HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-29, Page 4ME SIGNAL: OODERICH, ONT., TZO'RSDAT, NOV. 21. Iwo like AgaAl, NI efatJ♦.ip BVRRY THl'R$DAY MORNING .w le. aNirfi/tl;Nes. Oho+ et Yubttaauoo S sad IS, Nertherreet. Oahu -we Octane. T.ess of aoeawtpetes t Ile 111110/00. La adtramea. nee 1111:1111% tie .. e ss.ed .the pee ser Tsar MO be If i te 00 to baa news to Three Rivera He had •vi- tient& been killed by f&Hug down Us lone M.11 isS s malt, MNelda. Mr. fibber, of the Nelda Meth edit Biers►, Tomato, to mentioned as the webeklsaeee—or of Itev. A t' ('uermoe at Kiagetea. Montreal Police were •bastug l oomrge Wilson fur robbery, whoa be jumped over well hod fell forty feet, receiving (ated in aortas Rev. fir rows is reported to have said in I•osdoe that Mr. Moody resolved #1,1100 Ss is reaegait:ere of hu weeioes is Toronto. Ald. Hewitt has resittned his seat an the roronto City Council un account of the charge' made against ham in t'ostr•ctor t ,,eheh'e evidence lefore Judge tI.Iioug•II. .John .lohn•oo. • laborer, was threw° down and killed in • barroom ting t et t:uelph on Saturday es 'meg .John t'nos. a moulder, has beat arrested en • •barge of killing the mea. General: eut,e,•riptioos aggregating ver $l a'a.a00have ,000 are said to been of i sorer for the new $.50.000,000 lose of the t'nited -totes I; meat. The ti.mingtou Arms Co., of Ihpo: N. 1 as said to nave received from the .lapaneee l.o►ernmeet an order for 10.000 bayonets It se ru,n"red that he war correspondent sapturtd sad killed by the rhinos woe a tweet as weer Isbo. Yew WW1., • etaadtae reosf$ of the ,late which )eu am paid up. see that It as out wed to fa.. Ito t• arrear. hes Sc) one. .•f address le desired. h.dh the std and itis new addnsa .boold be gat en. he.erfl.ing Natee laved and cheer nes'ial advertie,m.nt,. awl•. law time for ern neon cud. mad f aeon pet line Pm snob 4mi.eroet oast Measured by n osincom carats of six Preen and redeem i)y per Isar. Advenasr.wnte of Lott. roan•,. +Prayed, Iltwetlone Vavent. t.:twttoss Wanted air) RuM...• I h..aon.. H'snt..d cwt .uroetiad e Ibex nonpareil. $1 per month. Howse, on .cal.• ani tons on Ns)e. bot to e sansd A I. nee. Ii for er-t mouth. Sha. per • ib. , Barone month, la=g. r whoa. In propert'on. Aar epeeist ivories.. rt., 11001 t of stoke a to Promote lb.. 1e.euniery h,'neilt elf any mei- virtual or ren ,e..y, to h. roentgens' es ad Vertlse,o.nt and cheered e.l accordingly. Loral notice. in nonpareil type on. ..est per word. polio( • .••.w.. hen air. Localnoticee :s rod' rev, r.wi.og ftpc tRioi n.'ete pee wont, No mai.. for IM. ti .. "? Notions for churches and other relig,oas and I, benevoleer ,pst'tutione I. .1f rate. Frederic \ .Ihcre, the well known artist o RI oak ar:d \\'hire, tunnel) of The I.,ndo. :rdphic. The urea football match on tuturday he wean Tale ami lfat•ard ironitcd_aa-a use. tory for the former by 12 to 4 It is eai.( \ ale's tint game wale • fluke. and Horn erd took a goal at the last ka,k, which aro on, allowed, as the ball hal not dropped at thr- eat! hecatl of time. 'A heavy defalcation hos been dieraerwd n the Shoe and b b=ier Rank of New York lay. The bookkeeper. s. ft Sam, has hie -ended with $354 000. Theatockhnldsre held a meeting and decided to make the amount good. F I:eker, a lawyer, is tri. p,ieate.t sad hes tied. The emotes of smallpox ac? diphtheria hire throws ITetrow Into a partial pans. epreod of the latter dieeae., particular le, has been rapid. aid the Board of H;ahf has ordered 'he closing of Bots webby &otitis.. pointed 1... sl''•,srci!ing %gout for ,he town.parochial s_h.tole The epdom=e is cootie e Cowmen owme n edvenwp leaera. Agta number DI' dl.plaTrl •4•••••Is.' neer* will by inserted at the M•11owing rates DK Inch. one 1.I.PrOOon. I four ifluor tion* I rocc .. h.r•.• no ahs. t10Dq nix m,cnlhs 3 00 No adverte..in.•nt hes than two inrt.M an myth will be ,afcu4r.rt on ably. haw, S llerfeet. disc...weall,sted I. net W)ruenm es three Mann 'hi .•o„er.et t an per cont. on ms gswth•'. •t,1 Is pro- ser.. on s roar',. Theee eeedJtlows w 111 he at n,• • i y en fore d. a Ansae "Tile Ngtol" 1M/IoM v. hnPscnb•r who fat t,. r.••e.rr Tout +,wsit. r'enilarly. eoth.r h) ca•ru•r or by nem!. wolf roarer a fav or by ac:=nau.i ing us of the (natal as early a latent. poeelhte. Moja-ea.-4 ntenn•s•rtpt• et:m orlw ref uric - Carrer;w„etence nine be written ounce tide of paper only. Peefwla.er. retie., J. (. 1,. Tn.ie.l. of (ind.rleh. has teen sr ii of Oseierict.. Colborne, A.hfle.td end el • , od to children. mid lb. mortality Spew. nro Local poet nowt. w e. er the distrlc'y/ are flan *empwered to receive sthecrgptfo/a to Tilt MUNICIPAL BOOMING. awn a L. All oonamunicatlone must he addressed to D. McUILI.I('t'DDy, Ti. Arosat., Telephoto. can M. Or1.ri.•h. Imo (sUUIClt!['H. THUH.tDA y. NOV. 00. IOC THE MIX'S SI•IIIIARY ' PsIltittal : The Katrina -election pc - solos slid •ees•petiuos will be tried at Kingston Dec. 17. ear John Tt. •pro-. will be Mere 1a es a member of the imperial Privy ('coned le comber 4 The nuu.l..•r of immigrants arrived at New York from Eorope, fur the fiscal year end tag 30th of .June. shows • decrease of over 9b,000 es compared with the previous year. The ('.w•ervatives of West Huron will nest at Victors Hall, (:adericb. Friday, Nov. 30, to select a candidate for the Com no.. at the forthcoming election. Thursday, .January 24, is the probable t dab for the meeting of the Manitoba , Legislature. A petition a being circulated at Mont 1 real asking the Leetslatwre to rake steps 0 forth. suppression of the D., melon Alliance t the t ltarens League and other a•seutios a formed for the purpose of -ensues better F: i.oe,lle municipal (Ariel seems I to be ,ilequiteu.. He is to het found eserywhere, and if an opportdnity to i work his uu efarits designs is not at hend usually he Innes no time in creet- ingg it Fmi, .the largest city to the smallest municipality, wherever the opportunity exists for a servant of the people to work deal in his own particular in terest, the " public servant " w,llia•gg to further his own interests et the cast of the ratepayers has slways conic to the front when occasion required his presence. New York, under Tammany meth els has been shown by the Lexow Committee, to be honey combed with rascality from centre to circumference, so far as municipal conditions were •oracerned . the investigations In Mon real have shows that the silts of ' Gotham were not confined to the 'rifted States . and the recent dowel pments in the Toronto enquiry and he resignations of Aldermen NTxwasr nal lleeirrr, which have resulted, rose that even in Toronto the Good, he crime of using public place for rivet* gain is not confined to bey o.•ality. venre. to say th in al t very =unto paliittj whereacorporationt oris have been prosecuted of late ears, and where large amounts of ublie moneys have been paid out, ten in office have been "seen "'y ntracton. If they haven't " ta=ken e shilling " it has often been because ie amount offered was not large nongh. Recently l:. H. Ostm a the eminent wyer, in paying his respects to the fendant in the Inglis vs Hewitt se, referred in scathing terms to the profeeronal alderman " the fellow ho wax in municipal atters for hat he could make. .Nile learned unsel could have gone farther and ken in "professional municipal poli -fans ' of all grades for we have own of men who occupied higher itio.s then aldermen, orcount i lore d who were not averse to " turning heneet penny " when a contract sato be obtained or a franchise or emit wax to be granted. In &bluer every city or town there some municipal man or men who, hough they toil not, nor spin, are a position to live.well, spend money ly. buy wine, play poker, and ori the public for election municipal offices, which, sl ough apparently of no pecuniary nesquesae, gives them a leverage th eo.tractors and others of more estio.able repute, and thereby en es them to make a liberal living for themselves at the expellee of the belie. The municipal politician. are not the position for the salary that at hes the " pampa" are what they after and the way they olio( to awl the effects they pet forth to n position is usually proof psi. municipal government, and the P. P. A., with which the former are often confused. t At ( ampbelltoo,t,guit: the following nomin- P &tiees were made to fill the seat vacated by I Mr. Mercier's death in the Local Howe • Conservative, Mr. Nicholas Arsenault, of Carleton %Vest, flue. ; Liberal, Mr. Joseph L'yr •f Caplin, A New York Sun correspondent says Mr. y Blake hes announced that he wall only hold P kis not in the I:ntish Parliament till the n next general election. co Hoe. L H Devoe, with other Liberal th speakers, will hold • series of political meet - tag an Nova Seotia, bestnain, with • moot- tl leg at Halifax on Dec. 3. e Herbert Gardner hes published • reply to Sir Charles Topper's Dundee speech, is la which he says pleuro pneumonia exited on d• the Mongolian last Summer, and the matter meta with the eowstry to remedy. na ilia saw treaty of immigrataw between the United States and Chir& has been ap 11f proved by the Chilies, Government, and w will in all probability he ratified and go in- eo so offset by Presideattas proclamation next week.L Meier. Thomas F Kiag.mdl, it. Daniel A Ionaldeen, Fred Boyd, Waiter l scan, kr. and Robert Logan have been ermet.d ao pos o,eseetioe with the spiriting away of John Morkts is London on sleetion and leek dayan lag him up. Mr Merkin a improving. an Canadian : .1 edge Peters, of St. .John. w N R., is dead. Pe Daniel Shea, an old Rrtti•h pensioner, is Missing from his home in Hamilton u Twenty four head of trotting horses will be shipped to Ragland from amilton the alt H week. in The Prenatal Fat Stock show will take free' plans is (:s•Iph on December II, 12 and 13 w At Iforwond on Saturday the football t,, made of the high school at that plaite d♦ foaled the Koos .'ollege listen, I to 0 (- The Hama%e r,aster Hoek has arrived at c O Ra1N•s short N coal, hens, had • tempest w1 boss voyage from 4'hr•ieusgeend. The eessene. Tiber, whisk arrived at nu ebb Montreal on Satarday, had a terrible sit. peewee. is the 'Jell Edith Censer. a Hamilton girt of Mess Pe pease. imbed up ter stoning, mad=e ewe se *nw*ssful ameapee w her ewe Ills in itis hotly s( Mrs Newry Rlrvy, itis bon gee boss miltiq time Arum Fast` boo ba. tsont M lie Akbs.a Bw . w'arI_.J, are Sa hidesn bsiy el Mr. Isals.b, dsnj.k, °OOe Mr awed et the loot of iho suis brolly op nets= Si,. that their bread and cheese beer is the stake for which they andt$e Salvationist& would call a real play 'geed time of it. J. K. G: tt'nT, who some n ora iia auwe received the Pat Pen nolhlltiation for the ('umuworlw, was turned does on • sole of 31 to 6, be- tsuw of non-support of l'andidate l'omtoa.v at the Legislative election, and the nomination went to U. A. FoNaasTlit, of Clinton, on the first bal- lot. Trios. (tt.slHILL and Joe. HELL were the only name, that went to the ballot with FLassnrea, although .l Arch t'oemoLL1, Aims Rouse -noon and others were nominated. Fonitlun xK s address to the convention was a mod hot our. and gave to th,.or alio had not had a previous opportunity. ..f hearing him an idea that the Patrons of West Huron had a little Ulan of their own who wee able to handle Lint -elf to aclventege in any platform con 'oast that might conte tttr. THE CASE OF J a C. NOBLE A BROCAIIRE has just been issued giving a succinct account of the matt set in which the firm of J. t C NateLli, of K llareev, doing business as a fish ing company, were ruined. practically, by the action of the Marin,. and Fisheries Department of Canada. F'r►oa it we learn that on the nth and filth days of May, 1894, four .team tugs and a number of sailboate which iielenged, or were supposed to belong, to J. tt C. NOIILL were seised lay "Tabery Overseer ELuorr at Squaw Island and Hyng Inlet, es tie (:per Irian Itat. The seizure was Made under inetructiorts from the Department of M f'I110 and Fisheries to the overseer, uc answer to a telegram hint from that the NotiLes were fishing without a 11ceniie'. During the following month charges were laid against them fishing without a license, and t were brought before Police Mtygist Helioss on or about June _"l, w one of the charges was withdra ants upon the other a line otr imposed. The tugs and boats seized, soh were valued at several thousand lane were not returned, but the boat, were sold by privets sale, is oat notice to the Somme and tugs were advertised for sale tender, which has been postponed fr time to time. As soon as it had been made kno that the seizure had been utatl., NuNL4Y represented to the 1)epertmen hat they had been treated most ustly and .nfeirly by the oversee hat they did not inters,' to dib a king wrong . that they had sent heir tugs and boats to the fish= rounds with the full expectation tl icense would lie received in due cos is they had made application and -antedtheir few lie "'tidy as Marc lust other fishermen had adopted iutilar course, w hose hosts hal n been seized . and further that th ad Iteert led late a trap by the ov eel, who had concealed from them t act that their licenses were not like be granted, expressly it, order time them to send out their boats gmei faith, in order that he mig are the opportunity of seizing thele These representations having bee fide to the Deportment, the Non. ere stet with the aaswerthat nume us complaints had been made again min to the Department in form ars, that it was stated and believe, he the fact that they had been co cted of violations of the F'isherie ct and Regulations, that the nduct in other years had been sue to justify their tiring treated thaws, and that they court expec leniency whatever, even if it w ue that they had in this instar u harshly treated by the Fisher= e rseer, anti that their offence w rely a technical one. The Nostra asserted asrted tha e statements made to the Depart nt against them were for the meet rt gross slanders , that it was un e that they had, as charged, per tently violated the law and incited era to do the same , and that if charges had been matte, upon • Air investigation they could satin fee=l, explain or disprove them. n the month of July a Commis- ner was appointed to investigate case, and the evidence went to w that in thirty years, during eh time, either by themselves or ugh employees, they had been act y engaged in the b siaeas, they never been convicted of an d- ee until 1893, when they had gilt a quantity of pickerel which as alleged they knew to have been lly naught. The overseer watt reviled to state that he had never en of • single conviction agai.lst , and that he never even heard one, and swore more than once ng his examination that his sole for refusing to recommend for a license this year was the alleged convictionw oder thecircumstances it looks • grossoutrage bed been per ted upon J. k C. Notts, who sot truly been hrobjected to • low upon their tugs of some $25,000, bet have had the business of • life -time taken from them by the high handed l action of • Department of (Govern remit. Surely the Government of this Dooninion has some higher plans of duty than to allow itself to he used as tha ed a Juggernaut for registering e er levest designs of • sptesoti. Aelisei.t impostor. two fory" he rate hen wit, with ich ion sail nth t he utby wn the t un - r; ny• out ng tat roe, for ii a of ey Pr- he ly to in ht n as r it er n it h as t as M ss as t * b f G in yeh m w 0 U to vi A co as ou no tr bee Oe use th me Pa tru sis oth any put fag a10 the sho whi thro iv.l had fen bon it w illegga =.cert k no them of Buri reason them said IT an if petra have THE Patron. ref Wrist Hums met at Carlow Saturday last, earl had what' THE Editor of Saturday Night now claims that there are two of hint. One is E. E. SHEPPAaRD, and the other writes the articles sod signs Himself " Don.- - " Don has the privilege of .tttw. (:rig the wide world, personally or otherwise, but nobody is to hold E. +I &hirer SRI) tp p011sTi%—for what u Don " writes. The law of the land doesn't allow of this dual conception of the esteemed " Dori," and if that vet -until,. writer at any time perlwtrates a libel. E. E. SuerrAKn will ifesersed with the writ. He can t Mork his I)r. .JI:K)'I.L and Mr liver: orf on the public that way. IT is said that B. B. tines, the cele. 'rated criminal lawyer. is to watch the boodle alderman investigation in To ronto in the interest of the hoistiler.. His experience in eronne,•tion with the I )ttaw•:a iioxllers will make his spry i, es axtreutely valuable to the pert -set ahlernien. The ,cities are wheeling into lane for Mow ST in good shape. Hamilton. Ottawa, Loudon, I:r:antforl, and Windsor are now in the whirl and K incite,' ...ill soon enter the Alarmed circle. SNAP SHOTS - Is Mayor Essear still pining for an early session of the Legislature. The town is free from the demi monde et present. Let/ he kept free The oldest inhabitant claims that it is about time for Indian Summer Mohtreil and Toronto might list thums in the matter of stay alder turn. Pores Life of Sir JOHN MA lIONStn has appeared, and the tt Man is once more beatified If the weddings ami funeral; of the ('tars are any criterion. Russia travels to mighty slow music The .laps has. walked into thin with a vengence. The campaign show the preponderance of brain over brawn it doesn t take long for a Toronto alderman to (discover that his useful nest is gone when a skilful lawyer anal an upright judge gets after him. That Military College in Kings- ton, outside of being a greedy sink- hole for good Canadian dollars, doesn't appear to have much of a mission i■ the interests of the Dominion. r A WOAD TO "$ZONAL" REAOEai ()N and after Jam. I, the ('moth *deems" system will f. adopted .d T Swam ofbos. That is the only syr upon which a aewspapr can be etavo.wfell earned on. sad has bees adopted by alio eew•papsrs and away of time leading cum try Journals- Those of our reefers who subscribe f pry newspapers are aware that they hats My for them in a•dva.•,e, and tweet hnsiu to de r•. ver the same persons will yrar and yet out wishes to pay for their boo paper, and will• -aft•,, let the 'our* etasd f a t. , i., .-t y 'or. This a not right at inn boast. During the pal fifteen .ears, Tux Si... has lost t h.•u.ands of du i by dwelt suhecribere, and maid* of the pest mon hu been compelled to place several hu dads of William worth of subr•nptIona legal hands for oollection tither se scriber. have been notified (tum our cows mg room that their arrearage must be up or the claims against then. also will pacem ',humid wort for collection. 'Phis is bluff it a r straight humors anal if out a tended to costs will he ascurred .r 'he above reasons los have decried adopt the l.5H 811STEM at Now 1' . swe h. pe to ON me ,ate memo thrmeelvesccordiagly To those who ha responded to our statements we extend best :hanks; to those who have thu• f failed to resposd w( r we now extend a la cal before the accounts paout of our hand N . l'usiea ecan he run without money even under the N. I'. and we aro not gem to try to do it in the future. ed ONLY CASH ANO ONE PRICE STORE s N:iAn Ulster, m te 7 ty 0 or to te in is Or ai ct th a In b. t paid be n o An Overcoat, A Suit of Clothes. Are any of these articles on your list? Are you a ready -money buyer? Would the saving of from $1 to $5 on an investment of from $5 to $20 be an inducement to you to pay Cash ? If so don't make any mistake about the right place to buy. Ours is the aur in the County where you can get a complete outfit. Do you know what Cash and One Price means ? If not, come here and see. Don't pay a high price with_the idea that you're getting something better. You're not, you're only paying the long credit prig. DOMING AND GOING. Mi. (STti6 116y1pj. flatting is the Wanly N McLeod and R. Price visited Seaton last week lir and tire. F. Doe cum; t' isitrd Rni se!. last week. Rev .1 W. Hames, . f t hnto°, was a root this week. tit., Seeyd, of Reaction, was m town Than keg,.ing day. Will .Isckw°, of Clinton, was visiting an town the past week. hair Aiken spent Thanksgiving Day at her home in St Mance Mae. +ybml Toms stent Thanksgiving with friends in the queen 'try Messrs. A Stratton and I.ord•o Render son visited Clinton last week, Mr. find Mrs A. !Landers spent Thanks - Jiving with relatives an G&WThe Clinton News Record says Miss Edna Curtis is visiting friends to 10110 Jae who has been wheelsma■ on the ate t lympis, returned home list week. !ties grace, of Stratford, visited relatives in town for a few days during the past week. Miss F. ti Buchanan left on Tuesday to visit her surer, Mn. H F. Sharpe, of To Motif. Mw Webb, who was injured by a felling signboard, has denseslightly improved deog the week. Mrs. Fenwick i Margie Rarri was the guest of Dr. Whitely during her stay Imre last week. h S n Capt. McDonald, of the schr. Mary, re. Id turned home on Pn lay last, having laid up his re,iml ia Windsor Capt U. Sutherland, of the schr. rater act, returned hone last week, having laid up his vessel in Sarnia. •J. McLeod, who had been wheelsmen on the propeller, 1% R H•ll, returned home from Fort William last week. Rev. Jos. Edge of North st. Methodist church, and It., Mr. t:eme, of Hensel!, exchanged pulpits on Sunday list. Dr W. F. ('lark, V. M., was in Brumfield on Monday, attending a meeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Association. Wm. Baxter, who has hew let mate of the prop. German, returned hors last week, the German having laid up to AAta- bulah Harbor. T Babb, D. McDonald, .I. Hall and David Wilson, who had been employed on dredge No. 9, during the Mason, esteemed home from Port Arthur last week. a Now that the Jap& have ousted the chines. from Port Arthur, Jot CONNER knows what te do with that other %stern, who has occupied his strategic point since last June. The cider will flow just about the time when D. A. Fosastrraa ia hie "blue jeans" will toe the scratch in West Huron against the Hon. J. C. Pei -sallow and his pants with stripes down the sides. Notwithstanding - that Hon. 1:. E. ForITRR prates about the good times in Canada, the C. P. R. statement last week showed a falling off of $39,000 es against that of the corresponding week last year Wonder if there was any of the poker funny business in connection with the (==orlon k Maxwell .teal. (:.Tots was an all round sport, and came here to sell. But who was our Ideal " V maim, f It in stated that Hoe. Epstein) BLAea will not sit in the imperial Parliament after his present term ex- pires He could he better employed at home when the nest general elec- tion comes armed. The tide in favor of Oaoaos Actinic," for the mayoralty hes been rising steadily during the peat week. A ba si mes man with bunnies es meth_ ods is badly needed at lie head el the town eaagi just now. The Signal twos mon salts opottal attention te its Job Printing faaidWes, whish are eaar- passed outside the eines for the preempt aid proper .x.eut•se of all obsess of prtutiag. A perusal of this aa.waon- , neat may suggest something you may he is seed of, and u gaol no. we solo e it your patronage, f.sllsg eafident that our efforts to please will meet with the approval of our patrons llott, dead• This useful sine is kept in the full range of qualities same am letter heads. While Iat«er %%cod s is this line we have a very large stock of fine writing papers suit able for every class of business represented is this locality, coo pang laid and wove, lineae, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, as may be required. '* t ttno . %%cod►s are not so generally used, they All an important place i. °omme roial correspondence. See whet we've got under the above heads, #\\ `cvsmk% of Work is the typographical printing line can be in this establishment in an expeditious and attiatis an OWE NIrA A.% vi\\ be. Sou losscui were rtasowob\t. We extend our thane fee pest fan en and *elicit • ee+tlal.a.e of lie Ill -Bs inns, 0 The best things from the best makers are here, all marked in plain figures at one price ---always the lowest price You're welcome to look, to examine, to compare. IFW SVC GOSuo`OnQVrK,e EVERYTHING TO WEAR. Down they go again! Another Slash, Another Cut, Another Sacrifice, AT THE GREAT DISSOLIITION OF PARTNERS lIP SLR Ji1RASER & PORTER's, Dresden China Coffee Cups, Regular Price. 50 eta. each ; sale price, 15 eta. each. Silver and Celluloid Photo Frames, This is the week to buy them. Special Lines at 15 eta. and 20 eta. each. Celluloid Photo Albums, Regular price, =I.40 sale price, $1.00. Fancy Cups and Saucers, Were 75 ets , sale price, 25 eta. and 35 eta. each. Largest Stock of Miscellaneous Books, outside of ('ity of Toronto, in Cloth and Leather Bindings. straight discount of 23 per centoff Beautiful Presentation Volumes at Dissolution Sale Price.. All Xmas Goods at Sweeping Re- ductions, as they must be sold by JANUARY 1st, 1896. NO GOODS CHARGED AT SALE PRICES. FRAZER & PORTER, flaws asosa.ames Bookuallars and 8tationsre. a.a pa fat •o '•o TI Pr w•. den' one I n s. rim weir al e Th. mow t alIM beer leer sad Ramo -saliono every OUP ferreg Weird edge ,nese. " Ti Lerma ..me r.■ panel .e ser fermis «ileal A oseste tee al