HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-27, Page 3THR RICIILL : GODRI*ICH. ONT., Tl1TRSDAT, DEC. 27. 1$14. MONSTER RIOROBINSON'SSALE inories Giving We will contisoe oar Great Removal Sale until we move. We have fired oar first gun at Competition to show our strength as Genuine Bargain Givers 2 -id MONSTER REMOVAL SALE The first week of' our• Sale has been a great success. Remember, this sale is not for one day, but move. If you cannot come one day, why come at your convenience Of course those who come first we Will try to have enough for all. We would a,sk those who can make it convenient to do their shopp to do so ; you will be better served, as the store will not be crowded, and have better daylight. We wi call at our store, because if you get some of our Bargains you will be sure to call on us when you want B don't wish to quote. prices ; we would rather have our ,lustomers call and see Goods as well as P; ices y ' our attention to a few lines just received We have secured a traveler's samples of Overshirts and Un n ; you shall have them at a bargain Also received a line of Boys' Stockings, extra heavy and aw r ery mother should tl,sk to see this -line of Stockings. Also another $hipndent of Ladies' Wool Over -hos our line of Handkerchiefs, from lc. to 75c. each lhtra value in Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs. W Ladies' Mocha Mitts -something new ---ask to see them. Corsets away down in price -in fact everythin now. Don't miss tbis Sale. , W. walla to move to the CO ser of the Square and West Street. to beat all previous records. every day until we get first choice, but ing in the forianoon sh to sell to ail who rgains again We We wish to draw dershirts at a bar- ay down in price. e and Mitts See e have a line of g marked down Remember the place. JAS. ROB1NSON, Cas Dentistry. n.mDt.enr is 1srat.btae rant Meeratug - If oa:y people could he guni•d int- 1:1( nt • u I� 1( III riot.IN, L.1) s't UK.NTAL simple osteo anat. roar. a. 1,044..M11111,044..M1111. • •. led n.oaapo+•ttr 1•e..od .rsp e..« ?ed wawIs•ael . enable,. so 1 o ttoma ,. we 1010111J 11..tt only. aH s`.d•rd 1 amehe ss ea hood k painless ammo M ruuie hasty to develop Dobler art, says ef s••r 11•041 I the Ifrotiob Archtte.1. but alao to secure leas DR, L frownsRICHARDSON, L. D. d.. of earl sad frous Is the care and keepeg "moms d.lta. bas sed vtsdl■M Mr of the uee;ese gooerackry cava' wbioh the . d.teletw•.t foe psalms e:wsettag r net► �a1 atgiven •e the p, a essl hors or ail, low noble duke• t.. well to do rite s•avwl Use& ufkm 1" Mod tra.deelewnple, at present abound. Ass rale Nara imam Hones Stook snow* s Wit r'. et.. (tone... t 1t nary be rote;t admitted that rooms are toe much fur..,.ued, anis that tow doors, 1110(1101111. - windows. Ire piece, Heir, walla and oolong have tau little eompete°t Gera Iweto ir • )K. H1vrga,, PHYSICIAN. SUR L aeons Ile. Hsieh'- McLeee'e Sere, Mom maids. Nisei e•1 a. from British t eks/de ( ■stela MI y LONICI•L too ottes forgotten -:Ito queetioo oI dust CAW Pi1ll is .WHNsT(rN, (dARRI8 Dwellers 111 wanes are particularly sol t et US ten, eslicu»r0. s 1iru sore. k. io►- to 11,. all prevailing evil an evil arising a,t diem Over 11, 0. JOHNSTON. ('ArM- t•ION, Q. ('.. Y. U. JUN\MTUN. oral � altogether from without. d` 710Houses ve more or lees vibratory. es LOlTUc3 L DANCBY, BARRISTER, t4.i.eltor. Cooveles0er, tc.. etc. Mow, to deo •t Osamu rates Horton s Block. OV Prase Colborne Hotel. Uedenck, Ont. 15$.11 •.w .+ dead a apaet. befalls' Leave. elate. The Set -loos to.to .0 reed km a book or true of the enrol:a• is the cultivation n ►tory .1 . nse.nue. or soy ..ther thing of planta Its • satins, room m that the dry Wirier :.++ding, .. t . wirer -tato .h•• wrote air and dust tend to slog the pores of the tt A.. author talks to us .n his (woke, end i 1e.res. Ueprated of the ram what, would Put as we :.rs to bo•.m friends we talk with naturally cleanse them, sad not often so should lire to know the name of the watered with a rope pat or syringe, the man or woman whose published though:• pleats' kept in • room are au• gruhtaliy to are entering 1010 our .da ly lives Therefore hoe their health and look miserable, of they tusks 1t a rile, girls, to read the •.tae page do not altogether die. The beat remedy for of tit. volume in your band ; and if then bs clue is the regular use of a smell piece of • s ft old spoilage with alightly warm water. and if a little soft soap 1e added, ell the better k:specially is this necessary in the winter, when dust is rife, and as 'blight' n then at ire weake.t toiag a thoroubhclsans- iag during the cold rnotrthe will result is freedom from a durum the summer. Yrs tree and delicate handling are needed for success. Some plants are much eater to Sponge than ethers. •mosget these may be mentioned the India -rubber plant, and also small specimens of Alms, both ot which aped frequent washings when grown in • room Orange tress and many other plants exude • kind of •tick}, casettal oil, which catehes the dart ; they, therefore, require special attention. Aspidistra and many other plana need spoogl.g often to keep them in health ; to fact all plants with ever - laundry, from the washing of delicate laves green foliage. and others which will Mar it, w the uleaalo.t of heavy blaeksa, ales the are strengthened and improved by the free best methods of removing stains, starchtag, , use of the sponge wooing, etc 1 se odd aprel.ee. Try seining table been land other tine' rhe drummer dude t want to talk. articles that have De.tome badly soda) over Something .nut have been the Metter with n ight, with • little ama add.d to the ham senaasly, or he would here telt weer This wall softet. th.n the dirt as well a the water, and in the morning, with • very i such • dieinclinatios, of course, bot the little rubbing, thorough rinsing and manful hotel dark dt.re,•rded the soon and insist blueing, they will i.. ready to hang out. d 00 hie telbsg • 110,7. Try spnnalag delicate web dresses with I "I haven't any story to tell," growled the thin gum water, thee of becomes oeceswry drummer. to ova them ie the course of wearing, when ••Air, come off," urged the clerk. "You they have not been washed. For mixing keow you hens plenty. i:ive us one, and with the starch for the white clothes, use don't sot uglv." about a tabk-epo.wf01 of rem water to • The drummer growled ease more, but it pint of the warm, bailed starch. did m good, for the clerk kept on sagging Try hanging the tablecloths and linen him sheets one bolt or two thirds tour length I "Well,'' said the drummer at Inst, "if I ,ver the line, without using elothes-pins, tell you ere, will you let up on me ' ' unless abselut.Iy necerary ; as rough •• 1 ew ; anyhow. until to -morrow." c.othea pas to .areas hands will often rum' ' 1 try well," proceeded the drummer. delicate fabrics. "when I was in Indiana tour years apo I Try to dimmer why then are so many met mss who war an odd specimoo, for • holes is the 001 ben of bendkerchlefs and fact.'• uapktna. 1t will on longer be a cause of 1 "q het was odd abut him asked the weeder when you notice how the average clerk, who observed that the drummer .rvant hangs them on the hue. In order manifested • disposition to atop 01 twit to save tons and trouble several *spina point. .r WNW kOral lee will be taken ■p by the "His arms," said the drummer, Ian - omen and fastened in • bomb on the lune, "idly. can h one cloth.. n ; sad when dry the en- •`What war odd •Mut them t" agnio ak- i • ',ream, uule.s a be • very long Doe. real I that too. Vou will 1n this way stabltsh as •egnau.tehce with your author ; you will know h+m toy nght and onto you will know upon tram. Were the a,oet.octave, hit mon intlms'ely. Every author has leatu.wof a ruom properly looked alert • little wends anal ways of his rain, and You much furor 1115 and uaholetery would he as 1 0.111 god yourself recognizing thea very oer.leee .. of 111 troaol.erw a to keep Hi I *wally and luvuegly. By -aid by when you' order and mope .Iwut. And this brings 1111! happen in your story on some phrae,or turn an. they unp•rtwt porn[ m bonne fur' °'"1 I of a doomed, or little jesting mannerism ' which oolongs to the author you are grow• tog wuh,v0u will feel pleased, and the @tory will mew • great deal mon to you than d at were sir-pty the work of en unknown per- son, erson, whose woes and leek. were 1011* un pedally Where then is heavy street or rem familiar. tra to in the vicinity, ad we have not yetdawadlr:Mrs.. .red out our stuck of .rooky Hues. .0 tbat la adknuoa pt paying pertteuler at -u Try to u•dent•nd all the estate of the Ism to the fitting of daun and w ndows we La,.11. LEWIS, BARRISTER, Ontario , would urge the selection of only such form /e yr th Oedema .. Mod. �l - tuna may tr• a 11y moves •twet, Of a. f1�ew-tee • raised above the grotmd as to le the at lee. R.O. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT num debtsdebtsclear sheer, .nderne•th. Avo1 OK. kc. tidos, oar. Mews,* sad M ri useless cine tables and cabinets. which are peA.rtak, over tategrspb aim. *Il to often dragged In for no other putpose e▪ N. hub M load 01 lowest raw° of 1111°'' I ten to carry "art emporium ' rubbab at c ; Remember that .11 furniture beyond wha /•t ARROW & PROCDFOOT, BAR- 1 is really neceeeary for comfort and caw • rimers. Att.rse 8.lidaeta- a. node I veatce only provides w mem traps ✓ ob. .1. T. Marrow... W. Proadfoot wherewith to catch the dust. Avoid al t d • CAMIKJM, HOLT A HuLlIES, Har -raters. I otiottrerea (y( roore7P. lloa (laded, ed.. h. M. U. (?sane Dodd Holmes. 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J • Se...and oummbe.leser for takn salvia( reo0eoupp ssaa&.ee ria a .ira•ttora, deposfttosa or seems Moan* Ideas le or comerniug w1 action. Deb 0r two- eeMl.a a are Huth Court of Justice. the Courtu( Appal for 1101010. or in 7 Countyy ee Mesta ('o01. All transaction' U •ad pet�gly .:.coed. lteeido0l+sal� . •deer°.►-Be■a -non (o1. fiMY alma 1■Mr'aaoa ((r 81 /10ZR. UUIIVIRYANC1Nti AND V. IasiMlnnsa.IMs..p,ssl(e. b .'.aSed Mdse1M. xi ON KY TO LIND ON MORTOAOI M sat. Notes scoe ISAOaK,iswpslte.RadGab IA ONZY TO WAN. - $26,100.00 ass PeOets finds Ao CR . I(M .'S Moak. 119.0 lib Z. DANCfod ixr.oa e8f-tl awpettte oglltttrn. sial. tiJ. T. NAVTZL, 1►IRg, 1171 AND • aseNent 1■sgares anew(' at lowest WOO Irk. 0M.s_osr.) .rt10111. d erlomor4- . 0od- ,000 TO LOAM. APPLY TO b.. g d b h 01.11101011 MOLT ft HOLM=i O~p __ than .s• tongue,ea being tx mfsk. Sole - woolen or fluffy meteral m Bush ups olstery as it may be deemed necessary to have w ag Thetwo or three simple hon eau bs o ed upthroe s by nearly everybody. Ts thr whose 0.005 admit of r. we would suggest the use of thio partite% over old floors epos each • door only one or two rugs, to hen of the usual carpet, would be ■ led, womb Mould he of a clues hard texture. then we would .nbstatete the grand anti ..r semi grand piaci* tor the dust -attracting cottage instrument when possible, we and t10 abolish forever the hideous pr.c5 of eovertng nor furniture with all kinds of drapery and frippery. .Id Carriage ea names ayra. St. Louis Republic The Nile river ex- pdon_g expedition sent out a the spring by the load.. Anthropological Society roper, some wonderful 'hods' among the old thwart.5d tombs of the l'h•rsebs. Naar ('Ornade tore hooch will be taken down with • laid end also at Hewlett they found dozens 51 , "Jerk." Is it any wonder that the boles 10 curious carvings on gold which were perfect' °11 app••r! r.preeeotations of the human eye. Some of Try spreading the table linen and all these queer plates represetled the left eye, , .1101(ht,..OMth articles that can be dried het the majority seem to have been intend. n this smear, on the grass, if you am for - ed for the nebt optic. The work is beaati I tune.* enough to have "real gram." and the fully executed. the brows, lids and pupils{ sunshine will complete the work in • most beteg deeply carved on rectangular plates of satisfactory 0,he anoer. In tcity yards erred old. Each pieta seams to have. when there a no grass and space n limited origually been provid on wt er • notch r it will be • good plan to at • small "clothes _ - a. I horn"int in the sun and lay across the has they, together in pain, each nght to its the thin fabrics that .based not be hung 'IU(ONSY TO I.IND.-A LA R01 AR& orient 01 Private Tiods ter lavent.en &dewed rates ea Ridded MARROW t PRO DU POOTr a Apply • jJ RADOLIPPE, OINIRAL IN• 1M..srwyn.enw Real ser te of �me somM r ��gsagws11�ets•ttf� Meadtoso tend on err 411 •ogees. 0* the lowest rate of l.tenM fod0g eN � tram Ore. W.wlto salt th• w OfBtrtatc~ BO es 1111 ,ti..eMsi.s' ltaiglsnte. � oDRRICH >ItsoaAums' INSTI TUTU LIBRARY AND iIl=ADINO- RROOIIsaM, ear. el dear street mid forare IMP Owes tram 1 to e r.... sad h0.lie 11 r. r. ABOUT 2000 OL'S IN widav LIBRARY. . �p eaiw, etc. ow Ale. njasitawlP rrocsT- . (ixLY lase. gr.etlng free rose R Literary end car AwwlineAlmo tea .eeberilw resolved y 1Jtr.elaa. 1a roe. J H. e)oLRORi4 enly .Ra etty. A..A.reek Morph lora MM. Auoudise i'ilssr. r°60.." Isla What obey soared 1105. ever with the 0101055 plot areal ler r •slay • .stir of 000ieoture, Try to Mee the damask ironed 10 that the potters will opinions w doh t1Mfo WO* differing. be clear and distinct. Sometimes it shims like satin, hut men The flame Made flew Cyesessoften it scarcely .hows the pattern at all. New York Seme.louru•l Will it be . 11 "Mao • "moderato" iron and ado even comfort te the lounger 10 knsw ohm th. pressure to do it properly. To. hot or too eool •n iren near does good work. Empresa of all the Indies and high and Try boiling the asp before putt is. it is- .iehty ruler of tee Rritieh empire abhors new clothes, tight shoes aad renovations o1 every dancriptuen that ham or ems' Well, it is • fact. if the court shoemaker cart be believed. the queen god about in the mere tag without Gey corset or crimps, wearing • loses bleak silk wrapper ase a pair of . Iippan that are nn down at tee heels. Meat people give away thew old clothes, het she /tree her now boots and new new towns to charity and hangs on to the tried sed .nmfortabie pia of het wardrobe. She takes breakfast at 5:30 o'clock every more - mg ie the year, and when at Balmoral two .eag.tlleeet Meot_h kiddies, is plaids and kilts, play the bagpipes while she relies Mr ..e.. sad sake Coffee sad este for break fat, however, r quite taram, wad ant ..•.tuba Then are four paper. 1s all, and they •lte€uate whew her majesty-. ear m t.r.wd far t115 windy .trans W what) ohe u eery partial. IirtIOMAK .IUVDRY, •UOTII,Y1KK 1 see insuranse� Ail. 4.�4 r.1 Lora met lime U. oe fa+l .tee. IKwrM t "VI r•-• . sw- 111.4.d M (a any pat of the Amy. SS •.',till 1201, OR$i11.R•l. ADO- 'satterr ase lama Vslwuoer. nester, (lar. swiveled somildomme efoori.nes lo a��~�t lltie at left m Wiest44. addjom e fawn (Zama : J. C. M idler, lade of (Treed Sapit* lad sen of Jas. Millar. tows) w Dewed llsi 4 sad toot per.,tjsa as Wail -t To lemeto ~attar .f an kiwis from eliil- ilsr'et• sislla Dr. Lw', Wars Agro n a solo mil eels Ralely to the tubs, and use it in liquid form. Borax can also he added to the soap while it u doeso'vine. Corsi will not hurt the clothes, ea it is • neutral alt. ■owwivsa who cling to the •°noemioal .oe old faoh.esed method of propane. "soft asap" find it • gond plan a de their whole wash, except their flannels and eolor.d calicoes, with the soft sap, pouring het water oe it in tee tabs before the clothes' .re put in. wwlta 11111selytrag. Few people townie fully that many • little stokes • mi•&M whoa applied to .y.teinatie b...v Ilene.. Is onnuoetim with the " of- fertory eal.adar," whish we have already .oeo.e■ded, she following table has here eompi ed. It a easy to see bow, in the way. Iarg5 mase ma be riven in very .51ll •mount• These hgor.es •re wort studying per year. • &..r Mean et Musumtt. 26 people givlau 5 eta a esok glee $ 0-5 Tarawa 1.1..he M°aaey's it December 96 " 1 ,. ,107 .l retsina. for 1 he benefit of the A P A '. nl 91 " a 10 "week • 1.7.) `states, t)•.t old story .. w tee 1'ait.d 7 of Dante 60 •• w S '• " •• 1� ()'l itswll. An foolish mw.ber ot pelta 0 _ w day •. 152 meant, • feeder% rained Tbmee. Msr.ey, 50 o i1 ' 'a meek " 960 w st .e 650 .Deed ober hea5 forthwide that p•pk+► ward 100 " N s " " " � " (as wardterie• 1' resided by t,, ge0' " " 1 .. 4o .. Ragas watts "1'bnstido." ■ t0'O.e 100 10 •• w..yk •• � egg that the mower's own mats 1000 .. „ 96 •. .. ,• 1,500 wad " eplerahly popish, •ad. le be e.M- ei.tea., suggested that bo bened.rta eon hi...0 hv theold buses.., "Tito tie. Tldsy " Tho nares "tortssi' cans ens .ask i see saittioa wryer wax to sen. The bad sough sum is 1aStsd'e h.teral Beim.. lA blab the hogs 5 arm 5.- sad alai VI, B. /_wen. No. 1106 B•IMs ..uses, Tomentat Oat., says :-M wtM wetlmad tete Soo troth. Irma • esten hashlas wogb.sed tried a.esrul .oases• mane* a *mai Oa* SOa Moth .,1k. I.vlsbMe s bmoe of Tom- pnetion eiren.si • -__-.JI• Mmisim.t masa r ed the clerk encooregiogly 'He had only one." laid the drummer, and the clerk went around behind the counter ase kicked on iaffending valise up against tb. wall. Dyke prate in addition to 1rMoek and belt of velvet will transform it Into • cenoett, lector* or theatre costume not to be de.psed .1st a always an effective trimming for a black town, and to combi:att..o with • jew- eled passemeaterie is very elegant. • (Teed *18.ek. A fatal attack of croup is • frequent oc- currence among children. Every household should be guarded by keeping Hsgvsrd's Pectoral Relearn at hood. It breaks op cold., coughs, croup, asthma and bronchitis to • remarkable manner. 2w Norway Noe Syrup cures cough., cold., and all throat and lung troubles. Price, 25e. and 50c. I m ZTIBIMG F� BDSTNBSS JOHN 'RA LI' II, TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -at., Ms decided to retire from business, and will dispose of his entire stock AT and BELOW COST! in order to sell Out quickly. JOHN RALPH. '!le Old Reliable COAL ■esti) T ranellor rra>w. The blank satin waist 1. a 0rvenie.e5 not to be despised. • young paras torose into.eoemiy should invest in one. Have it made perfectly plain, with high Boller and full sleeves. Wear it unadorned io eompany, with • black silk or cloth skirt during the day time. • black satin four in- habit will complete ita stylish effect. For an evening at baste it stay be tr•wformed into a gay little bodice. • .tock of soft crepe is any of the new colon will Seidl the neck prettily. it May he were over the bleak satin collar sad should marsh the color of the outing bonnet. The steak. 000,5 m any number of pretty designs this sermon, and ore made of velvet, satin or mope de chine. When one Weber, the addition of sem* thief more elaborate than a velvet Geller then is oke fall of creamy Imo or the bertha of black tut spangled with pit. In fact the hack satin waist may easily appear i. • demo different glomes if its owner is an in- genious worms. .eteetod by b Tbwsaa. In course •1 transit between New York and New Orleans • p..ket of paper mosey had here opmsed and its eostents meddler. ably related. Two of the wale had hese broken and one had born re -.ailed by thumb pressers Mr. Carvalho, an expert is mat- ters of identification, endeavored to find oat the thief, .•.d with this view obtained was mgwessi.ms ni the thumbs of .11 the .tidal. of the Am.rioan ).xpres. ('omp.ny through whose bomb the pocket Irma karma te hot.1.015.1. The I0, eesionu were ph^r.WrapFrd and salaried, and nee of them dearly acr•rd with on eni.rRrd photo graph o1 111ui thumb l.prsesed meal. The thiel was thus detected. - admibo Anted - ALWAYS ON NAND. NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL The best sod only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied at current prices on shortest notice. That Mork MIb Caw.. A plain blank wows is libmeh*y ant is • lameing M tits we... who owes it. It may M Odds at say el the bow h1ek MSS., rays masa. Pekin strips. .air or Paroles gr. grab► Rua • gown _Geis wish a plain lull shirt wail • k.ii.a q.dkp peels, Ism with wr.eas also._•, .y boassorlue.d army lima with bas bssio orpswas ad trsabia Jami . sank soft, e1 Wight velvet elves It • Oe11r, titrate mai A yobs .1 le■. Vam All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. WM. LEE Ostlers Mfr at gp81,ZP. a LIZ'S store promptly attended t... Baby Wants it. Martin's Cardinal Food VOA PUSANTS AND In0A4fra STOCK -TAKING S As we intend taking each 051P-01,,atb, for th give seine tar• trrgatus on Stoves, Cutlery, Tinwar e NI:\T t'HIRT1 (DAYS we win e, Lamp Goods. We have some of the best Stoves 1u the market anti our incrs•sior salmi .hew that we are wiling them cheap. However, rather than keep any over. we will sell their cheaper .till. We are .ole neat. for D Moore A Co.'s Stoves of whish we .old 7 i.+t month They •re splendid bakers. and the bre door is Lull size of lire box for burning 1•..etas woad. Examine this Stove before buying. The most palatable food prepared, and is unequalled by any other preperatlos *fits kind. The hest food and the best value, pot up in one pound Tice, price 15 rte. per Tin. Sold Retail ey all I)r.lrisIs sod Groan rod Wholesale by KERRY WATSON & 00.. PIMPINEvote. (11 Mgr)ar7mema- Rob C- 7 Roy -? -44;.• .1' +C 1+t_t ) 1,11 1 .1 11 S1 St smoke a better Cigar than "R01 ROY,' ilii ad Sc. but I get sat .�f :*tin br a • 10015$ 2•411•••• M.. Momv_&I_ A WOR SELL & CO. - FANCY SLIPPERS HIR CHRISTMAS PR ESENTS. We have just received a fine awortoent of Fancy Slipper, suitable for Chnstmas Presents which we are prepare.' to girt• you at Prices that .lett' competition. Call and see them. We hear a great deal about Bargain Days just- now. We will give you Bargains in Ladies, Gents', and Children's Footwear of all styles. Men's Foxed Lace Boots, solid Loather, 95c. per pair. " " Congress " " =1.20 per pair. Ladies' Butt Boots, from 9:x. up to *3.00. Boys, Misses awl Children's Shoes at equally low 'prices In Overshoes we will give you prices lower than the lowest. Ladies' Felt Button Overshoes at $1.2." per pair. " Waterproof " at 1.50 per pair Gents' Snow Excluders, lined, at =1.20 per pair. We carry the celehrated V nby•Overshoes in stock that will wear like• iron and will be sold at primit suit the tirades. Ladies' Over-Stockingt st 40c. and 50e. per pair. We deal in Boots and Shoes exclusively and can give you better Goods for less mosey than you have to pay for inferior goods in the general Stores. P.8. -Remember that we offer so PREMIUM to get you Goods except their Exceptional Value to buy our W. SHARMAN, Jr Corner East st. and Noon. $000usaor to S .5 Dolman. NRW7.T 2m121NT=S -IN RR=SS GOO= S_ • Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better. as I buy only from th* best Wholesale Houses, and on s strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. /eeweetM5 Slimily Mtaetes4. 5 lee U.N. INsesmne a. task A. MUNRO, INNS Draper and Habard..bs,, CROSS -CUT SAWSL We keep a large asaortni..1,t M the %ery beat Brand ola th. market. ' );round from four to tit• gnu•Ma thinner tm ih41 tett oe the facia AND ARE FULLY WARRANTED. Thaws Geode we have reduced in price *ted are row sable ens AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD ORI. A fall Una o1 Vika, Jointers, Hawdlm. and BsR1a always V Shoat. 0.p---- am/lues DAVISON & CO., INIMO 111.ta1 2t. M. T. Wa1MES1L 1