The Signal, 1894-11-22, Page 3Dentistry. IIIOBOL01}�LD $-Deslt�fwy.��j,, Ani feel =" YW ▪ tsar. enfor p•MI•m DR' RIOHARDWOIV, L D. B.. •dntleMwe/ death* Sam sad ,a'.s. vs. .1 i air earmisol iaOrem the promisioation t,t'Ma pp�pmmb�� - fflLbeek- .N�aaoe Llis k. gdwtel. Lr saemeai i lie HUNTss,�pfTetCIAN, suit 1J awe, ao. US.. -Mc, Is. Zara. Night o•1 e. trona IarttkfLirW 111111181. ('tAMPlON A JOHNSTON, BAKRIS- vv ire, Yolleitr.. Notaries, arc.. Ooduio6. Ulaloes-Over Jordan's Dru.' Store. Y. CAM riO1. Q. C.. M. O. JURY. -FON. ete.7 rc lose. stgp LOrTUS li. DANCEY, BAKRh TER, * Nacho,, Cosmorama,. tc.. oto. /Iowa to leas at lowest rete•. Hanoi's Nock. Op. Polite Colborne Hotel. Oed•rtch. 0.L MU if L' N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PRW- L' . tor loath Maritime Ceara of tJue fer Ono►--YOslbora. k.ut. fl RRO. HAYS. BARRISTER. SOLICIT 0 . Oft kr. Moe oma use TRI SIGNAL GODrRICH, ONT., THURSDAY. NOV. 22, 18H. A VICTORIA UO. MIRACLE. TRK STORY OF AN K\-KILK VI.: OF CARDEN TOWN9Hll, ret Miriam mull., u. IVTLvan lieryaano. YON ttllat'rarier III••.11. 1'Nr rN'IA9!t A\i, Tkatroksr IV Twatillytr ,,aNUAL HSrrITAL ra11.Li. r. Yater HIY How YL 'lAx albrreMOo Ter H.AI.TI, asp *1.111 ITy. him who Lindsay loot. There are few mea better known ill Vic. term aunty than Richard Fititerald, win was use of the first settlers of the township of ('uric°. He was elected to the honor- able position of reer a of that towuehip far twelve .uro's•ive years, fwd dllaf the peo- nes with w mush ttcoepteone to the people that he was premed to ,w°uuue i• other for • Wager Pais, but was compel!, 1 to declive the boson. It therefore gee„ without say- ing that Mr Fitzgerald a not oaly known to all the residents of the township, hut Ow. hoc word is oensidered by those who know bin Lo be as good ke his bend, and that upon anything he may ry the moat ninepin maddenoe may be placed. HV fad weed hen young. a alt or core h w Odrbb over adegrs,b Wise. R1- man could sot be found, but Pri- vate rude a lard a lowest now Winter- an iron coestttutioo, he did what Goo "'t' fit► are prone to do. neglected his health 1 ARRU�1 PR(1CDFUl1Tt BAR - :len. himself to all sorts of weather. l� �a • the pursuit of kis calla . as • farme rtea.ea � �e,� -cots, J, T. Ytre.ar. . NitWsaL eat Jit the akar dor Noun eta time :Us *war seventeen years age he found hod sMMsoted rheumatism of a n, lerta,ajd each succeeding day found lk • wenn posttie• He applied to the I dettors in hi. ne'ghborhoal, but rece relit and wee thea induced by the pply for admission to the general herr t 1'0rnat0 for treatment, sad was in twtnuti•.a tor several month■, until he isheartened at the want of success an ag his treatment ••d refereed hon.e,ss Nought• to die. By this time the mu the holy had become .o contracted e ouuld not straighten bis limbs end arced to speed the greater part of his bed, and whew able to get around at as oily with the Lid of a stout psi When e attempted to raise t his legs would crack at the k ice etirks of weal, Palled w odors told hue, by the t'uul to into being completely dried e wee constipated t, • fearful de t'hs he retired •t night there was not 'cent blood in his vein' to keep him f. bat weasel), cold. and m order to k m warm his daughter kmtteel him w egging@ amid hoed them with soft re neral less hN family, • portion of wl • �Wlilt�111. HOLT A Hf ILMS:N. H.Wllsss 1. (A•a.'r7 to. C. C nee s•, 4C.: P. cleat ; Oodles Holmes O. WARD. CONVEYANCER, 6.1 . to.. sad esylmfete•r ter maim sad n• enr010g reoog.faaatss d boil. 014davlu °tar la or sn�g�slSlsa. er solemn doolpto- ttose la or say softie, wit r pro. seeding w the Cort of Jambe, the Court of Anima Om r to say Squat r tNrlsi.s Cwft, Aa Y..macttoes o•ret*l,7 and prompt(/ ezeceted. Its•idesce and P.O. address - s trot. flat.-tf L.Oana anti lnauranee. 1 SYAGYM,_WNVE1"ANCING ANL era°, Mp0 teUderUM.'s Hetet HONEY TO LEND ON MORT(;AGE as N east. Notre discounted. C. Ili flail. ore °ppoNte Martin's Moet. uude- blO) EY TO LOAN. - $2;,00u.W au Private road. to Isad a st per cent. •n easy. W9TC6a.I)ANI't\.l orton'.block. saese14. O.abuse Hetet (iodrnck. t°: 11 • L:'• J. T. ialPTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND • la.anees smelt . at lowest . North -.t. and dquan. tied- res __76. to ,NO TO WAN. APPLY TO' OAlip0S MOter & 1101.111111. aide- LONZT TO LEND. -A ARU I alliwentttt..dse gra-ohms leads br�� al t R RAiDOLIFTE, GENERAL IN - Real imams and teem Jews. Aural. Oady ares law eompsaiw M .5.L I d. Money to Land cm •trough Sere at the lowest rate of interest gel.1. la way to suit flea oonowr. ileo.-• 0... Mor from Spears, Wow Bums GoMAI ds •arty poolat ee cl of maty and .often ✓ be- F ueca- him loco awed in to pial that was code ors• este. that f was time 1° all it ✓ ot snatchest1 heh his feewee d the the H ti out - fee eep I ' solea ool. see thew father tor the feet tone, as hewoo thought to be on his death bed. Pieallrr suffering es much leelily pain as wouldhave killed an ordinary man, and at • timewhen Ma had sot oet foot no the groundfor a year. he was induced he his son tohe had heard of the many rentarkahleclres made by that remedy. It wee aftergrre them a trial. as be had spent • mallfortes, in medisies and different modestreatment uoder which he had eteedilvgrown worse, and he had dampened of lieding enything third woold help him. At lasthe began the riee of Ptak Pills and had nottaken them long before be began to noticeContinuing their use he found he eould getaroutod much better than he tied been ableto do at any time tor many years, andafter • Will further use of Pink Pills hewas entirely relieved from all rheumaticperm aod he is now • wonder to himselfaim all whet know him. lir. Fitzgerald isnow 0'0 year, of age, is able to walk toKirkton every dal, and le reit:mane bettorhealth than he has had once he was firstaffectedIM. Wilhanis' Pink Pilk ere a perfectblood builder and serve restorer, cunngsuch tlibeeeee as rheumatism, neuralgia,partial paralysis loco tor ataxia, St.Vitae' rilybee, nervous headache. nervousprootration end the tired feedbag therefrom,the &her effects of La rrippe, domes@ ...e- pee/nu upon humors in the blood, such asecrolula, chronic erysipelas, etc. PinkPills give • healthy glow to pale amid sallowoempleviona, and are a specific for troublespeculiar to the female system, and in thecome of Dien may effect • radical cure is allmess arising from mental worry, overwork,or 'Icemen of any natureIh. Wiliam& Pink Pals may be had etow druggists, or direct by mail front Or•Wilhener Medicine Company, FtrockvilleOet., or Sobeasctedy. N. st 50 centsboa, or six boxes for $2 50. Tbo price atwhieli these pills are sold maltdi • course oftreatment compel -Lovely inexpensive socompared with other remedies or medical ide in Michigan, were summoned Mune JAM�INael' Imt1Wte. IODERJCH Ml1OH*5IO8' IN$TI- .A TL'T1 LIBRARY AND READ1NN- 5511. sof. of gut *treat Lid Square lop Open frees Ito a r.e.. and from 7 to 10 r.a. ,BOUT MOO VOLTS IN LIBRARY. Leaden,LM.i11, Weekly end IUauprabd Papers mier, ete. on Pik. MEMBERSHIP TicR.T• ONLY etas. moue( tree us of Library Lid Reediest, Roes. IAfro/leadoes la tor es seberehlp reoslv*d by IL 09L1Wt:Nt. OEO. STIVILN. SMpe1M Merch 11111 1t. secretary. An1YaMaliner. 'BOKA8 OUIIDRY, AUCTIONEER and teems... Agent. Ooderlob. Oat. ■ et Loados and I*soa.hire Pin las Co.. d Bore District Mutual lam. Co. takes at rifled to is say pan of the manta. SD17 OHN KNOX. GEIDERAL AhC- *•.ssr aid Lead Yelwer. Ooderteh, a Marie. W ueaoliessW esperiewie Is arse Yid°. M Y is a psrttss to lti•rls aletneadi aatiebetisa •U con bleed eltrlltall to Win. Orders left •t lmumma'ab er sant by mill to his addreea t 7X \Ascoaroh Iw/ Jassieled to. OHN Dania ASnom n°ement. :ETN EXTIACTED WITHOUT PAIN THKL-Cd60RIDE AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S SttaT&L PARLORS. Milli MESE INAGP NEST -STREET •ODidIO=, 0ebrde m• endiesi °d'anLhctics..her • rough tt•e.rtt,, rw.kt*g le the most stasssse- •Ipreststls. ef ddIgbtfsl sad imiteedelied was to goblet' tamt I Wive the ..tv esilnightt M ewe h sed•rie Ike l.t•N stile discovery which 1• warranted sewer roue the loam pain dartag the •z0.etlos emit r •temp• of any k1ad. In smarty 7 seem sad wry little pet■ 1. the most ease eases. 112'1"gMIL-0S3LORIDJC Leal .n°m°ebetio that neer-.wets the met la w stigktest. Is WmNm es water. the tees betted knows s earth to reader teeth n.n.s.NYwe to pain. Pellagra re sae It L r•eWyN, ■sreNw. J• 1 . Blve0s. nervation •t the Nitrol teeth •.p•oielty. rUsn�well end •klUtelly dune are sales >lNN DR. N. RICH •AMON. A YP.l.AI Sobbed bee. ant trimly urry to give you pun, Mr. tame, 'maid the rung Ldy, `but OW at ailed@ to thin miSket more. i one r lo your wife.' het i year final •newer, Miss Irene M' +thing ma radon, yea to ohmage your Inn" mind 1. 1.ally sed e.dtrsbly made hides,' said theyouag erg. *Meg Seg around for bio hat, 'bs4*o we - on this evening I sad' • bed .1 di Vita Perkins I11at yea west lay Ns' Parma 1 have woe. i alae alum . but 11 wee deed biretta Wm Irwin !lad. hie aim Molnar: tan with see - 7•• haws e�eg • rile. 1,.. ts ed a °gd w baYle and Wing + sat .1. a p.Mld Inset 0004 41. 1e 1. War Ile She Main. foro.to News : Thom who think that Use action of Bishop W.ttoreoo in excluding honor dealers from office in Catholic socie- ties. endorsed as it was by Mgr. Satolli, is • matter of sena s ooloom.os, should read Archbishop Ire&ud's paper upon the matter is the October North American The Archbishop not only attache the rre•tor* ramble importance to the d.dars- tion of the Ohio bishop, but he gives yignr- ors expression to his own verve and whoa be dselare. to he the views of the (bmtek. He a.orts that intemperance is • bwno.., emit -wrecking min, tibia the American saloon X the fey of the ('hurch, and hetweee they antagonists there eau toe no truce . that Catholics were warned by the P1...ry l'o.acil of 13.3 a cheese some more desist netball of nuking a living than .shI1. liquor, Ind that "•men, the latholie. of Almeris the saloon i1 • doomed instite- The issue of the pastoral letter of Rishep Watts non was • significant event is i The amplification of it by Arehhrhop Inv Lad arks it vastly more important. It mimes the beginning of a war that will sot sod until tie position of the Roes.. Olathe - lir (anreh in regard to the liquor trsio i. Obi name as that of NII M.thodi.t ('heel i. sow. 1ss Neat latae A short time •fis, age ye fw.i.wille (to.rier-do°rs•1, • young lady wee troubled with • boil an hoer base, whit* grow ea bud Nei.he thought R neeresary to roll in • pby.iei.a 81e had foraged • dielik• for the family physician, se her father •.ggoat d esvrsl other% end finally said that tie would tall in the yang p1ysi.4e with -a1• b.bewp11sti• bee who ped the heves •very evenie4-they kept • sheep Iwke.% whin ter hint sad in M sass nisei he wee .dW i.. Tim yams lady e.deeal► .how. d bib at member. The little Na.. fueled at H W egad : Why, Matti petty 1d.' w abe .U,"d0 meet i dal' 'If i were y.., Ia ,_ewred. 1 Imola Awl ter • Fir aloe 1 i an • p1ramir. STORIES OF FOREST FIRES. Mur. tut a5 Mhos Meshed to tae Ps - tl..ae• t. Dee hafts' Pittsburg Dispatch : Nash been fent- tag am parboiled fist is a.e of the •eisele to the recent free that raged u the lam er diarist. of Central Peaasylvaata. Joke McCurry, who lives near urtltwood, tells of lbw etruage asidst in b•okweeda Ill•. A terrific fin bed swept over • low - Ives district about • half mole treat the Su*luehesw River, devouring the fallen b.alocks and underbrush, with • tieroesese that wee startling. The eec.,ud day after the fin, whom the grouted heel become cool enough to allow traversing, Mc('urry start- «. roto the burned district to look after • ow park plea 11e followed • deep re - vine for • mile or mere, whelk bin 000155 changed and he mase his way in the dar.c tion of the river. In May last. when Um stream overflowed its bsn;a and the twenty feet of extra water ,eluged the narrow West Rraacb valley, it focused Lakes and ponds when hefore then had beta dry land. is one particular spot, which was much lower than the surruupdip esuatry, being °atur•Ily swampy, the river water made • pond from two to four feet in depth. This water was kept quite fresh by the constant & occas1 n of • etrony spring ie the neighbor hood. The pond was hemmed in on all sides by rhododendron, swamp hemlock, e nd water birch In addition to the Interest attached to this pool because of its very odd formation, was the tack that it co°tamod fish Luniberaiea who mooed by it. edge on several •aaatow maw the unmistakable movements of quite terse fish In its murky depths- They bad been carried in with the strong sweep of water during the May deed, and were caught to the pool when the water receded. I he ms wet, raw the fish declar- ed they were carp of large vii. Tbu paid was directly in the wake of the recent forest limited its borders of hemlock •ed bush ted the flames in char mad race across the country. As McCurry neared the pond, but before he was in sight of it, his emotions wee attracted by • low growl- ing, mush lake the noise made by • dog •ben gnawing bones. Climbing up from the depths of the ravine, McCurry, who was cow within fifty yards of the pond, was sur- prised to see two monster black bean busily *agaged devoun.g something at the waxed edge. tine of the pair win evidently afraid of the other's movemeeta, for he kept up • constant chattering as he chewed et some white looking object which be held m his lore pews. It was some time before M.- ('urry meld determine what the bear's feast commuted of. Suddenly one of the black fellows made a lunge into the water and waded carefully aortas the pond to when sometime, lay Rotating 00 the curiae•. When bruin picked the object up Met urry saw that it win a fish f he old fellow waded hack W shore lit and bereft devouring his pnzio. It was T some time before the bears had gotten all at they wanted. This dome, however, they hoe shambled off across the burned district in 1 the direction of the greener Lords, much to at the chagrin of the young woodsmen, who, aside from a small a:e, win unarmed. Pond When the bean had departed Mc('urry tit made hold to Investigate the cease of the lumina' attention to the pond. He loom! on th 'he surface of the little lake several dead off fish. The water was decidedly warm, and red and the trio sltemtion soon presented itself Th to him. The forest fin had heated the hu water in the poled to such • degree that the tw fish shed and coated to the top. The bean bee in their meandering, discovered the fust of bea fish earl helped themselves. Sole Another incident of the recent forest fires an in the Pine ('reek regtoo is noted by '.am W Campbell. who works in the woods sear ne Blackwell's `lam win one of the crew of bru men sent 0.t to "back fin" (fight fin with him ire), and be declares that their experience ds was most thrilling. Whole setting fir. to • thicket that crowned • rocky ridge, he and g• hie crew were startled to find themselves Th suddenly in the midst of a lot of rattle- bear •00155. The forest fin win advancing up tet. the hill at • rapid rate. Ile whietling, the whirring sound as it devoured the hemlock feet tops was temfie, and the man wore best oo you building • line of ire to Wart toward it, eve hoping that when the two (tae met the steers fury of the flames would be subdued for lack of materiel upon which to feed. It was while thus employed that they encountered ' the wakes, The grouted Reamed to be liter• a bi ally alive with rattlers, the reptiles crawl- lest leg in the direction of • rocky bluff not mon than 100 yards distant. The men were all man equipped with barb -topped leather boots, pout and paid little oeed to the sakes, stepping win 00 them as though they were bot harmless *tree old sticks. Campbell says that the nattier visit made by the reptiles ceald be beard above lived the roar of the distant Imes. The "back to tel fin" made by the mu caught dozens .f the nth crswl.rs, and they were horned to death. bicy When the Rams advanced so close that the hone wakes saw further escape w.. impossible, • to they would coil op in • heap, darting their .peed heads ugnly at the tongue of Rains, then relapse when the heat overcame than, • biey moment later to be devoured. Camoph.11 also tells of • strange sight yenta which he and his men maw oo this trip. " They were crosing • strip of horned ground and when the attention of ow of the men wee d atter eted by • moving object in the houghs his h of a big hemlock. Th. crew sttppd to in fair) vetiste. About twenty feat front the made groaned on • tarp limb near the trunk of • Pm Wee mat • f.11-rrown catemo*°t, and in her " paws she head • knave. it was evident she that had taken refuge u the tree frost the d- meat veining forest firs The kitten e.mmed •1 - most dead, while the permit "amt" was ape p.renU, dazed from host ..d 'smoke Tin New old me *wished her tail aurvsmaly Mad no and gamed down et the massa so they had - Sod armed beneath the tree. One et the Inw felt his font entre In •eletact with e.etet1ing .oft, .d gleans, dews dittoovr- d 155 half -horsed body of twtker kitten. the smother bed evidently failed to rseb • ■t of wifely with both h°ryemag, et him - dome so bed lent br had ea ass, and M fell to death is the 6w helm 3 A WELL MEANING REAR. looked •• theogb they were Rifadin, Min. H. come• bank to t1is oouatry • ooespars- iia�� ' Steely Web man, sad ►i. ekasow for wasei.g the web primes an .o good Y that it te believed Make' I the Thaek.ly tog wee festival at the Ger- mano' the deo will set lion between P1,000 .ad Racket $b,000 - u Vey• bet *needere Old Mea of rye There u • mac is this Lows who has • After tag Cede reel'. Tele Was Rest se Gasp New Park San : W. had • Wald Weil .bow over in ear d ether dal. mood Philo LoM.11 of (.teak. •'C.M Poet, my brother started to plough • four -men patch stubble with • yoke of Mows. TM lot u se the level top of t10 mountain between Racket Creek end Muskrat Brook, tied i. surrounded by woods. Wbeu Cele had Ploughed around Ne place • few times be went into the woods on the packet ('reek mels to get • swig from • spring.I met him there 0a my way over to the uskrat, um we walked out to the cle•rrny together. .lust as we'd get to tae edge of the umber the .teen gave • bellow, yanked the plough out of the farrow, throw up their tails, and •tenet to non around the lot, bellowing at every bound. "'Wh•t.aout them steers •' 'ale shouted, eaciImdly. " "I guess that bear ever on the stump did u," I told him "Plague take his picture'" 1'.le yelled, sad he packed up Some .luneg and started for the bear. "The bear amok upright en a stump straight acrest the lot. l ale yelled as he neared the bear, but the bear paid uo atten- tion to ('ale. He was wet -chine the bellow • mg stuns, and when they canoe wildly dash h ing along clue to the woods, with the s plough b,bbisg behind them, he lumped off the stump, ran m front of the steers, arose • on bus hind feet, threw up his paw., reared. and swung hu urns as a man does is trying to stop • runaway team. The wild-eyed Battle geed ed past the hear, and on they w went as fast as deer in front of a hound, bel. lowing and throwing dirt. The plough jumped from side to side, striking their heels every few steps, and making them all the faster. "It seemed as if the bear realized that he ° had accidentally been the muse of the .teen ° Winning away, and that he was devious of it tm. •.'ng the mischief by woman them, ter the u..ment they passed him h. cantered 1 straight serene the lot to where they had c• started, snrfkog and .sorting in hu psger sees to head them oft ('ole fired several stoner at rhe well meaning brute, and the beer glanced at him and growled, but didn't halt. m When the steep Fame howling along the bear mode • lunge toward their heeds grab- h bed the near one's left horn, and strained 155 every moods to draw the pair around and Th bring them np @lauding. The cattle were under rush headway that the bear couldn't w manage them, and, losing bin hold, he m tumbled end over end. On the steers went 10 The hear picked himself up in • hurry and started for the opposite made of the lot. ce Cele foolishly threw stone at him to drive 01 vary pretty daughter, with whom owe int hi. N eff has faUsu hopelessly to love. As the young 10011 a not united to the paternal manatee, and the young woman has been n otified to keep away from the p•ternel ss- t.bhshwent, the course of tutu love does n ut Row very smoothly. However, they have hit upon upaw ea o:pelmet which gives them a chums' of eummunocation, and they will .callous w employ 1t if papa's •yea does not rest on this expose 11 w.. the girl who thought of it It always u the ,irl who bods • clue to the situation. it u this way : ober* papa eaters ka busi- ness piece in the morning be hangs hu hat on • certain nail among a row of other hats and proceeds to business. Then the inter - vital clerk, while the bead of the firm u reading bin morning nail, takes that hat from the nail when it is nuny, looks inside, W ipe his hand under the hon, and taker out a tiny miemive, which he at 0007 con- veys to his own pocket, sod the urotents of which delight and amuse him all day. At fight when papa returns home hu pretty • ughter'Pipe into the hall and makes a raid on that hat, always finding there an newer to her nlieaiv, of the mo.-ning. How much longer papa will occupy the portion of C'upid's mail °°crier remains to be seen. H. will be tt cher tithe a batter hen he 6� It out. _ wlmt 1114_r tuts. Weigh. several oeittemers were chat ting In • groc- ru I Cert. store oast event., recently, says 0* ex- hauge, when the grocer pointed to • barrel f small bean' and asked how many of them would require to moths a bushel. Various eetiaiate were offered. One reck- emly put the number at 50,000, which oc- eloned • laugh from all the others who had rimmed • much lesser quantity, rang - g all the way from 5,000 t. 20,000. "t.%ell. gentlemen," remarked dingpwoM, you are all wrong. There are ipptwzt- ately 119,000 beaus in • baobab. No one was inclined to believe him until • showed them that it took "0 buns, se. td a r•udom, to weigh half an ounce. • ret of the calculation was simple. "N,w, then,"said one of the party,"since e are *.gored a guesi.g co.teae, how any dollar bills would it like to weigh u uch as • silver dolor (hie mid 100, another 75, while the gro r who knew all about beaus, put his figure 300. m out of the field, hitting him twice. be bur w netted and glared and growled Cele, and the neat none ('ale threw came k .:,at him, hit ham in the mouth, end oo°etud four of his teeth, the bear having ruck the stow with his pew. ('ale clap - bur hand to bin mouth and started to ma to where 1 was, and bur waddled to e edge of the wood.. "T's next time the steers ame along e bear bounded out, caught hold of the one'* right hero, and rat along by his e trying to gee the stem into the woods. e cattle bellowed and throw themselves der than ever, and before they'd gone may yards the horn broke off in the r'' claws, and the plough knocked the r off his pins. The poor fellow was on- to get up on all fours, sad he struggled g groaned and wallowed in the soil. hem the frightened Steen came along the at time they pitched into the prostate to Lid kept at him till tbeyehed gored t• death, when they walked off a short toner and stood and panted. 'Meantime (:ale nursed his mouth and gee me its for not stoppm, the steers. e cattle were not Injured much. The 's hind legs were broken below the big t, the plough having evidently broken bones when it knocked the beer off his The poor animal weighed nearly 260 n ds. He bed as 6oe a coat of fur as I r maw, but the sharp horns of the an,ry rimed 11 completely." Berme Poe/eerier Is Bicycle. The bicyle," remarked the drummer tor g btsycle works in ttoetos, " u a great itution and will supercede the horse in y instance, but not in all. A ease in t came under my notice recently. I in Blue (:rem, Rwtuckv, when the u are superb, and in the course of n y to agents 1 ran acres a farmer who about five miles from town, and got king to him on the subject. He was or progressive and cenodd that the ole possessed many advantages over the it saved feed, toil, oars shoeing and t mon thing., and was • good deal ter. Why, then," said I, " don't you buy a ole ` Well, there's only one thing that pre. me." be said with an apologetic en en grin Mon • man goto town oo Saturday. state home in the evening just eoreer• p enough net to know the way home, one will take him beck to his family in y good shape, but the hicyik ain't that can do it, and I'm a man that to town on Y•t.rday.. -' Of course," said the drummer, " atter i ha�d mtghty little show ler as arse -Detroit • Terriase eznete.s.•, Ice.. Tribe, of Straf►ordville, O.R, • pretty village near the .hens of lake Kris, went throat& u importance lately t he will wryer lie tells it in kb evrr own weirdo For three even 1 ..lamed from .kis dig sirs is ita woent feria, 1 tried Ke.sody'. Medical biesevery Dad the Crimes resit. diem, and doctored one year with the bet M/•le.se• is the had, bet got no benefit they prose usoed my terme a scaly eruption, has failed to remove t4 it ..me oe is red 11eto1se sad spread over Nay body : skis heehaw dry .d formed hard, white seals. : the wahine was iaekenble, let i am sew easgastelI diff avni 0.0 trby uly of"k y ley that 1 .we sty /cod health to R. RR, .e I advise all sefierse w ties this splendid esthete.. 3. Gla Tatra, M1&Bmdiill°, Oat. A Winnei dssp.Mb wive : Michael 130.000verve 11, & , Sharer, hes beano hats to • Re did net love • pry e he p M wens r yAem the . inner, en re..I.1.g . eseeetet of the .elite, Maned 11n the name* 111 W tee 1. Odic, Fr• ee Preen. >w 1'baenpts. 14r116e. York Sen : i.h.imernre still .11 we gem with clockwork regularity .bel pr••- ll•s e=s^crell for developing the mueelee of his legs for an hour every sight. Hs is •p- p.re.tly not yet satisfied with hie strength, eltbo.gb it W ssa►1d him to push the pedae of his bi.yele around faster than the mrsehs of any ether man's leg in the world have e..e-..d i. doing. There may be Rome doubt sheet our °upr.m.r is y.olt- btt this in pugilism •.d Itwrimmite e hiersis rider pp whatever that we 1a 111.as orld futon'7l.,e�ermass • has pramisally swept ev007t111 g b•Iw'ol lib fa angl..11, and th..d the details el W ream; may he inosiotaaeue reeding to persons w1. have u active interact • weeds/del h �e1 • they form history to these while uadeeNasd theand great popularity cif t.e &1 1 lead ���•1 ►it1 mine athletes boll the .l Great trate Not Indy t1. o►•m Austria tbla ..d France, bot they f aod Germany were e m by Zimmer m.., .d M 'wept by 110. like s *yoke* When he thought the Matewas tips. In cam rase ke slash mo Wm than five prime wieners empebeid wita him there 4r•tato by atemetaate =tab Ow Tibmrres d feriat might be °did • b Se they spread thameallvve• eat ewer the track •.d wstn1d the Aa+risss measly, se that f a i.s be while he .d it impin...Nrkblee hew fteineenewej still gem, pedalled Nye pea, Md Id Se be air wn : whini- ng th..onnal We, : �. sr•- ine, Ghee yrr'ugk, ..d It.a seep beet hie ••1•peene e • repine nee awe elk tis. "All w -on,." remarked the man. "It takes just 22" This was proven to be the caw by experiment. tea PHg,tao, A good story is being told of one et her Majesty's inspectors in mud -I' gIa rd. l:x•mmiag the school in ,gumtree, Mr. K---inyuird : 'Whist is • pilgrim" After a pause, • sturdy little imp boldly answered, 'A pilgrim u • man, ple'cur.' 'A mu" retroed the rsepector, seven. ly, 'that won't do. Toll me more about • pilgrim. Another pause, broken by the examiner this time 'I'm • man, you know,' be said, rashly, 'am 1 0 pilgrim. Here Hefollewed Ito pause,but the rejoinder, 'Oh' no. sir. • pilgrim's • good man.' *Sever 111111.. Norway Pias Syrup corm coughs, cold., asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness *ore throat and disease, of the throat and lung.. Price 25c. and 50e. 3w William Baird, of Dslboune township, was killed by the fall ed Ids ebaaop•s. Baby Wants It. Martin's Cardinal Food ION INFANT'* AND INVALIDS - The most palatable foot( prepared, and is unequalled by any other preparation of it: kind. The best food and the hest value, put up in one pound Tits, price 25 chs. per Tin. .Sold Retail by all i)raggisls and (;,mrrc and U7lolcsalt y KERRY WATSON it Co.. P5OFaity0.* I 11 heorernam.. SUMMER has come and gone, but LOW PRICES remain the same am ever at the Furniture Emporium of GEO BARRY. Hamilton-Itt. UTNDERTAIaNG in all branches, attended to at all hours with nestilena and diepate.h. Embalming Fluid always on head Picture framing a speciality. GEO. BARRY, sommms-. Dor LET ANOTHER WASH-DAI' Go or WITH0uT Usi'vc you will find that it will do what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. SUNEICHT SOAP It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash this soap. with MILLINE Y. - - Wb have a large and choice assortment of Felt Hat-. all of which we retluced Priced. Also Jet Trimmings, Fancy Feathers, and Birds, Ribbons and Velvets in the New Shades. are selling at MISSES YATES. THE SQUARE. elm LATEST STYLES - IN FALL ANIS WINTER .MILLINERY. MRS. R. B. SMITH. Glasgow Hours.' Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Goderich and surrounding country first -clasp goods --lower than the lowest. Remember we will give you good solid leather goody at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it We have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident that we can please you in quality, tit and price. Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods. The old reliable stand - N. B. W. SHARMAN, Jr., Sueoeseor to E. Dowsi>an, Custom work and repairing; protntly attended to. NFdW 1.12N=3 szn=s •foo=s_ Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality consideree(. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly eash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. 1Meru.. Bfediy Mlf.tses. 11*4 SPECIAL NOTIOE. a rep Ess , M•yewat am A� A. MUNRO, Deaner and Haberdasher. Oar Amok ef BUILDERS AND GENERAL HARDWARE Far Pail trade H Lanett' Hangers' Genuine Steel Barn Door Hangers r►ger* anti Track , T Strap and Screw Hinges in all Sine. B'rEEms, L maa ai a P. Nell w►1°te 7aire n la .Limail* from Gorr RAMC RTSlI. ata very eases ts PwIM we 1.v Portland Cement isDQoARTj POR Roofing Prtch, Building Paper di Gdraulic eneral Hardware. Calcined , DAVISON & CO. -- IIa1rLr.w