HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-13, Page 7Crich
del of
da▪ ily
gasper'• e. l
IN 1895
/be •temptot'►a•' • now •ovel l.► choices
may. will be b*ges • Ibis Ihove. ter \ung.•
rio•a4. .ad ruMk•uM to \set molter. 1••I\
ger may b• oats. rasu►uo .ower 1
ba, .evel.sle a will be . woel,.t 1y *11
air themes Hardy si.a4. lerethoM •h • .
.meter artist la Solara. •8)d ler eamplkMrr
ryowe. sat w
tb;�••, not Ia•
Muer ,• decree to that wLlch has matted
tNla• • tee moot ricer e118101 Glary of the year.
Loner, I...I.*5 feature w111 he the Per..yl
-M,slteettems.1 Jena .f Are. by <t,r mew
.ie taste, Il.r r.ge s* secrrtw;.
,.der win► gine the MON psular of err fag
liseroen rnaa.,dnts w►.ie.• w ll 4rar,t Tito
den., the Maid of Otiose,. lo t►o Jaso•q
, ember will appear • prefueele dru.ttel.rl
,ape on 4 bar esSeo sad Ibe •'awls..., t,...
,bet ,f • aeries 04 *Wharf' piper.
COu 1t:t,a•e
1 Li.e
aeui 1..,•,
yet', w .1: 11 I. ,
klilltd .,•t It t.,,
s. sorer. Africa isaltrartm.n, a, oaten : .+
'•M at 08)0 other tom Here 1, on- tor earl ,.f I
expires. rhe ase' •Nus+ • .4 It •I(!•) 1 •
. .tea, l\g will *sumo foar tl.yttatrt
plies Oa l h l• 01144100. Wad ' h r.•e to. Mr r t
Mpae is p e•eeal *bore . ale♦ It.• res
•a1 prep`/• for Thr MAGAZINK • sone.
moat altrri.e. "y8) e,ns (/ 48) •1 pha.ee ill
Reit•.• le* a.d w.e.er.. $...4.•. the lone +
,y w. rare w111 logo* :a the termer, Nate t.
we the MLN elero. r. of • T brew ort h••re-
,vw,•YI Ile. eels. 11A1n•n4 UA, t' ')r• :oar
mt work yea .41.mW.•d by this writer. Co.0
play short stones' nr Pep..lar a MIM MLU sun
e „e to bee Mature of the MAGA'/.iN'..
mad M III.Nrate•d fermeeveste.
Tb. Volumes or the MamMnne is•et. with
tea\embers fur Joao- 0844 ikeernher of etch
leer. Whoa mom.- is sue ot.oawl..utelemeters
.ill hep& with the %tiwber oriole 01 8),e
ter of rev.ipt .f order. Cloth Casey, for
s.sdi0lt. SO. eft la each by mail. pest -paid.
Katn,ttattera 0koald M umfle by fore uglee
ll..ey Order or Draft. to a.ok1 r t.aa r of
.V,ropolf14411 ore r..11 I„ • p(. /a, ,e
weal 1,118).1 f*r.rpr. s. onl,r u/.•'erg,
NM hers.
rag leer
iIiI:l'AK\ HAD 1 /1 1.b. ..Irrr• 1'ter e:
HeKPKilx Kale It . 0.
h.1KrRK8 4.ot'.l'ri iVP4)I'/.lis» to.
Elva to all anbr-r(Arra its the Untied
Vale', t 'uaadu tad .11,rt•o.
.td.trrr IIMtl'KR R HiU►THER$,
P. U. Hot dull, N: Y. eaty.
Harper's Bazar.
IN I1195
►.h•dkll► and rtelu.ive dr.igns toe eel d..,
ted I.4..r T.elessea. drawn !root Not. to
yodels t.'. 14A.11w,z end Foam 1. are as Im
Outten, feature. chose appear every w., -k.
a n•u.panird by minute de-. r,si1.1 a and de
tails. Our Part. totter. M k ern a...,
YokI.r as weekly tr*necripl of the oaten
rty:e. cod c.pri.w in flu0 so dr. Peder. the
load of Mae lark /.sit/...'Maio dir*-,ose
ass 1u11 oartM'elan are gree as to shape.
fabric*. innovates*. end *cr. saunas of the iris
1. n,• of eelhdressrd women. fb/tdrsp.'.
Mthw5 receives psvn.•*l .11eet0,0. A
fert. lahtly enUMn-*bees aepplemrel en-
rable• readers te .rut and mate 110.0 own
roses. 's be woman who lake. 11A111'k1:'el
,A/Alt is prepared for every 04.11014.#1. on
1.!r ,-..rrmosiousorinfernal,w'her e 4.'... fel
r 14 n'galelte. 11
An Amenea. Serial. Draw eireeetrb'e
ssngbser., by Ries, r • 11(ki.1.,. I)*%r.. a
••our hovel of American life. yank! laid in
I yIra01a pad Warne' in M. far room h. pig
m 'A. lam half of the Year.
N. lady bobi.dp. es I..Igrel$ rl.,ti014
or yd*ARTRR ll*A'..rNs an,lu.r of
d • Foot • The Greeter ..tory.' etc.. will
•• 't..• year.
••....M ••Aire Chefs. To this depart
,T ATON will vontnbetr herr)• K
Jt'CY , .. W hat Nie a..• Immo' ,a Now York
so, •' ,
I., wre. t. 4.ree.pede nt, (pore. loos re,
• .' • nr personal sitcom on of the edits, and
... red at 1Le ear.; pees hl. dale .f
: teir rwwlpt.
erred for Illeetr1ed Pr ape tw
The Volume* of the RA1AR begin with the
Iry \umi.er t.1r Jester. Weer!. )gar. When
en taste Ls mrntm00111. subscriptions will bear.
•Ito, the Num her current at its. time of rs'aript
e! order.
• loth Cation for eorh 4-040lne. ault.h4 /or
ti,rul,1.4, will be seat by liana, port peed, on
n ..,41 of 81 (1s each.
Itrmlttau.w ehniild be made hr Post Mice
mow-) (Order or Draft. to •meed rha..'e of less.
Soo/papers nn not fo ropy fats ndrertr•r-
-- 'new? without 4Alt eryrraa order 0/ IIartran a
NKr,I N kit..
ger I rr s
11.(RPERS R.i / r f( e- (4-
H.tK1'ItKX MA U.' if./J1.... 4 IN
H.4 ft/'i:Kn tt'>:h'KLT • = tot
11.4 IC reit 'All PIDf)I'/.44 • •u
I'o4opr P4Ye to n/l aeh,art hers to the ('ailed
.`:gal,. Canada. ns4! !Mx, -o.
Address : HARPER - & ItH(ITHltlt!l,
I'. 11. Holt 7:'A. S. Y-l'ity
Harper's Weekly.
IN 1895
itAIIPKR's N Kik I.1" la. pictor'$I history
of the timer. It pre-ent• every important
"veil promptly. around. 1.. tad exhaustively
dlo.'r.tion and ,IewrrlpI isis text of the high-
est order
The manner in which. ,luring INN. it has
treated the Chicago Railway Strikes and the
Chtno.Japassesto War. .,d ter amount of
light it was able to !brow on Korea the M•tant
&tte.itaa was di -toted to that hole -known
country are examples of it. almost boundless
resoti4055. JI 1.1.. KAr.rn, the dl•tagaiahed
writer and eorreep.od.n'. haw hone seat to the
w t of war. and t ere Joined by C. D. W rl.lwlN,
the wen -known American artist. now for
n osy years resident On Jame, who has bees
eagen.d to cooperate with Mr, Rat ran In
a.dl.t to IIAKI'LR'S et RKKI.Y exclo•ive
informal ioa and Illuett.'lon.
Derma Me every vies" essers$*• will be
dfsce ed with vigor and eitnoti' pr. ',ohm. is
(be editorial mitosis. mod aha in ep'l'1&. art.
.Ifs by the Malmo. authorities In each depart
neat. Portraits of tee mar and women who
aro making Meter,. 0.d powerful sad murlr
political r0rteo.a. w/K oontlolw to be rheas..
ter tab. features The, limey World. with Oa
Ie es .nil kindly e04111414011 on t be leper donors
of the day. swill remain • regular detoartmest.
Thrum. There will be two prwerfu' moats.
b nth hat.deentely Illustrated - Tb. ted garb -
ad.. a sternin,g romans of olden dare by
1(rAerey J. Weyman Sad a .evil of New
Voss. entitled The am of 1114. rasher. h,
R.ant'aR MAT liSee *eve.al.oveyles. and
many .item stoles by popular writer..
Rand Ice IIIsWrS.d Pvssp.rtma.
The Telae, of the WtRRI.11 begin with the
5.. Number for Jutsan of each year. Whet
n o time 1* stsrtimerl..ubacriptlees w111 MRIs
wltppbtt IM comet cnet at the time of re-
oldof order.
Thotb Came for each relator.. suitable fee'
14.110*, will be sent by mail. poet p.ld,mi R
eels of line erre.
Ilemitteares should be made by Prost<es
�Msourn order or kraft. to avoid .,...*s el
Nrtemeopers arc net to ropy 11*, adrertilO
i.,0walkout Me repress order of Nutria &
Per Tear
HI RPRR'S N-LLKL r . . 0/ 00
HARPRKA MAOAZINR _............. 4 M
HAa I'1K0 RAZAR t es
pesta free e. all .rbiemt tib UUMWannes,Nm & and MesHgr__--_
P. U. Boy ile N. Y. City.
Dr Ts ow ie.Heid •e ressfn 1600 fee •
haw* asd esmslianm $1,000. He makes
re mwey sot of his lettere* them icy
MM sea ee the Warm. (lel. 15gemell's
f u •' .
• Ace arrear Wbteb /. Leser Thee • real Tbo.sa.d. of Theon Bre..' ell/
classy ISM*. I Seen fee The Saw nee ,• ,
i1Mua•re Ae,ertesu 'fM raja bath is • , TM ('ailur•ls aye. ; '.e. , white •hies lila
he Tore 1 .gIl.k bible Iver rimmed /a
& merle a.
Bouton I'..st I he Lir.: Ruble pru.ted :n
I.eglieh in America gar tea "Nay Psalm
Rook,' printed as 1r %0 Prior to this time
*eery copy •l the I. ids is this country had
been brought to America by the early set
flare of 1!roam sad the Pilgrim Father, of
Nee Y.ngl..,l, ter the culosi•ts could not
post the Englat1 Hib1e without beton sub -
pod to pr. avid nur from pr triode to t.reat
Hnt•u, eft-. ptai.it.bed It uoJer the patent
of the crown.
During ,.,e year (''40 a venwu of the 511d
TontarlanrM......spiral by kir King, who
availed himself .•t the aw.•tanee of fee•.
thane (► Shedden No p .rttou of the t Hd
Testament et.sted in the Irish Iantuage
oat .1 the re.era•.I. Crh..p Bedell undertook
•o ! ro, 8)r,. translation Ahhopg1 .p
p I,trl rt, ' t•. the see of Kilmer* and
.triage, he was an l.og.ahman by birth a.l
n„•rgw/otel worn, the language of bis new
'*•w•eve.-- il...•r.t .ter foe -art' the seem
pltahment .4 .11's 1mpr.Nao• .1"etga was
tnrreh,r', thea. !uuit,mnf the 1o.edlwjert
s►luct. 4t c..nunuote l to at Ad) et the age ut
ILO measure war ro....,ure the services of
a 8).,'i.'•' Ir.1..lrholor,.ed, with the advice
of Tenet• 1 .imr, , '• uhnar fell on ler
Katt, who hal ,,x8) •e.p!oyod by Mr.
Iesolel whet.- ..-.,.1in1; (1Ii.mue❑ w, ,b l,s
version of 1 J" lir King rri:11„ ign,rart
of !Ishtar, tits, male the trana'aton trot.
tee English venom, but to Bishop Bedell
ere Ifehrew.nd •.•p'u.gmt were ea familiar
sea the leagltah,- ter the "eropfutes had for
roars bran hu favorite study. It was he
, '1..m, saps lin b.o,imtpher, every day after
.i n0er mut supper re have a chapter of the
} aide read at hie-ral.!e, sad at such time •
14 .Ie was plere.' before etch •per...n pre•
seat '
Th. I11+ in Hei.r•'w .n,l (:reek was then
Itjd before bine, .,s.1 he rompre.l the Irish
translation with the F:est:b.h At the same
lamp he compared le.th the English and the
Irish with the Hebrew, The 1eptu•g,nt be
.compared with the Iteliao sermon or No-
dal'. Every portion of the Iri.h 11.14e was
then tested by dtrevt t-..mpart.on with the
engin! tett. For this arduous work
R,ehnp Bedell w.a peruli.rly yushtie'1,
having Amulet' many yeses at Deuce as
•.hopl.s.j to "ire Henry N'.;ton, where be
r •1 •11.4 Hebrew miler Raisin Lee, the chief
chaidian of the ,le..h synagogue.
Fer some canoe Mr King incurred the
enmity of Archbishop Usher. mei some op
position .a. ina4le to the translation. The
venerable j.ishnp, then past 80, sank b. -
math these prosecutions, yet remained firm
in hes determ,a.Uon to publish It 0t his own
While he was m•kin
. ense free n
• { t Defy
twos ' he rebellion broke out, his palm. was
ettarked .n.1 he was soul . prle,.er t.. the
noel, ..f L..ckw0ter, whence be was soon
at err-rene.ve.l to %he rrsideoc.* of his trieod,
Dennis (4Sheridee. when he closed his
career of usefulness in the year 1541.
Nev. Marilee B, P.►hb.r.l.
7'0 ('hsrler H. Parkhurst more than to
any other man New York ewes her redemp-
ttom. I wo years ago his was the voice cry-
ing in the wilderness. It is not too much
to say that it he rem.ioed silent New fork
today might still he un•wakened. That
Tamts.oir was corrupt• that the police were
in league soh vies and fattening upon its
proceeds, every u,trlhl end nun at ell famil-
iar with the city government felt morally
certain. The had management of the public
affairs was so much a truism as to excite
comment only as Doe of the inevitable ills
of life. The appeal of polrnal oppo/nente
calling tor the overthrow of the debauched
:overnment, fell on deaf ears. Everything
they said was disrupted beforehand as the
attempt of me set of partisans to supplant
soother. 'Whet lir. Parkhurst said was
sot open t• that interpretation. It had to
he Ifatened w, and men could sot listen to
Use things he told them without Icing sov-
ered with shame that they should have per-
mitted such things to be.
I►r. Parkhurst's task was not • pleasant
iru.dj1.d Mower lath, to whteh the leiter
promoted a1Yast all parts to/the body el •
tops the had. (roar several sides ailnultaae.
taneously, lone mar: nrtnt:te solus. instead
et descssding . aiwly. Physician re
( ••aimed a ter its teats easels is stlmulat
•tilt ..tculaYw, which the pl•.„ge l ath ever
deet, afor Uro:.
*'• lwhich renrotbs
n atural MOIL. pruducta from t .. .-u with
I out the use of seep The tentpr•ture oft ^r
water admit. of r gulatirs at will Aad w.tb
....le -are sale are Iw •,nr.. ' , while 'lent
to whom the plosive hs'. , its. t xith •
men of •.•"r 11' flee „t tt„y take thew
1 .'• w, 1, . n t' art 611.t s•• +'u!tketbe
d •'v hat, tut., :a wlu 'h 'I,• water to
1..( wed awl ).r a to !. •.1111t ,:mw bl-
• careetas to he taken to k • the reaeel .4
Pelf alemm, the am a,. , u , .! • ....e b ' the
smile 184,1 or toe . 4. -1 ' to, 'n which
the bat.'•er -'.oda ; r,•,e. • at ton u:
the h•:1, is raguir,! -. ••r'r '1•
the I. 1.t:na0"in 6,11. •••• 440eer•tee,
end IurWp,uug • *u.. ' 4,444tnl. to a few
mieutev Plumber., 1 a fe-.t •foyer.. put
up, ate 4. a decree in .. ,411 •' . sorb as
con be mare, fur esteem, I.y ..palating off
• ,.or..r in • bed rearm by det.ehableruLle1
The new baa. bee bees is
..01broltgleout the c.•,.
oral rail., kr' n� everywbrte tut best r.
cult.. Iofaht aril tbsa%y asylums nu. -1 :Item
Lodespeomble. For free public bathe ID the
side streets and the slums of New 1 ork
City, open all the year. public isrtitutwee
have found the rain bath of : h- greatest pos
O de advantage. To halfpence it ordinary
dwellings need only • few alteratioes. In
practice it allows • very large combs to
use the small apartments simultaneously,
tad the time allowance can be redu,:ud este-
tactorily much below what It Its In the
plunge m other baths, thus furnishing ase
rummodatiUns to a cert large nunit•'-r dur-
ing the bury hours molt er• tar greater
proportionately than meld he whet -wild ac.
cared for. The baths art considerably less
to contestee than any other kind. Such •
scheme should tv.r*meod itself to the muu
tips! authorities when they .re called en to
sot•hlieb in the centre of th city eub.titutes
for the popular summer free baths now in-
dispensable to the manes. an.l te,,•i.red by
them in winter as well as in Bummer. But
it is to the house --holder that this new de-
vice appeal. with greatest force. 1'he q:
eon unity for indivj.lual lathe In the dwe11•
inp of thorn who can afford them is not
I.kely to be lost sfrbt. of. and se 1.•',a -
v rev to the old style path rooms it wili be
eagerly taken np.
Mer the Corpse rats ■.lora Ibis 4 beck to
4;ra.e 0.00.,..
Rochester Herali • "What, burglar pr...:
coffin. put a the newspaper mat, in open.
mouthed wonder.
••\ es, ,t s another wo•dor of this age of
invention," responded the drummer and re-
moving the straps from an extra large grip he
proceeded to place on exhilmiti•n • miniature
From conversation with the drummer It
ern learned that the invention had been
p.1.ned upon the market about two months
ago. The hurgl•r-proof coffin is made
Lc • New York firm. and its price is con-
siderably greater than that of the ordinate'
meth twaket, although it is, by no means,
exorbitant. The way it came to to manu-
factured is a story by itself.
Abnot three years ages there liver! in the
metropolis two young men upon whom for-
tune hal dealt by opposites. (Inc .truggled
for tame until he died of • broken heart,
while his companion .ever tor thered hie head
on that score, being the heir to • romfort
able fortune. 1t was from this fortune that
the unfortunate's fusers' expenses were
The night following ties' sad event ghoale
visited the cemetery and removed the body.
It was never recovered ,altbough the wealthy
young man exhausted his entire fortune in
the search.
Then it became necessary for this tirm
fried to retrieve his lost estate and he coat
shout as to how best to accomplish this-
('onetaotly his thoughts were upon he
dead friend. Perhaps it was this tact that
prompted his mind to an inventive tun, for
about • veer ago he perfected the burglar-
proof coffin and tnduoed • large manufactur-
ing firm to take an interest in it. The
Young inventor u.00n.cioualy "killed two
birds with ow stow,- as the drummer pot
it, "for fortune has again began to smile
u pon him and he has put a spoke in the
',beet of the grave robber
The combined audacity of the inventor.
the admirable nerve of the ma.ufacturet anti"
the almost blasphemous talk of the enter
prising drummer world muse • sensitive
person, seeing this carious piece of funeral
ptnpberealia for the first time to throw up
his buds ,n holy horror.
The coon 1 made of boiler iron, case-
hardened, whish for.m an enamel that am -
sot be penetrated by chisel or drill it is
put together with angular iron and flush
rivets. Inside are lacks, so constructed with
book. and staples, w1th 1• spring behind
them, that when • pin Is down out from
the outside the bolts s'.rieg down and lock
automatically and the mein is fastened so
that it cannot he opened from the outside.
ono for • person of fins esutbilittee. He had in recommending his uncanny line of goods
to go into the haunts of vice and make him the drummer added
self master of a knowledge trim which any 'The only person who ran unlock this
man might pray to be deli•erd. Then is conic is the denim see the inside. Then ie
• well-grounded and net unreasonable emir.
ment against seneatlon-moo4en in the pal -
pit. H. braved the charge of Ming that,
and proved it was • deader. H. taught
New York the diem••• between the titan
who cowl • sacred calling to bring attention
to himself and the devout prophet whom
nothing can stop in his work for mankind.
the asset Irmo Sae liege to Mentaw, Say.
is, of al, flying fish of .:.. w.rti. • . moss
rattarkab'e ' r ...peri' r . -.''r. of :light
It is mere skipper. asps the Baa :'concis
c , (_'hr'micle, 1111 the sowllel 'r. , is1 of,
( Ii+a .1•1#44141C. Comm, '0' „ ,1111. • 11', skip
. bot • Nu1•, the •'` - 0.. bits.
The PO:1g 6.b swine r,yi. j,tiameg &s e1'
•epos, elly u.twerfu! I. 1
l;, morn from the ...tor the movements
0' :.{;.e tall are 000tw,,.J seine Moeni& until
t Veer wt ,•• t.ody is out of the water. While
t!.. t* i is 1a mourns tbe pectoral fins vibrate
roy'oi v Ili') the weirs! hies are fielded
Wle•i'he areon of the tett .wens the pec
torel ad ventral at.a are .'.real, and, so
far '.a can he aeon, ate ueld of rest ten thus
p toe 0t ••u'stretched :11im/ the dish wiles•: to
a,i, rah tL. air ',era! fret shove the
water. • ".Bout ant perceptible nl.veroeot of
144 mesas. As the east began to :all. the
tel touches the wide:. and 'At mottos et
tl.. jv •... .. ... begin* •g0i ,, e*•bltog the
dab to core' rose 111 fl.gfa Pot a (js•rter of •
mile 0r mon, and .ode by • fell into the
water with • splasu. li ktle Iyiog it re-
.emibles • huge Dragon !y. The 5,08)00 u
▪ •• 't . at prat it is in a *Tright lire, but
e.•lecornes deflected u a curve, the pec
• oral fins on the loner 8)d• of the aro being
tis it downward. 1 he eeh is able to some
Intent to tura LTi course and shy of! from •
vassal, although the m'.' on of the nehaeeme
to boos no retereuce to tiro direction of the
wind. These ash •re •Mut eighteen inches
long Fre,lueetly the fly in docks.
Doe of the amusements of the guests at •
se•.ide hotel to Su Ihern is to spear dying{
bah st night . With • torch, rowboat and
spear the angrier patrols the ocean not far
from shore. The fishily et the torch, thus
becomi•g easy victims of - tee spear. It ie
novel sport to have the sport literally fly
into the boat Ardent sportsmen have tried
to shoot these fish on the wing in the day-
time with some success. The ::oaartunty
of flushing the game discourages many gun-
ners. Ween the fish net. it reoulree close,
'.ick shooting to bag them. No dog is
n eeded for retrieving. It is possible hen to
shoot quail along the shore, step foto • boat
and shoot fish on the waves. Epicures say
tbs. flying fish properly cooked are agree-
able food.
The flying fish of the Atlantic are known
as the skipjack. It is a member ..f the
1`.. Leh family, but di..orular an appeal
sore. Large schools appear on the New
England coast in Autun.n. It is persecuted
by the ravenous inhabitente of the ocean
a..d offers an interesting spectacle when'try-
ing to escape pursuers Muttrudes then
mutat to the surface• crowding oo each
other as they press forward. When Gill
more closely pursued they spring to Thr
•-•cit of several feet, leap over each other
viler confusion, at*to sinking beorath
the waves. Still further urged they mount'
•gain,rurhtog along tele surface by repeated
starts for more than 100 feet without slip-'
ping beneath or scarcely sr -erring to touch
the Meter It has been teen judged that
Oil ncaaai00a more than 20,000 of these ter-
ror-stricken fish have been out of the water
together, striving to elude • hungry foe.
Though the Ins 0t this fish ere many, they
sr, small, and the pectoral far from large.
('ons.aura :Iy. that they are cap•ha, of gush
flights is wonderful. The angle of anicula-
ti0n of the fin. is well adapted to miss the
fish by the direction of their motions to the
surface. The power of springier comes
f roti it. Dia sad Meta
A Good .lease
A menta w1sherd M n•rertaia what in-
doeo•'e the herd time had upon ht. moire -
sauce, and said at the elms of hie sermon
"1 would ask everyone who still is able to
py his debts to rise from hie seat' The
whole on.gret•ttwa arose with the exam
ties of 1184• man,
The parson then asked that all those who
were amble to meet their loll 410114d rise,
Thwrisepee the aforementioned solitary in -
devilled pt op. • hungry leaking. pootrly-
oled sat.., wh.m feature, revealed the for
rib's ellregxle of one fighting hapelee.ly
against the vieineitudee of the world. The
muenster ng&rd.d him atto8N1dy yet
oleos y.5 gore the enly e. 11 e ammo • %boos !Mal rea
tell me that story not • week
n o doubt that many people are buried .live,
and in this remarkable invention this fact
is ooa.idered. There are two styles, o.e
for vaults, the other for graves. The soffits
to be pl sed in the vault is e. uipoed with
torpedothat can he exploded from Minder
The coffin t.o he planed is the ground has
attached • *trona spring and arm. In the
ms o
ease of a persuddenly acquiring ,hv art -
Lien that ha es
wishes to get out he push
the button that explodes the *mall torpedA,
and the sexton speedily sate *boat releasing
▪ "
Willi Wila tww
TM bummer man lo.s was hurrying & the
street late in the day when the piteous
whin. of • Mggar stopped him.
Will you please be as kind, sir, said the
fellow, to ve me some money. I'm mit of
work and ['w pot • wife and •i1 children
. ns
.gin'. sir, for the n.eslt of Hf..
Dot out I .ne'sto
ined the harrying m,
i've heard that story before.
1(n, yea bavee't, sir, protestant the man
knotty. " ow is it ney friend,' he said, I die•et-
people who dea004 pay by debts! 81r,
...•weld tea sees h..IMtiagly, 'air, i
}NY s tllew5• . d theme, my
breiises,-wit-Hies" now are ell sob -
earthen a..j----' Bet the minister uta
rooted Item Weedy 'let as pray.' b. said
TM IAM M/ Dlpm.
yes, tad gave you half • dollar`
No, sir, t dirket, whined the ° 1
told ye. 1 had • wife and four ca'�
We've W twins mew ►Ors mimes the ,
5.,.sM with • Baas.
Met, i had s.eh • seven meth that my
threat felt se if .er•ped with • rasp Os
Norway Pee Syrup 1 feled the arm
ve relief. and the Mrd beide sem-
mired me. Mee A. A. Ithere y,
i t is often • egetery hew a eeld has biten oak
ba t' TM Met is, however, that when dose
the Meed le per and the eysssm l..,.. d,
p� see. herinenes psmiliarly liable to diseases
ries is 11600 while ik Md11yea. Joseph t When the appetite r the etreagth Iimi1a
% a5bnemitte for Tars awdMe. Eli t . beet mese
Memeele. Oat
.111.0 y.e,e. hie
look, soil Meas. sfl the atlas0 mak of 1 Ayers Sarsaparilla amid M oak
gp a�
tae; semmsad hem $100 M 1$160. gs the
( ddq.
eeemaf to aeon
They Iollew copy.
' Horrors, what an exceedinglytobecure
hand you write " said the literary' tlitor to
the new space writer a. he turned u a bit
et poetry
•tlh, it's plain enough,' interjected the
poet hastily. ' The rhymes and the meter
will help the canpeeitor out, and there
will not be the leer bit of trouble if they
just follow the copy.'
And the manuscript went hustling up the
tube to the composing room.
' Ss -•
y *hat d nil gated chump has
been sonde in hes Chloe..., laundry bill for
Dopy wildly yelled out Slug 10, wiping a
sudden bunt of perspire/ion from his fore-
head and glaring .t hie last take. • I ern t
make head or tail out of this thing.'
• Will. Chioeae or no Chinese," cried the
foreman. ' Make whatever you can out of
it and snag it ice in mighty short order, for'
we are late sow.'
Asn the type fairly Lumped from the
ase into the stick.
' ( :sod C.. ser gasped the proof reader
clutching at his brow Are my eyes fail -
mg or is the • premonition of nervous pros- ,
tratio0 Theo he rubbed hi. eves and I
stared. ' By the god. ! either I've got the
bland staggers or Slug 10 Is on a royal
At that instant • sena,n come down the
spout ' Rush that proof along for he.v-
eaesake ' We are late "
The proof reader groaned, galloped down
the nolumn, hesitated, and then desperate
ly thrust the slip into the tube. huskily
murmuring, ' I compared it with the copy,
and that is ea near as I an get to Hebrew
these days.'
That nigbt the sew .pace writs hurried-
ly wrapped up and addressed • of the
Meme without a glanee and dropp d it tato
the mail, with this brief note :-
' My Holiest Sweet and Dearest Marie.
1 send you a number of the Sunday ins pple-
w ent motion's, my life poem our 1.ee
was u ever present inspiration tt me when
now to ,L4OIel
soc1det>L pa►strr
'(fie ?RoBt.EPA solute
by telt aroductiorr of
WhicI' makes
150"1 crisp, health-
Fulywholesome 511,
C1r&e_.pride •beet
1 ' a h1Awl 'Arid otter 1444
Coakna authorities, endorsi
can't afford to do
with o of Q.STo 1. rt1
Vette only by
The N K. Fairbank
N ell1natn. and Asa Mau
1 wrote. and thippe-thethrktemetrimiespireseti
every sentence - Here yen will find express- . _..,'
.d what I have ever felt toward yeu, but! .,
have hardly dared to voice before. Till C. err:
deo'It, etc.My stove• ars all mart.•ed down cheap. but 1 will giver's extra -10 pe neat oder it for
Atte Marie 5'ortland Von Clifton .;iieced 1 cash on all rrhu4ed Coal or IA oo.t Itang'.., Nov it your dint, to ter • rheap Store.
through the tender note, bluoh"d with I Lair r IL
8c V O •
1 fur full 't•'.•1. 'r MA\'ri.1•:s mill be offered .,r
r,•gulitr prices. .th the at'uy'• are till, ':L•,'gl s
Apes ttllllllrt ,hr.wt from Ow Nall UtlU't ('r• -r•
I'11, ,Ic.t Bargain• ever often •i ;ti Eir„itv'.,'1 the Li
11-1 !- .ltrft nett• th.• following rr 111(.6,1ns :
From one-half regular prices k1 to
Wholesale Price
Iii .•t,l.
of Carpet
for the w 1101e ,t•cl.
at cost and tut'1.•r.
The Great Carpet and Lace Car,' . ra Warehouse
of the County.
ptks•ure, and hurriedly' opening the paper,
reed .=
T.. 0,4011".
When the breeze from the blue-bottlee blue -
tering blim e e
Twirls the toads in a towr00 0aloo,
And the whiskery whtoe of the wheedle -
wine whim
Drowns the roll of the r•ttatatoo,
Then i dream in tbe ehAde of the shaily go• 1
And the rm••e of the holly 00109
Brings the smell of the stale poppy -coda+
h{u•'iming hit*
From the welly -wad over '...e may.
Ah, the shuddering shoe and the blioketty- 1
Wizen the pulglong falls from the bou4It
In the blast of a hurricane's hicketty beaks
liver the hills of the hocketty-how'
t a.e the rigto the e1.ng ry-wane. The Small End of Nothir_g,
If they care for such 6d•ilededle .
But the tbinrumbob kiss .1 the °banger,- I in net -coward; email. Just so email ale the bcr'eits to be
bang derived fent attending some so called •"hu.inerw eollegrs.- 1'he
Keep the higgltdy-p,g,le f.r no. .-. •
People of GOOD. COMMON SENSE usuaal'v
appreciate: a good 'article that is honr.tly tnutic.
Well titti+hctl
and up to date. Thi. .'xplaiils tbe
gr Sat .ucee- , •f •
It 5 piny pro .paddle and alirobun;,
Wt,en the lollypop covers the ground,
Tat It1e poldiddle perishes plunkety pent
When the heart Timmy wage•. •mead.
If the soul cannot snoop .t the giggle -sumo
Seeking surcease in glaggety.glug,
Is M ttselees U say to the pulsating heart,
' Taakes-doodle ker-chugwty-chug "
The sew space writer and Mimi Marie
(ArtMadt Cu Clifton ere net eugsged now.
Bantle Bel Wren wink and kmake.
Baltimore .un : There was ...doomed
near I'rim..e Frederick, Calvert County, •
tew days ago • desperate encounter between
• huge blacksnake and • large hawk. The
hawk wee the aggressor, and its tntantfua,
. o doubt, was to size and fly away with the
su•ke,but the reptile was • little too active
and weighty to be got away with en readily
and showed fight from the iegioaing. Af-
ter numerous co5tortiooe the so.l.e finally
got the hawk in its coil, which it steadily
tightened at the same time holding on to
este by grasping with its mouth a strong-
ly rooted rannugg brief. The hawk just
then was getting decidedly the wont of the
encounter, when two other hawks cute to
the rescue, and valiantly fought the snake.
Th.o William H. Rower, who was watching
the interesting and novel battle, deep•thed
the oonte.tanta The hawk lout one of to twl
oma. The snake measured nearly six feet in
Ayer'. Pills, being compelled et the eesen-
ti•1 virtues of the best vegetable aperi.at0,
without any of the woody or fibrous materi-
al whatever, is the reason why they are
so mush more eseetive ane volosble than '
say ether cathartics. The beet faeily ply.
on the contrary, le noted for the practical cbar.cter of its work. 1 u a rued something Ore"-'
t irat, why not •-orr•.pond *it, us at once,
J. W. WESTERVELT Principal.
A Word to the Wives
tom:Osie Men
l3ett, r throw atva1' that iron-
bound, leaking tub and pad and
get the unbreakable. light, one piece
article. All well appointed grocery
mores keep
cidedly the worst
al.. ,
Goderich, Ont.
I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE
to the following address for months.
Three Months -
Six Months
Twelve Months
[Sample Copies Free.]
- 30c.
- $1.00.
P. O.,
Prov., _
-- r
P. S. --Remit by money order, if possible, or by registered letter.