The Signal, 1894-12-13, Page 3lay le me mom romp res d • may is seta. I with the hill o letter My All tiereial weve r large s suit lita.as r, col lunar, , ruled fired. a Was swami ,tot Ln ie Wim • that II ever it to, eaf, Anatr. 1• loffers come od are ,ftPr • They Ind- o get nil to I for "It on rut a ,and Sc. to coin it el v. num l ioye. noun at to take d by Tel Offing telae to it in best est. ings the (ant ffer out, pen e of :fret or- nty telt' his the ii in - job ma It Ri-6 s. • • M • DeaWErr. M. NICHOLSON, L, D.111. -DENTAL eppeelee Pod (IAee •S standard ad maned neat ea brad ter pawns. amnia 1 Neil, L RIOHAR11$Oh, L D. 8, ds cwt. Ons and vies'asater air attesttaa q '0 ei b Wpr.. .. of .ilk. ,k. YtYi.l h Ugly. t'p e4,ra Heels Weak. Arenas a. W 11.4 111111 -Ir Medleal. - h.'. HUNTER. PHYSII'IAN. KI K Mc. Male M. -I.* . Minn. Mow Mot male from ,1er,tiak It xchuge 43ly LanaL. 'AMPION a JOHNSTON, BARRIfT- 1, Vee, OoUelteK Palade.. ie.. iioterieb. daces -(Nor Jordan'', Drug tuure. !G l'AJl r1UN. Q. C.. M. U. JUUy16ru7 . Ira te I OFTUB E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, ONte►tor, tlenvenmeer, Be.. etc. Mono re*at lowest ruts. Hortoi's Block. Up alYefM Hotel. Uodenck. (Mt. 1161-11 - _ wlll, BARRISTER, PROD. j0.r.. Celine of Ontario 011ibore toter. t3U aHATS, BtKItISTElt, SOLICIT Ufaoe, morSquare and West j1 der'tc0wherein, over take. Poe- vQelbe 11/muaaddsooM teed •t lowest nim of inter- est. Ilse LIARROW-4k PROUDFO()T, BAR- lT enters- Attorneys. Sollnitors Re., Bods risk. .1. T. Yarrow. t'.. W. Proudfoot. CIAMER3IL. HOLT A Ht ILME.S, ll �i HaerlMera a.Uoato s in amassers te. Ood M. C. Camera..Q.C. ; P. Mott Duane alta... JA. WARD. CONVEYANCER, , kb. 5.d w..raeleer ter minas sad ra seising revet.les.ene of hail, •eldevits es if lrm•tlowa. dgs1t•an or solemn debars - tion is oe oono.rsmmgg any action, suit or p10- .1.44.0 to tie !loch Court of Justice. 1k. Conrtof Appeal fur Uotartu, or ,s 50) 1y,w1,1 et D.vuws Court. Alt tremor. totes o•r.7Wu1y.y sa4 promptly .asouted. Residence and address-mmaes.nen out lalla -tf Loans Ana Inanimate*. �t.:h•(ilsR. CONVk1ANClNG AND Insur ceco Aloe. oppuelfoladilL'e Hold Uoderich. MONEY TILEND ON MORTGAGE 111 10 se per Dent. Nates dtaeo.L(M. C. t,EAOILK Maus append* N.,U•Y Mete. Veda rich. MONEl TO LOAM. - $25.000.00 Private Funds to lead at Si per coot. as ▪ 11 . WlrTC$ Y. DANt'0Y. Homan'. block. epprdt. Colborne tiotel. Uodenc►. eft if C,• J. T. NAYTEL, VIRE, LIFE AND A •---t.-I Ineureace agent; at lower rM� OM. -(or. Naei►et.aall�tsaro,t(iod- set11_Y (0 TO LOAN. APPLY y TO iAM0lWN MOLT R aoLYSS Sado- Mob. irsa MONSY TO LEND. I. A R G asseoat of Private roads Oar lay.gblea *Slowest rotas on Int -clue Ymidaws. Amor •NARROW t PRUI'uYUOT RRADCLIFFE, oLN*RAL IN• . suegsne, heal Zeta. and MOW 1o•nittg .gent Doty 0nt.da.s esaramelss ✓ eesssaat.d. Money to Lead e* watch lases, at the lowest rate of interest (elm& la toy way to suit aha oerruwr. Odle.- Iso. sad dor from Square. Ward atr..1, eod.- leh tf rte MM* I1•gRttutw IODERIOHMIICHAlIOS' INHTI- l� TUTA LIBRARY AND RSA DINU NOON, eor. of Sat street and Sonars ow stabs Ops from l to e r.M. sad hose 7 to 10 r.r. •BOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading /bdy, We.ltly awl Illustrated Papers, Muqsaints, etc. , ow P11e. MHMHHRONIP TI( ROT. ONLY 111. 0. g randam free •.e of Library sad kadlsle Roam. IJ ptr ills la a for fmembership rsolved by r J H. (ULFtPr s L OHO. te ary Pr/swot. eoderleb March Iftb NIL - AuetNarM'IaR. rI1HOMAB OUNDRY. AUCTIONEER t .ed 10.070.0. Awat. soder eh. Ont. Least Loads sad Iragmbirs Pin los. Co.. Dad Gore District Mama las Co. )isles at- tended to In say mart of the sant.. tlbly JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- Uoa.sr ..d Land Valuator. OodeAeb. Oat Roving bad oondd.eable .xperiesce l the &cottons eel trade, hs Is t. • pe.11100 to dleharge with Merrough satt.hotloe all coal 'efrou entrusted to Elm. Orders loft at Martin's itetel. or gnat W mail to his addrom Soder:eh P. U.,easaded to. JJIOH [SOS Comate • 1111117 Dental AaNltnoenfe4L TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETHER CIKORIDE AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S seareL rAlta.ese. OPERA NOME SLOOP MST -STREET OODLLZOH. OMT. It •abeds me unlimited satidactis. after • triborme pepesdation of delightful .D watersng la the most hed .p p.tr os.. as subsalt that 1 lave the sly sad selutVS night to w 4. Soderich warranted10e later l• eeatIM dimovevy whirr Is to moor tis. least ear during the estnietioe of teeth ever! road very ofps any penInl tnhemost e steem. owes ZITS IS -OQSLOFLIID le U • real sasembstM tftrt SeysesibS4S the Sad to in the allied sL knows es ear h b watermer hie moth hearse flys M pato. Patients ,tetra 0 It Is trimeleevely aareedena es mas aa,.r. p,y.rvetIo of the n•tsrs1 teeth • AU dental operations well •ad skillfall, don. My palketelatereste are Was. MOW DM 1R RJCHAAD.OW. mem N. Sold sea r iter McTavish. of Cdln►wgh, wilted se errand toy of serve. T. each be sand ' Y. mann learn to fad the As each new boy dv5nse1 M de Mum with • bads 0( sesewsp,� t0. tl&Mle. WU IPSO a ventriloquist. weed sake it y. aLlera,e. b•wra' that's bet.' Neery bny bolted sod n, at this. h ream' pia his bona ; said • very smell bey seeame. who ., st the cel rie e.elante.eoolls 4.00 the fevsmidad . strutter* is the lie., sod r• needed, drawing*/ 'Weal, haw It, filen, sell Hefty' Newdlcss t. mg. M flee weg.g.d. • isms* arrepe. Peepie wee me eareeed to the mads Amager eE e'en serM1,a elan e . have Intle Aimee r eegghr wade, ease 0. ow. threat stmt lame trembles TO. bet ash gaud le M keep H.gywati Potato's' Ad etiss s heat. IS /iii 01111 end tall e bbs NM Fater sob ampuls a A T.II.E FROM WINNIPEG HOW TWO PROMINENT CITIZENS OF THE PRAIRIE CAPITAL RE GAINED HEALTH. 0111 si PULP MOO Tag VII I T,. 0t a Alak1A AAu I•ulbe0Tlow, THA 4f411 10 711011 van. .h.. eituaTSATIu♦ Tttallt Anat. An T4.0 A TY,aulla aarukTtit, ✓ egan the Wisai ias ?ribose 114. modem world is decidedly skeptical. aid on the cam of .stow by Advil rt nod meds• mimes, It is enae'.uoos remarked that they occur at hog diatom*. Itveeatly, ho.• ever, the Tnhuue tors told that • tt''nuipeg genttem.au bad paned c him tough an ea penes,.• as remarkable as ray of Otte. pu:dshed,a.d 1 I*smutty tato the matter revealed the tout that several pruue•rnt cit,,eue of \VInaipeg had tarn greatly leretitled by the use ,a I)r. til,lltame' fink 1' Ib. One tot these envies is Mr WA Charlesworth, I th. well known contractor, woo, during his residence 111 ttlnuipej, has added to the beauty .ad wealth of to.• Prairie I'enttal by ere•tlag some ot its deist and most sub- •taoual bui..hog.. Naturally what Mr. Chuloewot,h would say as tc the merits of • medical oreperaton would be read with IInterest by the tummy citizens who have met him in buroees sod socially, soda Tribune reporter was deta►Iei to met from him some part.eulare nu the matter Mr l'harle.worth was arra at has beautiful sent cry Moms on William street, a few days alum, anti while unwilling to attract publicity, yet. tor the bene -it of those suffering as he once was, he commented to icon a simple statement of his can. Ab..ut thea, e0 tear. ago, while 11rme to the sought -re part of Illinois. near I .arra, he had e• veal rt,acl. of 11 .lart.4 fever sol ague. vino -it left hl. bl.ee1 poor and thin, end -' Jetenge.l bu intent. that for about feu yaws .near lie wait a *offerer from, chrome sof itoat ;on He cone north after residing the'., t..r some yeere tot ordrr' to try to shale off the effects of themaiarta, but without much •once.. He has net had. while to the north. another real attack of ague, but every season he ha had incept eat attacks, which were se)) warded off by the prompt ma of quinine. Bilious fever also tbre,tened i0 the sena way. He also *uttered severely from indigauoo. Ueter• rn,tioc to make • decided effort to get rid of he c.mpl,.•Aten of disorders, he began In the .0 4 of 1841 to toss t)r. W,ll,.os' Ptak Pills, the advertisements of which he had read in the newspapers. Mr Charlesworth haven to use its pill In October. and for the first month scarcely felt say improve- ment. However, fr.-,n that time 00, im- provement was rapid and the effect, marvel- lous. The add of •he winter of 1341 2. se will be remembered, was int -eon. and yet so great was the toning up of the system sad the enrichment ot the ble.J, that he scarcely felt the cold at all that winter His indigestion wan removed, and canoe that time he has not had snot her attack of mol - aria fever. He contino- d taking the µIIs ap to .boat the noddle of January. In closing his 'Purview Mr Charlesworth said However. do est nil" upon my au- thonty alone. but see Mr. Fairchild, who has used the pills. 'The Mr. F.,rchlld, it is needless to on, is Mr. Frank Fairsh,ld, the larges: dealer in vehicles and farm maehinery m N'esterw ('anada. Mr. Fareh,ld's name is too well known to readers of the Tribune to need any further introduction. He was also seen and fully confirmed what Mr. ('harleeworth i said. Some time ago Mr. Fairchild suffer- ed from nervous pr,wtratioa brought on by overwork, anti suffered also from • dull pain in the back nl thb heart. Atter spending some time at a famous Chicago sanitarium be was stivirel to take something to build up hie blood, the donors mentioning Pink Pills in their Int of thing*&detsed. At first he took . fluid preparation, but as he found this unhandy Lar take with him M be travel- led. he decided to try Pink Pill, as Mr. Charlesworth had very strongly recom• mended them. He Lound groat benefit from their use and continued taking thews until restored to health. He has 0o hesitation so recommending them as • great bulkier up and purifier of the blood. Dr. Williams' Tisk POB may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from 1h. Wiltis.s Slediceas ('ompany. Srockvilla, Oat., Schenectady, N. V , 50 nada • hoer. or iia bones for 12.50 The pita at whish then pill are red metes a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpensive, as 'anger- ed with other remedies or medical treat- ment FASHION'S FANCIES. Ivy leave* and a ooh of pink satin ribbon w ere en effsettve trimming o0 • simple gown of white silk organdie. Evening brocaded 'owns are trimmed with Valescisoes or point de Venice lace fur embroidered chiffon, etc. Loose teagowns of heorietta and silk are trimmed with lace, fur and chiffou. Straps and .trends of jet aro .Iso used. 'Falstaff' is the name of a brill,ant g.Idee- brown that is exeoem1uely fashionable. The rage Ior brown la Not yet waning. The 'egg' roseate of white satin ribbon u toted oe has imported front the gay French capital. Then are near sad very pretty. I ieep Dollars of beaded Vandyke. are beautiful. Team are fielded with a mol hustle of pale yellow or pink satin ribbon. A magnificent carriage toilettes of green brocade tnmmed with no► Mack gni re taco At the font of the skirt is, an edging .( bear fur Buckle* of get or steel .nrtn*unted by a plume of fathers or a Miniboom. aigrette are n ew on evening toques of velvet. Fur Is ata, a de.rable panniers. One of the most &enable eombenatioea for opera wraps w handsome lady'a sloth and chiffon The lining is 'etre, gree A 1.nsdres, moire or benl(e11ne. Los, this of aesordiee•plaited .ilk (0440 .44.5 the ends and at the cervine with eettall resew. of Chiffon. trimmed a pale yellow bgenhe silk da.eieg (reek admired at • re Dr...y chapeaus ars maids with full velvet now.. The cabriolet shape is nee of the Mwest ie military model, sed is invariably trimmed Melt with ostrich plumes (lyrist. MW ribbon hoes and strings, Mask valet N W jet . The -west quill feathers me pestered with. jut. Jet is ciao etinIIs alders g•reiteree employed by t_ g_s _cera• makers. Strap of fine 1e* INNI e`eMve ageism. the white citifies veet of a eels Wm evening gown recently were by as seine tow* Moeda. id.aly the handsomest slyest •••••••1b.ttine smarrm are of blink ..woofer, with MIA - metal rebid ',Mums, Old -sass Hessen blank are very risk sed 511005,75 sed (atta•Nme es brews in shwa fuhinea0w Merida Hee oteseroler, rod. season sed cess -gray are aloe b.s.tifsl grounds is e•r.enls. se.� ,qty eared h larleek PHU They te Sara ere Is rash he THE SIGNAL : GOD MOH, ONT., THVIMDAT, DEC. 13. 1894. MEN OF THE HOUR. James O. Blains, jr, - is • law snidest at the 0.ivrstt7 of Ytrviai•, sad bee awed • ktg rspstal*s as thos omen rash of the tont "entity football team. Aeon -dine to • writer in the Caaadian MaKsuw, lemur Joseph Papoose, the Mader .f the C•sad►au tasurreertow to 1850, was the ereeteet man that Freach•Csa•ds ever pruduond. W ('larks Russell, the writer of .es storms, is such • sufferer from rheumetu.m that he oat use asttk.r his bands nor his fort and dictates hie literary work to his .I.le.t mom- H. resides at Rath, Kogland. The heaviest um000shIler in the world r M1m. Mullion, of 11.0 ick County, Teo. the s.•oq;l.. 070 p.uud., mud •lihough the rev esa0 officers have a clear case against her, they find it impossible to get her out of her eabin. GkJ.tone 11 proud of his Scotch ances- try The family line, on his mother's aid., tr..es bavk to King Dubow& Dub.awl s ounuest• eel with the geseologleal tree of King Jams 1. His father's people wan suMut tial folk Rudolph Homing., of London, is writt*g as err• peers, which, when completed, w►11 troutate 2,000 can,.. from 1,00 to 700 words each. It 1e a history of 11 ,gland from the time of William the Conqueror up to the Lime of James 11 lt'ilhaiu 1' de, the great authority on whist, who was torn in 1814, is at mice an erprt civil engineer, s skilful organist .ad au authority oe •11 qumu0Is relating to .team engines, railways, armor plate, dr.to- a:e end army orinaar. Mn. L, H Leland is a woman to whose . chtevrmeute women everywhere may point with pride She a the biro trombonist to the orchestra of the First Bapua suoday shoed .•t It.lt,more. A few years ago Mr& Leland know nothing of the possibilities of the tromto..e, but w..h:mg te develop her how, she h.y.n to study .ad practice. Now not only aro her lunge e=panded and her general health improved, but .he occupies a roams of musical huuor and responsibility tai, well. Bev. Sabine Baring -Gould, the author of the popular hyn.., 'Ouwsrd, Christian Sol- dier,' s at own a country person, a country e mirs, • lord of the manor, a sermon writer a student of comparative relmion • popular nolelut and & poet. He has written fifty books, is deeply versed in mediaeval myths and legeode, and at the same tome u to sympathy oath modern life and pr.gress. He is t,0 years old, end Ines is the beauti- ful old Eurabethea Manor House at Lew F rench•rd where the Gould family lived ever sine the days of James I. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. NI:se Emily Feithfu- ll is an inveterate smoker, through the advice of her phyto con. Grimaldi, the clown, is to be kept .m• mens! by having • street in London named atter him. Preeidrnt I'assimlrl'erier'e new carriage m. Po high that an aseass10 couldn't reach him with a .1.geer. Mn. J h: it Stewart, the widow .f the confederate generic', is the principal of the diocesan school for girl in Staunton, Vs. Miss Francs E. Willard says tint good cooking Is e..entsl to eternal happmnees, while bed cooking has driven thousands of men to dnak. Earl I:rey, who died recently at '.2, was the oldest Iiviog peer sod the last survivor of Lord Melbourne's tabmct, the cabinet which held oboe when Queen Victoria as- cended the throne. As an off hand epigram maker, Bishop Lawrence is • success. For instance It is far better that some mistakes be made with enthusiasm than that no mistakes be made with indtffereoce, A currently reported utterance of Queen Victors is to the effect that but two men not only sever toadied to her but at times flatly cootradieted her. One is Mr. Glad- stone ; the ether was her devoted servant, John Brown. Joha.na .ad Freeman Moses celebrated their fiftieth wadding anniversary at Port - lend, 4. , the other day, and the mother of Mr. Moses, a lady n2 years old, ravened with them. The senior Mr. Morel died only • year ago. TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL A soft answer will Intl where • club will not. Untie the hands of sip and it will cut your throat. 'Let him that thinket)) he staodetb take heed lest be tall A loafer i■ the church is as worthless ea he is anywhere else. A man is generally lying when hetell you he is too poor to give. The devil will run tram the man who is not afraid of the truth. If we keep praises alive then will be no hick of joy in the been. Some men are more apt to be controlled by prejudice than by priciple. The sin that will keep you out of the Bible will keep you out of heaven. No ('hristian iso ean think of failing un- til he has stopped counting upon (mod to help. it is better to have grass enough to stead the thorn thus to have the thorn takes away. Obscurity on earth will sot keep you from owning a mansion near the three" in heaven. Then are people who want religion, but they don't wait enough towed them for usy thing .les. Norway Pine Syria, cures ooushs, odds, and all throat end lung troubles. Prion, 2Se. aid 50c. l m God will not Maw .way from any place where two or throe Marta are hungering for his presence. 1'o remove worm" of all kisac from chil dram or imitate ia. Low's Worm Syrup s • safe and cure re nedv. im elwenit t. 15..J.sa. It was the [Mohan d fiefdom, • clever and beautiful Sooteb woes. who e.asss- tdly] dumbfounded • pr•et..tioue dandy. H. was bead* her st • .upper party, and in order to gam her geed greens .(held • liking for the Senttsh taogos deeleri g that Awe we mot • S.Mtsh phrase he did set soder* as Rax tog • eprswl n that bobbl1joek, too plied tbe amebae, without tillemillse e ersede of her lace Th. .zquteite leered appalled„ sea thea d usk away in osatur.e, while the seaML• Dion was performed by • cavalier ll�ng from the .earth of the Tweed. !Os wanted him is haled her • ttltakey- wise- rwee.aelt ea Orono. newgW Perri, Ter.sen. Oak, dates thee Milb.yw's fled livor (KI Milder. with Wird Cherry Bark is fres Irma .b jsehem sore teat.. betas alms* as plaasaet ee strap whits ter soughs sad eelds N eyes sem= satiehOtrs, arsine ,.._ply even is mute sews MIFF ANO BRIGHT PROVERBS• Rlebeo rates weak children Bls terols west split rail. Where fathers flee mothers fight. Sweat se the champion fsuluer. Th. blackguard is the thief of spar. Meet farms pasture too many Mamas. Ache ours. do out strew too boot trees. Scalding tears will soar the fairest cheek. Rank books contain easy take of fashion. Short sermons make wide-awake t'hrs Cans. Art loess nothing by cyaniding modesty • tis leaf A etas's sign may he bigger that his bust ear. Guts withoet (0raight Moot wide of the mark. A toothbrush should go with every dirty story. - It take* many a wail to make • drama tad . laugh. Don't put your secrete in the advertising column. Beware the strength born of carrying all the hurdles*. Temptation relies more on suggestion than etpalm re. The best sough owe r llagvard'e Pectoral Kalman. It heals the lungs and cures ouugh* sad colds. liti tae.... t4 Baby. Mary Harwell Fiver the followiog 5111s ot fare for baby in the St. Loos Republic, and she says they will agree with any healthy child from 12 months to 2'. years of age 1. Milk to drink Half • .•aoer of oat- meal with • little butter and alt. Half • saucer of oatmeal with cream and sugar A few teaspoonful of strained prune juice. 2 Thoroughly mashed p.,tato with • little Lotter, cream and alt. A thick strip of rale bsef.taks to suck 'should he allowed only the juice,. A few teaspoonful of fine- ly swayed apple. Milk to drink. i. Half of • sots boiled egg Milk teast. Baby tea --made of milk sod warm water is eloel proportions, with sugar and • drop of vanilla, 4. Bread and milk Two te.epooefule of tine graioed apple sauce. Half shoe of bread with beefsteak gravy. S. Half auoer of rice with butter and salt Half saucer rice with cram and sugar Two or three teaspoonfuls of orange juice. 110E to drink. 6. Half teacupful of beef tea. Crackers and milk. Third of • slice bread with pure maple syrup. 7. A little strained fig sirup of constipat- ed) mule by botltog figs in water with sugar. %lush and milk. Small slice breed and bet- ter without crust 8. A teaspoonful of the breast of chicken or turkey minced very hie. Toast and milk. Small lump ot sugar ter dessert. .. Oatmeal, crackers and milk. Raked potato, cream and alt Whipped cream, sweetened sad flavored. 10. Half shoe buttered toast, without cruet Brad and milk. Taste of custard, wine. jelly, or melted vanilla or ch.eolste ice crew. - Mooing old ae11ert.t. An escheat,. eyes the following direc- tions We give them for what they are worth To clean black silk and cashmere or hennetta, of It u badly soiled, n.ake • tea of five cents' worth of soap bark and • pall of soft water : let this stand over night, then strain it. Wash the goods in thus water, end then rinse slightly, hang up to dry without ringing, and when the cloth ceases to drip iron of on the wrong side with as cold an tronas will take out the wrinkles by Wiest. prolong. Remember that silk and wool are animat fibra and scorch easily. For sponging the same material use the soap bark tea or dissolve one tablespoonful of borax and indigo in • pint of water ; the borax elesnies the cloth while the mate brightens the color. Some oolored woolens and ootteos are suooea.fully washed an bran water. Put some wheat bran in • cloth bag and boil It is water foe an hour, strain it and use mated of seas and water. An old•fuhiooed and, and at the tome time, • good way to aeon black silk that has b.00me glary from wear is to sponge t1 with water to which • tittle •mmon a has been added. This process cleanses it. Then spesee it with mold coffee acrd the glossy epos will disappear and the whole surface look bright and clear. But the silk ought not to be ironed atter this treatment. Stretch a out smoothly and pin of to the carpet or something that will hold it firmly. Black or blue oashm.re, besrtetta and serge con be washed on soap and water, rinsed well and then pat into water that te med. almost black with bluing. The black goods may the in this water for hour, but the Alae might bonne spotted. Half dry the cloth in the shade sad thea iron on the wren, side. Httpsmsv. •ea Main, Bootee Poet : Th. shah of Perste owns the moot valuable arm chair to the world. E..hu u arm chair of solid gold, *alined with pre.o0s stones. About • year ago mmn of the stones were stoles from one of the legs ot the .hair, and the shah, full of indignation, ordered the arrest of • number of servos and held the keeperof the palace responsible for the tsniture, with the in..- matioe that if the thiel was sot discovered the keeper would be beheaded. The col prit benne eventually found he toss forth with beheaded sod his heed carried on • pole by the imperial body guard through the street. of Teheran. A valuable ants chairs is in the possession of thr earl of Rad- nor. It erigtwlIV east (40,000, and we. preeoatad by the oily of Anpburo to the 'Emperor Rudolph. (1. of (:.,many .bout the year 1576 It r of noel end took the artist abort thirty years te make it. The Omit became the property of Const Timis, ambamader from the oast of Swedes to the Reelsh court. (Istevs. Rnndr after- wards bought it, as an ant,gee. for 1,800 guineas. .s4 sold it to the earl .1 Rader for 600 ruinous. Nis ambers Jeww4m15.. She isn't very pretty. She isn't very witty, Her oneverm ties porn: 1.t the "swells" all Sank •mend With rovreseepe.Atetd 111, etre pro.dly �M s hyphen le ler .em.umos is gait* • Mw WW.b ashy. The baby 1'. s.q.aiated with Knowe aas,bt of battle a henna, Although he's of the tofaatry, And oft.s up en areae He puts his gr_nd•'s glasses on. Theo imitates hie frown, And reads the paper backward. while He holds it upend* down. Sometimes he crit« and oh au hard 1 think b..odentood The good old doctor whom he said That it would do him Food With kitty ott upon the rug H. has • wrestling match, And kitty, it may be, will win By just the merest a, retch. He Moons a little p,ng that lisped* Like 'Gum, ob, gum with me" And as be is • minor, he Selects a minor key. Each day nurse «heels hint to the park,4' So, in his carriage there A little nom and heir may find A little sou and air. Na is hie crib he chum of, \V,th such a fuouy .uore, (Te wish he'd sleep till eight, twt.ad Of waking up at tour. Malcolm Douglass in St. Nicholas. When to tet.edy [.fret*. Parents having • child born w:th defects or blemishes should seek to have them re- moved warns' •.bort time after its 'birth. 1)o amt wait uottl a baby u two or three years old before • specialist is c.11el In to see • child ; have him come when the little one is three months old. H,rthmark.,moles, here -lip, webfingers, clubfoot, ern., can be ,more successfully remedied when • child or young, and with much ,more atufactioa to the perenta, if for no other redeem than Imo cause they are .pared the peon of the child's protestations against a surgical operatics. The young baby cannot think and has no dread as the child of maturer mind. It t. only just and humane to spare the older sold. .ams. • Berne lady -A tidy named Mn T. C. M. Humphries. living in Keene, Ont., who used only two bottles of Membray'e idney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a statement to the effect that it oompletely cured her of m- flammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver trouble. Such • complication of diseases yielding so quickly to this remedy should encourage sister sufferers to give it an honest trial. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. .IUIIN R.1I.1'II. TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -et., has decided to retire trom business, and will dispose of his entire stock FNM lane.* Hite • tunnel, H1,O.Wlesies ie e.amel. Hr Isere would • hat-rvh pet t «baits• Rat tbm deals bow dews Wee. bar, Aad ter jest es. walls implore her. Vesei.alad Sy that by 1. bee same, -Truth i erieeb iSlead Sher% eases J,epseaL. periled! Mead Retso. sures •seselestMa au„ dens 111..4 easeees ewes bltieesawa 111mreeek Meed Straws ears. haulage.. Neelleeti Mewl lateen .elesk. .11 the eaersyena s w bowels, dm melee sal dna* g.ngeUs11a 11 AT and BELOW COST! 01 tf in order to sell out quickly. JOHN RALPH. -t' The Old Reliable COAL ALWAYS ON HAND. NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL, The best and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied at current prices on shortest notice. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. VM. LEE Orden left at KARP 3. k LICE'S store promptly attended to. AI Telt 1I til l\f: Nt V.V KRrT UP ALL NIGHT W1.11 that COU(iff, 11 v nu .1.. nut t1ei .'' rrpe It .110 cepenthee, buy a ledlle u. the OLD STANDARD REMEDY Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum The I. -.t lough Cove in ties world. Solar% y where 25 Ma. a- (ferrule. 'UMW WATSON M CiO:. P.o..,gTO.s (4) MOPITARAy_. Rob c - Roy Cigar It's so lrecap,.t I'm ',total Lift --r-*nett snake a better Cigar thea "ROB ROT," They tail Se. Mit 1 pet sag of them kir a geioter. 3 WORRY! 511NLICIfT30AP fT BRINGS COM FORT ON WASH DAY HALLIDAY'S IMPERIAL 18 AN IIP -TO DATE RESTAURANT. + + + + + Choicest Conjeclione'ry, Oysters, Fruits etc. Only the Best kept on hand. LATEST STYLES - _iN re.l t f FALL AND WINTER .MILLINERY. MRS. R. B. SMITH. 1+3 Sm lilasgow llouse. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boot.*. and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Goderich and surrounding country first -clam goods -lower than the lowest. aw.t4t 1055510 se.. erNrana.+ Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it. ' Re have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident that we can please you in quality, fit and price. Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods. The old reliable stand - W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E. Uowxlxa. N. B. Custom work and repairing promtly attended to. ter. N=7.77 I.4I S IN ==ss GoozZs_ Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising SO common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. esseecob. Gladly 5NM15.d. $ Pe. M.s. Maswst ter flab. A. MUNRO, soAa Drover and Haberdasher. CROSS -CUT SAWS! We keep a large awoetment of the very hest Brand on tlw market : ground from four to five gauges thinner on the hack than on the face, AND ARE FULLY WARRANTED. Theon Qioods we have reduced in price and are now selling them AT PRIOEB NEVER BIPORE HEARD OF. A tall ilne oe rasa Jointers. }laadl.s and Hotta always is abeek. DAVISON & CO., �eeM11a atttlAe.a, a0ell■Raeas w a. r. MtaatmM.