The Signal, 1894-12-27, Page 4`the $qnil,
• PaeeJmraxe
nor a. siW ausewew.
Olkto et Publication -I
11111. Northenresi.
Tares of sabaereoeten t
M year. 1 M
eredit 1a wised. tie penis per year
wW M... •
Aden -inane ne atles
pre tae
awl 1 ^ case& adrertiaseseata, lea
pee for ,rot inrtion, end f nests per line
iso .ubsequeat ioa0crtlos. Measured by
pampered .ease.
dimeleaste cards of six lines and ander. 1155 Oar
Advertisements of I..»s. round, Strayed.
Vacant. N:tuation• Wasted ud
rt.a..ces Waned, sot etceedlag •
asa ara,I e1 per month.
on Sale and Faro's on Sale. not to
aapd a limes. $I for art month, UV. per Nish
/4ae.t month, larger 'Arm, 1■ proportion.
Any epeeist notice. , hr object of *holt. is to
the peeanlery Arne.% of say .idi.
er pomppoen,, to be eondd.•rri an ad•
w.ya .'.; eat and charted .reordinely.
Yr l ato ir'e'1110 nonpareil type one coat per
ward, an •.sires Zees thea Y3r.
UMW.oticee in ordinary reading type two
m4 Osr word, No notice for Ire thea 50c.
e•teM for churches and other religious and
bem.veleet Amite utioue half rate.
Marmoreal reed tart Id rMtrementa.
A limited another of displayed advertise
Cis will be inserted at the efullowing rate. :
saeb. ose insertion....... P1 Ie
" four Insertions ....... I •al
Three months. . . ...... Y M
" six month. ...... t pa
" one year. 2424 SIM
No advertisement lea than two MO.... in
4agth will be calculated on above buts 5
par rest. dleceiint ...Mired for cash pry .rt.ts
es three tat.tha'ean t cart ; 10 per cent
eioatbe, and 13 per tient. on • year'•, Three
sssdltioas will be strictly enforced.
U I11.•ti
Tae dire at.
Telsehe.. (`all M. eader(eb. a)nt.
tioiSaieu. TUUllalrAY. DDC. V. net.
rl`ItOSE desiring to renew their, ,sub-
scription to Tut $It:x.L will witch
oblige by sending in their names es
early as convenient before the expira-
tion of their present subscription...
This will obviate the delay attentlgnt
upon reentering names and mailing
hawk numbers.
To tlir se who nave already renewed
for 1895 and a number have done so
-we mitred or thanks. it simplifies
the work considerably when subs•rib-
ers are forehanded awl subscribe
early to avoid the rush during the
early weeks of the new year.
All overdue subscriptions at New
Year's will be charged at the rate of
,50 a year and placed in the hands
our solicitor for collection. Sub
ptions for 1s95 must h. paid for
advance. 41 will do it.
THANKS to the ,service which ham
been render -ea to the town by the pol-
lee magistrate, the night before Christ
max and the 'noes that ushered is
Christmas I )ay was not celebrated by
lewd uaen and louse wotoen sifter the
(fashion that existed twelve months
ago. under the "old regime." Every
thing this pole was quiet and deter
oex in the extreme, and proved con
elusively that in the appointment of
a police magistrate for (:oderich a
goad day', work was done. There
iaf't a decent man or woman in town
who would can to go back to the old
order of things. '
AN eMasuisd subscriber writes
' Will Ten Suttai. kindly tell me
what a pantata is " Certainly. A
pantata is a public functionary who
supplemente his salary by receiving
sums frum lawbreakers for staving pff
promotion in other words, a person
who "protects" illegal practices for a
consideration. in New York the
Lazow Commission has unearthed a
lot of pantataism amongst the police
captains and others who were getting
rich by protecting vice. A captain
named MT*AUsf1, of the New York pol
ice, was the original pantata, but he
has had any number of imitators
both there and elsewhere By the
" protection " that was afforded to
certain women of low reputation in
Ooderich during the. peat few years, it
had begun to look as if a paateta was
basking in tame sunshine of prosperity
in this locality, but the appointment
of the polios magistrate straightened
matters up.
THE Christian Guardian up to date,
hasn't, shown any evidence of in
.-receded editorial vigor under the new
management in fact, it is rather the
other way A sign of weakness was
evidenced moistly when, referring to
Hos. Mecums Row*LL as having
isees called upon to lead the Govern-
ment, the fact of his being a Metho-
dist was trotted out se a favorable
oesditiss. The Christian (seethes
•elaeald know bettor them drag in a
lama's religios in this way. The reli-
gion of a public an, if he be am how
est and capable administrator, a of gas
leers impertaae• im bis psb&
city than is the oolor d his emir
sad we is ()mads have hoes el last
sedate the hebawls.uil
llsidesk The Awasldila /11M sire
speak by the /card wbss it referred to
Brother BowiLL as the ideal of a eon
setae Methodist. True, Mr. Bow -
at t. *es a Methodist and so, for that
matter was Sir Jo101 CARLlnu, but
same years ago a Methodist pre cher
in the pulpit of the church where
Soweto. sad ('**Lino were wont to
worship was a trifle too outspoken in
the wetter of publicrin►toorality, and
both of the gentlemen named took a
miff at the pastor and left the church.
If either of them has ever returned
to class meeting it has not been pub-
licly stated
Itut, aside from this phase of the
question altogether, who rarer two
&trawls whether a roan is a Methodist, a
Presbyterian, an Bpisu•opalian, • Path
ohc, a Baptist, or whether he is a
creedist or not, 1m long as iie Is a pat-
riot. a *tetramer and an honest own.
He might .wear by the thirty nine ar
titles and break the Tan Command-
ments every day he went to work.
%1•hst we want In our public won is
that the, .hon ld be brooder than any
dognaat.ic creed, and hat.. their prinei.
pies more in record with the spirit of
the Gospel on the Mount rather than
lased upon edicts, canons, conventi
legs, pronount'emente, or opinion. of
conference', synods or prwbyter'iea
Anel other man-made iastitutlon..
I tete of the greatest tights in British
annals was that for divorcing Church
from Stote. In Canada we were also
uneaeurekly .ucee•aful in a similar
good tight. Such having been the
erase. the fewer ologies we have in our
politica the better it will lie, and The
Christian Guardian or any other de
noniinatioual organ will he in had
business if it endeavors to drag cler-
ieah•hI into what is ess-ntielly a pure
ly secular matter.
bility of an early
The recent shuttle
ii inistr'*tion deal
indicates the prolr-
IMt linioa ..Iectioa.
in making the Ad
has disclosed acrd the
fact that the brethren who rompriae
the ('al,in,•t have not been elwelliug in
harmony together, and several of the
members are at *ices and sevens as to
the policy of leadership.
The Cabinet -- doorstep members
and all now conaiatu of eighteen
all told, and the only wonder is that
another secure• or so were not
called for, so importunate were sever-
everal politicians to become member* of the
new Adtninistratioa. le the scramble
it appears that the representative for
West Ilur er. came within a close
.hare of being dropped from the slate.
and it .urea only by determined
work oa his part and on the part of
two or three of his friends that lie was
retained as a member.
lite hon. member for .1 edge EL-
LIoTT his been given a place on the
outside of the Cabinet pr .cincta, and
will slay out unless he roaneget' to
get an induction ' from his friend the!
Ju.ige to reattain the new manage-
ment from rerrying out the writ of
eie•tnaent which has Leen issued
upon him.
The most important addition to the
l'abiaet is 1)r. MoNTAd:t'1, the man
with the iron haw and his admission
to the Cabinet is the key to‘the new
condition of affairs. The Ontario
represeatation has laeen lamentably
week in Relating talent, and Mow
Test's has leu taken in to compen
sate for the dead weight of dummies
like PATrERsos and CARLtww, who for-
merly represented Ontario West.
The Hon. " H alta* to n " iiowSLL. is
evidently "setting his house in order."
Tas Su4SAL wisher its many
friends a Happy New Year.
The Toronto ) oodler matinees to
be numerous. His tribe is lacewing
ernorlerful ly.
The mu.icipal election• news in
Use' corner of the vineyard has bees
exceptionalI, quiet up to date.
it is panning strange that the se
teemed War lord wax not called upon
to lead the mow Administration.
The Borneo. administration was
wanting in brain, so Dr. Moine/vs
was brought in without portfolio, and
ballast was obtained.
There osght to be a good tura
out of tie ratepayers at the nonmed
chmnber Moseley erasing to herr the
eandidatee aenoence their platform
for 1895
The people of Toronto are e■
d6sawerimg to make hssenty asd intim
city to walk hand i• bead with ierteel
ligenoe in the noseisation d s.unielpsl
easelidatas the year. Ogderish 11ik
iissM de the seam
THE SIGNAL: f:(►DFKIfett 11NT., THURSDAY DEC. t7. lS114.
The Personnel of the Kew Ilkalstry
Finally Derided l'poe.
/M. roalagae at Loot clads a Platy 1. rho
leablseo. bat 1' • I.out •►
Mr Ulebr, •r, revery .f stat. -
tittl. 4 Aosta. 1.014or
l'el..ri *..2440,
OTTAWA, rime. tiN,- The I abi u. t Lou .1t
Iwt been formed and +lands as follows
Prone Minister and President of the
Privy Council Hun. Mackenzie Dowell.
Po.tInaster-(ieneral Sir Adolphe P.
1 anon
M1nbiter ..1 Marine and Fisheries- 11.n.
John l'.r:tigen
Minister of Moaner-Iluu. George Ku les
Minister of Justice . iir ('horde. 11'men
Mlui.ter of Railway. and ('auris - Hon.
John Graham Ilaggart
Minister of Public Works -Hou. Joseph
a hire- 1►uhp.ei
Mini%ter of Militia mud Ik4e:ncr Ile,
James ('ulhnroke I'attrrwtm.
Minister of the Illiterate- Hun. Thomas
Mayne stall)
Minister of Trade aid ('omnaeree-Hoe.
Willi.* Bullock l ere
TIIE %EW mtlalsT*R for Jt'IaTler
Minister of Aipricuhur•- Hun. _\ugurb
Kett) Anger..
Secretary of State -Hon. Arthur H
Without fa'rtfuliow-Sir Frank Smith
Hon. 1). loernuwon and i)e Montague.
Not in the Cabinet -Solicitor-General oaf
('&nada H.n. Jobe Joseph Curran, (1.('.
Controller of ('uattuuN-Hon. Nathaniel
''larks Wallace.
('out roller od inland Revenues.-- ilen.
John Fisher Wood.
Hou. Mackenzie Rowell has received the
following cablegram from Sir ('haring
Tupper: "The Blenheim will sail on Sa-
turday evening, ami may be expected at
Ilali[rz un•the morning of Momlay, the
11,4 inst. A special train will convey the
body to Portsmouth on Satunlav morning.
It will be received by a guard .1 honor.
Ile hand will play a funeral march aid
twenty minute -guns will he tired. The
sprain'- large cabin will 1 or.nverted
into a temporary morttsar) chamber.
Senator Sanford arompani.•s nn.• ' It is
herefore probable that the .tate funeral
will take plate at Halifax the following
1►TrAw.i. l).' 21. !Ion. Mackenzie.
Howell, Sir ('berm, Hibdoert Tupper, Hon.
John (:ostigan. W B. lie., .1 1t Dickey
and Dr. Montague have gear to Montreal
to be sworn into o11i4,• by lord Aberdeen
'I'he.e are all the Mini+l.r. who are clang-
ing departments and who monks. to take
the oath of office Mr. Meller, Clerk of
the Privy Council, accompanied them as
well as .t. L. 1'a)ue. Private Secretary to
Mr Rowell
The only one who newts reelection is Mr.
Ihckey. It is understood that the election
Weill take place at once. Mr. Montague
and Senator Ferguson will merely require
to take the oath of a I'rivy (ygp Uor.
MOartare .f /4e Tsaor.l %hip 111th 18e
Lat. rr.mMY. 11.4*al...
144%t0.r%. Dec. !4 --Thr final honors in
F:ngland to the remains of the late Sir
John 5 1). Thompnn, Premier of ('*nada,
were paid in the removal of his body to
the first -clam twin screw cruiser Blenheim,
at Portsmouth, to be transported by that
versed to Halifax
After the coffin had been placed upon
the catafalque the Bishop of Portsmouth
and the clergymen attending him raid a
few prayers, lasting abort five minute,
and then withdrew. Wben the prayers
were over, the people who thronged the
dock were admitted to the cabin.
A number of sailors, under the direction
s( an °Meer, secured the casket to the
Beek with heavy white sell., making it
impoaaible fur it to be thrown out of place
during the voyage.
The Rlelnhelm vile! from Pnrtemonth
at 0.41 o'clock yesterday morning. All
the 'es%els In Portsmouth harbor had their
Rags at half meat when the Blenheim
%teamed away wick her Usios Jack dying.
Drowsed Pe a tui Dr.
Gcgtrn. Dee. :11.- is Crane, of Poe.
liar\ township, Rennes from here, wee .t
lir%peter, seined poultry on Returday, and
when seen leaving then plans for bowie
after nine o'clock, was said to be under
the Influence of lignew While driving out
of town be ran a.ralnst a buggy on Main
street npaetting, but he key: right on as if
nothing bad happened and nothing more
war heard from him until him team wan
found drowned in //ribs' mill dam about a
mile out of Hespeier. The water was run
off and his body found sot far from the
heron.He leaves s wife Wad family.
Co.,MMd fey a4astl.g Caeca,
winnow, Out., Der 04 -Jobe Jackson,
of Belle River, was tried by Magistrate
Bartlett on R•turd y on the charge of
stealing eorn from Hoary Girard. The
evlds°a west to show that.,vera1 farmers
in the Melaly of Retie Rtverr were eiWng
grain sal eserected Ja•k,rsl of bring the
guilty ley. He wee marked sod .est
up for three menthe.
08114 fwraed M Mgs1♦,
Pow tLCtM, Ont, Doti. 'ii.--etetefday
night a era stared in a hams. dwelling •
mile out frees the town, ~end by D.
W lldfung and occupied by Mr. Massa t.
hair aware, lag Use b. nd i t% and eessamta
The seven-yo•r•eld ens of Mr °Mtome, wk.
ears isgenalea, was buret to •
Tinge' AMM eery beef bathe, bat nee
T4. trp..neet Ls'ere t. • raw Words
5.., Sootitoo.,
Lord Ilendolpb elite re►ill „ arnuualy
Ir•taiiii I,, is uuw the pose rrtr of the
bi.Ke't natural g.. well.
The French Senate her adopted the
'anrlian .rwrnaerial treaty.
Mr 91'1i114Ru ltamford wan killed at
I.istoeel by a, aocide.t 111 hia pdaaiag
w I!
.1 .lne.t ems ttrt at the Springhill. Nutt,
1..urr on Wednesday throw. 1011 then out
of work.
A section of the new Siberian retiriud
n,II^1. Inuit, w•aail opened for traffic on
Mr Miller, of ikllrville, hse thus weak
shipped right tons of poultry w the Eng
11.51 market.
I,ol.0 l.un1, the defaulting tax collector
for the Village 511 London West. was ar
rested in I)rtn,it
The new Cabinet member. and thine
who hold new p.ort(u:1411 erre swum m at
Moutruy1 uul Friday.
4 'has. Connelly w as run over by a 1 '.1' It.
yard rotting. at Owen Sttussd std ,rusted
to death ism Wednesday.
Ilan dIns el Mrl,ellan, Iteutrtrar .4 .t.
John, N H . formerly')'rovinc•41t1 Secretary,
Med on Weiltiesdajr, egud 56 yews_
Ameher demonstrative by unemployed
Meta took place 1t M,nlrwal un Thurwlay.
Aleut S,uro ntru tank part in the affair
.11 St. 7..oc.. .1..h'. Horns. M. 1'., natio
• speech allrla•ating Socialism last night.
Ile will leave for Inaiitl *pt'lie today
.'11i extension of the Brant font Street
Railway to I.owjuy'. ('ark near reinter
vine. was formerly opened on We
Manager !Newer. of deed
Star Theatre.
Ittllfah., dropped deal! on Wehsr..lay
afternoon .lpuple*y is supirssd to Ir the
Two 5 g mon ' .•alt ., t letutselvas
!.loyd have vietinsixed a ulimber of Hamil-
ton wen by ninth. of au advertising
Gold withdrawal., at New York for
.expert ti Europe tori..)' reduce! the
1 tu4sl Statt:a "Treasury gold tvsretve to
It is aununnoed that the ..11 suepa•usin
bridge at Niagara Falls i, to 1s taken
away sh,.rtly,.aol a ion ,-40Ulrver fridge
will replace it.
7'be ,statues of I:enerxl Sark and.
IItl:isrl tVel.ter were presented to the
I'tiited Staters Congos by the State of
New Hampshire.
.t marl d.'g held full iseeress : of the
stents of Starlit. N.J . for two hours and
bit sixteen persons. Nebel, blurb.", and •
nerve of .logs t4( It wa- killed.
The New York Yacht Club ha. agreed
4clunl I)unravrn's (11,11111t 1.41%, sial it is
now very
profable that them will be
MOP for the Anwrie•a (-'up l,ext year.
Mrs Elder, a widow. d,r.l under sus.
t'it•ini ..•in•um*taun•ea at 1.lucknow. and
her brother, .alex Fraser. is on gaol under
is charge of basing eauNed the wutllan's
The Gmhilit.esof the ('ommen-ial (tank
of Newfoundland amount t.. 41.9'IR1110.
Th• shareholder. hare instructed the trus-
te•s lota•ly appointed 4o wine) uplo• bank's
affair -
At W.ohington a bill was introduced ii
the. Homs appro.priot ug et lltn,,rx1 to pnr
ide a .uitable residence f..r the 1'n•.ident
of for 1'uiled Mata.•s at the heal 111 Four.
t....nth street.
The trial of the lace% for nnauslaughter
re :is concluded Friday at the sessions. The
male prisoner 11 r ' it is
s. r oft 1 andt •w..
t 1 h.
assn 1'.t l gniit), with a strong nrrom-
tllrtld:lti.,ti (5 n1rr•y.
.10rse,r.ln train on the Chicago and
grand Trunk. loaded with ('anadians
hound for Winnipeg. wan worked alt
Schoocraft, Mich.. on 'I'hurday.•but no
pas.engers were hurt
AI Sydney. N 5 W . on Thurolay was
...h. -Ruled the greatest game of cricket on
retried. Ssrhdart'. .111 England Imam
male :IL ntm in their two innings. while
All Anstra' .t made Ted rune,
The (intent, Agricultural and Experi-
mental 1'nio1n chivied it. meet al Guelph
on Wednewlsy. The election of officers
resulted in the choice of Mr 1' A Kyle,
1'hatham. for i'r• utlent
Theeditor'schair of harper'. Weekly,
which. %ince the death .1 (:euro.' William
Curtis, bas been vacant. will in the future
lie recopied by henry i.00rnis Nelson, a
well known political writer
The lad Tnomar :slater, who war arrext-
ed on A charge of placing the OM ort the
l:. T R. track near Niagara Fally had a
hearing hnfo'e Police Mnlristrate Logan os
Wednesday and war rnmnsltt d for trial.
A despatch from Quantico, Va , gives
an account of the experiments made by
Prof. Langley. of the Smithsonian Insti-
tute, with his flying machine. The Profs*
Nor did not 'succeed in flying, but will try
Eugene Kelly. the New York banker,
died on Wednesday. He was rated as be-
ing worth about 115,000,000. Ile gavetto
all aorta of shorn int, and he ',pent • for-
tune in relieving the sufferings of the poor
in Ireland.
Mr Melghen. President of the lake of
eh. Wads Milling Company, is of the
opinion that there is not ore bushel of
wheat in Canada for export, Aa it will all
be required for home eonsumptios before
the new crop comm in.
Clifton Breckinr.lge, United States
Minister to Rumis, is rumored to be .m the
point of resigning. 1t is said be Enda the
salary of $17.500 a year totally Inadequate
to keep np the positdorl in the 'style In
which it %hold., he maintained by the Ans.
b•asalor from America
Thr Ilrndershon inquest was continued
resteMAy wt Mi•idlernach John Hem
denhnet and R'illlanu David Welter were
*emitted by Detective Murray, on • charge
of murdering William Henry Ilendershntt,
who wos reported to have been kilted by a
falling ire un Ik•r 14
Pita Ilanor .Indge McDougall, sitting in
Toronto on Thursday as local ,fudge In
Adrnirwlty. too,. judgment In the ow
agabnnt the Anteriewn Melting tog Grate,
declaring it ronfhs•ated with AA cargo and
all its belongings for illegally fishing in
water% within Canadian territory
At Shainokls, 1'.. a strike against a re
dnetinn in wages was inaugurated by the
ono employes .4 the Mtdvalley oo111wry
and trouble is feared. Among the milkers
are • number of foreigners, who made u
attack uposi four men who persisted 1n r.
mantling at work axed beat them ••versly
Mr J R ehardat., o yossg mas (raei
ts Praha., conducting • purses,.
ant In Rdso rale, attempted wile Rav-
ing written his parents at Portage la
Prairie sad Ridden farewell to hirci. be
parsed a revolver ft hie hoed nod are& Ne I
t • bele through hi. ea& mod edl te the Saw. apearosUy dead. When seedss got
Op bp the dieter he ttkisin11 that be
met see her he weave Me w i esump►earoleeL
Th. I1./rat.d Burrs... ..I Hat 1'6.04 111 d 111811. 11.1410. Iw •wbM.
Inblrrb. 1k.e. 91 The Antony corers
p.uubnt of the Centre! New* say. that
(:r•. 1'aumagau.' division of the sesoud
Jepui.w.e army haw ndv*n,'ed uorthwarl
ruadily fur a month asd on Its• 1n aro
/Mrd Kai Ping.
1)• 11ec. 1711., sou•. reported 4o Leu
Omani I:en Kataurl' then mar bush Yana
that A largo fore.• 01 Chrome had been
inuring in the direction of Iwedl Vona
Thb. form, proved to he the drfeateil gar
noon of 11.51 thrum, under the cuuamawl
of l:rn runny; '('bey wren th..0 iu a rather
demunhaed waolit i . 1 nod ern• uutk,uK
fuer M..nkdrn hat,,,r., a.rldn1 to oder
rept 11 . 111.• 1.•n . l4np with lis. w hole
forte *oil uvertis,k I h.• I'h les, at ll*- c11
IAlfr of lanw
tt. hole Uirt made +41 .deli
mate atnudu
Thtrr . ,,, ,•t charge. event malls won
the day for Kat..ura after five 1 IN of
the hottest fighting yet experience.' IW the
oersted army Thr ('iliii nc faltered as. the
1nFlt:au,'s agan ;tml it.',. del n die
.•hiHint) tuw,tnl Vli,, iKum 'll.r lissom,. err
041 known. but the ['bins.• err reported
t, have left :A) men .al the battlefield.
A fag Lumber Piro t. Te•aw..da.
HVrv*ua, N.Y., Dec. 9a. -A lireNorth
Tonawanda dr.lnoyed between 5.I50,404'
and I0,UIIO,0l) feet of lumber, valued at
1175,0W, 11/1114% bleb war Justice) fan• Atoms
4I40,0111. Thr lumber was the property ..f
ton a Son . '11.,' lire I.. relieved to
Bate Iron caned by incendiaries Th.•
senior nwmtr-r of t1..• tine of We..4o, a
trod v. tin many large 1 tn•r
lug euuar•rt.., aeauunom ethers 1.•ilyt a
part tier of Mr Itrouoa,. M.P.7'.,ofUttawa,
in (hr one's's' a t4roawl l.umlrring
Company of Ilttaw4 Pur A time 15.-
t100,tss1 ley additional dry'Our woo in
imminent danger .n.1 had the• fire moa con
trod of this stock I:ratwick. Smith a
Yrvon and other )ash would pn.lably
have Io,•., dr.1r.o.11 The \ew York
6...fond track. were ruined fit Nutt a dis-
tance ao l Niagara l'.t11. trains for Buffalo
hal to return and nosh.. their way w their
,k•stwation around 7.4l'l ,rt
1 _
Wheiteuale %Ibwg4.ter M
111ITV.iN, l:A., the '4 '- A p,wr IU
t1lr.uit of Waverly Pike, the murderer
of .aur Isom. killrl a ,lumber of nte(nww
yesterday. Reliable iu/ontu,ti,n Is flat
the 1sst;tl number .4 victims i. seven. The
feast is that a ..•,reel vino- -"killed tour
other negro•.. 'file people of the ham -
y newts that they halve hail much
provoratrn for this wholesales slaughter
of ueamen*.. RAMI) thew weeks ago Tip
Mauldin, a re.p%r•tal,lr white unau was
brutally mnrd,'rw1 on the public road is
the ante nrigir.rhr.f by two meanies,
'Pit. Iwo,.lr were trent ly uuense.i over the
murder. and wis,, lunar. oma .4 the bet
know In r1.1Izs' . III Go. r°l,1m111l11 y'., w•M
mnnlrrel i,y title of th.• same gang the
trent up Aram) a,f VOIC.Iiice 1.1" .1% turhetf
1.. p',.'.
/lose• as to'a..w•. 11.'.14.
F.141:111 114:11. Ike. 21.--Ika•4or Balfour,
uncle..( Hobert Is.ttiartevru...n, As. writ-
ten a letter 1 . the rita,t.nt.u, in :: bleb he
say, 'hat the relatives .1 the nnwrl-t be
II.Tr Ili.' ''orr•rt iwnh `te%elven) is not
dead. bt.t h his wife i.. Mn. Srven-
,%tn, lh it. ..i..Ir writes. has leen trivited
for an cannon of the brain while to-, Scull-
i'o .lad. .Moreover .hr said to relatives in
Edinburgh Lmwt spring. "IA, not is•lleve
any rep,rts about Louis unless I write
you." No message has horn received from
Maw. Stevenson, although there hes leen
ample time %lure Mr. Stevenson was re-
ported t.. havr
Tubeesls.N /a wwtoeaLli.w Y.eL•\
Br Frew. Dec. 24.-Tutlrlt•ultti. un rae
tk pr'evaient generally throughout west
ern New York 'sereating:great sensation
am,ma%t the fanning eta uuaunit)_ Well
develupsrl cissa. have been found in ('at
tar51t11Y. ami 1'10'11tanguW ruuiz(ies and In
Niagara comity the disown has smeared
in the vicinity of Lockport argil of Tona-
wanda. Mintonrl are finding the product
from these se•tiuu. 1111.4t !ruble, and people
are turning to the use of eomienori milk.
The last rare reported is within the village
[Mt it%of North Tonawanda.
Sneers alarm, he Callt rwta
SA% F1:.ANrt.•,vr. Are. 9t. --A revere snow
storm has prevailed in the extreme north
ern portion of thin Mate during the last
few days and in sones places the .r.uw
eight fret on the level. At Sisseton ton
sidrrshle damage has resulted from the
I e,llapte of building., a dozen going down
in the weight of %now. One ratan was
ranght in the fats of a warehon.e and be
had to be dug out. Ile was severed) in-
stat.rall.t Rewa.df /tend,
Ise41atN. Ike. 34 ('aptain Kennedy. the
naturalist, died here on Friday. Captain
kruady war born at Rochester, England,
in t".tt, and published hi% first hook in els
lath year while a student at Eaton. Be
stele, his work on ornithology and travel
he wrote numerous article. for The Field.
Land and Water, Ibis, and Zoologist
Relied be M11er Espleetw,
l:L.l'w, ow, Ky., Dec. 94. -By the expdo
.zod of A buller in the mill ams H..aayr
*isn't eight toiles from this place, Robert
Bind and a mon named Spann weer killed
.1511 a .500 of Spann. a young man named
1'laande Dearing. tyro of the owner of the
mill, and another whose name could mos
be learned, were fatally injured.
Drayton MwM•red for Traaa.,,
l'AKtit, De•. 9A-4:apala Albert Dreyrme
was .enten.vd on Saturday for treason.
nonoral Maorlel in the name of the maim
oral the jndrment of the court Portresta
confinement and degreA•tioo for life is the
maximum penalty. There is an uncon-
firned report that Captain Dreyfus hoe
kilted Meisel( la hl. esit
Tried M 1N1 MO w/N.
NIAI;AItA PAULA N. Y., Dec. ill -John
Para, on Italian Iahnrer, is noise arrest
for attempting to murder hie wife Iasi
Might. 11e first attempted to drown her
me` afterwards lrla►t her 'severely with •
elan. She i% in • delicate °audition and it
is doubtful if she can recover.
nand few Killing a Imasco.
Dam Ks*tn n., On , Dee fl--O.a.
Wardens W Ilimott and 14dsith have goad
Wm McClellan, foreman for Mann" An-
daman & Doolittle, 150 for killing • mamas
to the township of Barton and Parry
Round and the Ilan tit for having the
meat in pomsemlea.
Asosetteseles Illsar O Loop
CocoruATt. Dee et- James Sema.,,
hnotbineh at the Giese Nessa reader/
weed that h. W Callen Ws Is NNW
three& the death of a entitle* he Calmar
Thermos talled M a 4Owdas .
miss bows= lisisebessee
sob sod ag esi soda ssmi
A Happy New Year and many of 'em. Cheer up i
Don't give way. A new heart for a New Year always,
We are bound by every rule of equity and justice to
give the New Year credit for being a good one until he
proves himself unworthy. Dickens.
of our customers we ex-
tend our best thanks for the
support of the past year,
and also our heartiest
wishes that the coming one
may be the most prosper-
ous and the happiest you
have yet enjoyed.
J' (tt el'cice
Everything Goes
from this date, 1)Et'. Lath, to JAN. Lint, 1K95.
It is hard on our competit r.. hut we can't help it.
Only three more week, but they Will be record breakers.
Profits are entirely out of the question,
Xmas Booklets, 50c., Male price. 15c.
Xmas Booklets, 20c., 25c., and 3.'ic., sale price, iOc.
Xmas Cards almost given away.
An elegant line of Presentation Calendars for 1895
The wonderful Moon Mirror% that .everybody makes a leader of
for 25c., our price 20e.
All lines of Picture Frame, at same reductions.
Children '• Toy Books, :►Oe. and 60c., dale prise 25c. and 3Se.
Children a Toy Books, 2Oc , sale price 10c
Children's Dolls and (_tames at great reductions,
Boys' Own Annual -11394, $1.65.
(lirhl' "
Sunday at Home
Leisure Hour
Crepe Tisliue Paper, all shades, 15c. per Roll.
Fancy Glove and Handkerchief bones, Toilet and Perfume Hottdea,
Jewel Boxes, Manicure Sette, Shaving Setts, Celluloid Photo Album.,
Whisk Holders, latest Novelties. in White Metal floods, Match Bozos,
Pin Cushions, etc., and many other Noveltiem suitable for CHRISTMAS
Our X-mas stock of Bibles
to hand. They will be
sold at Sale Prices.
No (foods chargee) at Sale Priest
k MUM,
MBookaalllars and S sE
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