HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-29, Page 1son for les. rtation. ekes. goods ay from howing IN, 'run i MOCK. I prices. y in the plat why we want not go by u.. Il, by the enor- number of HOW ltl of praise [or 1 have not yet 'our neighbor+ iii Oil Tanned, +rl ve+. Sole., at 11 .90, b, good valuo Stock. Extra L.. r. CK. New Shoe Story(. p ch. fern Price. for =!3.50 X :•ic. for I3c. 1:k. for 20c. tOc, for 30c. i.ic. for 57110. '.e. for 30C. 'hole+ale Price. JDERICH. Warehouse MT. .suits etc. and. •u His Meek el OATS our 8 at pry W Cost ruirs sotowtu,_s L •I • F Tills IS FOR YOU. TNS ftUNAL Is red4s set ass Ise letecelpu.ee h wrier. r set eee, be beams sed +PAY UP AT ONCE. • • FORTY-SIXTH YEAR. 2493 tonal. T1 -11E1 LEADING NE3WSPAPf3R OP HURON OOUNTY. It GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THUJRSDAY, NOVEMBER e9, 1894. D. McGILLICUI►DY, EDITOR. THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA..j At If fe ' `ear* ed them:nufm ut9 n(OVER THE HURON TRACT. I has takes M0000..000,000 est el your pocket* But whet Minot thin foreign market he Whatle03ingon at the Capital was to Uvd, that was to swell our volume* et exports' Turn te pate 464 of the last etetistial •betr•et published by the (roe. tar ann'mt sadyou will ret winos idea. p Anent the tariff- the Aaaerart.r.r Dar- iusof@fano sat roods amounted to ,kr, '+ per neat. e@ rt el ears, returned niieeiuuary from Japan.Mr. THEIR ANNUAL EVENT Robinson was • former pastor of the Anglican okerch here and his anew friend@ blvhly appreciated his sermon Tao Grist boom the Elsner Mill. W Ingham : W J l'b•pmao, of Wing. The Sall of the BaaebaUers• him, and H P Chapman, of Ripley, left the other day for Denver, Colorado, when , they have 000ud•rable property a the' yb.r. were a. Three strikes aed Na W setIee•Is'ed Tae gem. Werke' ww the heal yid edis/ Jun, .Std, 18'TJ, the A ,was et teener lion carved shape of reel estate, left them by the late Mwernmene eap.rt ( y M keit everybody fasts W tail. a.am. A a.rry t.aob.rlae acme rarer@. are •v milked' Mr. Thornton, formerly of this town. They 'dike aase.m.. s. lb. nera.tea- Mw y►ee.m.tr. T.rit aeon,IK' a he basal ream 171ptN1 wadi fealenaN expect to be absent about a earth. policy of Alethia year Mackenzie was in rq.sr• ureas Sorry semina. Seai•rth : Otto (:roti, a former pupil of 1 • aemeles► Rteerems. uwa dun0M this from 1st July, 11178, the Seafurth Collegtsie institute, who s at until 14th Merck, 1879, os which date tits t of $foie At correepeodenue. Lsosard llltey auodue•d the e. cull fl sit teaching school l neer %:on, err National Puhcy, a proteetiv• tariff which lid ETES( Snell Bros , pork packers, I ton, has been re rnvagef for next year I( )N the evening of Wetfnee.lay, .''iov 1 iTTA33•A, Nov. 11th Let us for lit a, i.creaed salary. This .Leake made no mairefe ohm, in trod•, or whaee harm Anwdved pewer.hip l' Snell eentiuu- ember 21.1, the maned shams er presented the morommt helot archer, a polities we idueeons were felt until wine mueths later. es the business. well for lir. Gron's te•chiug ability. ADO u a gayand riunetd • ranee, the oAcasiuo ate Liberal or Cooservatire, Patna •r Me- Me that practically Alexander blackener l leter II tee Kell. Weetoott has • 1 nsiemte wt bet h hg e rowel hall of the I. R. R C. The people among whom arohy.te, amid without prejudice look a was ee reepolble fur the good anal Eau things ohrwranthemanatom `. i pleat which 43 Marrs Moue, youngest daughter of ITU •... re deep, tato .our trial: tcehip ef that year Now, we have seen that the beautiful flower,. .Iona Campbell, who resides on the t wit!. ' ,• rnmeafs.•tu'er than we t.., • be. eidiom .d .oanufeetured trawls ws. ort v per ('inter, Mr Tinhig left for tt'ughsm no.t of oar triol etpurts ih 1X 9, 1 ua n ee "1'ueel.y. *her• hr r. em unto psrtaall"a j.' road sear Helgr.ve, 'N1 aitii a painful acct or,.. -.oil to-a.w "Ti hh h 1 w ... •.o lay liui, we find thew haw, felku .•K to C.2 is toe g"Y: t.u.uo,w with his brother in 'lent on Sunday, Tlrri wtvy her let wee renin, .•u hate feet lean aeipiara , a ntheat per .int. ; 1' hl 24 2 per coot 138x:, 22 5 law. i t'rekea. It appwre NN tk. tittle girl wee cons, • able roman s. and they ai• worthy Mr coot . 1114., 281 per rest.: 1884, 280 subj. et wee founded on the word. as con • taiatd in 2nd ('o,., chap. 'I, verse Ib, trots which he deduced the following Inv gift eseelleuey and source of the gift, also get Lode due for the gift. The day was general ly oterreol by our @Slums as a holiday. LAeuis Visl,n or Travir+ We have la bora credibly Into,' I • tat Squire Mel. FALL OF PORT ARTHUR. • 1 Tia Jape take t6R Stronghold seated on the hark .4 a been. riding te a horn kforals .lane, lived rren, water( lace ou ' he road.nf• , opposite her 'ghee L'•••Ia[ a.mseut. Y• will perr out lIMb, 2Der4 7 per mot 188x, 91 5 teat.; Deih.daughter • of E. Crawford, ham completed a htber•form, whimin peso.: a rrig onn the The bill was nrilt[aatly Lighted, and, u ee .yea has b.es the resalt of per cent . 1'1119, 27.7 par meet,. 18110, 29AS quilt with 2,(154 patehes all put together by I road the horse eh:: I and r.ho, ti her utl with may be expeored, the doomed wa. • pretty the "N.uoesl 1' •Drs. ' the protesn•• policy per no• . lt;91, 28.2 cult.: 188'1, 24.1 bermelf, the above result I'nd. r m".i :el treatment . MAIM by SAP • ktb rrvatyr [.or.-' nmeatIn tier me,. , sod in l8:xt s trod at 2b , per •t Exaterw►ici, James aiH d N. and I ont his pock Tbur.d•t t ho[ oftor. limb i. doing se w ell as can i» and y„Ale, eal ee.ee lfi7fr 1' teaD a ,on.y lrtrm a "re"' a tang cent. lis icer @mat war•. than w wore ¢"•khhn trramos won Mesdames Horton. N a LrwaMive find, •step from ' Aerate when tn.- itresm \atonal 1'olr,-y was tint run Inst, betwwea :Dv Rimer foundry and the He.dry■ A .err severe .ceident bele;! Hutchte n, H .at, Dudley He ruse, Com telepM..,eorin ., Rev, Mr. W.tt..eo•eaile %Ir. Watts u w ford, Kohl, l'rwdtoot, Reyne.ta, Tarter. Hay Joseph Mtlt,nald, whilst worker retired mio:•cer, h . p -.ern• place of re..-' Shannon, Naftali acid Shopper i 'rho stew - in the swau,p a H.) township on Wotan. ' dews being .' Hc•t•ryn He has owned • aids were Messrs. Bird, i:oil, l).vu, small propnty u. 11'alkerten for some time, and had decided to leave Heofrya end settle there. He arrived in Walter -tote 00 1'uee- day forenoon and shortly after diener went to the house for the purpose of making some repairs. He got up eo the roof, wham it fell in. Mr Watts felling with it. The revolt of the fell was a bad scalp wound and a from his hunt in Mu.koka, a doe sod buck, broken arm. the buck weighing 250 pounds Hayfield A glass bottle eontainteg • Fae•1 . Mrs. C. Dobson, who has been Inewg• from the lake was found on the muting Herds in this vicinity for the past beach near Hayfield, on Sunday. Nov. 18 ; seven or eight weeks, left for her home in wrote° on the paper in the battle was the Kress on Monday the 19th tut. following "The heavens bless you, my Brussels K \ Mrntt arrived home dear a if.. We are on a rock at Cheboygan from a booting excursion of three weeks or, Reef, and nnk4pg with all hand* Nater the Bruce ['•atusula, last Saturday atter- n000, bringing two deer with him. decorations were particularly pretty. rise halt cif the dim being erupted by the or. sbutYs aed the oth r beta;( meetly fursuhed who cry chain and lounges, a life sure baedatl Iktao,tr.ph, incased In the fold, of the t•oiot, •lack, oecupywg the b cYgrou•d, taxation to epprrea.te taiwon, • '.ct that dearly butt expender has more forcibly impressed upon you than any illustration 1 ma supply. It was a tariff that was to de re.op your meaufectunng industries sad give to the l'anultu[ manufecturerhs home market whole era foreign trod• in manufac- ed produces was to insure employment ter traduce.' In or'l-• t., .well u , the volume Of our mip.rt. of otsoufsctares the I. orera- meat have 'tic lu..ed ear. .luantt'y of lumber exported and as the value of our export, of the forest have increased over 36 per cent since they came Into power, it is easily seen what • help lumber has been in b,ls'ering up their returns of manufactured exports.. The manufacture of returns to soft their ease shows more estererw on the part of millions of our people Has the Canadian the t:overnment than the manutactsrer has a,•aufacturer been able to retain the home shown is the development of his output. usrkmt' Has he with the redact of kr How about the de.elopnieni of our other tdwtnea this have th developed without be factory swollen the volume of our export cem,ht a burg. te the rest of the cem- 'rade' Ib we bud millioue of oar p.pala- inanity' In 187H our exports of the mine teen rotates their livelihood about our fac were 12,816,347 ; fisheries $6 /153.975 , treat tortes • $19,511,575. animals and their prolner It the bot plate, is order to swell up our 1114,019,857 ; farm products $18,008.754 isdtutn•t p.•pul•to.n, which by the last Wltaees the merrier. L 1893 we exported Amens retorts is °Saeed at 320,000, we bed of the mite. $5 329,890: fisheries $3,743 060; that in this bet every tinsmith. carpenter, tailor, dressmaker and midinor, etc , lass Ler included VI hen Sir Richard fart wright referred to this glaring attempt to Comm* the people, Dr Montague, M P , MAW in the House last areeion ••and why should the dressmakers and sulhurs not be merged • ' :lowever, • oersted analysis of the Government s own returns oboe. that the e.•tut.l number employed to our mrlloand factories does wit erred fifty thones:of or under lsj per tot. of the number gime as employed by our industries We were told that with a tarter ranging from 36 to 60 per cent , yes, in some in stances. higher, our manufacturer, would be is • position to manufacture cheaply sad supply the home demand We were told this tittesa year* ago sad what remelt do we sod to day' For our rower we will loot at the lot report of the Controller of ('us •ono. Take agricultural iriplements and every fainter knows that the ezerbitent •lute imposed should have Droved almost prohibttrv• and we end that while in 1878 the value of agricultural implensats am ported anhmuntd me $14,450 it had increased u 1893 x..:.:38 387 Let es look at some of the other hightt protected iadustrtee. In 1878 ender a 17t per cent. tariff we import ed of manufecturee of brow, to the value of l fol tops tilt. season and are oh their last $92,25.3 increa Seg in 11193 to $445,171: one now. booms and brush.", from $47,768 to $109, The 1;olerich portion of the erew of 78.3 eafTteree of all kinds increased from 2154.8!7 to $330 628 ; modage end twine. Midge No 9 arrived la Friday from Fort Ena- bler ee $227.808 to $262,276; earthwereand William where she t laid apo per s.oil Eai! chinaware. Item $48.5.204 tn$675,Td1 : mm pre Theh that was goo/ sk• 'rtacturee of giro from $898.341 to $1,219. tag when (beyy lel( and excellent elerphsng *35 ; marufaeturee o}a the roe. gutta-pareha and A large number of logs have over radia -rubber, from $244,871 to $696.690 : ashore seer hen. Kridently a large raft hat.. mite and bonnet., from $1,064,316 to has broken no in Loki* Huron and the West II. 1.41 64' : rsoefsetoree of iron and steel, winds bays dowse it arbors here. Persons from $✓,432,($i'n$7.1M,891 : m•oofactow are warned against carrying any of it away el other metals, frons $94,564 to $396.266: as there is • heavy penally for that owns of nil loth. from $131,722 to $162,978 taper •roar dome. of all kinds. from. $1,097.865 to $1,187.21,' . mop, from $63 672 to $176.960 ; umbrellas I "'r 1' ty of Windsor that ran last season eu , from $191,661 to $292.379 ; manufae I hetween Detroit and the Soo and for part tures of rood, from 1730 012 so $930 449 : I of this sawn out of Toronto has been per - woolen goods, from $7 828,219 t^ $9,639. !chased by *tern parties and will rem be- tween Oswego, Ktortes and The Thousand Islands The price paid wee $18,000. We hope that she will have • better wean@ neat swop thee she had this. A bottle was !timid neer Mayfield es Has look as if the borne market had been notion day. Nov 18. containing • note whisk stated ed sales. by the foreign manufacturer. that the sob Charles A. Eddy was on Che - tint what about the dditi•aal duties the boygs Rai and who ranking. It was after - fanner and other etasnatere of Moeda have wank asoertais•d that it was • fake as the forget $'x,6,359 910; animals $31,736 499; faro produce $22,049,4'0 Surely 'brio,e Morns ' Joho McElroy, 8th line, had en- t en' !-an lay no claim to hawing craved over 3,000 bushels oI turnips of three scree, • demand for our neural products. Ii,,, (heir were 138 beeped loads. This is a when do we find the protected manuf.eturer , beg yield. He has 2,50P bushels in one pit. in the race. We bed him side by *IT- with B'`tti A telegram reached town on lks uoveramest. Moth wi, n well-filled pock. Wed•eeiay conveying the sad intelligence its. and who has Ailed them • of the death of Mrs. Wm. Gooier, sister of Elias fuming, which occurred in Mani. MARINE NOTES. who. Wroxeter Rev. R S. G. Anderson, M. luerese ag Nana ►INetd sa Asad d year A , R. D., was inducted into the pastoral lbs lake PreSi. Tug MoistenbasLina hauled out Ga the charge of the congregation of Wroxeter, ulnad for repairs. M than Prt•bl(q of Maitland en Nos. lw 15th. The storm signals were dying the greater Fgtneedville The mantic was again the part of the week and ee Tuesday • "sere scene of s wedding on it•ednesday, when storm prevailed. i.. Woodley, of Sesforth, and Mw Emma Wm Marl co is still at work on the Clu ('allagAan, of this village, were united m gas and when he has finished her he will marriage. repair the McIntosh and several others of Mullett James t: M.Mimhael, of Hul- the fishing leer. NtGaa barge Sake Michigan is expected is today with 15,000 bushels of wheat for l lviler & Hutcbisoo from Fort William. she left Fest William bound for here lest Sunday. The Beaty line boats did not call bets last week or the because there was so freight for them. They have made twenty mosses - day of cast week, shut two wild rats. They were tine "primer. Morris : Mrs Tay kir, of wham mention was made some time ago as hawing gone to visit breads in Kailas, wee recently married there to • Mr. l'atiernon. 1'ranbrook A. (lames, depute reeve of hrev, returned with two very fine deer til ; repots, frost $767 389 to $1.226,347 The total value ef Imports of manufsetsrd goods in 1878 was $36 ,806,666 ; in 1893 it had increased to $41,159,191. So much ler the Naieesl Policy. it certainly does sot hese oalid opo to pay on their imports of Biddy wee unloading Beal at Cl.ucaeo It is msouf•ctu,ed goods in the hope of keeping • pity that the paeans who play such beset - foreign gels out and eaahlo this ('•end'.•• leen triers are sot discovered and pu.ieked m•asf•ssrer to cb•rge his owe prim for as they deserve. what he had t• sell you Let us see what Free whet we hear, nothing is to be done additional duty you have paid for his bone towards reports, the breakwater till next tit. Our total import of doltish,. goods season. It is in a owe dilapidated nodi• hem 1h79 to 1823 was $1,218,573,066 en . tine and will he ouch more so after the whisk roe paid • duty of $306,879,103. Had sprint Anode. It is • shame that netbiag the same ryate of duty been apolid that was was done toward repining it this .woos. unepred 1878 ndertha revenuerle tariff n yet would overhauling deck is f Meted walneed k es et e ssly have paid into the treasure $2,52,214. North pier is much decayed and unsafe to 1,27. or $64,632,481 lea, all of which was walk n. The remainder of the pen are is taken oat of your pocket to help the mans- • geed moditice lecturer, yes and the (lovernmest Ret that by no means represents whet this reit- ly eiperitmost has coot us. The last census returns Mew that the total output of the industrial estahlislhmeats was $476,183,366 tar the year, We hove shown that 154 per oast of these repented te be engaged is isr du•trial pursuits were actually emplaned is the mine and (asterism sad he the sawn atleulations we will redoes the total output of the manufacturer as beige Ill per sent. .1 that givers mailer the Wadies ef eatpol of industrial aets"Yehmmots and ass remelt we hot $73,(108 420. W• have ern that • peteetive twit has taken ever fifty -fear million dollars is ewe - teems duty set el your peskels fresh lff79 to 18911 to w1 ieh yea must add the ditersenu a the pnes the m•enfa.terer has teemed yin' between • p. 4_•Muu et 174 per coat sail M per east, hears yes will have min as apprerlteate idea of what yrs have ass- 'nheted to the tuner eteree s posts Fir- "re irore eat the diferesee between • 174 per wt will mod a 36 per suet. ~teen telt te the *73.808,420 we have estimated the mamnftut, arse's pNodoet at end yes will deal thates have paid his assay thirteen well - iinm dollars a year In cream if what he meld Ilaveekergad yes for what he said yes Millie dea mush had 174 per seat pneeti. 't wen. wsperlei mews ed Ids het the elleesalage Y yelp small se i sWl.hew. CHATHAM, Nov 20. The chimer, Pettit, with H Tele,. of Cedar Sprugs. revere - moot fishery iest'eelor. on hoard steamed is to /Condom having no hoard 110 America gill sets and about 10 toe of fish The seisnre was made sear Pales Leland sod the nom helesg to parties lieing in Sandwek 0. The casts are valued at $4,000 T e Petrel after weleedieg •t the Rise left fir the Ws'g grounds A deepatoh from Saedeeby that ieteresw the ntareet in the stir says that the Aeverhae $shen see etsim that the were a the reneguedCanadian esters sad ha ppm d teeteewn who ins take steps to bare the ver. Fesswler meat to the M ieg greeed. Serious enmpliestinee may wins if the two webers ones together es the sew are Meows M have se .penial llki.g ler •eeh ether. Neer tome a fie- ellshs Pastore. . Riad 32 " 9soli -ht " Map wrappers bearing t e words {( Why ito a Women Look Old Roomer Than a Yr ") be imLem Rs.. IAA.. 43 9e5tt-s► Tereats, sod y will ramie* by pest a pretty pismire, Mr free sd eirtNie , and well worth framing. ar hews The the e bb is as way @fihi the het sad I will eery eeet I* _wing. M used in the ;1 w ppes ve r yes Msec the els Ma Tesome ser' five feet in the I and daughters. The lost word "•Vessel'• Dame shove was written on a paper with a lief of groceries written on it, and dated at Buffalo 9th Oct., Eddy gnoery. It has since been learned that the eche. Eddy is unloading Deal at Chicago, so the thing is evidently a hoax. Id. God take care of you l ours A. A. Cartire." red another not distinct,) ('hark. A. Eddy.' The AUBURN. Monday, Nov. 2b. Mn. Baugh is indispeeed this week. D. K. Munroe is away vi iting his mother this week Mins Met 'baton was • guest at the parson- age Lest week, Next Sunday, [leo. Zed, the Lutherans of this place intend having their church open tog. Friday evening, floe. 30th, •rand con- cert will be give. bi t y C. F. t hey have lett, leer • valuable spring colt last week. secured J. tt•. Beogough, m bis fresh. Ido going out to the stable in the muro•.g, fright original, use] ire entertainmest. moon to his surprise and grief, he found it "sketches from Life.' R M id crayon car- foe lying dead. tonus, humor) is, pathos, poetry, burlesque Holmesville . Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scott and song. Tickets 25cte and 35cts Come old tame reordeote of Mos village, aceom• one, come all paused their daughter, Mrs. Parks, to Michigan, when they intend making their DUNLOP. future home. Me , OAT, Nov. 26. Hallett • The other day James Reynolds Ausrerk 1)annxr.v -Several huge jr., et the 5th ono., had the misfortune to crunchers were knocked forth with punch rue a harrow pia nun hr ankle, making • and hammer by the genial market clerk, ter wound that ammoniates the use of • assisted by the town eooetable, from a brace pair of crutches of young porkerssuffering with the well - Brussels James Wilson, who hes been • know• ailment of black teeth. A young resident of Brunel@ for the past 21 yearn, farmer also "I'd a pair of forceps died on Tuesday afternoon of hast week. He with great skill while the porkers were held wee a native of Rolboro'ehire, Soothed, mid by the bo, who bad no easy chair to et wee 78 year• old. them w.ssis we preparefor piens rest Ssafortb The 9eaforth creamery proper pat sou are doing int rats ty, a part of the Hannah estate, was solei on A.iwIN tN ora W. H. Philips, Saturday last at public auction, and was woe was as the staff 0 of our smithy some purchased by Thomas Ihckeom, of North seen age has returned rid rented the shop Maio -oto for $,525. from H. Horton', wbe has ileo doing the 1.1•cksmmthing sines Wm. Smith weal to Morris Roes Stubbs has moved to hie , new house, the ('leonan farm, 8th oonoeePert busAliness ant. n future He -tau has sold him the sine, which property he purchased last tbuwmam and im will devote new his fiat - Summer. Mr. Cheers and family have re. so his atop in l at give. Our rbifs, moved to Roxboro'. smith has not yet given up bachelor life, ['shorn• : The other day •totes year oldbut et present boards, We believe, bow daughter of Tia. Worry, if t'shoroe, ate • Ayer, that M datdni a pastaemhip woe- piof polarised bread which had set for ♦hem ! polarised _ the mice. Medical aid was precured in BRUCEFIELD. time to save the ohild's life. MONDAY. Nov. 25. Seaforth : An at-home was held by the Mr. J. B. Jamieson ie whiting in Lon - Women's Guild of the Episcopal church, at dea- th* eethe residence of Mrs T. W. Dueoae, God.- Miss K. McDonald of KieoardiaA,i• vuit- n•hss. on Friday evening, whieh proved • lag friends to this neighborhood. emcees financially and sociably. Marrs- J. and W. Mclottoeh and Mrs. G. Seaforth . Dr. Scott, of this town, has Forrest spent Thanksgiving Day under the boom appoi■red a wormer for the County of parental roof Huron. It is an ereellent appointment, as A meeting of the members and adherents the doctor is ens of the oldest and most sue- of the Union church will be held tomorrow ceevful praetitiesere is the musty. to decide the ailing of • minister, ('Intoe . Albert Jackson, who meetly Rev. Dr. Moffett, of Toronto, gave an ad - went into partnership here with James Me- dram on the Tract Society in the Union l'laeberty, bas withdrawn from the "wee Church last Tuesday evening. There was a and accepted the position of ticket clerk fair attendance with the G. T. R. at 9espe.eioe Bridge. We ewe an apologn both to the editor and Clinton Tia other day wbile that Ole readers of Tun Sova . for the irrwg.- veteran huntsman, W. Foster, was out in laity of ...Moog oar oorreepind,ise- is the woods, he rotund • couple of rumor. wa • rot of besieges that made It so, bat mss of which weighed oleos on to 30 he A we elpeot to do better is tater@, twenty pound soon is wsetdsed unusually iag the rooms of 1 ho* S. Hobbs heavy. as PP. for Leaden we may my that it Wencher : Colin Keenedson of Mrs. was a noble victory for Hotton, Hewes and B. KGaaedy, d thin town, whlie working In liberalism and as Ignuenlaious defeat for P. Teewat.r, on friday last, killing pipe, P. A.'ian and Egora. Perhaps, areordug °welifted and injured himself seriously. t• the Few Pram, the dale, •ed talented At last aeeoosts he was dolor es well as editor, se to speak, of too Kiesvdi. Rs - meld be expected. view will sen dearer ryardiog 1)obbee,Oobha (loderieh Tp. - B. W. Tee. of town, whet and Snohbt ed mom to the eoaehelen that bought and peaked apples for Mr. Cardne, Hobbs ploys boobs with Bso•ry. d S•mforth, tom fall, sale that he packed Baldwiaee, in the archer.: of flies Yokes, WANT NO OTHER. 4th tea. ef (lederick tewnsip, whish -- weighed ilio tate. •u•d'e anise,lt1M hew Asked M by RltteyIe : Jame. Henderson, ef lbs Blas every tl■ Nov.l heal angst'. atseame, vale road, snipped • flee Berkshire sow pig the publication ov19--Uenettero mer with to W. ed,Jaimitemus, of Great Bridge, Ner4olh publication of the letter of Dr A O. meaty. WeVirginia, o■ Monday last. It: M d Rtehtm•ad, oak moose, to west supreme, sad it will take fear daysh ie !t sere freer Bright's damns by In mash its deeti etiee. ueuu a erdney Pills, *very druggist is this 4itoei : Last Friday weeks. •.tsall (rant silty ordered a s eeroe• supply ai the a en. hurn, seer the wtiem,oweed b7 J "ill, was s tit es =rest est baso the demo it the rf bttfa.d When Stet method. the Ire hd snit el this twist, ru from be amu ass as eestdrbrable start sad ambles meld he dose eatbsrity, that All run has been b midi_ M a" the b tM It was lasered, we ei the ase he, All had pewprhasry madd helloes, for $900. erleis if the fire h noes have benea re t)te If *sold N shelves mad snls•we. appear (rate the d.masi aside . wtmmaer epee the drs I.t. as H every seihrer trem vim was hold in Kretiee ohureef here ee Beethh shame was well Wass dream is the witty was lofted to try ' Thu•eda of les filled se Sunda enia d hat week te shel week. The (past sr, Rev, Imes to the e ed Mv. ,i. 0 NAM. mist, •seewdei by Dr. Ywi0@r• I p primeIfairhape" as ...wheat add •y►• $tepehte serene es ' 1 mmnhegtrlme. •• his Holmes, Hooter, Sher, Sha.,. au -1 l:.b soar, rid ably pertormet their onerous duties and left nothing uadooe to promote the comfort and pleasure of their guest. The supper was served in the armory, where ell sorts of good things were provid ed, the guests benne seemliest,' waited on by the junior members of the club in uni- form. I'be table. were prettily decorated with choice flower* The music was fur- nished urniched by the Open House orchestra. and was all that could be desired. Among the many pretty gowns notice- able were the following : Mrs. Ernest Heaton, it a gown of mauve crepe with pearl girdle and natural chrysanthemums looked remarkable well ; lin. F. Natter, is a hoods•.me gown of white mon looked. as usual, lovely : Mrs. R. G. Reynolds, is • rich gown of bleak silk was one of the popular chaperones : Mn. l: C. Hays wore her haotlieoe,e wedding root with natural pint renes : Mrs. J. 1t. Shannon- a pretty brumettt wee 'vandal in rose pink : Nn. MacCormick, in • becoming gown of white silk ; Mn. Porter, in black silk ; Mrs. Kidd is black silk ; Mrs. Mnlcolmeon, black alk; Mn. Dudley Helms., in a rich gown of white silk ; Mrs. Jordan, in grey brocade ; Mem Slack was much admired in • white silk : Miss Doyle in buttercup yellow with black lace ; Mies F. Doyle in pale blue ; Mins Shephard wits beoominyly attired in green : Mw Marsden in cream with 1•o. and jet trimmings a looked lovely ; Mia begrime", in cream and heliotrope; Mies M•Icolmeon, in crepon and ruby velvet. Miss Hutchison wore an effective gown of white over yellow silk : Mw on'F. Hutchias quaintly pretty gown If gray silk was much admired, Mins G. Martin in white, Mts. McLaren in pale vreee, Mie Heys in blue, Mise Retro in heliotrope crepe, Mins Strachan in white with buttercup yellow, Mica N. Strachan in yellow crepe, Miss Horton in • handsome gown of ivory silk looked exceedingly well. Mies Chilton n • dainty e'er') of cream silk, Miss Cameron's gewa of pale blue suited her admirably, Mies Charles in • most becoming gown of cream brocade, Moss Mabel Cameron looked lovely in a simple frock of white muse, Mies Smith wore as exquisite gown of white silk, Miss Grace Cameron to"ked particu- larly well in • gown of claret o• I tied silk, Miss Fletcher in cream satin, Miss Dickson in darned net over corn colored silk, Miss Ella Dickson in pale yellow. Among many other stih.hly gowned ladies were Misses Denagh, Shannon, Polley, Nairs, Wynn, Watson, Nicholson, Ball and Martin. A number of gentlemen from a dishnee were present, amoeget them being Mensa. Shaver, Persons and Welsh, of Stratford ; McMahon. of Woodstock ; Armstrong, of Berlin ; Malconawm and Nichol, of Luck n ow ; Clarks and Sward, of Kineardine ; Allam, of Walkerton, and ethers. The soccer of the affair was largely due to the nn,tiuted assistance gi. en by so many of the ladies of the tow., who so kindly took charge of the sapper arrange - meats and to the untiring efforts of the justly popular secretary, W. H. Roberson, who has labored useeadagly for the welfare of the club num its fe m•tios in the Spring. DUNGANNON. Nonce, 'The heel la Dwugannee for Tag Serial. is at the awes ef J. O. Ward, J.P.. conveyaaeer. ta, wile wilt receive or- ders for gwhecrlptlose, advertising and Jeb work. and is embodied to give reo•lple fee eeooats Date for the mine. TReeiA•, Nov. 20. Bor'r-YIAwiTn'AL Service will oomme.ee Wit Sahbath in Erskine ehnreh here at 10:30 A r. instead of 10:15 as hitherto. Iry Ta--Tbersoeaaprovwttoa is St Pawa'e church here toldtigreatly to itste appmraem, attractiveness and comfort. Coaautnow. -Please cermet to last weed's hn.ret from Itunrettnon, Samuel Psetlaad's name was inserted for fiam.el Treleaven. Rrrraege Hotta luring last week tee well kwowu horse dodder, after busing for seine tame erre en business to the West, ref armed borne Lsry riot Hotta On Wdneeday of last week, Mrs Chnetie, of Uxbridge Co , Int., who hea been for moor time visitor her daughter and son in-law, Mrs. esti Mr B Bolt.hy, West Wawaseek, left for hoes via Worker Loos or A Vet. Mea. We regret to have to tate that nit Thursday eight of last week Joh. Thompson, of West Wu wasah, bad the mafortowe to lees by mesas of as attack of spasmodic aerie, a Mot elan valuable mare about five years eM •lfsr'TI•L Caam eovy - R J. Crawford, Mrs Crawford serf Mn Wil@os, milliner, Were at the eelehrsuna of the mamas. of the exceed daughter of ti Berry, of Look new, ha Mr Arnrtrn.t, of the sane plata, en Wednesday of Mast week, sad report hay Sae • wary es j y►le time. Ttawastorvivia DAT The ehsRtvise loiggh, reo,utly stored thirt v tour well heap- e d wadoo Iodide of good s,xel turnips, base the produce of shout three quartan of as acre. The venerable gentleruau is based not to be left behind to farming op•rafilaao. M•um sower to hint. Amps -nun To Tea FANO.? - Mrs B Holtby, of West Weeenoeh, recently pre ✓ ested her liege with a bwneteg youu daughter. Mr. and lin. Holtby are now pater and mater of two eons and et daughters, all of whom ore roust and healthy. We extend owtratulatione to th ppest. .0 tae late arrival. The MOON' Mid b My tug trawl Erlafimet Q.•+'i. Evening dem fee -ts- 'unmake in sank keeping, c rrtercrsl law with melee and writing will romm,eoce its tis ratting no.m of the Meclan'oe' !no ,orite on Tuesday. the 4,1i day of Iteemr■o.er, at 7 •'elsta r u. All who wish to ae .!1 thein• selves will pl'»ee attend at or shout fifteen imputes before the tame sou to hair their names encored. Nan Kcst•rset is Dcs..A.N,.N -lame§ I',Trweu, one of our respected and in.lgstri- oua farmers of West Wawaaosh, having leased his faun for a term of years, and therefore, retiring from farming, has decid- ed to locate u our village We extend • hearty welcome to him aad Mrs Curweet, hoping th..y may enjoy themselves in health and happiaem for many years. We might here state that every available residence in our thriving and attractive village is now occu pied. IN Mattokiwr Mwan W. and .1. Hol- land having recently changed their family burying ground in Dungannon Cemetery, and removed the remains of their departed friends, into a large and more ecmmo'liods plot, have erected thereon a beautiful monument of Swedish granite, exquisitely and attractively polished. As to beauty, design and proportion in form, it excels in quality and appearance. The monument on the whole, reflects great cremlit to Messrs. t'ochraae & Johnston, of Rrwieels, who fill- ed the order to the pert. -et sat,efection of all concerned. It cast •heut four hundred and sixty dollars, and is pronounced to b• better value than some monuments in the cemetery which cost more money. It is also the mat attractive in appearance, sub- stance and style of design. Hollan i Bros. deserve special notice for the choice in thus having paid such a tribute of respect to their friends. 111. lasses Wade a Nem* aN5rsr IRI__ SD Sureulab le ryarter Arsar,- - 1W C.pe.r. cane me goad 5. Pet In- Me Led. • 11 ON1M)Y, Nor. 24 A despatch g from the Central News correspo.ndeat is Shanghai save the. •he Japaoeee c•ptarei I fort Arthur or, Weilueelay evening. The tirhttag began on l'uee,ley. lice Chines • mads as unusual y strong defence, and the LEEBUHN MO.DAT. (let. 27. The Dunlop architect was moving • build- ing for H. F. Horton during last week. John and Joe. Horton were in (Teton Thursday of last week attending the funeral of the late Mr ('rich, who was buried in the Tuoker.mtth cemetery. Mw Tyndall, from near I srl.,w, will teach No. S for 1895. Miss Eo. Stewart, I the present teacher, goes far a course of study at the Normal in Toronto after the New near. The Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, of Dungannon, will preach at the preparatory service on Friday, the 30th itst., for the cow og eons - mouton service on Sunday. Roth services will be held et 11 A. N. Thanksgiving day here was observed by divine service at the church. The Reit Mr. Mackay preached an improver...einem to a fair turnout of the congregation. At the oloee of the service the pastor thanked the congregation for a pleasant little our prise the previous seeping. A St-mraist. - Ian the evening before Thanksgiving the aongregatioe o f i eebure church deputed John Lowson, Henry Hor- ton, S. H. Williams and George Fulford to wait upon their pastor, Rev. Si. McKay, and present him with a quantity of oats for his horse, and etceteras for the household. The donation party was a surprise to the pastor, but was pone the lens welcome as a reminder that at the thanksgiving season he was not forgotten by kis Leemagma- - agiup- tton. A WELL MAN. Rte mere Ribs ledivldnal tow found is She Village. Rtrmuotre, Nov. 26 Dr. A. G. Mo('or- mish, whore letter respecting his cure from Bright's dieser by the use of D+dd's Kid- ney Pills has reesetly bees published, is sow attending hu patient* and in apparently as robust • man as can he found to the village. i orteg the four mouths 1.1.•t be was oma• fined to the hoose suffering from the last states of Bright's disease, his death was eevral.tinwn reported, and no hopes were entertained of hu ultimate recovery. His pesent robust appearance is therefore all the more weepers to resident . it te • safe prophecy that every sufferer from kidney disease is this section will henceforth try the remedial puafituw of D "ia's Kidney Pills. • aeaiai. 'Pathe Editor of Toe hones. die, 1 desire to inform you that the aro formation given y u for put.h.•adios that Maud Hamilton stayed myat t.• Mon- day, Nov 19, was not true mu he did sot de so, nor have I any knowledge of her where- aboute en the omission H.opeg you will ave this the sam a publicity as was given the pevieue stateeeet, i murrain. yours truly, PercivAl. MOORE. • AIN taleys The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Fye, when is need of • laxative, and if the father or mother be owtdve or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its nee ; so that it is the best family medicine known,and every faintly should have s tootle on heed Ili• .svy more tom pant+ large use ) worth Rho fee 66e at Armstrong's Europe has only room ern' per ant- of the f reeky sakeel attendaaee of !he world. You stand in your owe Tight if yet buy as ureter or as overcoat witnnut knowing Artnetroeg'e pins•. le Frame, If • wife hseomes ae strain without her hn.hasi's eoassnt, be can e - sere a Mere. from her Man has sever seen the Snarl@ of teems e( RAs Rgyst Ma pyramids ease they were Iran built, se far as is !Moira. light was severe and incessant for fatly three hours. Broth aides are reported be have lost heavily, Talk ATTR. I ou Port Arthur by the •Ispaasee eeeoed army, under lie.. (dram•, w.s DO earedally piaeued that when bre war opened the 1sp.time •o:uy asat.'ed the .aty at every point. Toe tightii.g was terrible and was only modal whoa the rhino@«, unable to struggle any Longer, wrih.ir.•w :o retreat to she mountain passe. near t.v, leering the city at the mercy of the foes. Warm:es rus, Nov, 24 - The deepateh from Chas Foe announcing the fall of Port Arthur was taker. to Lb. .1opaoee.: Leval/Ales bore at an early hour wuigot and shown le was of the officials, who was much gratified by the intelligence. ('redeaee us givea to the news by the legislation otter! because of the fact that it sue from C eouroee,a matter mot likely unitise it baa wall authee- limited. TOK i'xraw of Port Arthur consisted of well -construct- ed forts, armed with modern guns of heavy calibre. The ooast de'encee are spread over more than four mtles of seaboard, and cos- set of about 12 batteries, equally distribut- ed on either side of toe stationer. of the port, The •rnismset corsets of more than 40 Krupp rues, varying from tit inches to 9.6 inches, iucludiuv some rifle mortars. la addition there is a torpedo Twat ststion and an elaborate s,sten, of eut.mariue mines. The western side of the port a pprob•cted by the shoaling of the harbor. Thy garrises was said to eo.•ut of about 7,000 men. Ta► FALL Of re T a1TMU. elan the way to trio for Japan. Whether or not that cit will suffer a oke fate must depend upon hst action ('eine will take within a very w days Already Chine has asked for on the terms of paying two hundred sae fifty ashen teals, or $176,000.000. for • With Pekin in peril no one nen esttmat what figure Japan may place upon peace. Two interpreters and one war correspon- dent who were following the seennd Japan- ese army have been captured and killed by the Chinese. xleItgNEJT IN SHANGHAI. London, Nov. 24. The ('entre) News cor- respondent at Shanghai Gaye : -.The fall of Pert Arthur has creatsdgreat excitement in the native quarter at Sheaghai. The news of the capture of Port Airtime by the Japan- ese was brought from Clee Foo yesterdayby • British steamer. No drtaib of the bght have yet been received, Lot alt accounts agree that the Chinese fought gallantly and desperately. Some of the officer and w Is the forts refused to surrender and were all cut down by the Japanese. Bow Turn .'Ar. DID IT. The Star publishes a dispatch saying that the Japanese torpedo boats engaged the at- teetiop of the forte while tie troops closed seemed the forte at the moor. Then the tor- pedo boats made • sudden and concentrated Orli and succeed in getting inside the har- bor. The Japanese artillery in the rear kept up a continuous fire upon the Chinese forts and the infantry mad. • succession of attacks upon the outer defences, which they captured. After the first onslaught by the J•Deneee the resistance of the Chinese is said to have been feeble and finally the (,'ninese troops bewni. _ ►Alli•-rtyalrxsN Aro etno. A despatch to the Central News says that the real fighting at fort Arthur began on Nev. 20th in the third pens, the village of Shrews -1 ng having case oaptered or, Nov. 19th. The Glebe'@ Shanghai despateh says that China has sent a special agent to Japan with isetructinas to accent any taring of peace except the session of any portio• of Chine proper to Japan. Another despatch says the warship Tor- pors brought the new• of the fall of Port Arthur to ('her Foo. The Shanghai eorre- spondeet of ties ( entre) News Gays it is esti- mated tier 15,000 t.. 20,000 Chinese troops defesded Port Arthur it ie suppled that two Chinese war ships were also at Pert Arthur. The Foreign (Hfice at lode. has rreesived • despatch from the British Yeast, r at 'F♦ kio enefirmng the report of the capture of Port Arthur. Lowoou, Nov. 24 The Central News mays that seversl foreign end Raab•h busks have offered to eo.,tto:et for • Chia* war indemnity loan at f..ur per ment. A despatch to the Melee says that the third .lepnam corps Sailed front Ujiwa.ie destined for Wel Hai. Wei, whish place is in • state of utter collapse and refers. The landward defenders of the plies are de. Dirtied by theoean is WILL low erne roe rases. Wasut!arine. Noy. 21. (NItcials of the Beate and Navy departmen'e are agreed that the capture of Port Arthur renders China helpless, and no doeht i• eepreseed that overtures for peeve will he lasmodiainly rb.eittel to .tspss through the gen/ oasis %lisleten Derby and Den, Lnwoo,, Nov 94 .The Centre/ Hews oorreepemliet at Sheaghal eay'eat peel if the Japanese fleet will mints at M Arthur, and the rest of the ships wiy omen is the liar of Pe-oti,•II. Armdreug k Co hseght ever lOfi pldhe find el Rana% enderwr lot week. l