The Signal, 1894-12-13, Page 6T*Z SIGNAL : aODIRIdn. ONT.. TNRRSDAT. DEC 13, Mt. HREE BLACK BAGS. AS 1 often say a my wile, when me fou targets ng bet Ines noun men.. It's a queer thing. is the entad, great u the force of baba. 1 never Torg 1. de anything I'm ta the habit of dot nut as Tilly ostially attends to the shopp herself, I'm not in the iabt of milling at butchers er the grocers on my way ho l: e: haleness. anal, therelore r ell, the tore, 1 don't •••dl ti rhe tai es "tit ..t ti that she tents , e a . Iton 9 I at•,, it \„ : Lot overall: anJ)iow For one thing we haven't married vet, laser, and Tilly agrees ib.t i twaiy 1, ■senab;e 1 should Lave time to .. a to be more ..reful, sad. t .r u,.. er t wase : for tt.. h.r,;.L • 6a'.: I u ..0 t e, donut wnsther we, should be married y or at least we should0 t living in our. be..,, with the furniture is.: bought at 1.rge di.couat for cash. I .at a clerk 1n the teretes of • firm colliery and .harry owners •t Liagtoo, an revery lrturday morning Igo out to Wee achy. • village romv thirty miles ofl amo ti.e )Moots, to pay the qu.rymen th wa �.Y. 1•'+ an awkward sort of iouro.y. I ha to start by the lust train as the .morning which leaves Liagton .t b, change at Dras our jttactipa with the maul line, leave t •tato lin. again at Thurley, some ten mile fcrt•,er south, ow,' do the rest of the di tau.e in the Beale van of • mineral teal The money nearly • hundred you mostly to silver --1 always carry in • Litt black leather bag, one of those bags you • by scores every day', which may coastal anything from • packet of sandwiches an a clean collar to a dynamite bomb, and tt my habit, when an the train, to put ant hei on the rack facing me. 1 rarely keep it the neat by my side, and 1 don t like to pin it up over my head. If it hes to a there because the oppose rack le iallI aMI elwnys uneasy anout it f.o.'yiet I shall forget when 1 get out. never have forgotten it yet, but one Satyr day a November. l+l.3. 1 did somethin which might have been worse. I took th wrong bag when I left the tram at Thurley It happened to this way. Lin the Friday night I went out Wath Tilly to • party which broke up so late that I had ugly nue im•• •e .•uaoge mv clothes and ret • &art •t.,'o�y ter n•.•%uf ..t rte; .n• catching ny ta..ta t:o,.,' u, ct y I ♦teen ail• the wes from'Lingtou a ')rank, and sit "Mask I stumbled only half awake, into .the brut third -alar compartment I Game to. Thee of the earner sesta were occupied and 1 took the fo ,rth, though there was no room en the opposite rack for my bag. I couldn't put it on the seat at my side either Monti.. te man in the ether corner had his lege up. aad J didn't are to aisturb hem. 1 ought, of course, to bate kept it on *y knees, and on any other morning I dare ay 1 should have dome so. bet it was rather heavy ail I wsa very sleepy. s0 I lust slung r. up over my head, settled myself down and dropped toff again almost betore the tem was clear of the station. di in • w.tke until we stopped at Thurley e.. they, 1 fanc; I sh..ui 1 hem- dept .0 i 'r.e r sou men .t in, far end of the runt• pertinent had not wanted to get out. What station ie this` I asked• sitting up and drawing my lege from across the door to let them {assl►tterford, I auppoes' Na,. Tharl.•y, said one and up 1 jumped in •here•::, trek my hat., as 1 though', from the rack opposite nee. and got down no to the platform Just ea the guard whistled the train away. You nn it • bit fine that time, mater, •remarked the man who had saved me from bung carried put my destination. 1 woo - der if that other shop meant going o0• He wee as 'int asleep ■+ you elle sod et ng. the me re earner et the rise. aid toned It almost full al whet, hale es 1 knew about presser ..a..., ` felt wend• were valuable jewel& Hut ssrt.i.ly traveler' la Jewelry did net usually peck, or anther omit to pace, their samples in such an utterly careless fashion • Rings, brooches, bracelets, boots atones least .roe necklace, a gobl wash Sod some bank note, and • ousrad.rable s sovereigns, were all mixed up tw(ether Lanae oedemata which maned at leas 0oas1.teet with boon.., habit& 1 began to doubt whether at was ecasuteet with hooest pomessaoa of. events, the mutants of the hag o . the ''e ,.f too ls'r tallow p.esr.gar the assn Was wale. Ler Lon.1oo, awl who hast ;,, ads, I, whits I left the train at Thur No doubt he was awake, and also • boss of his bas by this Urine. What • eta t'• chatot um of in • t m- imeo n - imeo at all part who less of the bargain I was drit'log with him, and swearing at his lock generally. Then, being perhaps emboldened by the coocilia tory manner 1 thought it prudent w adopt, M tried to make better terms, offering me Was, sad woes I sew what sort of a Mose the 'lleetted Dog' wee, I began to wish I had refueed se hero anything to do with l.aposler Blaad'e whams. The little oompaay of dtarepstabl. look nag loafers heagien around the bar eyed ate curiously as I altered. and whoa I asked the landlord if Mr. Hunt was In, one of them raved • peers' laugh by offense to tarry my legatee up to bum No lark.. 1t,U. said the landlord Merrily. Mary. show the gentleman Mr. Muret. MOM 1 found Mr Hurst a decidedly surly ra. nal. He beano by graesbltog et Ow hard - been ley. ware M of entad I.. w.,st h•• in, too but, rust ss 711 trying t.. real'. • iso rate 't In ln.1 a nen r' of grutl voices •tel • shut, ug of hr.,' 1 Io the s and outside remanaed u.e tk..' . •t, time to pay the :too. What had 1 better do I wondered. iter row what 1 needed from the .eta and gold in the hag that war mot mine. or put the men .,d with fair weeds till Monday • They of were • rough lot. though. and of I adopted d Ithe latter alternative there would probable d M I get Maend tato .uC• cop• fight were same to a one, lows re so O oaf re• and re- in eeid way my told tale, out gut may nils en` am send by her .and ere, hen- e0 - e at sr to hu h, aid via, his ,I Ya - v• I was set taO() lees, and hoelly insisting that he r'our ought to be allowed to deduct from my tL,- beet J00 the rum 1 had used to pay the in.m. t wee lost.acter Bleed had •Ilewed me a quar- ter of ac bon- for negotiations. At the end of that tune he proposed to make • raid upon the house. And mind, he bad "aim his Jocular way, we don't 6od the property sell in year hand., Mr. Corner. It would be • petty kettle of Gish tt we had to nrusocute you for unlawful possesatos, wouldn't tt • In aceordan.. with these instructions 1 haggled with Mr. Hunt • little while, and then allowed him to here his way, where upon be, having satisfied himself that the bag which 1 restored to him still contained his spoils, handed ate 11,900 in whet after- ward turned out to be very creditable i.nita- tion. of Bank of England notes. I suppose you don't want no re.. -apt • he growled. No.thank you, said 1, I think we can mu• tus11y dispense with that formality. t..00d morning. I turned to ;eave the room u I spoke,but before 1 could unlock the dour it was bunt oyes from the outside, not, uofortunetel' for me, ley the police, but by the inao whet the iandlord had call 1:111, • powerful rut tin, who promptly knocked me down surf knelt on my chest Munck, Ben, get oat of this, he cried. It's • plan. No. no The widow, you fool, he added, a. Mr- Hurst, bag in hand, made fur the door. The police are in the bar al• ready. Ira Sr. Hunt opened the window he eased me with much volubility and bitter - nese and as soon as he was outside on the leads be dui worse. Stand clear, Bill, he cried, and his friend obeyed hien. 1 scrambled to n:y fent but immediately dropped again with a bul- let from Mr Hurst's evolver in my shoul- der. I am not at all sorry that \1r. finest fired at me as lo.oect ,r Bland says,it was much easier to convict him of attempted murder than to prove he actually stole thane jewels and the Inspector doubt• too, whether he would havenot fifteen years if merely charg- ed with receiving them Rut I do wish he had not hit me. However, even the pain my wound still gives me u not without it. eompensataen. It provosts me from feeling any twinges of conscience when 1 reflect that my furniture, cost lir. Hurst his liberty, for Lord ti er- bury took it tor granted that he was the thief, and paid me the extra reward he had offered for his apprehension. Inspector Inland won the promotion he coveted, and is now stationed at Langton His weddiug present was characteristic. It was • black Lag, with my initial en either side in white letters about six inches long. All The 1 ear Round. son • t be something very like • riot. It woul wiser. 1 thought, to pry them if 1 coulr "g ; enmesh cheap to do it. the Hurriedly suminootuQ the foreman telling him that • mistsk• had been nia supplying me with money, I went down the village, sad, alter some .trouble, carded in eollectmg enough silver and per to Servs my purview. rhea, lath that precious bag out of • between my feet, 1 pard the men, who already grumbling at the delay, at the time doing my best to rally them in better humor, for 1 felt absurdly etre and was ready to credit the honest fel with • capacity for crime which we doubt .suite beyond the compass eye ,heir tmaginatuons. As soon as 1 bed finished m task 1 turned, per mineral train, to Thurby, there- 1 broke my flunkey. I )G calmly eNwiat al- the circunisteucea of the ease the asthma' at the brake van, 1 had d ed t -het the police, rather thaw the rail authorities, ought to be fine informed of mistake, and the inspector to whom 1 story agreed with me am vera glad you came straight to and he, turning the contents of the hag on hu desk. If you can hold your ton for • week or two, it's just possible we catch the gentleman who put this nice li lit together You think they have been stolen, th I asked. Think ' he iepeated, emi'''t at my s platy. I Bane, my boy. .nod when where, ton- -th ough unfortum.tely r .i•• in. Bun y. •:r eye over ibis. 'rho' was • nut of jeweu and int valuaules miring from Halingthorpe, I 1 rbury's plat,, near Drulungden, soh the inspector ani, a well -pitapat rob hail been earned out on the Thursday e. lug. You seem to have nailed a lot, be w on ; but we may u well go through the titles eeratim. We did a., and found there was both miming, except the money I had taken pay the men. our unknown friend hasn't even paid traveling expenses out of the loose can commented the inspector, and then he s deoly cheered his to.e. Now, lent here. young man. he weal eyeing me keenly. I'm Dot in cher.. .f t ease yet - -beer, if }'•u'll do •e 1 tel, you hope 1 may be in the ..nurse of a few dr There's •tidy reward offered for the reco ery of the property, as you sec. That take it. you've earned already : but are y game to help me catch the man' There' further reward for cribbing him whaeh, course, 1 can't touch officially—and don parttr'i arty want. 'Ay elm u promott IM you understated' I think so, said I : and I We willies/ help you all I am. Good, said the inspector, resuming locular manner. Could you identify yo fellow deeper, do you think I'm afraid not, I replied He had • Lea 1 know — Ti'mcn was very likely false, interrup he ; but never mind. What we want to u to get your fri,od to claim the proper either m person or by deputy. He's sure be • Mt backward in coming fres hut he won't like togive up all that for t little bit of ready money there was la y hag, and it we have patience we may d him. Well, what do you want me to do` 1 ed. ve k, he • r• 0. oras, le ne n d en • • • g e t e*, l• is ell right, sa,d hi. ••ompanao0. Has Looked fir Leud�.n. 1 heard non say so when nit got u. good morning, stover nor Good morning, I replied, and then, hav ing thanked them for waking me, I made for theisiding, where my mineral train was waiting for me You look tired this morning, Mr. Corner, said the brakeman as soon as we started oe our somewhat slow and weeraeome tourney. I look what I feel, .lira, said 1. And 1 •Ti as sleepy u an owl. I tomer went to bed Mast night. Then be down and hare • sleep now, sir, suggested Jim. Here's some sacks and a rug to Dover you. If the lollingdoe't wake you, you may be sure I won't. The good natured fellow k••pt his word, and WI am one of thaw happily eensutut ed individuals wbo can sleep o0 or through anything, 1 telt much re(re.hed when we arrived at tie quarries rate. a „at .num call- ed alf ed • roughish passage over the uneven sur - tape of the moorland hoe, which had been laid solely to serve the needs ..: our„uarrtss and some neighboring ion re•-... Atter 1 had had • wash end dnoe full justice to • second breakfast at the Miners* Arms, I felt reedy to face my stormier@ work of making up the men'• pay Wane& While 1 was doing that the beg, which 1 fenilly imagine to his mine, lay nn •Le tattle before me, nor did any dente as to its ideat:ty'roulde me until 1 ha.: finished my Gsleolati.as and Asa ready to embody the „ result. of them in sundry !Ale heave of kit goes and oil ver. b Thee. as 1 felt in my pocket for my keys, nay ruimery betas to entertain • vague sue piaou that that bag was somehow unfamil is b at. 1 an, by no mesas an obscurant rase, • id as I could 1.,4 have set down este- w gortrrlly the ch►esetenatoes which dtatao e egushed my b. from others of like make cr eed sh.p•, I telt rather than thought that She One a front of me did not posses those it ilsetriwa. Howey, ray key tilted the lock, and ae I 'wised It, ray enspteinne vanished, but sully to he replaced a moment later by an k astouodt.g certainty. Instead of resting upon the familiar th brown papr packages of silver and little to aevas bags n gold, my eyes were dr.aled by • man,-oobrw,i indeeenc.• which shoe forte (ram the .wide of that hag as poem as ho I opened ic. n 1t•Ino.d., M •►Ingo ' I cried, e. I start- t. ad hack amarodt. The bag fell orr ea its aid., and hell r th tra di>•e hoose stones rolled out ta��e.�� the tchle when they lay assenting gleelout.1 is the ra1ea wistry etant ttsa he A. "nee as I.gea.e.wi sty .sW. $ 1 picked them up sad pat them trek isle this ha,, the mutants 01 which 1 Oen rx- .amieed .. will ea t ...odd w thoat icpneing rn Owen to sibs view of nay n•re soh' might *4 byose se leek is at the elite wieder*, foe, 41 theme) I bd no reams is suppose the w 9werrYmen were eat ►west„ I thought it best le keep soy dissever, to myself t2 The lag, I gam, was pr.behly the He �01mQ at a jeweler'. nestle : • may. ler la • leege limy of Bums.., tree tkn.gltt I, is I prime- nese le Is lbs less imposed the Boa s• of 't o0. to A MARVELLOUS RIM. Illatge U' Ube t heel .1 sae 1.O. Illeverssmeat +rima. Now, when records are beteg made and broken and facts that approach the marvel- lous are being recorded, • bit of realism that cannot but interest everybody will not come amiss or be out of place. The subjeet of this brief .ketch, Frank his Grouard, chief et scouts, United States air army, neat present residing at St. .Joseph. When nineteen years of age be was captured rd by setting Bull's band of hostile Indians and kept • primmer with the savages for five years and bine months, during which time be was forced to enter into all the cur toms and undergo the horrible elf -tortures of the aborigines. Befog born on one of the islands in the South Pacific ocean he inherit ed the broved complexion so peculiar to people of tropical climates. suttee Hall, contrary to the opposition .t the head coup • orlon of the Sioux nation. adopted him u hie brother, gave him the Dame of Standing o Bear, and protected him against the plots of the Sioux te murder him. In 1871, Just at the breaking out of what u known to frontier history u the 'Sioux war,' /:rouard 'Bade his escape from the ladies' sod found hu way into the Red ('loud agency, then 11 situ•te,f about • male from when Fort Rob - moon, Neb., is now located. Gen. George it ('rook, the most •uoceseful c mpaiener • against the lodians, took (:rouard into the (.orermment service, sod afterward, ie speaking of him, said : ' [would sooner lose a thiel of my command than Frank 1 •rou.rd. It was daring his service with Crook. u chief of scouts, that I:roanrd made that phenomenal ride referred to at the had of this article 101 miles in four hours and ten minutes. D.inng the early part of the II('i6 cam- paign the newspaper correspondent had re- peatedly 'beaten out. or 'scarped' the gar ernment on news, and it caused • great deal of dasirttafacuon and annoyance at rainy head.,uatters. teen. ('rook determined to put an end to the slow work of his ammeters, and altar the battle of Slim Buttes pee l:round the official d.spstchee with in- structions to get them to the nearest tele- graph station ahead of any newspaper re- ports regardless of eapsoor, The eemmand wee camped 00 11'il of w 1' ted 0 ty N • d .rd h n ask n 7 see ten h ase i u in d a he a the from & as t owri N.,thong, he replied ; lust literally thing. Go home Keep a still tCUIUe your head, and • sharp eye on the ay columns of the London paper. and wait you hear from me. 1 11 take charge of th article., and give you • receipt for the but don't be surprised U you see them • advertised as missing. A few days later the teapot/tor wt trap. It took the shape of •n advert' meat which appeared la the but no hap. I had better not give the name of th paper : a -cording to Inspector Bland. It the favorite , ,.:real of the seminal cleanse eggrug the gentleman with whom G. t . i advertently e,.haaged bags to communise with e.. a ., at the anJress he would find 1 's pocketbook. Personally, 1 didn't think ear fish woul be fes mh enough to ruse to this bait, bu friend , he mein -ewe was more hopeful Luckey for us, )Ir. t'orner, sail he, she tr arlvantage of my next visit to t marries to call upon him, there's always rt of wap or twist m the mod of &bitted criminal which prevent. him ._e•tie•,int, in the hoo..ty of other folk ow, not a will Mit you ad 1 and the chi. onstable knew+ those Jewels are as good bar k ren 1.adv 1 erburyal drolisg Labe, h else she's in the habit of learn' g in lying shout. Therefore the hoe sae y after them s not likely to die away ye while, and there'll be • genuine nag •boa which ahoold persued. our uak0 riend that you've got 'em and mean to eon - art 'ern to your even nee, as ere say a the oteaai„n, but, being an amateur, don't sew how to go about turning 'em Sate more cash than the reward roman to, a.4 at,,n,nsoloently. you are •axions to ceras terms with me. `nee' 1 saw, lett 1 was not convinced. gents, were, pro, ed that the inspector w ght. 1 or • month Lady l rbury. da. ends were soughs to vais and for • month t C.ntin,ed to • .peal to his late fellow yeller, also is rail, ant at the end of •t tame hiereturnee was rewarded by the nn,e of as •rfvertise.neet, telling him Wally meant baster.•, to tent* w R at a elven address. 7 he letter 1 wrote ar tie dictation of In. specter Band wee more anttnns than mitattng, law u It prndneed a reply rich the inspector deemed satisfactory, sea followed Iry other less carefully waled, natal at last it Mood �p,y"-',at•ged to personally deliver, fee • ome.i4Mena. of 000, the stolen jewels ea ane Res ie tet. whom 1 was to meet at • peWla hones is I'lid tiagaaes. Now, 1 don't premed t be brayer Thea averse' man of peanet.l mad seeleatary e u r w ID 7 e ■ PN resk, same dst- tance from the Whit/tuned city. when the 'couriers started ont, l:rno•rd carrying tat official dispatehes and ano,her Scent the war correspondent.' specials • the to:tr act- ing as courier unknown to l.renrard, who supposed he was na his way to W'hiteweed to assist the yuarterma+ter in securing sup plies for the half banished soldier,.. On the morning after his arrival at Whitewood Grouard started early for Itesdwood, and, en riding up to the livery barn, was astos. 'shed to find the government male the other scout had been reline hitched there. Upon meow' he discovered that the Scoot wbnm he supposed to he at Whiteweod with the quartermaster had hired the best horse in the bare at Deadwood asci hit the trail ter Custer ('ity, 101 miles distant. It was then 10 .iO in the forenoon. Gemmed jump ed upon the fleetest bores he seed secure sed stetted to overhaul the newspaper Benno, At the .ad nl twenty five miles the first horse fell dead. Serener &nether, he started n( mein, and in making the re - masses' distance chapel animalism: times, kdlisg three of the borers Ife overtook the 'tar ,sent setas distance from ('taster City, reeve ltlg the liter place at 2 40 leer butte. •sd tem *tintra from the time atf eterwtag. (leneaed had te he lifted front the saddle, sad was o.ate to get oat of had ler three day. thereafter. The mares* =manes was Tart �fe. sad M swims to tyke es the .fecal dle• I HUGH DUNLOP THE CLOTHIER, bee jest renamed from the cities where he has beam selecting NEW SPRIIG O00DSI OXFORD 1'"°” FURNACES • . , Pest ALL Nus M sRMM . . Capacity from 10,000 to 80,00 Cubic led A Racking Cough ('urrd by ♦ysr's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. 1'. It. 11At.t.., 217 (.ruesser St., Lockport, N. Y., says: "Over thirty years ago, I rememba•r bearing my father describe the womb -T- hal curative effects of Ayer', ('berry Pectoral. During a reveal attack of 1.3 Grippe, which anointed the form of a catarrh, soreness of the lungs, acrom- pani.d by an aggravating rough. I weal varionerenteclir,runl pre..'nption.. While wane of these medi.•Ines partially &Ilea tate.' the coughing during the day, none of them *Stoniest me any relief from that spa.tnodie action of the Innes which would mire nue the moment I attempted to hr down at night. After tenor twelve such nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about derided to sit tip all night in my eaoy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then or - r r erred to me that 1 had a bottle of Ayer's ('herr, Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this prep amino in a little WW1. r. and was able t» he down without coughing. In a few moments, 1 fell &+1.•rp, and awoke in the morel:Mt greatly refreshed and feeling much better. I took a teahl..,unful of the Pec- toral every night for a weak, then grad- ually decreased the doses, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by t)r. J.Csysr&G.,LSwd.7lre. • \Profnpt to set, sure to cure patches at ono', •d bat sat tbs man who had tried to oetrtde bim by three days. Few men could have made that ride under the most favorable circumstances, for it re• solved itself into • feat of physical endur- ance: but the record of that ride is preserv- ed le the governmeot archives and is welly proven. The trip e,,.t the Government something over Y500, but the news o1 the battle of Slim Butes was known all over the United Staves before the newrwp.r 'specials' made their appearance, and the war depart ment officials mere perfectly sat• iaded. (:rowed has had • remarkable career of peril and adventure, hut with the charec• tensuc shyness of the genuine Western hero. hsa avoided newspaper notoriety. It is understood that Joe De Berta, • news- paper rasa of St. Joseph, Mo., has ■occeed- eA in getting • full account of Grouard's life and adventures and will soon publish it in book forth—Western Stn -k Breeder. Sew N true, fly.perta- l)yspepsia tripes from wrong action 01 the stomach, liver and bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia and all d'.ssres arising from it, 99 times in 100 2w new se Let 54th. .\n exchange giyes the following sensible .d- eice, which our readers might try. It is certainly • quick way to become rish : Mon- ey makes money. No one use poor that be (menet rake up • penny te evert on. Now upon the the first day of the month deposit • sent in a hank, and on each of the suc- oeeding 30 days of the month double your deposit. Follow this program, faithfully, and at the end of the month you will be surpn.ed to find that your ac0000t will show the sum 0t 85,368,704 12 to your'credit. With that li'tle sum all you have to do u to retire and let, the other fellows hustle. —CITY— COAL AND WOOD Y1a22D. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. Coal weighed nn either market or my Sealer. Get my 1'r:cos before going elsewhere. Tt1 550 (*&a. Telephone Cerise/'.'. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. Isttly, IIINOUSO Amnion "gewel ilk PATENTS Y .,s. ear Iaf /rev r0merea wine to 111' abs• CO.. 0 Naos w.►y, Nan A Toga. �()44o. patina or s ttw ( 5Yw1 ant sq er i. tanet04 W.,. w .I.• .,y • reins Oval free ea main'. m tae esq.ritutific American -.r •reset ,rree5Ntn. Men we...ttee renew 1. the enet. '1114 05 1�. N1 neer r'O& r.un '.sold M t..�I knot n. wa.Por'.r(aY! . yaw 11.10 et semta• Adele.. It • PICeILeaes. al rr.. ,s*.. Ne. yore_ PATENTS 1 CAVEATS. IOW /AIMS Aid CO►TAIHMTS °fee opens• to N D heenmes IAIRATR PRAM. t Oar .Rewe V apposite the C. S. Pelmet or Asa, and et ss. Meats Patents In less time ha• thea. '*stele frost WAalfllvoTON. awed MODEL OR DRAWING. we ad gvlse as teNbni yR free of 1♦ OA r, IN PA?RNTAAIJ xW toter Wire, to Um PeM.Matsr the spa tU� tosaig brow Dl',. ata t• amorists et OW awl refereaesa te Neuall .iterate le fete ewe sloe et O...t, write** 1 • •U W 4 oe.. oe..de. Palest O tit. Wwehharte. 0 0 7 He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Trices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. OODERIOH Stam Boiler Works. I A. S. CHRYSTAL Searreacrto ('krps(a4 d• Mack,' Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright .k Tubular Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealer" in l'prtsht sad Hortrontal Slide Valve Kagieee. Autosaiic lent Off Reagin.. • packety, AJ uses ea pi a and pipe -littlest aonetantly on head. Kntmares furnished on Mort notice. Repairing promptly attended to. Im1S-Iy P. 0. Box ,T.. Ooderich, Ont. Works—Opposite 0. T. K. Statics. Oodericn PLANING MILL. ESTISLISNEO IISS. Buchallalls & Bh�aas WAN17aC'f Odtlag _ _ SAW DOOR ani BLIND Dealers I• all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of •very drenptloh School Furniture a Specialty. r�- .Mt ' 0 r r.'i'•T!71.4T'rN. ' :T:1..; L1.7,f:Ecs, Y!ri F'.f'•S I A. ) tit:ADAC E, pf.4.;uLATE. Vc:ELI',0' n.- ri t:.a:yttp cns'r:9 Is+URI. GQ49 01047f nos. MOLEOr)'S • SYSTE RE!OVATOB AND 011101 T1tpTIID aa1110Dlas, Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye pep• . deeplesenees, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralga, loss of memory, bronchitis, onsumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, .St. Vitus' dace, female irreg• tiler:ties and reneral debthty. LLBORATORT, AODERICI, ONTARIO J. M. MrI.E()1), Proprietor and Slsutacturrer. YcLwD'. L+rrottlt ltatrovama ori be bed from dl d re in town. as well se trots all the dr we between Owes Sound and Sealortb, Brussels. Durham wad Toronto. IOU Iv. Patronise True Competition. Tia' CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 00.. Ternsearw has been established to give the public. • gestdass ..rvtos with fafr and per taaaout eempetlt lou. It is mewed on bookies principles and Is the lament of Its patrons. It downs, the ouppert of every Demos *he beU.vesln stepson per oath dr.pates nee tae r Ila.., lag with all Imes acrd sabI.. 1. g■IIMtyMnalew Canada mad Berepe. Direst la Mi weikarllLh eingi waw to all wetscalomel.e ar (Mem leafs West PnMCe1 � 11117 a L BA Maaerner. Cliderteh DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU W rear -sates Dadra K pt1 rare ..y cw rt 's OLsa est ile 1 einbagq fro,bDropsy. Remr* heestn.lse IM.se. Feer* l ere es amp* re ones, me. Pen hen ybureardlesens illese DR a. A. MOTH • OQ. Tare MOO FURNACE 'WAVY GRATE, especially adapted for wood bussing 'sae y Steel Plate Piro aha Deese said Radlstar, which heat quicker egad are more durable R ADIA T Ott of Modern Cue.tsuc. Woo sad t. real Heatiag 1'pwr LARGE ASH PIT , COAL FURNACE Largs CendinsU.e Cbaretber Lent rove Travel,SlainairgrasSistor Large Feed Dfi IlisatIonal Ms Pot amities ear Dwes g own. DEEP ASH Full Guaranteed Capacity. ; �',,, ;�; a./TtmmealaL For Sale by HARPER LEE, Crabb's Block, Goderich Protect Your Chest_ We have • $pleaded Lbw of Solid elianaete and Felt chest Protectors trde .pec ..l17 II* a. .ed mite% anterior t.. the .rt,el••s usually acid. 1'rMtw vet Monest.. It'ryenr -uontd ur0ned• the (Test- which is the Citadel of Life --with use of th.... 1're•vvutio.. is better than (.'u,e. Protect YrotZr By o.,att oar HIKh-Gres tr It.... 4 4'iw t -r. 1'rirq se why isle I Warne F'1avorinj , Essenc's is great cartery. Un .'•II re y n., this brag Christmas Perfumes and C3ifi Goods. 1" We a .c' • lt.reu•J i! Assortment of th- lata., no4 'test arra slag daily. They are eery A trach.. this )ear. You will be delighted with thew, W. C. GOODS, • - Ohomist. YOLJWANT THE BESTI Buy the " Gurney " line cf Stoves and Ranges. "Oxford ival, " Bright Idea,' • "Grad l t(. " Radiant S,,uv.nir " Cout test of Oxford,' and others, froth $10 up to $40. WE NAVE a number of second-hand Coal and Wood Stoves fcoin U3 to SIN. P.S.—There are ten " Gurney " Stoves sold in Goderich to one of any other make. For vale only by HARPER & LEE The leading Stove Dealers, Plumbers, Tinsmiths and Heating Engineers of Goderich. "Stove Fitting and Repairingpromptly attended to. , l'(►AL OIL --4 Imperial Gal'. for 40c.—Spot Ca ll. 3=)C Yee ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINEP R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a goo,' article at a low pace. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to ',fico me a call. It. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. • No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! CLEANED tic A !DR Everybody Likes them. Your Christmas ( trder solicited CHAS. A. NAIRN, UNDERTAKER& VONNimmi J.. 33110 Px-LErsr est so JL%r Have added to their present huffiness one of J . Naia's Lagoa StY10 ot ehr also •he finest line of funeral furnishings in ths ecosithY. ▪ asow peejared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable This department will he strktly attended to by his mom William', who. Wall la the amploy of the late D. Gordon for the past ten years. has a dwells lisawledge of the Itilonr, end I y prompt attsnliss hopes to share part of the public pitrostege. Renisenher the plaos--Westot.. on your way to the posh "The Sigma" 'is only 11112,joit, Get ita SAYS • COPY MET TO.YOUR FOE • TEAL sad roe ti 4101 able aOle rine Ai Oast EMI Se Who as reon Th Itr Mori Wool 0.14 HAI HA I Po Stab eVrO in ill Th treat Cain tight atter Clatin writ mast man POINO infre disci the Oleo Ore I Ire el of tl Irlt both Yoe Res inaa TT- ann so ti with Wadi enfig Sew kite Brom RAI 1141 RAI RAJ boa