HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-20, Page 6i DELA`CEY'S FOR1MAN.e••v'ie11•1htt.ayerHo•,,l.1.WMl• I worth Rie•hsiies Leian••v, of her t11ajWite..'• Life (.oar:• Hese. Nor, al:heush Cal 1.!arne.d had urterr.d WHEN the knell H nos .r lin• tghl Doti, t,,..r to alas ineny disparaging liuuorahle the Earl ett tit Marylebone, esun arks au rrgaN to hit pnwl.nw Vu 0 ..trey known as the H000reble John WOO- eoigkbur Mn.dar tv his apr:ch at the "ro Worth Ito, h.L.0 hcla•emv, threw up his 1 ua' :butler party, he was to reality anxious W ..sure • Delancey for a boa THE SIGNAL, : GODERICH, ONT., THi'RSDAY, DEC 20. 1$94. led .p. Iib belt..: the: his visitor fess w &loot. sad added: ' Vs didn't welt user Larked ' Only, the Scars 11117011 DUNLOP, • Not much, 1 didn't ' I seta your barn 1 . e 411Z. t �i ii re• door open as 1 caner up, an found • empty I • i• ng stall, so 1 hitched Po) INmy end gee him • t. ts. 1 n• wadi feed u' your eats '.pose: that's all right " ery v eh, oertedaly : yuu are very welcome, aai.l •lack, as yea's! a. • man could well be with Lamed s take 1t for granted style, but w14,u.( to tads.: ate the fellow for bit dough ter's sake •Turfy dryau' d..e:y, lack. t'.° t yer per Ow bottles me •.n. A sui.0 e' rye or Sourbou, ur mesa • couple fingers u' gin, wealth' t go bad. '1 don't like my mem to use li 1uor, so do sot use at myself, asdl have caws on the plass 1..n wall find good spriest water at the well, yonder. and p'en;y ot milk in the Ilar. 1 flat a tete beet I cau do f.n you, Lased. Hre:,. yourself. But neither milk nor water possessed any charms tor Cal Lamed. He threw btm.elf full length upon the rough bench which ran along the shanty, and filled fits mouth with kite , ut tobacco, which he chewed vary care fully for • seas of five minutes, He then su. oeeded in drawing • grasshopper some 17 feet •way front him by • dexterous dia- eharv. of black juice, and proceeded direct- ly to the matter which just then accounted for his present• at the (Delancey ranch. 't'ornis' over to our place today, Jack' lelancey, in dsel.aar, threw down his pa- per and replied : •1 es, I think so.' 1\'ell,eow, .lark. how long is 1t aiaex you planted yourself dew. here' '.l bout four years. ''o Hew long was you herr when 1 ger you • knock down to my gal" 'Almost a year.' 'So \1 ell, uow, I un t much of • scholar so of my calkerlatioas are wro.g, kindly ke-rect me. Dar year from four years leaves three years. Now, on yes own shwa - a', you've been *parkin' Met for three years \ow, .lack. when are yer gout' to marry my gal'' .lack sat up in his hammock and dangled one leg os the ground. Slowly he repeated Ltrned's word. - 'When ani 1 gem( te marry -your Kiri 1 ou mean whet' stroll 1 marry Metro • 1 ou are indulging to a confoundedly poor joke, I hops, barn ed ouami.uou as a Iauteneat in Her Majesty a .• fur ue, sad vacated bit apart m law. As • matter of fact, 11 to ,k•1 u if "'rots in the Allwy, he prop•.e.1 "'attar I►h i. ambition of the lazy etw kstau would s� .o sLrely new •tart an ht. I u o• on, all probability he gratified. In alder c..nt- plah this he trot oozy left his tauvr land, sauna ire Cd 1...theda audits. ,rarid feet nil Ltrrally to pitch his tri.: t,,(A ` mil.• ' the • tu,le for packing westward of the lirittih wrtiopoli., b.,, 1 not vuarre • might esti born lail to t1..t very con.eateatauaprgoet, alau repudiated 110 0111,111.11 1.1$ caper as was avpepta, ale tM• alone u: 1\'youusg nut slrolutr:y neasrary for pit own tdruti- that liseam It ut,i00W0 and .a r.wbore fboattou and the exigencies ul bue. 1.es a*dy V+a••rd I stleallt "mu •"'node • spear.- aoarety to the Far West. t hr urea l:alNtr I. rimed the veil lacenr. but That be was tolerably suco maul di nisei- !expressive verdict of ”,neap cues'. forts to construct his urs l,•i t ut.c natty b. To his general ineanaese Lazuod ad led inferred Rota the fact :hat, some tour yea•lir,U qp• of lanaees, tor which reason, up - atter the honorable John's ■token dump- doubtedly, he was tolerably stall w ja.k pseranee from sundry Uelgraviao (.all r.lome lelanry, and scourged his pretty daughter hod ra1I Nall club houses, plats tai:. IM \ietta to accept the attentions paid her by lancey found himself the owner of • trillwy the kanelsome Ltnglshman. He 'warred 00 setter of aO, YX acres of rich gra log tants, ! tt.e probaoility that if .lack should marry o er which roamed the finest and largest l Nett., h. might pool bis boomed. interests herds of shorthorns in Wyoming Territory. I with those of his sue 1a law by turning over Above and beyond all this, .lack Ilelaucev Its miserably small herd at cattle t• Ilrbui vies the moat popular young man in the *astern part of the territory, both among hie neighbors • -who were not very numerous — and with hu • cowboys,' who were decid- edly numerous. land good a girl as Metra Lamed u one ot cey, and binisslt roam hither at ! thsth •t Ilia own sweet will and at .Ia . • :tapes' How this unsavory and uneatiefacto Calvin ever h.canie possessed of so prat er • ry ty To them all, after the western style, he I those conundrums the answer to which was •Iaek Delancey .0 more or 01 (res. I locked securely in uature s sealed book Bot although tbi. energetic scion of the I When .lack Delancey settled In Wyomin bowie of St. Marylebone had discarded the 'Honorable' and the 'Wentworth' and the , Rieb.liea,' and had transformed 'John' int. ' Jack,' he was still • Delancey. He might have called himself Moses smith he might even have ad"pted • 1ankee drawl and seconded the sante with powerful west- ern slag, but he would still have remained • : elantey. For, aetwitbetanling that the youag man a::rated big untanned boots, buckskin breaches. a re. shirt and a sombrero bat • married, she was youag and she was pretty though he dined at 12 o'clock with 'flim Not only so, she was well informed, fairl boys' and excused without a murmur such well educated. and possessed ut mach g hss an urries as table linen, cut glad surer• common sense. She was, from • so. ware : though be slept in a hammock, rolled atanapint, the superior of all her nerghbo ip t la rather coarse blankete, sad took kit except Jack (Delancey, and, perhaps Spence mt..°ing plunge in the little :reek which Knight. Knight was peculiarly reticent 1 furnished bathing facilities for all his men--- regard to hit antecedents, though that h he au soil Jack Delancey,and 11 needed I had received a liberal educauoh heeam sot the courtesy title accorded b;m is eonetan(•pa tly more •rent. Burke s Peerage to proclaim this hie .(peso" 1 -es, Metty larded was pretty : but eh Ba men of a sturdy tu) as the 'Honorable' bad not tete patrician beauty of • hund Jack Uel•ac y. So, although all the stock. ..d m s young limes whose •cua .lint*nc men and the farmers and the cowboys with- tee betaagey hal foresworn when h in 50 miles of the Ilelsncey ranch freely ad• struck out for t West. Met was clever dee..ed the wealthy young Englishman M but there were y branches of knowledg Orme,' they cheerfully yielded him such that formed the ABC of .lack's own sister' 'narked deference as was never paid to any edueAtiou, of which the girl was asignoranit other man in the territory, and ouch ea as else wof 1:reek verbs and f:vypt lack 1lelancwss y himself never dreamed of de- hieroglyphita. Met deemed ' nattily.' ye an.'Ing. her neat home-made gowns weu11 have pre It was at the firer bag 'round up' atter seated • rather 'dowdy' appearance along Jack • arrival an the West, and the buys side the mast ordinary efforts of Worth oLamedweer dialog alter • hard morning. work Elute. To sum up Met Lamed could taw ter nding the• young (Attie. oughly appretrale a good hook in vo,. • 'I bat thin'Iietancey o' yourn is blooded ' English, she Could male an apron or hens osis/ • gaunt Kentuckian from • neighboring stitch • handketchi.f with the unmet neat ranch. ' He's got the generwme li.luid in .ess and she could manufacture pastry is venni. you kin bet ' He's miner.' boys, which would have reflected crecit upon a an' be's far, he is.' Panama chef. • 1:e me faith. he is that same responded Wheo Jack I Ielancey lint saw Met, on too of Erin. ' He's • lad after 5t. Pat- a breeiy summer afternoon, with the sleeves ick'* own heart. Shure he's aigtal to none of her sample white dream rolled up, • huge —arrab, then, be _tubers, I mane he's second 'men apron protecting her from the dusty o gone • Hour, while with her chubby halide she 'fix• •• It wur told up to the station. when 1' ed up' • batch of bread for supper, the ex• wur over last month, am he wur • dook, or guardsman involuntarily °usheed to hideora mayor or e»mthin' when he wur on the selfthat the girl looked 'killing.' Hut, Id sod. I'm a tittle shy of sech like pranks later on, as he pondered over a civet, Jack irlmiu' 011 lncoco'ter. look, kinder Delancey'*Resat good nae compelled hint to ad- tppery, as • feller wur ',honied of his own mit that it would lite extremes[ fully in him mco e me previous reamed ' to think ot a girl like Met Earned as his The last speaker was t'alvm Irr°ed, • future wife. It was not snobbery, in that ranchman of small means and smaller en- ltslanCey's early training, old aseociatinus rarer, who nude a practice of ' throwiov *rid sly ties compelled him invariably to ad ' at his neighbors, and who was only nom Met with his sister and Its mother lerated for the sake of his daughter —.1 ys to the disadvantage of pretty Met eft►. Larked. .lack was swayed by honesty of • That's right. Col' Wouldn't he if you purpose, and he resolved never to ' make du • shoot your dirty mud, retorted one live' to 11et : being Jack Delancey he kept the men. • Jack lelancey's got grit and his resolution. °t d, anyhow, which a ore than can be (tut, nevertheless, Jack found it very mai. of yon. pleasant on Sunday afternoon to ride over ' And 1 tell you one thing, boys,' said • to the Earned.' cottage, five males away, rappingy0°og fellow, as the men mount and indulge in • chat with /Jetta. It he their ponies Ln resume their work, '.lack de.ieed gimp, e he found 11 in the pap lanet' chas got something else besides which came to him with his mail every ck —be's got • ;eget kind heart and clean Saturday, and which Menta liked to read. !lotto was 20 years old she had then li with her father oa the plains for five or u years, hawing lett her mother a thouaanIllinois g miles away in an Illinoraveyard. Ho .leek IMlancey came to pry :market sate Lisa tothe girl u w conundrum rt al She was the only marriageable girl within day a ride of the llelaneoy ,sash. Women are scarce articles in Wyomin n and usmared women are especially fro and far between. %letta Earned was un u a. •• d .- I. v w y one i•1 re r r e rid e e • a ►an • r • m b • r t • al to d to Al di of .an at ed 11.• to hands. It don't make any differsce Jack discovered a keener eatisf•ction in whether be was a lord mayor or a lord taking tea—supper they call ,t in Wyoming chancellor over ponder he was • gentleman with Mett• than he had ever experienced sad that's there yet Now, boys, whoop's"' in sipping souchnng from dainty china cups up. Stir up them critters lively. 01 Loudon drawing rooms. Metta'a sup - This last chunpion of the individual un per' were substantial affairs --delicious beet - der :cession was Jaek Delancey's foremen. steaks and the lightest of hot bread, with .lust who he was or where he hailed from butter that the dairy maids at Delancey not eves his employer knew. He had introPark had never •urpared. t.uch meals duce himself as Spencer Knight, and claimed were particularly appreeiated by Jack after —although his yeah were lees than 30 to a long week of tough meat, indifferent po be an 'old westerner He told .lack he was atom and hardtack. originally from 'the east,' but had settled in And .lack reciprocated Wats'!" besptality Wyon-in, when he was very young with whenever he Journeyed to I ingense as he the ,mento. ef 'growing up with the Doom- frequently did by bunging the girl • sew try.' neve) or ' something pretty.' So they be. How iDelancey become amounted with came good comrades, and beth enjoyed Spencer Keight matters little. The K g• amar.ugly the Inng,.1uietSu.day&lteinoons. Rehman stumbled across him in Kanas Rut their regard and esteem for each other City. when K.ieht attar the manner of stopped just short of love . for, after three Wyerning stockman during the dull season years, Metter Learn•d's affection for the wan indulging in • •toot.' Iklso.y ren- Englishman was no deeper than was Jack dated the yonsg fellow, who was a man al" Delancey's hkaag for the girl. ter •,,• ows boort about his own age, • Cal lensedderogatory remarks at the valuable eeryice, which raved Knight from the dhearsee of arrest and possible Imprison nest .:hereby placing the western man for ever Is his d•►t. Tho was before Jack ted located se • ranchman. Ming • fairly good judge et human nature, and nightly estilrat- Ing that Spines Knight would not speedily forge. • kindlier, Delaney invited that young man to ester bis service Th• wnpact whish they then made had i*eve. tees regretted by either. for after 1 fewer years of hard work and constant cern pastneehip, if Kei*ht beheld in Itslaneey his ideal of a gentleman end • trued, Jack he.w, ea well as he was aware of his own /siM..oe, that with his faithful servant and t}tsttd. .ipe.sar Knight, he might safely Imre* tie pasessirtea, br life .ad hie hem r. And he dash Divvy, el Wye.- Toreleage. hews wee se Mehl, tr.aanrsd I 'round up' anent .lack Delancey were not n early en severe as his mu.stal comments upon the same live subject. 1. hu own mind be thought that the En•h.hman had hewn , to•lin' around ' Netto 10110 Ionv enouigh t Ono Sabbath, when 'pee er Knight and most of 'the tteyi had gout ever to ('hey enne with • couple of hu.dr,d Toast steer to ship by the railroad to ('hicsgn, IM homey, as was his custom net Sunday morn togs in mummer, brought his hammock out tide the lose, I..w Mh•nr), airtime it on the shandy side et the budding, lit his pipe mud stretched himself out to sissy the three - weeks old illestra'•d London News ' Morels' Jack ' •tel roes: • votes-- the only woke whose &events ■sn•Ily dtt.u.ted I *hewn. ' (:.ted 01oveing,' replied ,Iamb, easily Inek- 'Ik, 1 look as If 1 wur a sky larkln' or et I meant bunts• No, Jack Delance I'm asktn' you a eluar' gue.ching, an' you're the :mal they .ay you are, yeti guT me a straight anew:r. How Is 1t' •My good fellow, 1 have never made lov to your daughter for the very remora that have serer dreamt of marrying Met. 1 hay every respect for Met, and esteem her Ter much : hut 1 have been particularly csretu to give her no false impressions. Besides, believe Menta 111 I understand each othe blurt-. well. \lett•--' '1 ou speak for yourself, 1 telancey. Doe 1 know all about her' Atn't I seen h change in the last three years,unulebedoo think of nobody or notbm but you' Can't see how she's agrowin sick and weary o seam for you to ax her" .lack put has other leg out of the hammoc and with two of his big strides stood ove bit would be father in-law. 'Tall me on thing, he said is • tone of voice which ind cated that it would not be well for his list enmr to tamper with him. 'Tell me t truth. man. of your own child. Ibis Me care all that about me, and does she real! believe that that I lore her She does. So help you (.o3 See here, l lelancey, awl larged, clamed rising to hut feet. what do you take me for What do you suppose 1 care about you- 1 0 never used me hall way decent, anyhow l ou an yes keep•yer-distance lord dock style I ain't in love with you. nor yin yes belonging.. 1 k.ow 1 ain't • general favor• ite hereabouts. But Met's my gal. and I'm her dad, an curse me, Delancey, of I'm agnan stand by and see her heart broke an the best years of her young life tooled away by you, nor vit no other gay solat er ' "That will do -- said .lack quietly. "1 care nothing ter your blustering threats. As you say, there is no love loot between you and me. Hut there it that which 1 dislike even more than \Ir. Earned, and you will Dever ind me guilty of any di.. honorable conduct. 1 ea, 1 will nde over Ibis afternoon." ('al Iarnel had acted his part well, and knew It. He was fully aware that his point was practically carried, for hapset n ooeeded in mttuencing a man like Jack Delancey he knew it would be an easy matter to moped Netts to his will : so be indultted in considerable chuckling as he • hu'F1ed out to mount hu pony .rid ride home. A few days later Spencer Knight return rd. to the evening he and I(•lasoey stroll- ed down to the creek to smoke an atter sup per pips. Spencer, said Jack, 1 •m gotmg to marry Meath Earned. 1 es, responded the other, we all thought it would come to that. 1 boss you will both be 'ery happy, Delusory. Curiously enough, each of the me., for the first time in the course of their atquain fence, remarked • strange glumness in the ether They not nely remarked it, but both remembered it very vividly. There was no gladoessabout 1telasoey ■anoo0.eeenent,and Knight's cosiestulatory reply had • mouton. fait ring about it. Nett Monday, said lack, after a pause, I shall start for hone to make the folks over there • visit hefore .mtthng down for Iib. 1 ou will stay and take care of things while 1 am gone, won't ynu, Sponte I shall sot be sway more than • couple of months, and dermas that tune 1 shorld hke to have the carpenters neer from t heyinne and run up • comfortable cottage over yonder by that p.pl•rs. ('ee.ult Met tei as much as pos- sible IMlan..y spoke' so mechanically that Knight knew, beyoe.i taw shadow of • doubt, that something was wrong (tut he Made no eirotries ' All right, Ilel•aesy, and whew you re tun 1 shall s.k for leave of absence for • as y. of 11 e e 31 i THE CLOTHIER, tit I 1:/ two has hist returned from the clues where he has been seleuttsil • 1 vir:' li ' .:4-.....•—‘ }y (e ess- i .sC eel .n .:.. r n. •1. :lug sores. . •r •family pity. t• 1 u • :tee!, a:•d i w .. . 1 t', 1 would bit • .1st • . 1 . Mother Urged Elle to ts, Ayer's Paraajitt - .1. 1 •. •o:. ; ,. bot Ice. 11..• xnr,-a 11.111..1, must i h:,' - been trouble -d an..•. Italy the sears rentals, and the mentor) of the past, to remand rile of the goat Ayer's f3arsaparllla bias done tete. 1 nowwe•gli two hundred slid 10.nt: pnuud+, *nil um Is tie- best of h,alrh. I bare tees on the roast fur the nn -,t twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- saparilla advertise.l in all prt. of the United Stut.•m, and always take pleas- ure to teIl:u, what ; ,.,1 it did for m,: r Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Itr.J.(•. Ay•ra ...,Low.J,ysm. Cures others, will oure you SLAVES OF THE GALLEYS. MatINM, *I tome 1 elers..ate• Wham, war rows Darken Serer, • ■l.tery. [.alleys were extensively used in the Med- iterranean until the end of the eighteenth century. The 1 enetian vessels of ibis class were sometimes above 100 fest in length. Four vessels, celled galeasee.. about • third larger than the ordinary galleys, were em- ployed to the S tib armada, each one lir• ing rowed by 3W gall.v slaves Motley, in his "History of the 1 Dated Netherlands," 1 eaya "They consisted of en enormous towers, fortress at Inc stern, a castellated structure slmoet slushy musty, in front, with seats for the rowers amidships :1t sum and stern and betweec the slaves' benches were heavy cannon. They were splendid apartments, state cabins, chapels, and pulpits in each. all gorgeously decorat- ed and amply provided with awnings, cushions, streamers, standards, gilded saints and bands of music," Convicts ear galley slava, chained to the ✓ benches, propelled with oars these Heating e hells. During the French war the notorious Algeria@ corrin committed most of their parscles is swift galleys, rowed by the forc- ed labor of Christian slaves. Criminal@, .l - though still ntaimoe their original title, are no longer employed in the same manner, but are set to labor in the docks and mill- tary harbors of France, Italy sod Spain, cabers they have gained an unhappy setonety tor misery, filth and vice and the utter degradation of human nature. r er 't • le 9 u • Cssr•sdN,Mp.•. T. • Fatal AlIsek. A fatal attack of croup is a freoueot oc- currence among children Every household should be guarded by keeping Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at hand. it breaks up colts, coughs, croup, asthma and broschitu in • remarkable manner. -CZTY- coag AND wood YARD. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT i BUCKSNITH COAL. Cwt weighed on either market or m Scales. Oet my Prices before going else when, TE*wa (.4... telepO... rc.seet$.. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. 11M•y. esomea Awe= itereer tar AT ENTS 60I�. N car tetor(eeti n wed free Rendbnak write to M1 NWT t t Vt. mi bmnanway. Kew tuna. berme Ines...wine valent. In A -,An& I�nwan Perim tete. owe H ss N wwagb/ Mfj. pause bf a ant."' gine tree et share's Oaths c citntific American efRomr'asia.�sanne.eb'lrAs',c�JMlnwit Ac.•l 11..Wse@•'m pi'10v,". .1.rrelem .d"t."11—, • 'et" -ca era. M•t BES SPRIT (SODS. He. 1110 bow on Mand a Large Line of the. Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared te. turnout work in the lirtit Styli' possible, and at Prices te suit the titles. II. 'DUNG JP. OODBRJOH St( um Boiler Work, E$TAHLR3HQ1'i•S•,1 A. S. C H RY STAL, Bwce.aoe tot Arse& L• Black. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station try Marine, Upright Jr Tubular 13022e1FRS, Salt Patty, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., rte. Also dealers la Upright and Horisonthl Mtidr Valve 110Kaes. Automatic Cut -OP Mecham • penalty. All stave of pl • sad plpw-fhtlma oo•ataatly os hand. Ibtiiniaies furaitbed es *Sort natio*, Repairing promptly attended to 1q� ly F. O. Box r, Ood.rich, Ont. Work.-Ospestte O. T. R. Settle.. 0Meetma PLANING MILL. ESTAQlSNEO 11Sk. lluckaiiaiis & Rhylllls Ma'(Ur*Ct t' agora SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers to ail kinds et Lt1MBEH, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's' material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. :0NSTis'Pri0i11. !,IL1O1!'INLSS, PEPS IP., 3iCis is'EADACH7rt. Rfie9Ltiii. ONE. "l ,t .t 'jR EATING ti3UCE5 •:1107 ttZtL7, ,Old. SYSTM8LR8NOVATOk £Nt, errnglt TZWT ED m&LCD1101. Specific and Anridole for impure, weak and impoverished blood, dya pepsa, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loin of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall atones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ulartties and ,.neral debility. LIBOR1TORT, ‘OOERI(I, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manutactwr•r. McLsos'.9rrrgr Itg`,ovaroe eon be had from all dr • is in them •e well &strum all the dr ere oetween Owes Sound sod Seaforth. Hrut..1.• /Durham and Toronto. Ulf Iv. Patronise True Competition. Taut Carantaw Paolino Rucway Qa• as sing* earwwd to res rbi• • .antes with her d.i /•r sessmtit foe t r ell•••e.d on bushels prlacIples sad be the laterite of 14 patroas, It deserves the support st every penes who believes. In oompetlttae leer quirk caspee•e w Ibis r.ntpea. Ilosa ea., emetleg with all Iles sed slit Is Raised •ernes, tamale end aerspe. Direct immure waw te all semis Is North west,IRltl.1 Colombia sad Fenella Cast Q o.— teeth Side wet•tet. 11t v R. • �� � , (Maoris\ DON'T DESPAIR PATENTS! MEATS. imam ■AUS AM CNIMIUITI Obtained, and all beelike", In the U. S, t 0111e'. attended to et MODER/ TR rs Our elle@ le te the U. S. Patent Of Il,.. and w t sae obtain Amain 1. lose fire has these -emote trim WASHINGTON. Sand AfODSL OR DRI WINO. We an vim se 1. eetsMllt tie. mi d we wake Jt) (MANOR VNLAtPH ys an 01. ?AIN P/ INT. We ester, hesto the Pe.t01a.t.r the . rf M e, Order DD.. aid y .aelat..t 5rr the P. 5. Past One.. /.r Mede. advise Mesa. • ed ediwsa.r to sided onset. Is Feel room State er (Meet, write h c • WOW ee... WILL CURE YOU W guarantee . R Fw1 /see rel I k ht's i T. tilt., ices Sl.eb--w CoM hr ail de°•l..n Ia .t. a. et ire. ►y receipt d *Are, pc. p - tam • ttmsa. Ila DP L. A. SMITH 100,. Teresa& OXFORD rA43,-.2 FURNACES .. Fel ALL SUSS capacity from 10,000 mums .. to 50,00 Qubic coot SWIM Wears IIUUMO WOOD FURNACE HCAVV ORATE. e•pa •utl;y adapted for w,wd bunlut; less. , said Plate Fire nus Dee. sad ksatstorwhlel. heat attacker and are snore denbi. NADIAT [tet of Modern Ccy..t rue Was acrd Ore.? Heat ing 1'o w er LAR/rt: ASH Pit -.1te COAL FVRNACE tars* Cesisli stNQ taamb., tent; Fire Trnes•.•w.Ys•Ite r%M•t•r gt-aedics efnamt fend Seer Notions/ Fire Pit R•tetbr.ar Dei g thrum DEEP ASH PIT Fall: Guaranteed Ct • S.encs.. i�easl" ••tlltMl. mt/liro K @SK V For Sale by HARPER & LBB, Crabbls Block, Goderich Protect Your Chest_ W. have • Spl•"ad'd Line of Solid Chamois and Veit ('h..' Protector* made specially tar us and twirl. .utert•r 1e the artlrl.a usually void. ('rice* .Fry M.deratr Kvrryon a .+.old prom, the ('hest whack is the l uadel of Life with me of Mese. l'rrseritiw is better thou ('ore. Protect Your Health By law our High -tirade Ha g Pu l ou coo rely eD 114,5 belies fair, r, why tris 1 011111000 Flavoring Essences in greet .•rtety. Christmas Perfumes s11'I Gift Goods. car h.t e • IL•aun••il Aa•urtrtent of time Later r ud Hero •rr.e,n i 1...;. Thr) are ter; AttracUre this year. You will be delighted w. it, tbent. W. C. GOODE, - - Chemist. LU WANT THE BEST! Buy the "Gurney " line cf Stoves and Ranges. " Oxford Rival, 1.1.•4 " Grad 1 tte," " Radians Souvenir," "Countess_ of t l t f„ r i , :u 1. i . 1 t f r., fr*sn no—up to ow we HAVE a number of second-hand Gal and Wood Stoves front :t to Ms- P.S.—There 1s.P.S.—There are ten " Gurney -' Stoves .roll in t;oderich to one of Imy other snake. For 'tale only by . HARPER & LEE, The leading Stove Dealer., Plumbers, Tinsmiths sad Heating Engineer, of l;otlerieh. .'Stove Fitting and Repairing promptly attended to. COAL ()IL –4 Imperial Gal's for 40e —Spot Cash =)O -YOTJ WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINEP R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call. 11. SSV'. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! CLEANED CURRANTSINS. Everybody Likes them. Your Christmas Order solicit.&. CHAS. A. NAIRN THE GROCER UNDERTAKERS. J_ MIRO F9E-I3Erir ere BON Have added to their present bosine= one of R. J. Path's Latest $tyle of Pity Hearses, also *he finest line of funeral furnishings in the massy, anckare new prospered to conduct funerals at prices reasonable This detpertanent will be strictly slam eiwd to by his .00 Williaa, soh., beiu6 in the *employ of the late D. Gonion ter the poet teen years, has • therwslb k.owlerign of the basins, and 1.y pros pt sweeties here te .1. pere el 110 public patronage. Renlentbsr the plies--.We.Nt, os your way M the Pail ales. Give us a oa11 J. BROPHEY & SON. on1 "The =S 1-A alOOPis l�TOlJs$1rW [lfil/ FOB - TRA :it. 0I .et 1 tri 111 e.g sit reser ler 1101 eke sr tn▪ l ell de Ind on •e tar he st bi .. Te Ree ars +/!,11.11 ,ISS?., 1i e •