HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-20, Page 1IY!' 1 1 arry out in next 'per ! 0N. ,rou it trade, your '11 make it pay Jur prices with $./ • 1.00. 1.00. , d, 1.25. .75. .50. .75. .75. .95. .75. .75. 1.00. 1.00. them and tie uality, and if LOCK, to New Shoe Story V ing! in our Businee+ sen decided that 8 and ('IiRIST- half its present + alone f!uIIiicient h is conceded to Fancy anon High pportunity-and ore elegant and Ordinarily the In thin case the t of right. For have divided the reg of Goods may is in the Fancy mist. if required, ►1, and at Prices KITH. amass amediefely me frees the $oath. .'maty taus ele/+sd M to IS. far rdaielt t membslm sissies i• dun. an Newspaper+, ANA, &iitor. on.9titotion, th the Ameril Iart, and all the • - N • raw es a sur )AY SUP IT Nowt. 'ld, mea, $2 a year. 1. new Mena. ignal - CAS" Subscriptions IN ADVANCE 1• 1m. 1'„1It1 for 1805 0 litilene le lima 721:E1 LF3ADIN13' 11PBP.A P1EIR OF HURON OOUNTY. l"ORT1 SI \TH YEAR. 24% GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1894. Qenew.... -Namur AT ONCE 11.05 IN AI►y AelCL • • • IS THE PRIt E For The Signal D. McGILLICIJDDY, EDITOR. ?AVE' ITT k?ia. THE DOINGS AT OTTA N A g, 41).10.ricB .ruuntry 11 r itu1'uen ourselves, for we ▪ Sloe u well able to supply the answer as to W hatl.Going on at the Capital tar Deal It .t a1. Jobe Ib.wp..a ■r Mord . year masa lb.. ilifeilesla ter IM r.. wr•ativr tart• • l.eseral I.Irr 1. Iwarl...t. 111 cool. 1 orreevendraue. ITT AS%A, I . I.''th kola th.• soma time with e a little ever two years •nada m.urue the death of a premise. It ts when death tutenesos and takes out of oar hands the work we had designed for ourselves, that we forget all those quaLues we ware wont to c.,odena and reusionber .way those oute u wlook we law g ...d. In Ike battle of mammal Ida it le nut usual tar es to parade t.e good mwiuues of our polio deal opponents, Inmate them tor ethers to di.wyor and hold ,,p as an offset against those tsalitie. more likely t• provoke a.l• verse erauctam. Their the fact the world o. et. I leach has now aeoompluhed what we had set out to do. It has gone further, knit has forever removed from our midst ore of ohs mut brilliant Mal mind. (:.mala has ever lamed. As • puhtietaa SIT John 1 homp •on may be said to have only partially .uc• ,.tiled, but as • ;udicsl mind he had ne peer. H. was a atm of storms 'nturuy and bosw at heart but unfortunately he was .urruuoled by thaw who were mat se .crapulous and when couosela too often prevailed. 'fro fact must not Ie lost sight of that canoe Sir Joho Thomp.n took .sin mood of the chip of Stour, • resod that veert bettors had shown strong evidences of rotten umbar. the task of keeping her .Beat Me bean surrounded with innumerable diff' calms sand perils. It ren sot nen plata wiring, and to Addition to her waterlogged .o0dttIoo only the ,ranted mould of strategy prevented her bang dashed opus rise reeks loan ago. Vattern' aa4 rusetlo0 able method. Alone kept her .float and 1 averted the disaster with whin she has re- peatrdly beam threatened luring the past few years. It was to emergencies like tMl. when Sir Joon Thompson strank from party duty. The work was distasteful to aim sod often it was apparent to the moot casual observer is the House of Common who ltrteaol to the late premier defending a weak cause that it was • great struggle witain nim whether er .ot 11..hould yield to the (ketone of his fiat, impulses or soon ace tis..e instincts to save his party from further dugrs, pose.biy ruin. But, alas ' these finer inotinete to • goad man. chane ter Lome warped •ad hardened to time by 0011551 000tost with characters lik• some ut than with whom 'Ir John had surround ad himself. llnoorruptiaginlluenceof .vila.socatloo Aolonmmuottsuo5did notgie.b,m tmseunity although he fo.gkt hard spirt it. !lay tag sauce to the rescue of the sinking ship he 11.d but am of two Alternatives to choose from . desert her or patch ler up with any •.•tlaMo material, good or had. whatever aught come to hand. in the hope of getting her safely to shore. It was in the Martin of that material that sir Jnbo Thompson coin nut td the error of his hfe. I Soca it become part of the structure is must remain or the labile would fall to pieces. I'odor each sendttior sad with such sur- rouodinge tea Inner life of Sir Johs was far from • happy one There are politicians who delight in intrigue and the more lata tade tray find for oractiCIOC their political methods of wises:* the more agreeable to them s their work. Such was mut the case with Sir John Tromp.... Ile wished to prove to the werld that their might be hon- esty in polttice and he might have succeeded under other conditions. but with the crowd with whom he took COuo.el he failed to deennetrato the fast, and no or regretted at more then himself. We Are not imelrned to linger long ever th. grave .f • political opponent when he falls by the bud we directed against him, but whoa to us does not belong the victory WO refloat in • momemt opo11 his good .14•11. nes, forgetthg these tart w., in the heat of pan't'ed warfare. were ever ready to o0• dom. t.AIT env Nll.r!•. A wont as to the unfortunet• cooditin in which we And the family of the late premier. The Urban tribute that eta be raid to the memory of the leading politician who dies is honors tads, is to be •hie to say "be dice • poor man." That may truthfully be and of the damaged pe+mier : "a poor alma, is all seat Ube ward. imply. He dial sot eater polities foe what he foeld mike int of it, otherwise • different nary would have bees told. Had he devoted his ability to his legal ovenware, fame mil • fortune awaited him. While we have differed with him po- lisieslly sad winsome admitting or sodomise I the ew5d.sse of has politlo•1 judgement, wwN ft sof be • renng tribute for Liberal' and COsservstine to orris heeb in urging parlament to stake soon provision for the widow sad erpbaes, he hes left behind. as • memorise .1 hr great ability, • (55adim of whose ability all Csmeduas of every .tripe of polities may Justly fool proud. let us set osrry nor political helium to the grave. He raved the State, whether wail" or well. let us no Mager discus, but is stealing nor sympathy ►n the bereaved rises, de se with • will's, heart and • forgiving .pirit. it r so e1Agr.r•teen to say tb•ttbe family of the 1.51 premier has hese lett penniless, and to the midst of the oosatry tat it be said that as (mediane we did not permit the widow and orphans to walk int to fiebt the battles of this .elfish world without oar lending thorn • helping hand is their .li'o'n Ton r.Te5111. Hut the world gees ea. Neither ono re grew .r our esrrewa, mor enr a encwr .nrstiee@ will cheek it, ens fr the futon we mems provide eve had mina reraivee IrwMlei us awake, an4 w. .top to ask ekes gKM the death of the sate premier is hkeip is hsm es tie petitieml Adam of the expect anyone else to supply It for as at the present moment It to all problemeticaL 1 a.re, however appears to be • coosoneus of optoi.n that in sealing for Hen. Madonna bowellito furor a government, the I loverner- GeOerAA►as availed himself of the beat material at his disposal. There were four to choose front Mowll. Haggett and the two Tupper,. Foster was never in the raw. Although Active for a in of his years Mr. {Sowell at the age of seventy one O net likely to be found poassesel of the 'Ines power of endurance and energy we wood look for in • younger neon. He is an extreme protecttusiu and cossidersble ta- mest will sow be directed towards him, to see whether he will assert his views, now the oppnrtuaty is given him, against the evident w,.hes of the coo try for • tnodar are and lower 'motions uritl. At the time of writing it is impossible to say what the result of the ministerial crisis will be. or whether the re °resat/, iw of the cabinet will i.volve many r any material changes. Nova leem of course gets • sew minter. Rome little tune ago it was puml5t1 out that possibly Sir Joho Thompson would rnigo and tout on the •ppounmest of hu sue - newt the latter might demand • dissolution and au immediate appeal to the county on tis old lute. It is possible that this may follow sow. "Re reedy." w0•T Tat T.,R7 t•T54111 w11.1. me. • matter of more than local interest has sone* to my knowledge. The precedent established has • particular bear's, where Patrol uedidetes are is the Veld. Some weeks ago .1. D. Evans, reeve of F:tobiwke, tl est York, was nominated by the Patrons to usntest the ndisg •guast Clarke Wal- lace, u °stroller of (.stun. rnbawjue0Ily Mr. Evans declined the nomltatln sad is doing so said " After having supported Mr. Waller in all his previous c.'ntsets 1 thine it wield be dishonorable for me to opptse him without better reason than I sow have. ' lis Mosd•v last the Conserva- tive coaventi00 met is West \Lk and 05111- taated lira Walli tr. Mr. Evanson on the platfornt and he reiterated hu intention of stickug to the old party and policy. New let us hail if we can the cause of this and des change of heart. We eon look for it any way. Int Mr. Evans answer thisyues- 4n and we may find it without going fur they. " Why was your .on, K H. Evans, given a toettin in the customs deportment, presided over by Mr. Wallace, within the o ast three or four weeks, ted whop wore the condition upon whnh that appotot mat was made :' That is ell, Mr. Keane. A few week. aro you were snugly de. neuncmg the 4..vernmeot'a Geral policy : you wanted a revenue tariff atad were going to play the devil geser•lly in your fight moron pr.tecuon Tell as .oacetht0g abut our change of heart If one could only the 000ditlor upon *hell your eon received his appointment from the Control ler of Caimans ruddy some very intermt- ing evoleece might be forthcoming in sup pert of "Tory doctrine that "the end justifier the means". In view of what has transpired we are jusiied in the belief that Mr. Evans .poke truthfully when he said " 1 think it would be very duhnonhle of me to oppose Mr. MUNICIPAL COUNOtt 16. . 411.40111. C•at.00', I .olborne council sat In the township hall. Members •11 present. Mmut • of last most ing read and adopted. The following Ac- couata were ordered to be odd : Dr. Mc- Lachlin, medicate for Mrs. Miller, $11.90 : Itr. Taylor, attendance oil .Joho Dome, $3, on Mrs Itrindky, $3: J. l Martin, rest for Wm. Moon, 541: Si•.N di., pestles, $3.71 : .1. T. Goldthorpe goods for Eno. Little 137: .1. T Goldthorpe lumber $31 93: Star print, - log $8.20; Mn. Good care and board of Mn, Aorto. 16 weeks $48: Mrs Keneedy, dog tax remitted $1. dunes Jewel two atone rammer" an4 stun boat AS 30: Wm. Mcphas r.painng Mcoh.e's Crossway 111150: John Howett repairing culvert and opining Melt $3 : A. Allen j sheep killed by doge $5 50 : Michael Swann one sheep killed hy dogs $6.66: Joh. I'AWN 8 west.' charity lib; Nm. Snyder 4 sheep killed by dogs $12 : James Rand. 5 days work n hill and eaowis brldge$7:balance assessor's "eery $15;el.rk I salary $100: reeve, lop reeve and ooam it ben' salaries 1150 ; tewurer's salary 1170 clerk ear. of hall and extras $875; selection of jurara 116: clerk postage $13; treasnrn ra.tage $2. John Tiffin trade .pplioa•ues to have tares no ryes. Radom Cb.... Fas tret7 remitted Hmooed..1. Mores moved mooed by ed Alex Voung that said tante he remit- ted. Moved mud seconded by A. •. Voung sad Nathan John tint no action bo taken. The reeve voted with the •meeluast which was ferried. Moved and ..oseded by N..1 Merrill mad •lex \ ousg theta law be passed tint the .0waneti0a be held $$ the towsshsp bell, ('srinw. on I leo. 31st st 12 o Block, mud if a poll be demaodsd the *tortim will he held ea the following Mou- da at the diffeteet polus` pIs.... viz , No. 1 BsumHlor Temperance Hall, Thos. Wed - hill, D.R.O.: Ne 2 S•Itford Tompamsee Hall, A. Sande, D. R.0 : Ns 3 Carlow Tp. Hall, F. W. Moio.agh, R.0.; No. 4 Lee - hem Temperu.es Hall, Raby Williams, D. R.11. The 6005011 then adjourned. F W. McDow•.n, (perk. nnbwaien veeringly.. •el.rusvru.R Dec (fit11. Council met node. Mutates of lame meeting read andpeoced. Members all t Moved by ,J.s Connolly, rceouded 1 778n,xsl tre Sturdy, that No A rrbool e- tice be Wended the *mourns 401 thele j through error is seses.ment m the years , 1991, 11112 end 1883. Moved be Jae Johnston. roundel by Charles Wahiawa, 1 that the clerk notify the 1,5.511' of No. 5 .een1 *.Jura that the must of taw overpaid those through error to A1'amment ie the years 1881. 1882 sad IAM from wheel sorra N. 9 he levied ea ..heel emirs Ne 8 ie the year 1886 Meed by James Johnnie". esse_4r4 by lame. Williams, Ors the f.11ow'w1I4 .sweets ba paid, via: News Reword, p..0 , 58.99, R IMe, elitist for dean, 51.50: eees.i1aa' 551017, nrAFIFgvn *%ekiwzs%) E`‘qgZIFaaVT.??ei -140f? atik.:46 $108; Koit'a salary, 5104: board of health, $100 rfeM »r'. salary, $70; use of hall for arts year, T. l'. 1'tekerd, $50 : M. C. 1 Oaatsfas. legal advice, 111: T. gook. estUW labor, i3. The folluwto5 for ,ravel ac consul : John Weir, 13.42: Jac. Cosnoll , $3.50: Y. Hibbs, 1''16.28: K. Wen,$17.94; Thos Tichborne, 116 30 : Wm. Crooks, $10.31; Wm. 4'errse, 113 54 ; .las. Mul'abe, let 20 : Thos. Crony's. $12 : A. Coartica, 113,84. Win Lotus, $2 40. Moved by J. (:.anally, seconded by .las. .Iohoeiou, that Jahn Ftcacom be refunded $2 through • mut understanding of 'amasser an a.o.esang. The sollecter s time to return the rol! was e,tend..f to the 28th Irecen.ber. I'outsell adjourned to meet per statute Ni"v.ST1 ROT, Clerk. THE TOWN PILOTS. New the People • Chorea 4 rest are Ludlam t4. Uealrlpl nhlw The .tatutory meeting of the town council wet held in the coursed chamber on Saterdety. Dec, 150 All members of comma were present ex caps cuunctllore Suschen, Sallow• and Iteid. The report of the lours ammtttee 5l4 • detailed statement of the town • fin anon for the past year had bees pteep•,ed, and was Adopted The regular adjourned meeting of the council was held on Saturday, Doc. 15th. •l1 present with theexoeptios of Messrs_ Strachan, .allows and Reid. Keynote of Thos. Oke and play N Moo for remssioo of taxes were referred to the court of revisit. • communication was read from Messrs. ('lark and McIntosh. These gentlemen of- fered to take over the electnc li,bt plant for which they would pay of the debt against same, also to light 32 street lamps at 135 each per year for tea years. F:xempliso from taxes ter ten years for the entire plant was also asked. la motion ot Bowes. 1 ate. and Niro the matter was referred to the electric light committee. It was also moved that the water and light cummtttee act is co0jcsctien with the finance committee to report to the council. i'etitio. of P. Lyon and others fors lamp on St. 4'eoree's crescent was referred to the water sad light committee. The follows, accounts were referred to the finance committee : --Thos. Hall 57, R.- liaa.* 7Jecuic Co. 115, A. M. Polley 116, Chea F. Ernst kb, F Graham $4, 510441. $2 91, G. N. Davie 546.97, Wen. Dowding $ 240, I). I'unlon $13 25. A. Chrystal $78 5`.•. Ino motion account for $250 was renin mended to be mud. The report of the inane 0ommtttes rec:- omeodd payment of the following accoaste: Wm. Rurrowe $7 80, McColl Bros $35.- 110, .1. Thomas 116.25, J. T. Goldthorpe $37 40, .1. Brophey $10, A. Chrystal 178.- 5v. 'rile report of the public works commit- tee r.cnim.oded settlement of claim of R. Irons for $18.75, for damage sustained through defective dram. A resolution of coedol.ece was extended to the family of the late Sir John Thomp- son. Ry -law No. 6 of 1894 to enable the town to take security for grants made to in- dividuals for charitable porpoise was read a third time said paired. The council then adjourned. COMING AND GOING. Robt. Howse, of Clint.., visited town ors Tuesday. Bert Smith, of Toronto, u honor era • ment1'a vurt. (:.o. Carleton, of Towson, is visiting at his home hero. Mrs. Horn. of Kew•tin, is vesting re lames in town. Chas Darrow, of Toronto University is holidaying la town. Jos. Doyle has returned from Fiords Col loge for the holiday'. Mt.. Ura Wilkinson has returned from Toronto for her holidays .I. Morrison, lot mato of the Olympia, returned hems oe Saturday. Mrs. Wllwio, of Stratford, visited friend@ is tows the past week. Murdock McGuire, wheolrm•n o_ the Moran, has returned for the oeaeos. E. Armstrong, student of Toronto Uni- versity, is AMMO for the holiday terns. J. I'. I.aby, of Chrome.. is •sures frieed@ here, and will remain for • short time. Messrs. Cela Patterson and J5s McKay visited relatives in 1o•tor*h lent week. Mn. S. Pollock left os Friday for Dray ton, N.D., where elle has made 6sr home. Mrs A5dtetn, of Ki.o•rdine, war the retest of her daughter Mrs. Drains lest gm*. Miss Agree McKnight, nr the Nile, has bees visiting friends In town during the pest week. Cape. A. 11. Shepherd. of the Sir Olympia, has laid up his venal and return d for the Wester. Word has been remind of the serious a1 n em of Charles Smith, son of Mrs R. R. Smith, in Iwodm, KOg. Min Carrie Rriepl, of Louisville. Ky., mound to her hone of Wds..d.y after ma .1te01ed visit in tens. The model 'shell term thud on Saturday last, and the students from tor .t tows have dispersed to their hems. Jas. Ruckuses, jr , is, we aro pleased u . rate, on • fur way to recovery from • very severe •trek of typhoid fever Wm. Craig sad fancily, of Port Hares, have renewed to teem mind will probably reside bean for area title. Mr . R. Headiness, who has Aeon ill for the pest sit weeks, ia, we w plessed to Imre. rile to he about .grin. Rev. Fr. Wt51 left this .rosin 8.. Lea- den ow iroise = in ewweoties wile the head- ieg at the new R. C. Mhere\ hers FA (;•mp•ign, wk. has been rurieg ea *sprees steamer se the Erie amid, l bons ea • vert. Kd. has • how el friends ia Orme. and in his rom& did ale femme Tea 4tnw•t..48. . THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook M 7N're a 1001• la a' Ter teats, 1 reale We Nat Is i • (11e1'. ••teang 1e Takla' set.., as' faith .4.11 Frost 1n,' earn.. SOMKTHING iOVKLY ars the holiday goods at W. l'. troude5 this year. We ran sea foe for any friend. This week before( hri.unaoheats everything for weather, .ad th,• oovrltita in photo work at R. R. Sallow,' et whit are • complete range. The bast of wort is alw5)a turned out at this establishment. A well -droned man is • pleasing picture to the eye. and the sten 1.1., get their snoring apoaarr' at F..1. f'ridbam s are •Iwan well dre.•ed. First cheer. goods. A I workmen sad the style in the freight of fa.hue *. FINK TAILORINS at else comb prions satire satisfaction assured. Just arrived special lines in esitl.. sad ..snsatings. Two d.seoo extra tae, ready made ovsroo.ta at oast. Must be sold, bee theta. M. M•cCORMA('. FOFt \-MAS-gee our imported silver ponce. gild pose and pencils. silver mad gold tlagr.e soveltles, or if your thoWrht le to- ward Diamonds, watches, clocks, ornaments, etc.. our stock will be or groat interest to you, See the nen watch ern off', A. Ht'MBF:R C SUN. OUR SPECTACLE TROLL'S Ins increased. t.erfold during the last year, beeaw we have sped& appliances, sad king spectal tom - ledge to bear upon tis nsbtost. gar these mom we can Test yosr oyes' tbocoegkl7 srd guarantee you satisfactory results W. T. W RLSM, opti.ian and 'swelter. o. B. That the Nadu u.rtersof Santa ('la us le at 'Smith's. the stockings must all be filled. our immense variety of geode can meet all de- mands and satisfy all wants. Somethlag for the penny, the alms. tbequarter, the Wf •m4 the dollar. Dunt be mistaken. Hang on to your dollar till you en our great stock. Ir our three stores you can get from • pooa7 107 to • home full of flint furniture. ('onneti ton are out of algid. Smith's Furniture ■nd Art Stores on the 4ouare Kam aide.. t% e.T-sT. LrNew K• ,.ss. 1'. Blackstone, of the West-st. sonlection.ry, fruit ted lunch rooms, adjoaatog the Star Dire.*, will be pleased to add to year enjoyment of this testave reason. Oy.tore.nved in all styles. Fairy boxes tilled with your choice of c.o- tectiosary. All now goods. Well furnish- ed parlors, with piano. AT nig H•ato5.-Wen. Merleton is busy rebuilding several ed the ishutg fleet The outer range light Me been placed ia position on the end of the North pier. The elevated walk on the North pier u be- ing entended to the new site of the maga light . • sew track u being built from the Bi Mill to the Grand Trunk track. TUE C.I.-11 D,.uis,gu. .nus, and John Beacom, I r. ,of Goderich town/lip, were chars oil with unlawful exposure and •bandrn- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. THOSE desiring to renew their sub- scription to Tits SIGNAL, will much oblige by sending in their names as early u coavenient before the expira tion of their present subscriptions. This will obviate the delay attendant upon reentering names and mailing back numbers. To these who nave already renewed for 1895 -sail a number kayo done so we extend or tbaaks. it simplifies the work considerably when subscrib- ers are fore1amded and subscnbe early to avoid the rush during the early weeks of the new year. All overdue subscriptions at New Year's will be charged at the rate of =1.50 a year and placed in the hands of our solicitor for collection. $tib scriptions for 14195 oust be paid for in advance. $I will do it. meats! miallsged illegitimate child of the batter and Margaret Lindsay The eta was brought before Polio. Magistrate Seeger lam weak, Mt was pootpood till Wednes- day, of this weak, whoa, after due delibera- tion, it was dismissed. F:. Tea Alva*TIII4O. The principal bemuse men of the tows have been dip• pies cep into advnWiug deny this past mouth .r mere, and the immoral *piaioa is that they have found it to pay well. This week, as will be .mw, the limns of J. T. Acheson, (olborm Rana, .las. Robinson and others are mat large is black and whits competition u keen and the buyers are potting the I wilt of It. A Nata Bii•T TO n. em Tgt K.,ers Wm undeterred &enactments are being made to put the gsamer Militate°, of the rolling - wood bee es the reale 11.tw.e. Detroit sad Muiteslia 551* year. The Atlantic will Ooeneet with the Cellisgwno.l line and give tourists the privilees of having • more e1 tended trip if they so desire This meager of the (Wlingw.nd line, ('hen. (amnee. was h tuns Saturday lost lathier into the cwt ee, and was f•vors►ly impressed with the outlook Hae Swev►.'.o Wass Areanrt,ns -48 the lust r gmler emoting of the godsend' ireach of the (1..adi*. Homo eirole, O. 111. Ort, who hem hien the ina.ola) seeastary of the elver here ram Iia lrganlsatimm some time ream lige, wee mode the v..iniest el an address. a resepdtiw a his rateable mereisns te the Sal., aseempaased by s kendeme SMS. The .herein bey am bass hesM- kis Mt pati . kat we maller - stand i' •peaks in the highest terveot the 'theistic manner In which Mr. ('oa has die i charged the duties of his office. being, in fort, the mammy of the circle. New Arrrtoo Roors--t;uadry, this moo- tioom.r, will omits his new sale rooms o0 H•mtltoo at., Saturday out, Inc. 22, at jr. v , when he will dispose of • les of foods I ranging from button and thread to Christ - nuts presents and coal stoves. He is not in the auction bosuns just for km health, but shoots off buratto every time he opens his mouth all the same. C. D. H. l'. The Canadians Order of 1 Home Circle, held their •naual'meetiag on ; Moo1•yevening, 1).c. lath, when the fol- lowing odious were sleeted for 1890. Leader, .I. H. Worsell : may leader, .1. A. Walker : Sec., Mrs. Compton : Trews., I). Callsirk : Fin. sec., G. M. Cox : ('hap., Mrs. Stoddart : M., 1). Stoddart, jr : tt . Pennington ; I. , 1'. Wylie : S , M. Carl. suditon, .1. Cr•rgie and I r. 9t.odd•rt. Trustees, .I. Cratgie, M. Cul and 1:. M. i (ox A "Si heti.,_" Saturday last the model - men got '.hrough thetr examination at noon, and, as the law is eery specific •gaunt pre*1 entatione to teachers, the young gentlemen and ladies put up • ourpri. on S. 1'. Halls, teacher of the model class, by leaving an order for a handsome easy chair, which was not to be delivered until they had .11 left 1 town. As • result, the choir was left about 4:30 ro v., much to the surprise of the teneh- er, together with • card inscribed " Mrs ; Halle, with the compliments of the model ices." 18 course, the chair was taken in out of the porch where left, and thaw who have sat In it say It is • very comfortable one. A Bi NINES- Mse.is. Roar. Every busi- ness mac oucht to read "Dollars and Sense,' • money -making book by Natb'l C. Fowler, .1r., the leadt04 expert on busmen and ad- vertising, 18 chapters, illuutratad, with 100 plates, presenting every style of elective advertisements, with •samples of reading notices. circulars and he•11ins. It tells the plan truth about administer and ex• poses ineffective methods. Any reader ot Ti,, SI..'''. who will seed check, postal note, er postage stamps to the value of twenty-fiye cams to The Trade Company. Boston, Mase., will receive the book by pre- paid trail. ST. M tTTIIIW'- TFWPT.R%ere •'t' 1.ITrR- •el SO. tory. At the regular m ettog of the abeve society hell I the Temperance Hall, Tuesday sumo, lust, an excellent programme was reslerd. An interesting feature of the evening was an address by P. ' I'Des, who spoke .t some 'length on the cause of temperance, and showed what baneful result* followed the use of intoxicat- ing liquors, atter which recitations were rendered by Mute Josie Nevin and Mies Vaughan, and impromptu speeches by sev- eral members. The next motto? of the !Moiety will Le held on the second Tuesday is .Januar*. %ANzli.L.-The St. Thomas Times has the followi5R in reference to "%an'ic" who will Appear in the 1:rand Opera House on Christ- mas 1)ry as natioee and evening perform- ance : -Considering the other local attrac- ting %toric the peerless at ('lar.'. opera Houseperformed some truly astounding feats in magic. Although the audition was not large it was an appreciative one. Of .11 u teri:nano %anile is the moat sntertatsing and his tricks, marvels of dexterity. Nle black art ammo in the highest degree and hu mysteries roes without commuting on. Al. ()rayon was on the programme billed. You will know him when you see him and the audience will know him better before the week is out. Ho had to respond to four collo last night, and j0dgiag from the en- thoias4io endorse he woo • big favorite. The company is booked for .11 this weak and will no doubt play to packed homes. C. L L S. -The Latorary Society met last Friday evening. it was the filial meeting of the term, and the modems and their friends were out in full force. The promote tion to Mr. Strang, i5 trust for the school board, of • portrait of Mr. Preston, a former headmaster of the sehool, was • feature of the e•wInv. K. G. Reynolds, oe behalf of some el the "old boys" who studied under Mr. Preston, made the preesatstioe is • • happy speech. Farewell addresses were given by several model school s5onto: and • vote of thanks w tendered to those of the model school *lase who had taken an in- terest in the welfare of the 10.istr. The re warder of the prevails oswoirieed two ehornses by that Glee (lob, readings by Mr. Mulbwell acid Mise Moss, an Iastramwtal d.tt by Mise Tighe sed Helmatb (laces, • violas duct by the Minas McLaren, • recitation by bliss Bella Wilma, and solos by .1 M*Kay and Miss Olive Rote/tam. 1). Vow WA,T S11.•••111••• 1 (Tsa. Payne 1s •tact making he mood rounds again. N* represents the Imperial Silver mar Co , of Windsor, (hat, whisk is • n- imble firm, as may be saw at r gloms by their references grew. A.yews wasUtlg anything in that Ibis mold sot *hoe.. from • homer sample thea he tarries, wore they to visit the larre Mks. Hie samples ren from a teaspoon to • w set. The eompany has added to their lira • snmlci0atien trek, berry r sat duh, muscle needed t• o•,mplttw their stork They ewmdmr 11 the k•adeem- est rinse of week they have turned out, .5d with N • bmet5al barge .had n11 pktted bogey wee. wisp-- .l trees the suers oft rs Medea* as if to say, " I'm se year aarv- r e, please.' It Duly Deeds to he sees t, be appreciated. This ••omr.•uy gives • legal guarantee with emit y -goer •.er delivered. and if their goods do no: tutu out as represe0t• ed they agree to refund all moseys or re place goods at the •ptten of pur.haser %%hes you compare their prim with other houses' you will ase you can save mommy by buyIng frim this firm. Sample* cheerfully shown and prices glen by didn't et my ' residence sear the Syure, any day after :, ,o'clock. C.PAN NE, Agent. Tan Tsoe•.'iT NM' Huw 11 I...' ■o. On Thursday afternoon last an amusing i.5ide01 took place is the motility of the Collegiate Institute. • young, wok dew. in, good look's,; cuu4le were wanting down the street when .uddeoly the young man °leaped the young lady ut his lame and sin. printed several royal salutes on either ode of her blushing countertenor. The latter seemed net to object in the least and took thugs as • matter ot course. A small boy happeeed upon the scene 'surprised as each unusual manifestauuns of election to broad daylight, he ran to his home neer by and almost paralyzed hie mother by telling her that " • grooved up man and woman was out there h.ggio' are kwin' each an- other like sixty." The mother went out and found things as represented, the young man being still hard at work at his affec- tionate occupation. A merciful fence ow- ner Imo shut off the view ot the highly an sereeted spectators, although hew lug such • state of thugs uwntuued is not known. They surely might have waited till the had gotten into the parlor and pulled down the blinds. Da. }hoar M. Coos-, The following from the Canadian American, published at Chicano, refers to • former editor of the Eaetn Ref ercter, who is well-known to many of our reader : A promutent name in the long list of successful physicians • hom l to - tarso has given w the Wolters metropolis is that of Henry M. ('.wen, A. M., M. D. 1h. Cowen was born in Exeter, Huron county, and toe... of • lute of physicians on both aide. of the house, his father being • pract it lour of repo to and four paternal uncles dispensers and mtlera of drugs in Eastern Ontario : 'indeed for generations bock the family has aster been ',atheist its method member. ir. Iowan was educated in the Toronto aledical school, where he mode • very creditable record, and after graduating bs000k himealf to the famous hospitals of 41 srope,rpendtng lax year, in London, Paris. Heidelberg, and '. *eons, and winning the much -coveted degree of 31.11„ of London. While then he practiced two years to the city of Loudon in partnership with the las 1),. Smith, and four years age feeling him self well able to• oope with the ahmaces this creat field afforded he cam to Chicago, • step he has sever seen °canon to regret. The esteem to which he is held here, both personally and protesnonally, is amply shown by the numerous appointments which have been heaped upon him ; 'soloed the venal doctor has more titles than aa intern pouts tate. He is surgeon tor the London I:uar- ant e k Accident Co., doing all their city detail work and assisting in determining claims for the whole country : surveun to the Fidelity k ('asuality (4).; to the Germs School of Medic's* on 12th et: and to num- erous factories and large .neem in the city. A prominent Ma.oa, he s •loo physi- cian to Okddfellow., lodge Peabody, and to Court Security No. 32 of the Sounshin, young order of Usite.l Foresters. In addi- tion to all this appointment work he finds time to stood f•athf.11y to • large and ever growing private practice. Like his distin- guished oomp•triot Dr. A. H. Ferguson, lie is a scan of good physique sad splendid vi- tality, ooatidesse inspiring in manner, and mos feels that hs cheery greeting would .o far to dissipate the blues in • sick room, While retaining • warm toiling for his bird'. land hei Is thoroughly and loyally Amerioan- ised and is by hs own 5ss.rtin " a rad het roaring Republican who r split • tick- et." lir. I'owen was married some 1.3 or 14 years ago to Mw Struthers, of Csdeneh, and has • ple•eaat cosy home at 333 West Harrison et. lo orooeleaien we may say that he drives one ,of the handsomest doctors' tarseats oa the West aide I'nada fres Nle.ssed the •ttentine of the world by many of its celebrities, besides the pert prairies and its great railways. (as ads has great new.pep.rs. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mootreal r, ia deed, • marvel. It is a marvel of ernellwee ani a marvel of cheapens. To think of such • paper as the Family Herald and Weekly Ytar of Montreal for a dollar • year It maks with the weeders of the rim... DOCTORS WAKE UP. w.alle.l Bea l..5 -Lair.* IN Mrevery e• ar •bse1.se nees5, M nt.b.N... Temew,o. Doc. 17. Medical mea are on the alert plot sew when the subject of kidney Maim IS.. .p for discuss... Diabetes .l aye horn looked opoo se sure death by the prefescioe, but Mealy the floaters have hod their nes mimed to the p ea.mua bility of . ours by Or. K. A. Roue, of Portl•.d, 0.s. He bas stand he venting that Le w eared of this dumas after be- ing pptro mained "is stemmas" by sit wadi cal Luken, and 111111 MUM w sainted by mama of 11044'. R idesy Pill.. Thie re- medy has noosesd mach attention hem Ur ordeal profession bamr-es .f 151 metesll ie the sera el hida.y disease, rind many uky.lels.s aro to ay Kae..ribiagd- fMrtiess al these org... OVER THE HURON TRACT. Th. °lr11at from th. Leoal KUL • weekly waw er come Setae served •p N Galt everybody -15th eat reins Clipped and t-.■den.ed Triage Rvery 'teethes. 4 'LISP IN C. Wallis left here on Monday with • mind ot horses for the Soo. S.•torth sirs. E. Charlton Bluk,d.ring her stay here was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S Vickers. Herman '1'. H. Her ry, hone buys, has recently purchased and shipped a large num bee of horses_ EntreeJohn Galosh., had one of his bus horses die on Tuesday, 11'h. It had been sick for 10 days. Itruseels While "homily a horse last week Iran Ewan ha.i his log badly broken be- tween the knee and ankle. Homan firs Fisher. f M11' Jessie Thomson. left here last :2 a join her husband in their new home .r Pinion. Michigan. Brume!. N. Large, who for some time resoled in Kruwb has left for Dundalk. where he has taker a situation in his ■nolo'• tailor shop. Clanton lase Adams, use of the Col. legator students, lost her watch one day last week : • fellow -student found it in the .now the sera day. McKillop A hero belonging to Daniel Meilousld, in M_Killop, about • mile and • half north of Seaforth, was burned about iF o'clock Sunday night. Sealorth David Chsrlesworeh, who has been a resident of Srrtorth for • rood many yeare,lett last week for Mount Forest where he has secured • good situation. I-akelet . M n. Cook, an elderly lady of our vire., while walking across • room, not knowing that the toll•r door was opera, tell into the cellar and was badly injured. Ethel Last W.due lay William Eck. min and Miss Sarah, daughter of Andrew Sharpe, were united is marriage at the Cram - brook manse, by Rev. 1). B. McRae. Clinton : Will Shaw, brother-ts-law of Thos Shipley, is hem on a vomit, atter an absence of several years in the west : he is eeiaged is ran/thing beyond Calgary. stashes, On. day last week Masers - Charles Ikroaldosn and John Scoumore tut ant piled • cord of wood nh 25 Mantas. This is considered pretty good work. lakelet A wedding was celebrated at the residence of A. Richt, Lakebt, on Tuesday, last week, when his daughter, Mag5te wet 1u: und.editin marriage to W. (:edok., of Glib Morris Wm. Skelton recently mold 50 acres of land, being part of lot 10, con. 8, Morris, to Wm. .Sanderson. of Hullett town- ship, for 12,300. There are no buildings on the lot. Seaforth : 11. T. McPhillips, r former employee of the Seafcrth Expositor, has commoner' the publication of •• weekly paper at St. Paul, called the Canadian News 1104551. Henwll : Joseph Norris, why has o good position In the I:rand l'ruok Railway office in Whitby, Is here at present spending • weak or so with hue staters, Mrs. Wren and Mn. Harold. Seaford' The may friends of R. Mer err, jeweller of this town, will be pleased to learn that he has got his business difficulties e atafact rely settled and hit store will be re- opened at once. Klippen The Loyal Templars of this plane have secured for I)ocemher 20th, the Rey. .1. H. Hector, the Mack Knight, se he is tamiliarly called, the renowned Temper- ance lecturer, who is a whole hoot in him- self. Wroxeter Building operation for nett season promise to be as brisk as during the noon just over. A block of stores is to bo built by Thomas Hemphill,and towers' other buildings are to be erected by enterprising attir*ns. Wrotceter Wroxeter has lost 001 of its moat estimable 70055 Iodise in the person of Miss l'rudemo. Sanderson, dau5hter of Wm. Senderens, sr, who was married o5 Wod.00day last week to George Maas, of Ommiltee. kgmondvdie Another weddingossamony graced the manse parlor" on Tuesday oven tag, *hes William Ireland and Mies Hay., 5f Se•forth, launched their baron cm the yes of matrimony, with the blessing of our ..twitted pastor l'olborns TM other day • ea 7- r old ns eof W. Hill was kicked on the forehead by• born, staining • fracture of e skull, osth ull, through which there was • partial lass of brain matter. I: oder medical treat- ment he is doing as well as eas be upland. W isghe m The death ocourred at Wing - base on Friday avowing, of Ansi*, eldest daughter of Peter Morosres, treasurer of Turnherry township. Mr McLaren bee been very unfortunate 5f late. se hie wife .red there ; ears ago, • few months after he 1.111 his only sen. l lodnioh township . lfes.rs Scale t Hoover, of Chateau Marble Rorke, b•ve just put op • very fine red granite meow in lioderioh It mark. th e resting pihee of John r and wife,(twe of the very earliest e5ttIore of (:ei5rieb tome - ship) and tetee of their esus, John, Wlllhm and Thomas. Morris last Friday l:.Dews Joann was 5-1st1.g in taking down a hares ea Wm, Rbeftoies and whits standing on • beam is removing one of the plates, • rim tlsegbt h:m and palled him off. He lea ahem, 16 fent His right leg was btokon r Iwo bstw..a the hose sad .♦M. The tars buss wen 505-5 t and Mr. Jerk - sou removed to his home wham he will be • ptf .s.r fen • good while. MARRIED. aLlMO7tt - - 1111100EST•Dlilt At the gam` le . ref Jos. widen NeeDec igLo 15w,ta A. . . tr5., e< ingots, S. Y. tt w..m5h t, C. M.4eseder .1..ter*I.