HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-6, Page 4flu efignAi,
OS rsasies
no a. issuesaansesa.
osso..t Pu lglHlea-a sad 14 Is.rehtees,
Oedemas. °posts.
?ISMS .t Mawrlpgta
se meotb, in ad vanes.
ram meaty
SO yaw. •
seedit N
is beard. ins prate r lacer
win lie..
Look ail Tame Lase.
Yew label is • staadi.g receipt .f IS
lie which you are paid up. ass that It Ie
allowed to fall late arrear.
whoa • change of addrer is desired,
tba old and the sew address sbpld be gix
•dvertlal.g tate
par?•.!pal ..d oiler casual advertisements.
M for int tner{ga, •ad 3 orate per 1
air etass.ubse•lueat las wise. Measured
as.Mreil reale.
eustsmei o•rda of Ns Mnseaild under. $6
Adveruopmesta d roand. estray
umtlsss Vacant 44 N••eted
>sosloere Chancre w'tu sot ,aee.diag
larisie.pareil. $l per nen
suosed L 1 ors PlI ford
ron andnni woo h. !Oeon �pero•
Segaot month. larger edam. is proportt
Aar.peri&l neater. theohlert of which le
Teetssote the ,.-craters benefit of any rad
.Ideal or company. to be considered an
V•vtteement a..., . harmed aa.ordogly.
Local notice..n nonpareil type o0. lint
weed, beano.,* es than tic.
Local polices is ordinary reading tape tea
oasts per word. No notice for less than iec
Notices for churches and other religious a
bsaeeoleat institutions half nate.
�caevrlal ten ca
ears advertesee.a.
A limited Dumber of A'.pIay'ed •gore.
Meats will be inserted at the &following rates
oar inch, or Insertion �„
four insert 1.14,01.14,01
'• thee., menthe .. . .. ,
ret months . . .... _
No adverrurment less than two inches in
length will be calculated on above basis, s
per rent. d6.c-our.' allowed for nuh paymeeta
es three motitha'yontract ; rel per cent. on sir
asseith.•. and tri per teat. on a Sears, The.,
.oadltioos will be strictly enforced.
•beat ••Tae alaae^ elrltve,y.
Subscriber who fail to ramie, Tn.:Doom.
regularly, richer by ca -vier or by mail• will
minter a favor by $oynsicting us of the fact at
sr early • douses possible.
Rejected manuscrii easrrot MM returned.
Correwpondience Q UN be Writon one side
or paper only.
r.Nssnev 11erlee.
J. C. Le Toured, ot Uoderich, has been ap
pointed Loral Trace:Ong Agent for the 40...4
shills of (Doderich, Colhorne, .trbield and R•• -
rs over t dllit Het are t!
empowereddt'to ?Stir ve subscriptions to Tier
All °ommunica'.o.. meet he addressed tit
D Met;►LI.ICt'DDY.
T.r SeMAL.
Taop►oae 1 'all tH tloderich. Ont.
° 7S- $1'00
FROM JANUARY est, 1895.
- et -
To new Subscribers who pay a year m:s.4
Subscribers owing from IAN. Iet, 1894, end
paying E', will he credited up to
JAN. lit, IR'r,, if they
Per now.
Subpar:berm in arrears are requested to pay
at oboe and vet the dinwuot.
ad'Kemit by registered letter or by Poet
(Mice order.
We are now sending out ac-
counts to subscribers in arrear,
and we must insist on immediate
payment. If not settled at once,
we shall be forced to hand over
the accounts for collection.
11101111MICH. THURSDAY. !MC. (i, is.
Pantheist: Viscount Mooch, formerly
Oev.raor a th. united provinces ot t '.sada,
died Friday.
Leaps woe gives Friday for the with-
drawal of the protest against the election of
W. A. C'harltos for South Norfolk.
East lakteo, 0.t., Tories have moons
Eased Mosaria, M.P., and the North OK
.rd Liberals bars arts chosen .lame. Sath-
•Iaad, M.P.
low J. C. Patterson ha. rammed
C.aaarvativs .omasums for w est
(',•aMrrauym of South rss.x hays
the e.miaatios of Dr, N. A. King
Zoo esti gave a declaim u the Cal -
booties caw, declaring Mr. Loose
majority of no..
he Walla.. sad 13o.. Mr.
eller of the Island Revenue,
• 8tr C. H. Tupper as hi.
M.P.. was nominated by
s 1Jberni es their eaadi •
'eat Th. ses.olayes
• Andersen, el Waft.
.r the Went Verb
sill be h.N'b she
lanky, Dela
r a
Imt. N. C. Wel-
well take part ander the directrea of Gower
el Harbert, will be a Isaias of Lha timers
water inmost.
The number of aseallpoa cases u Ntrath-
roy hoe hese co./ia.d to two. One art the
pelmets. Peer Mc .Uum, • boy .f ands,
Is dead. No other weep hare bees report-
Donald M Kelv,., matter of the Rath-
bun Company's °three a IMemos to, fell
over the railing from the third to the
mound floor removing a broken 'mull sad
not rogamuts, oonirciournass caul he died.
Janes Millar, of Comber, was Media( •
now, rhea it lumped suddenly, throwior
him tato • ditch. He want at the cow wits
• cub mid she pulled him against the Mae*,
causing paralysis °I the epiue,frnm which he
shortly alterwards died.
fete inquest into the death of .lohnso., of
t:uelph, haa resulted to a verdict of man•
alaurhter ataio.t I'a.s- Keating o held as
y •cooasory.
was named 4 rsgoire, sentenced to •
year's imprisonment, hanged himself in his
yell Friday morning at St. John s,
Prospector McKay reports having lowed
considers, mining land between Lake tyit•
wpm( and Hudsuo I:•y. 1'upper was parucu•
early abundant.
MV 1Ih.,i. Prosper, who was ser. .ug a 'es-
teem in Ilorehe.ter i'emteoitary for tb*
murder of • man named Iloyle, of Halifax,
has beep lardueed by his ha.elleucy
Nlanager .1. 1'. Conner and Alfred Stark
id the Lyceum Comedy Company were sr
rested at Dundee on • charge of stealing
baggage , hacks from the a:rank Trunk. .4f•
ter they were commuted for trod the ut iosr
allowed 1'ooper to go to the postothce, aad
he failed to return.
The postal appliances exhibited by I'es•-
da at Milan took tint pri a against all
.t pirate ontt, with the regulation low-
lying hull an.1 rskieu utast., 1. said to be
scouring the Southern shores of Lake
tinter:., and comnuttrng fratueat rob-
II.R goal friend, The Expositor, of
Seaforth, last wl'ek endeavored to
.tote the case for West Huron, but
failed to take in the .situation. What
good words it said of the ability and
ii tellii;es.e of Patron candidata Fos.
RENTER ire heartily endorsed by THE
S4t•Nti., but when it :says that the
Liberals should turn in 'and support
him as R party, and that M. C. UAL
►:K..,s -h. uI.I retire, i false note was
rho.• F:xdw,ator claim: that the l.ib
orals, not -having A candidate in the
field. it i* their duty to stand by M r.
1 »KttpsTae, who, has always been and
:till is laity* The F:\positor) a ..onbiat
ant Itefonnev. Well, as to the con-
sistency •o a Reformer of .lr. Foe
k r..rEK, THE ?I,.3AL las nothin;
to. ray at present, but we Pm
pbatically deny that the Patron
asininee was First in the field,
A4 the candidate of a convention.
r )vera year ago, its the town hall,
'Iinton, at a. convention where D. A.
FoP,Restel: was present, M. 4'. ('•we
toN received the Liberal nomination
or West Huron, by a unanimous
ote, and still holds that nomination.
1 priority of nomination, as The
F:xpositor contends, means a preemp-
ion of the ground, M. C (.'rotates
olds the fort, and at the time of writ
ig Trek SIGN eL knows of ne reason
by lie should not continue to hold it.
Without disparaging in any way IS
. FOKt[Mlsa's consistency its a Lite-
ibral, we claim that it is not of the
libre of M. C. ('AMtrtmes, which
as been tried many a time and oft
.1 has never herrn found wanting.
Mr. CA44[101 desires to COntinw
the standard bearer of the Liberal
rty and there is no earthly reason
y he should not we have no fear
how the Liberal vote shall be cast.
In the event of Mr. Cain•:Roe vol
tarily stepping *aide, Tim Sten•L
I still continue to fight for tariff
arm, honesty in public life, and
manly of public service, with or
hout Patron assistance, but as
gs stand, we shall hold to the noni
tion made by the Liberals at (gin
in 1 '93, and stand by the stand
bearer of the Reform party, until
old ('lief publicly declares over
own signature that be las stepped
n and out.
ur Conservative fret ds have
1 the Hon. .1. 1'. Perrino/1r in
yield and we believe he has accept
the neminatiou. A tight to a
ah between a Minister of the
wt, std M C. Csuseox in a gen
election would be something to THEY are looking for men of char.
e the old wiieelhorses of both a.•ter in Toronto to take plat's at the
cal parties prance around. fat eouecil board. it wouldn't be a had
he such a contest withoet the idea for other places, (Oodericb, for
uctioa m
of any thins element isto instasee to take a leaf out of To -
controversy, and Tun Snots'.will rvonto's book. The handler in munici-
satuMd with the survival of the pal politics ahould be turners down
A sir Geld aad so favor '
Ihit is walla •
thing they use out of town,
businew wen suffer in oonseri
We .10 not know how
statement is, but presume
any rate some truth in it, but
the amount of business thus
front the Iowl chauuels oou
in the cossmercial stagnetiom
F•revails is, after all. a debate
tion. Nearly all of the trade
from Goct*rich and other p
towns is directed towanl Trews
W veryday a Bargain Day!
true thea
there u at
1divreesult Here are values we offer you six days 1n the week, not an accumulation of ears of
able modern Goods at the latest close -cut modern prices. y high prices either, but sale
hole tinea Last week we bought over 100 packages of Underwear. We were in a�posiaion to buy when the market was
diverted broken, when the wholesale men wanted to unload. We have been selling right prices all season, there-
rovincial fore have no accumulation to sacrifice, but we're able to give our Customers the benefit of the other fellow's sacrifice.
at the present time there u to, b
111 Canada so up to the neck
nen', stagnation as the w -Balled queen
At the moment of writes'
cannot be less than 111,1'00
stares and dwellings, and " For
•• For hent." ''Apartweats to
and •• itiarfe•r• Wanted aro the 7 quality, f {7!.
common :uiorntneuls on houses in �p
no p to 3 Lines from Men's Under -
in busi wear Department.
The largest stock in town to se-
g there ! lect from. Eveiy line at less than
wholesale prices.
oak,' Men's extra heavy, A1.1. -WOOL
Let," Shirts anti !hewers, rev -
most lar sic. t 1 or
roEie Men's pure wool teh Shirts
of tile best residential quarters
city. Luxuries have been rata
by most of those who previous
their houses with a loose rete, as
retrenchment all along the li
',len seriously felt by the 1
nes►, .N the city, just as the!
money circulation has been felt 1
Ivy our merchant,..
The hard times are not In.lig*
t.. Goderieh• All over. Ontari
pinch of hand tinges has been fel
%erious plana have been su
towards ameliorating ex i • int
tions, Ketreachment is generally
bested, hut univerral retrench
wean+ 4444• reinocal of money from
culating to any great extent i
usual avenues of trade, and this
test Mason for injury to bus
men, and causes the shrinkage in
which is so universally deplored.
The real cause of the hand t
outside of the slump in farmers' p
has Leen brought about by a feeli
unrest which has taken potsessio
holden of capital who, seeing
escape from the conditions which
been fastened upon this country
the policy of fraudulent protea
prefer the present low interes
bank deposits to taking even
safest of ordinary commercial ri
The result is a locking up of es
and a corresponding shrinkage in
employment of labor.
It is .suite true, however, as our
respondent points out. that every
lar .;ant out of the town that soul
expended here has a tendency to h
per •Sur busirlees men, and SIN"."
their hands, and under the circ
Stances it weak' be in the interest
the ccimmenity at lat•ge if every pur-
chaser would buy in town whatever is
needed, always provided that they do
not ,eke too great a sacrifice in t4e,.rr
feudal* efforts to eneour)Iop holm.
trade. Our business men could also
assist in the work by carrying tools
of a quality that would satisfy, and at
prices that would nuke unremuners-
tive all efforts to draw trade from local
Then has to be a give and take in
all efforts to promote local interests,
and the best way to do it is by con-
certed action amongst local buyers aad
the 1 and Drawers, tine finish, re -
sunned Mens tint. Striped Shirts and
ly ram Drawers, pure wool, tine
d the finish, regular 92 suits, for $1 25
as has
sin' 4 Lines from Shirt Depart -
a..1: of
madly meet.
gular SSc. quality, for.... 59
Sheep at $3, for $1 4t4
Extra heavy all -wool Frieze
l'Isters, lined with heavy
Tweed, deep Storm Collar,
Storer Pockets, a veritable
blizzard resister, would be
good value at $ 10, for6 ,yet
Heavy Tweed Pants, well
trimmed and insole, regular
$2.±.5 quality 1 rix
Fine Tweed Pants (lined 1, re-
gular $3 duality 2 10
Men'* Double-Breaeteti Sack
Serge Suit.. well made and
tritumed, worth $7 . 5 00
Men's tine Tweed Suitt,
gular $15 tluslity 10 90
If you want anything in Cloth -
ens heavy Laced Top Shirts,int;, dont fail to get our pricey.
n„us. 60e. duality 341ICH pit money in your !locket
o th.I Men's extra -heavy Laced Top 1 ----. _ --
Shirts lie unlit • l
Men's heavy Navy Flannel
Top Shirts. 81.40 quality
Men's tine White Shirts.
laundered. 75e. quality
t, an.I
• the I6 Lines from Clothing De -
the partment.
1 C ties Serge -Ulster., good
trade length, deep Storni Collar,
ug of
V •,f
t on
3 Lines from the Hosiery
r ..
en s heavy all -wool Sox,
sold regularly- at from 15e.
to 2Oc., fur '- 10
Ladies Biack, Seamless .
heavy all -wool Hose, regu-
lar 25e. tluslity , - •l '
Ladies' Fine, Biack, Ribbed
t"ash mere, spliced knees
and heels, a regular 40e
Stocking, for 25
This is unquestionably the big-
gest Hosiery Bargain ever shown
in Goderich. Children's sizes in
this line start at l24c.
Miscellaneous -from all over
the store, EVERYDAY
Shaker Flannel, 10 different
patternl, regular 10c. •dual -
t. W
Ladies' Navy Ribbed Vests,
long sleeves, 40e. quality. .
Ladies' fine, pure .lustralian
wool Vests, 65e. quality
Zoe. Skeins tine Black Sax-
ony Warn
Heavy-, good -fitting Corsets,
equal to most 76c. qualities'
Flannelette Night Gowns. re-
gular 91 .duality
I)ouble-Width Tweed ltress
Goads, 20e. quality
Double Width Tweets I)re
Good., extra wide 40c
Men's Braces. Mohair enols,
50c. quality 45
%len'.• Ties, new, handsome
patterns, 50e.. qualities.... a.;
Mon's Cashmere Muttlers, fine
silk and wool 50c. qualities 2.5
Good, heavy Grain Bags,
9150 quality $1 ,
Horne Blankets, shaped, with
strap and buckle, 75c. qual-
ity, for { ,
l.h►uble - width all -wool
Twee.ls, cheap at 91, for:.0
Boys' lined Sergo Pant.,worth
$1, for
Goal 1'uiun Carpet, full yard
wide, new pans a, 45e
duality, for it s.4
Clearing Sale of Mantles,
;'' Pretty early to talk about clear -
10 j ing out Mantles, but as many lines
are broken in 'sizes,, we have con -
30. elude.d to let them go. Reuseniber
this 1s not a sale of bast year 4, or
(39 year's or :1 year.. old styles, •but this
year's up -to -.late styles, brou..11t .I;
rectly fro::: London. Paris :ut•i
1 q Berlin :
$7 Coats for $4 yp
31.1 RK Costa for . 330
ilk Culotta for-• Jim
All other prints at a proportion
ate re. i uetiot L
Ladies •
We are adding almost every
Gentlemen •
• day new lines of special interest
to you. We have a beautiful range of Japanese Silk Ties,
hand embroidered, to sell for 25c., regular 50c. quality
also the latest ideas in Frillings, Handkerchiefs, &c. We
have recently received from Grenoble, France, new shades
in Perrin's famous Bourbon and Bretagne Kid Gloves.
We are the only dealers in Goderich buying Kid Gloves
f om the manufacturers direct. Perrin's Bourbon has a
world-wide reputation, and is the only genuine French
Kid Glove sold at $1 in Can-
ada. We will replace any
pair in which the stitching
gives or the kid breaks with
•1 ii.l the first try on. We have
the latest effects in Black
ser• and Color combinations,with
mi" matched large buttons, fac-
of ing and stitching.
SOME tints since a spasm of extreme
loyalty mixed the Toronto council, and
a motion was made by .11,1. Battey,
which was passed in Council, that
henceforth no pru•easion would be al
lowed to parole the streets ..f Toronto
unless the Old Flag was married at
the head of it. Jest now a procession
of boodle aldermen are marching from
the count•il of Toronto, and AId.
BAILEY appears to be one of the
smirched ones it is to be hoped that
the fells of the' ()Id Flag will not he
utilised by the b,sodling patriots to
clover up their iniquities. The Black
Flag of Bribery and 1 orruption
should heal their proee0Sion.
A 11E ' )tris, the notdrious Toronto
pool room sport., wts at a session of
the council investigation one .lay last
week, awl at a point e here particular
ly startling disclosures of boodli.g
were being made, he WAS noticed to
mote toward the door. When asked
whyibe was going away, be remarked,
"0h, this ain't no platy for a respect-
able pool room sharp, nohow."
mats a re -
Int levees
A COMPLA i NT hes rewheel Ts s the -
Wet from • subscriber that one rvaSoa
why times are hard in Ooderich is hie
wasp a member of tle wyl.Mde
Maple el the tows buy nearly eery -
-Whoa Cabinet Ministate are se
IeeMor etrstltseecies it begins to bolt
as if election day was not far off.
-It is stated oe good authority
that she general election will be held
net later (dt.i March 20, 189b. Tb.
Toronto World gives an earlier guess.
Now, let loose the'loge of war.
The present political aspect is West
Huron wil: be teasiderably changed
before nomination day conies around.
There is only ooe man who can
sidetrack M. C. Cumin's in West
Huron, awl hes
name is M. C. hard to
It is mighty find out
which occupies the lowest moral plane
the Toronto alderman or the Moa
trial flet*ctive.
The infusion of new blood and
new capital into The Empire is not
discernible up to .late. It is the same I
old political candaure as of yore.
• Recent investigations go to showat
ththe loo�er .•at,. quite a figure in
Municipal politica. That's why some
of them don't like to give up the job.
---The haggis and the braxy hue
occupied imposing positions at many
of the gay and festive celebrations '
Friday night Inst. Mon it was gran.
We carry a very
• complete stock of
everything you require to wear, from Shoes to Hat, from
ian Undershirt to a Fur Coat, and in every line we give
you the money -saving price. Bring this list with you .
compare what we say with what we do. We'll be glad
to see you and to show you through. If our goods and
prices don't strike you as being right, don't buy from us.
You'll find everything mark
ed in plain figure., at one
price, which is always the
selling price -no Jew busi-
P.S. Get our prices on Fur
Coats. It will save you
money if you want one.
Igises even evidence of being hirnsodf
seriously affected with the foot ands
mouth diseaseThe business Hien of Gotlerivh are I �� y go
making a big spread for holiday trade, -
and no purchaser need go *tit of town I
to get the best that is going at right l Another Slash,
prices if be scans our advertising rapt
If eters lying t,*otler 1 ht
Another Cut,
Another Sacrifice,
,rouS to
light by the Toronto investigation is AT TH I: 0.111 -.AT
to he prosecuted for perjury an extra
grant will have to be male by 1 DISSOLIJTIO)(
Government for penitentiary afcom OF PARTNERSS11i1
That able theologian, EDMUND E.
r() j rp ti, 1) 1$1atnga
" Ib*," is criticising the Nloodyfit'
lags. We would like to hear MOODY
talk some plain Gospel truth to E. E.
A movement is on foot amongst
the Ontario Conservative canons to
give poor old Guiana F. Msirrat his
duietux as a leafier, as soon as the
House meets. There is nothing so
unsuccessful as failure.
Now that Russia has betaken it-
self from Mare to laughter, it u t* he
hoped that Mayor E t'xsnv, d Tor
onto, will take the crape off his beaver.
When it comes to selling muni
cipal influence to contractors, creed
and color lines are obliterated. The
man who won't be bribed seems to Fie
the exception.
"The Beatifying of Sir .foxy
M •cnoNAL.D," by JOsaPK POPS, makes
shoos* •e funny reading as " The In-
carnation of it:antatr• Mt't.v•sv," by
R,'n,Atn KIPLIrn.
Mayor AUDRY, of Hull, *Mks for
a royal commission to investigate the
cloudier of his purple. Mayor AU be,'
has spunk. We know a mayor who
dare not trust himself to the tender
mercies of a royal commission.
- - .Now is the time to subscribe for
Tit .los•L for nett year. Don't all
wait and ??lake • big rush at New
Year's. it is easier paying one dollar
in advance now than waning until the
id•ye have emptied your parte.
TheFtoutb Huron petition ought to
turned down. The reopening of
eonetitoency if such a thing were
rendered possible by the court, would
only mean the re -eke -tine of the pret-
est ,member by a largely in'rraaed
some .4 the Toronto boodle alder be
men may they are in the hands of their
friends for further municipal prefer
mat As • matter of fact• they
aline be in the hands of the police.
iia Hon. J.C. PaTrinaow was
d_pwn at the Bene: teisventieE -
last Friday by • vote of 63 to 28. •
prophet is net wiNreot honor eay. is leas
his • own country or words to that nil
I l*
Bir Osmium' Tureen in reeling I IT:
frantically to Scotland, and endeavor teW
ing to argue with the British Govern- IW
meat ha
A se ass • ee.rtgbr rues ..
i 3 "flenlwist ., Hasp wrappers
beartautfees '1he ('YasW by Der a Weems
. ted., as Heves . aVersate. a layer
f,� rdreedr a Feeley pieta%, Inst
i it ea sem OM well worth fte eiag,
le emerate yaw bona
semi w beet is the ineeket esid it
only •nes le. ewe. to end hi the
w dyes hese lie , sleds eget
one weer es' Iv
erases in TIM `s. OsirM e year.
scheduling i-ue1Sd settle,
Dresden China Coffee Cups,
Regular Price. ..0 coy- :avh
sale p.n..15 cta. each.
Silver and Celluloid Photo Frames,
This is the week to buy then,. Special Lines at 15 cte. and
20 ctn. each.
Celluloid Photo Albums,
Regular price, 9140 ,ale price, $1.00.
Fancy Cups and Saucers,
?Were:b-04.: sale price, 25ctw and 35 Sill
Largest Stock of Miscellaneous Books,
outsld'• of t :ity of Toronto, in Cloth and Leather Bindings,
straight 'lieeount of 25 per tent. off.
Beautiful Presentation Volumes
at lhs.olution Sale Prices.
tAll Xmas Goods at Sweep' Re-
ductions, as they must be sold
by JANUARY lat, 1895.
t,. Booksellers and Stationers.
tfaisal pes•Sa.se