HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-22, Page 6I tlo THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONT., THURSDAY, NOV Yl. 1890. A LITTLE. OF EVERYTHING. The Tramps. Comrades, leave ase here • little, se the da w s ter es on apace. or tea morning's raw aid suety, and I dread to leave tea place ; Let us thaw ue with this whiskey. half • Hager that I. ell Vi hila I moralise our proepeete to the Mao of l.ock•ley Hall. Is that sprug we wand.ring worthies start upon our end'. se .quest, As►ug humbly for employment, tdadtug naught but copious rest; And amid kind Nature• bounties we may lead • careless life, Ihrsming and the flowers and grasses far from veto amhition a strife. But wbeo Wiuteres heartier breezes drive us from our loved retre•tal When the haystack's shelter fails us, and we haunt the city's strata, Thee sweet Sumn.g ' simple rainiest reins to shriuk and leave es bare. And we beg or steel or plunder for • most unwelcome fare. Here we herd like swine together, shivering in thee old sot car. Former frieals would score to own us could they ase just where we are. Se roll over, jolly comrades, underneath this mouldy straw, For alone we freace Leueath it, while ! i- gether we may thaw. Time was Duce whet ee had mother., who most certainly believed Glor:sue thtagl about our futures; dear old ladies, stow deceived For some inbred wrong ran in us, coming throiih Kano ancient race. So we chafe like stranded vessels grat tog on the shores of space. Come, old pardner'e, hand the bottle . it is good fur winter's drouth, Light again the old cigar stub. pees it 'round from mouth to mouth ; Snuggle down amid the sawdust, raga, and straw of our boudoir : Let us dere and dream and wonder what the good I. 'rd made us for. I'hicago Inter -Ocean. atg.. e1 1 beaksale stag. Au agates cool an coolish, Frost aoomin in de night, Hickanuu au us nuts fallen, Poe.ue. k.cpin out of sight. Tuley striation to de ha'nya'd Nary step so proud ea' his -- Keep on struttin, Mistah Tu key: Yu' do know what time it is. Cidah prem commence a omeekin. Eaten apples sto'ed away : Chillin swatein roup like hornets Hustle eggs emong the hay. Miotab Tu'key, keep on gobblin At the goese •-11tn soul. lmph, dot bird do' know what'• corn in, Ft he did, he'd shut his moat. Pumpkin gittin good an tallith Make me open up my eyes: Seems lak it's a-Iookit► et me Jr' a-la'in der sapid 'Pies. • To'key gobbler gore roue blowin, Given roan gibbin his sass and slack. Keep ate talkie. Mistah Tu•key: Vo' ain't seed na almanac. Fattier walkui tiros de bs'nya'd Seein how things is comm oa, Sete of all de fowls is fatt'nin. I toad times cotton shoe yo' hose. Hoehn daisy' key gobbler eraser, lien his face break to a smile hebbah min. you sassy rascal He•ii 'wine nab yo' after while. ( hoppm suet in ditches, Stoma rases in de hall, Beef • cooker fat• .le mince meat, Spices ,;roun i smell 'ern all. Look hemi, tu'key, stop dat gobblin, You ain't lamed de sense oh fab: Yo' oar foc.1, yit' naik's dangeah, i)o' yo know thanksg.bbin's hash Iletroit Free Press. eased.. The grand old woods of ('•oda How cool and dun below The shade of their sweet rustling leaves Swift -changing webs the sunlight weaves Where ferns and messes grow. The giant trees of Canada' I lark pine and birch 'trooped tow: The stately elm, tLa t aple tall, The sturdy beech, 1 lova them all And well their forms I know. The forest wealth of ('snarls' The choppers' blows resound Thro' the crisp air, while cold and still The snow's deep cloak o'er vale and hill Lies white upon the grimed. The sparkling streams of Canada That 'Death c,ld shadow; pass, That wind, where deed fed tattle sleep, Thorough verdant meadows, ankle-deep In clover blooms and grass. The crystal streams of Canada beep in whose murmuring tide, From pebbly caverns, dimly seen 'Ne•th leafy shades of living green, troy treat and eslmoe glide. The beautsuour lakes of ('anal• ' With loving eyes! see Their waters, stretched le endless chain, By fair St. Lawrence to the main, As semen wild and (ret-. Where white sails gleam o'er Hurons wake, (k fade with dying day, Food anemones is my heart awake, Of home: dear dwelling by the lake, Like mashies passed away. The prairies vast of Camels' 1Vhere sea maks to the earth, In settear, whispering warm good sight So myriad flowers, whose blushes bright Will hail the morrow's birth. The praire wealth of Canada ' Whom dark, abundant soil liifurrowed yet, awaits the plough : Who sows 'hal have stir promise now Of rush reward for toil. What Om. the Winter wind blows keen When daylight darkly wanes ' A strong, true heart hard to chill When, seen afar, the home light still Shines height across the plains The robust life of Canada 1n cheery boons i see Tao' veld see jewels filled the hand, 'Ti. Nature's self has blessed the land, Abundant, fair, sad fee --R. A. iL. is Belfast unhand Weekly News. The Apoleq Wed N, Temgb Citron Are ye eallin' me • liar' The ether daimon Well my remarks, I sidlak ere fairly wpm' I. that interprets 4rllr.■ (meuwd► -By gem, yell =peel 'play j -et le ties. adage NEWS OF THE WLEK. Whitby harbor was haste over em Sunday, beams the satirist for seer year' Wheeler defeated Ives u the first of their eines 1 halberd mambas u New 1 orb last night. All the Hebrew Monahan of New 1 ark city have returued to work at the old wages. Hiram Walker, of Welker. ills, proposes to erect a More creamery and cheese tactury neer thet tows. • bomb with tune attached was discover sd last night in ameba outside she law courts buildout m London. •1 er.ity defected Mdall at Rugby loot ball in Moods, Monday, in a held covered with soots. 'core, 23 to S. 'l'he Canadian steeuuhip Vancouver we:.t aground Monday is I.Jugh Foyle, on the Truk .:oast, but fleeted of at high water The athletic council of Cornell University has decided to send • crew to cueaprts in the Henley regatta in Lustre neat Jump. A couvemtion of the Liberals of North Renfrew has been felled for tier. t, •t Pembruae, to chime a candidate for the cum mons The horse of .lames xot:, uudert•ker, of Stroud. ran away, and he was thtown out of his buggy ou his head and instantly killed. Levi P. Mur•.ou, Iinvernor-elect of New York stele, sp..ut 019,i90 in the electtuu. aeerdil'o to a it .'meant filed by his private seers t ry J►mies .1. Corbett's pugilistic champ.oe belt is reported to bate been stolen from • store in Davenport. Iawa.where it was on exhibition. Ark.iment was Banked in the disputed ac- counts rase basses the Provinces and the IWmutou in the Supreme Court and judg meet re.eryed. Chatles Wilfrid Mowbray, the English anarchist, is reported to have reached New York, along with fusion. They assun.athe name of t'urryi The latiusst Into the death ofgPrank Westwood was. wt.. after repeated adjourn - merit•, closed ....Delay evening, the jury, in the absence of any new light os the afar, being compelled to bring in an open verdict. At yamask., qtr. , at 11.40 o'clock _on Jled.y s g t, an earilWua a shock was telt, which shook things quite violently for about tea wands, and was accompanied by a low, rumbling sound, which appeared to travel from West to Fast. A Mese Thief. eon, two or three years age Vi H. Iorod- eve ian old Iluel1 h boy., suspected that his money drawer was being ' tapered with. He finally set a trap and caught the thief red handed. Later he again became sus. pietu ' and had a one dollar bill put in the till. In the morales thu bill was gone. W. H. at once set to work and had the drawers moved, and about sister feet from his till he found a mouse's nest containing about half a pail of paper and five one dol- lar bills and one live chewed up onto about 1,!XX' hears, he says. The mouse was prob- ably a descendent of the thief ef three years ago. Hanover peat. A Wooden- tossed foo. Harper's louse People : A Pensyly out cow rejoices in the distinction of • wooden leg. Having lost one of her tour supporters through railway trate, which cut it oil be- low the knee, • veteriaary surgeon took the wounded animal in hand, esti through his skill and ingenuity her life was saved. A cabtnet-maker completed the good work by manufacturing • woollies leg that seemed to answer every purimeo: sod, when the stump of the leg healed, the artificial substitute was successfully strapped on. At int the cow persisted ,o hope's( along on three legs and holding the injured one up from the ground ; but before long she grow tired of this, and cautiously tried the wooden one. At last accounts she was doing very well with it, although goirg about with a de- cided limp:and she has the proud distinction of being the only cow in the world with • wooden leg. sew ea the Mullan. A large operator and speculator 'if St. Louis, whose account with one friendly bank had often been temporarily over- drawn, wanted $10,000 once for a certain deal, hie balanee in the bank at the time being less than $100. The cashier suggest- ed that he would draw on some one not too near to "L Lou-.. Smith said he did not know whom to draw upon. " Oh, anyone," said the obliging cashier, " so long as the party is far eaough away that will rive you time to tutu around." Smith drew at sight us the Sultan of Turkey. The draft was telly forwarded by the hank, reaching New York, whence it was sent to • London correspondent. It then came oto the bands of the Roth- schild., who forwarded it to their l'onstan- tineple branch, where it was duly presented for payment to the Sultan's chamberlain, the latter bringing it to hu highness. "Who is this • .lobs Smith ' •" said the Sultan. " Don't know," replied the chamberlain. " Do we owe him anything'" " Ne," re- plied the other. "Then I'll cut pay it," re- plied Its mightiest. " (his moment, if 1 might advise,- said the astute councillor "this draft came through the Rothschild., with whom we are seeking • two million loan. Would it be safe under the circum- stances, to dishonor it '" " Pay it," said the sultan : and oo ose was more astonished than John Smith of St. Louis, and the yuick- witted cashier. - ttabieS a Rehm 1 here's a certain business ran in Chicago who is as cranky as he can well be,and is at the same time very careless is his business affair.. Wit he is very rich, and has a big establishment, and not an employee likes him. About a year ago one of the clerks, getter $1,000 a year, approached him on the subject of an increase of salary. The old man get hot in • miners 'How much aro you getting now,' he ask- ed. The clerk was about to tell when a happy thought struck him. 'Two theorised • year, he replied firm- ly '1 m, urn, he said. 'yen are • good clerk and I'll see what can he done for you,' Then he dismissed the clerk and called in the manager 'Make .limes smeary $1,1100 • year,' he said. The manager was about ,to offer :as et planation in en I tell von, met the old man 'ill reach the yoenr upstart to come in hare dic- tating to me how muck money to pay my peoP e. By this time the .roarer had carnpre- heeded the situatios, and forthwith put .Innes ne the $1 8100 list, and Us menthes later, when the men (need how he had been worked, he railed Imes is, mad told him that he would r..tnro hies he the $.000 list sed .loess w shrewd sssyh es talks the twinkle is the old ossa .ye le geed faith sad say seeking, OVERSTRAIN. Modem Aebt ate:" : SWIM re �x a tenon • bicyclist be. 000va piill1trd the emtroor- dlaery feat of riding from the meat warther- ly point is S.etlaad to the mess extreme seater's peed of Kseland in 86 been sad lb manure. The mast remarkable Dart of the act u ucludel a the tact that be per formed his task without indulging in ups n'uateut of deep. lie was 3 days, 14 hours and to minute. without reclining male or oearog his active movement. of propulsion except for the brefest momenta. The Eng- lish Lancet points out that the modern gage for recordbreakurg is gratified at the wit y.�,(f many shortened lives. 'rhe healthy Peart will beat lOb,000 times in the 24 hours, a.vxrmylMAtog work equal to lifting 1'2'2 tons one tent. But it has recently been shown that cycling tells severely and specially upon the circulation, and that the number of the strokes of the heart is doub- led during such cativo exercise as that to which the rider subject. Anself 'the lowest testim•te, therefore, of the work of the heart of the record -breaker fust mea- tiooted would be 212.000 hews, with work doe. of 244 toot tons. This maintained for the specific time was more than ,iii tone without repose. -ettang aside the physio- logical bearing of the performance, In sug- gesting that there is something in persistent motion of the blood, sustained by volition of • resolute kind which prevents the nenou• system from paring into that pas sive or Dem•tivr state to is hick the term "sleep is applied, Its practical lesson bears on the ultimate influence of extreme exer- cise us the bailee ot,'y..unv men who make themselves the victims of .elf-int'.lcted in- jury. Apparently, the athlete is nose they worse for such • feat as this, but in reality he will hive to pay • seven penalty lot thus outraging nature. These violent strains bode, in the end, the certainty of premature decrepitude Toward the goat of death the best heart can only perform a certain measure of work, and whether that be done by rapid or stop' process determines the length of days In which it is done. Theoretically these yens: competitors who otherwise might be drooped for a long asd active existence, will succumb and break down long before the sun of their life has reached Its meridian, and the Lancedt states that so far this has practically been theta. of all those who have endeavored, undere applause of their unthinking comrades, ti do what nature has not constructed them for doing without risk. Ts'•e tailed LIIlah. Children have been adm• .bly drilleif in bible detail. They know more about it 'than three-fourths of their "uoday school teachers. They have learned the story of More tell they can say it as pat as then.l. tiplicatios tattle. but 1 do not find any liv tag interest is Moses. There is one of the grandest life stories to history. and they sem to have Do feeling about it. And that need not be so I remember one of my Sun- day school teachers in Chicago telling me how troubled she bad been because she was afraid she was not making the stetter of the prophets iurere•ttng to her boys. but one day she was comforted, for she heard from the mother of one of them that the lad had come home the "unday before, and, after sitturjsilentawhile, suddenly burst out at the dinner -table . ' Well, I do think Elm. ah was • tine fellow: and, it ever 1 have • kid of my own, I mean to call him Elijah " (If course, it is only a rare teacher who can teach that way. Mew no Napa gfla..wa, Scarcely • week passes in any year that human lives are not isopariized by horses taking fright and running away, says an etchange. The man who can devise some means which will surely prevent this will be a great public benefactor. Some one who professes to know says that runaway accidents seldom happen in Russia. The means used ,in preventing them u very simple. It is averted that in Russia a horse ad- dicted to the habit of running away has a thin cord with • running noose around his neck at the eeckstrap. and the end is tied to the dashboard 'At Rome; said the informant, 'I saw in the Corse a phaeton with two spirited bootee holt. They were driven by • lady and I expected to see instant destruction. But the lady coaly grasped a thin cord and with in t litrty yards the horses came to s full stop. 1 afterwards met the lady at Nice and ex- pressed surprise at the skill with which she stopped the runaways. She treated it as • trifle.and told me acci- dents fror runaway horses are unknown in Russia, as nc one but • 'astir would drive without • cord. When • horse bolts he al ways takes the bit in his teeth and the skill of • driver is useless. The moment the pressure comer on the windpipe the horse knows he has vet his match. The last or Ibe R.fateea. Hunters know that buffaloes will uner forced, erre the iron of • railroad track, and this fact figured largely in the unfortunate work of extermination which these animal. have suffered since the Western plains have been trussed by ra:l- rokds. The itrsatest blow dealt the biome horde of the Northwest was the completion of the Northern i'acific track west from Riamark to the Rocky Noustains. The road prac- tically divided the herds, sad those to the south wen soon swallowed up is the general slaughter waged by Indiana, pot, hide and tongue hunters, foreign 'portiere and others who were out to kill anything they saw on sight. This area during the winter of 1882-8.5. The buffaloes to the north were in many mattered heads, but there was one great herd of not less than 75,000 head, which had found • temporary refuge is the to eagle formed by the Musselshell and 1 el l.wstene riven in Hostas•, and as yet had not been "smelled out" by either red or white hunters. Rut theywere as surely doomed as though. alreay killed, for the railroad iron cot them off from the eoethern nage, ane the Indian• of the l anal:an northwest, as well as t hose of I 'sited States, burred their retreat tato the far North, and es they werehemmed in between the two, with so possiblity of escape in either dire. - tics. This last herd was completely wiped out et.existescs so less than four months, .ad before the clews of the year then were but a few singles and parrs left as fugitives in that vast country where het • year or two before they e'ould have hese counted by the hundreds of thousands. At the sed of that season 800,000 buffalo bides who ship. pad east frees Gle.drye, ee the Ydllemeteee river. Or w• Mew. He (who baa just bee. rejentedl don't dare say 'en' agein the Why fret' He Besse tree s•gativee make an Anaative She Net with • wren He How many dem it oke with • we - least Sha- Ons. You of Mro..i. iI. Iionsxvlitat, 182 Pacific Ave., ratittt Urti; (':.1., writes: " When a girl at arh..ul, 1s Iteaallim, Ohio, 1 b,ul a severe attack of 'brain fever. On ply recovery, I found myself perfectly lw1.1, nad, fur a long nut. 1 feared I should be pertmnently so. Friends urged sue to u..' Ayer's hate Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, soul I now hare as fine a hr oh o: b sir u_•t .nr could wislt for, be a bang. -.1, hww- ev,-r, from blonde to dial brow..." „ After a tit of slekne.,, my hair came out to e„mldnlis. I ns..1 trio loot I. of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is or •r a earl long and very full and beery. I have re.vtn- m.mded this preperati..a to others with like .good eff.'et."-Mrs. Sidney Carr. 1Mi0 Retina st., Iiarrisbtir,;, l's, "I have used tyer's Hier Vigor for several yuan at. a!•: . a obtained saes. factory rr.ulta. I lin er It Is tIe Lest pra'para•:on for the hie 'r that is made," -C. T. Arm tt, Yamn, th Spring, Ark. T UTAILS111111 hIM, Bllchallaiis & Rhyllas Nantr.Aontsssa SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers to all blade of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Lad builder's, material of ereer a..anpttes School Furniture a Specialty. 1 C0:1^: -:Pi=. ICN. �G`BILIOPUSe.PSiAN tSS, a DVS. SICK HEADACHE . 'REG kJ LATE THE LIVER ONE PILL ASTltR CATIN• INSUgI3 (1000 OfiCSTIO'I. ii'RMCE'S Cn.T't eraeraero. ¶elerll AYothsOr 1G -Page Weekly !11, Columns. ONLY $1. 0 0 Now to Dec. 31, 1895. OXF4RD w.= FURNACES • ..fee ALL Miffs N 11011.1111111111.. Capacity front 10.000 to 80,00 Cubic 'Fitt THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the-ytties who re he has been selecting, NEW SPRING GO Ile has now (in hind a Large Line of the Choicest (fools in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. OODERICH St( am Boiler Works. LST A BLIBHRD 'tee., A. S. C H RY STA L, Sserensorto Chef/seal ! Blae4J Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright dr Tubular 330= -I=RS, Salt Pana, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright and Horizontal glide Valve Marines. Automatic Cut 1/Ditto/Joss • pecWty. All sizes of pi e and pipe-flttlna constantly on band. If tiaates furnished on snort notice. Repairing promptly attended to. ly P. U. Box 37, Godefich, Ont. Works -Opposite O. T. R. Station. Ooderbt. —CZTY— coAL AND WOOD YIaRD. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT A BLACKSMITH COAL. Coal weighed en either market or my Peale& Get m, Prices beton gulag elsewhere. TERNS tan.. Telephone fasseelle. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. xfu-tri ieNMMa A.Sr1Ms Aron fir PATENTS OA „Aviv* TON . seri. �i1t•NN i rnre feewt,.lwoteAeDwn�Av�c.lrtal�aaw�strsasfe,e i ear yams am tango cwt a Yes ts A th& Ste pa •y • angina Ogres fiee'�or e.e+oe m g*citutiftc ntrrican ATENTS! MEATI. TUBE SAW 11111 CNPINMT$ Obtained, sad all beef_lpse is the U !! t OSies attended to at NODZRA TR irl Our ease b s.emlte the U. S. Potts Ol} ase, and w e sae slatn hob le lam lams ban them :seems* hm aW4SAf7NOTON. Sur NODIL OR DRI1W'IMO. Ws ea. ea Ity hie et 'mikeQOfA el ULlN/s�` iCUP- PAIN � a."r �Msg.sstsa"rw t Perwaytia t-ae and r.bww to sates' eumr r p.m owe Mete sr Meaty write te L••w. Mew la mosses resent eve lesselmles. O 0 Leading Weekly of the Wed. NONE BETTER. FEW AS GOOD. Large Prise List. Handsome Premium. G000 INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS r Agents' Tern's, et..., addrtt.,..- AM TISER PRINTING CO LONDON. ONT. 88 bt MOLIEOID'S SYSTE,ijRENOVATOR ASD OT. gn TnaT&D axugaib.. Specific and Anridote f Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye pepeta, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loss of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg. armies and general debility. LABORATORY. (ODERICA, ONTARIO J. M. MCLE(iI), Proprietor and MaauAeturer. Mci.gor's !averse It&.woraron can be bad from all druggists la town. as well as from all the drnggtets betwieen Owen `round and aeatorth. Brussels. Durham and Tnronio. nit Ir. Patronise True Competition. not CaxastAN Pael1110 Pta,LWAT Cbti ,'atasaArw W bees established to sive the rabbi aret-eleee service with fair sad per mamma eampespfee. It Y n.aoaa.d os Irusisee principles and Is the littered d Ira patron.. believatta rdesenteett=rt et every penes who Per q.Nh dearadeh use Wm rear= eeU W aablse times. e...g with all Nam la .lewd Shrew. raw& w wap& North sffam&tosd `llefa.a driest w Or)ao lath Weat. M. RAerCYH87t • tt lineal Masses,. Godmieh DON'T DESPAIR DODD'S' "KIDNEY; P1115 WILL CURE YOU yr. q..00f"Nal ` case w ta. tiewe slitedi-et wenn Sold all *dere Reye, n awyiel warm I pr best er ret ale le gs.fta DR L. A. MIM. • 00.. Tesestee. ttt►Ne Fimi*QE 1111AVV ORATS. y adapted for woad here(. ilsav y Steel Plate pee Ria Demo sad Radiatr, which heat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Cosetruo- this and (treat Heatlag tower LABOR ASH PIT NAL FNNACE tarp QsedeeselMw Chamber tang Rte Rssm,snss..geeeleter Large Se etimmi Fire Pet mamma ASH Orate Full Ouaranteed Capacity : iiii w,.en.efi-• ltenatte1•ted b — OOMNET FOUNT COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. For Sale by RIRPBI A LIEF, Crabb's Block, Goderich e Protect Your Chest_ ty-e bare • hit. n.1.1 Line of Solid t'hamob and Yett Cheat l'rotecters made .pec.aily for u. and 'emelt nioerter to the article* usually sold. Pr,cee very Moderate. kv.-ryene should protect the (`seat -which is the Citadel of Life multi one of the..•. Prevent iva a tetter than ('urs. Protect Your 13Eaatl . / By user our Migh-tirade ltak:nd Powder. Yoe Gan rely oa this 1 I'ure, so a by tale Camases : 71ivorisig Essences to great variety. Christmas Perfumes alter C3ift. GI-oodt3. yve h., e a Ikaun Almon went of the Later owl Reel u. ring dada. The) are very Attractive this year. You will be delurbted with than. ng 'W. C. GOODE, - - Chemist. YOU WANT THE BEST!' Buy the " Gurney " line of Stoves and Ranges. "Oxford Rival, " Bright i,It•is "Graft i tee," " Radiant S.,uvenir," " Countess ..i' (I I'd—on', and others, front :5.10 up to 1140. WE HAVE a number of ,sweat-han'1 Coal frJntl Wood Stoves from S2 to $1.1. P.S.—There are ten " Gurney " Stoves sold in Goderich to one of any other make. For sale only by HARPER & LEE The leading Stove Dealer.. Plumbers, Tinsmiths sad Heating Engineer. of (3o.lerieh. UrStov'e Fitting and Repairing promptly attended to. COAL OIL-- 4 Imperial Gal's for 40c.—Spot Cash =0"C7 WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden an Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call. R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. - 31LaAM1P'Si - AT Rock -bottom Prices AT CHAS. A. NAIRN'S. UNDERTAKERS. J. BROPH.13Y an SON Have added to their preim!nt business one of R. I. Nash's Latest Stile of City Hearses. also she finest line of funeral furnishings in the es.aq. and are now prepared to conduct funerals at price• reasonable This department will be strictly attended to by his tem William, whoy baing in the employ of rims late D. Gordon for the past ten year's, has a theres b knowledge of the basin, and by precept atlantic. hopes to stare part of ftMea public patronage. Remember the plasia—Wa.hot., on your way to the poi Aloe. (Give us a call J. BROPHBY & SON. Ti Y is oak farSo. T Get it E&TOrf P S JL ir, ti r. 1 the i the you' them atone who vel deist tea s 11 wi that give sad. tenet ate li "I Mad know the a )acts ids G sued the ill sad a admit afam united the yr well t the cc fluke hale I ma.hr very f butes of the scat! " Is ha tat said 0 as eta hr. *eery t alar hi .e ;.t Bien .y tee Ito Inas I' friends Policy Kalea, does se that he which I ably it father before As they ar ea, ill Vic'nri hr the Merry . Oa the ofth.l ug at a se tea English toes to Mar re that lei Sultan with th he take he sect net fors leretoui Crarewi traysllu and fit Wilms to the were se Now, the new tisate f ala aistertaii These &r seer of asap Te h, sada es sag Image Ukase reiprat ewv ♦erred►, he wlivk Ret . Meer.. Mlwstet aims, a 0ew itlift Me k Mow; nemodaa 101 a 4b_memos els 1116 beau gle+dh WING, i 110 Y� •