HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-27, Page 5Cheer up 1 always. justice to le until he ONE he ar, ist ne Br- �u )es S4!IE rs. a leader of 3Sc. se Bottles, ) Albums, eh Boxes, RISTMA8 libies ill be i. TIM SIGNAL': GTODKIRICH. OWT', THURSDAY. DEC. 27, 1$k. .4 FEEBLE WOMAN - suffering from nervous prostration, t'scitabilit�' .d was , op tor trial as Jae 141), . 11s isielludi. Armstrong e• a Malta of Woe pram ekes plans :latarday twat. TML els Arturo.. A Medi/d of tee dreier the town et t;edertch u called for Mm/Y Dee. 31st, at 730 o'clock in the Tower! or dizziness. 7 ,..*ii\ Tmomenrg Ft ND 4UAwrip the result OI ikwAsrd the national lead for ledy Wl'ai nl'.ti, T"'� will be received at the Iuoal Lr ar el the Rank of Commerce. derange. went, or displace- ment of the special organs-- will find health re ained t'.t. Taorga*iic* Metal No. 1be .seal add ia the rompsranes Hall •mus• da/tersouo last was addressed by Rev. J,Edre, who gree an interesting talk on tsps we had to deal with it. The moat Oast Sabbath will be addressed by H. 1. prtocip.t1 ul the t:odertch Collegt after using - l)c)Ctor . teat., ala All are welcome. P•leree's Favorite v.. Wr,s. At London yes- ed.y a pleasant moot of merest to naay Prescription. a l) tour revels. Wok plane. It saw the wed The One remedy--standingLw- ..1 i hu. Armstrong, of 1 •hicsyo.- teen solitary and alone for w11ii.utihlor 0I W. Walton. el 1. It. Irmetroag, of this town,. sad Mies h „ en's weakness,, 4s guu. ort.. &Ntfa to benefit or cure, or th money refunded, is the" Favo ite Prescription." What offer could be faint the 4.r.wl 4leer. Howe probably shout the It's a powerful invigoratj ani ddle of •lenusry. Several new fancy tonic, a soothing and. sort n movements and exercises have been intro - ening nervine. dnced and the comieg exhibition should be vw eatr crose t has e lone- hor women who are �' The ba,grvs aree supractutng hodthenastd toast down and overworked; at.h( ee three evenings in the week now to get tote critical period. in woman'lifc' - the chane fri,in girlho4 to womanhood. and, later the " change of life '' this istspc- cially adapted to her cds; for it strengthens, re latcs. and (.1.1.4. •oerly ul ..udench and now of Loudon. The many friends of the couple in this Dec- (doo wiah item ail happiness and pro.pertty. Tot 1..;(C Ft The Athletic Club has decided W held its eiMbition an NEW AL LR TISEMENTS DEC. 27 Pass ...mid 1' .I t'ndhi m. ... 3 .... 5 14, 0.1 1; ' : Nal lows i . • 5 Always. I ..ilei E. R. F.ddycY'o• Bargain* I otborse Rias Moping Out K. W. I(usnma.. Farts for sale -Chas Mc(;re Syrup of Turpeottae Farm for !tale or Trade .1olio. Aaaual Sleeting Wm .1 Farm for sole er I:eot --1) To Each and Here i).e Co •' Weiting fur .nieseeillficg tate .. -tellies Oaf .Jamas A. Nes Botchrey -Jesse Afh.... ....... 5 Fro THE t: LECTORi•JOF ▪ T- HE TOW I. OF tettukKlCtl- Lunt-, a',1. 4 .1NTItg1N, Henna been requested by a large 'amber of ratepayers, of hath pobtnsl parties, W allow myself to be ..misate.i u m.yor of l:odench for 18016. I hoer plesoure :n cooeestins. While 1 claim no superiority over any of my fdltw'nemesia), yet I claim that 1 bare some 6naactal abilityand think that bav- lag bee. • resident for the poet forty years, end hung one of the heaviest ratep-yen in Mie town, it doer° r seem unreasonable to eek a liberal support os the pgeeeat oc- ereio.- I am not the nominee of any clique or party. but if elected will. without fear or favor, work for the utterer* of the town of Godmricb. Your nbediwt eervwt. GF'OK(:E ACHESON. l:odsrich, Nev. 14, 1tMS. BORN. AUSTIN- 1s Asbssid os Des- ISth oke wife of P. Amy Is et • desebter. TRAINOR-h Chicago as Tbur.da7. floc. !D• 15. wife .11. & Trouser of a daughter. MARRIED. ADAMS 8W AFII[LD-At the residence of 15.1Odes father. Ilayesld Road. es Dm. ►y H. !reties be MI.. I .bses•b Swwalleid. Meg Adams NICHOU )N-PRICIOVa Al the Methodist Oederieb. Dec. bth Imv the Rer, 4vW. /rack NI-5.laen to.4fn Aratka Preeloea 1I713ROWN-VROMAN-On the1ttb tent be Roy. W. R Men at the reids.os of the laidele father. Wm. Serrem sf et Albano. tormseIp yet AuU.M N MW ► Ore k«R� daashur 01 W m. inmmt..4 ('dm. - D1ED MUNNIN08-1• Clammy on Tuesday Mc. 11. bab4la Jana Mle.ed wife of Real. Mand -Sae aria a years. Tow teems) will take pave frost the red- dmmwot bor fathsr-l-.Iaw, Heti. Muaal.gs. Trodelpret,esPride,. Des. IMAM ! r,M, le QMborus Cemetery. Fetes& sed 504sa1.t mese will Meese ...ogt 110 (st manes• THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Trent the Repertlx's Neteboeb a tier.. • mets r' a' ser eesa. 1 reds 10 Pmt M t • 41isrs Antaeg Ts *.10.• Swiss. so' felt.. SIM Prost IlL"---Tiersm Christtae whitest mew dsrl Mph lite a awdiss Mater. but the weather ben hem .dg w es sews geed . warm* msesalis NNW u M P. J. Paidt•.m'R esTA NSlelw Mk � metreestintseass wredarrival IlVilimn 1. cel•taP sad eyarc-mtlsgs. d~1s. extra t•ms`s add tide Ass. a MrrCORMA('. naloso el CendW blisters are usually Vine web mew sed 1.s. bid Me masa§ O§ .§hItwee tt« rely w :meds Je •. lih.Mp yes la salloRar at L R `Mw mr. Menuestat OMR ZeI NP1LTACLs ?P ADE iso sem ►§en/.W dining tr lant wetsons we bm� 2we11•••••":"L wtl.an and towns.. ■wti • P..m+mt. A Osis serest osseshane Alm • team dna a ads not Mho bus is Louisa Is ilia ass your. Loom. Advem•• Ikon tar flee WAAL.-Jahn Plasm sag up kromtlkr t .ally Jlmi'b Olken Won .iiia es* ek.wd with bison* gasmen shape for the coming event. Fuller parties Mere of the exhibition will be announced shortly in these column, Vliet Al tete. About 1230 r. w., Finder last the hre alarm sounded. The ire bri),..le was out in .hort order and made a duh for the Albion Hotel, from the roof of which smoke was tmuug. The tire started uuder the lttcheo furnace and the smoke ascended between the studding to the roof. The origin wee soon discovered and • stream brought into play, which shortly evturuteb- ed the blue. The oaly. lose of soy wcount was by water, which tlo,ded the kitchen and upper rooms. A.wol ti WAi-TON A quiet but pretty wedding took place Wedoesday of fast week, being the marriage of ".lack' Armour, of the Organ Factory, to Man Slegyte Waltoe. eldest daughter et Mrs. K- L Walton, Wed et, The !menage core o nce was performed by Lev. M. Ternbull, meter of Si 4:eorge'a. The bridal party left by the lata afternoon train for their honeymoon trip to Detroit lid other points_ The'p&rty got a big send oft se they pawed organ taetorv, that building beteg gaily ted with flags and other effects. The hest wishes of tnetcniany friends are ex- tended to Mr. and )'In. Armour for their Mare happiness and prosperity. Biome... 1)ne of the finest attractions that has ever been In (.oderich will be the appearance on Wednesday, Jan. vtb, at the 4:rand Opera House, of Miss Nellie (iaath- say, the cash' atm Reglisb Society tem, tamer. 4.eorge 4:roesmith and Coney (:rate are both world renowned names in this bot of business, but the English peens, particularly the bid London dailies, ca. - ends§ Nellie 4:Anthony W eclipse them both combined. 'be has been secured by Manager Hart by a lucky chance ea it wets. ber managers having met with unavoidable delay in opening out in New fork. end in this way she wadi moored for • performaocs here. It will undoubtedly be one of the g reatest treats our people have ever had. TiclsITi 1-at.a-ort. At the recent Christmas .eamtr•tio.. at Trinity I'olmr- sty. Toronto. the following neaten eppoer in the published but of 15* result lo ars, Min Elwood, io the 2nd veer took tint clan Moon in modern languages, end stood Bret class in Divinity. French, German. Italian. Hartory and Literature. Mw Shepherd, is let year, took 2.d saes boson u soden lam page, end stood 1st clans in Divinity end Freech, ird in Latin. end Zed in (;ernes and italiso. Mins Locoombc, of Ki.osrdise, took 2.d clans boners in modern hngoegen sad stood 2nd class in Divinity. 3rd is Latin end Matbe.alies,let a Frmeb sad habits. 2.d in german. In t o Divinity case C. A. Saeger, took h omes in Old Testament. and stood 1st elms in New Teetane.t and ('hunk His- tory, 2nd in Dogmatism mad 3rd is Hebrew sad Pateral Theology. T.m KINItitno,ARTIN Ci.oslt.. Th. ole. hag exorcises► of the kindergarten elm, sadir the instruction d Mins fboneos, took plans is the clam ream, over Gerdes's former fermium, store, oe Friday mammies Met. Over thirty (reads ..d parvus of the alien were present and all expressed themselves delighted with the performance of tb. little ones. The pupils are trained very tboroaghly and ge through many pretty stere*..e with a preemies sued ems which show very careful t:esehing. The twining rocsived is of e asters at moo pleasurable sod prsetiasl.snd led the right kind for the nouldieg et ahs young sheds. Min Thomson bas ecnidarsble a periw.. m kiadargsrten work sad is • very s6icimt lobeimr. The past Mem hos boss • nods nstWaemer enc and i pleasing M both t..eher sad pupa's. TM oleo remunes s. Wed.mdsy, Jon 2Sd, is 5h. *harness West Baa'.aot Miter. -About sixty krsthr.. ,..posed of ..leen from Huron Lodge sad visnas( brethren from Olathe 1.0.0.F. twat- to had lent Thursday own Ing is she Ledge roma to without thee..,., rise d the 3rd dorms of 0.14 Irctlswmhlp m sins of the Climate brothers, wit* W mss ▪ .ppia"y a h•.s the rine ssslured by t5. Huron Lodge tam. Os ads esnsl.d.s d the beautiful sod Immtemies mrsuisay is eeumssaisr with this dcgrus, post U. Reyeals wLLsmsd 15. visiting Clinton kmethrss i. • bow appropriate sad wet -tim- e d remarks, atm wits light reireams.a were served is the led. ,..m and 11e r of ab monies d.,i•d a map gad spanen finis F.sar, DMw..Reffinemy. Lor, Cheat sed Ymsat1g Ikea lis Mess lady mad flew. Gimpy.•, 1.r.iMsr Whigs, Tom sod Oads pro= mel g ss rani teas vary w .._Mwd.6 sad • wee Omura'readmit '.sir M. du. .M* ILM roe. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement a .td tends to peso',.l enjoyment when rightly nand. The many, who, live bet- ter than of hereand eo joy life wire, with leas expenditure. by Mote promptly adapting the world's beet retinas to the ueeda of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative princiiilea embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. lrseicellence is due to its presenting in the form m'et aeceptab:e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing acrd truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the Systems. diap.elliog d'Ida, headache" and fevers slid permanently curing constipation. It baa given 1tiafect ion to millions and met with the approval of tl.. medical prtJeasnn, because it acts on the Kid- ueys. Liver and Bowels without weak- ening theta and it is perfectly fres from every objectionable Substance. Syrup of Ftgs is fur gals by all drug- gists is Vic. bottles, but it is manu- factured bythe California Fig Syrup Co. only, "'ome mute in printed nn every package, also the name, Syrup of Fite. and being well informed, y',u will nae accept any Substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. .ederIele briers. Gonseics. lase. rte. 1001. Fall Wheat. mewl standard 0 5a to 0 57 Flour. family. per cwt 1 90 to 1 00 Flour. raft. per cwt 1 .:i to 1 Ib Fleur. patent, per cwt W to :• 00 lima. i ton 1 00 Ut13 00 Short*. 0 ton 14 00 toll 00 Sereeainge • toe-. . 42 lit Wtt OD (fats. S bush .... 0 27 to 0.91 Pens. a bush ....-.. a ->_' W 0 5( Harley. t we rowed. 'bush ........ s 444 to O w Hay. ton 050te 700 Potatoes.* boob, sew 0 -,i to 0 10 Hotter, • id to 0 l- imes. fresh unpacked. • dna0 le to 0 1. Wood Wool 0 IS S 0 de Hides 2055.290 Sheep Stine 01511•11 Live dem. 1 ad( K Weaved Haus 111131111 Karon - 0 ~ M S M Harm per lb.. ..... ... II a loll MI CHRISTMAS EXAMS. The following bilk* standing in order N sent ut the Sen. IV, se well es the pro - mottoes, in order of merit, secured by the pupils of the Public Schools, of the e( t:oderich at the Cbrtatrrae 1eenunettone, I haft. senior F-eurth. Turnbull 1'.. Turner F., Watson V. and Garrey IC. .equal*, Holt t'., Morten •1., 11-tlliame, F., Tnrs*r, F. Look - wood F. , Stewart t'., Smith G., 14141 Buchanan 4 4. , Holt 1: , Murray J, Marra F., Sherman M., Kneeshaw X, 1).Pesdry A., Knot N.. Acbesos, E., Cho** H., Martie, H., .Stoddart 4:. , tarry A„ Reb.rta J-, Firrow E. and Mel eta M. tenni). Pries M.. Cattle It., Acheson S-, Cramp* J. Jobs - moo A. Vile. F:.. Mpeooe H., Rse obsna E McLea. W.. Humber M., Vivian J., Bleck- stege H., Bridget 1;., Lampert H. Promoted from Jag. IV to Sea IV. - Elliott W., Craigie A , Newton M., John- son, M.. Mol'lymoet, C., Grein L, Slack Mose H., McIver D., Tye F-, Grierson W , McLean L, Crate E., Faber F., Horton H. Promoted from Seg. 11I to Jim. 11'. - Carrie A.. Herrman K. , F•egaaNew- combe F J., Mtniso . Knox M. Mama Brown L. sod Pots W. (..1101), Marcia B , Wright A , Neiber¢.11 C., Chaff C. Bate. I., Aedr w. J., Edward L, Weatherald M., Belcher F. , Promoted from Middle 11I W Senior 111, Mies A. M5•rm..'s Room. ibwdiag M. sad Kdwsrdn F. (e itial►, Boll V., Doreeneovno., W N.Wiggin. H., * C., Shrine. M., Reid K., Wash C., Bud.esn J., RatherG. Crates W., Bakdr N. Mies Rask'* Isom --Light J., Ka..obaw H., Hiatus/ J.,Ka.g J. mid Tye P. (equal) Colborn M , Comas L, Brimaeembs M., Iiev.old. C. Johnston W. Woman H., Dunlop (:.,M.Kf a..0.,Vii.as C.,'i w..dy C. Promoted from jun. III to middle III. Knox T., Manges G., A.dr'wu A.. Hall C., Stew&rt L, Newcombe M , McDosail .1., 14..dn... G.,110 .den F., S.Ilews D., Mc- Donald jus. A., Hb D... S, McDonald -m. .* A. sad Glee H. (equal), Tweedy E-, Me - Lissa F. Shepherd E., Jamin. W., Allen A., Prise D. Hyslop A. Mlem Frsek's room promoted from sm. .. II a j.IIi-Hale L. Herta. E., Turnor 0 , Black H.. M.Derld lt.. M.Don lel K., Stolen R., $sorsa A., Yule K, Haulm R. (anff C., Oempke11 C.. loris G. Robertson;0., Murray 11., Jennings C., Mdlm A. Miss Ball'. r.. -WIDle. B ; Niaishm C. Melo ss Rw , Iwd..d GrahamA. , Graham L. Di.1.•. G.AndarDiat- o m C., Brophy B., D• om 1 , B•A, r M., Molest iL, Inas- A., Wa ✓ i.gte. N., Sbphard F., Kirkhe&* L.. Bonen N. St. Aadrew's Ward to Centra- -Gamow J., Ore.. M., l.ween 1. (aa.telen J., Sher - mos L., R.. Blas L. Haight J. St. David'. *rd N OsNr.l-Bese.m M., Whitely E , /linin C., Butson lam, Main - tone Rhyne C., Atkins 8. St. Patrick's Wart to (7rstruf - Atheism E-, Smith F., llmi5 C. Rebs A , Bis- stn C. New Ruteber Shop. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. THE NEW lsah§r Shop win open oat se Hama less t dp.arday morning, when dist-elm mM�r.r on kinds at pMee ee to suit td(. time. anrt rad by the public, tThe present prime must COMM dew.. Dive J SIJo.1 R Co 1 Annual Meet• 108 TRW - MERRY, MF:RRY CHRIHTMANTiDE, When do we MI so happy sad wa•Itby. mad rigidly es. as at Christmas when we re )nice and give Situ to uootmeutu(Ne lite gross pre of'. 5,1.' to ran, IEE Ol'R HOLIDAY 0(I0148. i I'T OLAfiet PER►t•Mg+inners now '►ulI. Ts' Imre Moline. her*. and other, in many _- - 1 Loch *I fa lee --64 . to K O 11..• Ms: eecceptaW - t all gift.. TI 11 LET Asa•.. and ,'hri, sew and beau'.tnl d MANY (►T H I': K LINES 1' ou -an Ocoee any freed from sur rock. Watch our W,edows and drop 1' . We take erasure in 'howled( you these Goode, `NNlALMKEr1A•• THKANNI:AI. • mein nog ul to e W. et Mares Memo and h.✓tar 'sayIlinaediwi11 w bold in the mewmai5 heal Marlow as Wed n esdey, Jas- Rh at 1 .',v for the election of directors vel ether keel•-.. JOHN TI 4114. Wild. JONES. Pres. secy. M 7 Ilbutostaioe gale- ECIOOU)TOR's �Lli OF VAI.IUAHLE PART LANDS -ily'I 11x4 be sold g naw aeprp at Wall Wel. .a the nil by lege of Dlmea•son, h e Maw of Hurts. as data:day the I!th. dal et Jaeuary. A D.. WM. at twelve o'clock noon. the following valuable property. ..i.el7 The South half of the North half of lot 11 1a site 3rd concession of ibr Townhipof Wawanaeh. is the County of Huron. oostai.ing 50 acres of land This Is a first claire) acres of land. the sail is ray rem There te a good orchard aad also s tome dwelling. The property u attest el os the gravel road ',tibia about a ode of 15. p,(wpersue village of Dumgsosen For further .atrkulan appy 10 Charles UlrN1. Keg.. Nile P,O. executor. or to CAMS/ION. HOLT it HOI.MES. te0i1Ner. for K,.,ebt0r, Uoderieh, Oe4ricb, Deesmher Il INS. ?'.ow -3I �eafal lfotless. CUSTOM gAWYINI.. Parties taking out logs thus Winter. for spring building or .bipn.esi. -- NOTI•:-- I am prepared to .to custom moving at 92 per td(., tor Hemlock. Hamwoud .1••t glee. p per M-. for Maple. Horeb and Ant. Having the bel reeler to 4 *nada try work can be .nLranteed. itutlefing material or all kinds AT 1'5.TRON PRI('118. Is town lou W give away-- Callass heat about them. KlD1Yt) PLANING AND SAW MILL Oe -17 Near ti. T. It. depot. GODERIOH FOUNDRY AND MACTINIC WORKS. Barmen -- Try our new horse towers. price $2i. l'h. Yleury plows are taking welt The Knn.tnan land roller is the best at the price. Mei. The sic Cormick Mader for sale. also implement's from the Watford, Fleury. Watson and other firms. The handling of the Maxueli imple- mePte has been transferred to Uungannon as it in claimed 1 .old them too cheep. flow points reduced in price. t .suttees made to order. Cash for metal - ,s0 J. R. RUNCiMAN. NEW CHOPPING: MILL -THE MUB- ocrhber heeler put in a new est of Preach Kuhr mill .inns it prepared to do all kinds of grain chopping with dispatch. Mill will he running on Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday every week. firing in your grain and fret It chopped sod home same day. capa- city use ton per hour. Flet -.saes hotel •ed . tabu, sccomadition close by. J NrO. ti. PLATT. (54.•4 Waved Tiled Music. MI'48 ANNA L MHAW, TEACHER OF of Music and Theory Os. Mar past of Capt. Parsons. Weibel *1 -:in Property ler Dole or fix as. ALS'AKLF FARM FOR SALK OR to rest- West half Mt 3. eon. L 1-.D., la the township of Aebf old c ow:wining 10) acres having t6 &ere In Yell wheat . the farm is under the bent of cult vat ins said he sold et a bargain and easy fere.. .ripply to U. M. KAl-, tioderich. 9; ani FARM FOR SALE --b At RES 14N (7)N. Ooderich Tp. Oa the premiers are a ped frame honer and barn ; afro gnat nd 1 ersrd Por particulars a t y CHAS, a OREGON. Porters Hill, P.O. 97 4t F4RM FORMAL'SOR TRADE- -WILL w or trade 351.rres In Clark Co. 'Routh Dateable Isar 100•cres in Huroa0-.with im- pe .vat•ente. 1 lie farm i in good Ioegity 0 mis treat musty neat. with •+hoof bone on the Ngo- It is weal Improved. with good build Ines. 100 acres et pasture with plenty of water. HIO acres of meadow and 10! eros under culti- vation. Will furnish 11 young bonfire with 5. . cattle. will all aids of farm Implemeste. 1f required. For further part wears sooty to J. J. le O1.F1 . Clerk. eo 1105. USA 97 =m FOR SALE. LOT NUMBER 12, IN the 5th eene..sioo. Ooderl.b township, swishing 31 scree. This is a first slam farm. sad nitrated within • short dates, e of the town of Oodertck. Wer p.rticeman apply to \ tt PHILIP HOLT. Oodsrieb. MAID. Weaaamair, Dos. Ib. (%rfstw' day pow* mistily hue. (lead amine as ads poi mew. Mr. Msiwell, sow of Osdold., spmmt Owasmm is nue. J. Tarpon mi W imam m Allss. 410110 h ems him weak 6d(. Q-rale.d, Maim w0L TM rrmhpaei n Yana saw& our Mims& of Ian mad was • pond Samoa Pradmmis, x,116. Om. Stara ttey was d.itraa R*e. R. F. Hall. of Tons., e- .pled St. Mime's penis w etltgadh7 MIL Oa aaleams MON the Salmons Army gam • -me..rt to • Vtp •monsoon Tb Io▪ n% elei ego half him d( egnseleos The pow d >ta1Rw likeleirt demi WOMB geed NON swiss. FOR BALL -N. t LOT 31, 2ND 00N- 1' enaUra• nem Wataugah, 1N 'area. This la • Mt4is1a tare. AIN town tot 47*. AN► d oh. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. Mia, VeLUARLI FARMS AND TOWN PROPIiRTT POR SALE OR RgNT,- Let m in the not 'wellies. Ooderieh town- ship, ow.ty of Hera, !miles from Ooderlob. ooaistt.g of 1410 sores mese or leve. Sam lex 00, nearly sow;,,Fri orchard et ebd4oe trait. well wateredGreegrazing farm. rairmeight4 es easea y was'` grazing Apply W JOAN KNOX, r etiwnlr. Lot 1 la the broken deet. went of the lake toad u the Wears divlsles Townshipof 0.4- ber•o, bounty of Hamm3 miles tree Oddrbeh eompriang 142 awes. Large bask earn. good Num bow ! story high. nearly sew sad g ood ardent *1Glebe fralt, cos be bought m e asy terms. Apply toJOH KNOX. A.btlen- ear. Beek A and H. like mark 1a mho township of Cabarets. o..111e1.g of nI aeon more sr Ins. Mors ah es f1' �rsM s• • hums h ow. teases ham awl p.g ntaWmg. About 7 .m.bo*no.d of o. trait. *beet mG mem of b-.5. TIM harm l o -elder d a e. o 61atehme oei•g lar., The arm atm be divided to mini paromoggs sad Wies cors tome AMU is JO KNOX. Hew sod Mt I. tits tow. of Cllnten,-get 41, Mssy..L, oggliNha old woolen moars- Memo 1.w If mery high. ! Mw heomesfiw with good mbar, all in= Mw aet ► . Appy to JOHN KN XAestleaw- Settles to Creditors. le t'rtlolio..., O.•1 A1' W' Lateen I Mist ed Wises. W. C. GOOI►E, CHEMIST, AL BION' BLOCK. I .e the 111N1•khtr.I, PLANT VO4lIJ. TO £VIER i ISI S. . Nolle td changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. eaauel Advertisements accepted up to noon Weudnesd.y of web week. Loan ana Saelngs Society. lr 111 NOT WHAT �[(a�1tJt Ril WHATYd(,m4AVE,MAM YOUR1('H.' Troweillair Outdo. MAIM TRIMS RAILM AY. FMK Awittlw 000008,1 a. owes. Wien Y ssi inpwp Mau sad Repress.... ............... os1arer Mail and Illsemes Mail and et sem .. Wirt .. .-. 10.50 a• w. 133 am. 710pni. 9.5• p.m. 4i8 a.m. 1 1'. 1L'pm. 4 Public Notloes. THE HI'HON AND BR"CK LOAN AND '(ri'ICE --O\ AND AFTER .IAN. Ise, iNVffl0TMKNT COMPANY.IO96. 1 4anenA eu*durti••g mr gm.',tr) busiora. on a.ln.•tl) • ah la... *11 &.',•..ants 4,,.,.-sv0me.eRah -/ast- rn•, Haand Haw. ()wish n.e 1,1,1.1 td(• settled &1 cine. Thr .holo- DerownM interest Compounded every alt est linen of \man go '* &rid vro -' 4, s rent 1. ,,soothe at four percent p•r annum. on 10.0. 4stork- 94 tf 1i. M. 141.1.1111'T. front one della: upwer'U Deooeitors will find it to their advantage to come and see es. 'roam; May la secured N aV lino withoa. deity on thr .„cunt.) nr •ppro.e•l dra,rabl. I properly. I'. peswn moderate. Applications 1 receival by the Manager or solicitori. The Company's entree are heated on North Strew and Court Howe A.:uare-o;pwite Hutton! 454..'..!. 4)90.'., HOItACl HOHTON. J. H. POLR4)It\R, IManager. President. F. SMEETH' PLANING MILL - AND - SA.H, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ta Amt wells► e/ R W. Aaaeimsw. Of f he 7'..n of Oodrr fe tw the Qrtp Nagler is hereby give. that the ahem sassed IL W. Ruselmas bw mel'•sttstpment of swam to act wader the of Cbsgtsr *14. R tarentnt'•M the a •M 54. medlars. III A h by epi•. 4w spd will 5. makers of Met estate law eea�eees. of anthem 14.7.5 0; Mulkors,Lwdw. w 1b My et Dessml'1sr. A. D. lNt. at 2 '5. flab la she .14.,.e... ter the 2itzttemsat of 1 end the leviers d with rammer to Gni el ai.p..of said sonata. All mothers of the eaM estate are herby Mord to Os their Min with mr, y solicitors O01 M.Nah t Mallets. Lends. w dM emit by dewed Stets) le Or help 06•001 Osumi Lest'... A her Jas. lath. ITS, 1Mon pre and t, distribute the said ,Mato homiest re- S ard oa17 N sweat olden se I Mall have .Mow el. sod 1 shall net be respwlMe M time amnia d she said �estemte,�er say tart thereof. w ..g not V o been weals MLdada ed( shrine Mae Dated the HIM 11&7 01 D,e..,.4D. 01111lyf$ RclI.w4Na N O. Qp7. ftOt: 1 take rho, importunity to inform the puMle that 1 am Mill in the bummer notwitbetanding all rumors to the coatrwry, and am prepared to do every chow of work in my line from 'riskier s window 'mete to erecting •..Wry build ins with mansard roof. Ketintotea furnished end competition icis it*d. Thr furnishing of bedding materiel su-•h so lath. shingles and lumu.r a sic'eielty. F' SMEETH. Oodench. JuIT nth VOL A )M I'LETE STOCK. Our Mock of celluloid. leather, nal and plush good- is Pow complete. Deering and atavism sewn.. manicures roc.. iter. dee- our to erne sot glees bottles tilled with perfume. Also'Y a• atomizes*, J. WILSON'S PRESCRIi'TI4,N DRUG STORE. tan is.s it TRIUMPH 411" nR1'- A rfNK pHAHNACY rMA4 LETTER Now that plush sad oa►di.sd tal•er geode, etc. have beim discarded as \ mass l're.sota we i,e. a eedv. • 01 .i 10 ban • something ui, sod tasl.•oat.le toe yo, to present m yo. r friend. .t the test ave season We have thus purch.sed a level. as sortme.t of elereat perfume'', Mand somely put up In flowered, satin finish ed eases. which cannot be excelled for \ mss Kitts. The odors, the Must sad best mode. with plain, engraved and cut glass, are exquisite indeul We invite you to (mamma, them. kuowiog that you will he delighted wain their ben*UIul appearance sad pronou.)ce 'nem the most noel u. sad dainty presents that use could pat. N en appreciative friend. %% ening you, use and •;1• a •,:uw I'hristmes. cHAS. I). WI LLI A li -. i •old ,. viii,' .411tl 111 1,_ist. Robt. Slct-e*c s Block, 1•odetuch- In not • one in painting or erulpture. but can aide two ne,•n in sur novel and beautiful derigue of 1.rniture It 14 no beset. but an &-know- !edge.l fact. that we carry Zhe largest and finest stork of fur•ninure in town and in point of elegance it una.irp.5sed. y,ra In selraink presents yen can find •ontlelgt more *c.•epr&bl' or appmpriatc thea one elf - or lw-antlful recd lir oak chairs. *n eat oat tool. or en,1it eh. or parker mid. A..- beautiful ptasenta that meet all demands and satisfy a1 wanats. Superior gnarls at Seroci.ing low pel.-e.- W. solicit au'.tnparia•m of goods mid prices, knowi§n that you will end our line the best and cheapest. 1-photstertng a Specialty. SMITH FURNiITI:RE MTURK AND ART I)EW)T. 4)n the square. It i' u.ualiy u •liflicult matter w reelect Chri-t- ►ria-t pre'4eut4. ).our trouble, in, that line aTe- :tt tial end when y 11 see the good.. ' are showing. 'Price:, that all ean rt'acl: Medical Hall - d(1. E. atria. SELLING -OUT ! Only FIVE MORE WEEKS ATO DO IT INS $7,000woeTn of DRY GOODS Y=T TO S=2-1._ • e • Great slashing and cutting of prices in order to clear out our entire stock by FEBRUARY lst, 1895. We intended this week giving a list of prices but have been too busy. Suffice it to say that our entire Stock of Dry Goods has been re -marked ---many lines to less than half price. No selling off, moving sale, or bargain day prices can compare with our Great Selling -Out Sale. What the people want is a Bar- gain every day and every hour, and that is What we are prepared to give. We opened on Monday last a case of Black and Colored Cashmeres and Henri- ettas (bought before we decided to sell out, for next Spring's trade). We have marked them at such prices as should clear them out within a week. Come and examine our Goods and Prices. We are always pleased to show Goods. Every person wel- come to this great Sale. O mdgriet►, Dee. nth, 1814. JAMES A. REID 9 Jordan's Blook, Gfrodorioh.