HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-6, Page 8A THE SIGNAL : GODZRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC $, !$$4. emoval Sale -atm CALL x �;s Robinson's �a� • Cash Store X X X Having leased the store lately occupied by Mr. JOHN BUTLER Corner of Square and West Street, we expect to mot's sometime in January or February, and as it cont. money to mote. we ha'.e decided to dear our stock of -DRY GOODS 1"1' .i SACRIFICE. • .� 1t'E RILL COMMENCE OtlR RALE ON Wednesday, Dec. 5 AND CON 1,NtrE I -)\TIL WE MOVE. REMEMBER. T . St IS NO OLD STQCI( We are asking the people to buy.- You will have the choice of all our Stock -not a few lines thrown out for a but. We are asking you to look sit a Stock which is not only being offered at a Sweeping Reduction a,l.t which is also tI oroughly assortt.•1 will( the Newest Goads of the -easoo Everything Marked to Clear! Our Stock consists of the following lines Ribbons, Silk t'en'et, Velveteens, Dress Goads. Trimmings, MANTLES AWAY BELOW COST 1 Mantle Cloth, Gray Flannels. Flannelettes, Canton Flannels, Table Linen, Table Napkins, Butchers' Linen. Stamped Tray Cloth., OlOves. Bottler). Over Howe. Waterproof Coate, Ladies' Vest and !hewers. Ladies' Silk Hdkfs. Storni Collars and Mtrlin, Children's Boas. Shawl,. Lace Curtain,. Sheeting. Pillow Cotton, Flannelette Blankets. Wool Blanket,. Tweeds, Cottona(les, Mt n s Shirt, rind Drawers. Ties. Over Shirts, Men's Caps, White Shirt,. Mne's Gloves, Corsets, Cashmere Scarfs. In fact. everything in thn Stork, marked down to clear out DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS JAS. ROBINSON, CASH STORE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. r lsT D x SEE OUH NICE L4IGE OF Larn'Pnr Capes 'tell and et.mier goods mud prices. C. B. SLOB 1 COs; McLean's Mock. ter. Square sad MG.NeaIR GREAT REIOftTIONI The Decree has Gone Forth - - - - The Life Most he Applied. The tir.t Slaughter will commence on Friday, Nov. 3Ist, And ('ontinue even- (lay until Jan'y 6th -1895. .Come anti :tree how the "ork is (lone at the sign of the Red Flat;, on elle Square, D. B. CALBICK, er, sad Fear, ands. HEWS OF THE DISTRI;'T. From our own Correspond encs Here In'arorimatles /ere Year teasel he ■eemd es) earn the -'tees or she twenty epee'Isite &everted r.r tae signal. LANES- . Messrs. TsV m. and Archie4. Jonneton ere down visiting friends to Clin- ton vIcmnity this week. Re, „' rite.,.. Mrs. Margaret Bowler, after a tew weeks' severe illness, le now, we hear, on • fair way to recovery. tit HAG., PR1rARAn,,•.-. J. .1 Hogan s working for 1'. 'Cott, osutie him an preparations to build In rho spring. A" T. As we go to press we hear Omit .1. Hutckion removed the intelligence of the death of hie tether, who resides in Welling- ton county and left to attend the funeral. here soba and k. has wt per, let, H,,sia. -Andrew Fiofr►er, who left about ttrb moothe ato work In the M ma 1 go woods, retursed last week reports law waves trod • soarcity of wor la%inu er. High Y.osickle, who had the!! l'Itourke farm leaned tor the two year, is, at the re•iuset of the ow going to rive up possession on March 18'.eS. Fig( t%AI Now that the harvest as over, Gad the Summa u ended, some of our tea and sugar patrons of the Farmer•' Frleod Association are Wkieg of holding • revival meeting. A 1 nase:g. At the last monthly meeting of Court lanes, No. BPI, it was resolved to enrage the night of meeting from the last Friday night of every month and meet the hot week night of every month. t'1-ITUK•. .1. S. McDonald, 11.I'1'., for :enter !truce, scoompanied by his •moble partner was down this week, the guest of t • Scott Miss Jessie F'talayeen, of tipley vicinity, was visiting inande here Int week. Bet Dn, Peter Scott has commenced preparation for the erection of • large baro ith stone basement to take the place of one bleb was destroyed by fire the past Sam - mer. He has already let the contract to M. Fowler for the framework sod to 1:eo,Fttoth• ors for the stonework. Aaiun*" AM, Ptto1,TATIU4On Friday snug lent • large represeotatioa of th• eneregattoo of Ib. Presbyterian °beech •neembled at the rsetdeoce of Tho.. F. slay. cos. 2, and after having asocial chatgenre'the genre' topics of the day, the follow g address, which r .elf•explanatory, wasread o Mrtw IDA Fi•i.Ay : Having fully realized the very Important you have take. In connection with our oengreratloa • welfare for almost three ear., ea orgasmsfor tin's* nevem, Sabbath hool and Society of (bruins" Endeavor, , ss members cod adherents of Fast Ash- P'resbyt•ri.n church, take this oppor- 1ty t., °spree, our high appreciation et ur seryls and high esteem of your rutin character sod Christian *dorsi for rood of the convention generally. For purpose we have fathered together this ening to present you this watch and in s.°nung it we do Dot wish to have It un - 1 w w e hen F 0 T part se we Geld to yo l:h the this es 11 20 PER CENTI DISCOUNT! W. ACHESON t SON. A late season and our new mantles arriving late, We oomulenec to- Ilay our entire Stock of over 100 of the Newest and lost Stylish Jackets and Ludes for this year. Fur Trimmed, Braid Trimmed, Plein Stitched and Silk Lined. All Styles of Newest Goods at above big Discount. -Thi, mean, n large Ions to us, but the racks Cleared. must be We invite all Latilt's interested in Jacket., tot see thew Bar- gain, in our large, well -lighted Mantle Rooms. W. LC$ESON & SON. Highest price for product.. A BEAUTIFUL RING looks well on the finger, as every one knows, and the ofpnrtuolty to buy one ata prim that is satisfactory. is quickly Wien advantage of by the average individual. A HANDSOME WATCH offer g is even more sought after than • Ring, and to a man, at any rate, to services are tndup.usable. The chance ot getting one at • moderate cost is seldom lost nowa,isve. JEWELLERS ppo i 1 es jus Dow to all who apNant•te the advantages of selecting choler articles from • stock that is Large an 1 %arced ark C. 8a 1117MBE11 & SON. it their %ew Naiad, wri.ess'. lysate 1- retail, .I al.ra, would always cherish :he present she was the recipient of. as • loving remembrance of the people of East Ashbeld convregauoo, anti concluded with raving ail present • cordial welcome to her father's home hoped that they would all esluy then to their heart.' content. In the cou the eveatug • bounteous repaat,pre the ladies of the congregation, was of, sad atter spending Inc night in usn on amusements they •1l dispersed to several hones• feeling satisfied tha eveoieg /peat was both pleasant and p able. CARLOW. To *•Irv. Nor. .r,. Carlow has lost one of its fairest and most popular young Wine in the person of Mies • and Lexie Kennedy, who was united in the holy selves bends of mm atnoDy to Angus McKinnon, nee of of I olboree. WO wish the young couple P�r•d by ererr happiness on the matrtmonul eat. partaken John Titbn s new rea m iJence now eo- umer- pined and he intends moving Into 11 In a their tow weeks ,lack, however, as not going to the allow the old one to go unused. Rumor r'ht- says he has secured the promiee of • fine I bird. The old house is new being tatted up 1r& cage. Dungan , (Inc evening lately, while the t'hrutua ward I Eades'orere were bolding their meeting revive or- >moth s Hill church, some poor Duo ter, mortal, badly In need ot • cover for the night, entered the church shed and took the Iran of a valuabl,• robe helongug to one of the laden. tin starting for home the above named arta 1e was mi.es,f, o it WW1 • cold night. The righteous indigo• !they et the young men was so aroused that they west for the Gssut•nce of detective Fergufen, and he, with 1,eoer•1 Gordon and 1 Lieutenant George, proceeded to the house of magistrate Young, who issued a general if warrant for the searching of some shanties occupied by some woodcutters in the nein. icy of the church. After reeelving the war- rant, they, armed to the teeth, proceeded to the shanties, w►eh they searched dal gently, but found to their sorrow that they must be on the wrong track, as nothing was found except some aleepisg momenta The woodcutters were so indignant at being •c. cored of such a crime shat they i threatened to have the anarchies party arrested for false accusation, but atter • good deal of Winn they inally ,luieted down and the enrolling party gladly returned to their homes, •rrlving there at the grey dawn of morning, vowing in their minds that some. thing more valuable than buffalo robes would eall them out again en such • night. UUNGANNON. Nonce. The local agency in itis for Tits Sweet is at the pace of .1. G. J.P.. ooaveytumr, fess wbo will den ter suescriptioae, advertising an work. Gad u authorized to gine repel amoeate pod for thesame. Mo.oar, Dec. 3. Ls&•gi. Jim (•mrwen, West Wawaneeb, hes leased his farm for • :ertri of years to Charlet Brows. We wish Cherlss success Kcci.rothi rl.Al_-A branch of I Kristian Endeavor Society is in progress of toeing tormed W connection with the congregation of Erskine church here. Ser IAL''I. Tho time for social festivals, t.a-maetinge and other entertainments is rapidly approaching. Some of them are os the way of appointment. )• A Wiens•. 'tut•& Our deputy post- master left here the beginning of the week eu route for Toronto to visit relatives there. We wish hint a pleasant trip and safe re- turn. wlxrrt We ere Just now reminded by the wearing of furs, heavy cloaks, mantles, etc., as also the absence of singing birds, and the natured aed dormant appearance of Dame Nature, that winter onion is upon os. 1:tit LTI11A1- In rssp.mee to an advt. or principal for senior room In Thing►anon table school for the year of grace l%'tt,5, the board of trustees has received upward of 1117 applications, some of which hold tint - Fats non-proteesoonal osrtifiostea Uv Brrli1.. Messrs. P. Holt, barrister, and fl. Horton, manager of Huron Iovest- ant t'ompony of l.oderich, were here ea i tonnage lot Saturday. We were pleased to ase our former acquaintances look so chirpy otwIthstanding the depressing tames. F:,, 1I-i*[Tt. 41_ Mf: *.reek, of the T canny of I.ucknow, In the absence of the pastor. Rev. 11. ,:own, who will be away missionary work next Sabbath, will con act divine service in the forenoon and ra S. Pentland in the afternoon, in the a ethodi.t church Cowri.rrII -The beautiful and stately ;deem of Alex. Stuart, the popular reeve West Wwanoeh, is about completed and 'e , with he family, will ere bog occupy t. th • wl.h them health ted many years spines In It. It adds creakily to the a ranee of the premiss and 'Dusty. S(i r ,.1 l'karKRT1 We ere informed p • e m n •1 on d M M res of he ha P•• BLUEVALE- T. s•I•Ay, Dec. 4. J. A. Tetley, Molesworth, is hone on the sick list. Thos. Jewitt occupied the pilplt in the Methodist churn last Sunday night. Wm H. Stewart, ir., lett for Toronto on nesday to attend the School of i'edagoey. Mrs. Charles R'ain.ley, of Bayfield. was renewing old .quainteees here lot week. J:obert retarenn has bought the house belonging to Geo, Macdonald and moved oto it this week. Miss late Patterson, of (:alt, who has been visiting In this vicinity for seen. time, turned home last Saturday. A ot onic people e residence of A Patience a ad trip at •ad tripped Pthe tastmc tee 1:11 the wee hour' in g. The •eniversary services in the Methodist of th that Wm. Holland, of Ashfield, has sold hu farm of one hundred acres to Mr. Gold thoroe, of Maitleadville, for the rum of $2,800. As there an on the premises end buildings, large bearing orchard, choice fruit, and a quantity of valnable timber, we presume he has wet • good bargain. ARSrsi. It•TeRTAt•w..T. The annual e ntertainment under the auspices of the one• er gatien of F:rskine church, mnnseasg of addresses, music, recitations, dialogues and rutin supper, will be heldthe Erskine in rch here on Tuesday evening, 11ec. 18th. Meocheeter choir is exawted to be in at - feculence. Further articular, in our sect. Co., CRT AS1. Lr. Thar. A cement and lecture, under the auspices of fluogan000 Methodist church choir, will he given in tbu Methodist church on the inning of y, ltecember 141.h. at 7:30 r.w. Rab- id lecture, " An Evening with Robert tyre at I,rimbey Park," by Rev. Jos. of (:odareh. Weather pennints& a turnout a etpocted ort the ooeaeton. melee LAuis. flaring Inst wink 1:ra an enterprising farmer in Ash. sniff to Hugh (assn (wh. m w.11 s o the popular dm Deputy Reeve hitw14, an • se eaarprisl.g dealer can ne and 'khemee wethMA did lamb.' shed es i ientrumon t weigh scales averaged • little over pounds each. it pays, eves though are Iww to rains geed Iambi, o Mr. Loos. how to de. R, the way, they he hest drevw of lambs as to quality 1 ere sn1d in this vanity Ws esesee, M all whe have mon ere atroisom l Mr. May ehureh will he held on Dec. 4th, mid en the Monday (*flowing • tea meeting will be held, after which the Revs. ltv. Gifford sad 11. Penis, of Wiavb•m, W. F ,:err, of I Wroxeter, A. T. Harley of Blwevals, will ' give address. Tie ifhsa*rer choir will I funi.b the mesio. DUNLOP. The architect ie 'molding ak tchen for A 11' illume. We regret to hear of the regent accident 1 which befell our former townsman, ,lona Ire, ; who was popular with us .11 dun. his stay here. This week we enioved a trammel visit to ' P'orter's 11111, daring wbiee we saw • sum- bwr n( old friends, noose them • popular baehelor whe s on the Board of Eduoatisn of the programme* capital of the (',Iderater township. Our theme Ignited but little oa the peptised questions of in day, or nu the cornier election* i.• the municipal world, but n more interestiag perhaps, add • new residentto the nem - mummy. that we claim It to be value 1.r 1 Frio your services, Mt we present it ae miner int .oeveatr of the good will exerting between I Melo yourself and the congregation. Along with lige. it we extend towards you hest wishes and kindest rog•rde for your future welfare'. g"� We, on behalf of the people of the emigre- w.. anion and the memine of the W.1 M.S .Id wish yon • merry 1'hrutmss and • geld, Neer 1 ear happy kens Sivied is Mhallo1 theewmgrwgation 01 A• Mae. k. E. La•a, is Matu:A.trr F1R..t wa eAeh lanes, Nov. .10th, it1*. nt•tkw Mies Finley replied with • few • ro Ib, me remarks, expressing her heart felt thanks, Gray to the congregation Inc the great hoidens were t she had rs..s.d at their hands, saying that I Lem, w she felt amply repaid Inc .11 bet taken in es Irmo ossesstien wills beteg orgenret, and that she i sham. e Clew and es le.eHer, !h me Aft,, yaae.mseptets lady la the herself arrived at the yrs .1 two -erne yearn She called her daughters spread her and said : 'My dean, 1 have hers the beat .rid bertha Inc may yes : i propels sew M cultivate my mind .ad taste, and let yen de the work, Rho .leek to it. sad the earls had to take bold. The swibl. sad Indy is sew sleety, wisk a Rood stash el heals►, i.e.111 fay, .ed ENTLEGJPIS GOODS Char full Xtock of MANTLES will be offered at 25 PER CENT. under regular prices. All the above are this nt:tu►a's purchases and style« bought direct from the Manufacturers. DRESS G000Si The greatest Bargain.'* ever offered in (.loderich in the Drms Geode trade. Just note the following reductions From one-half regular prices up to Wholesale Price for the whole .tock 16 ends of l'drpct at Bost and under. TERMS CASA. COLBOPWE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Extraord i nae y Offering! N account of an important change to take place in our Husines. about the 1st of JANUARY, 11(413, it has been decided that the large awl viiirieei Stock of FANCY GOODS and CHRIST- MAS NOVEi.TIES tuust be reduced to one half its present size. This announeetuent to the Ladies of Oo derich i. alone sufficient to ensure a speed- clearance of a Stock of Goods which is conceded to he one of, if not the Largest and Brightest Range of Fancy ane1 High Art Goals in Western Canada, and affords a grand opportunity -arid One seldom offered at this season of the year --to procure eluant and most desirable Goods at prices within the resell of all. Ordinarily the merchant relies on December to produce great results. In this casette, Stock roust move out quickly and profits are swept out of sight. For the convenience of Customers as well as ourselves we have divided the Stock into lot, and s.1 arrange(' that the different Classes of Goods may be examined at leisure and without confusion. Experts in the F Goods business will be present to wait upon you and assist. if required, in selecting Stock to be made up. -44.111111111n--- Meer tri. Nitrici that the Entire Stock is at your Disposal, and at Prices .imply 1-napproachable. A Line of very cheap Trilliums' Hata, a Specialty MRS. R. B. SMITH. cheerfulness, plus several industrious child rep, grand -children, and gre•t-grasdchild- ren. tusalamthe *nee M *be scrim', Falk. There wu, some little pictures there about rat Inches square and marked Little l'Ictery for • Child's Album. And -los1•k ea, to me, " 1 believe i'11 buy one of '.tn tor Hebei album that I rot her Int 1'hrutmGs. Ser he, " 1 ve got ten mate in ,-hang, : but probable,' se, he, ' at wee t be ov er eight MI Segts. ' 1, ' lent be to, sanguine, Josiah Allen. tie. he ' 1 am never s•nguutary without wood hone sense to back it up. The throwe.l in • chronic, three feet sonar) with the last Calico dress you bought st Joo.s- nlle, and ilia, heist over five or six laches long. ' Well,- eez 1, . buy at it you went to.' ' Wall,' sez he, ' that's what 1 lay out to do, mom.' do he accosted • Columbian Guard that stood sigh. and sebe ' I'm •-goin' to buy that little p.cter, I want to know it 1 an take it home u m7 pocket " That pectic,' w he, ' s twenty thous- and dollars. it if owned by the German \•tioaal Gallery, .ed ,s loso.d by bar and se. he with • ready flow of knowledge inherent to them guards ' Use artist, Adolphe Mesuel, is to German art what Mesaooer a to the Freas►. Hu pictures are all bought by the National Gallery, and be Ian: enormous sums.' Josh almost swooped away Notbia' tobut add to hde is mortification. did()51y f simply said • Babe will prize that enter, Josiah Al- len.' And ha se: ' Re • fool if you want to : I'm a-g0to' to get saothia' to eat.And be hurried along at • dog -trot. There were 181, of the Thogsasd Llan. sold last Summer, realiri.a $32,110, or $127 per acre. BAKDRY --IN - 4 • • RICH. .JOHN A. REEN hes established a now Bakery sad Con fcctio.ery Store nn iiamilton st. in Ilarrie'm old Stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in lime of (food Bread, Cakes. and Paetey of hest sake. Large Loaves at 8 Ma,, and singly hoaxes at 4c. No 1•oinhination ; no extortion: Reel everything to Gait the times and tie pockets of the peeopl„ if you want Good Prowl and Chep Breed leave your orders at the New Bakery, on the Hgaarr. Wedding Oaken a Apse/laity. Bread delivered to all parte of the town. J01111 £, warn. e. asy £boI There are Shoes and Shoes and Shoes thousanits of different Styles, but the Shoes we buy are noted for being Ka•y Shoes, easy in three ways fit easy, feel easy, and oost easy in Firms Goods for Ladies and Gents we keep such well known makes as Slaters. King's, and McPherson's .nl we have earned the reputa- tion of selling on very small profits. Hut we are going to go '.1111 one point better still. Some lines are Roll out of size*, so we will clear them out. This is ho we will do it Ladies' Vici Hid Buttoned, French proems sole, (easiest Shea' mei lei plain figure price, $3.25; clearing at t.!.45. w Ladies' Dongola Buttoned, hauel tarnewt, J. I). King's, regu- lar price, $2.75; clearing at $1.90. Gent's Picadilly Oalf Sewed " Slaters $3.50 Bal," 11) pai r.l left, going at 12.40. Gent's Calf Bal or Gaiter, sewed, McPherson's, plain figure pnee, 12.50, going at $1.90 In Mises' and Children's, Hoytt' and Youths' Hoots, we ask you to get prices before buying. Boys' Buff Laced, hand rieettetl hottom,colid leather auntrrw and insoles, sines I to 1i for 95e•. Boys' Seamless Grain Boots, hand bottomed, for $1.25, .art[ will give you a pair as a present if you will show as an inch of shod iy in thent. A lot of Men's Butt. Boots, std aies., is $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75 goods, clearing at 500. a pr. of Girl's Boots, hi $1 and $1.25. beat. and (aced, odd shies, going at 50c. per pr. We're still Hustling out our owe mak. of Iortg iup hops for sten. They're money savers for roe ()rat our priers. Repairing Done Tike Lightning. B, POLLOCK, The New Ates Silo% • 1 if 111 e • A 4 of a to rl he ►1 sh b, TI b 0 I't fn an M ea tie 12 It GI ►m ba yw oe Pe' pot ala del t.r No hal y« the is • enh skis 104 •re N reit this this vont II hem nl thio anis do. used e111 hav Vas his oral Caw' iDet the .ba mem lam