The Signal, 1894-12-20, Page 7,r -map rich r1911B 8IgNAL': GODERICII, ONT', THURSDAY, 1►141C. 44►, 104. garper's Magazine.' IN 1896 use stat kisses. & new no4.l bei 7tiesles gwdy, w11ibe beau& is the loess Num- yy vet. and .wutisurd to Nov . 1111, MN.ver may be o... A�trt_rr-luw.•r}.t_ ��� . 1..,g. bee 411111. it will he emisahp .w.e/1ae the* T1N.mae H shad* (.,e,�,, r a caster arum' le sled ?f♦e j1.sa mel br ext. -coot to uses sighs mete &u rat deers 'o that wi.u•b has marked nob, t le MUM .0004144 401st, of ilea > ear. lerel•er Irma alt f .411111r will f.r the tllewonal aFFa„rr110w4of Jsaa of AF. 141 the rimer 'was 44, 4 u.Ir. Hrr Paso .sd •+oelvesty. joke NI,• h truer• the most pa, ul4.1 ut 1,1 WS 1004a PSI he .14111 of the Maid t. of 4#I.... .141. virilers "1•t 4*... Jammu, •• looter 011' *War • t . •h. -Sly 94041'41* ,.pr et, f karleuew and IOU I.141Ueee a. t tires W a .earn. 01 n..u, hent. ogee ra, \orthera Africa 44111144 Usk au,Y• silent !Oa •Rev at iso ohhrr one, Utica, ,t was Ib.• ,...l .4f M0Porr. The lent .olumr ..f 11 tItI Ittt'. L4t-A ZINE «4B .aatein your ,:luagrmted article. uu this halon. 4114,1 I. .4 �hrm «Jl woad ihN pteseal lits a yr.. .1, 4 t. 14411 sa .ill prepu's her Ilam dA'..' !.1 \.e • ..r.. • ..gh1 .Ior.M. 4. w '.4 40•4, a' plenty. 4 wars /.IR and wars►&. Mand.. , he tui. wane. Intr.'.441 4er,.1. +a •h.' James./ N 4, 4141 flit rba4.tr ►..A a tfbM•P.,$ %.vel• eNf, 4'40 Itt. 11 .411, HAkI.1.4, 1'r„• set+s•': yes ertenlpl.Yf >Rf Thi i*rattr. Emu. Nry• 414.0(4 110 a•4 by poppia' wrnrr..dl e. a I,.... ..hesfast tar utthe MAtil!I\I. geed far 111tptr&Rd P►..p., so,, T.im- Volumes of the Mascaras bravo 'rata GIs \.,ming'. tar Joe. 11141 In.'.io*a•r Of 44,04 14 par. Wh..ueutlwiameatteard,eoesenpreme an bagel midi the %.:n:t*r rorrrn1 01 fa, lar of receipt of seeder. Clash rases. ow Nee, Weenie sea --by mail. IPS,: paid. t.m.ti.I,.W.. •hull. toe 0,1.Se 4.) I•r,.t ud'rr Mn.)iOrder Or IwWl, to stout 11aar1 of loam. , 1, 4••papers are no? la nip, Ibis ri.l.rrrrr.., wile avf A41i1 !At . rt.r. •+.. of fee or Harper & brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pe/r, t c ar • H4keirk''t .1141747lAb.' ..1'... 1. t: ••• HARi'M.RS H'Kh:K1.1' HIARI'1404 NAX.t Rt It.iiii.EhrS t e1('.\4: i'/til>/•�.t... . f'us0'.. Pr., to nil so,. -•r l., r. lei r Ar felts l tY.itra. r .satins sad JV..r,.,.. Address. iIAltl'I:lt k HIft'TII at+, 1', 14. tat aw, \, %. i,ty. teeters !hies east of r tein/g Harper's Bazar. IN 1895 > boar .• mad stibnite d.'.o,,tr for teras deer . •' Isdsee TNNgp.. Arson from. N..NTII `e.• 1.44 •.•1.1,1 aa.t ('41411'14. tor M im • 'these apses. ever) week. tear •-A b. miss- dear sore,. and de ads.:y• neer Pars letter, tN 44At4e401\• 1441 • .•• week.) tr4l1414..0t or the 0a1.N yy .41.1 .'&4W4re 1, the mode 1'toter the, ,$fa'ior sew Haile Wa.btana Plein thes.,lina WWI fair I'arft4utsrs a xltea /in ro ..haps. abrupt', lr.msue re. or 41 •ecr5./41res of the es, 141!!• 4f out dreamed '•mos. e'Mtleses'a 4 lesblis t. ♦Ive•e trig leaf sweat:ea. A el Ile / seers aaeet *sppl.MM ea- • naair to • u1 and make little own •-tiThe woman who lakes I1AIt1'E4 14 lwoman it' prro.red for every a•am.h.a . ,. remota ..r iaforulai.ober,- bsawirul :me. ,. r rauuue An Anorreso Serial. Norse war4eb's bmpaters. t.y Rims' . 4 H 4h00... 144 4'144441 novo., of AmeTleaa life. *an;, laid is '4111 '-t•s>t4am• and partly in the far south. will • `,4,.y the Is•t half of the fro?. 04 lady \shed-,- O. may MAAkI*.'. NAA,.•a.+n. with et `.. e . Pool. ' The Ur. -..r "tory,' eat.. '41111 -eels 11. year !'est. mese .arts. what.. 7o ibis depart ,ase -r/.?Atun «:44 rom•rib,,te rkaritauna pprls on ' What We me INecirt an New fora .Joe's 4n irry, *tower. 4. t'.ree.p.nireta. trustless re •rove the personal attest on of the editor. and v -r et lowered at the e&rhe.1 pest do date of any 714 4, remote. ges. and 'a•h. 1Cf t. Ems ■ ER. »v 41• sty, Ie4A awed fee Illwraled /emporia.. Volumes of the Oct to begin with the .umber for Jamar,: or each )•ear. Whoa •ase is wlentioeed..uh..riptiun. «111 testa •.12. the Number. urreet at nx tirneot receipt of order.' cloth cases for each rotate. imitable •ei..ting, w%1 he Pent by mall- toot paid, r•eetpt of el m each. Itenro sees *borsht be sae by I'ostMaa Me:.'•) 4lyder or bran. to scold .' ante• a IOW \.4r.p.ipere are Not fo rope, Shu .4494444.. •.va/ r.tao0t the riprrse urdrr o/ 1f •411.4111 a; 1110/111 1100.. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tear. JI t itl'1CRYBALAIt .tk 0 N.4 itl'ICRS 14AOAXINIC . . 4 a Hn1cPBIlX N'RlrXI.T . ' u' 14.4 r:Pi7RS YOUNVI'RT)PLB -. i a Pastore Pyre, to all *&,.Titus a& the (Tatted f14ai,.. Canada. and Ale -rev. Address : RARPKR a: HROTHKK1104, I'. 4). Hoz hiss. S. Y. CIty. Harper's Weekly. IN 1895 HA Itl'a1 'S \y r1K IA is ■ pirtor'.al history of the tilts. It preset& every Important event promptly. arsuretel) and exbau.tivsly in ill.saraUen and descriptive text of the►igh- st order The manner 1n «hie41. daring 444. It has treated the Chicago Railway Strikes and rhe tattaoJ•pao... Aar. ..d the amount of bight it was able to throw oa Korea the Seism attention was directed to that little known ..entry. are examples of its almost boundless m.aour'em. J1•LA1'I RA,.rti. the dWiagotohod writer and oormespand.nl• has bees sat to the w t of war. and there poised by C. D. Willem. the well known American arlf.l, sow for assay years resident In imam. whs.bw boos tettegollM 10opers4e with Mr. RAI.m•u In e em.di4* to HARPER'S WEEKLY e,Musive tatortsatios sed Illo.tra'Ion. 01=1 1Uhamrrlbeg� 1 every vlsal meeNNe «i11 be 1 with vigor and without prejudice is the editorial 114.mas. and also is spool& art.- el.ab the highest &inherit*.. ie 14141* daper4 oast, Peraralts at thew sed wttmSm who arca making bistery. sad powerfwl sad caustic Political ~mem will.s&u&us to be ch rar- tmriNle features. ?baa Easy World. with Its hem and kindly oamteeat on the leaser doings of the day. w111 remain a regular dotart1ea< I/Iee/.s. Tee will be two pewee& mrWw hitt ba.d.smsly Hlwwrated-Tbe lied reek - ado. a Mutes tugs.. of Miles drys by Master J. WETII4in. and a soy* of New York. satitiod The era .r Ills Paster, A� &Awnss 7•rrtaws-several 11ca eovel. sad slay short sterna by MPular writers. gond See Illesasemd Prospectus. Tess Vol.... of tis Wagt.v WOE with the Era ?toolbar for Jaeuar, of each year. whew n o time r anises . o *0srlitl.r will tries wnb the Number eaereat &i the time of ee eels as/lbw. Oath Ceres for each edmina, meltable foe Iiiadiaa. will besot by sift post-paid. es r'e- ebgPt eit st.ea.eels. )Rgsa*ntsnarr2111 nide by I'nmt•omas twist or to tweed chasms of an age to mpg lids edwAw enol era 1•r sprees wird.► d Mew= & HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Tear 1 WARPRRa H7iKLY RARPM'S MAOAZINR 'HAMPER, BAZAR HI RPIRI! roUNO PROP I.R.. • N iso .. 4 .D 4 M ran .i dl a,Mr+41nrs v the Ua/asd rind Mute's. i'4 'MEW *o r. nlelt fMt�prglg1I11 Y. fw. rale t pub& speakers. eaters, 41metien- eg4a, tershers, prese►ere, end all who are llahle w e'vee-her and *Maas the regal erimml, OW Is yae s Awry 1•edm*I, dos of this pmt reties speedy ee revered -, Wyomi Babies tansy, he as solo proprietor . but Jack Di- nsy, of a,, iso more, his (needs n with and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the fold they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi- ately Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of fund is assimilated. Stimulates the Appetite, enfiches the hluot1, ol'ercumes wasting and give, s:'"nhth to all who take it. For Coughs. Colds, Scre Throat, Drove. chit's, Weak Lungs. Emaciation; Con. sutrmtiowr Blood- Di await sad all ferias 01 Westing, .1:rr,J / •, f ., •h:'- , Avn. kelt 14 peas. *Oaths aN 0re„w4s. Sec" a 4,1, f ewrlwdrd' Item Pagr 1. similar perptse. Like yourself, I ant •a h:ntic.hn..4. There was a little uuPtea.anr• n ese in our family. Whale tuomAr.1 toe to k- cal. In :he ter West, •un/e' l.: yjsrs ago. The other day I saw 41n old friend of mire, who Oa. posing through I'Seesw. We talked ma'''rs u,'•r, and 1 tlutik past dd. (eine/cps van he 1r1plice.J. However, 1 will n It.• ser you with 111, admire to night. •0111441101/f Of other. Jack I).•laoa•y wwa►- heat from h.. r.'urh sigh months tastes! of 1w', 4n that -tl.e fedi., iae bummer had r ounmirnerrf by ilei..,o;.• . prturueYf to hu weatrtu .44iorteta.. ,. e ' We «111 leaf.• r,u• ones% inti! tom01row, spinier, said .kirk. as lir sled his tint lieu - breast ssuaterad towards the.creek. ' I t. a talk of ether natters to night.' .14,a mattes( ;'f fa.: they raid nothing tat all for elFlnert bog low .iii Mottle hour, r`1 have Hilal n y apl t� , fr,,n. her tor two mortise 1 told her n rt to write as.1 was en uavert*ao. How as she'' ' • Tetti s well. er'ry well.' sdehly again, blokes this time by Keight : '' ltelaneer" Meth mew Omulf a in their. walk, and .Isck puffed 4fnlently-at has pore. ' 1 uu p,ckei Ir4e up a stranger and `sestet! toe i.i.e the 'white 1.4.11' that you are. 1 ou ha,l fart h m my Manhood and yen have trulud tux implicitly. Hsye 1 instilled your confidence ••1 ct1 have. Spence a thousand times aver, hey. ear s my hod ,.o'4.' 'Th,pks, leeIencey, \ow. tru.t Irte • little mere and belbeire rMieA t.4tn_ tit tett WS tato your prate*, affairs for the mere sake of bong meddlesome or to world you.. May 1 no ati.•s•I • Surely. Let u. n* .it oa tide bwbier.' • Ih•14acey, you net asked sheet Nett•. Yon Jo not leve that earl, !knew it the mghthhar ere were last on the sp..t, «hen you told me of tour engagement to her. You will never be really happy wi4h %lett& peered to be coursing through my ve.ne,and for your made• I am &g&in • healthy woman, and have 14 rechristened that KIM IMO hie old mune when he settled down to the p:s.aaot Ids of an Katt ouuotry triol'' ('ham bees Ioura.L t 11 1 111.1 N'S RESCUE. AN INTERF:STINt: $'I'UR1 Ft.ON PARIS RT.1TIuN. %1 11 a11s.n 4011 •I4 11.1h. • Kuw .I*' 01. Y1.41.4• 'IE., UI, '1. l:•• t\P i,1 11 1:, r 1 •4 ; 4 `.. .1\ 44 4444'♦ 1441 ); ' '414- , 1.1.1. . ':61.1 111:k 114.44 ae• Y101111 the Pari' Ohl Review, ptepl lta4.•a•t�t'o life, that ileo 1wWic might atlt.wt be .•'tet.aed' If they 'iere a to:Ie •kepuo d. mo tis% bowovrr, as there re:400g to cures bruyght•bout by the use of Ile. 111tliatia' Ptak fills are ewierroed there appears to be so reamsto doubt fluky entire truth! ulrese. The cases reported are artfully inve.tigat- ed and vouched fur by nue.paper• that world discredit themselves were they turfs tort !.tits that eau he easily 2044rt1K&te.l by &ay of then oo readers. Goode., there aro but few Iecailt es in the I>ututnt..o wbere eh grand healer of the sick has not made it.elf felt; anti the the people baring orad ..t.1 virtues bear at hots, Err ' •41 1' prepat.Yl *w .ept tt.e Sl stement. mime es 1,, the melte �olluwag the 0.41 of I'oxie lilt to 0.her Io- enla1ee. The Review has heard of muds good seem0sptuhdiy-the'tmely sec utOtr. N111tsnu' link Pills in the l.la'ality,Iwt has recently learned of * -axe at Puts Station w alch sof III!hcleo. .nl.p 'pance to Kive the full details fair the heaeut it may nf°ve 40 when. The rase siliele.l tont that yi Mn. w E. 11. Skimmer, ho s esteemed by -•large circle of acnu•intences. To • reprer.-n4* uet Nw ve of the MoeSk:auer card she h.d been for a long time • great,. sufferer Her (•last h.d I.e.,•a'Iua Una, 41.4•4 watery, bring about • Meekness amountm4 almost to a uullaper. 'There were oun.erou. (Its - :vistas ay'Iptou,., such am dvn0eee, Severe headache*, palpttahun of the heart, etc. " 1 Moe been ill,' said Mrs. Mkioner to :he iia• view,, "tor about at • years,and yid can term an idea of what I autism: during that time. I hs• one the advice tad tre.tIneft of smu es cellist phyuea, eial,ut'about guy loath. now say that dutu,,t the etc yearn 1 was t wa n utreated by sou, dutaeut doctors i itraneford and nue in farts, brit they seemed sot to be able to do any t hi og for me. N hen 'he physicuua toiled 1 sr] o,i "toy different s widely adverted remedies. but with no better results. .111 this, you will readily ubdrr*taod, cost a great deal of money, and w I denvea iso benefit, at s not t.. be wen- tiered at that 1 was complete!:. discouraged. I found my.ell contin.iplly growler.' weaker. and h&rdly stead to go about, and lad al - nowt given up all hope of hnomtay bettor_ And vet one never wholly despairs, see- m!! lir. Williams' lSnk Pills au strongly re- commended an the press 1 determined to try them, and you can see by my con- dition today how much reason I have to be thankful that i did no. 1 had not been taking Pink fills long when for the first time in eft years, I found myself improving. t:r&.tu.11y the troubles that hod made my lite msersble disappeared, new blood •p- It.110 44o y remarkable a+nrICI are pnbl.sl.ed of a am, foe.... Lar* almostbrou.nt stop,' said Jock alto • faint smile. 'Th*. 'ueetmm ie undebatable. 1 have ask- ed !Jetta to marry me and 44 is utterly im- possible to diocese the matter,' Rut,' persisted Knight, ' you love with all your heart led soul &pother woman. You can sot dee, that you do act 11..re to dry it. Yoe love. es you ma payer hope to Tore Matsu, my hitter nervier.' ' Nonsense, grace ' Lady Florence Knighton, your sister" ' The roar same. 1 ou see, my dear fel- low, I, ton, am an ' Honor.ble.' It MU/ a rather shabby tnck on your pert, Delancey, to go over there and lose yaw Mart to my easter. whsle you kept me all Osseo months waiting to become reoonclled to my father. Rat to return to dor subplot. 1 ma not sly fell desperately In love with Flo, but yea have stolen the poor girl's heart away fro.. her ' ' Indeed, ``peace, I have been strictly honorable is this matter. While at home 1 made no secret of my engaremeote, and studiously avoided anything like• flartatios with lady Floresee, We were throws much together, and 1 modem -, Well, that makes no differ000e : I am here to keep me word with Mena.' ' f admit, Delancey,' said Knighton rather coniic►Ry, 'that in the p11100 a of my muter yoe tried your beet to behave like • sphioz ; but I have it on use authority of my married muter your attempt was a signal failure ; while, .. for Florence, she made a clean ooafaris to her mister. Now, are you going to make Fie miser.M. en well as yourself'' ' 1 atn siriev.d b lases,' tseifati&'J.ak, ' that 1 hay. oainteetiooaliy card goer . iter temporary diagram. Rut as for my- g.lf--i think a fellow ailed mot feel prlisu- Isrly miserable in living up to his word. No: 1 shall marry Yalta I.armed, Wait awhile. oo.tins.d Knighton, laying kis bend upon has friend's.hoald.r. Mew Lammed does not love you• What do you say to that • 1'ossi4v so, tat how do you know that tobethe ass ' Recamee-why--w • 11 oo heli at a pistol .bout you 1).iame y '1 Well the fest is that Net loom w mid I Wye her, and, if you d..'t seriously okjost, we ukosld beth of r like to remiss pee from year s.gagwneat. Yee, he wont ea, 1 suppose you night to demand an ezpl..atiom a.d satisfacthn from am fee robbing you of year affianced bride. Rut I did not begin the rebbwy until i w.. tolerably sere that 1 shouldn't be .trikim. you .dry herd. A. 1 said, i garm4..d • good deal when you weed aw17. and I Warmed meek mora balms yes .sailed ler beam. A moat& age Cal farmed died gored lig a 7m( WE Nod Were bit death he sunfmeed tomo that he W Mrrwis1d Met and played • bluff gams with yea \ es are net very angry, bre ye., D.las..y' lash eartaW7 tied eel leek very assay,, se he reaped Ms Mead's band aid ghee* it wlk swr*ahle Tiger. The Be. flp.rmmr l6dgkt.s is gill haws .. Spews tvight ea /he 1ldgnoa7 nn.b, of •7 no beettatioo to saying that 1 believe 1 owe not ooly my recovery but my life to 1►r. Williams' 1'mk 'fills." Mrs. "kin - net said her: husband was also much run down with hard work, but after using Ptak Pills tesla like a new 10414. The state- ments mads by Mrs. Skinner prove the un - tousled merit of 11r. 11'alhams' Pink fills, and as there are thousands of ponies throughout the country similarly troubled, her story of renewed health will poaet to them the remedy which willows. a!nail? .tic ci.u. is their canes. Ir. William.' l'ink fills are especially valuable to women. They build up the blood, restore the nerves, sad eredate those troubles which make the Mees of so many women, old and young, a burden. Dizziness, palpitation of the heart n ervous headache and nervous prostr•tioo speedily yield to this wonderful medicine. They are also a specific in oases of locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dames, 40lastica, neuralgia, rheam•tism, the after *f- leets of 1a grippe. es. in men they effect a radical sure in all mss arising from meatal worry, overwork, or 1x4ega.s of any nature. They are sold only in boxes, the trade mark and wrapper printed is red ink, at 50•oesM . box or sax bet.. for $2,50,...4 may be 1.d of druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Redlines Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady. N. Y. HARMONY IN COLORS. The following general rules on color effects in window dressing are taken from • trade eataloeue Rd .ad violet do net accord will, Orange a.d yellow accord i.comparably better Shoe rd and orange. Orang, sed gr.es do not accord well 4r&op sod violet accord passably. \ allow and green form aa arres tide ems. bitauo.. (;rewash yellow sed owlet bleat nicely. Tm arrangement of yellow sad blue is tn.re'isgresable than tint of yellow sd preen bat it 4s less lively. Green and blue prodnoe an isdiffrent et - feet, hub better when the colors are deep. Green and violet, especially when light, form • eombta.tton preferable to green and blue. Red and green intensify each other. limns yellow whoa phased by the ride of iedigo amereaw its ueunsity and vies .m• Yellow and tedigo cambia@ perfectly. Red .ed orange do sot .Oewd well. Rd and yellow mooed itretty well, ally. if the ted is purple red rather ghee marlin, and the yellow rather greed& Mai commie Red .sd hl...oeerd p...abty, Ingossislly if the Nod bobs, nt4ee M .earth thee mimeos. Rine .ad wish* *mord badly. Black meow predose . bad ellen wigs IS is amsesinsed with two Ismineue *sutra While gray sever aunstly produce, • bad e lse* i. its -eamalatlws with awe lu1tmsee colors. les r teal Me f1. emtwleaoab .r dell. ___ s Mee, whoa pieced by the ids of yellow, Mermen the lat er's in1eunig, and vie. • mpl.Imded olsmbase. Millsrs's (led Liver O11 Fmdgi.s with AW Moen nod HypngbsslNMM m i. I eerie' sad trig sere lliilw� _ t4Mrgeness, brumbitie end enamels. Mee $06. owl 111ben. suer RAM'S HORN BLASTS. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Henry 11. Mtaeley and hie beautiful «.fe Monis .4wetly at St. Meetly, aSwlt,eelaad. 4.eorge Gould's espanss this saes In oswoecuso with the yachts Virginia sad Attests have bees nearly $400,000. The bead dratigluanau at the Edgar Therapies Steel Works, at Braddock, Pa. is said to be Coast t'amdla Meresdere, ut Austria. Florence Nighunrale, who is pew 74 years old, urn very pour health. She lives in • (41141 spot in this West ut London. sod not even her *47.KhLors know her. South .lrnerica :r vein to have he: tint e atdmwl',n the person o1 the present Areb• bshop otrSant.1.,, who, It it raid, the lope wi11 soon elevate to thc Carditeilatr. Faith always )tae a shining f.oe. led warty us beause he loves a. It is mush better W sutler time 40 sta. The bright' tides not always the right elide. Every mer-esdi god has • heart of alone. Which are you hawing, the devil'* war or • hie peace if you would feel right, believe right &sd do risk t. Love can he mieuudeesteed, but never • over estimated. Nut to train up Inc 107s properly s to help the barkeeper. It le well to hope •or su'_ ens, but muct. 4.•1 ter W deserve IG. Wipes the devil sties out to deceive he • pots on his best coat. Sick headache and u..nsrip.tioo are promptly cured by Burdock tills. Easy to take, mire its edcet_ Ins, The thaw God hut for ea to do is •!w•yt 1 put within ray resat. h.le nothing to de with the thing that lad m, n are in favor of. \Ian had to have • osmm1sdnlent before . lied could give him a promise. The thing meg: dangerous in the one that does meet to make us selfish. 7 he cords haat lift us toward Gott more - tortes pass through •cotl.n hand:es. h:very dollar that goes into a 4'hrsti*n's pocket ought to have 4 .,I'. name 00 It. The man who drink• «hen M. wants tui Will sortie day have to drtak when he doesn't «.&ift 4,.. car do not rejoice is the I.orv3, the, world will not believe that we know Him. 1f you *re not helping anybody, you are making it very hard for God to help you. No man h ford who behaves himself simply because he has to. It is hard to c.)Oviace the man who w111 atrial chicke041 that thele u any sen.e in' theology. Norway line Syrup care. ....why, colds, and all throat and lung troubles- !'rice, i ?a. and .SOc. `m The worldly prosperity of a wicked man . is • chariot is which he + dee to ruin all the' far,:. Eery time we look at the duet under Sur teat we ought to remember where 1.04 found us. t:o1 never Kien us any more to .10 at nne time 111.11 he knows we can Keerindish lithos not take the Ise+ drink to mike a drunkard, but the ante. The Rib!. ha. promisee oo alrnnet every mese for the roan who is willing to may g4.041 by to 110. God's .hecp can lie* for a while on busks, but they «Il! not tape es say fat while doy� ins it The people most is danger of rose.: to j hell ars theme who expect to start for heaven to•tsorrow. The beet sough cure is Hagy&rd's Pectoral Rslsam. It heat the lunge and cures' coughs and .•olds. • 1m Let stoners he cosviaced that there -Ur ch a thine u ('hnstien !omitted they wi11 ! be convinced of stn. 10 remover worms of all kind* from chit. ! diva or adults !)r. low's Worm Syrup s' •safe and sure remedy. 1m yr teas ape renege earls asst. The girls are Hooking to roller, and papa are haedicg out money. A clever girl can live at 1'sear on +700 • year. or spend 72,• 500. At Wellesley v On upward is the figure. At aristocratic ilryn Mawr $800 is I is scant figure for • year . Mount Holyoke, $300 to `;500. Almost all the college, are • crowded with freshmen, and hard times dea't seem to interrupt the «iiia' educat.on. Norway Pine Syrup curet coughs. Norway Ilene Syrup cares colds. Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. Lw 1370 tf UR. E. RICHARDSON. 'rh. chap.- '.!turntrr, Visa 1 u, is ter anxious to a% 0.4 .Lplouta• ..: enure that he in • ' slots up -•u having every ward thoroughly detioed Lcfore he will append Ina .tt;a•ture Alezauder Duma has seut'.to Mine. Sara!, Bernhardt and to r..•1. ie. -tuber of Ler com- pany who has taken part 4m "!.\ Renato Nance" a volume of the work• inscr:betkwith hs compliments and autograph. line of the four V:, tent re.oht'y colt' ic'rd alta conspiracy . itnat the suitor re 44 NEW BAKERY til Aa,, of Morocco. nits :$t) children, more ur less. His estates erre t>eafl.cated, het the e(et.eot Sultan allotted out of ti.ens .100 to I each of the cbddreu. DONT LET ANOTNE!! WASH -DAY Go er WirilouT USING YOU will find that it will db what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. 't is Easy, Clean, and F.•-onnmi':al to wash with this slap. Mrs. M•ucheree 11. re I1'ownnug• vier. • I'.reee, a going to nm for !'aril.• menu to England. 4 One plank of her plat -1 form is for . Asgio-S•xoo supremacy. She will have to commence ou het naa.e 10 giro the language guy show for supr. m•cy. MM I.debtedre.a. 'country storekeeper in this state re - oat veil lately this eectscrwaiug reply Dote so old Iady whore bill had long re.na,u d un- p•i! : :"!huts t worry about my hill, 31r. , Ill owe you forever torture !'C . heat you out of it." Rowton .trurrn•1 A %eine lady A lady named Mee T. C. M. llum:'hriee, living in Keefe., Ont., who use,1 only two bottles of Memlway's Orley and Liver Cure, has torw•ar.led a statement to the T1 ?he -hite 1'li+ :ir-t of .%nleriean Newspaper+, JOHN A. (TREE ARLES A. DANA. Editor. --- l:a.; 1••txblixheti x tura linker, arid Con fet'tioner,s Store on tlauliltou it. in Th. American ('ttn.titution, the I Itarrie'v 44.1 -tarp!,w'lrrn Ili will kap Heall I11,•11, th. .�H11•ritfal4 t»nmt:uttly on hard everything id the I line of t:orni !tread, Cake, and Pastry SApirit►eri. TI .' . lirst, last, and all the of Iw•st. slake. Burge Lo1'..'.. at .S . ih., ;tion•, forego r. ' :Rill .nein 1.1:144:4 1114c. a&Hy. b, r0nlle / newt) i Nn•'mnLiurltit,n tW extortion, Lot Mmblf ar 'undo). IPS ctertt:mini; to milt the 'fillies :UPI the T'Y.Week/f.• . IIes.'k• f:< of the INYtlrpt/ - effect that it completely cored her of in- flammatory rhet:maia,•n, kidney and herr troubles. Such • complication of dr.eamce • yielding iso .iuickly to this remedy should ..ecoarw/e sister sufferers to rye it an houoL trial. Medical. 111. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, S1 -1t h..o.. ac. Outs.--McLan's Hlo,•kt Mont- - . slight cal* f•om Rr.•'vh 11. la Is Dental Announcement. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN 1.1' 1,11,.• -44 0r ' THEL CHLORIDE AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S nt:\Tat. Asiana, VERA HOUSE BIOCI• WEST -S' GIOD ZB.ICH, ONT. it affords nue unlimited eatisfartion. after a thorough test, result:no 10 the mot emmoeae- tc imprecation of dellghtA,1 and sum:abed patrons. to +abmit that 1 have the only sad exclue. a richt to use in Goderich. the host *Beatific discovery- wh;ch is weerantod nrrrr •0 create the limo pain daring the extraction of 4set h or Onager cf any kInd, in nearly every rase. and very little Anita in the most extreme teases. E'IHEL-C>3LORZDE is a local anaee:here that net er'"effect• the modest In the atighl.. t, Is harm:~ as water, sad the best method known oo earth to render the tooth non sensitive to pain. Patients assuro me it is Positively !Nerveless in 11s E<erte. Prseerv.tion of the natural teeth • epe•••ialty. All dental operations well and ekilUully done My patients interests are mine. NEW z=N&=S I\ 7:::M=SS G-00=3. Now arrivintlind to arrite, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day. a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, 1,ut the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. (hie of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Trico never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. Imap.crbss *badly golleall i. / Par Cent. Diseassuat for Cars. A. MUNRO Drover and Haberdasher. %Aa afar Pis a sear st . ,ear L If you want Corel f1 e4,.l untl`l'llrmp TL� �E SUNDAY ' VIN. llreat{ leave voter orders at the New J Iltlmialn Steer?. is the zrei.test Sunday New' ,;►4,.'r in the world. •41r.tlul,'� 4'4;,ci 1 :LNrttialtl. llltl'a.l .leiilerewl to till pr.r, tOH'r1 JOHN A rice 5c, a copy. By mail, S2 aro (shirr.. Till: .1 i, '.rev Cork. People of GOOD ('4 )MMl'ON SENSE usually appreciate a good article that -is I.,,rat•.tlV made. well 'finishe.l and up to 4d44te. This explains the treat -'keens of GRANBY RUBBERS THEY• WEAR LIKE IRON The Sma.11 End of Nothir_g, 1 .!••rived from attend leg some •io caled'twines.-0Jett• r;' The i. nr.-erearily ,.mall Just au =mall are the hcne1te b to I 44•P4•44. err )"01CIf11T Cal H! it\itay AVU al4oI:THANU COLLEOK. LONDON. ONT.. I on +he contrary. in nole,l for the prarhral character of its work. You need .onietltimg WIC "cal. why nut correspond with us at once. J. W. WESTERVELT i'rincipal. A Word to the Wives is sufficient. Better throw awayEtllat iron- •tri ;'' tum bound, leaking tub _ and bail and ;i-.:: jT,et:thewunhreakalile, light, one piece '', ��'. article.IAll ;well appointed grocer; 17.2 ,,F st-,.t....' stores keep =w.w:.'a• r v. ao 4x•1.• E. B. EDDY'S INDUF BREWARE. 1 How TO ORDER "THE SIGNAL " CUT THIS OUT, D. MCGILLICUDDY,"THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly ,THE SIGNAL to the following address for months. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months - - Six Months - TweIve Months - [Sample Copiem Free.] SOL - 55e. - $1.00. P. S. Name, 'P. 0., countjl, . Prov., ._....4......... Datt, _.. . _.......... 189 Remit by money order, if possible, or by registered 1st1tfsr. :.