HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-12-6, Page 3Till SIGNAL - GOD6RICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 6. 1694.
- °"'Ospy. ITHE RATTLE
M�. mONOL/01l Lang-•semiAL
thelaielgOilltrialikak Wesel._ ,
rid bed
at IWO/
DR. 1. k1CHARDbor, L D. h.,
Ioantew lusttel Use sod vitallsel air
dmtalstered for pales eswereslag a te....
s( lbs
attest* eon teUS.. Up
er•dp� then* Blank. est ire . se imam*
et. OdiisL MI -I v
mesa. ler. Oros - Mathes's Bloat. Mo•r
te•Idt, Might cal s, true ,drill Exchange
V trio, Solicitors. Notaries, &c.. iiedencb.
tame Over Jordan. [Woo Store. h' CAM-
ed. C.. M. U. Jt►llamtUN. 'list to
loam. ti
ea tcttur, Cooveyancer. tin-. oto. Money
M ea Ioweat rates. Hortu•'. Slunk, llp-
albsrae Ilutel. U ..lrrir h. llui. Yet 11
E11 N; j.N, BARRISTi lt, PROO-
N Martina Vons Mu
of ria
Udborae 'nisi.
O. RAYS, ItAItI{leak. I1, issiadiCIT
Wink oar. dqu.ze and West
deer Miettraph oaks. ►Yi•
be Med eit lowest rotas of Utter -
rys. At .ane• ti M. • .yto's. n. sere
• J. T. Herr v C.. W. Prouclu.. .
�`1�Hb1taik, u••'LT A II,•LIItE13,
staa�o, +r t., An le ('bean• e4 te.
V. V.r.teSv.. 4•G.. Y, lloai ;
1 lam`
W `till. (:()NYlil a NOIR,
Js tri .d e•n.emoon11er lar (41U .I• •ad re-
* nos. mW. .•s u f ks.., st t .avis 01
,,..t.ea ae,.:..•..aa re ohm.. declass -
to ter aria nooses r.,,. or pre.
•,.t is Ur itis' Court of Jo..•oe, Um
1 .d 1 ' t darts. or Ss it., Cutmty
tet• u• it* ., .UI u.laeattose direful,'
snriapily executed. Solidest., and P.U.
M (int. ISM -tt
Loans ana insurance.
VV lnsun•ce°Moe. oVWm4iMarl sHot•t
•1 Si per seat. Neon discounted. C.
111111OKR. office opposite Martins lima. Leader
MONEY To WAN. $25,001400
Private reads to lend at Si per esut..a-
•019j. LOYTl'et S. IrANCell. tiertona bkrek.
pe1 Colliers* Hotel. d.r.ck. «U-
• •widest £Y•IYas Wept; at lowest
a ` Oris -Gusr. l'ar'k&. Me naso+.` -
904.NUIIIWN HOLT & Hol.11lftl,&ids-
MOli*T TO LIND.-A :. A
emeale Meals Funds for laymen*
M ease.'-ebsrMongoose. A991l
aw seises, Keel Imam and Money
Eee•el6t Agent. Only ffrwt.+l•se non.p•stem
seeew..omd. Mousy to lend on •trate'
leen.. at the lowest rate ot interest gotag in
say w•) to suit tha oorrowee. (leca Sec-
dour from itqsere. Weil Street, Ood..
lee 01(3.11
Meehan les' Institute.
DOOM. ser. of Zest Street and Oquere lap
Open from t to e ..1I•, and tram 7 to 10 P. n.
Iwo1►n) !Maly, Weekly and IU*.etroted
Paper*, Meureerves, etc. an Pile.
negating tree use of Library and Readte.i-
AppU.sUoas tot membership received by
W basalar. in room
J. H. COLItoIlNH. 000. BTI' ON.
Prardeot, Secretary.
ttn.terlob March lath Ulte.
and l.eur.ace Agent. Oodrrioh, Ont.
Motet London and Lancashire Vire Ito. Co..
mid thee District St umw•I las. Co. Oates at
,S.d.d to is any Bert of the cou•ty. 10 l
•tosser •ed Laid Valuator. Ooderleb.
that. haying lid mgelidmabte expereenoe la
lie suetieseeringtrailla be l in • position to
lir : arse with thorough satbtacUon all coin
mica ..0e estrueed m him. Haden lett at
Startle's Hotel, or sent by mall to his addresa
Wench P. 0., .,arofolIy umaded to. JOHN
KNOX Comte Aeetteaser trm1tf
Dental Announoeshefnt.
DENT.L rAstusa.
.ODi208v 02Qi.
It.Mrds a unlimited sstf.f•rtlon. tater •
1M{. wotttog a the nowt e■timatea-
' Mf le at i that I tel sad only add
rr M at It that i have lie Dila and
risk'te me la elelerfehthe hest
sidentNp dieserwidth h warrsstd serer
e esggEs IM lereeoale bring the stun rite
K teNh or stupe 0f aria kiwi. 1a ''early
every ease, sad very little pain in the lave,
serum eases.
ffiTS1QL-013 LO RI DB
is • leeal anaestheUe that never"aeras the
,m'i'nt 1■ aha mYdtesl u haww
ras water.
and the best send known o• earth to reader
the suet► .ea7Snd0ve to pain. Patients
siren no 1t is
r*Serv.ly 01.rw.I.a. )e Its Mete.
PraatrraAll dentalrtM.pess01t� warms
tenth a
My pssiassi .stsres►m am sin . f 1 .les.
Seer Smit. K. RIOHARD0O1.
Von Blamer 1 don't known shout com-
ing up to your bone tonight 1 .In afraid It
will rain.
Plankisgto. _(OLeyfellyF -What 1f it
do... nlJnan. Yee s1 tech your umbrel-
la with" you _ --
Sow es ew lerip-eeM.
I tympepets arise sift[ w settee el the
siesaeb, ever stollen Medea Mead
.1111ers curet iipudggld ma all
Mai hest M► .11111I1111180. 2w
tits MlM Aletesd.,
bharh and dry half a pound of •I -
Loy thew in • claw tie pin with •
of Mmspgp.hb el butter sad put
r� ta a rather het even. Ishak. 1M pin
htta{taseMy fiat the shsee& may onlnr u
When d • milers Tight
%Il' father was a minister In the
small parish of Upper Reodale, ,u Norway
%Theo we tint settled at Upper Keed•le
part ousts the permit lad bean uamulestal
for years by wolves. The old dense that
had mow protected the deg keauel had (.11
en to dewy, and it had eat Oleo thought
worth whale to have it replaced.
We had two dugs at the parsonage Ajax
and Hector Ales was • sooum..o hare
hound, whim 00d black saddled. Hs was
medium reel mad the most spirited auo.d
I have ever Kneen.
W. smell boys had m•oy a merry frolic
wteb i..m. lifted when he bad bounded far
beyond us to fetch a ball or stick nue of us
bad cast he would he down, his heed be-
tween his laws, his eyes 1.• umber with
roguishness, to wait until • o caught up w
him. M sono as we e. -re neer rnouvh to
touch bits he wou:d dart ninthly away, sod
se he would keep at up until we deippel
down, enable to make another step. Theo
he would roll pa the ground with us, hub.
blow over with mirth. H0 bras newer
known to soap or snarl at las, so emitter hew
rough we ought be
He dew .t every dog, large or small, that
appeared on the road. Swift a. 1o/hosing,
with +•mss t hat gripped Idle • sits a1, • e i1 ii
indomitable will, he smelly a tie off
victorious : when he did gat tato a etSob
Hector came growl:tag to his rescue, end
'bats i•i..t the matter.
Hector w,• • !erg., y.l1.. S,. Mo. or.f,
et the lona haired knd. 1►'e uttildrru node
bins. drove 11101 sod .aid peaty much a sen
phased with bre.. Ile followed w iike- •
'hada.. The •ppro..eh of oral -glom v .e
usually *cnnuuce.l 1.. itis writ/. eV* gr -If
barky, end thee I.e permitted Ajax to tar-
nish the rest co tl.e masc. Sm• ler it its
they lowed, Heeler aster harmed, and
larger ones theretesmmtemaYir;s.T•aeesnd
For Ajax be cherished • faithful, patient
friendship. At night Alex dept in the dog
kennel, .while Hector kept guard outside.
one cold, s'•rlit evening in February
11331., my brother and I, two small boys
were coasting on the hill north of the par
nonage, our panted caps down over our
ears, our fiugere protected by enarse woolen
mittesa. The crisp anew croaked and
groaned under our heels as we went up the
hill, sad .hneked beneath the steel runners
of our sledge as we made our ding ;light.
dow•w•rd. sharply detioed shadows were
east on the snow by the moo•, and He.•tor,
and Ajax, our &instant companiens, looked
with intelligent eyes on the furyleod scene
aMu' u..
Ir to. the paro,w;e woodshed s'•,Ie the
lurid glow of the pine torch. The .•ly
w,:md ..t choosing there gave us tit.•
tnrtanle sense of severity the n••.roe.• ..f
people •Iw•y• bring, t►therw,ae the aur
rounding stillness was undisturbed save by
the oec•.iooal groaning of some heavily
laden vehicle oo the road or the slamming of
a door in the d15taone.
Suddenly my brother seised my .rm.
Hark ' whispered he.
Ter. *01.11' Tee woLitt'
From the thicket above us a Iona, hungry
howl wile ranging through the night air It
was promptly answered from • point still
Lather. up the slope. anti presently from
the opposite side of the valley. Throwing
bick his head, Hector listssed intently
Ajax Untitled and growled. We boys knew
the mired and shuddered.
lot's go home, said my brother, lashaf,
our sleds tnrether.
We were on our way down the hall when
some one sailed we from the p.non.ys.
At the door father was waiting fur us.
H. patted Hector's head. helped w boys
put up . ter alias .ud brush ad the scow, and
then hurried us into the hoose.
The wolves .re about, he said quietly to
mother, as he took up his paper.
She seemed massy and ,lueatiooed us
children pretty closely. A series of wolf
stories followed, one of them about a was
who had a Burow escape from • wolf which
had sprung at him one dark night on the
public highway.
You see, children, we menet be too care-
ful, sand smother as she reg the bell for the
mud to bria( is simper.
%% hale we were still at the table. Ole
.lohoeno, o.e of the farm hands, owns in
from the woodshed and sand in the door-
way shivering.
It might he well to keep the don u, -doors
to night, said he.
Have you seen any wolves' asked father.
No, but i heard them • while ago, replied
Take Ajax into the servants' hall, meld
mother. and Hector rely sleep in the ours.
erTio have Hector 1n our room seenle4 to us
boys the Beet, most delightful thing imag-
inable. We were quite sure he was the
strongest dog in the world, and could dim -
pow of twenty, aye, • hundred wolves.
As we west up to bed, however, our
courage was somewhat shakes by Um dist-
ant howling we heard, and when Hooter
came upstairs with Iflarit, the uurm.0aid,
0e screamed aloud with fright. We aes-
salty thought the wolf had broken in.
Long after we had *rent into bed we lay
shivering with celd and with dread, until
Beall) the warmth of the ere Merit bad
kindled prevailed the room, and tha eraok-
ling flames mingled with He.ttor's heavy
breathing lolled us to tet
How late it was wheel I started up in •
panic of terror i menet my. A ooefusd
blending of snarling and howling filled the ,
air, and on the window was plainly °utlts-
ed the huge dark head ,Isom. anima with
wide open laws.
('lapping ny hands over my eyes i shriek-
ed out. Moot was roused by my cry, and
00.01111 to my bedside asked drowsily what
was the motto.
use is the keens was deemed sad at the
window commanding • view of the e►rnggi.
Faswus for all tome to the parish will be
that 'settle fought betimes ma or semis
eolvts and the aeries* doge to the viaaisy.
Long drwwo bowls, .krill seated yelps sad
✓ enuobsred greens woke the mimes of this
e ight. '. quavered in every limb as 1 womb-
ed the thrhng speetacle predated by the
Strong, gaunt *Ave. ve. (metalline' with the
small dogs that sprang into the air, &n d-
srtatt Juwo, rolled user and ever sad spray;
forward again.
Suddenly • 112.11 Wes seen ruowng frets
the direction of the eervauts' h.1l. it wee
Ole .1oil net oo.
Father threw open Om window and per
emptunly ordered Icut to go back into the
Ajax 1e with sue, called 01e, halting.
Let Houlor loner, he celled presently.
Thou, hastening t.: the woodshed be seiz-
ed u1 tee end esu el.•starting for the
recline of combat.
Stay 'Caere you arc. Have you gone stark
mad': .hooted fattier.
( Ne stood for • moment irresolute. Above
the dos there now arose • high pitched
. hrtek front • sous wewould •llh•ve keen
e lttona hundn•.ls. 1t gradually 'leonine more
and mere 501•.•Cern.l and huelty resolved it-
self into • gurgling nm.au.
They ere killing ;ham ' screamed Merit
s.bbieg alouod.
..t the 1115 started oft as fast as he could
ve. He:tor, too, had recognized his cam
r►de's tall, With • Mane bark he flung
btm.elf agniuSt the 'tall door, tearing and
scratching with teeth mid claws, determio
ell to got out.
Then, in Heayes's same, let him go cried
fa, her, food *wit flew down .'wars to upeu
toe dod-r
rr Mat, A Is1Tria Ivo .I
The liral. rao.ual ooau sed northward
with vyp.rou. leap,, p ,t 1,.e, 00d 001 Mit,
tag natal h- h.4 mons nun whom he was
seeking. Thea folio, ed • m,ato:hleas din•
ploy of indomitable s'tength •ud ferocity.
Fuer •ioi;a were eng•�get!: IS Martel cos. -
tat with tete•- t-il, p•fwrrful wolf, who wee
1151 00-.0 t-• .et the le tier ,t A!,: With
heal rr•.0 l , Drew Hector .prsug to the
'Loup, i t,te savage brute mud flung it
meth tato our air. As it tame sprawling
down he throttled it sed and slapped the
ground with it like Doe Pone mod, 'taking
the •sow by In all directions.
Suddenly he relaxed his hold -the wolf
was .1064.
At the door ot the *reveals' hall stood Ole
with Al•i in Masons Hector bounded to-
ward them, •oifte.l at the trembling bleed'
lug .Al.:, and then darted back lute the
thickest ..t the fray. Laying the wounded
hound on • cushion, Ole hurried northward
agora. taking with him two other lads, each
armed with an .ice
When they reached the battle field the
result of the combat was decided. Four
*Dives lay dead or dvang., among a heap of
mangled dogs. The others had 'hulked
sew,. but their hideous howling was still
n,.kiag the eight dismal. Hector, moved
front group to group, snilbog .t the detid
and tanning over the injured dogs that lay
in the meow licking their wou0ns.
Fir snore than heli an hour he ps ed to
cd oro, dud down, got up again and show
ed every sign of intense excitement. Not
until ell the living dugs had Pone home did
be relinquish hu pest and precept himself
at the house door. As soon u he was ad -
witted he found hie way to Aja:, and with
much dmlouetratioo of affection fell to lick-
ing tie little fellow's wounds. This task
accomplished, he dropped down with a lour
and weary sigh, and began to attend to hu
Ajax crept garnering ketw.en his big
comrade's legs, turned uneasily a few times,
sod finally curled himself up comfortably.
He was pretty buoy hurt. having a deep
gash to the hack, with • long, gaping rent
in the threat.
The nett morning traces of the conflict
were widespread. Blood dyed the *1100 ;
angled, lifeless wrecks were strewn
around and tufts of hair drifted about in
the wind.
People gathered from all parts of the par-
ish. Some lingered about the woodshed,
where Ole unrated the blood curdling
events of the aught while he dressed the
wolf skint
All this happened some years age, but
even to -day in that far away tittle push
in Norway the people speak of that night,
and If you should go to the parsonage you
would see, close to the gate of the little
garden to your right, two low mounds
where he the faithful dogs, Hector and
Ajax, who tonight the lemons battle with
the wolves --from the Norwegian of Jacob
re 0verhers or amines to Town es Whom
Ttiey (weld 0palge.
Lewiston Evening Journal ; " They hain't
DO conventio• nor notion' In town, to they r
asked a lomobaired man, who, with an eld-
erly lady carrying an enormous reticule,
stepped f•Iteriagly up to the counter in •
I.wiston hotel Friday evening and looked
theroprietor for in ha weather eye.
"Not that I know of," said the propriet-
or. " What kind of • c oeventioo, mister,
were you looking for'"
" W'ol, Been'. B•ptia is my int pick.
I'm Rapti.'. Hasty, hien," nodding at his
wife, " she's got • Metb'd.i Hanle, but
'twoalda't atter tomb either way, would
it •" he replied, smiling at his modest part-
" 1144 you came to tows expecting • con ,
vention •" asked the proprietor.
" Ns ' Oh so ' Not's i know on. Wire
both M.( ..A., ye see, Dad do's temp'.
rano., and 1 .sid.rable in the linage,
and .M'. a Rm Rebekah, and I'm Dae of the G.
A. R. poet op in my town. we ooms'int-
im' but the folk• is away. We'd osier let
em know, twit w• didn't. We've atlas had
Hoed luck conee•tte1in' ;elks obeyed • good
while and h.4 plenty to sat and • mighty
tines, end It hain't Myet wirer eon us
eg an' We generally intend to do meet o'
our visit in' ta strange, plasss as dellyg•tee,
but here we b., •sed oke folks we was • pin'
to visit has gess away, and, thnagkt. I. if
there's • 00.011100 is town it's migghhty
its .bow, but I'd he Dee of 10. breat9ree
and .he'd be • sister in li'o'n two minutes
. iter sen sees headquarters. 1 thought f'4
ask tie question. No berm,a know. F.f
there sets • eesv.*tion of ..y hied - Repub.
iia.. or teeteorat, Unitarian, C,oegreg•ti.e.
slim. old school Good Tsepior,
Sons of Teupp.rr+aee.n.., empe sr HO.,
m, Pa-
trons of Huli•0dry,P.11.O. W.F., O. A. R.,
solo el Votaress, or soy of tits kid ---you'd
keno it, we.ld.'t you
" There is no convention .( Ray kind."
"Cern* se thee, H..tv," said he warily,
,• well have to .say hem and settle"
" Ram, said the headlined, "sive this
sample the bridal 1Meber. "
net-, ►05 4.1 I.
lack ! I cried, pointing.
At this Noisiest Nestor, for it was bis
W I bad sew, basked loudly, sad steed -
its 01 hie hind legs with his ferap.ww
oe the widow sill, made •'desperate exert
to ens thr.sgh the frost punted glee.
M•vieg toward the wieder.. Merit dear
ed • spare sed stood peering out into the
eight. I• an instant i was at her side,
barefooted and trembling. To my dying
d.y i shell never forgot t1e eight we am.
I. 00 op.e apses on the haled*, Berth of
the permeate, • dark tram was wnlhiag and
totems no tie snow amid snarls and howls
that rent the sir like the rear of a distant
Wolves' marmured Merit, romping my
Jest thee mother opened the deer s.dieg
up the hall, tad Horne, dense[ pest beet
spews dews ►b .Moe ted Dns sly ategei
the treat doer.
Mete Rave oder te put the sNlb*e'u
shahs 01, sed N wan EA hog Won every
'tire ask bele them M • 0ele a4er no by
trees peer wed .prakie them lightly with
Asea eetevgessy .0sdisi05, Ayer's Cherry
P000re1 takes tis ked el •L ether r.msdiee
Per the Mist .ad eon .1 sees
.seg►. can threat .0d She dempureea Sr
inewary trouble to "'high IY. yeaeg we
thble, it is is•alu•his• Wag pies pli M
woe M etere-
Selmmio ler Toe SWIM. Olds $1 a soli,
Me a Toils woe IMM.
I 'aspire some et Lug garb who find this
Im*.t are about to he Married. Yes have
chorea • good Mi. sed errs yes meson to
"begin lib to/If♦tle" 1 wish yes all hasp -
Mame sad all wpNM, and I ask you te
pause • little sod seats some god _resole -
An old proverb says, all bonnie meads are
good, bat where do all the bad "tem Does
from • New, 1 daresay you think that
whoever has lined„ you will Dot. But let
a remind you that the bad wives isd met
e nter .uatnnlouy with um mteuuua of be-
ing tad. I believe that the threshold of
matns0uey is " paved with gaud Osten -
llama " It is not what • girl intend. to du,
but what joke resolves to du, with God's
help, that matters We mind to do many
things, but we seldom resolve with • .14 4
fast will &ad ask (od to help us to our re-
There are two things that are said t• be
good it. marriage
A rota wife and health
1s • in.n'u beet wealth.
Try to remember that, for very few
young m0rried folks hare soy ether kind of
wealth : so you ought to he thankful for
such things as you have. If you are • good
w oman, and your husband la . Mita Who can
proerly value your goodness, that is some-
thaog 1, be (rootlet ter 1'here are many
woolen who hays to be content with • clear
co0cieu0. A good wile includes -ouch.
Sou may be berutitul, a good housewife and
• good stook. awl yet • lad wife. Tu be •
good wife • woman requires to be
sympathetic. she requires to be unselfish
and to have common mum. Thew three
things do not •lways go together. Some
very unselfish i.-•,n:e are nor •t .11 blessed
wits oommou •-,,-e, end •.mote Damm"0-
*MOW womeu are .env .1 .0 ',pathetic. It
is by combtninc .N three • at the "gaol
wife' tomes out. An oink " •,t rash prove. b
He tit., term a v.ud, ¢std wife
(:ee gr.r .nowtn.
a••o1 another ors map 1 woro, that I'm sure
.f ill understand
Tis. ,te.l or fain
)1 . . ..r
.11 hi.
1.�:.• .• .:..I orally .
Ilf * c•...1 or ill w 1• .
When 1 *a5 u very lith. girl I used to Le
much with my old vreadmother. She was
very old-fashioned and very reserved:. but
.he was fell of three things -the ('.alms,
Er*kine's Sonnets, and proverbs. And she
was often giving me •deice or warning*
when elle was not telling me lung stories of
things that happened in the "coaching
days " 1 remember that once we .Doke of •
bad wife, and she sed is her sett, low
-\ mai may spend and aye mend
11 hu wife be ought.
But a man wall .pare, and aye be bare.
if his wife be naught.
Thus you ewe the' touch depends oo •
wife. Her goofiness and her hotness snake
or mar the marriage and it will not be what
youirs intend, but what you resolve to be
and do, sod w:th god's help .•.rry nut, that
will help you. Vim may have poverty. you
may have trials. you may have • rough road
to travel, but if you have a heart resolved
to ye steadfastly e. in the face of all diffi
culties, l;od will blas. you. And no the
man you choose much of your happiness
will depend. 1 peps you have chosen wise-
ly, and I trust you both will resolve to have
the three good totalities- -eympothy, un.el-
fishnets. and common nose : above andlbe-
yo0d !•1l these the blessing of God and
faith in him - Weed sad Work.
kits t1e demo 1.
The following anecdote has both • comical
and • pathetic side. What • long time 50
years are in the life of • hunen being ,
And how tar apart, how uolak• un tate.,
feelings, opiwen* and habits, men and
women can become, who in childhood dept
under the sante roof, stmoded the same
school, and dreamed of iuthing but of Ming
friends forever ' A geotlemaa whose
'courtly m•onerr' were mentioned m •11
the oewepapen when he died, • few years
after this incident, fancied in hu old age
that he wished to see hu boyhood friends,
and most of .l1 the fair young girl whose
love, loos years before, be elsest, but not
quite, had dared to ask.
He forgot count(♦ manners, and galled at
hall -oast eleven in the forenoon, H• was
asked to walk 'right out tato the kitebeo, '
as then was no fire anywhere else.
His early admiration stood t..fot• him in
• 00111 ealico dress, no co:lar, 00.1 • wide
and not faultlessly clean apron. Her batt
combed, grimly hair was tucked ander a
rusty lelack-Imce cap, trimmed with faded
purple ribbon. She had no teeth, and •
huge pair of silver -bowed spectacles were
pushed up on her brown, wrinkled fsoe.
Fifty-two years Moore they hal parted
with • kiss, and he had been intending to
meet her with one and thus bridge the
chasm of years. Rut changed hue mind
whets through hu gold -bowed gleams he
took an the picture before him.
Wiping her hands on her apron, she gave
him • hearty handeheke, and bade him
"mit right down," adding that they wore
"killing hogs and trying up lard:" bet if he
would 'stay to dosser,' .he would have '•
Bre put in the front room '
Of aurae he de.liaed the invitation, and
for his own comfort, as well as for her con-
vesienee, h. determined to aka his all
abort. Still, be must say something com-
plimentary before leaving ! but what ooald
Jest thea the lard boiled neer, and with
• shrill cry to her daughter to come quick,
the aflame looped up and caught hold of
the kettle. The amok@ •od perfume were
I0 themselves far from •gremsble, but they
were gntefol to the caller, as they gave him
• chance for the desired oempl tient.
"Your step has Int none o1 its elastity
mince the evenings we sauntered together
along the banks of the R- -- - , h. said.
WE ilk this hni lieg oat his gold -headed
cane is needed to Support mine.
Yea, simmered the woman, I'm as .pry es
• kitten ; and I've thought ever sines
You've been here, that I was Rl•d enough
tints hm0'1 Changed Mas it has yon.
Ma Women avow.
That tM twetth may he kept sweet by
ads% • tooth powder which oast...s orris
reek, marl by nosing the mouth with water
tato which • few drops of butteries or Wa-
ter* d myrrh have hew put
That a sink drew should always he kris.
ed with a .aft easel's hair brush, as "'401111
brooms are tae harsh, and out the Mb,
That moiled black r•rmwu may 00 den -
ed by geegtar with near beck .'oaths., with
es equal gusset, of water added, sad •
tteepseufal at anusrwns arta alenhol for s•n0
Sat of the liquid.
That • dBs renteeauvs jelly ut made by
petttmg ate • jar three enema of isinglass,
two el Row embus, two at pare anger sandy
n od • pi01 bottle d sherry. (heir •lady
sad let It soiled all eight. Ie tits u1erui.g
e ra the } r 1■ a moos pee of water 'awl lee
le deet., 'mill diwleed, obs est aide M
T1St lames& .i1 b add to w • we* ter
0005, bleb bard mad milk 11 they sr* is-
. ros
SshortIlsee a'tyl1.I�ghe1tJo
f1�1 eess•
soh rag saturated with the Sassed od sad
oeaYnu e w deaspeo it with tie oil every
alight and morning until the Dora saa he re-
moved easily •ted without pun.
Fresh lard will nesse tar
seam M Weer ewe 05 Avoid.
A blue eyed poises sever looks eo blue
eyed as on a blue dress or white with a blue
cravat, whereas the strong blue of the fabric
might hove been erpsuted to dim .r kill 10.
slight blue of the eye_ A woman with re-
morkebly red lap., clad in dull heliotrope,
with amethyst*, has •1l the Doral takes
from her n.outh, which wean tasted a
slight heliotrope tint, and with tbs. Unit the
pink .4 her cheek s also touched. An
or.inery or even sallow cheek looks
so besetifully white as over a white dross,
which seemed to iterates to darken it.
And, beautiful as the "aesthetic" colon
wen in their day they quenched and
dimmed their wearers to their own tune.
This a not. t0 be wily explatuel by nay
hewn chromatic rules. Nor eats 009 uoe
my why !unlooses bide darkens dark eyes
and adds to their brightness F:xpenmwa
and veribcaUou should he es much valued
by the woman as by the comtiat philoso-
That Weedertel Nay Soy.
The proud young mother hal memo to pay
her friend a 01511, accompanied by the in-
fant heir and his nurse.
"1 don't wish to appear m any way
impartial," said she, "test really for a child
of 'melees months I consider Algernon •
marvel of intelligence. He understand,
every word that is asud tool joins to the coo
vermian Wi•'t a eagacily 'het •!m.at
alarms inc at Wee.. Speak to the lady,
Algernon "
"Itoo h'.o,.' •Aid Algernon.
"Listen to that " cried the delighted
mother. "He means, 'How do you di
Isn't that seonder(vl
"Now, Algernon, ask the la.ly to play for
us. He adores the piano. Now, Algia
deer," (very coaxingly.1
'•800 -boo ' .rid Algernon
"He neon,. 'Music' by U.e'. 'I:.., -boo'
-'ma-tic " I,u't he too *mart for any'
thingNow, love, tall the lady mamma'
"Reo•bss Fir said Alg.eseh.
"That's right. 'Boo-boo' .'Louise ' My
name's Louise, you know. Oh, dear, 1 do
bops he isn't too *lever to live ' Now, say
by -by to the lady, precious.'
"Roo -boo'" said Algernon.
.. , Soo- bon' _'lay-by. Why, upon me
word there's hardly any difference. BIM
his little heart ' Isn't he • wooden!"
.I011N RA141'I1
has decided to retire from bust**, and
will dispose of his entire stock
in order to sell out .quickly.
The old Reliable
NOW_is the time to purchase your
HARD GOAL The beat and only
market supplied at current prices on
shortest notice.
All Coal Weighed at the Mar-
Orden left at EL P= & LZ 'S store
promptly attended to.
1 + it .,lo.c • T. .11- n" •.tiler g
For Coughs and Colds
Gray's of Red
Syrup Gum
and all Affections of the Lunge
De lure you get GmaT',Arnp. 'Thane'.
that aorta. 25C. sad vi. a bottle. Sort
eteryw berg
Kanter Winless di Co.. P.op.ttro.s
m atom -run AL.
runpri .Zsm ..1J 1. cO ' 7°ii
IF she does, see that
the wash is made Easy sad
Clean by getting her
whit h does away tt ith the
terror. of wash -day.
Experience will tont ince her that
It PAYS to use this soap.
Choicest Cw /'cfionery, Oysters, Fruits etc.
Only the Best kept on hand. -
!W if
83-3111 (:Ia.,gow 111.utie.
Headquarters for
Having received a Targe stock of Boot, and Shies for Fall wear
direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the
people of Goderich anis surrounding country first-class: goods -lower
than the lowest.
Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that
is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a
solid shoe_when we see it.
We have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident
that we can please you in quality, tit awl price.
Oall and see us. No trouble to showgoouds.
N. I;.
The old reliable stand --
Successor to E. i)owstsil.
Custom w,rrk an,1 repairing pronitly attended to.
Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in tit(
Sprtad-Eagle style of advertising so colnmon at the present day, a dis-
cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle ate- New
Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all at
time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines ii
Stock and to arrive in due course, bat the public may rest assured tha
no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the bee
Wholesale Houses, and on x strictly cash basis. One of my Specialtiet
just to hand in nn Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at
Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goals Trade.
lisp* 11.. ellndly eM1.0Md.
• ser gess, St.e.m.a for Coati.
Drat:ow and Haberdasher
We keep a large awortni*nt of the very hest Brand nn
an thefees,
ground from four to aro perm thinner on the hack tit
Thee, Deeds we have reduced is price and are sow melba. ti
A hal Lire of Filer, J ointrre. Readies .ed Maser Always in Meek.
-Besse seined.
111111111011,1011116.1 116 ig. IP.