HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-6, Page 7ICES
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$arper's Magazine.
IN 1895
TalrpIMeas. • atter novel by Thomas
)]„� will be bogus is the Ikeeenoter Nam.
Orr. ttW. sad •,eatlaued to November. leek,
*boater may he oar • datums anuses hem
1.h •ovrheta it will be "oaoeded by all rruwg
lot Thomas Hardy shoed. foreritest es a
a.astar erne. t• action. slut The Neplese..
, y be et Levied to mouse set►w um not u
Prior .n decree to that which tug marked
Irmo, the Hurt etian:NSW obey of the tear.
Another lea.'.ea feature will he the rre...ttl
pe..11eetl.ra. of demi K •n. by the tour
Lour de Coate. Iter age aml teseretary.
,order which Rare the meet patellar et lir i.a
A..rh:aa Tainirtae writers will leve'•D' the
awl of the thud of Hu lease. la he Januar
\umber will appear • Prefurl) 'i.utrnted
paper on ebarbo4.. and 1M t'erollime. tea
fret of • arrive of Souab.,a pap•►.,
varthra Africa is attract lair sore anentlea
*001* 015) other times/rice it was the Nest sI
.spotty. The seat tTimm .t( MAItI'S:WO
MA(•A/1\K will teatime four dlastrwtad
article. us this t• Bion. asd three of them will
depot Ilse p 00001 life MereMere.1. tun llatpm
w prepare for the *AOA/.INK eerie. aof
e tbT tones. °vetgins t,patal phases of
( d/.ess 1.11, ted Haters. Bwi4rw Ino lour
N Wee trete w111 teeth •h the Januar) Num
F r the fleet napiere of a Mete -pert tweet.
mfr. Or 1:s. tt.ur Haeut\t. 1'.'1. the oes.
..r work 1e' attempted b. this wrt.t. ('am
pine abort .tortes by popular it rotor suit sou.
t: nue to be a feature of the MAOAZINI,
tea/Irer '.lea mill Pve.reetne•
The \'ulumee of the Magartne hewn with
Numbers les June and .1/ rash
yet. %V hen Tuthat. unwntuar.t,.0hovel p( ono
rill tante with the Number • t.rrrnt at the
f ,me of r.. etas .1 order. Cloth Caere. e, fur
sober, .o. -eats each by m.tl. p.m, paid.
Keuuttas.e00 should t.r mode b) 1'6... • its..•
Mobil Order or 1h'aft, te stool chanes of
\'r.r$T+e+j1rre ore teat 10 •-opyy 1A.. r, 1r., •,„
vat hr. A.,af 14. .rprr.. or.l.r u' Ila rlr•r Sr
Per leer
/!.ik!'EJ(.v M.I(!:1%IAie ...Per 1
flekPF.KY If 14.1H
lrARPK'K.v t (,t-xI. !'J r)f•Lf'..
Posters fM tr. gll wfar•rtbere.n ,a• CtertrJ
%.Jet, if Meade road bier,. tr.
Address: HAitVkR t RIttTHFatir,
1'. 0. *10* To. v. Y. ttiy, l
-31Cirper's Bazar.
--r- - - I N I895
kleniat Sed ea.:'..,r• dr•igse for N1 deer
and lads.e TMIe1te• dine from N.,tt-Y
• models by ta,ta.L aad I'II %et 1.. etre as 10-
portaat feature. T Mor appear every week.
aceoniti•rted by m'u is de•er•*Mhme and de
Owe "Parts deity, ''! K .17114141\r DK
ronret. FOS weeks, trwoecript ut the latest
styles oi.d ISP►kw in the nide. t'role:- the
heed 0f sew York rash/.era plain dirrt-t:un.
mid tun panecut•rs are g.'•r• u 111 .rape,
fibres, tfilmukIeara, so.d as eeeories of the rue
DDT e'1 ?w Ai -dressed women. 4 btt/ern'•
tIMblst removes prem owl 10'eel1..a. .1
nd Rang farlstiahtly reams Mootaspplease.t .
i shies read. re .0 . ut end Tarr rhesrwe
Iona no. woman who take. HAKI hor 4
RA/.Alt a• prepared tar rte)) w•■a.tun .n
Ute, .rrcmeu Diss ur ter or mat where nerrthil
deer is roeussue
•e Atger.e•a Serial. Darier WSerfh •
Demikier., hyo It•ua. c • If 'aids,. D•, .4, a
noun,; note: of American life. pans said :a
1'ene.y,t ants an rtly la the lar sante...di
oe. uy) the last haTrirf the year.
ley lardy Itediedy. an satensely etcitsag
el. by AI•snrK. %II 1I,s,, author ed
•.'d's Pooh. • The Greater ulry.' res . wdl
el.a the year.
I;.... end Meet& /•beta. To this depart
O one of an; want ere. I 816 8 e,.•1 .'urn hate her ?hammy
talon on ' What H e a..- Dome is New York
*newer. 1e iterve•petdeasa I/otettons rs
-i.e. the i'er'senal attrnt,ou of the editor. and
are answered at the earliest pees.ble date ar
tr• their retxipt.
nb Souvenir,'
Nihil StS%t t
'instlllts ar1•i
-Spot Cgs
arden an
k, Goderic
rt I
IN ,
h: (;Ku('EI
1 the .Dee
• wh0.
re pa▪ rt of
to the
tea/ fee Illemi sed Preepert...
The Volum:roof the HALM rearm At the
Aral Number for Januar...teach 1 ear. When
no time s mentioned. subscript lune will begin
with the Number current at the titneof receipt
of order.
('loth ('aces for each ?Hume. suitable for
handing. will be sent h) mail• pet pard, on
receipt of SI ss
Remittances abouts be made by lost omoe
Mosey order or I►rah. to stood chance of lues.
.1'eraprper. erre not lo ropy *Ain odreeftr•
Hunt without (4' rope... order of flutes,' &
BleuT ti awn.
per sear:
HARPRR's RA%.1 H f:
HARPRKs MAGAZl.1'!r ..
H.( H!'EKR Y01 .V I/ !'ROPER .. . t •a•
Postage Poe? to oil .wboribrra hetet United
soot's. Corrado. mid Nevi.
1'. O. Box tat N. Y. City.
Harper's Weekly.
IN 1895
ifAItPKRs WKKK IA' iso pictor;al history
of the tines. It presents every imsport••t
event promptly• accurately. orad exbaustively
:0 IUtstration and descriptive text of thebigh•
on order.
The manner in whish. dories ISI. It has
treated the Chicago Hallway Strikes and t1e
Chino-J•p•oese War. met the amount of
light it was &hie to throw on Kora the instant
atteMlon was directed to that little-known
estuary. are example, of its almost boundless
reseuros. JI'u*,e Ital.r•w, the dMHatu*bed
writer and core,peudent. has hese seed to the
east sf war, and there Joined by C. D. Wtttnot,
the well known Afters -as artist. airs for
ray years resident le Jamie. who has bees
Pltmged A cooperate with Mr Rauh la
wattles to HARPKR'a WLtK1.( eoal.dn
information sad illustration.
Inning ISM every mesal greetaes w111 he
discussed with vigor mad without per i.dica is
(le editorial .sI est and also a apenial arti-
ste, by tis. surest a•tbrlltea Is snob depart
(test Portrait.of the amen sad women who
are m•kime bletery, sod powerful and cause rr
Penitent cartoons. will esetlaw to he rhes
tensile dentures. This away Weeld. with Its
kens mad Madlyeewmsent on the Isseer doings
of re. day. w111 reaste m re ti'sr do meet.
Please. There wails two pewerfaI orias.
kora s•ubmamml7 IHtsarated - not !M reels -
ado • Marries reamed o1 *Item days by
slants, J. Warrant W • seed of New
Turk. entitle. The set of oke Father. by
1lTtlJI0 p Ma7Ttawo-sevral novelettes• and
na.y abort M•rlem by popular writes.
Md ter tllnetrtaM/ rvpaerea
T1. Tom. el the Wham t.y heals with the
newt a...ter Jasu.ry of each year. when
.o Moir esatle.sd. wbPevlwoos will bolls
with the Nember runnel at the time . re,
netprtt at seder.
(astwht, (riles fes each volume, SdtaNa res
o1r�..yIIlor. w111 .?leeLea by mail- port paid. on re-
tlemdt/•aose should be made by Peathille.
Money order or Draft. to ..di Musses .r
A r*epr,y.'+•. nes, sof to ropy ter adtwffe.
meat w'YA.rt the r'p,,eu 0.5.. .f Hearne t
Rhona ora
Per Tear,
H4 Brigs fe'ii1L r.... rt se
a•alPi31 cis' ...
H�AItPillf1wrro . tgopj ,, . 4 M to eil sembeerillere to the VeiledImre Oneede mid Ifeehlt
•Mete• t
SWIM WIN • Mesa.
Hemet heMOM� a hidapol 600 that (.
Wee N orwer Noe tApirep he -aimed
heawith • r d the dem
hr ve rolid the td bmtdle sew
Me eared
w. Niue A. A. Deox*T,
2* Moments. Owl
Anemic Women
with pale or sallow complexion,,
or suffering from skin eruptiofss
or scrofulous blood,wi1164d quick
relief id Scott's Emulsion. All
••f the stages of Emaciation, and a
general decline of health, are
speedily cured.
E mulsio
takes away the pale, haggard look
that comes with General Debility.
It enriches the blood, stimulates
the appetite, ereatex healthy flesh
and brings back strength staid
vitality. For Coughs,Colds,SoreT
Bronchitis, Weak Lung*, Consumtgly
and Wasting Diseases of Children.
Scott a Beene, srtteed s. as Clieogols fret all.
e1.. 4.u11..TE:a ( \1. WKt r.Ak0'.N t•11e114.1.
r/tt .errift i %Ta . o'Tit ru 1. T111:
1% haTTIta Hulk ta►TUa'v 4' TION 1.
,.: Tar r *IT4 est*LJ'' 1t7J.1' rfPeTt-
Yrqut Th.- Farmers' sun.
In an open letter published ih tht 'anode
Formers:" Num of Sept. 1) ever the
signature of 1M. F:vane, of Elmwood,
attention was called to the remarkable rye
Mee t'hrun9. fait sten, of North Ilrant,
sunt dM'•ttae'(e.1 by the doctor an March.
1892. when suffering from lotlameatlen of
the left !ore;;, wince etibeetiueotly developed
all the sun. of conadMp:ion. In June 1,1
the sane year eke wasted to a skeleton, and
wee suffering from an intense cough with
plotuse txpeaorarno0 of putrid matter, s
«'II.poaied Ly hecto fever. Her recto ery
was Impaired of until IV. Evan., ata stare:
when other reo,odie. bad .proved vahaelo.e,
45-1 ..int.tereel lk. %ViIII•s Ptak 1'dls
1Yithta • week the eymptors hal abated,
ai. 1 a pmrath after the change of medicine
Mir Koester was able to drive to Elmwood
a .1:.rent* of co doles, aa.l was 'n good
teahh, except for the w.e.keer occas:need
by e, !nog an Illness.
The pubin:atto1l of the •?..;:Dr's statement
of which he above is • conuenaation,csLsted
constdrrsl.le Interest, eepeetally ellen It was
rumored that Itr Eesa, was Ak.•!. to
Iia..iplined by the Medical Council for be
satmw 1* certifying to the efficiency of an
advertietsl remedy. A repn•erntattve of
The Commis Farmers' run wa.commission-
ed to carefully intrattgate the wetter and
ascertain how tar the dn.-tors statement,
were corroborated by the patient'. faintly.
An interview with I'fpsuna koestr, her
father and mother, wee held et the home-
stead to the Tnwoebtp of North Ilrant, Mss
Disaster is a well develope.f, he•Ithy h'okittg
girl of eighteen years of age. She stated
that ahs war now so the enjoyment of per-
fect health and ehle to do her part In the
talon of the tarn., and had not since her
cure had any re,:urn.oe of her former
Tarlo Koester. father of 4'hnstina, said
that the statement as published in 1►r.
Evans' open letter as to hs (laugher's re-
covery was correct. She was first taken
eek .bout the 15th of Marsh, 1R92, of in-
flammation et the left lung, and after treat-
ment by 1 h. F:vuos seemed to recover after
about two week., hut again relapsed with
the apparently hopelesecondiOons described
so the letter. she was terribly wasted.
Every night elle coughed up • large bowl-
ful of fetid matter. The faintly had com-
pletely given op •11 hope of her recovery,
and for two night. sat up with her expect-
ing that she would die. After beginning
the fink 15lla • change for the better was
speedily noticeable. The cough begun to
di.conti.ue and ,n one month had entirely
ceased, when, as stated to the doctor's let
ter •he was suffitteatly recovered to drive
Elmwood. She continued taking the
polls until October Christina has been
.flute well •lace and this fall had been
putcnlog sheaves and helping in the harvest
Mrs Koenterconcurred wish her hushand'a
statemena throughout, and was emphatic
in testifying to Christina's reduced and
weakly condition at the cries of the dise..e
ad the completeness: of her recovery.
In view of the corroboration by Mims Ko
ester and her parents of the etaeaente
made in 1)r. Evan • letter, all doubta in the
matter must be nit at reek sad the doctor's
action in ¢tyle, tM facia e( this remark•►le
owe to the public is hilly justified.
We w we Ib. Palmier.
F:vary sailer has hu story about the mis-
takes which landlubbers make over the
mamas of things at sea, *high always seems
to be exactly the opposite of what they are
tie lad.
A sew boy hal sees on board • West
India ship upon which t punter lad also
been employed to paint the skip's side. The
painter was at work upon 14.teKiag nueperod
ed under the ship's stern.
The captain who had jest got into • boat
alongside, eallyd oat to the new bey, whe
stood leonine over the rail : I.c go the
Everybody should know that • boat's
painter u the rep. which makes it fast, bat
this boy did not kettle it He ran aft ad
let go the repro *hien held the st•giag for
the p�lator. Meanwhile the septets was
weinried with walU.sgt to be east off.
Yew reseal, he .•fled, why dost you let
go the palates.'
lies Nome. sir, Gail the hey briskly. He a
ogee, pots, brushes mad aiL
were% r.reeettar.
RearuiIdq tfelgoat Toe won't de ter •
Aq. 1 Why ant'
91wt'�ei..t The frost inure
+it sad you met pall
a trigger.
AplFeeat•--Obs list 11 be all right I'd
just as lief Mea .ilei Mid ORM • sweet.
Wm nesse (Mate, M the ams.satpra.
IYew Orleans Time, Democrat The oat.
ash beehmei, 1 outdoes, surprised meas M
its ms•g.itude aid the ue•duoatel tame of
the West with rolereooe to fish. Ute el
these firms told me that good ti.h-rdgek,
sheepbea.ls, kc. were to no noisiest, aid
sell away below catfish. Some pampas*
were scot, but the consignee wrote to the
shipper, telling hint his hoitfish were not
wanted and wouldn't sell, and he ouulk net
dispute of them. While cattish are bought
at N6 per 100 pounds, the choice fish ars
tent away out to Pueblo, t .,1.: to Kansai;
('.,v, SIS.. Leavenworth, Kan., ao'1'1'opeka
Kan They are skinned, disembowelled,
heads cut orf, and are perked inlboxse ul 100
pound. each, with • -eke of ice. The
variety they catch and ship are the fowl,
blue. awl fresh water oats. They msg. in
sire front one to twenty five pounds.
The tiehrrm.a catch only m winter.
They bait with sardines, shrimps. and .mall
fish. The fishermen are p.id fb and .ip-
ward per 1.5.1 ttound., anal, s. the fish only
tell for about .ix cent, per pound to the
Weeten0 c n.ume?, there s- nor much t.- •Hey
in it for the Morgan ('1,y p'.rrhaser. s ' .111 -
pent wn
11 -
pettti"n •sums »harp, hut a road deal of
trade in wonted la by way of lav,a. all 1?..
purch.sere have a store. 1 fon told that
from Morgan City to Melville there are from
1100 to 1000 Tell engaged to towelling catti.h.
They have floating boats, and live on the
water during the fishing swoon -say six
months and cut wood to summer. The
fish are caught in Ratou 4'heoe, Itoutte,
Rsvou';orr.11, Bloody Mayou, t:read Lake,
and lake I hn'ot. It is mid that the lied
River water poisons the catfish and forces
them up stream.
a tlwten boilers 51 GAM ane, and 4.1111 -
get. till •way -
A large amount of gold has been found :n
an ludas mound in 1 -Ilion a panty, 25 ruile
tram the city. .1 week ago . Cherokee
woman named McDonald, a grauddaurhter
of t'h,ef McIntosh, one of the famous chief-
tains of her trine. appeared to the urighsror-
hood with • map, showing the location of a
large stnount of hidden treasure. rh. claim-
ed that :500,000 had bees buried in the
mound by her grandfather. People were
Yawned to treat her .. st crauk._but nnall)
the owner of the farm on which the treasure
woe Limited agreed to open the Mound, for
half the treasure, it •uy were found. Three
workmen eommenced excavating and early
yesterday morning they found OP, worth of
gold dust ao.i nugget-. in a jar. Inter they
unearthed an iron box eoat.i'Oing $30,000
worth of the preriou. metal. The lento
woman claims there is • great deal more to
be uoearthcd. Over 2,000 people have
maths,' .o the naighhorhnodof the ground,
and fifty tonsil i..cu are gurd•ng .t.
War te.vl. ea the Lake..
Marine Review - 1 he 1'roadies Menu
facturrr objects to the establishment of a
naval militia on the lake', on the score of
the treaty between I:reat l:n_aio and the
1 rated states, which stipulate* that neither_
power shall maintain armed vessels in these
water*. There it no need of worry on the
part of people of the Dominion on account
of such an organization of such *tate naval
reserve bodies as have been eatahltaked is much Ah but, said the youth,
('hiwgo and Detroit, but it is probable that
"think of the bunked* of tine house* you
own, and the
mate' they bang you ' .
"What better off am 1 f ,r that replied
the rich man. "I can only live la one
hour at • time : as for the money 1 re-
ceive for rents, why, 1 can't eat it, or wear
it ; 1 eau only use 1t to buy other house*
for ether people to like in : they aro bene-
flctaries, sot I." "But you can buy splen-
did furniture sed (hotly picture, and car-
tages and horses : m (tet, what you de-
ars." "And after 1 have bought them," re-
ipooded Mr. Ridgway, "(chat thenI can
only look .t the furniture and picture*, sad
the poorest man who is not blind can de -the
same. I can ride no easter in a due ar.
riage than you in an omnibus for five cents
with the trouble sod attention to drivers,
footmen and hostler, : and as to anything I
desire,' 1 an tell you, young ma, that tbe
less we desire in this world the happier we
shall be. 101 my wealth cannot buy back
my youth, cannot purehase exemption from
sickness and pun. cannot procure me power
to keep afar oil the hour of death : and then
what will all oval when, in a few short
rears at most, I he down In the grave, and
leave is all forever. \ ming man, you have
no cause to envy me... The fountain of Donn
tent most spring up in the mind, and be
who had so little knowledge of human
nature as to seek happiness by changing
aythinr but his disposition, will waste his
lite in fruitless effort., and multiply the
grief* which he proposes to remove.
Ames Immune also a very wealthy man,
held hie .stoleo subject to the calls .f Goal.
His motto through life was, "character be-
fore wealth," and had inscribed on his
pocket -book, "What shall it profit • man if
he gain the whole world and lose his own '
soot'" He was • men of large success- h
But his fortune was only incidental to the f
great pnrpo.e of life.
Dime he sent to his partners for six hon -
dyed dollars in smell bills, for charitable
purposes. A few day* afterward he sent
fes more, quoting in hie note the fallowing
from Ponta quaint writer "The .rood there • I
is in rimless cloth .11 together in their use. ' t
Like the woman's box of ointment, if it 11.
not broken and the contents poured oat for
the refreshment of ,lees ('hnmt in his die.
tressed members, they lase their worth. 1
will thers,gre be the Midler by charitably
laying out, while the ~Ming will be the
poorer by his cavemen beanbag up. "
• leeltar a w.
1 beci s sad work from morning till Dight -
Jaet for • dollar • day
Ad 1 find it hard he do what'. nght
tie only • dollar • day.
But Maggie stud a ha.• a house w
There's plenty of rooms for our three
There's 'moon and butter ad bread oft
she'. voe
Which 050'* very bad for a battler who d
Fur • hard little dollar • day.
Maggot sounettmee takes • whirl at the
lo hasp out sty dollar • div.
She belay hums hoe wage's transhgured
Tho- it's ler than • dollar • day
Maggie egg a has Der. r r hence at new
All 1 cao give her is grub and canvases
Vet. theres not a grey hear or her beautiful'
As she sits on my knees and piously blesses
My safe little defler • day.
Two dollars a week is paid for .rte rent,
Tho' 1 get but • dollar • day :
It mak.. in my wales • horrible dent,
For 1 Oslo but • dollar • day.
1 he ret of it goes for victuals end fuel :
4)1.1 Hard Times and us Nn tivh'ing • du
But, Lord' we hey. plenty of pancakes •
The twins are a blessing, the baby • jeer
And they're are fat on • dollar • da..
The idea of hales I've got in my nob.
(Results of • dollar • day,
Is • place where everyone'• nut of a 'ob
And can't get a dollar • day.
And heaven s Saturday eight and my
While 1 hold my wages and Maggie engages
To dish up a feast fit for .er•phs or .ares.
The blessings Joey promised in Testament
1:ome home with my dollar a day.
Ilii: K11.1%.
the l
tub; eat are
el :
!Mb Mat'. L.slurale of Wealth.
The London Tidbit* lately otlered a pr:.':
for the best definition of money. The pn'e
was awar. fed to Henry F:. !Serine, of .het
field, who defined 11 th',, : "An article
whish any he used as a universal passport -
o everywhere except heaven, and as a
uutvrrnal provider of et er) tTog extep
The wt own t is eh
it apparent to every tboug^tful nuhd.
Jacob Flldgway, a wealthy millet o
Philadelphia, who died some years ago
leaving r fortune of six milliene, once h
the following C000er atlou with • yowl*
maa who regarded riches as the roost defile
able thing to be obtained to the life.
The young man said to a:ni '"Mr. Itidg
way, you are ntpre to be .n.. -:ed than any
gentleman I know." "Why so respond
e.I Mr. Ridgway. "I am riot aware of as
cause for which 1 should be particularly en
Vied." "%that, nes " exclaimed the leuug
Hao to as. aahment. •'Why, are you not
• millionaire Think of the thousand'
your income brings you every mouth''
Well, what of that •" replied Mr. Ridge
way. "All I get out of It is my vi.•tools
and clothe., and 1 'au't ea: more then ole
man's allowance or wear more than one
suit at • time. fray, can't you do as
still better Whe n
►Made with
for '.lie, are
PEE frOryr C.RER36
and are easily di -
gestic/ :fo-T. fl��
shorrtnrrt9 y and all
Cooks r9 1 l.t r ' o a e -s
(O'TfOLEME is hotter
and bllrer 'Kan. lard.
Made e,.'y by
The N. K. Fairlrank
Gm flalgr,'
W.ulyles tail Sam Blew
t - -
happtner 1 h d f h d 'aunt ntepror/ teeth. se l�rf?,b I Isere, ore.
f Sly. stopford Brooke add d the Irish
Lttera'y "ociety of 1.ofolon '.!les other day,
,� and gate a very :earatl and hiso a very
pleasant address. Mr. Brooke is • Natio.
- abet of forty years' •tand.og, and stud that
the ex steam of • national frislh literature
frZom the rely earliest times was the hest
Guarantee for the lattice of the present
claims of Ireland. England's literature was
1.'ontinuous, and was a main noire* of her
oat ional great nese. Though the bulk of tlte'
Irish people knew nothing atw,ut their en-
, oient literature, there was hardly any Euro.
peen nation which pessean.d so inspiring.
and splendid • series ct early 1:'erai v trea-
sures. 'The literature of Ireland, also, was
to be Lound in the form of folk -tales ,• -each
as had already to eons extent been collect-
ed by 1►r. I k.n.las Hy le in hie "Beside the
Fire"; butt the remaining stories ought to
be taken down *ow, for to twenty years it
might be too late. Frei, neer, wood, and
had even now its own inhab:ta'1 of the
elfish kind. There was • great treasure -
house of these literary roods which d The Small End of Nothir_g
should be the patriot's task tn-roilec:, ane'.
which would bring far more glory tr. the '
Gteen Llsed tf\eq any advances in wealth derived Proms attending is floewanis o.matl. J',nt .o nr.a:1 are the bet. Vito •o tie
or eemmerce. .The influence of the old nR come .o rolled ' br.■Imre... n .,.. - _
Inch romance had extended'fer beyond ire
land. Northumbria, in particular, was
anciently dreochei with it. It showed it-
self in that sinrolar love of color, that chr-
octenstic love of noon* in her more subtle
and remoter Innelin,.m. There was also, in
Northumbrian Iiterature, an t.ivaI!y sad
and fiery amorousness of disposition, an ex -
ase of individuality, and a certain tierce-
.tere of satire all which characteristics,
ltopford Brooke might have added, are to
be found in perfection in the work of the
latest poet. of Northumberland-- Algernon
objection of this kind will retard the pro-
gress of • naval militia on the lakes;as it will
prevent advantage belte taken of the
offer of the government to furnish to the
states old war veea,11 for drill and instruc-
tion. The old Shchlgnn which s the only
vessel of war permitted on the lakes, may
be used by the state org..iraron for an or
mu:isms.' cruise of short duration, but she
would he of little service if the oral maliti•
plans were extended to the full scope of what
might be expected from lake cities.
N Wasted Dry eeeed.
%that 40 you want she asked of th.
tramp who had mode his way around to the
kitchen door.
Nothin much ma'am, he replied with •
politeness that .wakened her suspicion.
Money, 1 suppose' We don't rive tramps
N n'm. I don't want no money.
Well, he have no victuals except for din
nee, and they ain't done yet.
1 don't even ask for none of your dinner,
ma'am. MI 1 want u some dry bread : jn
dry bread.
She was touched.
Poor man ' she exclaimed. Here, 1'11
give you a piece of pis anyhow.
No m. I'd ruther hey the dry bread.
Da you like it'
No, but yet see me and the rest of the
boys her Moiled aroun' 411 we've got a tur-
key an' some celery an' some cranberry
sauce an' some plum puddin,' an' and all we
want now is jest the dry bread ter make the
stuffin ot.
realness N res.Gaadeee.
Lard William Lennox, is hi. " Recol-
le bone," tells • story of the eschew of the
1►uke of Wellington. The French, with •
fresh force double that of the Duke, were
.iosiog upon his jaded troops one stormy
night in Spain. Wellineton completed his
preparations, and then, termini to • scout,
melted " How long will it be before they
Gan reach us'" " (1•If an hour," was the
reply. "Theo i me en asleep,' he eaid,ad
wrapping his cloak about him, he dropped
when he stood Iu the muddy trench, and
!a a instat was asleep. He •woke when
the bugles of kis enemy sounded in his .ata
it may be added that Napeleo., so Me sel-
dims were went to declare, not only slept
soundly whet ander ire, but eves when
riding no herseb•ek. (len. Grant aro ha/
the same faculty N falling leetantly asleep,
eves im the fees of darer.
A ■ Old Alt.se weer -(lee►.
Century Magazine : In • tearer, reached
by • flight of nekety stairs, u the water -
clock that has measured time for the t'a
tosses for nearly 600 years. Four copper
pots, aruet.4 and dingy with age, stead
raised Os Mega, 5501 one sleeve mid sdititly
behind the other. L the be, of the three
apper poet are lips over whim& free • pin-
ball ous*se hebop hywater Mktg ye bop veered
tricksashed the lest dam' std punts int=
hearth, er low.5k b oartdrips • •Wit in the
coeur of We vowel ib mat • graduated Zero
seals steadied le • 6.e below. which ries
with the Morwtiag vellum of water. Ivory
twenty -bite home lie wte.r aer�ti.yy,t
in the tesoiderved
the upper -
gem, tide, .: le Moan Aim. , the
Mut eny M ries �e with the been as
the vessel siewfy Me est
Arm r ibe Fsaoeera
men, it
t ea ell
People who se egpsed M the end* held the
e\•ttoe of err mwt1eew Aerie have
ohe. little fibre s
mei Os
Threat INA Mom lute employ eolith
The hem Gaelowli
Ma a of M ksA H.�ae i= rent- whim&
Dore, at keel r t g11eb sed vele• ~led
able mire fee we\ semplanta WIN
heehaw tee M be sfi.so mast tide sow
sway he �/ le knew how te seri
sus se that it will de e.rviee te • sew
Who. the *•/r We r the tea keret.
feather he the ewes nein every
omelet std will hod ribose le•tst.
Theo sake • bailie That le Dot Ottery
ani Mum cosh M wow Tib. Medea
s1M1 . a Mer Al b.w khat
lap Ole Aur k• lir for trIMbl le
beams lefty sed like mow
1 Wool Stela'. Cape, 1:111, for $12.
1 Wool $sal Cape'. $:10, for $25.
2 Ladies' Cult'.. $10 each, for $3 each.
4 Ladies' •Coat►, ti each, for $1.30 each.
K colored Cloth Capt•( at allu ufagturer`s Prier.
:i 1 )dies' Dag'tkin Coats, worth $10, for $2.4.:5(1.
T -r r t
ends s
of Mantle Cloths
at about Half Price.
16 pieces Dress Goods
Slang} `ered
Examine Prices.
_0e. for 15e. --23c. for 1.ic.
2f1c. for 1 sic,- 81c. for 20c
40e. For 299.-50e. for alk.
90c. for GOc.---y-ic. ,for 571e.
tiSc. for 43c. 73e. for 50c.
20 Short Ends of Carpet, good Stock, less than W1, '.,alt' Prices.
1 „n mutt '(ave money by buying the above Goods froth
The Gi'el�et Curet and it Lune C'lcrlarn Ware Louse Of'!he County.
My `ttgves 'sr.• all marked down chomp but 1-w;ll give an • . •r, lis ov n' ' , „
cash on all ttholod ('oal or Wood Renate. :(low is your time to stet a ear. o Itov.
- People of lilN►ll Ct►31JION SENPE usuaily
appreciate a good article that 4 .hone utly 'mad,
well finished and up to bate. his explains ti
great 'ucec,-
Charles Swinburne. English verse, 51r.
Brooke onatinued, needed • fresh impulse.
Thu it eight receive in hill measure from
the untouched Irish stories. Theretore, let
them be speedily rendered into F:nglish.
Such • union would provide aaterul for
English poetry kr aeolher thouawd years.
A corneas Iteeeed
.4 methodical ess died in Berlin recently
at. the age of 73 years. %then lh year• old
he heron keeping a record, which he con-
tinued for .52 years, which, says an ex-
ehange, u the beet commentary we have
teen on the life of • mere worldlier. His
book shows that in 52 years this " natural
nun ' had smoked G38,71h cigen, of which
e had received 43,692 as present', while
or the remaining 585,021 he had paid about
410,433. In 52 year, according to hie book
keeping, he had dreak 28,780 Glasses of
beer, and 36,084 glasses of .pipits, for .11 of
which he spent $5,340. The diary doer
with these words : " i have tried all thing.,
have seen may, i have .eco renhshed no•
Ile W..Id.'t men for Here.
Tramp Thee. victuals are cold, worm,
and 1 woe tenderly brought up.' n't you
ve me some that nee wore'
Sympathetic Indy--Of sou ndget,
ring the cayenne popper.
On the contrary, ;o, noted for the prncric,I ebara.•ier of Its work. Yon need sotrathiaa poe-
tical. why oat eorrepond oar. n+at mire.
J. W WESTERVELT Principal.
A Word to the Wives
is sufficient.
Better throw away- that iron-
.; ktnun(l, leaking till. and frail and
get the unbreakable, ligi,t, one piee.'
article. All well appointer) 'rrrx'('ry
, • • mores keep
Goderich, Ont.
I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SI
to the following address for months. GNgL
Da/', 189
P. S. -Remit by money order, if � � •�•
t possible, or by registered letter.
Three Months
Mx Months -
Twelve Months -
19a11nple copies
- - Atfc.