HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-22, Page 5hes. fides on y -money of from of from it to you z't make .ht place E STORE pan get a u know means ? with the Imething l'r-e only ce. the best arked in ---always welcome npare. ,ns at the • rent IP SALE CER'S. 16th. G FOR! iRE SALE win in the Wave is. For Burnt Almonds ery latest. Dc., 12e. and 1 ac. 25e_, 35e. argil :)Oc. ,ter Plates at Cost t Dissolution Sale $2.50 per dozen, rice $3.50 per eloz, are yours at whole - Frames and Band those who intend ! Cash required is Mai lfitd Stationers. THE SIGNAL': GODERICH, ONT , THURSDAY, NOV. 22 1894. fr rAm TOUR MONEY - only 25 cents to buy a glass vial of Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Pellets --- but then you get a lasting benefit and at' )•rrr Istel Cora (if your Bilious or Sick !lead, ache, Constipation or Indigestion, loss of appetite, and all those troubles which follow a disordered liter. The time to treat as inactive liter is before it become* a disease. If these tiny Prllete were in every' day use people would Ian germ - proof. The germ. of disease. make their entrance to the system through the liver -- • your health and well -bring depends on the liver. if you suffer from wind and pain in the stomach, giddiness, vomit. - moo, disturbed sleep, pm got itnm.•- diat.• relief from the use of '• Pleas- ant I'.•Ileta," They're yeartrnI ed to g1Ye setia. factinu, or money returned. A "cow 114 lis MEAD" is quickly cued by Dr. Sager' l'starrh !leeway. Au is Catarrhal Headache, and,every triruhlr that is eause.i by Catarrh.So Is Catarrh itae•If.4 The proprietor% offer . Vino in cash for any cioc which they cannot cure. 4IDId by MI dealers in medicine's, NEW AC'tERTISEMENTS NOV.22 i'te■ u • ouncil Meeting Wn, I.a.s . ••••••, op .1 H Worrell d 1'o 7 For sale J I'. iletlor •.m„ass •h•rprssed I'harlee Payee5 c., p•hek•,tf W. , I.00de .. S Maden or !",ipplies N,. i'bristle .. S 1:lags and h etches t A Humber t son d !touring from Rosiness -lotto Ralph 8 'beep Lost .lames Italton 5 •is , e I ounty Miracle I. T Fulford Alf .0 Harpers Weekly, Rater and Young d'eople Harper Bros. . . t3 lam for Sale Mrs. Wm. I'ht,kelm 6 tot' instable* Ur. Wellies' Medicine _ 'e HvI\ resignatisa of Miro Addison from the prin- cipalship of St. David's, Minn Mary t'trelgi. was *tossed so Ill the vacancy A I...el, (.ui-tY. Titus. t)♦ Sunday last Rev. J. Edge asked lb. •angr+gatton of North -a. Methodist thumb fee • uoutrtbu- taon of $140. The reopuese was liberal, and a tow dollars ovee the am.,ss asked for was rt►e.d Rev. J. Livugsto.., of Kin sardine, oesupiad the pulpit at both sevens end preached exwllset dreaurase. mate IsiONT. The St. Matthew'. Tsmpsea.w sad Literary Society intend to bold • public entermiameat on Tuesday eeeeing, Nov. 27th, at R o'elock r e. in the Temperance Hall. (food program of songs, recitation. and dialogue. has been prepared tar the smarm As the admission is only 10e. t hope to see • large of their frissturnout tts E. Gin *goo .I,ii. I o Sunday even - tar last about 6 o'clock the girls Sproule and Durnin, who were commuted by the P. M. for • term for street walking, escaped from the tail. In some way they obtained p,.aerion of the keys and used them to ad vantage. However at about sr o'clock Chiet Mcleod got word of their where about and soon had them in custody. Goderich GUNNERs GOOD HAUL.. Up Fri day last a number of ourgunaiag sports took I. • sheeting mata•h at- altford. They alio a big share of the turkeys and sow put ap as pores. E. It Wataes oe cured seven goer and one turkey: Dr J. R. Shannon, two turkeys and one goose, and other members won 'several. 4'oderieh gunmen hold their own every time. HIT? it, 01 Tile H, •rut,. Masers. Shannon, I;utoon and .lob•eton, who have been engaged 10 deer shooting at .tohestoo'a Harbor for the for the pest month, returned home on Friday. is a proof of their skill and somata they Frought four tine stags with them. Altogether eleven deer were chat hut the remainder were shot so early in the soros that they would Dot keep loaf enough to bet here. Norte a 1: '. Woude, .,f Serpa, d int , who a short time ago began using Kimono's Hair grower, writes the agent here, A. H. Row, of Aymoods. hair parlors, West -et., that for the first time in twelve years be is entirely tree of dandruff, and his head,whieh for e;P}tt years had been quite bald on tor, is Dow gradually Mise covered with as lu-.urlent a growth of hair as he possessed when a boy. Kers by nail accompanied by Cl prompt!, attended to. • I. L. R, The I'ollegate Institute Literary society met last Friday evening, wad the following program was presented t -hortis glee clab - reading I.. Neftel : red- tatgro, Miss Winnie Ball : rolo..l. Thom•,- e r . imprr.mptue, Meagre Simpson, D. Mc- Ken/ie add surlier:: ,ittestron drawer, Mr. trang : readmit, W. Hotlines : chorus, male embers . Impromptu., Messrs. McKay, H. Mel swat and .1 Mchsaeel rie : editors ee- oee.' A Dickson : chorus, glee club. A Si. Iu,R•.s suer Workmen are at resent eneat,ed in fitting up the store onminer11 ter of net at and S.I ears, formerly nc- -ipied by Mayor Butler. .lames Cobmeon i lt.ende to move iD at New 1 ear•. and to that purple u hawing it put into shape bye, endues W.Mr . lsadr C. Humby. "'or.e shoeisg .- W. i„ Pe.nimiew Wanted Mrs. J. T. ()arrow Tenders Wanted -Wm. Mitchell Hair "rewer- A. H. Roes 1-Jwuln (Ioe4y mid Prsssmtatioo I o. Greed Detre Raw THF' ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 tie 4iDKItICH -' :.u.,e. A.ee, Gs.nsres, Having been re,uested by a large somber of ratepayers, of both political partite, to allow myself to l aomsn.ted ea mayor of i odench for 11Di, I have plainer* in con.eottnr. While I claim no superiority over any of my !slew townme., yet I claim that I have earsh•ncul ability, and think that hay. *berm a resident for the past forty years, ale bung one of the heaviest rat•p..yen in V mere, a dissect seem unreasonably to ask a labors/ support on the preset oc- anion. I am not the nominee of any clique or Pert,, but if elected will, without fear or favor, work for the interest of the town of •oder[, h. 1 our obedient servant, GEOIRGE: AI HESON. t edench, Noy. 14, ISIS. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. hen It ea W t book• . TN•ve n Sale is a' Ter ('. sea. 1 rev se tem is t a moors Among Te Takla' neeea, an' Isiah • 11 ►rase N.- - terms. A ',esu ronsfg.Nnt of marble. beenre. ores rated toed sad alsem clocks at t A. N°'(be► k Soa'e new store -ase them. The London oleetlene r 4 tep,sasend to rive sails toils turned sato Gritst by F. J.Prdhhaia. so Het week i -5 Near and proms by his work ovary usu. Yew Is the Bene to gel the latest and beet In Ill•nnanr u H. ItHallow'., FIN week a M iMiH in pleuro humlng and the Mel llawe' h•R keep oolh•nd. Use. Montreal-st ad elle TAILORINS-at elms ease prima "'nee .atineetle. assured. Just arrived 1 Islos,e la plmage and overcasting. res M extra amu. ready mads .verooste m aa- Mast be sold, sea thew. B. MauCORMAt' Ol'R SPKCTACLK TR♦DE has breseed. Irwfald during the law year. Ines w we hate t•e.yq appliances. sad eps•1al slaw• Ne wtq wbejs app par thss a•sas we snit ' •Test your .••..sl r1 rsare. ou -d lair eggerani"t W. eH• •piklaa sod leweasr. Rs T. or T,'s AT vas 1cs-A member of fia.r' .red .aissr I .f Rumba Omaha. No. woaddlew M Olsten Thursday Isle ,trod... a rtiv d the (shute. Temmpi ru c A. C. Mmes..fisor.--Wa Ta..erv, IV well kismet monsieur pboss¢aphelr. cast `"e1el ENNUIS .l ...boys .r the O. A. C. "URI Ffetasai. tin M.nday night- Will h S t q as export at the " iiia e V mine of Wit away Owls ere Ivory good sem- !II Sienna. -The m.tship li .sur the villin of Myth) at the bat must - "t ?Wed the town of >S for th. pviswws' V.siNM.1 Omuta. I. Ressbwgb ib a'esatsy, duds.. b ..h..tele the 'f the aims. per N. H. Tessg, >rq., 41111114. e01ej'' houses. Baena--As w rsgdr d w P. X. Word .rt Ohs [wale bt. r WM nein' sad [.said m ti p c The unseemly old verandah has been to down and the place is beginning to leo I more modern. The place has long been rend. - roue fur loungers and we would n surprised use mrd to p ase the building collapse now that they can " hold it up " no more, • As- a Es 1•er•T. An annual entertainment under the aw'Ioes of Eureka I'oineil, No. 103, R. T. of T.,will be held in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening Nev. 10th. W. McLeod, of Sestorth, the versatile comedian and entertainer has been secured for the evening, and everyone may be reared of a pleasant evening s enjoy meat. local talent will also assist in • choice selection .f vocal and instrumental music, readings, etc. Proceeds are to de- fray the expects** of Sunday afternoon (.os pal temperament maniacs. Admission Ladies, 10c., gentleenee, I've. Rev. .las. 1, Anderson will occupy the chair. Ti, Hot.nLv Ievxnt Co, The Holdens have the beards at the Grpsd for this week I n Saturday night, "Boxy, the Waif was played : en Needy " Angie," on Tuesday ' Inside Track," on Wednesday, " Dews Grade." The company has had a limited audience Bash performance as yet, but fr the mosey they give rood performances and deserve o better patronage than they have been reoaiving. Kitty d. Lorin. is • clever artiste and carries her role very effectively. Her appearance se always greeted with pleasure and .he delirhta the audience with her amusing remark. and rreoeful and wimsisg manner. Mies de forme is sup- ported } ported by • ,tree& company. Matinees will he given Thursday and Saturday attai- nment. Stator.' A.' inure -1M Sunday evening last about 8:31 1•, r. Mir May Webb, of Saltfse'd, met with as seediest which may yet prove very senora While walking armed the Square with • lady friend in front of i'ridbam's store a large sign board toll, and the young lady received • mashie; blow oro the head. A very high wind was blowing at the time and the sign beirg wrenched from im fastsaisese was hurled upon tbe selectus•te young lady She was quickly carried te Wihp's drug eters sod the wowed, which proved to he • very severe bow, was attended to. Her arm was also slightly injured. Mies Den, her oesipanisa, huskily only sustained • slight injury m the wrist. Lam, We kers that ft it a severe saes d esu-swius of w Orals sad her r.ee ry m deolefel Ger Runt - These versatile fun ms.sf c- Straxs, the (ire lire, append at the Grand het Wednesday wears to • large a.disana A thrill .f plewre rad through the sdiewee es the a.a.adi.g of the ear- beh for the awl part displayed • row ef 'Maas knights arrayed is glaborLg rsr. The dogleg .f the Ilse Brea was god, beat Me Oben sad tap' ewe wasp el thaw awn .us d data. The Wish seers.s by abs _.hart.. bread* MS. pier «srtlLMgtrms • ••sery sole to • miukwo anon ropers. Pe doss hews mnnds Mere lar a amid* Wale [said iswd M aha.... . the war Eddie Meupald attracted mash attiring, although several of his perinnmaaem are al together unsuitable for the stye- The barbell clog was very good, said portrayed the attitude. of the t:odsri s liembsf Club very aaturally. The triple bar exercises were well done and several difboult feate were applauded. The numelre mem and Nick Myon also kept the audience u rood humor. The company has appeared hero for sevetal successive years but their pope l.rity does not seem to wane. LOCAL BRIEFS. Rev 1Ir curry of Heneall, will address the f:oepel Temperance meeting next Sun day. A large number of drtsee,l hogs are beta breueht here by the farmers fur shipment to diflereet points. Divine service will be held ,o KDO% Chu on Thanksgiving Day at 11 s u. Collect on behalf of the poor. Anyone re.l•i,nne anything don. in I chimney cleaning line would do well to I has. Payne, who has made this • rage burnew. Win. Oke ha. bought • forty acre f from J. t'. Martin, for the sum of $24 Mr I ike will have one of the finest tarots olborse, Geo. Thomson will supply you with an sake of piano you may require. fall list and get rock bottom poses For Sale Wharf pro[ . 'Um 1028 029 and 103['2. on which is situated •st 'warehouse. For particulars apply t- .1. retlor, North Ray. 92 4t Rheumatism Cured in a 1 key. Soot mediani n Rheumatic Cure, for rheuat' 0d neuralgia, radically cures in one hree days. It. action uFon the system i markable and mystertoas. It removes a lice the cause and the disxse immediate'' n i.appca. The first dose greatly benefits 6 eta. Sold by -lames Winne, druggist Remelted image enelted in au Minu.es. r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart rives per act rebel is all ca.e. of I )rgasia or Syme• hetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and pewit!). effects ' cure. It is • peerlesses atton,Shortneof Breath, , Pain to Lett side and all m nipto. of • trued Heart. (Inc dose orifices. Sohl by -lames 11'.I.on • coni oni to Horsemen. - Doe bottle 01 neigh Spacial Liniment completely re - wed a curb from my horse. I take pleas - re in recommending the remedy, as it act th mysterious promptness in the removal rum horses of harel,soft or calloused lumps, nod spavin, splints, curl*, 'weeny, stifle, Ont. sprains. George Roob, farmer, Mark- , nt. Sold by 'las. Wilson. Relief in Si, Hours. I)isu tressg kidney d bladder disease, relieved in six hours the Great South American kidney I'ur.•. is new remedy is a great suroriee and de- nt on account of it exceeding promptness relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, k and every part of the urinary passages male or female. It relieves retention of ter and pain is passing it almost Inv lately. If you want quick relief this is ✓ remedy. sold by John Davis, drug - he Teterboro 1 i•ily Review, in speaking he Lyceum Comedy ('o. and Preeenta• Party, which will open an •ogagementmes hree nights in the Opera Rouse on Ti- , November 27th, nye : "The I.yoeum ie ly Co. gave the same high-class per - mane. at the opera house last night that y have been giving all week, and the ef- of the company were as apps .ted app. ted as ever. they are to appear for the time this evening and will produce rah ion KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and imprnvet.ent..ad tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than ..t hersand enjoy Messier, with less expenditure, by mi TO promptly he adapting the world's best products to "' 010 need• of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid lii stive principles embraced in thec rerl,dy, Syrup of Fitts. Its excellence is dile to its presenting in the form must seeeptab:e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of • perfect lax- ative ; effectually elu*kising the system, dispelling ,olds. headache* and fevers permanently peranently curing ennstipation. It has given satiafact ion to millions and met with the approval of the medical pr"felision, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels vsith..,lt weak- ening them and it is p i -Meetly free from every object .:labia substance - by rup of Figs is for sale by all dote - gists in 75c. bottles, but it is menu lectured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig[;. and being well informed, you will moi' accept any substitute if offered. ler arm 50, in y oe co g h to • y meta. 1 A • re d It ' ay co F: mo u cel bl an ham an by Th lig In tbac wa med you gat of t tion of t day ('on for the fort cis last remedy for l'alpi Smothering Spel n 'The leodles.' To -night the hand.ome k gold watch that has been on exhibition in Taylor's window will be given away. The a usual lino of silverware presents will also of be riven away," COMING AND GOING. .1. Frit ley, of I.uckoow, spent Sunday is town, Philip Horton is spending Thaakeglving in town. L. Matthews has returned from • visit to /Myth. Alf. Seoord, of Kincardine, is re visiting I :odertch. Mrs. .Iso. W. \ wetter is in Stratford this week. George Nairn has returned fo the i'ity of the Straits. Ed. Monroe, of California. is visiting his father in town Mies Eva Acheloos is visiting Mn. .1. M. Best, `eeforth. Mrs. George Harris, of ('ransford, was is town last week. 140. Allan, of Bank of ('ommtsrce, Walkerton, is in town Mrs. W. D. Shanso. and Mies Kate Mc fetishretorted last Saturday from Detroit. Mrs. A Yarrow and te., Chester, left last week on • visit to friends at Peter - hero. Mrs. A,i.ebrook, of Paris, was in tows last week visialg her see, ooadn.tor Thos. A usebrook . ti'm. N.ebergall, recently nursed from • trip to kaglaad and Germium sad after *poodle; • few days in town, t again for Staple., Fier county. hes Hate. is this week taking his yeuneeet nos, ('k•rlr, to Tweet* to receive treatment for an injury whish be s.seresd some years ago. We hope the treatment will prove basedeial. R. R. (Stilton, jr., of the State iteper- meet, Washington, who has 'sem yisitiag his relatives for mese time pert at the Amerman (oasslam, Wt to resume hie duties Saturday last. Mr. Chilton is a ase specimen of • young American, sad ban many warm friends he Gederieh. PUBLIC OPINION. wrests - NOM To Editor sesws . Sia, -I shwa, • s he tows collies as sai.n le the ipso el meat. _A geed heard es bees Ursa aMwhera bakers hael bread below higher in ve at feet mails"power of light the prim"rd.t it 4 Awake tr tge strange m as Mist the buMM.s ear Aerie . 10 soots per lb he hest wilds they bey as 2 to !l ears, but the most dye port e.4 it is that whets thaw were paying farmers Awed r io mea gar Ilse ` theyi scold Nen ird M M .Wt„ H i ort ROW mak..r e • pr sum visas r'ed-stta f ally of forward le mai- travel hens.. I cath Mb matter *weld =it to lits eltstnna siItts M welsk'. e" • ," et s d the k,ashoraV would emu own the teem Roam. Onsuasr., Nov. Ilgl [Our tars_ -d..• has se dada gpuwd ter asmpbslatn het he gie*o tee much smelt for the fill its Mead to the 'yewr d the pea" e Tb...,.t+upw WI so mins b N111111 new baker was gdng to start oa ttd the re- duction, and if a new butcher were to span out to -morrow meat would drop to tit or :L• per lb,- En. i..• •L.; MARINE NOTES- tsleresalmg Mets. polled 1'p Ai and Sear The Lake iron/. Only two or three boathouses remain en the river, Captain McDonald is busy laying up the schr. Kolfage. l he men are only waiting for • tine day to finish the piers. Bruder k Si. Naughton n scow, have been laid up for the Winter. Tu,; McIntosh arrived on Monday from vniia, and the crew are busy laying her up. Wm. Marline a repairing fiah tug 'lures. The cabin is being raised and port of the deck renewed. Behr. Sophie, ('apt. I.reeen, nas been stripped and has Fong into Winter quart- ers at the Government dock. MARRIED. Beattev-Arreulroe-Ivy the Rev. John J. Is•seitoba. on the SDN of October. at reMarer O. Berry. of Arden., Manitoba, to Mina Ante M.. daughter of Thomas Anderson Km.. Ash- field. Huron t o, Ont. DIED. M. I Volt --In Goderlch. on Wednesday. Noy. 21. \t,lydoch Mclvor. aged 24 years and 4 most hs, The funeral will take place from his late re- sidence, at the heftier. on Thursday, Nov. , at 2 v.v. to Maitland I annex., Friends and ac.,uatntaaces will pledgee ,rpt this invi- tation. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. aderteb Priem. 00Dakaoac. Nov. 22nd. Mel Fall Wbeot, (newt standar....,. 0 I: to 0 47 Flour. family. per cwt 1 50 to 1110 Plots Fac. par awl ..... 1 ass to 1 RS ., patent, per awe ... 2 00 to , 00 • too.. etueets i les I Oe toll O0 flerssulnam II 00 toll 00 hp . l: so toll 00 Peetk • beei............... $' m 0o 0 •ro sa fs two rowed. ti bush .... M to 040 ke'n seto7so suttee, If a hook new 10 to 0 15 1• to 0 IS Wood fresh .apacked, a den16 to 0 17 Wool 00 to 50 Hides, N to o 30 Sher/ Skins is to i mo M toliggetiere : 25 sato400 00 to S 25 Raw Mrlb lIme1I . to MI Situations. Vanua. WANTBD.-A l7OMPWTI NT HOUSE maid, Apply m 1Ht MRS. J. T. (AItROW. Hosea.-shoetnE. O 'NWOXIIfO-LYINGENGAG- ed w eorvlese of Waist Jahastos, • ...•sent e.tOer• I on to do all wart la that pias In with my regular blackiwitbins her the et•sd -earner of \'ictsrta Oederob. Nov. 27th. W' L iNO N. It 5 11'sd Aiaimwla - SHRRP l jT- 'RATIID FROM THE presale' eubeorber sheet the meddle of geptewber, area sheep sad he lames. all white. Information teedjs. be tiler recovery will be. suitably rewarded. ♦ME5 D♦I.TOI(, Ele sir idg. 1',q eK COtitlktltptV r a\ 'Q V'tn\ tt Q has already been partially ennui orated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast ammo of work under this head tlat S. enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adiet, but we do it all at Two SIGNAL #\\ *WM&I of W or11 is lb. typographical ins be dose b kmest weer expeditious and ardi.lia Our V ikons mi tt .\ be jov►w4 tit4i 'S4 Vte►aovukb\t. We sauced ear Omsk* Bier past f.. esu and disk a eiatismease .r t♦s MOM Cheaper than Wheat Our Prices. Below we give a list of a few of our Bargains' I/rear Goods, 'c., North 1(k'.; 50k., worth 755'., i:sec., worth Ladies' Vests, !Iic., worth 25c.: .!'Lc., worth Vie.. 1'x•., worth 60c. 7(k'., worth #I.uu. I:rent slue in ladies' (;lo►rs, hosiery, t'or*trts, ("anton Flannels, :h•., worth .se. up to '_(/e. per yard. Flannels, Blankets, &c., at very low prices. Mena I'aderwrar, :.c., worth :3:n.. Ilk., worth title.: 7Uc. worth 9th-.. worth :: pair Men s lb'avy Wool Socks for ":le. " pair Man S Heavy Wool docks', Ribbed Top, for 2'..c. No fake gift Picture, Furniture or Jewelry schemes to .n: -J. ail uuthi,,k ing people. Mer, hants ;give away pictures enlarged in Indian ink tel, called; on con ditiou that you buy a frame fhr which they charge $:3.Jt). The merchant pays $1.00 for the frames and 42.04) for enlarging the picture, maktee rprofit ' of 5t>,•. Where is the 'gift' r Inspection and comparison of prices and values invited. (•.slerich. ( Jct. 30th, 189.1.• JAMES A. REI D, Jordan'. Blesk. STOPTHEKOF . This is not the same of a Russia. ('oust, but calls your attention to (►1'R ACHE C1►1'CH I)UU►I'S, Better then ever this year and only 25 r, a package. They are really I:ood and Cheap. OUR BLACK('IIERi:1•('f►1'f;II It:11.5.1AI • • be very atcce fs . None better in the marker. Try a bot tie. OURCHERI'It.S III►\N:1' l'f►I'(afI ('li'E u specially designed qq the rinds of chlldre.• Only 15c. OUR ('IIRISTiIAs I'ERIOUt1E`. Ike sew nano„ sp .a 1.-6rity as gift .B wLaw, I W. C. GOODE. i'HEMIST, l'.e the Patent Mdielees ALBIO ' BL(xg_ •I if PI:ANT _ _ PLANT F(/OD, TO ADVERTISERS. Music. Notice of changes must be left at this r Office not later than SaVtniay ,l ISS uajca I-. SHAW, TN:ACHEROF noon. The Copy for changes • door Kaci ofTheolin r. ,is,f te` j must be left not later than Mon- - day noon. Caatul Advertisements(' Public Notices. accepted up to noon Wednesday of 1 11 I h,ON (Y►t'NT1' COUN('ll.. - TH• E: each weak. II. council of the Corporation of the _..---, ('dusty of Huron will meet is the ('curt Hotta, - - in the town of tioder:rh on Thursday the doh. TPatreLlias Guide. day of December" i aLia k i• v, __. I Dated Nov- ,n, 11.4.LANg county clerk. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 'v'!t t Roil ay u To untie:UCH. Special NoLleea. Nixed -.- Wily , Selland Rs press M.trdT ... Mail and Express .... D[PAii. Mall and Express Mail and ranee. Mixed_. . • In.:4a.m. CI ,iTO51 S.\\t'INi.. LSS p m. -.40 P.m. :,.:je p.m. [thanes taking out lofts :his N tater. for diving building or shipment, 636 Ann. iui ptm NUT F: -- ?'M IMO' i an. prepared to .lo custom swing at v2 per M„ for Hemlock, HaesNood and Kim. S1 per For Service. 'M•• for Maple. Itwrb and Ash. Having the best sew) cr in caped* try work awn be guaranteed. R SERV -THAT WF:LI. BREi/ 11l' hoar 'Hilly the %tree' will do serwioe on ash- promisee o West Wswann,h. aid' ie. lot • thoroughbred registered Tamworthfow and a tborouxhtrred Berkshire boar. Joust TAY - 1.0K. Nile. I' u. ')1 -It Scissors Sharpening. Q('1SSOR's SHARPENING ARE YOUR t selesors cr *hear, dull and want sharpen- ing r if es. .1esve Itbem at its residence of I' has. Payee Wood work guaranteed or no v.). Or. if you want to save moue,, he will sell you a device. both temple and durable: has been thoroughly tested and patent applied for with .netrucsion. that any laity can do her own •harpenieg at' home or in the shop, is three minutes. ['rice MI .-eats, Try one o' them. {Iso saws filed and set. ('HAIILKM PA YNR. sole agent ter Huron many. Reef - deuce near the sours, Goderk:b. ea tf Tenderr' aated• Ti►NDE:tt• WANTED. -- T1XON:BB will he received be the and until Monday Dec. 17th. IMI for 70 to M cords of green wood to be delivered at the public schools doderich, en or before Feb. I. 1815. rhe wood must be beech and maple, at least i maple, tree from time. sad backlogs and to be to the satisfaction of the contingent Com- mittee. Lowest or any tender not nece.e.ari arepted. Address tenders to Win. Mitch ia Sec. Public School Board, Ooderich, Nov 22, iPSl. 52-si _ TENDERS FOR &OMPLIES, 1595. The undersigned will erre. Tenders for Supplies up to noon on MONDIY DKCttM- DKR Sad, Ire, for the enmity otr Hstchys' Meat, Butter, flour. Oatmeal. toe.. Cord wood, etc•. for the following Institution der ing the year lige. vis. : -At the Asylums for the Insane la Toronto, Linde.. Kineteon, Hamil- ton, Mimics newt ems and Orfila : the Con Building /material or all kinds •• AT PATRON PRICES, Ci town lets to give away Cafl and hear about then[, KIDD'S PLANING, ANI) SAW MILL [leas Near.O. T. R. depot, 1ODtRICH FOUNDRY AND MACHINK WORKS. ►armors -- Try o:ir new ho ave cowers. prow [ILS- The Fleury plows are taking writ, the Rnncim•n land roller ie the beet at the price. sal, The re cormfk binder for out. also implement* from tLe'Watfor, Fleury. Watson and Refer firma, The handling of the Maxneli imple- ments baa been transferred to Dungannon a. it is claimed I emld them too cheap. flow paint reduced in price. castings made to order. ('ash ter metal. FW (`HOppING MILL. -THE SUR. scriber.. basin, put in a new est of bench Huhr mill storms •e propared to do all kind. of grain chopping with dispatch. Mill will he running on Pueaday, Thursday sad Sahirday every week. Hung In your gran - and get it chopped andthom city one ton per hone. Fire -else hotel so 'table aocomalition close by. JNO. S. PLATT, Coal and Weod Yard Loan an Savings Soesety. I f IS Nor WHAT \ OU EARN, BUT WHAT VOL SATE, MAKES YOU RICH. THR HURON AND BRUCK LOAN AND INV STMENT COMPANY. Soc rtmtt..--(ymeres. Ilolt and Holmes - Ii poaiTa. Interest Compounded every e( x. meths at four per cent. per annum, on same from one dollar upwards Repositor. will end It to their advantage to come and see as, LOAN. May be secured as any time without delay on the security of approved disinter property.Ripsaw. mod,•rate. ADpliatlone ree.Ited by the Manager or solicitors. The l'ompaey *Mikes are Inflated on North 'kraal sad Court Hotta Winans- opposite Hynes Vase t. Moe. HORACE HORTON. J. H. ('OLBORNR, Manager. Plvskleat, trap Prtped and Mercer Reformatory, Termite. PPS S Vi lir Sala) Or Sr Relit. the Reformatory for areal Penetamguyhene: _ the [decides for the ieaf and I)uih, Hells ARM FORSALPS THAT VA! CARLE •ells. and the Mind at Brantford Two ss etest senates will be required for the t'aMg- ' of atsak esatract. Speclaeatloos [tad firms of seder eau only he had os apptl- aMltes to the Reweave of the rastpectiveirttrtltu t 1 1 e1,. Teener are not required for the sup - of meat to the Asylums in Toronto, Lon M, Eingeion, Hamilton and Mimlro, nor to the central prison and Reformatory for P melee Toronto The lowest or any tender not eece eartly ac dteptad, R. ('HRiST1E, T. 5'. CHAMBERLAIN, of Prisons Mand l''ork CharitW. llv 1 o•smin 7 m. Noywm bwr Itith. lay[. AYatI fllal sad AU SALF OF FARM PRO- Nen,e of the plowerr Wools se the weeders. there lard sum es to bezel. flansassom (]erir of Bars SATURDAT. TBE Icer. DRt'EMRER, IMI, atswot of 12 =1st rep, bates Jonph Mal a6ust IWf.f'1« .North ` 1t; ,Q oinnl•,t R stern Derbies. .f Tows•blp et Artesia is the 6.eun la nearly all snob sad N gst7:111." gn • e•. and a half mass Mint Tram , dl P at.rsteapQ w y11 og, JOSEPH MAI ten. 7[` 'Y% • Drell TU.' located emperolbocen•(ne.`within three -quarters - of a mile of Oederoh mtgtaro, sod which in past ears has been under cultlyatios a. • fruit with excellent ree.rlts. To a gardener this farm presents an emollient oppppe•rrttomity for lavestmeutias its proximity to (ioderich of fere • See market ter the products Will be ,std at • s.rgain. Address Mn W. CH 12 HOL.w, Saltto d I',t l is U A/ALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SAI.R OR RENT, -- Let a la the nest ooneeeslon. Ooderieh town- ehlp as.nty of Boren. India. from Ooderiei, essl E et 1W acre. more or lees. Ran Ma IS,ga /fy mew, good orchard et choice fruit. with b"( most. an egeollont TgtvarJOHN KNhsOy,, .Auctti.soer, I In the broken front. wast of the Lake • m the Western division, Tows.hipp of Uel Mem eoasty of Huron. S males /tom (ioMwleh 1IO aorta 1 beak earn, goad Fagg .ssItMgti.nssrymewsad w n chub. frayst,, obe. kohl{esest. Apply to JOHN KNOX, ♦reelp w y W L;lL k!eayo is the township e ^ " ' M sores wwo ase Isere lode • trams horse. hams hers sd stn ♦bout «7 mores sons er hard ehoi.. bhluull, Abs_uiM• se boob[, Two NrnT le eesN.wadmaster fans t tarn tided suit rummers Thoboefrnw he M JOBNKNOX, Reuss and W I. the lawn of Climes. -Let Marroa..pge.Itetbe std woolen minl . ono vas Steam hewnwith ed * E 50 - _ Aiil JOHN A u al.a..r, F BALK -11<, $ LOT II IND O0N- ts *ALB AT A 1A1:QAIP mal. T Hotels. ROY at. ROA OPEN Ma. Zipwrows. hay to en 7, W !LUAU`' 5CPKKLOK BAKING pl►Wl)Ehit %%•E siwplh ask you to get our Gek- ing Powder one fair trial, awl if iT does not do just as we represent, then was do not ark you to i ur.•hr.<,• it again. W e. honest lc Clain. that there i. no better baking powder dad* and few that equal it, and the prier. co 'n.ls it to all desiring a first class baking powder at a reasonable rate. Try it and add your testimonial to the many we hate recrise.1. Only alk. her p.uw1. Sold only here. 1'ERI''1' 1I ES. N thew ae' have a !s'a'e ful line 4 the latest and Moat fashionable -odors made. Fragrant :rod lasting. 1'HAS. I). WILLIAMS. ('hemi -r art; 1)ruggi.t. PE'RFli MES. A - full line of the best o-lbrs from the leading Perfumers of . France, 1;.•rinany, England, ane! America, at J. E. DAVIS. ,. PHM. IR Hedioal Hall. WE ARE IN IT, TOO '- SELLIN(:'OUT AT COST. leery &Misr% worth of our lasso stook of WALL PAPER Winslow shades, Chinaware, }'lush and loather Goods, AIbums, .laps New Goods, A11 will he sold at cost, and mist be sold i.y -January 1st. I:Ding into other lines. Now Is the Time for Bargains. is Caper.. -1, 2, 3 and 4o- i e Paper -7a Ise Paper- --10e. 20 and 'LSci.ilt I'aper 15c. 30 inch Ingrain l'aper regular price 2Sc, sale price lie. Our shades are the best in the county. Haring never bought any of the No. or in ferior shade cloth lately put on the market, I will sow sell them lower than yen can half the inferior shades for. $M ITH'S FLANITURS I4TORE AND ART DiEP( PT, F. SfEETH's PL•NING MILL - AND - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. I take this opportunity to inform the public thee i am still la the business not withme lag all rummer nation esntrary. and am Drepared to do every char of work In my Rae trim goking a window hsin* to erectIng • letory building with mansard roof. Wattmeter furnished sed Theeallegefunlsbinl et hniy lath. Altyles and lumner • mster{be ouch as .peoWty. F. SH EETH. Geder,o►, July tib IML L,MUl.SION OT COD LIVER "01i. IN pint. Belk. Per (*ohm .ad OWL No. per Brown's Rarer wild merry Sam. lits' Oos Wise.,'. ise.,'. Irate Pills, file. • bit. l'.. (tor Own ('5.dltioa Powder* Me to, pound p otagu, ('ongb Powdery iter Boma. ea exeells.t rem- dy..ten per Mond. Ansa'. Liniment igs.nhel in Belk. aatia(Ive Ralsit aft • bstlis, Oor stook of Bun Parham* sad Teems eomttlete. y r _____.o It *" v - o Parssvip,Iaa Dreg g(ga,q. Ratullts neowl ...ia jx aisi ° 1RUM _em slpd Was dealt -4