HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-6, Page 51le- FAS Ire- ice. .i 4.i ..0 i9 oo ill i0 11 n P_ TH1 SIGNAL': GODBRICH, OM", THURSDAY, DEC. 6, 1694. BINISONAI 1A. Contp/ez,ow -do DOI take the O0ametita, paints and eowders which in• jury the skin, but take the easiest way to gain a beautiful color and a whole i/ twine skin. Ilealth u the greaten beautifier. The means to beau- ty, comfort, and t health for wo- w corn iv 1)ootur Pierce's Fax cr- it.• Prescrip- tion. I)uII eyes, Mallow „r wrinkled fate, 'h anal thorn " feeling,* of weakness," • have their rise j the derangements peculiar to te►, to Mks teems ler the preeertag of • suitable site sad betidug sad other •mport ant busmen ('even Gra. tet:. The (iodench band tweed boldtag a grand o..asrt t Yiuwara Opera How os Tuesday, 1)eo. 18th. •r raogsmsnta are hem( made for • Sive pro- em', •ad it is hepd the people will tun out to large numbers "•exivT Oie.gat As,'a " Rev. Jas. A. Andersen, B.A. preached • very able and lstructive winos oft luad.y observance, as Sunday last. The merinos n the owning was especially uteresstng sed waw much •p. pr•uuted by the limp uoasr0puos prwnt T. 11 'la -D11.111110 t. PAaII.t•. Chao Symonds wishes to saaoun.x to abs pubes that he is prepared to do first -ekes work at reasonable ilium Shaving 10 eta., gnu hair cutting 1 , eta., children's hair cuing 10 ate. He .1.., maks • spe,:islty of sharpemog *vision and rs.ore. Sans - faction guaranteed. 'bar lee "yinund•, proprietor. F:xtuoul Aaitot11r0,--llra,lmster 'traog, women. of the t'ell.Kuw taetitute, u in receipt of • " Favorite 1'reeet•.ril,t " M ill buil.' bitter from Sir finny, • former pupil, now up, strengthen, and invigorate, every " r1In -d 'W 11 " or delicate, woman by nips lating and aelisting all the natural functions. It also lessens At some period in her life, a wo- man requires a general tom.. •end nervine, as well as a remedy adapted to her special needs. V.,u can find 110 other remedy Ihat'e guarani. •. If the •• Prescrip- tion " ever fails to benefit .,r cure, you hate your money hack. A poriitive rurr. for Catarrh-- You'll find in Dr. ('ax -'!t Remedy. TIer•'s $404) reward for as incurable emit, mw ADVERTISEMENTS NOV. 6 Pals ,S (Jame Estray Wm. Sowerby Colborn 'fownehip Council F. W. Me 11oosgh Triumph of art Wilmer stab leased Currants and Kaolin. U. A. Nairn Remus el gale .1•e. 11.01.:n -.on F'veryday • Bargain !e.g Armstreag d ('u x ens Goods SY selling Uu t .I ss. A. Reid l'omplete Mock .,s. Wilson 1►ff 1 olborne Rios 1'.. I:eni A Wetr Loan V. J Podium meal 1: K Sallow* .N„xlee 'veto M. Ellwtt. . was Pewts--C. A. Berabsr New Bakery -J. A. Gnaw 5 5 MARRIED. JOMN-TUN -111111.11, In !:oder.• h'p, on Nov. 31. by It.,, S. McNair.a the rs.,.denee of the bird.. Not. Johnston to Han AIMS Holt bah et threprlcb Ip. rjl(► THE ELK(TORS OF THE TOWN .ii OF OODRRICH- LAD1a. Asn (;s'n.awrt,, Having been requested by • large Dumber of ratepayers, of both political parties, to allow myself to be nom:nata l as mayor of 4 .oderich for 1846, 1 Myo pleasure in consent-inc. While I claim no superiority over any of my felbw toweemez,, yet 1 chum that I have some finacal ability, and think tbat hav- ing been • resident for the pest forty years, and being one of the heaviest ratep..yere i. :he towe, ret doyen t seem uoreutotable to sok • liberal support on the present oc- casion. 1 am not the nominee of any clt.,ue or party, but If elected will, without fe.r or rover, work for the atonal of the town of (:•dericb. Your obedient servant, GEORGE A(HESON. t :oderich, Nov. 14, 1881. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebo"k. IIf fom'.. a Mello 1e' afor (seta. 1 redo lie test N I a C'ktet's •mass 7. Taken' test.•, as' tali\ eN•11 Preen Is.' -Soros. Beautiful holiday gondol. perfumery. toilet non mad other Imes -sew sed pretty desani at W. (T OOUD1'*. ' The ►mat Is the cheapest .ad Tar M,.e t . tato hat. Ove dollar . )ear la sdvenee. 4sb worn* new. e•aipte amiss free. fl.te•elhe ter Tag Sssmat. -ane dollar • yeas Ise adeases. It le up to date. and the nest value Melba messy is the Heron Tract. There are sow three esadidetes le the held for the reprs.,rntatioa of West Herm i. the (lsmssess- bot FL R. 'sallow* mends 1a its font 11.e se tar es paotorrspble art is .•se- ewssd la MY motion. Tay tier tle.. 0-0. herd. sed we these aro, hat was best way to make time* good as to get the valise for your miser. 1. melte sed e vere.ate yes oma do dude *7 wilder your reles.st at P. J. Prldhee 's. Intl TAILORINS-et oleo cash prier& easter ssllefeetlee &sssred. lest arrived oiltilines Is esltlap sad emirosatloige inns ata, ready need* eve Bests et Beet est he weld. Hes tem. d MseCORMAC. OUR SPECTACLE TRADE hes *esteemed. feerfetd 4514011 the lost year. heave we hove special 0-5[rla*ar. end brag modal meow. leder 1• .**r .yet the *e0)*.l. par them om reams. we a "Test your qt*" WIT..m4 to •a oatle4e*ter7 result* 11111,Laillostietan sad Jeweler. 1)w1 speed year all le *Irk sleeks sed .e,eltlee for yer hells, ereee.te, Give veer .m. daughter •r trend •ass•enl.g •f seer.swiles i. sad abtaaW tse • poehet arm puss. The egetass new. es t did • Mw ream ems. atae5M yea • ,*tld .(www far 06, • eslA Stied for an. •r • mild rid watch rremSTA lap. at 1'. A. Nemh*r * See e. (; •.C. Etwitemise At the regular meeting of the Oedema Make* flub in the glrmt "the Monday twining. • neaatit- tee wee app sped to atm!• sr1asgaw=t ter the balding el smother a hibitiss M be held early is the sew Feer. 4 'gat tea CUM Mttntru. A m..Yng .1 these mtermmted ie tie remise pews et soli.g will be held i. the Harem Need s Friday ....twig, the 7th Wet., ler the per the et erwedeleg tae Orden& tthrliag residing to Iletrott, who 1404.1. the re startling tnfermetlon that there are now 'atom. eight doctors who lire ex pups Sir. Strang s ; and then, Mr. Strang es there is one more he did not new 1 moment 1* unnecessary. 04 Orr'. art. At the kat reg lar nitrides of Eureka ('maned No. 103, Monday evening, the following orb ere w elected fur the .amnia, term S.1'., .1 Tom . S'.1'.. Miss Nellie Mchei,ie loin. 'Thos. Salta; R I., Slam !suracl' aiagto.. F.'., Leo. Kay : treasurer, H Ihrelop , herald, Hugh Iain . guard, M Mabel McKen..e sentinel, 1.. W. Binh Si. F:t.tti, Vey. , . Tor;v. At a meeting St. Elmo I'reeeptory No. 22, Knights Tem kir, held in the Manna Hall, Est-. on Tuesday evening, the 4.h amt. the t lowiag oftioers were elected tor the eseui year J. A. Siorton, 1Vingh.m. F:. Prose to, . ('apt. A. lawaon,, constable . R' ('rang, len., marsball . I. F. Tom.. tres*ure t'. A. Humber, r.gutrar : lir. I1 W M tyre, Kincardine, sub marshal! ; R. 1.. Ha ch•plaio. Installation takes place at to me.•tug in January.` F....rs .,'i'CTail o. L:obert I.ell, Godrrich township, had one of his finge &ntpute!.-4 Tuesday last. Some time un Mr. hell slipped against a barbed wire fen and lamest d his tiogsr, sad blood poison ug resulted, which sveotually called f the t.k•&g off mf the linger. Mr. Bell h been • greet sufferer since sustaining th tolury, and his many friends will he pl to kerb of his improvement in health mo that th.- operation has been performed. Tut- Ri t. h h • I. -- Rev. 1. H Hector, W well known as the "Elect Knight. is coming to 1,,dench, and will preach in S .cion& street Methodist church nett Sunday morning and io North street Methodist church to the evening He will also deliver two of hum ,fa.,tts lectures 00 Mo.L► and Tomday eventge of nett week 11 North street Slethodut church. He will address addrethe (:cepe1 Temperence meeting the, In U of Ye. IUD. u last ere F:. hap. ugh 1a, of r t.. ol. ng 8 m. ar 11. el, of no ee oe es• or e easel w in the Temperance Hall Sunday afternoon at 4 15 o'clock. 1". I'. J. (. h. Nota.. At the Wt meet- ins of the Y. P. S. C. E of Knox church She following oficere were appointed i'res., Rev. ,1a.. .t- .Snderson . let vice prem., Mie Aikenhead . 2nd vice eras., F:low•od I_ampargne ; recording secretary, Samuel Beckett. tre•eer.r, R. 1'. Andrews. The following were appointed as convener. et the eovstsl committees Lookout, A. U. Mcleod : prayer meeting, .1. Mclas : mocu.l, Moss M. Strachan . music, Miss Alice Ihcksoo : Sower, Miss Nellie Strang : mIutosery, Hugh (lain : rebel, Mia Jeais Adams : delegate. Geo. Andrews. F.\.'miler SALE 0t F'AnTtw:. (lar Mwday, the 10th est., R. Crockett will place on eshlbitIonand for sale. at Rropbey'e photostudio,hsfine collection ofoiland water tooter postage. A large number of those paint • inn aro ocean in the vicinity of (;oderich, and ought to command • ready ale. This s the tint time Mr Crockett has offered him pictures for sale sad. as this s a large sad first class oollectioo, it r hoped the public will take advantage of the offer. Mr. Crockett purposes rotting nut • number of catalogues, which may Fe obtained at Brophey'• photo studio, Haniiltoe-st. LITERARY Stritr:TT. The large aa•erably room of the Collegiate Instituto ws well filled last Friday inning, oboe the mooting of the Literary Society wee held. The pro- gram presented was as follows reeding, W..1. Brownell : chores, glee olmb ; recite - tree S. Racket : readieg, L Williams gaieties drawer, Mr. Strom ; reading, S. McMordie : solo. J. Slops= : the est sad third .oma, of " Kia iti.hsrd 11.," per seated by outdone of the institute : Metre meatal dust, Misses titrant and Natal : wires, girls of glee club ; editor'. selections, A. Dickson : chorus, glee els► : a very good montane ws Mooed by the singing of the slkoaal anthem. "THEIR Ho,.ywoo. Tslr.' Many citi,eso en the Square Thursday afternoon last were emuwhat awninged and amused by hearing enteral loth and ear-reediog Haste of tin• ben must. The caw of the sodden oetharet wee soon sem. • newly wed nimbi from Gilberts*, bound to 'paint the town red', were 'eradiate around the Square std the hays made me delay in belug- a/. their ever -ready 'frig' kale into envie► The bridal party drove .roged the Square till ' blows ' down sows Meath oily le ap- pear at another point eel dditte wooed till the volley gala blimp Ise 1A1. Me couple opperewtly .J the ha • Mg se aha .sleeken said eke elAgTw of the (:odrieh tie hors hand. A Rereetvu Day's lramott. As =- ..anew! to mdverYd g wither last week the 'Barges. Day' .t J. T. Aahee.'s save fie .s T..sd.y. 1Mrm.in days have leer hew regulseeeeerrerseie in the sig, let it etntatm•d t he Mid Y it weeld M • 'go' to (With ,. Mr. Ashore had the e.Mepg ._ es try It and the meth • big seesaw of I4 /WW1 SMI a.m. M decal 11 P.m. the "lar ow wooded IWO wMswHe std OMR y= OMNI won sellout be be waled (1m. Mr. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and imprnvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly.u.ed. The •any, who live bet- ter than ..t hemmed ettjuy life More, with keg expenditure, by twin promptly adap(ieg the world's best prnducts to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure hum(' laxative l.rincil.!ee embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. lar excellence is due to its presenting in the forts ne et acceptah:o and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial pr...erties of • perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It W given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fi ryes fur sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup G.. only, whose name is printed nn every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and bong well informed, you will 1404 accent any substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. SNaeO1\ Mese. MODEIuct, I sec. 6th, 11!•0. Fall Wheat. .nee . standard 0 50 to 0 :,2 Flour. family. per cot 490 lot 510 Flour. Y.11. per cwt 1 6.5 to 1 tin Flour. patent, per cwt : W tot 00 Hrma t1 ton. 1 00 toll 00 Shorts, • toe 14 00 toll 10 screenings i ton 12 00 tom es Usti. • bush 0 17 to 0 >r 1'e.s, le bush 0 52 to 033 Harley. two rowed. 111 bush ........ 0 Ie to n W Hey. • toe 030 to 700 Potatoes. 5 bush. new 0 11 to 0 p) Mutter, * 10 to 0 In Rens.fresh unpacked, 111 des0 16 to 0 17 30010)50Wocd W ooi 0 I* to 0 M Hides _ 00 t.. 3e Sheep Skis ............ Lire Hop. meted Heirs Hasan.. Ilam. per Ib.. ('Mea' toSouth is very ill u lleic.Ife with typhoid lever and nervous prostrates. t: The Japanese.v.r.me.t her purehnead the osis rngd (.edeas cruiser, Ifor 01,000,000 u geld. Yale 94, P'rises's' 0, wee the soore of the great football math u New York en Mat ttrday, wheels was saw by 19.000 people. Brantford P. 1', A. had • speotal me/tug to consider the advisability et ►rtngtug out candidates for the municipal election, It is understood that twelve members wall 10 ttomin•ted for the 1'rty I'oumcil MI.KS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER OF w Meas sad Tlwr7-expsrtwM. O•s deer Rat et Caw. il.swr. Wawa. Wee Pulblltt Notices. `'‘iTICF. ON AND AFTER JAN. id, lea. 1 intend 00540itingo grocery meibusinesses sstriotly oh bests. &II s000una nose taro niu*t h* WOW at macs. The choic- est limo of Xmas goods end groceries kept a stock. 0111 G. M. t:I.L101'I'. Counc0l Meeting. g'01.III)KNE TOWNSHIP rill 'N('IL--A V. meeting 01 the meaiclp.1 council of ('o1 - tors, toe nobly will be held et Mc Town Hall. Carlow. 06 ,Saturday the 19th. at 10 o'clock as provided by elm et*. persons bevies eccsunut spinet ter mumic,pahl) are nquestad t0 pre sent them ea that occeslom• F. W Y.- DONAOH- Township Clerk. el 2 Tenders Wanted- rp1•:NUFaLs WANTI:U. TENTH-3LS 1 will be received by the undersigned until Monday Ike-• 17th I•NH for 70 to 'e cords of green wood to be delivered at the public schools Oodericb. on or before Feb. 1, 1005. The wood must he beech and maple, at (east 4 maple. free from limbs rid backlogs and to he to the satisfaction of the 4'ootingent ('om- mittee. Lowest or any tender not necessarily au -eiders. Address tenders to Wm, Mitchell, Sec. l'u►lie School Hoard. Goderich, Nov 1.91. I941 Strayed A»Iaals. SFfF:EI' LOST.-STRA1'HDWWJU THE premises of eub•0rits.r about the middle of September. three sheep and Ave lamb.. all white. Information leading to their recover' will be suitably rewarded. la MKS D•LTON. Kai5sbridge P.O. Wit fiAME F.STRAY. ON LOT 8, ('Ob 1. 4'olberee. about Nov, fe. 0 vtllui(ot heif- ers and 2 yearling mews. Owner can have sere- by provintt properp and osy,er ex- PO•0.. Addr4s., vI24.11OWEIGIV. O•deriets 91 3 For. Service. T,WK -t:RvIeF:. THAT 11'ELL.RRF:14 1 boar 'tally the Huffer.' will .to Bert ice on the premises of the sub.. ',her. lot 13, con. 1. Wait Wawaaosh. Tty boar is front a therretrrettistered Tr o ~theremhed aorkefre b..OHNTA Y LOR. Nile. P.O. 9l • it 0 :5 l0 a 10 Property ,INN Sr for Rent. Ai to 400 _ --- 5 00 to W - - ---- --- (I11 to 011 035 to 110 Acheson state that never before in the h terry of the establishment have they do such an immense oay • busses. To w rant such • rush the public must have sp. precieted the value they were receiving. The experience of Tuesday hes fully ivati6ed the opinion that a bargain day is Inst what s wanted and if c.aductea properly wean not fail of being • success. "love. '00 1104.1... The following communication was received by J. H. 11'or- sell A ('0., the N•rnilton-otos stove and fur- nace dealers, from the I). Moore Co., Ltd, of Hamilton, Ifni., one of the oldest and most reliable stov. manufacturing concern an Cauda "HA V I I m., (int., Dec. 3rd. 1833. "Messrs. J H. W...,u. & ('o., t:odine t:entlemen, V. observe that Messrs Harper A I.ee claim to be our agents: it is a mistake for them to do so se we have not had any dealings with them whatever, and did not know then was such • firm in (;.derch. Why not put in your advt. that you are our sole agent in (.oderieb" Yours truly, The D. M.s,a, Co. L'td.. per I1." livnrst. TsMrgRA.('■ Msetl.,... Th• i.terest manifested by the large attendance at the Seedily afternoon Gospel temperanee msetinr u encouraging to the R. 1'. of T. who are the promoters of the meetings. An interesting and instructive address was de livered by H. Simmons, • young man who W lately come to Canada from London, Eng., and is residing in our town. N•rt Sunday alurnooe 14.. J. H. Hector, the " Black Knight," probably the most elo- quent colored orator in Amerioa, and one o1 the most .ole exponents of the prohibition quatim, will address the mooting. Mr. Hector addressed upwards of five dimmed people in !leeway Hall, Toronto, last 1•b b.tb, and the press of ('made .ad the t'. S. speak of him as a marvel in his womderfal power of oratory. A silver ooIIs.44ers will be taken up at the door to defray he ex pes.m.. S. 0. 8. Mortal. son CO3a,sat.-) t, An- drew's day was eelsbr.ted by the Sewe of f eotlatd with their anneal social and cos. sort. The atomism saw • large tortoni of members of the society with their !.milia, and invited friesds, and altogether • robot enjoyable *Teniae was onset. After a sump - tater supper, the mustiest put of the pro - medley was begun .1. T. Garrey, oeoupiod the chair. Alter the ohairrra.'s pasting address' the fellewie, took part `Lela were given by the fallowing Mees. A. Dick..., M. Straehaa, Melon, Cr.hb, Melena said Mrs. .1s. Anderson. Seise wore also gives by Mame Reicher, Thom. we sod $) pas• Readings ware given by . T. narrow. Q. C., S. Maloome . a.d Wss. Diebe... LW Miss Atemisee ale gave • rs.i4Y.e. A view sot sad donee were rives by the Miss.. wLvw. W. .Lead. of S.alerth, after t..hl.g his ea g.e.west u the Tense a.a Halt .le. re erweel Seettrh •sl.elfiew es se ower end wag • temple e4 hie thele thaw. • moo ewer toe aseese k. the anew of Tee steam. it will be wd.... sews ..t oily to the et this seethe bet •he he the re1 Oed.rleh t knew the we are to ot what ►oyer At p.•weelt he "big mill" b.. • v sad sea re - salt it plan emend M to all the see- rw.di.g markets The min loosed el . bwdt 1. • p..itive hoary t. the two . Or lased el Trade s w se H time es .moll ---poly i. ail.wd .gain. Any Motror14,. O.d.ried, Il... Srr. i4 ► r LET. -.MALL ('ityF'ORTABI.F. 1 hones foot of South -•t, with use of stable ,1 seeded. !teat 42.t5• month. Apply to 9141 A. W KIN, Traf•Igarvit. 1•' [Jol'sE FOR RICHT. ---A ('OMIFOI.T- De 11 AHI.I! house on aeerga(e-sl., (wutainiag u. nine rooms. with town eatrr; only • short d,+unci /min ,ittar•. Tonne rtlaapr,ahtc, For part molars apply at Lb', o1Nee. St a 'LIARS FOR MALi,. --THAT VAI.tTABLF: property consisting of ea acres which i.I locate4 in ('olborne. within three-quarters of ail.. of (;oderieb Square, end whsle :n nest years i.s been under cultivetioo s+• (ruft farm with excellent resells. To a gsrdenkr this farm presents an excellent opportunity for investment. as els proximity to t:oderiehof- fere • Inc market for the products. Will be sold et • bargain. Address Mrs, W. CHIS - 1101.M. altford 1'.U. 9! tl VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PROPKRTY p'OR SAI.S 0R HEST, - lwrt 9 in the Arm concession. Ooderich town • *hip. county of If uroo. 2 miles front Ooderlch. consisting of 111 acres more or loss. Bern 40i 10, nearly Dow. stood orchard of choice fruit. well watered with spring creek, an excellent h. greying farm. oars be bought on easy term*, Apply to JOHN KNOB. Auctioneer. Lot 1 in the broken front, west of the Lake road t the Western division, Township of Col- borne. rouuty of Huron. 3 miles from Ooderieh eamprlaing 118 acres. Large beak horn. good name house Ii story high, nearly new and good orchard of choice fruit, can be bought on easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction ser. Block A and H. Lake range in the township of Colborne, ems:sting of range, acres more u lees. There are on the premise• • frame house, frame barn and good stabling. About - scree young/orchard o choice fruit. About 1C acres_ of hush, This farm Is considered s grio_idtivfdsd to.a ,tZpuurrchtaeen and bought ion esarm. The farm can 10 terms Apply toJOHN KNOX. Hones and lot In the town of Clinton. -Lot 11. M.ryat.. opposite the old woolen Milt own prating frame house ll wry high. 14 room.. sone foundation with good sellar, all in good state of repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX. 10-0. Atsctloaeer. FOR SA LB. -N.; LOT 31,!ND OON- oresion. meet Is . arse elms fsmWa I1st4y , A t. Hob. Apply a P HOLT. FOR MALI AT • BARGAIN. -THAT se.pwsse.dee.st Iteedtsg a ,est Rr y W5. at bee ale. Tr s they. AAsully to F. 8. POOTI'. Bremele P. 0. Speetal Notions. CI"STOM SAWING.- Parties taking oat len this Wester. f ee leprlsg building or shlpasset, - NOTIC-- 7 am prepared to do anew eawiyt at Iy per M., ter Hemlock. i%seemed and Elm. S3 per M. tar Mete. Rosea and AWL Hautes the beet awyer o Canada my work eae be gemraet•ed. llnildi1.g material or all blade AT PATRON PRICES. 1.5 tows lots to give astray -- 0.11 sed bear shoot thea,, KIDDYS PLANING AND SAW MiLL easy Near G. T. R. depot, GODIRIO H FOUNDRY A N D earnew MAD NE WOR>i EParson Try Fleury Nemo ere takingwell.. The Pries ReaMTMmaa 1W maw is the test at the an..•,stiss TM me Cermtck Moder for eels, _ l heat the Watford naery, Wates sadether a ems. ..'1 10.411.7 of the Maxwell tmpts meoIt r teemdweed to Dsttg..0 ae 1 4. i mid tlahaem tee obese. now oder. Coe ter m•taL (52I made to J. R. RUNCREA11, NKMWgtCHOPPPIN(: M111.. THE E. HE SU Prow* of mho s.ai easeher bowler s h la • sew est M IWade w1M . mho a. 511* deregarrs Yssat•da. the ,e 'seats* en ssiy, Thursday y W erleg 1. your grass Yd ee• n •nate dal mem an. hotel sied Oast a,4 Weed Teel W. IN TTy )sRllt Tut ROYAL a morn NOW OPEN Exhale Weed ws br utas f701 ew It la •• .sI ftlistm FON 1 Ty!! - Wags do we feel MOW W alt7, sad rtwatly so, s at Christmas. when we rs sod give dila to vommel.gnt W groat gift of Christ to Dia.. ERIIY, ERRY CelfRISTMAMTIDE. )sees ou 1 w SEE OUR HOLIDAY (;(4)1)8 t'('T-OLAS!( PLKY1• Mitt !very besotted'. Tar leve, Itckseekers. and others, .0 man) beautiful forme 10cto 119.40. The test sooeptble of all gift•. TI ►11.11T ('ASKS In t'elluloid, Oak. Alun.inum and 'lose new sad beautiful deagro. MANY 4,TIIE11 I.I\FS 1 o0 can please any friend from our ettck. Watch our W,dews and dna .n. Wo take ploosure a •Itewiae you these (.o.d., •11 the Latest P.twt Medicine*. W. C. GOODE. ►'HEMIJST, HEN LBION BLOCK _ PLANT FOOD. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes shirt be left at this Office not later than :tater:lay soon. The Copy for changes Mast be left not later than Mon day aeon. Geotel Advertisements esoeptetl up to noon Wodnesday of sue. week. !Asn and Savings Society. 1 r lit N((1' WRAF 1 uU EARN. RUT 1 WHAT YOU tiAVK. MAKYii TUCRh'H. THF: 11L'1tON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INV1lTMENT COMPANY. Aid a 1776444- -Camerae. Holt and Holmes. 1►.tsesirx. Interest 10u.pounded every six menthe at Tour per cent. per anal/111. oe sena from oar dollar upwards. Depositors will And it to their advantage to conic sod see us. Liam' sly be .'stud at any time without delay on the security of approved desirable property. Y.zpsnses moderate. Applications received by the Manager or solicitors. The Company's offices are Ionated on North Suan and. Court House Y.lui,r.--ot,pWite Howie leu;NA1 0111.,., HOitACE HUSTON. J. H. 1'OLl1URNE, Manager. F. tib{ HEM'S I'LANI/itG MILL awm- SASH, 111/OR AHD BLIND FACTORY, i take this ocipbnonity to Inform the public that I am still is the tonneaus notwithstanding all rumors to the oonrrtery. &edam prepared to do every clow of work in my line teem making • window triune to erecting a :tett') bulldog with mansard root. Estimates furnished end competition in,ited. The turn 007 of building meterlal. eurh se bite. chi . sed Mincer • esecialty. F. SMEETH. cod Jody t(► let PLETE STOCK. On stock of ceU,do.d:cattier,oak and pushIrmo 14 Dos complete. te *erring and thawing eases. 1n.titnrt. he.. seour 9S relit cut dust bottle deed with /perfume. Ano tis• atomizers, J. WILSON'S PRFSCRIPTIuN KTOItf: Tol•phoee 11 1 TrsvNUIW Guide. 'RANO TRUSS RAILWAY, , ►'BOL a140 TouonzR.lct, MUM x K. H,xed Mal and Express .... I-4 "wee. Mixed 7.1sp.1111. Mall and Ex press .-...... ......, 1,5e 'vim, uge4lt?. %snood Express tL3taa Mail and Kxprens. Lesp.m. Mixed 3.C.` p.m, Al Teacher Worsted. ►1EA('HER %%ANTED. 1041 s.s. No. 1 17. Ashfield. holding • second sr toted lass certificate. State salary, and •zppesrraenco if any. Applications epee to Dee. 15 Ma dddm. DAVID JOHNSTON, 1tit See . uheptwrlrnn. A TRIUMPH OF ART. Is sol alone in canting or ecu:piers, but •'sn elect bosses in our novel and beautiful designs furniture. It te no boast. but en aDknow- Irdired fa.'t, that we canny the !era's' and 001111 stock of furniture in too and in point of Organic is unsurpassed. la selecting pretests you ran find ',robins more acceptably or eppropriatr than 00. of our he•utlfu1 reed or oak ohairs.:tn reek , abi net, or coueh, or parlor • 't. Ao.. basutitnl preeats. et nts that meail demands and satisfy a1 wa Superior goods at urpr:e,ag low pre. rs. We solielt acon.parison et good* and prices, kr.ow(eg that yu't, oil] tbn•f aur line eke best old cheapest. • pl,ol.tering a specialty. SIITH'- 11-RNiTI'RK "!('PURE AND ART ORylf 'F4 On the Square. WILLIAMS' SUPERIOR.SPERSUPERIOR.BAKINtpia 10,1,. WE situp!) ark you to give t,ur flak ing Powder one fair trial, .And if it butes not .lo lust ay we '•present, then w.' do not aak you to pur tia.re again. We houe'tly claim that there b: n• better taking powder orad" and few that equal it, and the price cor„tuezt it to all desiring a first elseo baking powder at a rea.wnable rate. Try it sad add your tei.tirtroitial r0 ti.. loan) we have revel t eel. ( (rely 3(k per pound. Sold ',sly herr. -- I'KIIFI i NI ES. N thew we have it t.eaa til iter of the latest tall' most fashionable odors vie. Fragrant .Uel lawtu,- 1, ''H. . 1►. 11II1.IAN,. 11hstnia and 1 ►ruggist. PPRFUME$. full lino of the !fest odors from!, thei leading Perfumer; )i France, Germany, England, and America, at J. E. DAVIS, • PAIL. 111. Medical HaIL SELLING OUT ! Commencing Saturday Morning, Dec. 8th OUR ENTIRE STOCK, 10,000.99 worth of Dry Goods TO BE SACRIFICED BEFORE THE 1st OF FEBRUARY, 1895. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS 1 The Goods must be Sold, and will be offered REGARDLESS OF COST. It is a well-known fact that we have never dealt in inferior or trashy Goods, Our Stock is first-class in every respect, and will be offered at such s as will doubtless effect a clearance bysaiddate.e No person on the lookout for Bargains can miss this great opportunity,afford to and would do well to anticipate their wants for the next six months and buy now while the sale lasts. The Goods will be all remarked on SATURDAY MORNING, 8th DEC.,when the Great Sale will commence, and continu until the whole Stock is disposed of Come early in the day. The store will be closed at 7 o'clock sharp, each evening. A good new Safe (J. & J. Taylor), Cash Register Coal Stove and other shop furniture for sale. ' Oederieik, Dec. kik, l M4. JAMES A. REID G ODJERICIH.