HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-29, Page 8TAE SIGNAL : GODILRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV 29. 1891. � v THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 1 Tuesday, 4th, 1894. but a Bargain Day,such as we propose to hold, i$ ARGAIN DAY is something we all read about in every City paper ; g unheard of in Goderich or any other place. We may just as well be honest and state our reason for sacrific- ingB a thing GO more than it ought to be, caused by overbuying of the year . Our Stock is fully $2000 our goods atthlst�me Y and depression in trade, and this Surplus stock must be sacrificed in order To Sell, to Clear Out, to CConvert intc4 Cfash our Customers some genuine Bargains. argai ns. This surplus stock of over $2000.00 will be placed on the tables in the centre of our store, and for ONE DAY ONLY we will give TABLE LINEN. 1 piece Table Linen, 1:'t•. 1 piece Loom Uamask. regular 40e. !or lac. 1 pure Loom Damask. regular ti0c., for .19c. A lot of remnants in tine Bleached Linens at half prig.• LADIES' JACKETS. 11r hate about ,u (iarui•au- left, sod the prices w,. have narked theta at for Bargain Day should clear them all out 1 Broon Beaver Jacket., Braid Trimming, large Re- veres and Sleeve.. very Stylish, regular 913.50. fur 1975. 2 Plain Black Beaver Coats with large Sleeve:'. regular 112.30, for 39 00. 10 Beautiful Jac:.etas, our regular 910.00 goods. Braid 'fritemeil, Seal Edging. your choice on Bargain Day fur 17. '5 tight -fitting C'Jats. large Sleeves. full Skirts, regular $8.50, for 16.00. 4 Black Beaver Coats. Fur Trinomial, regular 96 au, for 94.75. 1U-4acket.- with -Ripple Collar, New-fityluSh-(roof. regular =.5 00, for 93.73. :1 Jackets. Nigger -head Cloth, good wearing garment. for 92.73. We have 3 Cloth Capes, worth ga. $10 and .!.I12:4) Bargain Day prices .13. 97. and $04.54y TWEEDS AND WORSTEDS, Suitable for Men . and Boy,' Suiting and Overcoat - 4 pea Tweed, regular price. 50c for 35e s pc. Tweed regular price, 60c.. for 40c 10 pcs Tweed. regular price. 90c. and gI . for 50e. :1 pcs Black Panting„ regular for 75e. f p, . Tweed Panting. regular price. S1 , for 50c. DRESS GOODS. 5 pcs all -Wool French Flannel, regular 50c and 60c. for 25c. 7 pcs Serge Milton. 40 incher wide. worth 25c., for 1t$c. 100 yards Tweed Dress Goods. double fold, at 11c. 1 pc Cravenette " Serge, Waterproof. for [.alit•. Dresses anti Wraps, regular price, 1.11 . for Etc. '50 pe.. of Dress Goads, including Black Cashmeres, Col - (red Cashmeres, Black and Colored Serge in every shade our regular 40e. and 50c. goods. Your choice on Bargain Day for 25c. it yard. 12 pcs Black Brocade and Black and White Dress Goods, regular 75c. and 11 goods, for 50c. a yard. A lot of retunants in good Black Hetiri_W*1 at pricee tot gear them out. MANTLE CLOTHS. 1 piece each of Blue ani Black Beaver, fur Sac, 1 piece each of Blue and Black Beaver, for 31.10. 1 piece each of Blue and Black Serge for 11.10. A lot of remnant, at half prim.. regular 91.25. regular 11.50. regular 91.30. HORSE BLANKETS. Linen Horse Blankets, Shaped, at 50c BLANKETS. 10 pairs all Wool White Blankets. regular $3-50 for 12.:.0. 4 Leery large Comforters at 11.35. 11 BOXES OF GENTS THIS, Dark and Light Four•in-hand anti Knot.. Your choice on Bargain 1)ay for lac. 5 doz. Mens Top Shirt,., good heavy gout!. for Winter wear, worth 75e. and SI. for 50c. 2i doz. Ladies' and Children's Wool Hose. siae• 5, 6, 7, Is, and 9 inches, your choice for 13c. a pair. CORSETS. I). is A. Corsets, 75c. a pair. Black Corsets, We. a pair. FLANNELETTES. 20 pieces. alexut 1.000 yard., worth de . 7e. and Mc.. all marked at Se. a yard on Bargain 1/ay FLANNELS. 3 pcs all -Wool, Grey, of 15c. 2 pc, all -Wool Tartan, regular 25c, for 1Se. 1 etc l'nion Home -glade Flannel for 16c. 1 pc all -Wool Home-made Flannel for ?Oe. BRUSSELS CARPETS. We have 10 ends of good Brussels Carpets. We giv you the quantity in each piece if you hive any place fo thew They are very cheap, our price being 73c_ on Bar gain Ihty 104, 51. 15a. It!, 141, 51, 201. 44, 141. and 2 testis FUR JACKETS AND COATS. We have: :1 Ladies Fur .lackete, just the thing ff. Ladies in the country, for driving. Our regular price i 92500 ; on Bargain Day only 91600. 1 Gentleman's Fur (oat for 920.00. MUFFS AND STORM COLLARS. 18 Children's Sets. Muff and 1'ollar, for 75e. 10 Storm Collar, at 32.00 each. 5 Ladies' Muffs at 91.00 each. 20 per cent discoupt allowed on any other Furs br.ugt n Bargain Day $ We have a great many lines that we want to clear out that are not mentioned on this list, but we will have them on the tables at BARGAIN DAY PRICES. secure first choice. Come early in the day an JOHN T. ACHESON. Riyth J. lloGei•e. o Blyth. saeceedds: GRAND OPERA HOUSE1 Kr 71p1ias r �aO at the a.tii,o. R•att•,a Ili,. P. l.:an.ptell, formerly ,•t THURSDAY, DEC. 6th, tree township. lett for 1 altturnta Thum ley under the wsp,re ,,f t t.« w toxt,am h:_rt t lark• has sold bird ; 11 ta.lorug bucaw and outfit to V1".. Bar. Grand Opera House Orchestra. - W. ACHESON & SON. c.oi There are Shoes and oleoma oriel 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT! m Men • ettra have loll wool .Mfrs 404 i Armrest; for 4?1c. tail most Oa. -e° at 75e.) . The Event of the Season ! .t Armstrong'. l.adsr,ch 1't.: Tbo term belonging to brand Hear .ud Kis Prised!. I)yke, oared by' Yre.e1 y 1 Truol..t auction the other d.MN, wY m t old, it was ,,.,...‘10 y.crr) Scenic ,bed .a at =.'',,000. 'country _ and ohne Production. CALL x From tireenian,t • Ir) 'bunt, to nota'. oral Strum. 1 A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Wile tar tits.. sl C.Ier'al.er• A2:1, x SEE Shoes thousands of different Styles, but the Shoes we buy are noted for being Easy Shoes, em.q in three wars- fit IS.v, feel easy, A late wagon and our new mantles arriving late. We commence to -say our entire Stock of over [4td i es' lIa n t 1 es. and cost easy. In Fine Goods for Ladies .and Gents we keep O such .cell known mak.. as 100 of the Newest Ind Most stylish Jackets and Mantles shoot;. King's, and McP.rson's Every Mantle this years importation ( I tr this , ar Fur I rlr .l to ed l:rt, I Trimmed, Plain 5t,tch,1 All French and German makes. amt Silk Lin.•i • antles. This is our First Season fo 'W. E. RAMSAY i a.0._.e.l.. ..d 4.M.. Introducing the Imes! London soars. beard by lyre obis. t. Ku,vpe, and 1015 fur tet. leer OUR NICDds of you .. land. Ireland. _ You mat sit is cnsfort •nI ae• par before res 1..5taaa, Ireland. NrotlaeA, and all the other countries to the old world mid the new. Kll'ia, • • • tie. sad :Ise. -Of' TlekeM sa .r M PP..sr d Porter. Seek NOM and we have earner' the!rep*ta tion of telling on very, spall profits. But we are going to go you one point better still. Some lines are sold out of sizes, so vie well clear mom- out This it how AI l Styles of Newest Goods at above big Discount. -Thi- meas a large lava to us, but the racks must be Cleared. We invite all Ladies+ interested in Jackets to see these Bar- gains In our largo, well -lighted Mantle Rooms. we will do it Ladies' Vici Kid Buttoned, French procure sole...amest Shoe rude) plain figure price, clearing it, R2.4:x. • Ladies' Dongola Buttoned, tiles'ForC115 _ � har,l tai neti1, .1. 11. Ft:inQ,., SUBSCRIBENO! WIt' lenge. ti$.i l clearnf S (wed Gent's Picadily Calf Sewed �tBa44 ter'. 93•'+0 Bal,.. 10 pair' lett. going at 9140. a►, •! and examine foods and pr.... " THE SIGNAL." Gent's Calf Bal or Gaiter, .roe d. NIcl'hr'rson s, plain figure n price, 1'2.50, going at 91.90. C. Bt 811181 & CO., ON2.d= $1.00 In Mises' and Children's, before buying m, •:,Nan. Hlonk. ('.r, tinware ant Montreal ot. ( Boy. mad Youths' Moots we ask A YEAR' you to get prices 'FROu e han,f JANUARY est 1895 !Boys' BufLaced, T ritrtted ln)ttrint,0old leather c•„unte•rn and insole•., nava I to for 95. Boys' Seamless Grain Boots, d ). hand otnt.1. for 91 erre. and will ogeriag GREAT ILEVOLUT1ON! BALANCE OF THI3 YEAR Tut Decree has Gone Forth - - The Knife Mast he Applied. nn l' •':ret slaughter will .-v,,er,r. n1• Friday, Nov. 3Ist, .o'1 continue evert .lar uat,l Jan'y 6th, 1895. FREE r W. .CHESON & SON. Biishent price for produce. A BEAUTIFUL RING looks wall on the finger, as every' 001 know.. and the opportunity to buy owe at. prom* that is satisfactory u quickly taken •dv.mtege of by the average ,.dividu.l. A HANDSOME WATCH ;,rive you a pair as a present if you IT* ..w subscribers who pay a year 1u ad will .how u• an Tach ..f shoddy WOOD, in them Sobs, bin ot� wing fn ►,• rom I A\ tet, old go, "d A lot of Men's Butt. Boots, p•y i ed .til to a¢ , wt 1 .)AY. let 'A'.. d they odd mire., in $1.'.1:0,11.:.o..Ord t ems awl sea how the omit is ,lone at Sim sago ni the lied D. B. CALMMer• sYm ts seseerp W loaass. pay noes. $1 :, Roods.. learina at !irk. a pr. as seem neon sought after the. a lung, sol too nae, et eav rats, its ..51000 .re indispensable The chance of getting one at moderate sot i• seldom toot aowadaye JEWELLERS 'olden opportuntttee )net now to all who approciau the advs.tag.s of •al.cting chomp articles from o stock that r large and varied are C. A. HUMBER & SON. At 'beer Ileo aimed. ■eW.•* lease r`r.f.'s1 neeea. ,uks.r,l,rr. in arrear. are rrry1..rsd to p.y A lot of Girl's Boots, NALLI DAY'S IMPERIAL at nova *id'ee the dl.onu.t. in 91 and 9I.2:i. batt. and laed, M'ke.nit by registered letter no by fort , ,s1d sires, going et NO, per pr. 4411 a erd'r !We're still Hustling TO DELINQUENTS. out 001 own make of long Kip counts to subscribers m arrear. Repairing Done like lightning.s d t Boots for men. They re mon 1 mwee. for ),m. Get our priees. We are now sendin out ac - an we ret.:., Irises on immediate' payment. Ii not settled at once, I it n il(ll 1 Mi,r °a " we shall be forced to hand over l the accounts for collection. ll. 1). 1 ULLUUII, w« D. ilocriLLICUDDY. shelf. •se More. • I8 ON UP -TO DATE RESTAURANT. + . + + a Choicest Confectionery, Oysters, Fruits etc. Only the Best kept on hand. w St As we sell for Cash, these good will be sold cheap --all the way fro $2.50 to $20.00. No last year's Mantles showin as this year's goods: JAS. ROBINSON CASH STORE. JORDAN'S BLOC Extraordinary Offering N account of an important change to take place in our Bag about the 1st of JANUARY, 1895, it has heels decided the large and varied Stock of FANCY 000I)S and Cil MAS NOVELTIES must be reduced to one half its size. This announcement to the Ladies of Ooderich is oboe nu to ensure s speedy clearance of a Stock of Goods which is conceded be one of. if not the Largest and Brightest Range of Fancy anti H Art Goals in Western Canada, and affords a grand opportunity one seldom offered at title season of the year -to procure elegant most desirable (hods at prices within the reach of all. Ordinarily merchant relies on December to produce great rennets. In th 1M Stock must move nut quickly and profits are swept out of sigh t the convenience of Customer,' as well as oursnlvee we have divided Stuck into lots and so arranged that the different Classes of Goods he examined at leisure and without confusion. Experts in the F Goods buainees will be present to wait upon you and assid► if req in selecting Stock to be made up. mea r ice. band. that the Entire Stock it at your disposal. *ad at simply IInapproaehable A Line of very cheap Trimmed Halts a Specialty. MRS. R.B.E311 rue (1 k.o la. ,a tri lieu mor taw •11 th show liege ,iearl th ,.ore wen f ond ego. ode clam try, 1. and t bills, altks le some The h... , I.ar o'er Fame Tuppe IMM as ,poste Eng cord ,t to musty pectis the it at the aver, must with It toot th the Ho fanWr e'er to WY i would loam minoc& what r 000. prows and rail trues ease. deuce them hod ready to There avoid .velo. 1 of the with .ad fres f far has . sly i..t whore goestiew not is t .ton of th They ha such a 8 revenue. rhes t ,s5 lot Lir open up( would pie coat. T as ovules what is a For the Lend the that W it.ss. of llwtehs they are' While may en fore the ) be lest of likely to 1 seaters lig Mod to ta The shier heap .v. the way k fusesout =sath o voulborosi to fo11.w, and eon' of having me be heli War seportasi Laid Abe Illbea1d he the twee Goirei ... oft hp yea wake op i of it goo 1*'ssusso your mita ties be hilts is it it. I lid (gore. • for hist office du *Wok r the 'ADM higbr t slept 1P" to ectal AlbsIgh