The Signal, 1894-11-29, Page 3--( 7,'The Signal 0 it hale L a ren ice- " i no din day help edi- this oath sects se idly our lgl• rim tits the dile rola Tb. tow the rise nes. into Cres may its sol• .It'. $rad 1a1 - tory Ely Ibis 1` r E e ase sawe calls spewed •tt ato= le its Job Pruttnp 6siltuNe, whoa are mama - reseed outside the gates for Ube prompt anti propos. •s.•stios of all daces, of printing. A perusal of the uaosaw- ✓ ent nay sauna something you may be is need of, and is suck ss.e we soli cit your patronage, fedtrg ouofilort Limit our efforts to please will meet with the approval of our pur.ei. IIo`itt %%teas This useful sue is kept is the full range of qualities same as letter heads. While •IAtttte \ltesas In this line we have a very large stork of tine writing papers suit able for every clans of business represeute d in this locality, nom prisiug laid cal wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled yr unrulal, se may be required. are not so generally used, they ill en important place iu commercial Correspondence. See what we've gut under the above heads. •13%.‘A ahem ►s the order of the day the y'demand for account paper would not Int ' we great ; but there are some men who get so many (loaners that they wonder if the stock will et sr run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is cul plate in this line with heir sizes. Good paper and neat ruling. tttktemenAs Both single and double dollars and cents columns They come cheaper than bill heals, and are the proper thing to head after r delinquent once a mouth. They are sure to fetch hint 'round -- sometime. \A‘.•rk0 its Now, it would be hard to get along without et.veloperi, arid to keep up with tie' dwuaari for there v-4-, keep a Largo stock ou Ir. :1'• het.• now about a hundred thoukand in Ate ii, ,and the firers will range fort T;x. to t rO 1''-r • Y1. We handle tom ntejtial and :•tga: sixes exclusively Co11AMOV.. t Ou\ k V tat••.•%. i -ham already been partlai:y ennui crated in some of the beads above. There is, however, a vast amours of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take _ap the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tee SIUNAL. 1 rakl\teXhous to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in melee tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and res. rog•r(was of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. Core eu\tar We aim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we tura out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. Cwras .gut T'vekets This head coven a large range of work, front a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. *Posters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it ie done by us. This tine also in- cludes Doagt,rs which our three fast -running job preeww are able to turn oat in a surprisingly short time. 'AMA Bi\\s belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty of them—promptness being our aim in this respect A notice of sale will appear in Tse IONAL tree of charge when bills for ,Hite see got here. \\ SlGvV ,t of Work c the 1dome in ablishinting list care be in this �aseat in an expeditions and artistic manner and Otir V rttt,% vlro.k\\ be. Sourni► *Ott rw11.01MOb\e,. We attend ear thanks for poet fay ere and flelieit a eoMiataamse of the seise. T WL SZ 0114 THE SIGNAL • GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 29. 1114. De d.as. _ _IRHEUMATIS,!! AND DYSPEPSIA. IAIOHOLSON1t t—DENTAL NI ielmhef emit. m om Al pM•aWd se anif jwlem-eli stomereffholoo on head ter 1. a► ` DR. 1 EIORARDfllo:l, L. D. a Xanistorsid for pillar t oke eastsl Ulnae- ora re. Opera Hew p Lal•Iy ('ON BI N ATION OF TROUBLES WHICH iMstassa d.eusL flea and vitalised W I MAULS LIFE MINEItABLIS. .tt«.i.. ... to w ns of `ee`k. 1 eMt. ••tree°• ea wee. l e dlsaL DR. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, SUR gena. ars. Ur,, t'Lean'. Moot. Moa reml et. Nieto cal a Iron atria' Kathie. tletel. til, L,teRal, I tAMPION t JOHNSTON, BARRIB. stiers.,� astldters,NNarte La.. Ueasriele UMaas over Jeeth inety tie •mora Y, ems. toss. Q. C., U. 0. J\rte\, loss.AAKIN, 1 OFTuts R. DAIIiCEY, BARWfiTER, J Holicltor, Csnvsanc r. he., etc. Mee to lose at ewes. rat, .. Ho rtuu s dlmk poise Colborne hotel. Ucirnc4 Oil. .lf L . N. LAWN, HARKIfITB({, PatlO- Li tar is Maritime coarse sf to t►lo. South Celbors• tool. It C. HAYS, lie KRIS.'El:. SOLICIT . tilt. a,. tMtoe, out feature and Wet street (oderlsh, over telegraph .las.. l'ri• vats !funds to Mad at lowest rates of tam est. NN i'1.KROW } PRIMDYilOr, l� r ..• re. AtSr,. • ►• HItrvi.rea R ., t.Mta oh. J. T. eels,•, e1 • W. I'vw,dr,. t g IAMkk3N, ItuLR A Hlul-J:ES, V_ _`r Bone .w h• ('b mit-.,. ata Dalperl • . M. t , taaet.res. 4t:. ; .• Hatt • .1 owe. G. IAKLi, ' OuN VEVA :tt;SR, a On.. sun taw oboe.. we I.r t.alyt ..4 iso• •mortes n . • .,trig d batt, alp , us c alrmatk.•., srpw.'n,oa er sufema cetera - ems or .., meows I, nutwu, N.., .,r pro• e•editua in the At tetut of Just. a, the Oeort of .e t /a,sa•r,l., - -,.: aria or is am, county er l n o:to C, sit, .til �,eatKsiy ,.ee(yl , sad pisco. tit eager tar* w Iteeldeooe a d P.`(j addmee-Duaaanuos 1. tam- tf saws ana lnauranoa. -IMAGER. Wd1YRl'ANt'ING AND ores laimeetwat eM,4 epessltel>Ilanh.'s Kesel UNEY Ttu LEND ON MORTGAGE u St ppesrr cent. Nut•. dtscusst.d• C eRAoPUt. cion a egite Mange's Iltitsi Veda rich. - MONEY TO WAN. — g96,IQ0.00 Private Funds to lead at II p,reseans iriity. Lorry R LAY(: Y. Msrseal.ttbah. appoaits Colby ii. Hotel. Oeamrfsik Mitt re• J. T. MANTEL, VIRE, Litt A N L arodem lmeareeM' semitl•_ at lowest urea Ole► -Os,. I eultheei. sad •.hare, cod •rW. ht- $ f00.SOO r TO ' LOAIf. APi LY T) MeloCttMaeion Mawr a . 0LNKe� Hese Kort ea. al ,ui. s aal.nTaa Ma remascs •fru Taus Taocsl,r- -notion hue amu. semi ASO was TaovuilT Tey muse noes OP eras -err misuse tins urn as se son A WILL nay I,-om The t uticook, tire.. Obser.er. The reader. '4 The I t;r.erver have be oume familiar otth the Sitio/kettle cures effected by inn use .4 lir Witham.' Put rills fur l'ale People through their rec,tel re able new.pot paper. It is awe our purpose to I tall then, of a cure, hardl, .herr .0 ui:ricu lou., which was effected tot .. pure-,• vote wham many of our reader. a.quaint-.i 1Ve refer to Mr. Eli Joyce, foru.eruy of "Lavine, but now beteg at Avers'. Vt. A tee dais aero we aid Mr. Jeyce and hiked him about hu recovery. H. stated that for fur or, have years he had been at8.crel with rheuwa- tem and dy.tiepeia He was tun up and tumble to do amythmg on an •serge. four bath• us a year, tui was coustautt) grow- 152 PIo kt,g worse, although treated l,y goo,1 pl,yu- sfsae sats trsttlg oumeruua ruusdie. eveem 1111011.1110. A near oro ir.. Ansi, • hu was taken, seno,ly ,11 Waite a'. hi. .i•r-,'., Mn f I►olu..d, of lhavili. It- .',..,'d u•'' rei.or os) mug um his •totuat••, :mid ' he p.,ysiceue who attei.dvd harm were p'eorlv.v In ter• prortag I,., c-..ditt.e. I «, of Ito.m •ua.»'t that be had e.ueer of th., stu,oeb tad tt,.u41 sot live lair it was a ails m the pr.ear- lous ei erlit..-u tab' tea tu.totmtu..i try Dr W: Nov..' 1' tub Pd�. and fore hong was rid.- r. tato fool his st nose Hu pita gra !malty came lose amt in .•x • • ii., lieu• hit back r.• h,. haw, ret ave, fir." n_ he had obtait e•1 . ;we lett- .d lit.. continued taken, the l'uk Pub fair some time longer and gained so touch in health Yd strength that he is now able to do the hardest kind of . day's work, and he !rant Iv gives Ir. Williams' Ptak Nile all the credit for his rejuveua,.d condition, sad Mire he believe. their timely ice save) hie h(e. The I tteerver has verified ba story through *evera) of her netghbore, who say that it was thought th.t he was at the pent of death when he began the use of 1'rok Pills ; a fact when we u.eutu geed hes tate to ono of the 'uctnry why. had attendee him he maid he eunpsed he win fiend Ineg •eo When ouch strong tnhutes as thee. tan he Led to the wonderful merit of Pink Tulle it is little wonder that their Miles reach such foot -mous proportion., stud that the- arc the favorite remedy wi'i, in these •Mumu, u tamest frem usher hems auk forty feet a sheet distrust from ! meal. It will am eat seythiee that the eetthg. Out of the ahoy over 4,000 been already killed tar it, ounces of void were "dolled" is four or live i its food tte.U. The goats ars weeks through • small door at the end of tit W it. Wilson, of Broken hill fame, who I alive, when, gaiw its great eyes on tutted the moue, says ; ••Lees than three the make suddenly Issues forward has mate wenn. I was tetd that thio worms I to kill W ooms all the way Prem Chime, probably, thrust aebody ham how. Anyway, • member of • cage the uaweloom• tribe had reached the insmc them, tory, sad was a guest thin. He was • and fw,otr bag, did he but know it. for he wee tons had hoe. briken when I saw it, and crashes them in its powerful fold. $150,000 worth of geed was takes from that ceverts, the. with • thick dime abo quantity. (J♦e ohm. dislodged • toe sad • mob deep, before ew•llowteg, it It quarte has bees chruteaed ••Hug Bea." It I them almost as • gulp. After th w eighs 242 pounds and se estimate.l to one- python goes to sleep and does cut wait tato $15,000 worth of gold. The other til it s Line to feed again. pieces weigh 108 p.'unds, 6pounds and 46 pounds, the whole etistusiag one hundred nbaasesisa Lseee,dlmery. weight of pure gold, valued at 125,000 Two remarkable ,tortes of sac Pear hundred thou.aud dollars was offered m•Iingering Si told by Inc London JO After to he carefully watched, and his every at v antics was to M noted la • book each •theme fie would receive as much atteetten as any u tall hardly env man has been closely watched e us- every day of hr life, as this ('blame bug will day. ball, worth $40,0:,0." The largest piece of 'them out by sgimseaing amid then d• yours great man probably more •tteorion, for be. emirs Dada's i.e Mb WbilN,. eeasfu Edinburg Sootsmaa A ma. m Austraha far the mine and was refused. Exactly i pondent of tae Manchester ('curer 42 lb ouo:oss of clothed gold were taken out of the reel not three feet deep aid emily a • friend d be has recently been stopping u her feet along the reef, aitt the untag the oeigbberhued of Pnncetown real, sad Itwo toile) were put through Bayley's bat. dertag his trait met one of the officials I 'cry aid averaged 600 .gnaw to the ton. with wham the respoosibulety for l The shalt a down sesrty silty feet. A tie finally recta. The tint I drive of bv, struck the reef, ant thettanlity is of a Ivan who simulated paralysis so coo - of some us said to be .quad to the aurtaea vlecingly that be was toles/sod and du Au even more wonderful discovery has patched to his home in charge of a ours. been made north of 1'oulgardie. Four hue- Ra'. on the very next morning he walked down stairs without any aasuteoc., and to formed the nurse that her services mere no longer reyutred. Story number two. is even atom remarkable. Deere is nothing nee. derfal in oeunterfetuug blindness. 11 e see it done occasionally in the streets of larva • cities. hut Ia thin case the oeuvuct not only gave a perfectly artistic represent:.!ton of that state, but what was a tar creaser c triumph, successfully ba' -cl every medial test that could be •replied. He, toe, re- ceived his disc erre, and was trarelhng le seem the company of • warder, whom he suddenly w Au even nn .re wwndeeful atone mill was electrified by but n. • an evening paper and t ueu.d by tt . uto.pe..or., wit.. were• una" a .ieoeunng its col.,•,. w••i, a idity. o •reit' w h,,gk it Loa was found jun ' bellow Ike ,oppu�g of 'he reet It was Ise What a New .Meld knew. President Uwigbu, of 1 ate, t. osstly said gem ti hen user. m u,its:o.ar r.Ia.i. iUadc no •• Every boy at.. has tl a east cheese I Moor i mpre aerie oro It t h., a ►1 I t w • r • • hal • .oh of tog lead After nisch effort this mock ought w have the n serene of .,te French emu .dotWrh ahasdo, ed, and a casual It'erman lanvusg,s I shoo d int of both) teem •sr, •d tor Coolest ria alb 44S pounds Ito... he u emitters, He d o ..d also ha ki weight ,n amal'er pier.. the iiitemerer I teen ;, kmuw . dye of Greek k.nd Min u cast 20J u -ds sr Pu I Bill mush p�w,r war u.r,e .u.guages, and of r•,,d ur u,. p�• e.: I. f. babui•I .: ,;1 •ruble I n. t,, road them a nth ease ashb tyres rrg..•.t to this kid, Ilene, the pros , $.ten upon pect..r, ._._foist.. that +rem. 1 60) to 1 N O) " The boy a no liar the beet chanusesaakt, mimes of gold are tf the two upeeumece between twclvt: end eighteen, to be Pm for - The bloat of •awe a feat square, which ward on his course ns history, and the be- oould not be packed, weighed 400 pounds ginning, at least, of the literature of his own The reef runs for 1,0010 yards on the sur foe sed gold shows everywhere. one of the meat extrsordusary features of the find is that the reef at tits point where the •p•ct- men. were foucd u, fourteen feet wide and will average Iron. tour to five feet for the whole length of the outcrop. The essec ton have secured two Meeks comprising 34 I•- •cres. ryes I had • new cod brilliant idea not long ago in A I regard t., the mterprewuoo of the clause in • his marriage vows, "Till death us do part." His wife died, luckily for her, as the fol- lowing facts demonstrate, and since be was hound outy till death to his wife, the hus- band refused to pay tier funeral expenses. The court promptly decided that • husband's duties only ceased wises the undertaker'. bills, are paid. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Sohopenhauer was alwayi gloomy and pemuusttc. :L hiller win • victim of fainting tits and cons vision,. Bea Johnson and Nat Lee were alruoet lases tis, alcohol. l'sganini, the tiolinist, often fell into • ataleptuc state George Eliot,. had frequent attache 51 nirvtutsa prostr•titxa, dyed sod fifty I••aod• weight of stone ,.as lodged in she I'nr.0 Bask the other day, and it is u..t e. gentiuu to say that it is Pearly half gel.;. The stone is from the outcrop to the reef, ptoses of gold weighing Loa halt ounce being mewed with mea,. Most et the blocks are, however, broken into two pieces, and the whole face fracture ed amply glistens with gold. The biggest block, christened "Hottest John," weighs ugde, sad contains at least half void. WWI MMhe SIell scar it is bug rough peaaalae I, r, to,. ase,. to .Lift it, tatoeetgb' SUNLIBOT SOAP flan proved by its enormous sale that ft Is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world car vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. It brings them less labor, greater comfort. MILLINERY. - !te% Satbiataadka., the only native omen novelist to India, died recently at he age of 31. Her parents were Marathi lrahnraas : she herself erne a I'bnstrat,, and •s first woman to stuoty medicine at the ''nver.ny, ..f "I stirem. IL -r lint hook a Saguna . picture of a hign caste girl's oma life : souther called "Kamala" is just r hnist.ed au serial form. be Mrs. Ernestine ,i'•'hafner, of New York, town a, the • Tombs Angel," hes been do• ye tag for nearly ten years her good work of eking to free from tail undo -int persons falsely •cen.e.t Although omit of the time os about $20,001} bail bonds ale has not in all her •tpetteeoes lost more rt -an $1,000, and she was chea.ed out of • ..rye part of that sum by a dishonest lawv'-r. Isaac Walton, the author of " The ('oaI- plate Asrler," is, after being dead for more of then 200 years, to have • memorial at last. MI Watton was • Suffolk man, hut he passed a ed great part of his life in London, living, among other places, in the parish of St. 1►upatan's, Fleet street. It is, therefor., thought most suitable that the memorial should be placed In -:. Dunstan's church. e,.i ln.a•e. ' h. t. t ere .r- .1 I language. H. should know something miric, and should, at least, see the open: of the door toward art studies. " That mathematics should be purse energett.•Ily before that age is admitted all." In commenting upon the above, • Phi delpha paper says . This is a delightful plan to contemplate, but, unfortunately, out of 65,000,000 people m this country, perhaps not mon thane few thousand boys have what 1►r. Dwight terms ' the best chance.' Hut we venture to lug. gest that before • boy is eighteen he might profitably tuck away in his storehouse of knowledge ability to tell the truth ; to 'erode evasion' and directly answer ones tions ; to,swim and walk and ruen pr. p. r iy to he courteous in street -oars : to i:,otee' his younger brother : t.. ,•hastier ibe no to whu annoys hu htv motto to keep esprnses within his allowance, and make locum, balance each month : to save somethin each week, if it is not more than five cents to realize that physical strength is as vale able as mental vigor, and that moral power u worth mere than beth " A Speelse,agorae* the alae.. Harper's Barer : if • remedy for th blues could be offered the public of the cif.' cacy claimed fur • quack medicine to cure all the ills that beset mankind, • fortune would surely await the patentee. But of several receipts giten by per.ou of different sorts and coedit ions, it may be poemOle to choose one tit suit one's own case. " i take a walk," said ems young woman, vigorous of mind and body. " If the trouble comes from indigestion, as it usually does, there s nothing like • ten•nule tramp to put your internal organs to rights." The reply of • Boston maiden may be deemed characteristic " I sit down to the hard- est mathematical problem that I cin find." " I go tate one of the alcoves in the reading. room,' maid •°ether, the an's work in the house begins to look posee•sor of that Boston patent of nobility, a Lowness training, as it is. It then a share mu the Athenaeum, " with the new occur to him tor the first time that magazines .r a pile of local histories." " 1 wife, who could sever yet make her suppose the saintly -minded would say that ly accounts balance, can at least do the the beet plan is to ge to see sonse one who ly difficult task of putting together the u worse off than yourself, ; cud a young of • dinner, and making them come mimeo of feeble constitution, but brilliant yen. mental endowments. " I only odd thus would be easy to go on and show how misery te mine• and the sum total is ovoids". tier ways women exhibit what are prat. I just think, ' It isn't illness and it isn't y business habits within their r.00gnuz- death : nothing else matters.' Or i try to .main Take, for inetan ell, • mother bride myself '• the admirable trains of g her bye children off to school in dif- mind that Dolly Madison attained at t directions en a winter morning, each eighty t • My dear, when you have reached ly hatted and muffled and shod and my age, you will learn that nothing mat- ed and luncheoned, with due and spa tem- • 1 sweep my room," said an °net reward to Mary'. cold and Ellen'. weak getic little housewife, " usually loth* indig- sad Johnny's tendency for an exoee.s nation •f the maid, who has just completed e, and all the various pearls that im- the same task. Perhaps the best suvgestion in different directions. See her in the of all came from the tired little boob keep - of that battery ofqueetmew. "Mather, er • •• i try to de •ometbinr for somebody w my right mitten "' "Mother, i else. For, as the Salvation Army sister find my India -rubbers." '• Mother, rhra� it, " If yea make other people were to write to Miss Jesse about that appy, you've a 'appisem in your 'art that phy lesson " '• Mother, i have polled dent °Dm* in no other way. button off." •• Mother, how far did But whether caused by a derangom.et of ♦ it was from the earth to the moos •" the liver, by some one walking ever our all this while, mit the same time, papa future grave, or rising like an exhalatuoa harry for his final cop tt coffee : and without known cause, it is safe to insist error to *peak to the plumber tester- that the blues should be *trawled against. mid therefore the bell item not ring in There is • certain critical period in the life tchen to -day. Papa may be • very of every matt or woman, •t or near middle business man, but will he seriously de- life, whom he or eh* heeom.•r mortal' tired by Wens.. And Mea. Harpers Bazar it a not easy to deny that women have business capacity when we consider how much of it is needed in ler to get up • decent family dinner. neo a rota sa) s grace at hie own table he is, let us hope, • becoming gratitude to Providence, nut he dues not always err ni mind aha' he;ironedos,. eh4oel of t pros :deuce h+a biers, is moo cases, • tin. The women in queetiou might, in. be tempted sometimes to interrupt his aeon's as did stout old Ethan Aden those he clergyman who was offering a thanks - tag for the capture of Ticonderoga "If please, Mr. , don't neglect to men - o that i was there too •" To the average n who is what s called a the country "a provider," it perhaps seems as if all tise•keeping consisted in talons, • stu- nt amount of meat and vegetable. owing them tato an oven, and presently hog out • dither. The tact that soup sires a eertain •moat of cooking, and • particular time, and pease a given real, and pudding • proper period, and all these nand, have to be so planned they shall all be precisely, piping hot done to a turn, at the precise niomest , that during this process each separate must he duly mixed or stirred or owl or transferred front dish to dish no being treated jest alike -all thin doe •t first occur to him. It is only when e sudden change puts the whole matter the hands of sonic ustraioed Bridget or y Ana, perhaps reared is a factory, and knowing a fry from a fricamre, that a or, II c a.,.•s. Dr. R',Ihaun•' 1',.k Pili. cot, t1 tent the • lements necessary to gine sew 1 I. t e MONEY TO LEND. —A L A sal nehmen to the blood and restore •h. ' t, feere.' nerves They are en unlailm_ t.tec amass of Private reads for meatuses at *me ea Iret•ehm Mortgages. Appli 0414.11210W & PHOl'DFOOT RADCLiFFE, GENERAL IN• ____•enew taee•. HLuau and Mosier _g arm -Haas a. (trearm-Haaseempaaies wpaoented. Monet to lead on weigh at the lowest rate of mtere t sdms h say way to suit tat oorrow.r ham. l)l..-- Bio- un door from *Caere, We. street, pod.. lab 1MAancur IR.uala. GODiDUCH !MORA Slut MITI - TUTS LIBRARY AND A er. DINH- M, s. of Nast serest and a•ra (up Matra Dem from I b u r.r.., and from ?to le P.r. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. loading U s.'p, Weekly aced Illustrated Papers, a/oyas.w, etc., ow Pile. MiMBgteHl1 TI('Bfrr, ONLY Lana. areattsg free ase of Library and AppHsettose tot m.mberebip received by Librarian. In room J H. ('OLit-m'ig. 010. aTIVil, t're ide°t. sseeetarr, Sod. Koh March Mk alp. Austaosinel • /1111011A8 (IUNDRY, AUCTIONEER and ieouranee Ooderieh. Ont. Asses li,ados and I Fire las. Co., sed (i.ro Ihstrict Nut Co. Hales at seeded to in ani part of tbe Musty. filly JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC - thither and Laid valuator. Sod•rleh. OM. Liay.ng had considerable esperienes la the . •:, tion... -nag ora ie ha to la a Position M fir lonrnotor soma, p.r'al pat.,,.., ha Vitus' dance, seatue, ..• tralga, rheum. won tam, nervous kea'ische, the after effect.s of deed la mope, pelp,tae,ou of the heart, nervous or prustatioo, ell disease. depending upon vi- of t tiated humors in the blood, such meet.. fol•, guy chronic erysipelas, etc. They are al..o a you *pectic for treuhles peculiar to females, too such as suppressions, irregularities and •It ma forma of weakeem. In mei they effect • toed radical cure in all troubles arising from meet • ho al worry, overwork, or seems, of any n•. here lure thr Dr. Wtlllaino' link fills are manufactur telt ed by the Dr. Williams' Medicine f'omatasy, rel Brockville, that., and schnectady, N. Y , beef sold in boxes never in loose form by the rote dozen or hundred and the public are caution. that ed against numerous imitatiece sold in this that shape) at SOc. a box or mux boxes for $2 50, and and may be had of all druggists or direct by nay mail from Ir: Williams Medicine Compaq item at either address. flay two SANDSTORMS IN THE DESERT. not One et She wont Plover. sar•esumd sr •on, n Me Traveller. into Philadelphia Prem The minus, goner- Mar not ally lute from tee te thirty minutes, and frequently accompanied by • very Keay rainfall. A samem with such • dowapoo was enceuotered by Mille, In Easter Moa day. A ril 12, 1879. Thr was laden_ The wind changed a terrible hurricane Rohlfe had his tent which was the largest of the caravan, taken own and crawled under the canvas, await ng thc. "bride of thedesert,"as the Hedoui calls the *ammo. The storm bemuse fierce sad fiercer, thick clouds, of which you could not tell whether they wen sand or mimes of steam, circled with terrible city over the heads of the travellers; • nem& of thunder vibrated the earth. e in a while you heard the cracking of • m as the storm broke it is two. Then storm lifted the tent like • balloon, and make the eonfuei,n perfect the rain came in such a volume that a few seconds old to drench to the skin. Thom, as if mark, is became wonderfully still, and glorious man appeared again in the purest and bluest of ethers, and its power- fulttrroepp$u aal rays soon dried everything. Witboot a doubt a 'Ismael is one of the ono plagues of the desert. It weakens anbeast, bet, and the sand and dust that riven before it force their way through smallest crevices and thicket covers, se permeate mouth, nosad ears, but sot h quantities that they cannot he got of with the greatest ease. The very filmset sand fovea foe its way into watches. but tome of it will suffocate man or animal, Omagh one .ometimes fears that it may. A Gamow ever so even might 'toyer • whole caravan with a heavy pall of dust and sand, but it ern,:ld Never throw up such moun- laies of sand as to burr a whole caravan. This a only one of tate many fables of the desert beam rndsterelu may, ,t se true, be. dangerous to travellers, bur is • quite drf- fereet manner. The stock of water of a amorally is aerally carried is goatskin. They are net partieularly good reservoirs, hoverer, for they won allow an eaot•tseae on quantity of their etents to evaporate, •' ✓ emelt of the extraordinary heat that • sand The ▪ brings with it. e evaporaon ti sow and than takes Nob proportion's that a whole caravan lathsdie of thirst, especially when whthe het sand porus has dried up al No the ep.inas ani poor sa . was. 's nom y like ✓ may his week to equal items out• it ao tical) ed d mein fermi proper glov rate hes of pi pond midst where can't you that yes sa And Mina papa f u a e • dist ••roe *Oh t 'ouch b •atlsotion all coin d re n ft entrusted to him. Orders leat ' i Mar'... Hoot. or rot by map to his oldrook leder ch I. U., carefully attended to JOHN KNOX County Aoctioaer layrtf Dental Announoemisslt, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN DT ran L'm Ow ETHEL-.cuLoRioE AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S DENT •L PAiias, EAs NM INN/K OCis WEST -STREET flo ii,ICE, 0117. r vel cam On pal the to down math by the man Itallirdtt no unlimited satidaotlee. after • •re d Ms1� rustutieg I. the moat eateei as- the N le a...aelaette of dellghtful and s.sosWsd ..d pares», M N It that i have the only ant in nu eseiuslve right to w In aoderich. the latest gateman° dheovery wbleb I. warranted sets rid M create the least We daring the sxtredton of teeth or stamps of any kited. In asset, • sass, and very little oafs in the mom entrains,' oases. mTHIDL-OHLORZD>� is a heel eowet ode tot sever assn the pastmt ant M*gkIs eswear.tent. herel wear. sed the m•blows M ta•a ew• earth reader lan eeantoory ts oafs. patient. amore it Is mervelee, all lee awees.. 41 mitMy thntm e awl =ret skill/any. done e. UMW tT DR. Z. RtORARi s,ON, THE PHILOSOPHER. I he web of human fortunes is woven for eternity The art of life's t411 koala how to enjoy a little and to endure much. Th. race of taankiad would parish dot they ,nue to aid each other itisgood to have the brain packed full of Images from the healthy peat It is to live twice when you mjty tae re oell.etios of your former life. Never lie anything °meeraing the nett tont of whish yen have • desk. Doubts see sot oveeenm• with vtolenee, bet with masa and esewslesdiag That arta/a was undoubtedly memo when he task his ewe his Bean Amort de #nshsekild h.}m Ores fe+0,000 tie Mild sed equip • pa,rl,srta the Empresa /imhath Hespial se Visna ler wawa s.11srla4 free 'sassy. GOLD IN IMMENIE CHUNKS. Tb. ateheees of Aseseattalt Find Said to he Wtehewt Pasellel. Marvellous ctatrtes ere told by the sant- pedant prom at the ricbne, of the new veld bids at (osliardin. The Anstr•lamss sarre At (nolgardie on .iuly 3rd the sews leak ed out that extraordinary rteh parts had bon ford within tan stiles .f the nun - ▪ ♦• ppruurseh was made he the spot end Ms he work - teen etwaissed� tr�feetA lam 2 less wide sad Aye l .e1 i. Is" est. daft his flay, • the ki Rood elate that any onuspin•atsa i. Itkely to or- It may be that it ie herauw then that the cur is hie off.. that will sealed tae onmpli. an.htuna of youth is stilled in its "wild cation of this little dims whieat his mutat pulsation," and that the .ague •sees of the epos.. ha. to rehearse overy moming of her future holding • beautiful something is seen life • to be only a mirage. Tfb Saab. Swallowed been. London Italy News : The colony of Natal, South Africa, abounds io boa een- e trictors and python., While they do not attack mem, they are especially destructive of cattle sheep earl oxen, .ad for this rea•oe parties are formed by beaters and natives to barn the bush sad fairest in order to ex. terminate the pests. Souse of the soldiers at Pletermeritsberw were r matly informed by a party of neigh. boring "kalan of the whereabouts of • hags python that had been ds.treryhg their oma The soldiers with 2O11.aativea, started •i to capture the make, mod, having located it the tweet was And for about a mile reined sheet, an enormous pit haying twee pie needy dug is toward the metre of the as - eland space. What with the burning b..b and the shouts of the ezettd Eaflre they sees drove the reptile toward be pit, where elsiog is epee him they tweed Was into ie. The python proved to he el easeuesee being thirty tem fest hog .id forty one Moira in taress.l..e.e► It svpsored to be 1nite dasst, having just WNO. a rimer ex that hail heir kN i.te the e.elmum. As sastr noes eye with bra bare half way down the front having bona osestrsekad, swats on got out of the pit sad taken Msrlits►arrpws• is the se Eire It teas en ezhibstim at the kennel's and r tela • wank, two Redly pato at mash A tnst•a•I lamed Iltemery. roes Harper's Yewng People : The reams that the government built Its bag factory was that it wanted to rane morels, see how they lathed, what they ate, bow they changed in form, and find out what would finally destroy them. You can see how important all this information would he to • man who had bis dywi beam ts bothered by insecbe 7 and whoa potatoes and strawberries ween being mute by • hungry army which paid amino for the least. 'l be mom who wash these little •natures Aad lots of thimp to interest them, and it hakes array the wearisome of their waiting They dadthatmarvellous change. often take plant is the tames. Soy on them alter their feces so that you would sot re- mains them for the same now nae will at Area be a short thiel, iv, with sharp eyes, wisp, and • minute feeler like as elephant', trunk, mid he will sere he • worm without legs mad so eyes. It ie al• way as they matter he Bid out what the bbu it it must dei. what will drive it awe*, °snot Prehet he happeund so miry to say to hehere m er rppear •ertdN Irapa n. day I was is t he ne se sti I saw a with► hod hem hued ph by • pe while eating belled bora Sea aid temed ma. a 's' time ask Inhabited by tai RETIRING FSBI BUSINESS. .1OII X 11A1,1)1 1. TIN AND STOVE DEALER, Hamilton -tat., has decided to retire trotn business, and will dispose of his entire stack AT and BELOW COST! >K-tf to order to sell out quickly. JOHN RALPH. The Old Reliable COAL ALWAYS ON HAND. NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL. The best and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied at current prices on ,:horteet notice. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. WM. LEE Orden left •t $d$='jV & LZs'S store promptly attead,d to. Fifty Years WORE THE Pt -111.1C AND 11;11411f STILL. INCRI'ASING.. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum For COCOAS, COLDS and all LUNG AFFECTIONS. i3 cts. a bottle. Sold everywhere. Keene WATSON db CO., Psopetgyoas 'J► MONITRRAI.. v I A1waYsSAstOke TSE eat a, 411'W460°P CIGAR, iC �s Remy... Elva! to ari (sport Tali by Advice and lrt,i C Ottett . this •i0Cror 51411KE FL* 50117, �� E/a't- «(1)tte tea We have a la 'ge and choice assortment . of Felt Hata-U--of which we are selling at reduced Prices. Also Jet Trimmings, Fancy Feathers, and Birds, Ribbons and Velvets in the New Shades. MISSES YATES. THE SQUARE, ma LATEST STYLES - IN FALL AND WINTER .MILLINERY. MRS. R. B. SMITH. (;la„how house. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Goderich and surrounding country first-class goods—lower than the lowest. Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it. We have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident that we can please you in quality, fit and price. Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods. The old reliable stand --- W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E. Dow'NI.rp. N. B. Custom work and repairing proudly attended to. NEW IalI TES —IN _ Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course. but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade, rnspvetion Kindly Sollreeed. t Per tress, Rhe'sant far r.*, A. MUNRO, Draper and Hab•rdash•r. CROSS -CUT SAWS I we keep a large assortment of the very best Brand on the market : ground front four to live gaugers thinner on the hack than on the face, AND ARE FULLY' WARRANTED. Theme (hods we have r•.dtsoetd in price and are Nov sailing thea,) AT PRIORS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF. A fall Lineal Pike, Jointer', handles tkad seise always Is Stook. � ..�.. DAVISON & CO., INPONNesso IM. fr.