HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-22, Page 1s
n for
the place
We Want
;o by as.
the enor-
ser of new
praise for
r net yet
neigh bort
tl Tanned,
at $1.110,
outi vain.
!k. Extra
e •
root$Nll'1AL r send'•• ..el accents
ler sihetrytlaas I. •rroar It naw
- ss . be ►west sd
Whatbdolna on at thef),M
A• il•vawment in power which with the BUSINESS
• sane e.tount of tande nwas to govern you
wisely rad well. The Northwest uai
heavier wear. It pays to deal hen.
a. a. m•llews.
Our tows possesses the advantages of one
of the best equipped and beat 000ducted
photographic studios of this eeetluu of the
province. The enterprising proprietor It
Sallow, is • pbutoerapher i f more thanu
ordinary ability. He hbeen established
• number of Tears and has always had an
extensive patronage, and the studio to wide-
ly triad favorably known for the superiority
of the work turned out, all kinds of which
1111 are executed from • cabinet to a most rile
ode- goat lils'eu.d portrait. • specality is
esr. mode of enlarging in crayons. The studio
but is equipped with all the latest •eceroris,
hue sooner Re, and to see the display of
photopraphic art is to appreciate it.
Chas. alone, m
A popular and successful establuhest
of our town which deserves special mention
in our review is the well equipped hat, cap
and furnishing establishment of the enter-
prising et
inggestle,n nisei above. Mr. Shane
has a large and Nourishing patronage. He
keeps his store up with the time. and his pat. find every possible advantage on deal -
ink tt-,re. Hebuysfrom ad
the leingnianufac-
tuter. and carries a large, varied and well
selected stock of all the latent styles a bate
and caps sad • complete stock of everything:
in gentlemen's furnishing goods. It always
means perfect satisfaction tadeal here.
J. N. Wereell 4 Mo.
One of the local ent.,nei p— e0ene
its wise •dnilnebeast of
tratio., was to K
INGODERICH. makestemaive of boots and shoes from the ladies'stock of all the mon and bast
finest breach Kid to the tnee's and lova
gal Iopulation of • million people wIthm tea I Wlde-awake Local Firma.
The eie.per.se Meets or e..ier•seat to
Iain rawer -Mew the anew. et Mier
are *Wafted Waasug sp see
enuatry's Cr on.
Twit ems •L t erreypesdeses,
years. 1 our manufacturing industries were
to develop and the t.andtan manufacturer
t o was soap to be found in eowpe•'ttion in the f'
markets oh the world with wuet he had to • Ii.e Tewe With Pregreaslve rows
disposeof • Importation us the producto of wale er Tbeee Wk. Dake tae Tew■
the font
Wave t esaeserr/ally relaters for
tae eraellday ees.
)TTAWA, Nov 19tli sifter all
Boas bet admirethe desperate •oarsor
the Government are putting forth w sect
ora sew leaof power •lthouch we cesidattaa
the principleresorted to. Aetu•tej
that sneospuerable thirst for spoils
ed by the thotght that with another itsso
years utrel of the treasury they will be
able to retire with a competency for each
..ie of themselves and their friends that will
last them the term of their Datura: lives,
they make • bold dash in the belief th.t the
end tundra the means. The> die hard.
'hers is ng
not a week parthat sone fresh
evident,of this Is not forthcoming. Gutwhat • glorious legacy they are preparing
for those who are to !monad them. s',
A few weeks ago we witnessed the Slum -
Ter of Finance a L000a pledging the credit
ot the country to the extent of $12,500,000,
which he was borrowing for the purpose of
rinug on or
with certain public works : ^Pelt.
teal public works. Here is the chewed
through which the Government tostrector ni i
imtr'.luced as an
nide important and indispea-
ne tactor in Iltwumun mitosis. But
there is an equally important agent whose
apathy has of late been giving the moat much cowers the manufacturer. He
could not be Inst sight of. The Govern.
msiueet last seees made a bluff -at the farmer n
by reducing the en ufact urer's erutect ion hut
it was *My • bluff as aubseiluent events.
proved when protection was restored.
Now, with • flourish of trumpets the i ,ov
eminent vi
ent announces its intention of es
the manufacturer • remission of the ,duty
be pays upon the raw material he uses in
the manufacture of articles he 'sports. It
is met here that it mdy be well to ask the
t:uvernmest why, by legtalatios they place
the ID • position to sell his
agricultural implements, or any other
article he may manufacture at • lower rate
to the Australian farmer thanhe charges
the t •neaten farmer for the same article
What eW is this feature of developing our
trade than • clear cane et discnmsmao
ti ,
nougat the home consumer endorsed by the
t.evernment. Why has the I .overnment
Dot abolished the d
duty on raw materialentering into our manufactures, whether for
expert or for. loos ouoaumptioe, as advo
catd by Sir Richard Cartwright in the
House last sessnw With foreign cnmpett
tion kept nut by • high protective tariff he
is able to charge the I'median consumer
what he Ilk►v and the hurt. margin be gr is
as gen de he sells you enables hint to cut he
priersfine when entenq the foreign market
with the government • rebate of duty on
the raw material entering into whit he ex •
pore. Is this a *mare real But with
the manufacturer it is "If you dont scratch
my hack I won't scratch your,.' This is
Pride. Government
the way he talks to the Gonme.
and the overnment knows its importance
12.3.:10. pal stases and delivers. Hut the t,overa-
meat says "we could sot give a rebate en
all the raw material esterase tate our ran
factures, for while we ore trying to econo-
e in every possible way that would me
the sacrifice of more revenue than our filo
utas would stand.' Well, in the ntheel
statement published in last Saturday s g•z
etre we lied • serious commentary on this
er anation
int we had that a addition to all the
revenue derived they have extorted from therisme*people since .luly the Minister of risme*
made temporary los with the busks to
the extent of $2,43.1,333, which we will sail
• caeconomy of Ni'. 1. We look • little
farther down in the lits and we are appris-
ed of the fact that our gross debt that stood
at $300,22b,160 on the 31st (set., 1893, bad
been swelled op to $310,211,900 on the 31st
i list ,1891 without reference to the $12,h0111.•000 Minister Foster hos iiia borrowed u
landau. This we will call evidence of
...oniony No. 2. Look a little further down
and you will god that while during the
month of Sept. 1893, there was • reductios
of 4234,963 in our net debt, therewas aa
increase of $499,184 is the set debt during
dept. of this year. I.:eidetic* of ecoeosy
No. 3- look • little farther down tbroagh t
the columns of this interests, Mechanist
sand the Government publish it without •
blush) and you learn that while revenue on
amore' of consolidated fund declined from
$12,116,367 to $10,829,497 Jurist the four
month. sedum 31st Oct., as compared with
Die corresponding correonding period of lost year, the
on the amount increased frost i
$8,125,298 to $8,444,296' Evidence of
y No. 4. Iuoreed expenditure and
declining rename. The ',ideates of eueeo-
'Le above referred to are all taken from one
Psis r their official record. What might
he disclosed if we penetrated • little deep.
p manufacturer wen to cease for
the manufacturer at home was to stonily all
the demand for home t'fasumptiou. Well,
that was a pretty picture and it is a pity for
('asada that the work of the political artist
did not materialise
(b this point I will give you some inn
in my seat letter. The bluff, however,
worked well for tee government. It
kept them in power and it is all they woo
Paseeasu,n, we an told, is name points of t
law ao,l Wicked up with the theory t
Govereaseat appear to regard tie raise
and themselves their friends upon
mosso ryand the people's pockets se legalir
In the meantime, until you are call
pun to render your verdict at the polls, le
us be en the alert. lb notbin to consoli-
date your oppem ente and divide your own
ranks They are solid, sad unless you be-
come a unit, Patron, Mel arthyite and
Liberal. and work together for the best is -
Wrest of broad trade prtaciples you will
throw the victory once more into the pro
tectionists' hands. Remember ths,that the
defeat of the present i.overnmest mean. a
complete revolutionuiuug of the trade policy
of the country. It means making i'amida
the lhespest wnatry y SIce fart art the
globe to live in and ee.asstuently • cheap
country to manufacture to : it means • large
•flux of population into the Northwest : it
means 'he nimimum of taxation : it means
Die breaking up of the Mct.reevy Connolly
l.ange%In-St. Louis a'uimet Haggart t aro
et al combination : it mean, the death blow
to one of the most reckless, extravagant and
corrup: administrations that has ever con
trolled the destinies of a people. There e re
three elements of our population who are al
working to the one end, while there is •
single element, backed by your own money,
conspiring against you Let, therefore,
r I those three elements, Patrons, Mc1'arthy-
i rtes and Liberals, join issues, as in so doing
I•lone rets the defeat of the t.overnment
whose rule you have enjoyed for the past
sitteen years.
NOTWIT1151'ANDING the el
Mmes which have prevailed all over, G
rich has held its own during the past y
Not only has the town held its own,
material progress hos been rands is business
entsrpsise sol populaihe' noisy the town
eat pat up • claim for solidity with any
other town of 4,000 inhabitants in Canada.
It boasts of on excellent electric light ser-
vice, • first elites waterworks system, •
collegiate institute and public educational
system equal to the best, bye churches,
wide and clean streets, handsome stores and
dwellings and a people who are progressive
to the limit et their environment. Follow-
ing are sonic of the people who have con-
tributed toward making the town solid from
a Onetime point of view
Nerd, new.
For the past two year* the Sturdy
Brothers have oehducted their fine grocery
more ea the i'gtvare and have mode a success
of the bushes•, 'They have size of the best
appointed and well-filled stores in town and
carry the leading hues to noe groceriee in
every line, besides a full display of crockery
and glassware. A specialty is made of
n oalada tea. although in all other lines of
groceries they carry • full assortment. 'The
neatness and iodinen of the establishment
- and the mortally at the proprietors have
drawn a Imre custom.
1 ■. M relies*.
Since the opening of the boot and shoe
emporium by 11 R. Pollock in March last,
the trade has bess doubled from what r
was under any previous management, whit
is acopuated for by the buying direct fro
the makers tor web, and conducting th
trade en strict business principles. The
stock is large and well selected, and the
prices are right in every line. Courteous
attendants and competent workmen are •
feature of the establishment and the chance
purchaser invariably bowmen a regular cos
Dte. deice..
TheWest-at. millinery establrbesent, con-
ducted by Miss Pitcher, le one of the
nattiest and neatest millinery stores to be
found anywhere in the county. The stock
been carefully selected by the pro-
reprietress, and as she gives her personal at
tenons to every detail the ladies of +;ode
rich can rely upon all work that s turned
out being up to order and of best quality
and finish. kvery novelty in the millinery
line can be ebtatned, and no efforts are spar-
ed to please patrons.
T. M. Brepbey.
The new photographic studio recently
opened by T. H. Rrophey ham already gain-
ed fog itself a place amongst the lsdustries
of the town. Mr. Brophy is well known to
the people of this section. having keen born
and reared in the town. He is • skilled
workman, having had experience is various
parts of the Province, and has • finely ap-
pointed studio, which enables him to turn
out • class of work excelled by none. Some
beginning operettas' he has bee. successful
beyond Ins anticipations and has already
worked up • large and increasing patron-
I. J. PrNbass.
or 15e.
Dr 20e.
Dr .30e.
or 57}e.
or 50e.
tale Priem
Wow Ike People , t b..ee Crew or. amides*
tee Wosteipal til
The regular meettagof the teem council
was held in the I 'outwit Clamber IS Friday
evenly( last.
All' the member, were prevent except
1 ouncillor Wilson.
Minutes of last meeting were read and ap-
.t communication was read from Esrineer
smith stating that one of the pumps at the
pumping station was oat of order and in noel
of repair. The patter was referred to the of
water and light committee with power to
.10 applhatton from W. H. Robertson,
sec. R. H. Club was resit, aaking for use of
flows hall for an assembly. The raciest
was granted.
The following accounts were referred to
the finingsq committee Mcfoll Bros. t
1136.60 : ,l. Rrophey, $10: A. S.
t'hrysW, $78.59: Wm. Burrows, $7.130: J.
W. Thomas, /It 25.
The report of the finance committee re-
commended payment of the following ac-
count*, star, $4.50: I). K. Strachan. $17 :
Tn. Sn.. vt., $3 71: Darling Bros., s3.
It was also recommended that lot No.
866 he leaved to Thomas Gundry at an an-
nual rental of $10.
The report was carried.
The report of the Court of Ravishes was
The follewine remir»ns et taxes were
recommended: Kate Barrett, $26.23; Don-
ald Meted, $1b.02: Christopher McKay,
$22: Mrs. J. Wright, $34.56 Mrs. Mc•
Kay, $13.18: Mrs. gums, $27.43: Mrs.
Bissett, $76.90.
it was also recemmendad that the taxes
of this year on the above lots be placed
against them.
The fr Bowing remissions are also recom-
mended Mrs. t.rummett, AS.63: Salve.
ties Army, $h 75 : W Swatheld, $4.50: W.
Buchanan, $9: I Abbott, $3.50: Mies
Meanings, $9.
The application of Mrs. F: Hawley sad
It hey for reduction of taxes and I .eo.
Evans for remission of dog tax Were not al-
lowed. In Mrs. Hillier's ass so action was
On motion of the reeve and Murney, the
report of the court of revision was referred
to a committee consisting of Mager. lhualop
Holt and i'roodfoot to see what arrange-
ments could be made in reference to the
different patios mentioned in the tint
clone of the report and Mrs. Hillier., and
■ event of matters n t beteg satiefactoruly
arranged the treasurer be instructed to ad-
journ tale as far as their properties are con-
A motion was earned that the fiosen
committee be instructed to prepare the
fiiancial statement for submission to elec-
t or'
On motion the 'ousel was adjourned to
meet on lint. lith.
If then Byer was a game of lelure played
suocessfally the Government a playing it
new. Yon bald the eards bet you are afraid
to call them. Exam. the terms of the
**towel game hut if you wt say lassos in
'itHagtgssi. Patterson, CaMip'n, et al. will
be sail yew • few chips if you will
coll roma at Rideau Club some night sad
S it ie the rams for • while. We are told
that hearty boa its reward, but the rewards
apps•, to hay* bon going all the oar way
for .mats time pot.
I have draws year ateontion to what the
1'nvrameet is pleased to sail *videenes of
Sa0Oemy. Per artyaMt's sake we will
'all it by its right mese, renklese sitters -
Maas mod meanderlmg of the people's
inesey.What etas is it : With as increase
et onlytwisty p.r oast is our populates*
dmn.g filo past .iztees Tears, what has
Mailed the esee of taxation from $17.-
8111,938 Is 1877.78 he $119,391,367 is 1892.93
se miewa by the last publis aspunta .last
ammpsre thss assess. This is all withoet
attDumas to the i.wasm frees $174.987.2M
'm $111011ii,900 is..oakrr sedum' debt. ae
sat will $12 $OS,000 Uses addered w
'Nadi ef Pesier's rosiest visit to Leaden
Amid what s lime te w toe it 1 Shr-
uIs che
•r real. ace es the IN apt', yaw OW"
Te t seeable..
Our attention has picas called to the fact
that a travelling street vendor has boom go -
lag abase some of the runt districts of
Weston n Ontario, representing himself as
ser agent, sad mills, • pink oelered pill
which he represents as Dr. Williams' P6k
Pills. The porno is w }rand agairot whom
we astron the public. Dr. Williams Ptak
Pills an sever sold by street vendors. and
m.der obsoletely so circus lasses on. the
rsise tisk Pills be purekseed is bulk, or
ny fern axone in boos securely sealed
* wrappers bearia the trade mark. "Dr.
Maim' Pink Pills for dale Peepls." If
sabred is an ether form it is a framdaleat
Imitati. W
e panel alarly ragmen ass -
stables to promptly Wily as by Slew or
telegram+ it any roes sash as the above
Domes minder their mites, es we are deter -
rimed to pretest the public against frenis
of Ibis hind. isfon sshn that will lead le
the osnvMMen of say mesh frnaddest ven-
der will M sly rewarded.
las De. w•sn' 11[asmotttp On ,
ShWrAe Isis Tan bsw•i. Only Si a year.
News Notes from Washington I
T. t'M.Mlse t'M.Naad . artlse eel tar SI-
issmetai Sueetle.- The n..d Lase
Will be a Ombyeel her w/.en..•ea
l levela.d • seraleb.
From our Regular Correspondent.
‘V ASIIINt:Tu N,N.v I_ Whether
the coming ses•io° of Con/crew will aocrom-
pliau any Important legislation will depesid
entirely upon ercumstan/es, but whate
it may or may out accomplish it it teetotal
ruing to be one of the liveliest (Wort .selene
A Galt moa had • teaberry hedge in
' bloom this month
lbreeden'rats is 22 mills.
Seaton fair realtud $1,000 net.
tondos has • sight school for surly.
Owen Sound is to have • bicycle factory.
Collingwood r now tel:.ing trolley care.
1'olliagwood's curfew by leo ie • failure.
Y.Iturrels are unusually plentiful this
(butane Waiters will morons the prim of
Brock's monument at tlueenaton has boss
Pans is to have • mineral bottling stab-
theageville claims to have a Bible 3110
years old.
ever aeon. There are score, of armature
and m
The flax output aa&� $111. Mary's will be
representatives who have provided the
settee with clubs which they propose to
upon the heads which they think des.
cracking. and the owners of those h
also have clubs, and the courage
strength to defend themselves. Inadditi
to the bond question, which would of
self probably hese brought un a bum.:
discuasieo, President Cleveland has hones
announced that he annual message woo
contain important financial recommend
tuns some say for an entire revision of o
present tioancal system. There is room
to the front rapidly during the syr has enough and cause enough for revision, h
been the stove and tinware business eon- the troubles that unless Mr. land h
ducted by J. H. Worrell & 1'0. They keep vreatly changed his opinions are are not like
larger than usaaL
u' Southampton, (Mt., has an lo'er• Imperial
use Trade Association, whatever that is.
rue i. A Perth county farmer has forty potatoes
oada which make a bushel.
and The formal opening of th' Sault has been
on postpone! until next Sprung.
it- The Salvation Army is building a work -
ail men s hotel in London.
IfI Six I tnllu men took eighty salmon, near
Id Strawberry Island lass week.
a- l.ieut. Col. Spence s now in command
or the lbuffenn Rifles, Brantford.
Bradford has • female dentist and via
art have an open rink this Winter.
cit' I The local I.overnmeut will finish the new
constantly on hood • large and varied as-
sortment of stoves and tinwpe'i
e ald are also
the sole agents in this sect for the How-
ard furnaces. id the latter they have put
in quite • number during the present sea-
son, and have invariably given the best pos-
sible satisfaction, as witnessed by the many
excellent testimonials which have been given
to the firm. Mr. Worsell is • practical
mechanic, who personally superintends all
t work turned out by the firm.
h I` Witting Arles...
in I The oldest harness establishment in town
e is that owned and conducted by William
Acheson, Hamilton -et. The stock is the
largest and beet in this section of Canada,
and the workmanship cannot be excelled
anywhere. A specialty at this season of
the year IS Winter robes and fur coats, and
• fine assortment at prices to snit the times
is at present on hand The uniform succours
that has attended Mr. Aeheson proves con -
elusively that he is • master of Iris business,
and the fact that he has been able yearly to
add to an already large patronage goes to
prove that his dealings in the past have
been •like creditable to himself and in the
beet interests of his patrons.
One of the establishments of our town,
noted for the high standard of excellence
to which it is maintained, is the first ola.e
merchant tailoring establishment of the
faterptvung gentleman named above. This
is an institution creditable to the town.
Mr. Pridhnm has been estebuhed a number
of years and haebuilt up an extensive trade
and ha esu►bahment is widely and favor-
avorably known as one of the leading merchant
tailoring institutions of Western (Ontario.
It has gained • high reputation for the
superiority of the clothing turned out. Mr.
J'ndham is known as one of the finest cut-
ters of the provinee. We wish to call
special attention to the tnagwfoept stock
on hand for this season's trade embracing all
the loading lines and novelties of foreign
and domestic tailoring olothe, the pick of
market& The business deserves its sue -
a. W, Deleu,N.
In referring to the hardware trade of the
tows we would make prominent mention of
the popular and sucoentnl enterprising
gentleman named above. Since establish-
ing here last Spring, having at that time
brought the stock and business .f the late
Mr. irabb the present proprlseor has suet
with phesonsen•l mom The stoma very
popular with the people and ootemands a
good trade. Mr. McKenzie is • am meat
hardware merehantand is in timbeseposition
to meet the wants of the people. He buy,
from tie most reliable wholesale houses and
the store is filled with • large and superior
stook at all kinds of general and shelf hard.
ware, as builders' took and materials,
misoellanous line. •m paints, oils, glass,
nails, win cutlery &t
U. nu slop,
In referring to the merchant tailoring
basin.•a of the town we would call the
special attention of the pantie to the long
dt well kwewand popular bushBess carried on by H. Dunlop who has been
establY►ed over thirty years. This gentle-
men has always had • satisfactory patroness
He is in the best enmities to meet the wants
of the publle is this line. of his ability as a
nutter itistse.for as to .peaky
his work show, for if For this emcee's
trade Mr. Dunlop has • well soleatsd sleek
whish it will pay to impost.
nam. •mines.
Is this popular ariablishoest, (le/erish
pesnm's the advantage et see of the Orem
and best etoeked hem and lief inetftwtion
ha this semis. ot thepw... The 'star -
Wise proprietor, W iesHhtorn, p•, is me -
mew to R Dswsisg. whom he beerbt sot
a Icer ssethe age. R. has met with
phasam.al mesas and lops the eesabtieh.
to a high standard of mosik nes. The
Mr- aharnrslls *ad
'ewyedbw�vagw�fP care.
beet led dem Wada- ti. bate item t*a
kakis ssniiMalwe and airlift as s-
e.. W. t/11e t. -
The Hamilton -street grocery stone, con-
ducted by G. M. Elliott, has become one of
the features of the town, and is a credit eo
enterprising proprietor, The well -
stocked cellars ani the well-fitled ar
shelves give evidence that • large business can
u being done, and the 'quality of goods is goo
unsurpassed. He make, eppecalty of dairy
I produce andse
fruits in ason. Mr. Elliott lik
has within a comparatively short time come Its
to meet the approval of a niajority of h
own party. lu fact, without knowing t
Moore of those recommendations, it is a
ready being freely predicted that par
lines are likely to be wiped out in the d
carrion which will follow, and that the It
publicans, with the exception of • few fro
the West, will be found supporting Si
(leveland's recommendations, while th
Populist* and the bulk of his awn party wi
them. These predtetiose are bad
noon Mr. 1'leve_land's financial record, an
may, of course, be all wrong, as he ma
have changedhis mind, as other men has
often done.
There is interestinglikely to be a vesy d
bate between the constitutional lawyers
('ongrees as to whether the President ex
seeded his authority in offering to media
between China and Japan without submi
ting China's request that he should do so
Members of l'ongress are beginning to sr
.Yet Doat Portage la P
The t trillia Bicycle club will hold a series
he of athletic contests during the Winter.
ty The minsters of Parkhill anal comity
have lunged • Ministerial Assot•tation
e -ill wo
•rrheld Raia Waggon Works, of Brantford
m and 1t'oodsteck have been amalgamate.!.
r.. t'ohourg has built an addition to its large
e rink, now the largest covered rink in the
Ysnd Hamilton loth to Leave
elle ndesve,ed to temente a temenfee
ammo seas lnTown Trying to Werk
the esbeeder • Kerber er
Iuaweare ea Vanes Wen.
emembRuA I )t KS of Tile Sr', i . will re-
er that osThursday , Nov. 8,Maud Ham-
ilton, thenotonous,and two of her amtocstes
on the South boundary were convicted alba.travesinr the crimtual law, and a suspended
eehtenue was placed against them ay the
police magistrate, they having promised to
leave town and not to return. Noy. 9 the
virls left town, but as another girl was lying
dangerously ill at the woman Hamilton's
house, ten days were allowed the latter in
which to depart, m
Since that time, the Hamilton woman hes
been endeavoring to find cause for miaow-
ing in town yet a little longer, and, we are
informed8g•ti, aac•nnylted the mayor on the ques.
Moo, with whpt result, we are not at presentaware. Thursday, Nev. 1.2, however, the
peltcu magistrate ''slrivstlF=�hr following
ante bearing OD the quieten korai the wo-
mug :
Nov. 15, 1894.
M a.
Delis film, I ant permishion front you to
remaiuntil the first of the week, as the
girl that was sick in my hoe is leaving to-
morrow, and through taking wire of her 1
have not had a chime.)to pock my formate.
So if you do please answer.
\lei a 11•vi i.T...•
I. answer to the shove the police' macs -
rate sent the following
The Midland council is trying to peso a
d market bylaw and establish a market in
y i that town.
Chin'. I It/since Dew wall. f
e. From Harper', Weekly Japan's tir..t
Guprsn w, Noy. I , 1894.
M ern Hawn.ro., (.;oderich,
I can enter into no atr•ngemebta with you
or extension of the time, but in view of the
acts you state in your communication I do
ot intend to take any action me the matter
ntil after the departure of the 4 r. W. train
n Monday. Beyond that time, however,
I will not delay, and you will govern your•
self accordingly.
in the intervening time efforts were made
by an intermediary to endeavor to
persuade the police magietrate to revoke
suspended nded
pe aeutsuce against the woman'
and allow her to remain in town torr fur -
her period, as wel! as to allow her to re•
un hither at a future time without entore-
og the'Potent-e.
All the stock arguments which the dire-
ct authorities of the put hod advanced in
avor of her remaining here were brought
rward. it was claimed that as she was a
property owner and a hipster she should
not be driven from town ; that she should
be allowed time to dispose of her place ;
•t in the event of her return next year
e should not be molested, as she might be
duced to lead a better life if ■ spirit of
rbearanm were extended to her. As •
nal appeal, we understand, the foolish
sung fellow who acted as intermediary
ad that if she were allowed to come hack
next year he intended to marry her so that
she would reform.
Upon it being pointed out that the
woman was already married, and that she
could not marry him under existing circum-
stances, he stated that she would obtain •
divorce from her present husband, and
would come to Goderich to live. The
moral oblmyuity of the propetal did not ap-
pear to strike the foolish propounder of the
plan at all.
He was, however, 'stormed that the
woman was at present • convicted criminal
under sentence. She had violated the laws
and had. --to take the cow,e.'ueices.
That she coined tr.c house in which she
had plied her nefarious calling was not a
factor in the case. She had voluntarily of-
fered to leave town and never to return if
she wen not incarcerated, and the suspend-
ed sentence was pa-psed with • view of hold-
ing her to that promisee. She had done in-
calculable injury to voting men and others
of this town, anal the previous laxity in the
enforcement of the law governing her ease
had emboldened her in her crimes and tend•
ed to vitiate the moral fibre of • large per,
tion of the community, who had begun to
look upon her offences with • lenient eye.
Even the proposition made by the you
man himself proved that hie better natures
bad been blunted and his moral being had
been warped by contact with the Hamilton
And the intermediary took his lave with
his ears tingling and his face abashed.
`ince the shove was in type we learn that
the woman Hamilton closed up her house
Monday evenin and spent the night at the
residence of Percival Moore. Tuesday
afternoon she was seen driving with • your
man, and it is maid she west to Hee—filer
and thence to Clinton. Wednesday a
warrant was placed in the hands of ces-
'table (tawdry, but on his arrival at the
house en the South boundary be disooyered
the bird had flown. Her departure free,
is • good nddaace, and vindicates
the attitude of Taw 'Storni. maaiut the
dict authorities in years past. Soon
her for the appointment of the police
a Mild 61eys
• pleasant flavor, gentle action and
in ` &fools of Syrup of Fir', when in
need n( • laxative, and if the father or
mother to costive nr bilious, the moot
`ratifying malts follow its nee : se that it
in the hoot family medulla • knowu.and every
faintly should belie a bolts on head.
Wafter : Rev. T. J Sabine, of Reek -
weod. formerly of Walton, suetaiwed •
rather painful injury at the funeral of the
We Thos. Walker When soar the Vert
road sehenl►omrw d o horse which he me
driving shied at a passing train and rws into
the tense. Mr. Palmer, of Parr. was with
him. sod both were throws set at the
haw. fer. Rabies toll en hie he * mod
�� 1�ewer the kA eye. h hiliW and
petal. Mr.rPalmerNme esetsen remits
mesh ed,
in and obvious duty to to complete the diatruc-
' tion of China's sea -power, and to make it
ts utterlyimpossible for her to even transport
to • troops along any portion of her coasts This
done, China is practically crippled and do-
. fencelees : for the total absence of railways
and proper communication in the anterior
of renders her incapable of concentrating her
few reliable troops 0
i threatened sed ,
M int•.
f Thus on the approach of winter a mint
practicable and profitable plan of campaign
m open to the Japanese. They can swiftly t
transfer the acerae of hostilities to the south, j
and devote the winter to the conquest of
I Formosa, which island they especially li
t covet, and to • series of detached opera- t
• tions against the southern ports. hoe tm fo
ve quite numerously, and one of the things
ready made apparent is that the friends
e administratien are going to hove a hard
me to keep
p criticism o
hat bond issue, which was, after all the
previous denials, officially announced last
week. Representative Bailey, of Texas, is
one of the moot out•spken opponents of the
bond issue and no amount of pressure wit
prevent his making all the fuss about i
that be can. Theoretically Mr. Bailey
gumeut •that under the act of 1875 bond
be issued only for the purpose of gettin
Id to redeem greenbacks -is both legal
el correct, but practically it u very much
e moonshine. Alth,ugh Secretary Car
le has upon several occa,ions announced
t he would have no hesitation shout l the
necessity arrive in using part of the gold re
verve to meet ordinary obligations of the
Government. it is not likely that he will
ever do so, because of the reason which
knocks the bottom omit of Mr. Hailey's•riu-
nieat : those who pay gold for bends to -day
may to -morrow present greenbacks at the
treasury or any sub -treasury and get the
gold they paid for bonds back. Thus the
bonds issued for gold to add to the redemp-
tion fund are in reality tamed for greenbacks
with which to pay current expellees of the
Government, and the gold reserve is so
easily changed into greenbacks that there
could he no possible eceanton for eacroaeh-
iag upon it. 'Then may be doubt whether
the framers of the specie resumption act in-
tended that it should work this way, hot
there is none about its so working. If Con-
gress doesn't like it, the law may be repeal
ed or amended, but until one err the other is
done these bond issues may be forced when-
ever the demand for the redemption of
greenbacks becomes Rest enough to reduce
the geld blow what has boon set by the ad-
ministration as the danger line. It really
isn't the administration that decides it. it
is the moseyed interest.
Representative Howard, of Ala., who
was in 1892 a delegate to the National Con-
vention that nominated Cleveland, is now a
populist member -sleet of the House of the
54th Congress, of whish he will be one of
the youngest if net the youngest member.
II Mr. Howard has his way he intends to
make things as unpleasant as he possibly
can for President Cleveland. Alter saying
that he prop:eed to introduce • revolution
soon after he takes his seat, providing for
an investigation of the means by which the
Shenton silver law was repealed and of Mr.
Cleveland's oonatietion with certain corpora
tics. and broken, Mr. Howard concluded •
rather breezy oosvereation with this mew
tiowal language : " In ether words, I mean
to lad out hew Cleveland has sine—ed a
fortune of millions vines the close of his
first term as Presides& When he retired
from the (ioversonbip of New York he
was poor so poor that nes of his friends
said he only had one pair of ' pants'_ and
he •mainly did set get rich A his gest
Presidental term. how i lave reliable In-
formation that he I. worth about $4,000,-
000. i mean to ask hew did be get it!"
Whatever may he the result of Mr. How-
ard's efforts there eon be no doubt of his
being in arses&
Mew to see a Seslls'bt riot.►..
Send 26 " Sealant " Soap wrapper'
hearing the Look Old Mmes warder by Hess • Women
nes •Man "► to Lever
Rees.. Ltd., 43 8oett-et. Toronto, and yes
will receive by pest • pretty picture, tree
from advertising, and well worth framing.
This k an easy way to decorate your ha..,
The snap is the heat in the .market aid it
will only Beet le. montage to sand in the
W if yen leave the ends epos,
yere ones sialei.Uy. ly
/Ms* t The ether day Thee. Tear, of
the /'awl send. met with a orlon aeetdset
whir a colt It kkskd him on the
Ns�a�a�'.� ties Ida -
ed hit while dews. Pensnstedy es
hems were bushes, bet a !.cur's ser`
vim were oerrry le dram the womb.
s portant result of the action will be to slow -
g Iv draw the resources of China towards
the south and away from the capital.
It is certain, however, that China will
- not be brought to terms till Peking is taken,
and therefore a southern antipasto. will not
decode the war, though it would b
to the front amongst the business men of
Goderich, and has proved that he is pos-
sessed of the elements moat make for sac.
Oman in the commercial arena.
•. a. Davison d e'en
Located on the Square, almost midway
between North and Colborne streets is the
hardware .tore of A. R. I)•visw & Co.,
successors to K. P. Wilkinson & Co.
Here can be found one of the largest and
best displays of hardware of every branch
outside of the cities. Builder • hardware is
• special line, but nothing in any broach of
the business is omitted. The result has
been a steady increase in the trade during
the past year, and a Now of business that
con would net expect to see in • town of the
size of l:oderich. A. R. Davison, the
managing proprietor is thoroughly versed in
the business and, being • practical man,
leaves nothing legitimate undone to create
trade and satisfy his customers.
5. Member J See.
In ens of the finest appointed stores on
the Squaare, near the earner of Kiagato.-sL,
is found the jewelery establishment of C. A.
Humber & Son. Every possible lance in
clocks, watches and jewelry is covered by
this firm, and orders can be served with as
much dispatch as in many of the larger
city jewelry stores. The work in the shop
is personally supervised by Frank Humber,
who is known to be • thorough master in
his line and who, with an experience gained
in Introit and other outside points, is in •
position to gamramtee satisfaction in every
line of work tamed out,
a+..mer a Lee,
On .lune 1K this enterprising firs leek
bold of the business formerly tarried se
Saunders & Co., and sines taking hold have
added to the popularity attained by spa old
firm. The business management of the oon-
cern i, attended tel by ('has. lee, who is
well known as • thoroughgoing and reliable
business man, and ('ho& .1. Harper, ono of
the meet expert plumbers and steam -fitters
is Wasters (bead*, superihteads the
insshasioal department. flus Ars are the
sole agents for the Garvey stoves aid fur-
naces, Burrow, Stewart it Kline'• hot air
forminaa, and the stoves of Moon, Copp,
Buck and ether loading Sino. In every d.-
pertsest a full line is carried and • mit to
their ecMsiye premises will well repay shy -
ase ii sear* of the hart beaten in the lend.
Piombsag, seem and gee fitting is a spe-
omalty with tbi*rm,and they have just eowi-
pieted potting in • first-class gasoline RK
vies for Mr. 7lerhey, of Blyth.
J. R team,
Is is now sheat a year sires the Medical
Hai, corner of Colborse.t and the Square,
carne snider the proprietorship of J. R.
Davis, the popular moony chemist and
druggls4 and daring that WNW he has made
• repulsion mead es sem in the Rune
Tram. its prosaism are the equal of the
""$ drag are erealled by few,
and the anxiety displayed by Mr. Davis
and his meldelants to alive the bile the
Mtwd able envies la his Ria has ems lys i ass of Um ag the Medi -
aawrioid of
so pna lbws Illso
to pie.
spoils to the 1• fo
'Japanese arms, and, morever, 1 H
create the neceseary diversion Thes, ow
the approach of spring and the break up of us
cold weather, .Iapan, still holding command
of the sea, could rapidly transfer her armies
back to the north, and stake • successful
advance on i'eking long before the I'hineee
armies, which had been laboriously diverted
to the south, could seriously oppose her.
Once in pseesemen of Peking, and with the
whole summer before her in which to pro se -
cute further offensive movements, Japan
would have no difficulty in exac:tiog from
the Chinese government such terms of peace
as she desired.
Thee forecast may not be justified by
future events, but from • strategic stand-
point it outlines • feasible and profitable
plan of action for the .Japanese on the basis
of their past successes.
Movnatoci. WiT'rtw.. One of the
ants of Montreal is a visit to The Witness
office, which, for internal elegance, con-
venience and eoepletenees of eouipment has
few nests anywhere. One's •ltel.tten u
arrested on the sidewalk by seeing through
• window a Chinaman patiently turning •
crank with the air of one who has • ono -
tract for • century of faithful labor, and
steam to fulfil it. The Chinaman is mode
of wood and for steady, patient, endless
toil commend us to • wooden Chinaman.
Making bold to ge in we find ourselves in an
enviable public office with tiled Noor, hot.
boomHewers and what not. Then we are
piloted up • spiral stair, through the great
editorial room, to the battery of linotypee
whieh are the marvel of the nineteenth no-
tary as Gutenberg', movable types were of
the awakening life of the fiftsentb. The
great Hoe press of The W Miens, which
prints almost any number of pages, from
two to thirty-two, is the very most con
olete machine anywhere, ('lose Inside it
you are shown on enquiry • patch on the
floor which marks the spot where exploded
the famous bomb some menthe ago, which
The Witness doubtless awed toits active
and effective waragainst gambler. and
bunco stirrer& • class which be exposure
and clever ~otter* it hast�aesged
drive frets e city, or at least tm deprive
of the epee tolerance mrd public freedom
wlleh they before lssioyed at the hands of
sympathetic °Mae* The stand ler law allot
sui▪ order take., ted nam rove cy The Witness lately re- 'nag
odors of the police and
detective.ys'em of Montreal, whish has re
vsalad the need of fame revalitineary Tb
chinas. The paper is devoted to temper. conch
ante w.d all good things It claims to be
independent is polities and has certainly op
lover.memt at Ottawa, and the Liberal
with Sinai vigor the Conservative
Mariam Government at Quebec. It in at all
events • clams family paper, very carefully
edited ant one of the prettiest in get se and
typography that norms to our tole..
Morris Thos. Sheridan, eon of Thee
Sheridan, of Morris townepip, was eleeted
as C.eunty Mork of Meaemsr.aey looney,
Mishigs&, by a .est r�jerit ever two
ether adidaba Kr. Il\eru� has hese
in thee riot ori l 11, he a se—herred ofyearsyears ane.
sass that hr.
mtrr Qessmh ten's meg ws Os l ache •a bah meat
with the bm.t d