HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-20, Page 3Dna ernes& W its oh are tumou- r Mr prompts ell e•l..sea int Ile aoruu MeV Ing ) oa any owe we soli at� a.,,uhd.-ut ,Il moat with ■ rpt Ili the full Nile' 84 letter uer.I, they fill to commercial e w hat we've heads. a very targe ( pals r• rttlt t 01 bueirter locality, toes • wove, -linens, paper,, rul.si he res ti tree". go " I.i.tu was Rile d. viand soul.' ti..t lie are son, 111011 Jenne!, that tock will ever intend it to, stock is cep th fear snore.. it ruliag. louhle avasrs They come !tads, and are WWI after a booth. They' halt 'rouuti-- !cod to get lops, and to t lrnland for Ir$r .on eow- AtiOI.! a Tet stock, and e frees, ' te. e lialltll• • n es **clew ►t\i\\\tat •sLc . Rhee r hewtLi alcove. *moan heal that to ore then take ▪ c rule•d by 0 it all it Tar or a wedding taste in setae t we snake it y keeping in .est and best Cal) and n». sod meetings wt, from the e cost elegant 11 attached. all the (hirer we turn out, his, and keep fancy papers 'resents. is erg* ranp of or milk ticket d, from as or- ket to a tarty i handsomely ticket. ruingout this dhnoed by the bulk of it is line ales in - it reaatag Joh tura out in • MO. ✓ desertment a specialty of Being our aim notice el sale //AL free of •same .re got at V. prineag lime seablisissat sod arsine THS SIGNAL: OODi1t1CH. ONT., THUESDAT, DEC. 20. 1114. EARGAIN DAYS SATURDAY and MONDAY, DECEMBER 22iid and 24111, 1894, WILL BE OTTR FIRST GREAT BARGAIN DAYS_ WE INTEND TO C+ZVE F SHE GREATEST BAR&AINS EVER OYYERED IN GODERICH 1 OUR WHOLE STOCK WILL BE MARKED DOWN TO WHOLESALE PRICF AND UNDER. NOTE OAR LIST Silks, - Vatintt, Velvet', Plashes. Ribbons, I ta/ k 1)r.'•., (Roods, ('.,Iorerl 1►ress (loots, Prints, Cretonnes. Sateen% Ladies' Fur ('oats, Cloth M:►rtt le•4 N „r,tcol ('.sting•, Mantle Clntha, Sulliele, Tweeds, Cloth Shawls, Wool Shawls, Quitter.' Skirts, ('ottomans, Shirting., Flannel., Sk irting., Tickingrs, 8hakera, Cantons, Sheeting's, Pillow Cottons, White ,Cottons, Factory- l',Atoms, Lawn Muslin!. Cheek Muslins, Jaconet Muelins, Swiss Muslins, White Tattling*, Unbleached Tabling, l'uloreil Tabling+, Damask Tabling, Oilcloth Tabling*, Linen Towels, Cotton Towels, Bath Towels, Towelings, I7Iaes Cloth.. Ladies' I'nderclothing, Misses' Underclothing, Children's Underclothing, Boys' Underclothing, Men's Underclothing, Men's Socks, Men's Kul Gloves, Men's Lined Kid (!loves, Men's Braces, Boys' Braces, Men's Caps, Ladies' Black Kid Gloves, Ladies Colored Kid Gloves, Ladies' Suede Gloves, Ladies Cashmere dose, Ladies' Worsted Hose, Ladies' Wool Hose; Men's Ties, Ladies' Ties, Silk Hdkfs, Linen Hdkfs, Laine Hakim, Border Hdkfs, Net Veilingsj. - Silk Veilings, Word Veilings, Black Spanish Laces, Toilet Mats, Sideboard I)rapes, Table Napkins, Black Silk Cords, Colorer! Silk Cords. Dress Braids, Mantle Buttons, Enthroideries, Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, All -wool Carpets, \ Union Carpets, Jute Carpet^. Art Squares, Child's Wool Hooils. Child's Wool Cap,, Child's Wool ('loads, Child's Wool Bootees, Child's N out Gloves, Child's Wool ,Hose, Damasks, Chinellc Curtains. Mozett/• Rug., Turkish Rugs, Beam Rug•. Axniin,tcr Rugs, Lar•.• ('nrtaim, AND MANY OTHER THINGS NOT MENTIONED IN THE ABOVE LIST. Our Great Bargain Days Sale, Dec. 22nd and 24th. Be sure and see our Bargains you want Goods. TERMS CASH. COLBORNE BROS, The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Dentistry. g i1O1110UN)N, L.D.$. - DENTAL 4t111.. swims .pgtr Post Ogles. asset.. mr aasdard .ad .pureed Meal ea sane for welch. coxese- Moth.eMe-ly _. DR, t RIOBARI>tivN, L Q d„ ,Igrn.ns leanis& nes *.d 'elegies/ ear admmtwe•wd for pealing •ews.Mog et lash atrViel.w.m Riva to ,die pre erv.tlm ta. nttitarel moth, udtee- Up II: alma O . Hesse -1.$k. *mane • Gliederink.= gar s LikriaL • (11MPION & JOHN;iT11N, BARRIS `/ tare, r'olicaters. Notions., ac_ UNericb. Olen -Over Jordan • t _Stere. K. CAM r10161, Q. C.. M. 0. JUH "I. may t. Inas. s Lorrus L DANCEY, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Coavgano•r, tc.. etc. MM.y M Ian at lowest rale& Horton's thank. V► Mite Colborne 11.,te1. (keen: b. Out. �•it L N. LBK'IN, me Cosine PMIIO- �J• for a M•rfume /herb et Oet.rlo ws►- u Colborne Loi.L R O. BAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT 1711. OK. ata 016r•. car. Square and Wee mg.et Dederick. over telegraph (Mice. tPri- mar reads to lead a lowest rats of inter- est- 2900 hI1RROW & PROCDFOOT, BAR - l.11 mere. Atterna�a, lin I. Dodo rleh w, J. T. /arrow C. CAMERON, HOLT A Hi/LIM, Oarsmen. aolbfters la Chit/beery,t O miot M. C. Cameras. Q.C. P. o MHolt Ds/1q Hotels, G. WARD. OONEYASUER, eV g . tea. sad commissioner for taking and re- sdytng re eenwaom of bail. aflld•v1Y of e lls mannas. deposlttoss or solemn deol•rt- N ee. 10 or oonowniag any setae. not or pro - impeding in tee Huth Court of Judice. the Coact of Appeal for Ontario, or is my Loomty aM prompt!) ezeosted. ItssidessM.sd or ihvlsto• Court. All transacting/ address -Dungannon let. 1t- tt LOM. grad AMIOUlaaaa. 1YA(IER, CON VEYANCINO AND • lasimesa. cam opp.dtetMarUl.'s HNN At ON KY TO LEND ON MORTOAOE at .i pee cent. Notes discounted. C. MaAOiR, oglos opposite Martin's Hotel. teode- rich__ MONEY TO LOAN. - - $26,100.00 Frivol", fond. to lead .t 44 per seat, m- eea4, wrrUs ILWhores Hotel.lQederi.b. eMeet J. T. NAItIT1L, FeD L iIi M i N roma pte aod God- 46� 000 TO LOAN. APP_LYais wish.7 TO `I wi=ne IOMr t HQLMZ= 0.45 MM. 1/111 MOAET TO LVID. -A LAR (i 1 **oust of Pete/* redo for Isveletmms allows/ rates on Meet -Mass Mortgages, AeN1 •/ARROW t PROi1DPOOT RADOLIYrs, GENERAL IN .senses, Rail Rotor and Mosey "aaly m. Daly areae leas .0myoais espwesasted. Mosey to Lad es Weigh ssl�• ss, a the lowest rate of atoned gsi sed dee hose figure. to wit Oa WMmatreat ee w BZoshante ee institute. g ODERICH MROHASRA' INSTI- l-• TUTS LInRART AND RRADINV- W)t)M, ear. of 1aM street sad Sour* (V maks, Dyes from 1 M s PAIL sad from i to Ie Sora ABOUT WOO VOL'S IN LIBRARY. LOdiI5 Daily, Wedgy seal Rlwdrwtaf Pepin,N ele. nit bale. MRMRZi&HIP TICRsr. MOLT al.SS, gas.tiss ere* teas M Wows sadisa- he ►wshlp rewired ►e ukrerA .)teamee J H. O01.IlOR71L DSO. RTIV Ihen+. e aaebl Marek a% WM. SMYMMl1fR• TpOMAB OONDST, AUCTIONEER and lower.ees Ap.t, p.derleh, Oat. asset sod Wore Di lieirs Irks ed Ince& O.. Wee model is i. mr Mel of the muse,. ►1r OHM KNOI, GEISRAL AUO- T�a.aer li Etampamosooetorienomm ao is b ••.. � iso willw -- der $w31; i•Vdr =Ms la BREATHING FORTH SWEETNESS' TN Nost..ad Teets Wed nese •nests•* rb.■ lacy ere. New 1 ork World There is no charm about a pretty mouth if the breath it ex- bales is effeaslve. Diseases of the s•omach, lungs and lkr. at, neglected teeth, wine. liquors, leaks and highly spices foods taint the breath and make the individual, •t short range, da- t�eeable. 'Icknees is • grave offence. Relii n who allow themselves to get 111 .hook' retire from society total they get mel!. Good health ie within the reach of intelligence Had health is offensive . it son be pardwed in the helpless, but not to the strong adult Then was a time when elln..nte were admired and able -bogus/ women were remitted as coarse and vulgar. \ow polite people leave the room who 'feelings' .re discussed. Hotels p.trootr.d by invalids are shunned by the guests who pnde themselves on their health. It is not an unusual thing to see • radiant girl t.r re. lined woman leave the ads of • sicely or ,salodortous passenger on • ferry brat .r ti stress ear, fora vacant seat. A had breath is far reaching. and et is an unpleasantness that no ons a otliged to endure People who negleet to clean their mouths after wadee and drisktog Deed sot be ear. prised if they are gently snubbed Perham lug the mouth cologne -weeded toilettes, eten•mon bark and ons wood, common among people, is wasted effort unless the teeth are ID pertedt order and the sv,tem is well regulated. The odor from decaying particles of food shout the tooth or from to - digestion a not to lex disguised by the ,mace of oreers or •lole4. Nest Does 1. csseatial to sweetness. It takes • dentist the best part ot an hour to clean • set of tooth, and the individual who prstoode to do the same work in 'n0 time. 1s deoeivlsr herwlt. A month toilet oasnot be complet- ed without the use of dental Boss, for ahs thread can go where neither the brush oar tooth pick is available. The inside of the teeth needs the most tare sad ree.iyes the least. Osiooa, garlic, and .11 the leek family, is fact, have • prime .aloe at the toile sad dialog table. A perfect salad or sauce was sever made without • drop of garlic and 'little white Iesk• and lily white cheeks' are as old as the prophet. Rut there is a (sling among .oasid.rate people that this vegetable should be reserved for the esb- bratio. of Sundays. holidays, and other strictly at home days. Black coffee atter diener is always obli- gatory, naive the diener is going of to bed. A taste tar the drink should b• edtivt.d by people who love their fellow men. As many lumps of surer as yes like, ahs French •xuoisits say. but not • drop of milt. The clear ooffee te an amnion" ter Iske food said wine Ravers that cling to the breoebiel tubes. Ma M■ N rN rnN.r. Th. doctor had told Farmer 1'h.wh•y Iiia hours were numbered Theo the good old man beckoned the physician to his side. Dec, .std se, there a somethi. I onto toll yw 'fore 1 go. All right, an.weted the doctor It is only this,dce: 1 b.... sort of hiop.r- orlt for the.e l..t twisty year.. All the woolen folks h.m give oredtt for bene so true to Harsh An*'s memory that i 000.7 writ admin, an I've allowed 'em to think that was the reason Troth i., them chore fifteen years 1 lived with Sarah Ann gimme .11 the .xperi ice to Nitwit lite that 1 wanted, an td.t'• the reuses 1 ek ,.d • widow s. The* Aemespe..rOe.e. Whet port .f the towl de you prefer asked the kedWy, eddrsdq the mueim1 hoarier The drumstick, was the reply. And you •eldrsesi.g the Rewarder who wee always kite ter his meals. Neck or n.thiar. And yes • addremieg the dad. The boos Aed yea • to thole boarder. The wing. ( Avd eanh wee supplied wilt part be k p vallsuse A geseise .heat -Story hs est to he .t t.at.d ; bet tet se • warm. bond prier. lOyee sidover sere it h.. bass proved that Ayer', Iwmprale stand. aloes smog m.dlim ea Om mat r.tmbl. Mob aurae - ties iniii semi awes es the wgtwb rbr,, `' 811111111.19.111/ til/ CROMWELL'S MONUMENT. 1 1.terestlag tete prat eke T.mb ef SRa tire*$ PrWeeter. The Parliament which received Charles Ii phased • leselutton by whirs the body at Cromwell was " ordered to be draws on . hurdle to Tyburn, and there hanged from 10 uulock till sunset, sod then buried under th. gallows " The Protector's friends, how - : ever, obtained his remains soon after, and, according to traditionary reports, buried them secretly to • meadow to the North of ■olhurn. Thr precise spot t. said to b. at this time the centre of Red Lion '.luar•,.od the obelisk is thought by .naay to be • memor- ial erected to his Dame by an apothecary, who was stta.h•d to ('r•mwoll'a principles, end had influence to the btuldtng of the sI uare. Ilosskle. M Malaga's. 'So your house was robbed the other Dight'' queued nae of the woman, .. the pair waited for a 1:rand River car. es. lou saw It to the papers' 1 $ltd. How much did you lose Well, we •r. Dot quite sure, but it will foot up et least 5100 •aykow. Rut the pipers my about $600. 1 r.. 1 know. And it was only about $100. About that . but you see what could we do' Why. the family nett door had • burglar to the house .ad put their loss .t $500, and he is only • clerk getting $20 pr week, and hes no social .ta.ding what- ever ' . ' Ob--ot couree-1 sew -7r-5 : said the insoce01-minded woman when house boil .ever been rebb.d .ad then began to talk of the latest thing to winter hat. and wonder if puffed sleeves had come to may. A roelll.e r.►o. Rurdoeb Blood Bitters cures all 4 ...... of the blood from • eommo0 pimple to the wotet .croful.us sores or Mears. Skis dis- eases. boils, blotches, and all blood humors cannot resist its healing powers. 2w Looe s dam aW.ssM. As the old man gazed thoughtfully at the smouldering embers, she cAMP with radiant fees lied kissed 5la. "1'.p•," she whi.p.red, fondly, carom- ing his silver hair ; "i have found my af- finity." He turned suddenly and 000tronted bsr. •'llaught•r,'' he demanded : "a be • good young fellow "Vas, Papa.„ Her eyes were directed to the floor, sad idle saw not the play of emotions upon hie ceunfem me*. 'Mean': he smoke - "No, Pepe. - "My child '. Has vols was unsteady.- " .Iter all the mosey I've spot oa your ed actio• " 1 don't propose to bay my own cigars M my old age if I know my..If. 1)os't email to me with your a0.iey racket. it won't go, 1 tell you right moor." Her son were of .o more .y.al to melt his heart than the touch of the mollyr epos adamant. Washer Illgeeseo VIOL The late Father Realey, lb. famoss parish priest of Killiney, was the wit .t lb. Mat kind. A11 Inland chuckled at W re- medy to Mr Volker, who embed him if be was as much hated in (reload as the *w- eals claimed. '•if they only hated the devil," said the father, "halt as mesh se they Mu you, there would he so work let for as to do." (►ae.lather Heeley sent • sort of Mr Malaprop to Reglmd to boy him • horse The ear ante bah to him saying "I didn't toy him biose.s he had • tench of the ,.ra.esl•r " "Thee you should have bought him," mid Father Horsy "fns he mast have Ms a lama d.sesadml of itaaaMs sea - "I bear yoe're seek s lenity ane, Father Healey 18, my seem thing fussy,' mid • gashing yeses lady •nae douse times. Weil, 1 digit you're • vary suss girl, my dear. lea's ebb lump • 5. • 5. 15. 4 • sure !ens free% Wes, eW►bia, bergs sad mold., sharia, ckappd hued.. Wiwi .d bge.ess, flur.ie.. sewed•, br-Wgr lfi g- ynrd's Tensor 011 Y Me mss% NNW, rem - MAY STAND IN LINE. Led el Royal Iersea. wk. Nay tete treat &vitals newer may. The .ucCraaoO to the throne of l;reet Britain and Ireland runs as follows among the descendants of ttuern l arena 1. Prions of Wales .son,. 2. Priors George, Duke of York ,rand tan 1. 3. Duke of Kent, born June 23, 1894 'great grandson,. 4. Duchess of Fite tgranddaughtert. The lady Alexaadru Duff Iereb granddaughters dau6.gh Pcart.os'.naVictoria of Wales igr•ad- 7. Princes@ Maud of Ales l stand- d•ught.r). 8. The hake of Edinburgh ,eso). 9. Peace Alfred of Edinburgh tgreed- soa ). d.10,uPria\fart. of Edinburgh I greed - 11. ). c.r 11. Prunes@ Victoria Moine of Edinburgh tgranddoughter,. 12. Princes' Alexandra gr.nddaeghter i. 13. Pnnoss. Beatrice • granddaughter ). 14. The Disks of Connaught $sen). 1S, Priam Arthur of Coessught (Freed - son). 1b Priooses Margaret of t'o.n•ugbt (granddaughter )- 17. Priao.s. t-Ictorl$ Patrim. of Lbs. aims (granddaughter). 18. Tse Duke of Albany , grandson). 19. Pioneer Alice of Albany (grand- daughter). 20. The Empress Frederick of Germany daughter ). 21 The German Emperor t`r.od.00 22. The Crown Prince of Prussia , great grandson,. 23. Primo. William Frederick of Prussia (great gr.ad.om i. 24. Priam Albert of Prunes Igreat grand- am ). 25. Prins August of Prussia (great (00041.0.1- 26. Primo (hear of Prussia (great 4rand- son ). 27. Prince Joachim Frame Humbert of Prussia (great grandson). 2Il. Print Henry of Prussia (grandees). 29. Prison Waldemar ot Prussia (great gr.si.on). 30. TM bored miry puma of Haxe• Mrn- ing.. (granddaughter). 31. Prisons' Fedor. of Saxe-M•ini.go. (great granddaughter). 32. Trianon Fredenk. of Prussia (grand- d.ught.r I. 33 T5. ('rows Prints' of Greece (grand- daughter). 34. Pripet' George of 1;reety (great grand - .o0 1. 35 Princess Marg.r.tt. of Prussia timed daughter ). ►. 36. The hereditary Brand Duke of Hem. (grandma). 37. Prints. Louie of Remember, (grad• daughter). 38. Pussy Vietori. Alin" of 111.tt•.b.re (grasdd00ghter). 39. Priaaes' Louise Alsz•adra of Battelle berg (great graeddeughter). 40. The (:rand lowlier S.rguis of Rums. (gr.add.aghtor t 41. Trimness Mary of Prussia (wit. of No. 27 ; granddaughter). 42. Prisms' Victoria Alice Helms of Hew (gr%edd•arbter)• 43 Fri.oes' (ariski.. of Scbl..wtg Hol .tai. (geeadeos). 44. Prime. Christian Vi.tor at Hehlswig H.Mt.ii, (grades). 4h. Prises Albert et Schleswig ■elet.i■ IRr..ds.a). 46Prisons' Vl.lori. .f Smhisswig-Hol tad. (gr.addeughlsr). 47. Prises' Fro.d.110.1 Meh!••wig•H.1 stein (gr add.oglter), 45. Th. Mor bi.eam td Lora. (da.gkt.r), 48. Primo= aeb.isw (Pot..... li.nay el llbteab.rt t daybtar). OE Primo* aftenander �t (�s•m► Aa.et M 11.tfana k. Primo Emma/ el .u.l.Rb re Woad - of Edinburgh of ►:duburgh RKYIll FROM BUSINB83. JOHN RALPH, TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -tat., has decided to retire trom hu.,oeee, sad win dispose of his entire stock AT and BELOW GOSTI in order to sell out quickly. JOHN RALPH. The Old Reliable COAL ALWAYS ON HANO. NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL, The best and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied st current prices on shortest notice. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. WM. LEE - Orders left .t KASPER lr LEN'S Mom( promptly attend:v.1 to. SYRUP or SPRUCE FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA and all LUNG AP9ECT1ONS. Grey's lyra p hon been r,n t nal for mor, than eo years sed the weeds. t .,o the prop,. is t hat it in the Meat remedy known r'. •utl '. r per bottle. toll everywhere. K uuNY WATSON • Co.. r.op.asvoas M(nevuus e. What's the time? If yon have a Cough it ire time you were tamers GRAY'S RED -AN.-GUM .d t THE 01.1) STANDARD CURB Rob Roy Cigar STOCK -TAKING SALE- As ALE. As we intend taking stack next month, for the NE\T THiRT1 DAYS w. wall wire some rare bargains is Stoves, Cutlery, T inware , Lamp Goods. We have some of the bent Stoves in the market and our gicre.sine rale+ show that we are selling that cheap. However, rather than keep aey over, 140 11111 sell them cheaper still. We .re sole agents f:, 1) Mooted ('o../ Stoves of whish we sold 7 last month. They are splendid bakers, and the bre door a tell eve 01 tiro box for burning ct-aree wood. Examine this Stove before buying. WORSELL & CO. FANCY SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Wr hsye met miners! a fine agrortoent of Fancy Slippers suitable for Christmas Prevent.*; which we are prepared to give you at Prices that defy competition. ('all and wee thenr. We hear a great deal about Bargain hays ,just now. We will give you Bargains)* Ladies', Gents', and Children's Footwear of axe .tyles. Mefi'r Foxed Lace Eioota, solid leather, 95c. per pair. Congress " " " $!.•311 per pair. Ladies' Butt Boots, from 95c. up to $3.00. Boys., Mimes and Children's Shoes at equally low prices. in Overshoes we will give you prices lower than the lowest. Ladies Felt Button Overshoes at $1.25 per pair. •• Waterproof at 1.50 per pair. Gents Snow Excluders, Lineal, st $1.20 per pair. We carry the celebrated I Iranhy l ►venhoes in stack that will wear like, iron and will be sold at prices to suit the times. Ladies' over -Stockings at 40e. and 50c. per pair. We deal in Boots and Shoes e>(clusively and can give you better Goods for Isis money than you have to pay for inferior goods in the general Stores. P.S. Remember that we offer so PRE1111'M to get you to buy our Goads except their Exceptional Value. W. SHARMAN, Jr., Corner East-st. sad Square. Successor to HALLIDAY'S IMPERIAL IS AN IIP -TO -DATE RESTAURANT. + ♦ 4 4 - ;Choicest Confectionery, Oysters, Fruits etc. - I It's ao because I'e Scotch but you Califs smoke a better Cigar shag "SOS ," j mil Ia. bot I get ear erf dies yl► Only the Best kept on hand. Ott CROSS -CUT SAWS! We keep a large assortment of the very heat Brand ne lie market ; ground from four to five satire thinner on the heek than on the face, AND ARE FULLY WARRANTED. Thee. (leabs we have reduced in prier, and are ow ..1M t lists AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. A fall Lime of Filen, Jeister% Handles and era always is fieoek. DAVISON & CO., Wsom- M s. R 5EmDlaaa_ aillidav Agnt.IL_IL Al /I