HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-29, Page 66 FIVE PROPOSAL$. T111: w11ouer I was IG ars• the too tassntoas oec a my tlret ptop.+al. 1 wear to speed my eeseau u w1Ui 1.ur ouuatas is heoweky. tray, u►armtar, ,tugs were they, Itvteg 10 a low, rose .peered bowie out she edge u1 town. Although at home men were sot allowed to oall, here they eosld out be kept away from u,4' , •a any ..mains had them by the •cure. l'be de) before my birthday 1 not • man a out, erne beau •s skilled to the art of ttirttng u I was u•sktllrel. He flattered um ural my head swam, and went through all the Bret states of a dtrtattun without once butt..: sf merrier. In a evolved, diad way I telt that something we. wrong. 1 was aahuned to tell soy one, hut 1 thought he ought to ..t..•w that 1 did not leek of him as he professed to think of me still all hr mei was .t' tntanclble I could not refute it sot speak out Ireyokly myself. Ore day when we %Are driving he sod dearly threw his rem around me and treed to kiss me Frightened out of my wits, 1 'peas: up and actually had toy foot en the top prepared to go ow over the wheels M caught my band. Sit down, 1,1..1 '• hr said. " 1 w.•o t too• Net '+ l.dget the humtliauuu of that moistest. As 1 look back, 1 think no- thing more unfortunate ever happened to me than that ,attempted kir. It bli.teied the unepoited Rage of my childish h.4.t to men, a•ld the we. bis never berm smoothed out. -'There was so is What 1 did, h wear or. "It was I think au mueh of you." Nn answer • no. I knew now that he was flirting wit , It made me furious. Take me home," mad the silence which t lowed, m opus round and rou . I could hit them. Sod • t: he said, "11 I turned and looked at him. It first time he had spoken that word. "Yet, I live you," he said. "1 am 4dry " 1 faltered• losing my ■.w fogad °our ge and indignation at ones. merry echoed "Yes, very ry, for Ido not love you "Why do You tell me that he cried. "'Why cou!dt, t you let me love you for the few weeks fou will be deon here without throwing •old water over mem that was'.'• "Lose ine for a few weeks`" I esti. pi.!• :led. "flow 4, you mean' He la 1 in a slightly embarrassed way without reply, so 1 went on "Was that cold : I did out mean to be rude I only at to be honest. I de pot want te rive y u any unnecessary pin.'. He rded me curiously. you think you o.•uldn t love me asked. of well enough to -to marry you I say , with averted face and deep-embaram. t. Another long silence, which nearly set me frantic. What hail 1 dour` %% ny didn't be talc ' What could be be thtuki-g o(' Presently he broke io veben 0Nj lath - •'l e4', I d • want you, and You will ..awry won't you"' "Oh, oo ' Planes don't ask me. I was 'drool of this, osle I ohuldo t 1011 you soon- er,' 1 faltered, quite alarmed by his ear- nestness. He persuaded and coaxed, and I grow almost tearful in des, Ong ham. Rang. ly ho said - "'r14'u, I wont tease y..0 my more. 1 os will have lots of sweethearts after •while, and just let me tell you thus : If you treat then', as you have me, they will thank ..uta, as 1 do. that they have met and loved a• perfectly hoot it woman " Aod, as ht help- ed me down at our own door, he added "I anal' never get met this. I shall never marry. He did not come in with me, therehy I makinr everyloty, on the porch moil», as my guilty aspect sold mit have failed to do Ills tone was so trmgl: that I thought perhaps he wr.wd kill himself. But •he did n et. He manned smother gtrL The nen' was from a man who profeased to care a great deal for me. It name about in this way : 1 was standioy at the top of the pies stet,' as he came up the s.aik, sad overhead the honeysuok le and oeph, los ream me' and made an arch No .,ne was is eight, hut rets miechievous commis sera behold the closed blinds sad heard every word. :specially as they said Mr. John talk ed louder than eter 10 mnn:rots of uncus nese, so they claimed that hie proposal outdid have been beard " out so the bog road. He took off his hat and stopped at the foot of the step.. Without a word of preface be said : " 1f 1 could vee that ...et picture every .tight when I came home. I would's'. ask the lard to give me snoth'r thing ' Ito yos think you coed do it tors .• ssarry you, 00 worse how ell yes wee, - you couldn't be ugly any tins yes wasted "Oh, how good you are •" 1 exclaimed eineseely, tar Inaoffer -...w.d to arty tech paninmakn very haw,_•le our. I par the required Drumm' He begged a rose from um .•d cans in. I called Or rule, who centred with machtevous eyes, sod he made • tong call, quite as if he had not been rejected to start with. For • whole year afterward 1 eo•roely spoke 1.. a Dieu. Thee came en end to school days and in) debut Presently 1 hats • curluus and disagree ably experience • propwal *boll maks toe by tutus •wiry, aroused and remorseful. It war trout a young F:urluhman. Hae haughty mo.. her opeely detested Ameros end regar.i.d Awesome err -a .+ole bear• able if enormously wealthy. Her ',Ideation married • cool million. Her youngest, her I idol, was by tuultsb as to I►.: bhudly in lot with • dower's.. girl. He made as much love to me as ht- dared uudet the stony rye. of his mother, and then I wont nith my family to the sea- shore for the :taunter. Perhaps he mused we , peraapa else Iprbadr hon to cuaatder me. At any rats, something made bum tallow 0,e. 1 remember that be was prying the "I'd grimiAteris when 1 ..sums in from a walk, sad he said .Jsulugly . •• West • neat little illy you are " is the plural. please,'. 1 said. •• Prang, how ' be questioned stupidly. Phylllis, out illy. Besides hew dare you compere me to • horse 1 detest ,t ., 1 hope you don't detest me, for 1 lutes you. •• \ouaense What would your mother say if she could hear yuu wooing a girl who is no heiress- • plebeian Amerman at that Take care " I don't care what she'd say ' 1 love you if you are e._ American. 1 love all Amartw for your take, although, 1 oeutess. 1.1041 to bate u. Only an American shall Ike my wife, it she wall has• me, and -y n,..iher shall receive her The little .Asi- cri,aa shall hold her own wall even Die mother. What doss she say " she sets this The little ♦m.rtcau Is too proud to marry into any family where she at not welcomed by all. The slurs cart upon .Ameriaw girls by your mother to .ny presence ring in my ears too loudly tor toe to hear you. l our mother's pude forbids you to marry aught save moues. My pride forbids me to marry aught save the -nut "Hang me if I don't tell her what you say" he exclaimed in delight. "Whst a high .topper you aro' I like you ter it. l ou ought to be in our family. 1'11 marry you yet, and my mother •hall be es glad to get you as 1, for 1 love you, I'ny.lu. . "If you du. you will never meation the subject te me again, for not only do 1 not Jere y'"i in the least, but I 'et even A• "poet a man of your well knows na I've temon.trat.d with you often, and yes woo'. even try W give them up. You make • bad lover . you would make • worse hus- band."' "1'11 re:orm if you'll marry me. If could be with you always, i couldn't help bedsg bettor." "Try it alone brat. You aro goi&g down hill fast. Ivo a man for the sake of your OWN manhood and not to please • weak "I can't. 1 need your daily help. "You shall have it," I said eagerly. "Ciente and we me every day if you like." •'N.•, I mein your dourly presentee. 1 mot he sure of y ou bot. 1 want to reform, for my wife. Over Phyllis, please say '11e." ••Slo, no' 1 said. "1 hope you soot think me unk.nti. but I can't," "Unkind' ' he echoed. "i think you are the cruelest girl i ever knew. I don't be- lieve you love me at ale." '•Why, of course 1 don't' Did you think -- " 1 think that you have driven me to de- spair. And when the wont eomee just say to yourself ' This is my work. 1 .Iotas could Sava saved him, and I wouldn't.' •• " 1 shan't," I said hastily and inelegant- ly. " Iteeause it taut. it won't be. I " life Ilia, yey , .tile think what you have Incntoday If ou persist, you have de h.a•re'ely to) ed • man's soul. Men's soul. air u• 'h• Iambi art women. Mow is is , .,.. What will you do with it " As usual. I was badly frightened. 1 felt faint, but 1 stood up and held out both hands to him. myelin tremblingly " 1 Rive it hack to yo0 just as 1 received it. I dare not undertake the respoenbality. Mike of ;t what you will." He crushed both my hand' in hes and tMo dung them from hi.. •• I'll go to the devil the ' be said, sad " %That, stead hen every sight I said, I think he kept his word. laughing, tbitkiog it merely a complameo• to my white deer. I toe day an offer orae firm • man who " 1 es, stand there every night had let me had loved n e ever since 1 was a little girl, know the t, tits was the toes d my wile.' mid who is the only hirer I ever had who 1 was too stunned to answer. • became sty friend afterwards. It seems to Will yon me 1 must always have known that he low '• (M, %dr .Toho ' 1 gasped. eel me, and he is still M uo.elfish and pa •, 1 love von, sweetheart," he said. " You tient • friend that 1 always think of him ea are the only w,•mvn 1 have fryer loved." I mishearing. All that he mud was oertsi.ly beer., . «loud behind t14. blond., •'Phtllis, w• have gone thus far in life Mt did wt 'lave to look around. apart. Can't we go the rest of the way to "On. Mr..loh', 1 said again lake •■ tether • And when I said "No" and be idiot gan to peen.. myself he stopped me '• 1'omld von 1•,ve an ugly cid fellow 111• d "I)osr girl. don l may (hat to One. I have 4'N •" he pu..u.4, deaeribing me m three loved sou much ton long and leo well wit .gash, usher,:.„, wiods which I forbear to to know you I understand all you would repeat, aa, 'Trust me as 1 trust you. and forget e,•••. • ng I ever said, incept that my hest • a •he• with love for tort Romestber that always 5st.l we walk on " I wit . , ,Lsmat 4'1 by bis abrupt dries - sat of the req., , that 1 nearly fell down is steadlanes ooaeest o I t het "'N, I dam i ,Mak you ore so very.riy, 1 seed eagerly, trying t, he both polite and w• ha. A sub•1u., dipping of the curtain 1shred Me wale tu, nett. rise, and my otcttaston was eos0plete woes Mr John throw hie h.ad such a, A y.u•hel so heartily he near• ly lost ►.. e.. a ea. He iasarrapted ry apology Yl ,• . au.L1. oiy goats. ' Too agl) .ed std for yes to lore lee, ewe, beet,. I,a not 1110 nig sad 'ply to leve yes Pre».v sown ening g0 Met cap worth, bat poll net forget that there. ea..ld Mew Men sae* who teres yea as/ weld lin 3 y • pa one thrmigh • en•" • The last .n• was from • man at • hall. Os h•• dress one., as he earned me for a wets, was • loam, whit. thread I swill tally allied Me attention M 11 and took it of. My steer east see, and !nowise shims were Y that tateremi.g .sodttisa wins a THE SIGNAL : GODERICIJ, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV 29. 1894. word would pencip•0 swatters thought to tease me by saying : " R bo r it that says 1f a wou.an WI.. eke the trouble to pink • thread Iron, • rue '• coat that man may have her for the asking She laughed gleefully at our dncombtsr• and Hosted away. The first tune we stopped to promenade my pettier elle ,m1 down at Inc. and then, caught iu the dowers to any gone was this Ohne long thread. He bent down lis Oak• o 0g just as we came to • cleartu.' antone the dancers. •• %Vest are you doing 1 cad. " lbs pt. king threads aid your coat. he repeated. stepping in from. of ate. •' 1% ail you " 1 thought he meant would 1 go on with the welt/ I led my head In his sod we melted 4010 our plectra. •• Did yuu understand" Now, it 1. had enough to Ota,to refuse • Mae on the sofa, but to have (o do it when you ate m his very arms. when, while he tells you user and ower that he lovesyou, he can rmphaave with • .tat.: , ressure without reproof . when every see soot you are imper ceptibly bring drawn closer sod closer, until the wretched truth d•wv upon you that tits music and the dance are secoalary things, sod that in reality you are being hugged, actually nugget! by • mao whom you are nus count to marry you must re- sist the impulse to put both hands against hint and push with all your night. ou simply get tired suddenly and are taken to your choperua, where at least you can re fuse him properly. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING •y tiles. When and how shall 1 meet him, if ever What are the words be first will say How will the barriers now that sever Our kindred spirits be broken away This eclf•same daylight on h11r, is shining. Shining somewhere the while I sing, The Daly one who, my heart returning, Could 1 •ekoowledre my King, my Ktsg. Whether bis heart be gulden 4'r MM. %% Nether his eyes be dark or bine, 1 know nut cow ; buiVtwould be engraves On that white day as my perfect hue, Many a face 1 have Irked for a minute, Keen chained by • voice with • ple.saut ring, Rut ever and aye there was something in it, "omethiug that could not be has, my King. I will not urea,, of him handsome and strong, My ideal loco might be weak and slight. It matters not to what eras he belong, He would be noble enough an my sight, Hs stay not be brilliantly gifted, my lord, And he may- be learned in everything . But if ever becomes, he will stoke the chord Whose melotly.waite for the hand of its king. But he mot be courteous towards the lowly ; To the weak and sorrowful, loving too He must be courageous, reined and holy : By nature exalted, and tirm and true. To such I mirht fearlessly give the keeping 01 love that would never outgrow ,ts sprang : There would be few fears of • woman's weep. og. If they loved such men as my Kiag, my Kong. The SN/le• There's many • house of graadeur, With, turret, tower and dome, That:knows not peace or comfort, And does not prove a Lome. 1 do not ask forsplendor, To crown my daily lot, But this I ask, • kitchen Where the kettle's always hot. If things are net all shipshape, I do not fume or fret, A little clean disorder Does not my nerves upset. But ose thine is essential, Or seems ao to my thought, Aod that's • tidy kitchen When the kettle's always hot le my Aunt lfattie's hou.enold, Though skiee outside are drew., Though dotes are dark and troubled, 1 ou'll always dud rood cheer. And in her quaint old ketches The very homeliest spot, The kettle's always singing, The water'. always ret, Aad if you have a hejache, Whate'er the hour may be, There is oo tediou. waiting To get a cup 01 tea. 1 don't know bow she does at, Some magic shit has (aught, For the kitchen's cool m summer, l et the kettles always hot. 10, there's not else an dreary in any hou.ehold found, As • cool and sullen kettle That does sot make a sound And 1 think that love i. lacking In the hearts in such • spot, t Ir the kettle would be singing. And the water would he hot. Ella .Wheeler Wilcox. in 1 outh's Com- panion My Mosher". item. When the thrushes cease their singing, and the wild bee, leave the clover . When the glory of the more fades, and leaves the heavens pale When above the hill and mountains misty shade. of twilight hover, And the discords of the daytime far away in distance fall. When the rash wheat gently ru.Us,aad the timid aspen shiver. And the west wends sighing softly anent from sleeping flowers brings When the peewita try together plaintively by brook and neer Then it is that i hear the old songs that my mother used to sing. iter.od my na•k 1 feel th• pressure of her finger. warm and slen.ler, A. in sleeping. dreamt/ mind waking 1 have felt it many hon... Jot as when of nil 1 listened te that ditty, ,maint and tinder. iTill the Mngh, that wared above os caught the indent'e of the rhymes . And my heart •hrobs loud and quickly as I bear 11 naming clearer 1 oath is mine, it. hope. and marring, dreams and plane .Se mine again, Earth ie fairer, lite is sweeter, ay, and Amorist itself weir r nearer To ma. se 1 bet is fancy to that n.'•rfor- gotten strain. Asmbsr'e .leresl. (•w..a.t eteetweas. 1)s I .se or dull hearing f01lewe Catarrh, eelds. stat Ragyewd'. Yel$.w O11 wars sea the wane ass la a few s* hear t>.a S "Only the Scars PLANING MILL. ISIAKISIEI 1/K, San Rr wit a�uf hs James Bilchallails & Ilftyllas I;,'.l It �%'twdr't ". i•.1.:,1,11,111.14 Ito eerl1. Lt. + an follows: " ,1t;nt%nt the 111 11/ le,31 ausl. i.:.. w'LLh 1 .isle L: ic,:try: tome. .•. 1 .13 13.•.....11114 •.tt';l rforming •51 • t., 11 in,' I ;4441j l 1:14' no peel, ay! ft r' 1. •»rx ,song.! 1» a4'. At Mat, my �;-•doll Mother is ryod M t , try Ayer's 3areapat-- 1.1. T took t:.. the sores (real. ^,!.1 1 have . 1.•. n trould• 4 syn"e. (betty the so,11 reinitlu, and the ineo.ory of tt..' piaci, to rctteltid me of the gut,:: Ayer's Sarsup.trtllr has alone fist. I now weigh two Luadr..1 and to- pounds, uud,ntn in Vie lea. 7111 heal . 1 live berm on the road for the to,: tr'.•le, years, have noticed Ayer'. Sar- saparilla advertised in all porta of (he I. toted State-. and anrayl take pleas. are In telling what Went It did for me." •• •Oros. Rrc"Ub rl;r th.tt 1114' Ayer's Sanaparilla Prepared t) I 'r..1 I t Curesothcrs, %yi'Icureyou HUGH DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the cities where be h.. been selectng NEW SPRING GOODS. He has note on Land a Large Line of the l hu?•!eat lioSd.i in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Beet Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. GODERJOH Ste am Boiler Works. LUTA liU4HYn'1880.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL) Sveoc*.or101'Arystol t! tinned Manufacturers of all kind. of Station- ary Marine, Upright Jr Tubular Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealer* in Upright and Horisental Said. Calve Engines. Automatic Cut-OffKngines • pecialty. All sires of pi a and pipe-dttlne eonstaally oo hand. Keoraares furnished on short notice. Repairing promptly attended to. 113/7-1y P. 0. hos T. Uodenrh, Ont. Workn-0pp-ls U. T. R. statics. ()edortce. COAL AND WOOD Y1a12D. Special •..senna given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT i BLACKSMITH COAL. Coal weighed on either market or my Sealer. bet my I'rlo.e before golsg eWwhw. 1'AMC TeMpheae Ce.aeelteu. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. 111s -1y. 011SatMs A.srlsss AWAY ter ATENTS pRzrl "II COPTMONTS, .t4'. Re inreneelice sol free Reedb••ao pante he et tr r . t i sa In pet r, leen yogg. t.le't 5, evasive he to Arw ore y p.1.nt Wen onr Dt n.i n Mrmrl,t Wore psWk br • w.4 low coven tree of renews ha the, 'cicutific .mcrican w.eM,g..estP4.n•1t1"e' 1505/ wed, tl Sop lnneela54'a.t fir�p-sr� tet N:~ "eo.w.lka baa. lrfl'5S 14 do• rOni�ew.. all Rnoaawar. lee. Y'wt PATENTS S CHEATS. THIN 111111 ISS CIP1*IMITS Obtained. and all haulers 1m the U. B, patent Odes attended to at MOI)RI14 TX PIM. Oar °Mee to epeelte the h. A. Pedant Clt 1.., sad w e sae .hair flreem IN Mm has those .amnia hose W t /NQyp Asad NOelse ss snatal�,sOR PRA WHIM. : � Ire make NO ORI imai lty tem WE OA PAIN PAINT. ,lsr Wii.... Ordee prsisr. hemly sae a t etU. $. reset 0 .s. Per etre+slr. edits iris sad referees= ts assent ellen% In Dam own Siete 4'r O enty write 5. 1A11MW•dl... Opines Suet o4. Weeihig.q 0 0 rasuracTtsue SASH, DOOR and BLIND Denten la all ►lads or LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aod builder's' material of ever) dweripllon School Furniture a Specialty. cONSr PATION. ,'aiu.l'oust4Fes, DYSs,a~PSiA:z 3IC:i HEADACHE., !AM T .L+".r " ...E .• tv), rCA 01or __...ii",' r. ¶o&lerll AlYorilsOr I1: Page Weekly tor: Ct.luuw, ONLY $ 0 0 Now to Dec. 31, 1896. Balance of Year FREE. Leading Weekly of the West. NONE BET rER. FEW A8 GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. G000 INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS For _\_ent- Teri -. ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.' LONDON. ONT. dB tit MoLEOD'S SYSTE' REOYA AND °Toga Te 'r,:a, ceiatnptin. Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye peplos, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, lose of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall states, jaundice, kidaey and urinary dresses, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and renenl debility. LABORATORT. LODERII I, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Maautactarer. YcLson'e .tears IterlOV•roa cat he had from all d in tows• as well as from all the drug eta between Owen Sound and learortb, ftru-ole. Durham sad Toronto. IOU iv. Patronise True Competition. Taw CANADIAN PAcww IIaILwaT Oeti TsuowArs Ras baste established M afro the public a ikstides 'tyle. with Ate and per sheen. /amDallfloa• it r manes,/ en baMttea priaeiptr and 1a the 10lsos1 cif ton /Near. It /msryea tM 11 every peruse orbs belleves:l. empefitles. Per quiet despair.' w tate rein= Itaea. counseling with ant limes and eabias .n (*geed Mee-. Canada aa4 awrepe. Direct tbtoa,tb wires to all poi*s la Northwest,HrIttab Columbia and pactao eases YOSSoo-)outs Bade Wewaa. ■. a*awurpt 1a7 U LOOM 1 *...4'r. Oedertek DON'T DESPAIR DODDS' , KiONeY PILLS WILL CURE YOU we of Fl n}ds. tl1)sa1 PITY t, reaoe0p4'st41��� .a1tym DIa71D(.eie, 1 Trustee, ispw. 110 le 111we7eduar 1 sold by all Mahn In eassasser by omit es wired(' el eelol. pt. par ken. w Ma brnb tatty DR L.. A. frMITM d1 00.. T/erwsete. OXFORD �7; FURNACES .. (11 ALlr MUM. . Capacity from 10,000 10 10,00 ubic `Teel •• CYCLO std S f ldt t. Rabla vitt •• OiPORD W000 PURNACH W0011 FvNNACE MEA% Y ORATE. ev0Oc�ally tr adapted for woad batug tt•a v SFiala PM, hex Deno. sod Radiates, welch he.. gaselier sad are mare durabi, RADIATOR ed M.dsr. Caastruc don sad Ureal Heating Power LARULI ANN IMT CML FURNACE Lents PM, tiwsel,easns1eatfrter Melirerface lia, Ss tasthral Fie POT RNetIng oar Deaspiag uses DEEP ASH PiT Full Guaranteed Capacity :: gf,ygl, jg, Maaalac •red la ...- GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. Fir Sale by HARPER LEE, Crabb's Block, Goderich P'rctect Your Ckest. We here • nut. n.1.4 I.inr of solid t'b.nt,l. and 1'.1t ('host Protector* glade epectatly for are and unuea eupertsr to the snit lea usually sold. Prices very ModKat e. I',, r,one •00014 Oroter the. I'heat which u the Citadel of Lire with one of these. Pres tilt u better than Cure. Protest Your HEtIZ By t1.1114.7 our Hlgh•tir•de Raking Powder. huts can rely en this being Pare. 4'o . t.y take t imams 1 Flavoring Esszioes in gree• variety. Christmas Perf\eies A1i•I C3if'ar C3'oods. w.•h .,e a It.%wire! A•sonteent of the late.. •n.t Hem •rrivlag daily. Tier) aro eery Aitrael sr this year. You will be delighted pito them. W. C. GOODE, - - Chemist. YOU WANT THE BEST Buy the" Gurney " line of Stoves and Ranges. "Oxford Rival," " Bright Ideta,• " Grad 1 :t4'." " Radiant Souvenir.' " Countess of Oxford," and others, from $10 up tp $40. WE HAVE s number of second-hand Coal and Wood Stoves from St to $11+. P.S. -There are ten " Gurney " Stoves sold in (loderich to one of any other make. For sale only by HARPER & LEE, The leading Store Dealers, Plumbers, Tinsmiths and Heating Engineers of Goderich. Uri -Stove Fitting and Repairing promptly attended to COAL 4 11 l.- 4 Imperial Gal's for 40c -Spot, Cai1, =)o Yov 777.Aw r ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with A ;,p.oti article at A low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden an Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. I)on t fail to glee 1114. a call. R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. - LAMZ,S - AT -- Rock -bottom Prices Al CHAS. A. NAIRN'S. UNDERTAKERS. 3.. 3aROPI3 E r este BON Hay. added to their present business one of R. J. Noah'. LLte.t 8t7•e of City Hearses, also •be finest line of funeral furnishings ie. the es•nty. and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prig reasonable This department will he strictly attended to by his son William, who. in the employ of the late D. donjon for the part Oar ram has • knowledge of the lynsit.►. limn 1.3 lrra pt •.untie helve to ►Len 1 ort of public patronage. Remember the place--West-et_, on your way to Ove ollew Ohre n1 a call J. BROPHEY & SON. "The Signi1'� 38 Oa1y Stt RAYLAODPY1l'D4711018ATaM. ser e ar •W WM- w tu'1 dlpte filet dame err 111l ,u we r..te" 1 issue A - re 1.al Iort.n' ♦ •• anti (0 M,1.. • r• scar. ail Ari head sae fall fabrics, 1 tons el leeelai retouch able, re guwna. hit /.A It 'Ile. erre dresser An At Dasibse ,trend nU Penn./iv „orupy 11 w, Ica. '(.51oo 4'1 1. r u rine . rat t . ..tilers o0 • •etety aeower 51 the ore •rawe tee their r Meas The Vol rent_Nots1 10 tins.' se mth the'4 order. .th 1'i Ing, w 'opt of Itrmtttat Nonny Urs • M with, tk„t11KK HARI' 1f IH/'ER II oltI•P:Il 11111'h;R +1.1 1:1' KR +•octopi .1d,t iron KAHMS ,' the tion "rent DrOln n Masi las. rata est order The term Pealed the 1 hino•Japst Ight It was attention w reentry, an reeo.treer. wetter sad ( seat of war. the well ha ,many years mewed to sendiare to information Dueled 18 dkommeed wi tie editorial cies by the t seat Mort ere making (011th.•l ear tensile feats keen sad kis of the day. w . 1 keth�k•adse •44'- • Min 414.31IJIT .1. Yak. eolith BRAND= It uey .bort e S end N The ellum ewlrgt Taber Itei Inas Is mum tu 0111_111ef order Moth Moth Osseo tVim7.87.111t Mance, Yewel Order his. New•sne,,... .15104 enol hoe t Itaeraarw HARPEI iev. r chi eel rest and The two pM 4'11 s grave e Ifsties_ w