HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-6, Page 6THINGS REALLY WOi{TH KNOW INC. A('C(►RDINil to the lien c. salable nkat tyle were over 10411 Milieu awe- +se...t lamp is .se is the United atat.ak tF,- leg:Deisgof this year. Th. .rl$y .1 LI.- tru.ps ads..• la the Boehm Motor este ere the .ork int *.ream, snow merit*, days. stork .. thirty lamps per person. 1 he greatest .veld expel .eased by 1'.. 7i. ket A.cod explore ',-us woe S'Ldeg' r.. txvow sVir Stuart Je.41ra., • 1ea..f.au surveyor, Jlfrttes in the popular Softies /deathly that he bm uoder,looe t.5 AVMS blow zero ID the open air without beteg rendered very ascomtortaWe by IL In • new work of eUKu1v rear Prof. War. ren ...cu..es the ••fatigue'' of metals • 111,411g tern. used to down* then low of purer of r1,istaeoe after having been sub ,e..••d to • s:rstn. ( et ►ilea grow thus "he .o.ted am! finally break bole the effect ret . -ors and @trains me mail that no single on- .d them •eaten W davit au) eli..:4 et all. far world a on'por of geld has increased from 70'2,R..01A.e. in 18.0 to 2,217,643 mom in 1343, but dunnv ties some period the yield per boa decreased from 13.30 to 1C•.(14 p:naywetr4ts. T. A. Rickard writes that •• the steady, .k reathe to the yield per tui as due to the exbawuom of the high.rgrade, fret .. nillisg ore oar the surtaee.' I1.e nea• ac•.femy at Athens is built of garble from the sante ouarrls which fur- U$14ed the p,..rble for the Parthenon, and its *trio' .ora are briiiirntiy deserted to red, Nuc and gold. This might be a.aaidered barbaric it it were not classical, but Mace the disceveries nude an excavating at Ath- ena within the heat twenty years it is no longer pnsebble to doubt that the ancient (•reeks often painted their choicest marble. In the moat gaudy colon. 1 roe United States now have about forty geese:e engaged in whaling , the remnant of • ::,:.•t which o' -.o numbered 500 ships. The demand for whale oil ha..ogreath-decrees- ed that the industry has dwtudle.l away. 11 IA noir supi,oz.ed chrely by the .tenand for whalebone. ,which u •lw•yi meetly in ex - cede of the supply. Americo whaler; which go as far north an 14440;0 flay in midsummer gwaorrlly .peed tate water tree, ea up te ]Hul.ou• I)ay. _ . Freak E 'nyder calm the irrcat dam over le the 4'orade River at Ausuo, Tex.,. "• second Nara." It s 1,300 feet long and OR foot high, rising tae streams te) leer above low water mark. Not oily will is fur.. *14 the city will •lectmc fight mod power for the pumps of tw water -works. but there • wilt IA • largersurplus of weer for mills and fectreries. The like formed by tate does is tweet votive miles look.nd coverts an area Of .1.(Ak acres. Worship is .14.. is • very simple •lair. In massy of the temples the ch:ef feature i. • looking -glass emblematic of purity of mule Nor it as a foot of water au w'lich the wor •.hipper washes on entering. He then preys before the dams, drops a few .xeppere Into • boa and nags • hell three times as he gore tout N:oce the Mikado declared 14411.elt tot longer divine' and infallitde Japanese sceptic • ism tow mown nptdl,. In a paper on the status of the nickel in - decry. 1*'eV. I.. Austin says that the fu- ture of nickel depends largely on that o1 nickel -steel, which is now teeing tested for armor plate. It it proves to be grertly su- perior to ordinary steel toe demand for stckel will teeth in cheapening the waste - /el processes now eel In reducing it. As • result of the coethoe.i of such processs that the output of nickel is so limited that is 18039 it did not exceed .0e -half to ,.0e - \ shard that et silver. 'rho principal deposits' \are In New 4 •ledonl• and the Pr.rriof Iinterio, Canada, though It as found in New York and u widely distributed in both the ('sited :Tates and Europe t. Prat. 1.-ackyer points nut that the great le of Amen -Ra at Karnak, was built so at at .unset on the loncest day of the year the sun would .tune romplete-Iy through is central gallery. 1t `Ire a sun temple,. and thio method of " onenatsen,' as it is called in ancient architecture, undoubt- edly originedd, as did, all astronomy, in worship of the sun and other be•eenly teNbn_ RECIPES- lr.'•m Biscuit Two eggs beaten very list, half • pmt of sweet cream, one •iu•rt M flour, one teaspoonful of salt. To mix theta beat an • little dour •ed cream alter- nately. Work them ten minutes, roll very thin and cut with a glass 1Mtmesl (.riddle fake@ Two cupfule of oatmeal, one cupful ow wheat deur. • tea- spoonful of brown sugar, two teaspnoofuls of baking powder sifted into the dour, half • teaspoonful of salt, oold water mama,:tt1 to make • batter as thick as buckwhcaf,d caked. ''ypay Ilam. Cut naees of raw ham thin, ✓ emove the fat and .haps them of equal e t e : fry them u butter over • brisk tire o0 both aides in • hot dish. MIX with butter • large handful of Mead erurn) -do table- spoonful of vinare'. : beat it onto" hot, add- ing the juice ot • slice of oaten, and pour om ',oh side of ham. fleet Salt,: with Tnmataes Scallop or tam in .h: = some cold broiled or braised beef : pan the pieties round -shaped end meson with salt, pepper, nil and villager, also very finely cut up chives: lay all on • piste or salad bowl, rivseo it • dome-.hape, and r•rnieh around the salad with peeled or eu•rtered tomatoes Freed Sweetbread.. Cut the parboiled sweetbreads foto even •i,ed metes, sprinkle .•it and pepper over. dip into egg and bread or cracker Brun.... and fry :n hot lard. Green pop are sometimes served with fried . weetbreads, ,he peas in the centre and the sweetbreac;e around amperages heals are also used with white or Brom sauce poured over• i'ork steaks. To fry pork .teaks re• .fres from twenty •five to thirty five minutes: turn them ones. If they are omit. (at. pour off all that fn.. out of them when they are half dwe,aad reserve it for some other use: then dip the steak. im 5ete bread erumh1 mired with a tittle powdered sage and pepper and lay them hack in frying pan When !.heir toughly cooked, take them ap SIM lav them upon • hot platter. Mir • little browned flour in water and mid to it the gravy in the feyiae pen, poor In • gill of venter a little salt, end turn it instantly. as it n0i1s up. over the steaks. A bees* led, A lady named Aire T U. M. Humphries, living In Keene, Ont., who used ealy ewe bottles of Membr•y • idney and laver Core, has terwarawl • statera.1.te the sea' that it completely cured her .f is- Aamn.•tory rhwmatkidney •sed liver troubles. Such a of diseases yielding so quickly te, this remedy should *ne0urage easter su*lali to Tire it as hese* trial. Mbar MOM Mrs Hliak• ireatfi -teemee tan to. dere pais better wham Iiia Mr. Melts Who mays that -a doctor or • ahenmmker ' • CLEANING HINTS. Sever ir00ware walk leek silted mates. Clews grained woedwurk with odd tea 1%asb rusty gilt frames in @pinta of etas. I se wool ashes m discolored table -ware. Wash blaelened ceilings with suds •water. Purify jars by soaking them In strong soda water. Haub egg camas .0 sliver with salt nu • damp eloib. R ►Eager mals Ir,'. furniture with • lit: ik .west oil. Rub 11.411 with hot vmeger •WI .4111 and .Wn4 with time as4se. ('lump steel knives with row potate dip ped u tine brickdust. Wash ask .tains In strong hone axial then swage with lemon juicw l'tpnnkle salt c•er the sou: on • carpet cod .weep all up together. So.k mt:d.w,J .clothes in buttermilk and spread 00 t ., grew In the sun. opooge • grew spot with four table- spoons of altoh.: to toe of salt Remove pant .pore from • window by rubbing • copper cent over them. Hold • fruit stained article over • bowl aed pour boluus.wate4 through the bow.. Clean • carpet with • brown dipped lin • •very weal 1ulut4uu of turpentine in hot water. I'm • lump of camphor lin au air tight cam with mix estate to Imp it from dscol orateoe. Wash oil @bill with • d•uoel sod warm water, dry thoroughly and rub with a little skim null. The foh wing directions for removing stoma, sputa, etc-; must be used with ex• seedling mutate Chloroform. benne, turpentine, kerosene and gasoline .re all dangeroussubstanor unless Mut Heti *iib extreme caro. - FASHION ECHOES A favorite haslketchiet is of fine sheer linen, with• hemstitched border. Very popular are the collars' ot fur enacts very full and lust large enough to cover the shoulders without wnte*ling the waist. Very comfortable wear an cold weather are garters. and these are in black and few' colones well shaped and at moderate prises. ' -for [host who do not care for fur, skirts are mu.,h trimmed *1114. wide band of vel- vet, at the top and bollen with p•ssemeo- terte or with two rows of ribbon velvet,cov- ered with 1.assementerle. The best putrtttutes for tianoel pet tweets are soft silks,u4ted 411.4 edged teeth lace,or warm, tht..•k flume: drawers worn over cram Aec.,ttoa. 'these seen) to answer the per - pogo of warmth without adding to the .tie of the weerer. The small Rut.ian taus is liked for any tune of day and with venous gowns. It s simply a low, sots, long crown of black vel- vet boarded narrowly with fur•with a mina - tare bead of the ;animal m hoot, and as trtmmiag as civet of tar tails or else two pointed ends of 1elvl1 wired in the shape ot Mercury wings lead posed i. fr.0t to point backwards. BERT NOVELS. T1.e following is en elcellest though limited lot of the heft books for ate to red : The best political acme! Lothair. The best religious novel Bea Hur The best histonal novel-Ieankoe The best Irish novel -Handy Aady. '!fa English novel -Vanity Fair. comntry life aovel Adam Mede. The best military• --l' rte si harles U'Mril ley. The best marine move; Mr. Midshipman s Eery. l'he best American novel -The scarlet letter. The best humorous novel -The Pickwick Papers. The beet pathetic novel --The Old ('uriae- y Shop. The beet domestic novel -The Vicar of -•ketield. The iest Scratch novel The Heart of idlotnt•n. The fest dramatic novel The (count of ante t'nsus. The boot novel written for • purpose acle Tom's 1'eon. at 51 M RAMS HORM BLASTS. Love alw•yn weep. whin It has to whip. Love hexer 1lsatows • burden that u he.vy. We are fearing God when we fear to do wrong Faith te C'hrtet chanties the ootl.n into • chariot. To believe the devil is to lose the peace of Christ. One symptom of back•Stdiag et a lack of thankfulness. I.elision pure and undetiled aver works by the month. law wean iron shoes, and doom t .are where It steps. There are no real strong people in thug world but good people. The truth we hate the most is the truth that buts .0 the hardest. The busier a nae is the herder it as for the devil to get into conversation with him. There are some people who are raven or home who par for doves at camp meeting. It is not what you put into your pocket, Mut what you take out that will mete yen rich. The man who would go to heaven aloe* If he could, u the very one who ohght to be kept out. The devil is not much concerned about the ioduenor of the 4 brlatias who sloes not pray in secret A wry Petite Fsspe e. At • crieket match played in the park rel • well-ko.wo baronet in Sussex there was • searcit•; of available talent. It was oasis mry. in e0,1114uence, 10 seeure the services el ono of the footmen of the h.11 ea umpire. la due course the barnoel hie master wet in, .ted the allow. howler eras put en. The second time he bowled the haronet •ccooppppeedd the hall with his leg. and the cry of "Flow. that was raw,' It was the 100114/1 who had to .sewer ad. turning to hs master, he exclaimed. te a half apologetic tone. "Ices afraid I most mir ':kat at home,' "or t;serge.- "Not at home ' erred the harenst. "Wheelie you tiers' •'Well, them, w George, .Jamas made tesswer, "if you will hays it. 1 meas that you're bout Burdook Mood Bitten mires dyopepeou Bet dock Blond Ratters our= anemia= t to Rurdeeh Blood Sitters eerie biliousness . B.reeck Mood Bitten sures be•d•.rle. Berrieeek Blond Bitten *sleek. Ill the c{ei�fd .seretione of the bowels, thou eta. ieg h hes sod similar eemplat.ta 2tr THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT„ THURSDAY, DEC 6. 1694. KISSES. Trate leer t111dewe se atm in the h1a11 Was. Medical Press aid Chro icia Lu.e may be ceay.0satly divided tato two damn, those which beloaq t., •ad are ulImMely associated' with the warmer peastuas of Ile heart •ad tholes which ore purely con.eutwoal. In vette of the conn:... it -mamas of modern military pr,ncipler, to u. -liner case a :he habit ds arable or even permiwblr Nevertheless It s only • *414'0 of I•bur ter atedloal men ton to protest rewind the habit, w far as the int order of kiesw i. eumoerued. Mt .•robes, hewcvsr pathogenic. will be &goofed under these ctrcumttanss, and such will be the case until time is no mors. %Vitt, 4.epnl, tomes er, to the.e%ood ver int, of kisses, the matte( is different For the meet part the habit te practised upon children, both girls sod boys. Among themselves, too, ketoses to • Lrre .stent preyaila But the fac.dty with which diph- theria, measfs, whooping cough and scarlet lever are transmitted .n ear., hie renders the habit one with commies mime well show to be open to graceoblecttoOa. How ever essential c.0ventional kisses may he regarded as • means ot demoostrstiug friendship and pohtena•ae, parent. .hound, neeerthelew, we think, c0aufer m thn matter the eeltue rel their children tint. (Put . ondemnatton of kisses may, for prac- tecal purpose., be restricted to the oble.. taonahl. h., ...moon pre..taco of k1esi0,, uo the noon: h. .lmosg grown up people tt u unbec..nung, to coy the learnt, while toward and between cbildree the practice is open to the greyest 10.picton 1 hilttren can be trained with the greatest eller to .rler the cheek or the forehead for the prufl red ...arose, and to elude the at- tempt to contaminate the lips. The incus blame period of all the diseases men, wiled may or may not be tnteetPre in the ordinary acceptation of the term. I'pon this matter our knowledge, so far, is by no means cer- tain, while, on the other head, recent In- vestigations would mem to indicate that the infection el • ymottc dice.... In patients is of- very much longer duration than used formerly to he su . , ' , enduring. indeed, long after coeval .ce hu been wale li.hed Why tlQ Tea'ro..a. fir lbs of muscular isctivi I. Any man who dose take time to exeresis@ will probably have tit take time to be 111. 2. Body and mind are both citta, and tor the proper us of them our Meeker will hold us responsible. 3. Exercise grailual:y increases the physical powers, lad gives more strength to resist dekne.e. 5. F 410lCise will do for your body' what intellectual training will do for the mind educate and strengthen at. 5. Plato called • man tome because be exercised the mind while the body was as lowed to suffer. 6. A sound body Use at the tonndati.0 of all that roes to make life a success. Fixer caw will help 1.o1!tee it. 7. Exercise will help a young mal to lead u chat. life. F,. Varied. light and brisk exeroiSe, next to sleep, will rest the tired brain better than asvthinr else. 9. aletal will rust (if not used, and the body will become diseased if not exercised. 10. A man "to busy" to take cave of his health is like • workman too busy to sl•rp- en his tools. The Irl.it nrb..lata..er. in the days when teachers were few and far between an old faehione.i Irish mhool- ntast er went the round. frog' district lit tCf to district. (if lose many stories are stall told In the Inpoa through which he traveled. He did an excellent work on the whole, and trained in the "duo" R'." many men who afterwards became prominent in public life, but his brood Irish accent tem the occasion of many leughable scenes between him rind his pupils. t)n one occa.ton the muter examined his school from the spelling -book before the committeemen. He always celled the boys by their last names, pronouncing their ('hrtatan names last, as In • roll call. " Brown, i'.yter the muter .boated. Peter Brown stepped forward trembling- ly. " f'hat is the pleyrul of the wurrud J'eter had no knowledge of any such word as 'tut,but he 1nowere.f *1 random " Foto " Wrong ye sire "' thundered the master. " The pleyrul of 'fut. is 'fate. Sit clown. Bill, .teems, shtand opp •" James Bell rose. ' 1)tlYotoe the wurrud " A hike is • large body of water " Blockheads ye all stye the day '" shout. d the muter, angrily: "sure then wuddent yer own atom tell )e that a 'lake' u • hole fa • booker o' wather Next b'y itooly, Moicbael Michael Uooly stepped up with • confident and somewhat roguish gleam in his grey eyes. He was the 1100 of • recent settler of the schoolmaster's nationality The master o mckly perceived the know fag look in the boy'. eyes. ' An whoa do ye luk at me wud the air per o' yes of, tlooly, Iloich.0l'' he et Churned. " 1s it that ye think I'd he puttin' ye • wurrud in the harsh language • it's a brogue ye expect me 1f, 41 it '- Michael freckled features betrayed a grip, though he tried to suppress it by keepser his lips shut together very tightly Indeed. " F•ix, ye shall have int. said thesohool. master. '• Spill and defosee me bhfe,t- d•mhnuib1.' Thu real word from the Irish language, which moons •tranegressioa, was ton much even for the specie knowledge of the bright Irish Americas boy,and ••Uooly. Moichael went down with the rest. The oommitteemeo were .-onvin,'al that they. had • schoolmaster of w.0derful eru duion and capacity 1 hose wo U..alad. Keuraigta, swelled oeck, enlarged glands, lame back sad all muscular pain, ;envenom and =renege are speedily asd effectually curd by H.gyard'. 1 ellnw 1 Id. 1t removes all pain ,r • few appllc•tio.s. ter 11.411 WIS. A man, meeting on the .tart Henry W_ Paulo, the distinguished, honest, and um vernally re.peot.d member ot the Bo b, addresseBoweinhim •/ Mr. 1► - -, • man of very dtITereat repntatiw. ' i •m sot Mr. it -_ " t... tK answer, "het Mr Henry W. Paha. •' 1 peer pardon " mid the mutate 1 i ,iiia4ake I will PICO*e MI," Pelee. hut 1 naouwely hope the devil A make the ume mistake ' If you •re .minae ttn tial the most reit able Mood pnriier, read in Ayer's alumnae tho testimonials of thew *ho have heel cored of sneh terrible di.sa*.e ea eNserk, rheumatism. sad ar'reful., by Um ./ oft ly. Arse'. Sarsaparilla. Them govern yo. s..MdMMggoverntwU S. 1'. SMITH. of Til*-atlda, Ica„ Wh,.a4' constitution was completely Lr,.ken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, lie writ. -s: " Pur eight year., I was, most of the time. a great ■uff, rer from Constipa- tion. kidney trouble, an.l loeltieeo ties. set that my 'nnetitutiun seemed to 14e completely broken down. I wan induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidney' are in perfect con- dition, oo-dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock -work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 1 'I pounds; I now can brag of lee pounds, and was Dever in so good health. If you could Mae me be- fore and tetep n'ing, you would want me for a traveling adyertheweeDL I believe thin preparation of Sarsaparilla to b_ the best in the market today." Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1'rcpared by Dr. J. (' Ayer k ('u., t.owrII, M... Cures othersewill cure you tremae Those. Waimea dotal Atte, An editor out 1Test having been asked if he ever mw • bald needed woman, replied . 'No, we tie** did. Nur dad we ever see • woman waltnar .round town in her shirt sleeves with • cigar between he teeth and run into every mlo-.s sae mw. %Ye mw a woman go 44.11:ug with a bottle an her pocket, sit ',,11141 on the deep grouod all obey. sed co hater drank at etgnt. Nor have ere seen • women yank off her and 1a) ere could lick' wt nean mI tont,. N... tied bleu he., she 4.n t built that way ' Friendly .dllrr, Burglar-- !hitt .hoot Houmisnlder *north , 11'hy ahouldo't I shoot' You carne here to rob, and, if nec- weary, to murder "Just so. 1 ought to be shot, and you've got the drop on me, you can do 0 : but for your own sake 1 •dvaae you not to.' •' Why not, pray " First, the .hot will '.11 the police, who will rush an. smash whichever head they find up, and t1.a• tee:l be your : second, you'll be hurried off t.. • fifth, cell, full of disease and bedbugs, and kept there until the day frit trial : third, although you will be declared not guilty, of course, you w111 have to pay the lawyers. Better let me carry off whim I've got, and deep in peace and comfort. 111 thank you for your parse... . Here. take it. Burglars imine cheaper than lawyers.' - Wetter thaw• Mrteg. Mother Johnny ' on your way home from school, stop at the store sod get me a Mick of candy and a iar t poop Father --What do you went of • stick of randy ' Mother That s so he'll remember the soap. -CI'I'Y- COAL AND WOOD YAFLL_ Special attention get en to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. He.d.larcers for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. Coal weighed on either market or mr Scales. Prices Get my before going else w. Tiaala SAM. Teiepb.ne .•.aaeetlee. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. tt@t-IF. lelsolle• Amnon PATNNW fir ENTS reOAV*A sat 1118MittnDt•IMh 1A . 1T8 OOP Tte. Pee lnforresthx, mad free f tanolhnne wrriite to Kt 't • CO. yet "o ow•v. Now Yost. Qt's or to forme fee e_rnr4r.e potent. In Morelos. /ver. ,wt, M a. I. tenaebt heave P411 .lee 4,7 a *odo alvei@ free of charger the "• • ciratifte American .Aiatiur a 01*st1seIIns tM rr •°.tlen. ti.�.n p •pt hitter ',11i:. 1 k.i;.he. Woos ATENTS ! CAVEATS. TIiME SAMS Rb CSPN11LTwTf s«l. and y1 N»laess 1. the U. S. Peewit alt.0do4 /o et N(Hlt/14 TN PRAT. r tom... i. opprire the t . 8. latest Of Gee. sod w 4 w o*msia Iowan is *ss how has these emote from WISH ING J''DN. 854144 ANOI'RL OK DI14 wawa, coo ad' r1.. as t" t4.atsbfhI Ms of eh'.'11 ' 14 Ire make , CCNAm molt (IN/.R11f1 w ?LIN PA XNT We refer, he, to the Persaete►, the ghtis, MosoOrnn y Order Div.. and to .A,•Isl of ale U. P. Mead OAMte. Por commies. Whim (arms and ra(oeuawlm to aswirif .floats Ie raft awn Stet. et Onmat, irritate e A 5Nw A stn.. 1JI haw* t .a Washington, D O !UG! DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, has jai returned from the cities where 1te has hese aelevttng 10 SPRING GOODS. Ile hap now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest G(xhl., in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Bent Style possible, and at Priced to suit the Utiles. H. DUNLOP. GODERIOH • Ste am Boiler Works, Itt(T Al*Lldll[II'1fIM.) A. S. CHRYSTAL, . Stwereaarrle ('kryarelo' MRari•1 Manufacturers of all kinds of Statiot. ary Marine, i'pright Jr Tubular Salt Pana, Smoke Ste. L , Sheet i rot Works, etc., etc. Ales dealers in Upright slot Hor'xental 9144. 1'•I. a Kn,rines. Automat ie t'ut-UR Kairinee a pe.c.alty, .UI ..m of pal e and pipe -ditto@ eun.rrntly on hand. !Ultimates furnished oa tenors notice. Itepeiriag promptly attended to. 4'. O. Hoz 37, tioderleh. Out. Works--Opra.,te t+. T. R. Station. Uoderlca. PLAITING MILL. ISTl11LISMED Illi. Bllchaiiaiis & IilIylls .ANt7Ar't 411 SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all 4..n,1. of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ♦n: hu..-ier'e 4,61'rul of e.•ry deeerlptioo School Furniture a Specialty. LI O .,• '3 et ;:."73, SIV:; REGULATE THE. VIER . ONE PILL AiT[R E 'TINE) NSt:AES GOD Ct6L.T140t. PRICE 15C1S.ls:133!'^13"• `" /.�Jr1.tJ �YSTE!'LRfltiOVATOR alt. Matt T[Br.D atat1lta. Sftecific and Anridote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye pepefa, eleepleeene.., palpitation of the heart, liver cornpleant, neuralgia, loss of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall atones, jaundice, kidney and unary disease., St. Vitus' dance, female irreg. ul•rfues and reoeral debility LABORATORY, EODERICR, ONTARIO J. J1. McLEOD, Propreter mad ManuLoturer. McLant;e Srnrta Rt.ovaroa an be had from all dr�aa,m[i[[ in town, es well as from all the dne{tr1eta between Owen Sound and aeatorth. Brussels, D.rb•m and Tow.0tw 11117 Iv. Patronise True Competition. Tan, Caaapuw Pity@ RAILWAY Oat TPLaowra has bee established b .oro the psbllo • dna-clam service with fair and per 04411.01 ooespetll la_ it le m41111aaed oe brWnes principles and le the interest of Ise patrons. it deserves the support et every parson who believes'I. eompetitles Por deli dospaad woo this Coos �ati l,e,l•m Ila* oosaeetl.g with all Uses and a b1.. la Wesel Magee, (Lana& mad ypp ure�mses. North w 5541414 (yolumbDirest tamest sows sel• and row ICeem moo. --South ado WewLt. O. IRA*1r18/711e t87 tf 14ea1 ils•amaor. Oodetrleh DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU we p.rmtee s [ Wary PIN to ren rat Cafe of grail'. Memntf, Diabetes. iamb.**. rve.h Yropity �ffd Said by ad Melees M madlc� ybye it o• wowed d Mor. pit. pre dna e. tri Meal 80 v. DR L. A. aMETH • 00.. Toronto. OXFORD =° FURNACES .. iN Alli >MgU 44 IAN* .. eapacitp from 10,000 to 80,00 (pubic Stet WOOD FNMA= tILA4 4 URATE, e.;,.o•.s11j adapted fur w w..l Daus'.,{ hear, Steel IM.tol Ire boa (Min. mad Radiator. witch heat patriot ...d ere mason durable R A DIA l OR of Madera ('seot1410- ll.0 sad (treat Heating Power LARUE AS11 WT COAL FURNACE Largo Cswtbwst4st 0A0NWor tator ,Y.Tavel,ewwwlYm radiator LargeM 'oo ' LargsFood Stational Me Poto DEEP ASSH PIT ai �w Full Guaranteed Capacity . g,', k a,l„e.0-u-- . sem Ilawtaab.ret by_ FOONOMY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. For Sale by HARPER La, °rabb's Block, Goderich Protect Your Chest_ We hese • rird•.dset Line of 4o11.1 1 bamoi. rod Felt ` ni-.{•rote, ter. matte oto:tal;y 101 on end ori .up.rior to the articlew usually weld. Pewee very Moderate. Kveryeue .4 ...id profee the 1•hr4e veils. II Is the ('rt.del of 1.ife wit►oar of th..e. l',4- el, .,.• .. t.rprrthen Protect Your i c nth n4 n+isg Our lhgh-I:rede Ha\ting Powder. lou can rely en '4. . Pure. ow N ny 158 a• (Amoco* Flavoring Essences 141 great ...root) Christmas Perfumes ari't Gift Goods. We h.re a IM•ruritu: A..ur'm.•n, of the- 1 %tee• .ni Heat arriving daily. They are fiery .letrecti.e this year. You wall he delighted w.tb tamest. W. C. GOODE, - - Chemist. YOU WANT THE BESTI Buy the `/ Gurney " line cf Stoves and Ranges. " Oxford Rival,' " Bright Ilea, ' "Grad t rte," " Radiant Souvenir,' "Countes-4 of Oxford," aril other(. fro•n .•.:10 up to 4140. WE HAVE a number of s(tennd-hand Coal and Wood Stoves from St to :IN, P S. -There are ten " Gurney ' Stoves '.old in Goderieh to one of an other make. For sale only by • HARPER & LEE! The leading Stove -Dealers. Plumbers, Tinsmiths alb Heating Engineers aif Go.Ierich. . Ila'$totre Fitting and Repairing promptly attended to. COAL I►II. 4 IhII 'rial Gal's for 40e. -Spilt Ca•i. no -2-017.7 w.Aw r ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with • good article at a low, price STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden an Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. I)np t (.4tH to 41i,• In, 4 oil; R. W. McKENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderic No Stones, Stems, or Dirt! CLEANED CUR RAISIN Everybody Likes them. Your Chn.tm.s ( bier solicited CHAS. A. NAIRN, UNDERTAKERS. J_ BROPHa! da 80 Have wide d to their present butane= one elf R J. Na•b'. Latest 8 of Otty Hearses, also •he finest line of funereal furnishings in the seen and are new prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable • This department will be strictly attended to by his son Wllliaal, who, in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the pest Wm Team baa a kaowledgvl of the ',nein', and y i rcn i,t •ttenticn hopes to @hare fart a public patronage. Remember the place---WosttNt, on your way to the .1.s. awe ua a call T the Iva H i•.M and I mode pone scoot tails. Pani Nike head and f fa•ri tem. 41.51 fertt4 ,•apbble, nAwz ) Ute. o. Argos As D...' tempo Penes occult; i4ads '.etas tele r m Pattern .e:'etl Sum rove t are •el le' the a The Aad N. no hoe within of ord. 4'loth h,ad.1,4 recetpt Remo Money .der 3-N WI 1440,1 N 1 HAI 11.4111' 11.4 HP, NA114', 11.411', Postai 'Ont. • 1 Addre Ha 11.11411 0t she 1 *meat on :o Wmwr est order The ser ('Mail -Jia fight it le emotion ••wavy. n wonrees writer 1m east Of *i the well oar res Panama ✓ umor reformat I During discussed' tie .d lea ales bytb meet. P4 are 1@1441 Peiitleal 1 terintle keen mid of tae day both head oda 1 et r r•titsr Toth, eft Bltaaaaa meat' shoo amid The Vel, Bret Neck wethee lel with the 1 eel d er@ ( `u (71 �yps w�, col Riatba Money Ore Ice meat 1. eavrw ttaa HARP HA Jur BAH bre HA aLP �LRr HA APEX Phplawf Swap. Q. address J. BROPHEY & SON. "The Signal" is only 01 & yux. a wit A OOPS- SENT TOITOIT* num.IOti A TL>k