HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-13, Page 4TIE SIGNAL : GODEIICH, ANT., THUISDAT DEC. 13. 1894.
Sht $ignal,
se rwmmme
me p. mwtaaeep�tt.
Oise d Pealeasea-a ad M itessbolin+st.
Sedsreea- Omani&
Pena .f •sBseelPeuaes missiele, is e
wwear.,...,.. ,�
as year.
‘.•1 M
d lar scam/, eb. elks Mr P••rwill
Leos M Titer Sahel.
Your label is a .tand.at reostpt of the dal.
whisk yes ars p►id up. See tW It le not
to tall into arrear.
keg • chants of address t111 des red, both
MO MA and Me sew address sb.eld hegira.
Adverll.t.s Haase
Ldiie IV sgotuerinaea.nuaalon.davnedr1ceeceoImeaperts. t.
snob subsequent lamertw•. Menurdcby
Mn n -.s, goat..
Hass cels d ail lines and salt, el per
Adverse et.nt. of Loot. Poland. Strayed,
tees \'anent. WI%mitos. wanted and
Chances Wanted, not exceeding 1
nonpareil, el per month.
on Male and Parses os Sale. sot to
B."ed 1 lines. 11 for gnu month. Ser. per nab
aesteest wont h. Larger ad rte. In proportion.
Any apectal notice. the oblect of which is to
e.aa%ole the pecuniary /Knee% of any toth-
v'Naal or nomtany. to 1de considered an ad-
~timewent and charred Orr nrdinrly.
Last notuws in nonpareil type one cent per
wird, se notices las. than !tie.
Lewd notices. an ordinary roads ng t) pe Iwo
psHa per word. N u not ice for leas thaw 5M.
11.Msm for churches and other reltsiou. and
Ihseeedest institutions half rate.
faism.relee coalesce advevelsemeae..
A limited number of displayed adrertt.e
Mists will be inserted at the Wellowtag rates .
elle Inch, one insertion. ep ea
lour in...rt...n. ........ 1 SAI
•• three m• ret ha o up
" six months.3 00
•' one year .�..•. _, S ale
No advertisement lees Chas two lichee an
length will be esti-ulster! .n above ha.i.. 5
of rest- die. ouni allowed far cash payments.
en three moot ho' runt rant; 10 per oent. on ret
1111011110•11W.tsnt. and IS per rent. on • year's. These
i lladstlees will be strictly enton•.d.
*bong **TIM a renal" leelavely.
euhacrlbrr who /nil to reeetve Tog s'o' •t.
regularly. either by caerier or by nt•11. will
oonfer • favor by aequ.tntins es of the tett at
e s early • deletes poe.ites.
Rejected manu.crtt,t. rennet be returned.
Oorre.pondeuce must balwritten on oue sale
of Wp••r only.
Publisher's hosier.
J. C. 1.4) Tou.el, of I.oderich, h.• been ay
pointed Local Travelling Anent for the town-
e bIp. of (ioderich. Colt -are. A•hfleld and Ka.
Local piss; masters over the district are 101110
empowered to reoeire subscriptions IS Tea
thew • t_
All oommuntcatbus must be addressed to
Teloyhese Can M. �OMa.t*. Ont.
POldtioal: Thomas Dixon c'ra'g hae
has geminated by the Ionservatcvat of Fiat
1 turban.
A Berlin special to the Herald says: Herr
Yerlepscb, the Minister of Commons. will
resign. because of the checks to has Bill u
the Reichstag. The political actuates* is
fol of uncertainty.
Admiral Walker's report to the I �.
Government on Hewett is of the t.ual [tam
boyo[ kind. He alleges English intrigue,
favors exclusion of Japanese from the fres-
chiss.od annexation to the states.
A Washington despatch 'Merin that there
P sr dthncte boundary line between the
States and Canada, between Kelly's Island
and Point Tela and th.t the Petrel's sei,-
veu of nets will likely lead to complies.
Mr Lemieux, Liberal, was elected in
Besaventure. Vu.. by • majority of •I -
meet 900.
At the lineal meeting of the West York
Caseer.•tives Monday Hon. N. ('lark•
Wall•w was reoominsted. Resolutions of
ooef8desc• in the Icominion and 1'roviaoial
Conservative leaders were passed
A general convention of the Liberal else
tore of the riding of 'Abell* will be held at
Papiaoueill. on Tuesday. December lfl, to
.sleet • candidate for the uomtsg Federal
*toot loss.
The teuriey ('osservtiw• party arrived
ea Wiarten Monday evening and were wel-
comed by the citizens. After & banquet •
proo.esioe was formed, heeded by the Win
tea Braes Hand, and proceeded to Rob's -
see • Hall, where • lugs &edc.na awaited
them. Hon. John Haggart was the pri.cip.l
It is stated that Mr. Sanas, M.PP.,
*looted for west Algoma, whoa' seat is new
being protested by Mr. ('pose, will resign
the meat *wise to hie removal from the eon-
The Labors] sampaiga in (..pe Breton
County, N S , was opened by • large and
enthusiastic meet's( at Sydney, addressed
by Pelamir Fielding sed Mr. Ilene .
Addressing • large public seising at
(:eorgMowe Moeda/ evening I/.lton Me
arty said the Government would un-
deeb silly go to the country adore .00tkr
e ossiss.
The Repoblteaa leaders have decided to
Dentes% the doctios of James H. Redd, the
Dem.,er.tie Governor select to (•lifsrau,
Canadian : Geo. Hope has bees ap-
pointed sheriff of Hostage pro tem.
The religious authorities of Quetta as
damned the Prank Opens from the pulpit
es Sunday.
William 1)oe, u. T R switchman .t
Port itrie Station, fell between the oars sad
woe isswtly killed.
Jai Steeliness, General Masers of the
4/weber Bank, did Monday o.rning at his
reek.., in Quebec.
Alfred 1. Dean, of °011ie, wai sent•seed
se two months is the oosssnea goal at Ber-
ra lee makt•g 'medalist use of the mals.
A wears wee arrested ler __ing pedis
sad • heir is • se.epeper.
Me. Marks B --Ina, who wee ter 46
mos Deposer Clerk et the C,'iewis ('cert .e
Man sval, V dead.
At • .,g d the eherehel me .t the
Ilfs•t.ea1 Baprties esMe.y dllresssra
own ennead, sad Ras. V Ibrvlli. wee
Orme preetiest.
0.R. Meioses% Prlardmt of the Wes- imh'w
r.. waw'. (]w, hed.emd r Illsp'e.
Marreposer UM the IPMa bad tally Messer
d the armor sed they bed derided to
kayo llenttdrd shortly, as Westford wee
see mutable toe thele shipmesta
Mrs. Measly, widow des segiseer W110
explosionwas tolled throuab the explosion of • big
Mesal.. t.* in the Reeky Mo0Ws., Is
mama anima almost the C.1'. R. to resew
se 125,000.Frame Vs Vipond, the eight-year-old s.met
IL % wood. of Helltoe, died w i•turdey
trothe elate of look law, unused by •
shyer of wood running under kw thumb
os .e
A ould cof sm•llpoa has b. dui
Tomato,severed In Tomato, the victim being
James Fox A11 the necessary polonaises
Wee en taken.
The Freight Haw Iremmiesisa sat et
Vinton on Saturday nog es anihney,ptietmr•
day. Portage I• Prei isaed Wttg. lair
he the ort plasm -
oden, • spiritualist at Lades, has
Men sent for trial for •neulusia Sim F•x.
who trued to investigate the mysteries of •
1110110011110111110110011. one.
Mayor %V.Imsley, of Belleville, u up for
General: Secretary Carlisle, of the
t . S l'r•ry, will prepare • Yanking nod
currency Bill.
St Johns, Nfld.. fears a commercialcommercialcrisis owing to the failure of • leak and
some Isom 'Irma
The Prince of Wales has telerr.phed to
the wwow of ('cunt Ferdtn•nd Ile I.eesupe•
message of sympathy and condolence.
The Commercial Bank, of St..lohn, Nfld.,
hes suspendeu payment. The liabilities are
unkno'n. A run os the I Sion hank le
sow 10 progress.
Earthquakes. with heavy loss of life. arereported to Bra.d, &long the.Iapur•
es Rivr.
Thr water rose enormously. The shooks
were of brief duration, but cmtanued three
Police Commissioner .dohs f'. Sheehan
wrreudered himself .t the New York die•
tract attorney's ()nice Tue.dey. He as
wasted for misdemeanor in net producing
privet* task books at the demand of the
Lexow t'ommittee.
cable the death is anounced of
Hon. Sir lots, Tuorrsos. Premier of
Canada, which occurred suddenly in
London. England. Wednesday morn
inside *1 tires years the Conservefive leader'. have practically lost three
Premiers by Meath, Sir JOHN Mar
DONALD sad Sir J. J. (`. Amen, -hav-
ing preceded Sir JOHN Tltorestox
which is a mortality record without
precedent in Canada or in any other
count rv. .
The demise of Sir Jolts THure'Mos
will upset all plans for the carrying
out of the campaign which had just
started prep ratory to the anticipate.'
elections in March, as n.. matter who
will succeed to the Premiership a
radical change in the jm rograwill be
sbsol,itely nemsary.
Sir Jona THo*pad.w had gained for
himself a high reputation se adawy(sr,
but he had not been sufficiently long
at the heal of the Government to
prove that he poase.sed the essential
qualitirittons for sueceadul leadership.
Thrice[, the eller. may new be
looked upon ea a political l..ssihility
for the leadership.
AREMARKABLE state of things
is presented in Toronto just now. A
few weeks ago County Judge MAC
Dut'dt•LL was called on to investigate
certain specific charges against alder
men, ax provided by • provincial
statute. The mope of the enquiry
war then enlarged until it now lam
braces the whole field of recent muni
cipal legislation without any specific
charges being before the judge, who
is really acting the part of an inqui
sitio.er mei delving into private as
well as public affairs sit he goes along.
It may he all right, even if not in ac
cxordartce with the letter of the law,
but it is certainly a curious mode of
doing business sm
from the stdpoint of
British jurisprudence, which dose not
recogmve enquiries at large but con -
Ines a prosecution, for such in truth
tine is, to specific •cta.
in saying this, we have no wish to
excuse she superlative rasa:■ who
have been caught in the drag-notThere were really but two tenders be
fore tie council. ( ►nit •irked the city
to furnish the money for buying out
the old lona ear company, the city i■
return to get a share of %he net [earn-
ings 1f the bankers of thin tender
had choses there need never have been
any net earnings left ungobblei by
theralwes. Anyhow, the demand
that Me city should supply the funds
and anew them to farm thmad ad with
out much, if any, risk was proposter-
oaa The ether tender, the on ac-
eepted, gave the city eight per cert.
of the groearnings and POOper
toile for pavements, paid the city the
amount of the arbitration value of
what it owed the former tympany,
assumed aa outstanding indss
01 $600,000, and sovenanwad to .'stab•
ieh an electric system throughout in-
side of three years. besides making
No unbiased person Hoe id have had
much besitatisn in choosing between
tie two . it is allowed ..n all hinds
that the pigment bargain is oae of the
best-,btained by any city on the son
tiuent. Nevertheless, half • score or
more of the aldenuea " struck ''Messrs
MAI •tInLin and Kistfor money
it is obvious tl at with • superior offer
in their hands those gettarsen could
not have felt it uecessery, even if they
had beau dispoacal to be corrupt, to
buy the council or arty member of it
•.lth their offer 1oetn an inferior ..nit
it might be said with much plausibi
lity that they tempted the aldermen
and that the altlermeh suosumbrd.
That hypothesis is vitiate.' by toe
fat [bat their tender was exactly the
one which did not require the support
of boodle. The honest men in the
council supported it pretty unanimous
ly. one honest nun who did not had
applied unsuccessfully for & lot of the
stock, end pn.lably &poorest it through
pique. It is tolerably safe to conclude,
therefore, that Messrs Mere Met I and
KIrt.1 were not the tempters but the
tempted not bribers but the victims
of blackmail and that the whole
weight of public condeninetion ought
to fall upon the heads of the aldermen
who •' held theup.- Of Bourse, no
tins can justify or define the aet ofi.
KItr and C'Lar•N in distributing
money, but the demand for it evident-
ly came from the city's r p. eeentati yeas.
Mr. M•CKENzIE is not implicated at
all, nor is Mr. Geiser..:
The cry of municipal reform is now
shouted at every strut corner. The
people feel hnmilated, as well they may.
But it is not easy to see how they are
going to get a better set of aldermen
so long as the ( )range lodges. `ons of
England ledge& and all the other
l,sdge. virtually .lo the electing. The
question is not •• Is this a tit wan i"
but is this a brother in good stand-
ing '" Any s.•hemiag ruffian who
•• works the lodges adroitly can lie
returnee', .ape-ially if he iia* been
clever enough to put hinisilfr under
the wing of a prominent church. It
is a shocking condition of affairs for a
city which owes more per beat( of
population than any in Aaterica, and
is in the throes of a real-estate eol-
%t It. MANTRA in bis deliverance at a
Tory wand meeting at Toronto last
week startled his party by an aban-
donment of every plank of the Tote/
platform,platfor, and a declaration that bay-
ing tried the •• No Popery " and
" -..cline-at[sondem and
aTeen' smitten hip and thigh at
that election, he felt it. to he his duty
to tell the country that he was pre-
pared to give it whatever cry it want,
el, and not to be too touch sont••rned
with whether a policy was right or
wrong, but rather to he guided by the
consideration of it. popularity. Had
this poor excuse for a change of front
emanated from a big man of lofty
character, like hie praletea:or in the
leadership, it would have startled the
country, and men would have asked
Ane smother if principle was henceforth
to be abandonedth
because for e mom
est it was not finding favor in the
eyes of the multitude . but as Mr.
M is, what ito roust ever remain,
• very common -place man, hie acro-
batic performance baa only provoked
the jeers sad. laughter of the Prov-
We can und•rstaad a sudden change
of heart and respect tbe repentant
sinner, but if he gets up in the meet
ing place and 'aye that his determine
tion to change his life is due solely to
the commercial consideration that vice
does not pay we would scarcely look on
such an one as •' Another Noel Saved. --
Mr. MARTss was elected leader that
User* might be organised • fierce cam-
paign against the Separate School
Dragon and the Tavern Serpent, end
he was reported to have snorted and
famed shout the unsteadiness of the
past party tactics of Mr. Mseselen
and the mots moderate Tones . there-
fore, great things were looked for from
the " new man." He went to London
where he bid high for the P. P. A''.
anti pmbibitionista, but failed wretch
sadly as a platform speaker, which,
coupled with his rather faulty kgic
and somewhat raw manners, mused
the old linen to sok themselves if this
was the man they were bound to fol-
low ; and many deserted their old
party for the moment rather than enMi
°rage the reiestims.h..h a Man es
k.deratrif. and the emttinnarns
ee.e Plikk
The recantation d M•.ra.'. " No
Popery." end " Prohibition " rrsrod& was
delivered in worsen[* with his dear
hived, L P. tram, ditty of the
hated beepers' , . organ, preempt m
spoeesr ler the T awl the
Aube was a meet affecting one, for who
could fail to be moved or refuse to
abed tears of joy over the repentance
of the sinner who upeiey declared be
was no longer wing to keep up the
tight against either the Separate
School or the Bar Items. 11 Mr.
Manrseb change of policy was gov
*toed try a sincere conviction none
would respect his present attitude
more than the people of this province,
for it is better to be just than sonata
tent, but when his new mana•uvres
are undertaken solely, as he unbluah
ingly pats it, because the old ones
found no favor in the eye. of the mul
titude, then we have for such a man
feelings wherein pity and contempt
are fairly well balaaeed.
The Tory leader is something after
the mai,ner of the Western candidate
for Congressional honors who. after
dealing with every public question,
declared that such and such were his
principle's but if the electors did not
approve of them be was quite willing
to change them. Itut the Opposition
is not without hope •vea with MANTRA,
for there yet remains the prices of
jams and jellies to bring under the
notice of as outraged public, while
the great and moving question of the
supply of eggs and milk to the pro
vincial institutions is ever ready to
fire tae blood of the patriots and
move the Tory hosts to deeds of dar
ing. i.et us hope that Matisse will
not get hypnotized on teem items anti
leave his party of shreds and pate'.c
without anything to talk about. From
�iseKuern to M•ersa great is the fad►.
A 1'TER years of work on the part of
n number of the members of the.•ounty
council and the press of the countv,it
has been decided to estaleliah a louse
of Refuge in Huron. At the meeting
of the council held last week it was
concluded to at once prosecute •he
work. and the eontrac•t was let for the
erection of the building, ateconve.ient
point in the county near l'lieton, the
work to be completed during [SW/.
The ...minty council as a body is to
be congratulated upon the action
which has been taken, and the iadi•
vidual ui.ti.hers who worked for the
success of the scheme also .deserve the
thanks of the electors for the pluck
and perseverance they exhibited in
what has been an up -hill fight. Prom
meat amongst those members have
debt Reeve I'Bot'tordxeT, of Gaderich.
and Deputy Reeve Hour, who, on
every •ocassion, worked for the *stab
liehment of an institution 'where rest
and aid could be furnished the age',
weak and infirm whom poverty trade
public wands of.
Now that the erection of the edifice
has been decided upon, Ti. 81 .NAL
would like to see the Hems ot•ened
next Fall, and at the opening we
know of no better preaiding'othcer for
the occasion than Reeve Wittier
PeornrooT, of Goderich, who has
preyed to be so efficient a chairman of
the House of Refuge committee. Mr.
Peot'npotyr is a member of th•Gounty
Council of many years standing, and
as he is ercvoatl to nems at the board
is debating power and administrative
ability it would bre a graceful tribute
to his worth if the council of 1895
would place him in the Warden's
chair. A better man for the position
could not be choses, and worth and
ability ought to he the beais upon
which the Warden for 11195 should be
select,'. _
WHAT we thought a rather innocent
item in our local news last week, to
the effect that there are sine ex pupil.
of Cederich High *Imo' practising
medicine in Detroit, evidently aroused
the ire of The Star. We did not
publish it as a drive at anything or
anybody, clear Star, but as a matter
of local interest. Of courts, anyone
might ick himself . If is one profes-
rofesssion in • aingle city of the halon
there are nine fernier student• c,1 one
Canadian High School, how many
Canadians must there be domiciled in
the whole of the United States
Moreover, sines The Star drags the
matter Tato its political columns, we
might ask if gradnet•s of our High
Schools would not sake • better class
of population than the assisted immi-
gnotc whom the Government has been
at such pail's to bring into this
ALTHOUGH our friends the Lib. -
Coes. went wild with enthusiasm, if
we aro to believe the report., over the
alleged mominetios .t Hoa. J. C. Per.
r=apt►. • week or eo ago, Tun •tea•L
is in • position to Mete that the Hoa
Minister for War holds • oaring ea
the •oepfas.s, mad it is pita pow
giblet we have seam alb* lest, elide Wee
Led is this eta.- . .AA • metier d 0
M. ~ t oh u thea ` Sensible Suggestions.
Y. C. Cdraws lwitig n . c•odl'
dI • •
date, to abandon this suastiteeucy
and run a contest further South in the
peninsula. There will not b. a three
sornere d tight in West Hurn anti the
man who is ambitious for • cosiest HERE'S WHAT I
will have to face M. (' l'Araao1.
IT is not genet's'ly known that an
person knowingly renting • house f
immoral purpose, is liable to cosvi
ties and imprisonment therefor.
case in point was recently tried i
Montreal 1. NoKt, a hatter,
found guilty of knowingly renting
hour •.n .lartjuee Cartier .t. to
woman namedI3IGLI'. alto MITc'al
mom, for immoral purpose.. The accu
ed was s*ntencwi to six months in jail
without the option of a tine. There
is, says The Witnee., a mut
r to
refea the law on this point, which
has so long been a dead letter.
BROTHER filaments the erstwhile
temperance leader, has been taken in-
to camp by Brother Kane, the past
•ad present liquor advocate and or
galuier iu chid of the licensed victual
lets. Brother MART.'' has horn chain
ed to Brother Kerns chariot wheel,
and has to trot to the music that The
Advocate plays. Verily, Marren has
chosen s strange situation after all his
years of temperance preaching, end
has definitely illustrated that croaked
ways of politics are devious, indeed.
It's *nother ease of s good man gone
AT the pavilion meeting betstin Ter--
or=onto Friday evening last, Ateliers
Juice, the well known labor Reformer,
was cheered to the echo when he stated
thit.true citizenship eouan:te' in being
loyal to the city or town in which we
dwell, and in doing what was right re
cardless of majorities or lodge in
fluence. Said he, true patriotism con
sista in showing to our children the
principles of citizenship end civic hon
esti, znd not in training them at
school to sing •'(cod Save the (,jtteti,
and carry wooden gun..
It is beginning to look ae it the
Comptrollers couldn't eotiiptrol their
resnt public utterances.
The London election has beyond
question played the deuce with the
Liberal -Conservative platform in Pro-
v inch"'
rovincial politics.
-Leader M•aril's atti'udeen the
temperance reams just now is that
of the little joker. Now you see him,
and now you don't ase bit.
It looks as if Maimed after , iv-.
Inc the temperance folk the cold
shoulder, is now going to coati..' him-
self to "chops and tomato sauce' as a
future policy.
Whisky advocate K ales was
sponsor for the Conservative local
leader when that eminent would -he
statesman gained for himself the ap
peltation of (i. Fut. rise. MAuetit.
The patent aggregation .oneisting
of itAcaseaT, Perrattsos, Fsanu'soN
sad MoNTAct'■do .ot appear re draw
at their public entertainments. They
are better at "draw after the meet-
ings are over.
The town of Goderich has not
last anything in moral stasdling .ince
the recent "cleaning up" by the police
magistrate. Under the old regime
bad vote " would have continued
to pollute the town's morals.
BILLER MACLEAN, of the Toronto
World, has been spanked and called
down by the party bosses for publish-
ing State secrets . and has taken his
spanking and calling rdew■ with. s.
good grace at so much a line, as it
Hoa. .1. C. Perrnasom told the
people of Niagara the other day that
there were no hard times in Canada.
P•rrt/tsox receives $8,000 a year,
without doing one hour's work a day.
He's all right, and doeam't see any
hard times.
The four big guns Hon. J. C.
Parrs.sos, Hon. Jane H•o iii r, Ds.
MONT•ODU, the rotund hero of Heidi -
mead, and Senator P*rtruene, " west
off" es Wingham, Tuesday evening.
The other big gen, upon which the
people paid the freight, wasn't loaded.
The petition against. MrLsee in
Routh Huron hu been withdrawn.
Every Liberal is now out of the woods,
and the aid elms likely to go to trial
are for Oeseervativen: Herrn, of
Kingston, Keyes, of West Algoma,
WILLOuGRHT, of East North.mber
load, and Read, of Durham. Two
Pato.., Rabe, of Haldiasaad, and
Toe's*, of West Wellington, aro
still is the gall of bitterness, how-
�- itheb hoping
oat that geed
one wrung.
.nese PLIP-t►up Mama.
Some thin that will be appreciated, at prices in keeping
with the prevailing spirit of economy •
Always on the Christmas List ; they're never out of plate.
Our prices range from 21c to 51.50. We never had such a varied as-
sortment, never such value. Just think of :3 pure silk Handkerchief'',
with embroidered edge, for 1.5c .. heavy, Iarge size, pure silk Hand-
kerchief, in white, cream or cardinal, for. 3Oe•. These give an ilea of
values. You tnu•tt see the St.aek to appreciate the assortment.
In Ladies Ties we have s big range of prices. Among th.
prett'est are a pure silk Japanese, hent -stitched, hand -embroidered, for
25c. , a pure silk Japanese, with fringe ends, for 25e.. a beautifully
embroidered Chiffon at 35e. In Men's Ties we have a large variety
All silk 4 -in -hands for IOc. Silk Knots, 2 for 25c. , usual 50c. qualities
for 25e. Some new and pretty patterns, especially for Christmas tru•le
You can't get anything that will be more appreciated, or
will give better return for the money than a pair of good Kid (Hove..
In this line the hest is nearly- always the cheapest. Perrin's are the
best ---no question about it. They afford the retailer the smallest mar-
gin of any Kid Glove un the market ; but they give the purchaser
satisfaction - they're warranted) to. We'll replace any pair that doe.n t.
Coul.ln t ask more than tl:i.. could you e " Bourboi. is a 4 -button
Gast -INE I'AINe'H Kw, at 31 Bretagneis a 7 -stud, lace hook, id
31.25. In both these lines we have all new tans, browns and black.
The "Combination" is a black or tan Glove, with colored fain,
stitching and large buttons to [match making very pretty effects.
We have alao new colors in cheaper (:loves
Regular 75c. gloves for 59e.
31.00 '~ " 75e.
In Men's I:loves we have the biggest range and the best values.
We buy these goods from the makers, and are therefore able to g;iv,
v.iu the right goods at the inside price.
A' Fur Cap, a Mutt and Storni Collar, a Fur Cape or Coat
any of these would be very acceptable. If you want the rock -bottom
price, eutne tit► us. We guarantee every piece of F'ur to be as repre-
s.•nted. Our stock is all of this season's manufacture Pretty ,Mutts
and Boar for Children, in White an.; French t :r••\•.
( lther lin. appropriat..• and useful, which w.- have not the
.pace to more than mention, and which can be bought with a.h'arttat .-
from -usr-Table Napkin.. Shawls, I'nabrellas. )hes. Materials, Slip-
pers Overe•oets, Suspenders, Cashmere Mufflers. Mantles, and ever%
thing usually found) in a •first -chins outfitting store.
Everything Goes
foie.' Illi. date, DEC. 13th, to JAN. 1st, 1 `495.
It is hard A our competitors. but we cant help it.
Only three more weeks, but they will be record breakers.
Profits are entirely out of the question.
Xmas Booklets, i0e.. sale price, Ilk.
Xmas Booklets, 20c., 25c., and 35e., sale price, i0e.
Xmas Cards almost given away.
An elegant line of Presentation Calendars for 1895.
The wonderful Moon Mirrors that everybody makes a leader of
kr 25c., our price 20e.
All lines of Picture Frames at same reductions.
Children's Toy Books, 50c. and 60c., dale price 25e. and 35c.
Children's Toy Books, 20c., Male price We.
Children's Dolls and Games at great redactions.
Boys' Own Annual
(lids' "
Sunday at Home
Leisure Hour
1894, 31.65.
Crepe Tissue Paper, all shades, 15e_ per Roll
Fancy ((love and Handkerchief boxes, Toilet and Perfume Bottles,
Jewel Boxes, Manicure Setts, Shaving Setts, Celluloid Photo Albums,
Whisk Holders, latest Novelties in White Metal Goods, Match Boxes,
Pin Cushions, etc., and many other Novelties suitable for CHRISTMAS
Our X-mas stock of Bibles
to hand. They will be
sold at Sale Prices.
No Goode chargel at Hale Prices.
Books lars and 1ltatientirs.
a'ess'""= weco