' Mr. Halbor.on remarked In • troubled tone. is an tire "So n1 would seem,' said the holder of ilia oertufieate. '1 have parted with my mossy .uppoeuag I was dealing with mea who •ot- tag in rood faith. Inst the matter rest for • day or two,' gory' The suh3ect has been so painful to mud Mr. Halhoreon. 'The indorsement, me that 1 have rood oothiag about it in the with the name also u you see it here, wee paper written by me, sad by Mr. l;oldwia's Mr. Halborua very willingly acceded to order.' hu daughter's request, and wart over the 'Settle that between you. ties,' said the whole ,tory, as already gorse, dwelling especially upon the fact that he had receiv- ed the letter authorising him to attach Mr. t:oldwa's true to the guarantee written on the beck d the eertifin•t.. Whirs he had finished, Susie was silent for • few momenta, her thought• apparently bey wills some half-rememb.red fact Thou sae said ' Pleas @trees ms for • few minuses, father,' and after • short abettor she re torrid, and holding up • p•pw, laked, ' 1e this the lost letter that Mr (.oldwu tat Ton With • single glance at it, Mr. Halton's ejaculated. • Why, yes. my mold ' Wham bays you customer , but, let me have my mosey from one or the other of you very soon,' • 1.nldwin,' said Mr. Halboring, calling at that gentleman's odi.-e immediately, ' can it be possible that you have resolved to re paha* that signature, which you know veru Mill, was platted there by your watts seder ' I told you that 1 had loot the note you sent me, directing me to sell the stock s these terms, and to guarantee it over your Dame.' • i know nothing( of the sort, ear,' said Mr Goldwin, with hit eyes resting, so the floor If you have my writts order to that effect, you must produce it ' I:ut, air,' urged Mr. Heid@Doo, ' 1 paid fond it , Thank Heaves ' thus will settle the twenty thousand dollars over to you im I the ease, and ay me from •ey further mediately ' +tr.uble.' ' Ito you remember, father. mid Von@ mooting me down town on. morning, •trent Mn month. ago • 1 no wore poet preparing to leave the city, to be absent t hoes or 1,•ar day--o.erwbehned with humors, half detest toes around yon, all talking to y,, ' • Yes, yes,' interrupted Mr Halbores ' 1 see- to ►•vet m dim reeolleeties of an ' Het.' said Mr. Halh r.ei, ' was not the ueters' of that sort asr'tiaeat. yore• • id did sot I sell it by I 'Well, at the snoopiest yen were parting your order, .,el nn year moonlit, and pla.e from me, yoe said 'Hen, Seta, is • little Ort on•rantee on the hack of it, by your I peetksge of paters that 1 ehosld 0.ve pit in writtee direction r my sero. T•kn ibowl home, and keep tit... Not/ i g of the sort, es jar as ! rias...- safely till i ask fee them bee, wee the reply, " Yee mist take ears ,Phe incased erases buck clearly.' sold el thee eseddese• I d•11 eot.' Mr Hallewees, ' I Mice Ieovehod every Mr. N hashes seta Iso the Arm time die book sod forger of h assstery. Wyfag is Weedy n, and thee M was dealing with • think what arid hate hese doe with that alas . he was dnsgng.ty itself to the very 0/ hM heart Se writhed gtiMMy away way ho bid ase ..dowsed than ' H..o yon my receipt for it •' asked the other • Perhaps ant 1 hove • memorandum of Mot anima' of Dash paid to you at that t eine 'e ' And • great deal mnrh also, probably she ware herein, Ire tnnsactioss together at that time. But in 000.e.quence of some favorable ehanlfes in his fortune, he would now have no reasooto hesitate on that scare, whale the troubles tato which her father had fallen, whether through his own fault or not, d:d not make her any lees worthy of his love. Mr. Eltord was pleased, and at the same time somewhat surprised to find Mise Hal boron so cheerful and happy, and apparent- ly unconscious of •ppro•chtag trouble, when, as every one knew, her father was soon to be tried .gain oo a sharge which, if true, wools rod him to prison fur some year& It happened somehow that Mr. Elford very coon fell Into the habit of calling at the residence of Mr Hitlborson quite Ire- ,queus:y, and continued to de so. la three Jays more the trial would come on, when Mr. Ellerd. addres•ag Mise Hal- irorwn, briefly recounted his (*elitism and sentiment, in regard to her, remind's' her that they were by oo means of recent origin but were the reowal of hopes deeply and fondly cheruned in other days: and finally Came to the direct question, which involved the otter of his heat and hand. 'Hut, my dear Mr. Elford,' said Seale, 'would it not damage the reputation of Toter family to become allied to the daughter of a num whose trial for forgery is still pending` Would it sot be better to delay our engage- ment ngagement until after the result of that trial is known'' 'No, my dear,' aid the yosag man, 'In the first place. I do tot believe your father is ruilty of that come : but even If he were, my love for you is not •fec:ed by any con- sideration of that sort.' It may seem to the reader that Susie was mottos somewhat precipitately in accepting an offer of marriage from a new lover with- in lees tam two months after she had bees discarded by a former one. Hut she had her own reasons for what she was doing, and they were courtly satisfactory to her pants, also. she was wtlhng to give her new lover although he claimed also to be an old one -an opportunity to prove, is that way, the sincerity and strength of as •flection. Again the trial came o., and Mr, gold win swore more pointedly than ever that be had Dever gives the defendant any anthorit wrnttea or verbal, to ago hu name to that guarantee The dsfeodeot being then called, re -at firmed whet be had said at the former trail stating thin the letter hod been lest 'Hut It ho, been found •t last,' he added dnwiog the letter from his pocket and placing It os the clerk's desk. • Was this written by you said the judge taking the letter and inhibiting it to Mr. t;oldwto, who regarded it for • mama: with blank dismay, sed then said 'Yes, it does appear to be my writing. 1 had forgottes all about it.' 'A somewhat uarehable memory,' the Judge reassrked. A few moments leen closed the case, and • verdict ,f •wlnittal, which, under the cis- emnetosose, meant a triumphant vindica- tion against • false sod :rue' charge, wee rendered. Mr. Halbor.on immediately re cowed the warm oongratolatisa of his friends, in which the jury and WOW - bar of the court united. A few week, lam there was • pleasant and joyful entertainment at the hoose of Mr. Nalhor.nn. The mermen of his daughter Susie, to one who hod no fear 'hot bis nwn good mime, or the hoeor of his family, would be damaged by that allw.na 7 Nor hod has alterwtrd my re sen b apl re )tend a result of that sort. As for stooks nelsons,, Mr. H•Iberwow dropped thetas farms- : and M was never ••'orw•rd known to aoao--a,b,.a any..@ no writer Me name for ,m, u.leat • for- mal and legal authority for Moose aerie pried the mraatsre aortal ss a ladear. Sem. psepto a Iseky is 1(wding tit. re..wly at the nght time A ease in fo'bws, and ie worth readies - Ablest three ms,hs ago 1 was all meed 1 up with rheumatism. eateries( mon thaw tartan from it 1 ter 1 Mn. bottles et your valu•M. wodisiu., Ranter& Rl.d RItoro, reel new feel all O K. Some rural ago 1 task • few bottles of R R. R sod , hound it ' he Ism* mother. 1 had over owl 1 had Ow very hest of health esti! tide o(- tash of rh..wrtmet, et sow 1 am glad te my that R. R. R has made me se send se • peskier d I dollar. PIMP"- A.' Mrdlowaets . r Asd it woe is that to £ kkale s-,0 OK Tea 1 base Oe- hetes yob this Mhtbse egabmef+be gar Tas J ORA . Only $1 s year. Indigestiuu, costiveness, headache, nau- sea, bilious- ness, and ver- tigo In,licatu certain func- tional drratito.- ma•nts, ilio best remedy for which is Ayer's Pill.. Iterel. veg,'- , table, seg:.r-'-•tilted, easy to take :1111 I quick to aotiirtilate•, this k the ideal family wtdiciue-the WW1 popular, Me, and ttaetul : b1•rirtit its phor- macv. Mrs. M. A. 111:(x'l:wEl.t., Tt•wt., ways: `.►)er-s Cathartic fills cured me of si.'k hoots -he end my huabaut' of neural;tta. We /hack !herr is No Better Medicine, and tate 'Mooed many to use lt- `Tidrty-Ave )ears alto thls Stehle. i was ria down by bard work and a sn*'C S'O .tl..( eokla, which made toe so Loeb',. that K nay an effort fur inc to walk. 1 cewoaulted 10. donees, but kept sinking lower uulll 1 buil given up all hope of ever being better. 'Happening to Il. la a stere, one .lay, where medkones were wok), the proprietor mowed my weak and sickly appearanec. azul, after a few questous as to my health. ream - 'steeples' me to try Ayer's Nilo 1 had ado faitb.in these or any other nedlcirw•, but concluded. at last, to take his a.h we and try a box. before I bad used them all. i was Ter) much t..-' 'r, and two boxes eured me. I am now iso years old; but I believe that 1f It had not bees fur Ayer's Pills, 1 should have been in my grave long ago. i buy a Luxes every year, w utrh make 210 bones up toads tune. and i would no more be with- out out them than without Dread." -H. H. Iso wham, Rockland. Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &('o., lour% thea Every Dose affective ironies. "No, I don t get very tired when I iron,' said an expenenoeo iaundrese to . lady who was t:presea•g sympathy at her hard work. •At least, it • only my arms and shoulders that gut tired. I don't mad standing if 1 con hove things my own way. I always have • cushion for my feet when I stand at the Ironing board. 1t is made of a dozes thicknesse of rig carpet lining. covered with drugget. The lining is cut in equates, and very loosely tasked together with coag stitches. The drugget is cu• of the n.taired t ie, t • edges are turned in and overhand- ed, then strong stitches aro sewed through about every two inches over the surface of the cover. I have • little loop en two corners of tIm rug as-: t h.ag it up by both boos. 1. Rhin soy jb loss not curl up and drat est of albs" emit would it it were hung M ole corms. I have another rug in front of my duh washing table, indeed, then are • bomber of them around the house, and when I have,yy work that reclaim -it stand tog, one of them invanably Domes on to the floor under my feet. If honeekeepere realized how much of their strength could be saved by a few of these simple devices they would not tail to provide them. I can stand at of table as long again without feeliag weariness 11 1 hove one of these cushions or pads to stand on 1 think they might be a profitable article of trade I Wave need them for years, and i can't see why they have t. . beat generally introduced Tbey seem as oeces.a•y to mo as holden and stove brushes. is Ritual As • euro for frost bite., chilblains, burns and scolds, chafing, chapped hard., inflam- ed breasts, Sprain:., wound., bruises, Hag - yard's Yellow (ill te the moat reliable rem- edy on the market. ter -0ITY- COAL ANO W000 YARD. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT i BUCIISUITH COAL. Coal weighed oo either market or my Mears. Oen my Prlose before going elsewhere. Tors Fula. felicitates* r..neetl... JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. *11-11. SIONEES Egw AWE aw AT [TS STt, et i . %RodADATwooutt. slesterla Amore& ybe.a ogoole'eOvenn .1es rorai. t $cienttftc Amnion PATENTS: Caefill. Tema MOSS tag carman Obtained. sad •11 business la the ((,, rt Palest Ogee attended •e.p, paote 1V�rtflRAlA T1►'p" Our jar le epi 1. 1be l'. M. Permit 01- 0.. ad w • Sae 51104• Patmias to leen Mase kite temp •eewtw from tr ARmuvoroN amNii rnhRl. )N illtAWVLVeriy. two was. or wwe /IN PAvies se se ta t -s! R HA*7R•/� arm Rftreg poi W er t he�AMis iwnemasiM y war _ re seleah *Usnt* r figs �as C e WOW 4 CO, Op els fossil otRsewadtoga_a D 0 HUGH DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, ►as lust returned Iran the clues when he has bees selwttng NEW SPRUNG GOODS. He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest (l/xxjs in the Market and i* prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. OODERJOH Ste am Boiler Works. r4TAKLOOIR )'it -i.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, Successor to otrovi al ! llletek,f Manufacturers of all kinds of Station try Marine, Upright k Tubular Salt Pana, Smote Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers to Upright and Horizontal tll1de Valve 8agtaes. Automatic Cut c ttf melts. • pciatty, All sisee or pi s and tine kbital easeianily oo bond. ffetmatee furnished o• eaort notice. Repairing promptly attended to Stas. ly 1'. 0. Hoz T. Oo.ierich. Ont. Works Oppo.It. 0. T. 1t. Station. Ooderlc• PLANING MILL. IST*ItISHEn ISSS. BocIialialls & llhJllas MA*UlaC'TVgaw$ SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1■ all Mode of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's' material of et wry description School Furniture a Specialty. -.,14!".6UF� i 7147 ts'eluoLisNFSS, DYSPEPSIA. ICK HEADACHE. EDU LATE THE LIVER i ONE PILL ArttR P_ATIYA 11 !INSURE! 0000 01r4,3'.O's.! PRICE 25 CTs T.ip4PP'S !t;'! Ca LTD' MoLEOD'S SYSTE' RENOVATOR AND °rum T•ITED acsnantre. Specific and Anridole for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye peps• sseplesaness, palpitation of the beset, liver eminpiaunt, neuralgia, lose of memory, bronchitis, oossamptton, gall stones, jaundioe, kidney and urinary diessese, St. Vitus' daooe, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY, (ODERI&I, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor sad Manufacturer. McLaon's 1Turaw RanolATos man be bad from eddtoff,t1w In tows, se well as frost all the dr between Owe. Oosad aid asafsrtk, 8raas.Y. Durham sad Tames tall Iv Patronise True Competition. Two CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 00.• Tatasaars has bees establWed to give thr poa Bret• leer es with fair sad par It b mareed s krlse• sandples sed 1e the lateral of • patrons. bNitlede*.rve. mon the Mt of every parse. ash. ss-Mtlfesn. Fr mist di ss.ts. ase Ude feign= all uses and asalea I■ y�NN.g�. Caston W Rffaar�err,.& .11 Noe�trook tli u . Odmwires bla awl Pastas Omar 05eo-leash able tWeestot, SA a Luso) it.a m. od.rw DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU sap �ra�r �awm. N,•r1R 1'16sses sa estieserYwsw,lsdt�� er _ weelpt el Draw re - M bei. we Waft _ 00 L. A. WITH • 00.. Tar. -M BAR AINS! Ladies' Nianties, Dress Gocds, 25 Mantle Cloths, 2 Furs at a great r All our Woolen H prices. Ladies' and Men's at pr a`11U1't.d_rlu5 01 ...Ica.pri��es OOLBORNE B The Great rfe pi / uad Lace of the rot; If 1y. per cent off 50 per cent off. o 30 per cent off. ction. fiery at wholesale ined Kid Gloves es. at ♦:v aAwholesale GODERICH. 41 I' l (f i N. J4"41 r e h o a S g3 OXFORD WOOD COAL .. FOB ALL MIS capacity from 10,000 to 80, HEA ad Hem. .ad gnu' RADI two LARD Liras tem Are Large Largo Seatist.0 DEEP INACE ORATE,ally for wood bur= eel Plate Fire Bea Dene s0leter. welch beat and are more durable of Modern (tobdreo. Ureal Heard tower Full Guaranteed Capacity :;,n „;; mairoopoppooL no For Sale by HARPER LEE, Crabb's Block, Goderich Protect 'mous- Chest. Wo •t1pM.did Liv of Halal l'baavele .ad Felt chest Protectors -dee tele Is. end n ora eu,- ri.r to ire neticlse woolly mold. Prises repaodunto. Y.vrr.on. ., o A per -err the Cheri- is'be Citadel e< Life-withsee a thew. I7r.rntis is belief that Cure. Protect Yo -Lir Heath. Ry yrl•a neer Me*, • ro -le Flaking Po er. ', ou can rely as t►l, being Pure, so why take a aamw • Flavoring Essences la great s'arwty. Christmas Perf'urnes and Gift. pods. Web.veaH.r.rirulA.•ortWont ofthe tattoo end He., mrnvageleily. Tbey are very Attractive this year. You will be 4.1160ted with thea W.C. GOOSE, - - Chemist. =)O YOZT WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE P R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a gaol article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN pnilders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden an Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, Ac. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! CLEANED CuAppRA181N8. Everybody Likes them. Your Christmas Order solicited. CHAS. A. NAIRN THE GROCER. UNDERTAKERS. 3. 33110P1-111Sflirl 8O1ST Have &rioted to their remit lamina= own of B. J. Hate's Latest Style of Otty Hearses, also •1to finest line of funeral to r.ttbiago ie die atasa/T, aaet are Dow preparvwl to conduct funerals at prices reasonable This department .ill be strictly] atiseidad to by bin eon William, abet i• tie employ d the bate D. (Jordon for the pint UM yarn has a w,dpatr% t e bele, .d 1.I i Dereties s to are part d pekaobHe I.el5rom•Rw. Rei_easbsrn10. pl.w-lens pt�Yttta.►ate, whaspTear wa,►y te ileo }�.Ilt •S*5. awe atat 1 r a1 aa11 J. BROPRRY & 80N. 1 ■r.mlr t.titsit& ;lllall21!ZAa Irt III WV If Idle