The Signal, 1894-11-22, Page 4TIB SIGNAL: GODHRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 22. 1OC. as ene IYRRY THURSSD Y MORNING air D. asaiillatilfWerlf. Ones ot Pshlteaelo.-a sad (S. NortbirSst, Oederiek. Marta Teress er s.Mer$eaa.s I ae essstb, is revasoe . . -. • - • 1 111 a u p a crreditt is eased. the Mice per rear will b. M M w verba Leet as Tear Label. lead eipbtbsris oases, wWt• ate now nun Nese esese u the d&y. The eivie bespttel hes be.. Wows epee sad 12,000 appropriated to punkas* • supply of Or. Hoax's antt- ex iso. A Port Arthur dispatch says the then urometer on Thursday marked a lower tete perature than at any time sou» the plass was a n oteorologieal etatlea. ('lava Ford, • mulatto woman, was arrest- e d Tu•d•y ntnht on snspicioo of Ming eee- n.ct,ed,'with the murder of Frank Westwood, at Laborde Hall,on tb.e eight of Oct 6 A suit of mals stun and • 38 calibre revolver, wish two ub• riberi, discharged, lonely •Men found eta her house Year label is • standing receipt of the data se which you are paid up. tteo that It Is net allowed to fall Intl arrear. Ti heft • change of address is Testred. both the ad and the new redraws [Mold he Ovate. Advertises' nate. miltC sad other ,asual advertisemeula tee. ns fur trot insertion. and r cents per line re each subsequent lassrtloa. Measured by roc= e. Hamisoss cards •f sit Innes and undo'. 15 par year, of 1,oer. Ironed. Mtnied, alte•siess Vacant, S:1wit +„u+ Syantod aad .alsaaa chancre Waited. sot •xceet!nd S tMaa aospareil. N per month. f3soass on Male and Farms on state. not to ennead S linea, 1l for fin.' month, SOe. per sub- eeSseut month, larger &ayt.. el prop..rt..u. Lay special melee. the object of w)•'ch to ;remote the pecuniary benefit of any mit widest or company, to be ooasidervd aa ad. vertisemear end charred ancordinelv. Local notice in nonpareil type one cost per wird 1 so notices . then' 'r. LoosI notius in ordinary read:rig 'ere 'ion theta per word. No notice for lees than afro General : The labtsh Valley Rad roe.' I' patty will shortly cut 10 per oat. off all salaries over 11,000 The A pyropriat toe 4'o6111httteel of tot French t hamber has decided in favor of the Madagascar credit of 6.5,000,000 franca Buffalo police made • general raid on the dives of the city last Friday midnight and gathered in about 500 loose women. Hon, 1:obert Charles Winthrop, of Ben- ton, the last of the leaden of the stool' lion movement of long ago, died oe Friday n ight. Frank Koc.tue. • French Canadian, hm bees arrested in Denver, Col , ,m suspicion of Mrs the strangler whose crimes so publisibesiwesy aid the mistake d the ply thereto. The eoeeeotiosn of the National Liberal Convention are heli in various cities, where the presence of a large number of leaders of polities) thought is calculated to, and often doer promote a sort of political re, iv al. The diueuasons et these conves tions are regarded as the best evidence to be had of the popular feeling, not in a few centres of population only, hut all over the country. The Federation represents the people holding Liberal principles, and express,' officially the dews that afterwards artexprewed at the poll.. That it is a fWderat fashioned on this pritn-iple the young men expect to organize, is shown by the call sent eta by the Young Liberals of Toronto, to clubs throughout the country. The object of the meeting is set forth in the following wont. •• We believe that the annual c intervenor of such • federation as that proposed would do much to quicken the merest of young men in public attars, and that by a lull and free discussion of the questions of d ocked the city last week. Three women I the Jay, the delegates would aid the lea den of the party and public men generally in Metres for churches and other rel.gb.,is ate• were strangled.I a. certaining the wishes of the people. ts&sovoL..t institutions hal( rateM. it. Car, chief engineer of the PacificI The beet interests of the country would coast etesaswae awersaseerraw divislou of the 1'oit«l stats[ t:eober- be served by enli.ting the young men'oe the A hfmRed number dadrertise*cod and Topoerapbtul Surveytog Impart- side of good government and in support of tales will be innrrted•tthe winwow g r : meet, has tendered his meditation and he •policy determined upon in open coevan- wrr Inch, one in.r•rt1M. #s Mi tan and based upon the experience of the welth l at once enter the employment of e delegates Jr. regard to the senumente of the Japanese I:osernmeet. , people of their own district. •• four insertion& three months... . " six months ._.. •• one year S or. No advertisement less than two inches Is length will be calculated on shot* beide. 5 per cent. discount allowed for cash permeate O a three mosthi contract : lit per Bent. on six sestbi. and Vi per cent. on • year's. These eendittons will be at riot I r enforced. 'brit •'The ntgsn- l" •rer.ery. nufecriber who fail to receive Tea HnNAt. 2 00 I00 THE TIMES ARE HARD- it'IIiNG the progress of an election campaign it is customary for uphold- er, of the present starya'ion policy of the Dominion government to produce rarnlarly; either by ea'r•er or bF mall. will bank Statements to show that there renter a favor M ac„n.,nttint use of the fart at as early • delete pus-ni oleo are millions of surplus capital in the Rejected man us^rpt. canhot he returned. batik vault. of the country. anti to ar Corre.pondence must be written on one side of paper only. t;ue therefrom that we are on that ac Publisher's aware. count in a prosperous condition Linen J. C. i.e Tooret, of (botlerich, has been sp ,-ia:ly. The figures of the Poet (ef dee pointed too al rrsSclli g Agent for the town- ships of Ooderich, Colborne. Ashfield and W •- waneab. Loral poet masters over the district are sem empowered to receive subecriptions to Telt SIGNAL All communications must be addressed to 1) McOILI.I('t'DDY. Ha ltteNAt., Oodericb.Out. p,mplrttote. Telephone Call M. Sas ing, Bank are ;Jso lyra, ht forwanI to show that wherens the deposits in I S; $ were only so much they have in crraaeel by leaps and Lound* until to - ,lay they have Assumed marvellous O e Oos('H RI. THURSDAY. NOV. 22, MN. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Political: Sir Richard Cartwright has concluded a series of meetings is South If:ford. The byrelecction in London ryalted in the return of T H. Hobbs, Liberal, by a majority of ;101. North Renfrew Liberal* hold their con- vection in Pembroke on December the 5th. T. Murray. ex-M.P.. will probably be nomi- n ated against Speaker White. North Bruce conservative. have decided to hold • convention for the purpose of somin•tiag • candidate for the House of Commons, at Tara on Tuesday, lee. 18. A convention of the Conservatives of East lembton will be held at Watford on Nov. 28th, for the purpose of nominating • e•odi. date for the Hoose of ('ommons and electing sneers. A call has been issued for • convenient of the l'onservativea of South Essex to be Lata at Kinpsille on the 26th inst. The convention will ratify the nomination of Dr. King for the Commons, Parliament ham been further prorogued pro forma, until 31st of December. Next time the proclamation will appear it will be for the despatch of business, that is if session is to be held before general election The alleged statement by Hon. Edward Blake, that Lord Tweedmouth offered $10,- 000 to the Irish party, u to be brought to the attention of the British Parliament, the offer beteg regarded as • breach of pnvil- etc On Monday. 2o,th asst., • eonventioc of the Liberal pert, ref Westmoreland, N.B., will be held in Moncton. in the evening of the same day • mase meeting will be held, to he addressed by the Hon. L. H. Davies, M.P., leader et the Liberal party in the Maritime Provinces, and other speakers. The Goodridge t .overnment won the meat lee the Jt. I:asrre'o 1Kdrict,N•wfouodland, by a majority of 54. Thu victory increases ite strength in the Newfoundland House of Assembly to 14, while that of the White- wayities is 21 several of the newly elect- ed Whitewayites have been petitioned against. Canadian: Winter rates en the railways take elect at ow*. The Farman' Rieder Twine i ompany, of Rreatferd, has declared • dividend of 10 per cost. The live stock exports from Montreal thin year have been larger by several 'hennaed bead than last year The Censumen' o ardage (esnp•ny'a works at Brantford have started work afar beim closed for some time. 'I borpe Holmes, the oldest editor of the Niagara district, died en Wednesday at Hillside Farm, sired 82 years. TM rate on panels between Canada sod Japan by poet will be reduced te 20 nose per pound en and after Jan i, 18%. William (;un., Deputy 1'lerk of the Crown, Surrogate Clerk and Clerk of the County Court, died suddenly at Wakensn. The raids os of the later Sir Jobe Abbott at Mentreal is baiag prepared ler teed and Lady Aborigine, who will occupy it abase Nee. tit The Middlesex Rar passed • nesgrstsIet- ery reselutim. to Chimf Justis Meredith. send siestd R. R•yly, V. C., • hanebsr h e passe. Lawmdi-d to the (ievesme.mt inpotee's st go% wsterly 1.000 tone acv, of Yee seek psis& through W t.tf..e hem the West the fine Mas ash Head el Reath sex Wades SeengetttwttaeseesirfMile Such arguments when not subjected to analysis often catch the unthinking, - :Ind raise a hurrah ftom the know nothing elestent in the audience which .can only he equalled it, vodmne by a •Irantatic allusion to the e'tent of (:a nada from the North Pole to the 49th I parallel awl front Labrador to the Pacific coast. What are the facts ' When. money lockets up its the bank vaults and the figures uninvested reach up into the millions the sign is'the surest that a panic has seined the investors, that business is stagnated and that the hanks and money lenders have lost confidence in their country to such an extent that they prefer to lock up capi- tal rather than take business chances that ordinarily would he looked. upon as safe investments. Them never was a time in the hi; - tory of Canada. when o much capital was locled rap in the bank vaults : there never was a time when business enterprise received so little encourage meat from capitalists. and there never was a time when the practical with drawal of money from investment tended so much to stagnate business interests and paralyze progress. The whole country is suffering lit cause of commercial stagnation, which has been brought about by the locking up of capital and the feeling of insecurity that has resulted rom the policy of protection which has ex t:tee' for the past fifteen years. When next an appeal is motile to the people, all the tabulated statements that can be brought forward to prose that because millions of money aro stored is hank vaults while tens of thousands of people on the outside are hand up will not he accepted as proof that I 'anada has prospered during the pest fifteen years. or is prosperous to - ,lay. THE YOUNG LISRAL CONVENTION APART from the general election, which from the signs of activity at Ottawa ins, be expected immediately after the completion of the voters' lists, one of the most important events in I S95,lpolitically, will be the colleen tion of Young Liberals, to be held in Toronto is the latter part of January. Hitherto general party conventions have been held at irregular intervals, and, as in the case of the great t Ittew• convention of 1593, at the call of the party leaden, who have been required to assume altogether ton much reopen sihibty in connection with the man agesent of the for"e• fighting under their leadership. The intention of the pr motors of .l1e present eonventice is that it shall be the means of forming • permanent organixatiow, operating upon the principle of the Native's! liberal Federation of (beat Rriteia, and like it bolding ennead itenf rens'as IN the diesseion of the position of 0" A. a ,antral organising body, .a medium for this ,htfusiot' of political literature and a headquarters for Lib real speaker; ,during a campaign, the proposed federation would be extreme- ly valuable. its operations could be t-s'an'ietl on by -thee contribution of a small fee of probably not more than ten cents yearly pelt capita of the membership reported byatliliat - ed clubs. We belie ie the idea is one that will result in advantage not only to the Liberal party, but to the people at large, but it will place the control of party polities in the hands of many, instead of the few as is too often the vase at prwnt. We trust that many club* from our own county will be represented et the ,•onvention, and in the coming Young Liberal Fede' at ion. T H E.political yuidnuncs are endeavor ing to find cause for the great flop in the London election returns. The opinion of The SIGNAL is that it is due to the able efforts of that great politi cal hoodoo, E. E. SHEPPARD, whose sup,erfervid oratory hes on all ocea sions brought wreck and ruin, distress and desolation, daunige and diath be gond all hope of resurrection t.i every political or municipal part whose cause he has espoused. Some years ago $nlPPAKI' discovered that he was n " born orator." He took a course of lessons on voice eulture',ciieet expansion and .stage delivery, satisfied that the heaven born afflatus would do the rest. `ince that time he has in flitted himself upon every public audi- eace that couldn't call in the services of the police. His hebhies have been political and municipal addresses, and port -prandial speeches. The trouble i■ London was that Seise. got tangled up on the nature of the function in thel city hall, and delivered a post-prandial speech instead of a political address. He got his " beer and pig'. feet • tangle.) up, so to speak. The electors di.! the rest THE mord of police magistrate SSA ,.FR up to ,late ix a good one. it is just two menthe since he was ap- pointed, and this two disorderly houses have keen closed up and their inmates compelled to leave town. although it was c'ontende'd by the previous magisterial incumbent that the rlearlag up of the foul nests was impossible. In addition to that two young girls who had been turned into street walking by the laxity of the authorities have been sent to jail for a term, and all the way round a general straightening up of loose been has re suited. The appointment et a police magistrate inPoelerich has been a good thing for the tows. A N erroreous impression exists that the withdrawal of the petition against the return of .1. T. (lARsow in West Hume) was the result of a "saw -of." From Petitioner Btu. we learn that Aitch is not IM case, as lie would not be a party to any such transaction, and, speaking for Mr. Galleon, we con as sure the public that he had no tamper ing or collusion with a "saw of " in may way or shape. He won an honest election, and wan prepared to fight it out to the very last. Let's shake hands all around, and settle doves to our ordinary labors of love THIN appears to he a had year for hoadlers. Tammany has leen downed in New York, in Montreal damaging revelations have been made+, Toronto dtewncil has seaweed the resignation of Aidennea t'r'swaa'r, and is nearly every town in the country where pub- lic works have been largely prosecuted some mayor or councillor i• at present shaking in his boots for fear of dswel- optnenta SNAP SHOTS. What's the matter with Martyr M aeras ! Oh, he's all right we don't think. For the past twenty-four hour•' nobody In luadoa ham undertaken to say ,. Mower must go." Even Mayor FsaajY's prestige as a family mac didn't save him from de feat in Lon' Lon Tuesday last. The London Free Pre es idently saw Moluts chances of success through the wrong end of the telescope. The late Czar of all the Itussias took a long time to die, and his obse- quies have been almost as long drawn out. The notices for the funeral cf the late candidate ENTRY, of London, bars not been postedpup, but hen's .lead, just the same very dead. opera whish was a retake welts legiliMies tinkers who could dieloeate the Wham peY- usal and muasotpal system of Omens. h r. aeertaot knows, as probably no ether ran is the Area-Maaoa world knows, the tree worth of Ontario's issututioos. lie is familiar with the eraser of other countries. more familiar thee the Patrons are wink the fabrie el their own uoswtry's uonetttutiesa Hs knows the darner of changer fur he oaks of abases He knows or value of eentrdtasd authority, because his studies have taught him how in a crisis looaliad power me early he defied. Some ..f t hoe. who listened to Dr. Boort mot aught to have rose away oosvinod that they have a duty as patriots, which is more sacred then their part aan obligation to oast Mowat. It is no light thing to Americanise a provincial ev.tem which represents • dis- tributi,,n ot ;ewers between the municipal- ity, the et. te .nil the nation, which u more perfect than anything with which the wit of man hes blessed other countries. - It will be in order now to inve•sti- gatw De; -Si sl's majority of one in lxingitton, anti get the esteemed I:tu pure oft' tae tenter hooks. Ald. STtwART, of Toronto, who is charges) with lstodling, has stepped down and out. it is beginning to look as if there was no place in municipal politics for the boodles. TIIB SSIGNAL congratulates .1. T. (i ()'tow, YF.. upon being safe 111 the iwddle in West Huro.l. The ulti mate withdrawal of the petition was never in doubt by Mr. (:Annus or hi. frien'ls. With wheat at Ise. a bushel glitd beef at ?lc. a pound, live weight, Ca- nada ought to be a cheap country to live in : and sus it would he if it were not for protection and the combines of all kinds that rob the people. ALBERT EDWARD, who is known in Russia as WALEskl, took Bart in the funeral ceremony of the late ('car. Ile was so used to being " blown up " by I sitot'eHzas that the possibility of being dynamited b' the Nihilists hail no, terrors for him. The esteemed Hamilton S e.•ta for is hereby informed that it wasn't Blobs, nor Snobs, nor Gobble, nor Tot*, nor 1)obb.; nor Cobbs, stir Fobbs, but a gentleman named Hoots, who dug the polidcal grave for the late Tom F:sseKy, in London. Tuesday last. THE VOICE OF THE PRESS. .ta OLlr it.44 WA mIlITT. London Aivertu»r Mr. Natter has not the inspiration of a leader of men, but even if he had, his chances of eonductiag the Government of the Province with 25follow- ers, in a House of 94, would not be particu- larly bright. W• venture the assertion that Sir Oliver's •versre majority during the next four years will be as great as dur- ing Say previous tour years of the 22 years during which he has held the fort. rr,cil 111,e. 11'1.x. Toronto Star When • bank-te enabled to put away many millions of dollars for "rest" and keeps it laid away without pay- ing interest on it, the time seems to have ar- need for a radical change in the country's currency system. Possibly bank shareholders have never re- dacted (kat many, many millions of their cash is lying practically unpredu.tee, bat that seems to be about the eondition of af- fairs. it may be wise to have thio money bold in reserve in can of trouble, but it would be n.uch safer to make the •ation responsible for all the circulating medium, sed thea immense sums would not be lying idle. Coder muting conditions hacks loud freely in boom times, really encouraging the booms, and then when depression comes they are only too read, to eke) down on the Tan they formerly encouraged. Im- mense sums of money are hoarded instead of being available for legitimate enterprises and to emmourwge industries which would provide employment, keep money ciroulat- tag and prevent hard times. The • A's ,.I wit. 'Al 'ST. Termite Globe In West Huron Mr. Gaunt, the Patron nominee for the Hominid (jommoss, withdrew his suppwt from the Pewee nominee for the Legislature whoa he Learned that he was • member of tee P. P. A. These was some d.wtiefectice ever this, but The Former. Sun thinks M r. o :aunt was in the right If thio is the only complaint presented swine Brother (least, be should set oily be kept is the Geld, bet be supported by every lever el liberty in the riding. Let wise ee.neel prevail. let the subject be ealmly diaeussad, and honest, indepssdest sense taken. Puttees do not want their eanidates to enter Parliament with riders spas their becks, Oar platform is hard asses to be aeceptakle to isdgwwdent slower, everywhere. Mr. (:wt's serine as certainly is weird - saes with the frequent red sphatb a kin tlesiaesUoc that the artier ass have set ting be de with seetarten vMames& se swowurwns Lt.ttfs TssuwM Taisgw " : It is lane weds, that a thinker sad skrdatl like Dr. lle.risM dwell fed all the I d.[y.we he empress' * ata Trtelty'. hsegset se the helliest COUNTY EXCHANGE. Heefrys James l.on►mire has purchas- ed the farm recently owed by Robt. Mc. Donald. Henfry■ Rev. J. H. Watts, while in Walkerton, had the m'mfortuae to break hes arm about the wrist. Welton TM Andrew Morrison tarns South of here has been bold to John Mow bray. The puce is said to be $1,800. Brussels F. s sort has sold for I) Mc(. illicudd y,ot The H urea signal, t he prom • ices-kmwn as the old I'ust building, to lie. Gerry. h:xetes Ald Thos. B. Carling is le bilge glee at present. his wife having pre• seated him with • bouncing boy on Satur- day last. McKillop Robert Hannah has leased his farm, being south half of bet 20. concess- ion 9, eontataier 'e0 acres, to his eon-la-lhw, Henry Warden. Exeter There died at the residence of ('has. Snell, jr , on t% sdnesday ot lust week, Mrs Elizabeth Ferguson. relict of the late Robert t'ergun. SeafortheeK,1 Ifinchley sad JAN Dodds retuned frem Muskoka on Friday last. They had an eejovable time and took home with them eight deer. Grey : It is stated that the frioeds of ex reeve Streams' ere making an effort to have bins accept a nomination for the re.eeehtp in grey towns ip for 1899. An UlsterZ_:,,,,_,. An Overcoat, A Suit of Clothes. Usborse Richard .Johne. of this place. has just finished a substantial book house, .doubt story on his 100 acre farm on the 7th coaesnn of rebore,. Seaforth K. S. Hay*, barrister, has leased the brick reetdeaee belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. ('lark., on .tone street and will soon occupy it. Exeter Mrs. Andrew Hoskin, of Far yuhar, has moved into the residence recent- ly vacated by -las Martin. and intends making Exeter her future home. E. Wawanosb one day las: week • little son of .las. McCallum fell fres the high beam in the barn, a distance of i8 feet, bat escaped with slight 'usury. ('baton : Thorpe Holmes, of St. Cather- ines, eldest brother of E. Holmes, I died on Wednesday evening : at his regne.t six of his nephews will be his pall -bearers. Morris .boo, Mellroy, ,it line, had over 3,000 bushels of turnips off three scree of land, there were 131 heaped loads. This is • big yield. He has 2,500 bushels in one NL Grey W. 1_ Mc(ja•rne, teacher in S. y. No. ), has been re-engaged for 18%, at an advance over last year's salary. The trustees show their appreciation of • good teacher. Wingham Alfred !related, of town, conductor on the Loudon freight, had the fore anger of the right hand taken off by the buffers while couplin, cars at i enbeld, on Monday, 12th. Egmondvill• t hie day last week, Wm. Eberhardt'a asivhbors, with their teases, to the number ot twenty six, gathered at his n ewly purchased farm, and turned over about twenty five scree of soil. Clinton One day last week IM. Moore and his brother were ruing u • tight wages when the reach broke and beth were thrpwa out on the road, the doctor sustataug a dim - location of the shoulder blade. tt; isgham H. E. Snell has a live exon sad • couple of rabbits in one of the win- dows of his storeThe window alio con- tains a cedar stump, some leaves, Sc., and the strange inhabitants appear quite at home. Brussels - It a hinted that one or two persons in this locality are suspected of do- ing considerable petty thieving and if suf- 6cient evidence ma be obtained Goderieh will be their address for the next six months. Hallett . The other day, as .lames Stevens, of the hese line, was carrying some feed into • stall occupied by • colt, the ani- mal became frightened and crushed him aaraiest tee side, injuring am of his arms severely. Brussels: The 10•steetb-old see of S• eael Plum was seated in • high chair last Tuesday morning and in attempting to play with • deg eweeMl..ese sad fell 'Dewiest the stove, woesg • serious bun en his Ease sear the eye. McKillop D. 'ryerm•e formerly of this township, has leased his 100 acre farm ad- joining the village of Grantee, to James Fester for a term of live years. Mr. Faster pays:a rental of $250, pays taxes and does statute labor. Ashfeld Arch. McLeod, of Asn8eld, and father of ex•policem•• J. K. McL.od,of Lecturer, died at his residence as Saturday at the age of '77 years. The remains were iaterred 1. the Relies cemetery on roes - day. He was a pioneer settler and highly respected. Blyth : Confirmation service was held in St. Miehasi's R. t. cheroh on Monday merwiag. Rev. Bishop (Moaner, !amine conferred the rite ea a number of osedi- dates He was •misted is the serves by Rev& Fathers Wee►. el U.dsrioh, wed Quig- ley, St. Augustine, (Mato.. Just • year age • psi peg be. Waging to Mies Murray, usaaosustably got lost, and efforts to discover its whereabouts failed. The ether day. very masts to her joy and surprise, the dog came hems. It had evidently hoes kept is ean6sme t as awed was stesshd to its seek. Seaferth : We mash repast rte hsar of the death d John f. Kseehtel, of Sseneb, tend father of at'. Rosette' el this tows. Mr. Lsoehed did en Mender ; he wee 72 years d age. He me one of aaeeeh seals - am, teed ewe of his chief aims I. IN. seem- ed to be to de geed se his fellow man. B. Wewesneh : Jas. Mstallsm, u., while ebpplsg tan Monday. W the mhder- tens se mit tree el his toes Mem* d sad enesM about Mil eel; there is only • Melo pietys el oafs es the este holding the toe Wes a Re W the midnfmwn sews posse age te act the great Me et flbe ams bet. Are any of these articles on your list? Are you a ready -money buyer? Would the saving of from $1 to $5 on an investment of from $5 to $20 be an induce dyou to pay Cash : If so don't make anymistake about the right place to uy. Ours is the ONLY CASH «° ONE PRICE STORE in the County where you can get a complete outfit. Do you know what Cash and One Price means ? If not, come here and see. Don't pay a high price with the idea thatou're getting something better. -You're not, _you're_only. paying the long credit price. The best things from the best makers are here, all marked in plain figures at one price ---always the lowest price. You're welcome to look, to examine, to compare. iraOhQVx\Gel EVERYTHING TO WEAR. ANOTHER CHANCE to get Bargains at the t'rest DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP SALE 1i11(ASER & PORTER'S. __T1 33ESTY='moi__ THIS WEEK AND NEXT, COMMENCING NOV'R. 15th. WHAT EVERYBODY IS WAITING FOR! FANCY CHINA"0SILVER WARE SALE Biscuit Jars, Crean Pitchers and Sugar Bowls in the Wave Crest ware. After dinner Coffee Cups and I ordoek Tea Cups. Bisque Figures; Hot Water $11166 Fancy Dishes for Burnt Almonds and " Sweet Meati." Fancy Glass Rose Jars and Flower Tubes ; the very latest 20c.. 25c. and 35c. Cups and Saucers, sale price 10c., )2c. and 15e. 50c., 75c. and 1.50 Cups and Saucers, sale price 25e., 35c. and 50c. $1.50 Salad Bowls, sale price (18c. $1.00 Salad Bowls, sale price 50c. 75c. Salad Bowls, sale price 35c. Fruit Dishes, Fruit Plates and Bread and Butter Plates at Cost Price. Knives, Fork. and Spoon. (Roger Bros.. 18471 at Dissolution Sale Price. A line of Potosi Silver Tea Spoons, regular price $2.50 per dozen, sale price 98c per doz. A line of Potosi Silver Desert Spoons, regular price $3.50 per dor_, sale price $1.25 per doz. A few new lines of Baskets just to hand ; they are yours at whole- sale prices. An elegant line of Silver and Celluloid Photo Frames and Hand Mirrors at one-half off retail prices. All Goods must be sold by JANUARY 1st. This Sale is no ordinary event, hat a blessing to those who intend to bay Xmas Presents, and must continue until the Cash required is realized. The latest Toy, the Climbing Monkey, 29e. No good. charged at sale prieea. FRBSER Ss PORTZ, a..r Bookseller's and Stationers. A ogee .e to 1 Steer For r Ste ipib Tine "o liatirkaesu •beep •I H at pm t'r Farm t rot', eb Hybl. Hs Waste, Tendsn Flair •.e u.a re, tout of both Is non l?i,-i R hil my fell mai. 0ng bees tad leis 'l. tow ask es[ion. 1 •m Wry, bl fetor, w 'oder'. h 1'c a THE FTom Ie Il t.a• ft h 1 e, N T A new minted Nether The helms %Neem' Newt "e(agn term mewle were (?Mei „210 Wage oeR interim * 1 !rre to on** rt so.- Ile T. `bar. I deem limed .. A. a' Ball avow bath. V etim. 111;‘,,,e the Alf voted fly weal le 'ewes kV*. Pester I dt e C. k R'r