HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-15, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : GODEt1CH, ONT., THURSDAY. NOV It IRK 411) OF THE DLSTRI'T.1k ee,aw `��`+� •w Wine the «ttMsas• roused is him by the From ousilversieurreisposionta. I. r Nswreaaalss fie TW Cannes be al•aaM Aaywbore ease. -awn of tbe emante aseshdhg aspersed far The IlfsseL K INO$BRIDGE. MuanAr, Nov. 12. Tumidity morning, Nev.b, sheet 7 i.lack, • fere broke out on the premises of M Inas which destroyed the bars and outline, with their sonteots, emnisttsg of vehtoles, ae pl mists, this years' orop,ac, making • low of $1,000. Theis a an Meurer* of $450 ea the buildier and also an tasunsos us eon testy. Four horses were in the stable and the halters had to be cat to let them out. Mr. Dean has the empathy et the comment • ty in his lees. BRUCEFIELD. Tuesday. Nov 13. Tho• l'entlaud is away on bonus to Kincardine Rev. Mr. M.N•bb was unable to "dictate in the l'. P. charch net Sabbath. Robt. Murdock has moved into the house until lately occupied by Thos. Proudfoet. The Bible Society mestiag in the Metho diet church on Friday evening was poorly attended, bis feet so few were there that the adds•emeas gives Nitibbath afterimage. The oosturt given by {M "Rem Ideal f tencsrt roe WM a aaeailliEThitwdities d ''Very Suspicious" N Mies Kyseal brotiw, t down the house._ The cncket club aro to commended upon having •ucb • company ere LANES- Wrnsceu•r, Nov. 7. Aon ii -Meimtas e Ford left hist week for London where intends staying for some time. � H '.vt Jobs ('ourttley, after havtne spent the last 3 jean in Dakota is sow ea - joy log • visit under the parental roof here. H 1sspte the inclemency of the weather on Hallowe cu the usual treks of stealing gate., blocking the mac oto., was carried an in an enterprising manner. MaRI\ .-tjuite • number of the ladies of thus twavropuon drove over to St. Helens se Friday afternoon, 2nd, to attend the annual thank *feriae meeting of the St. Helena auxiliary of the \C. F. M S. The, report • large sad successful snootier and gene • sum raised towards the aussion cans.. FArs••tu.Seaau. The Key. K. ' a:, Anderson. who has been pastor of the con grogram* et St. Helms and East Aabiekl for the past i.e year*, preached hie farewell sermon here to • lame cecgregation prior to he departure to become pastor of • congre- gatiom at Wroxeter. The rev. gentleman chose for his text the words of the 'Lied verse of the 5th chapter of la l lies, and preached from it • very impressive end ap- propriate sermon for the occssise. Many of the congregation were moved to teats, as they deeply regret the eeparattno from their pastor who has labored so peacefully amongst them for the past by. veers, and all are unanimous in wishing hint eveiv euc ayes in his new charge to the village of 1Yr...stet. PORT ALBERT. Terttnt, Nov. 13. l'." I Tern paid his customary official visit to the school un Friday last. Progress satisfactory : teachers congratulated. I fur school trustees have secured the ser. et es or Wm. Gorden, of "heppard•on, for principal for ensuing year. Seine twenty app ci•iota received. H t )tway, general merchant, has sold 'his stock and leaned his store and other property hero, to Mrs.] King of Wagham. The lady will take pose mston this week. A l.Iriit,Dy Titt..r. Readers of Tltt stn. 'A. should not fail CO read its weekly letter from t)ttaws. It is alone Werth the price of that enterprising journal's subscrip- tion. Tut. WLATHsK What • triad, a glen- ous, a splendid opportunity is given to Tut Sh.vvi.s i). c. to spread himself on this favorite subject. Only we dar'n't intrude on hallowed ground. we'd my • few words on the matter ourselves. There's been • first class variety show ..f weather around here during the past weak. A� Erse. as nn as Rrw.•vt:n Phe as- signees of the estate et .las. Mahatty here sold the machinery in the old saw mill to ('has. Dunton of Belfast. Mr Durnin has already removed the maehinery, and the dilepidatel' old ruin which for years has served no other purpose than to obseure the graceful outline of the grist mill, will mem be only • remembrance. Frank Met'onnel, of Blyth, passed through the village last week. en route to he new home, the late Jlr ('lare a farm on the meth con. Mr M. has been a resident of this township before, iem, some fourtew years ago Items Sullivan s tenant. Frank, we are pleated to say, has seen the error of his ways in matters political since his last residence here, as from being • rabid, dyed - in the -wool, unreasoning Tory, he is now a splendid specimen of the ubiquitous Liberal, lori•'al, seniNe, reasonable, atelligeut and rood. He bolds an auctioneer's liesner for t he Busty. Success to him ' i n•...a it, .hair I_AKaitits Jas. Gar- rett, of Kintail, who during the past fes n.onths has had charge of the mail stage be- tween Metall and I.odenoh, has sold out he interest in the business to Jock Adams, of Lucksow. Mr. Garrett discharged the duties of his position in • eatable manner, wee extremely obliging and attentive, and, what the farming community sap•cially ad- mtre,twodsrete in his charter. His eieosue or, Mr. Adam*. is an old timer in the hosi- e rs, haying driven a stage from hacksaw to I •odirieh away hack in the 70's. This was as opposition business.. The Right Hon. A. M. Polley, of l.oderich, had the mail contract, and the people of I.uchnow, thinking the fare for the trip between the two points was somewhat exoest.e, on. eluded be put • re ea the road themes yes and run him est of the busses= Mr Adams being at that ties. shoot the only sober and trust worthy man in the village gqis�litied for the pesitmme. was 'otos . for .11sw and they presented him with 'meetly ; W • er*dit to the large heartarlsee• of the Med peopi of the tiepoy nllet. that same minae was. Nothi.g in then own miaow sharps nor in the stahl.s ct 'het, own Intal horst dealers would satin them Ther must haw y. ooeth ng regardless of cost. in attract attention, they must hay.a..tnething who est hen sr is Mass a sees ht the testi dews. Ias$ead of $1.50 being as beretele a eh•rged from the usfuetenate wayfarer ea that erebr•med route, the fare aeon dwindled down to lifty. with • premier from the redoubtable Jock to his parties that their asrival at the wad of their looney wield be "tea Dore aired e' the mail or so eh•irge ' Jock is an honest need -hearted old soul and deservq the patronage it the public. Wtu.aeuar, Neer. 14. Tia Marrnt.. The tea meeting held here last sve.ing a cosmetics with St. Andrew's esuroh was a greed evosess, the shore' being crowded to the doors. After tea had bees sewed at Mr. Gardner's hues opposite the church. the people took them- selves over t) the chureh where an steeliest program was delivered. The chair was e- supp:ed by Rev. Mr. Fairbatn in • very eflleient meaner. Addresses were given by Rev. I). Rogers. of Danga•eos, and Ilse Mr. Jessie., of Port Albert. Rasltat+ose by Mr. and Mier Heyde., of Port Albert, and Miss Pentland, of Dungannon. A sum• her of shot -uses, quartette and duette were given by Dungannon choir. The proceeds of the evening amounted to $41 50. This r in aid of the S.S. fond as to supply the S.• with a liberary. -- DUNLOP. Monday, Nov. �. Kien 1.%11. U. John Duan, who has bora at Duaginnon for some time has returned. Another dancing party at our opera nouns hall was held Tbuisday tat last and saw a good attendance coupled with • good tints. which all enjoyed most heartily. l)uws'. a r- Robert Haan down, all with m•ngulds, having one which weighs :?Sibs. This leaves the venial Sherif! end Mr. Oke Sr , somewhat behind is pounds and ounces. la the sanctums of Tits. Sin.it office, we had the pleasure of meeting the genial re- corder of 1)ua'ansoo happening* in Tug Si.:'. Ai.'- newsy columns, both of us having .t stirring chat, with • little homily from the editor. iter Dungannon brother is full of cheer, and we always like to read, as many others do, that Itunvacnon is on the move, from his prolific pen. and that his mato is to give pleasure to all who read hie weekly notes from far and near. We hope he may long spared in his active sphere at '4inganson. markaki., they meet have snnwlhi•, asps They wield. if a.emmeary. premed to sews .t1 the larger mimes ea the Armories* metres, is shiest of the deemed ablest. They emended sad theyenesesd.d. Matey Mere w is this village and serroundimg emtghhe teal whe will swear by the pre ent Mico d wheat, or by anything else sot OM. con prelee& that l.mshmow's presses Mt. Mere bad wee warmer on Meuse llate4fes before Mr. Hebb has MO LEEBURN. Most,.,. Nov. 1-1 Miss I'.dith Holdsworth, of Holmes.ille, is visiting in our burg. Mr. and Mrs. If. Stirling enjoyed • pleasant visit last week to relatives and friends in i:odcrioh township. Those .'si, S'ua That old time firm so long dealing( is the weather prospects re- sumed their butlers* again after their an-. nual Summer holt-lay rather unexpectedly, covering and freenng quite • oumbe: of fields of uegathered roots of 18+3. Is Viae. A Christmas tree with an en- tertainment is to be held on Christmas Eve at the church, the promoters of it being the S S. etaff,so as to have a social gather lee of the wrote and children. Every effort will be made to reale the gathering one of the best ever held is the annals of Leebun. A CHAPTER ON CHIMNEYS. sees. Advice Wile Aalborg., Waken le will es, Tea so reed. Keep your chimneys clean and save money, and have no smoky houses is the morning. Now, I wish to show you where the saving conies in . 1 claim if your chin neys are clean you me run your stoves all day with your drafts shut off, which you will find • big saying in fuel. 2nd. I claim your stovepipes will last much longer without renewing 3rd. That all anxiety is off your mind re- garding tires, for it your stovepipes and chimes s are clean there ;soothing in them to burn oat, it to the burning out process which causes the renewing so often of your stovepipe. Now, everyone always looks out to have their stovepipe cleaned and the dirt taken from their thimbles once or twice • year, but by the majority the chimneys are .tegtstaed, and these ao net derive the bandit from their stoves, which they would get if their chimney. were kept clean. Compare your chimney with the sink in your kitchen. If the water is slow in getting away you know well something is wrong, your sink is choked : then you go to work and opee your sink at the entrance, clear out the dirt aecnmulated just at the opening and cover it up again, what will be the resultIf I ask you that question your answer will be, that it will be as bad as ever very shortly. I claim it is lust the same with your chimneys, unless you clean from top to bottom you are not deriving the benefits they will give you, and they require it as moth as any room in your house, lied should hays preference. but are ne leeted. Now, 1 wish to point out a few effects of • neglected chimney 1st. A smoky house and sooty smell, especially in the morning. and time wasted in starting ire which should be done in one minute, if chimneys are cleaned and everything ready under stove at night. Your draft es all day buroimr more fuel than oee.ssery, and your fuel is expensive, peer sod you do sot derive mu ^n basedt from it after all. Stoves will so•rca- ly keep the room warm \ our stovepipes mid thimble holes choke up readily, especially if no drop below thimble. The first high wind they get on ire and bars out, thou comes the neglected chimney. My readers have all sees • chimney on fire and know i• making pretty here* blain just about the top. Fire consumes the bricks sad mortar, which weakens the chimney. The first high wind that comes, the bricks are blown off ; now where do these tricks go • I will toll you where I have found many this last month: down in the Roes of several. and in some, 5 orb bricks which must have fallen together, wedged tightly in and gave me quite a job to Ionise, there being only space enough left to get • small pole with • honk in the earl through in order to dislodge them. Yee they wonderwhy their hawse was always full of smoke and the stove not Otis/ satisfaction. They thought the stove was to blame, but when the chem n sy was c'eanwd everything wont gay. Now, reader, you may laugh, hat what i •m gang to point out to you is so laughing , matter. es I stated before, when year chimney takes fire the chimney is weakened the bricks get loom, and the first high clad they hat. got to e., if sot dews the Is., Iaenevea,.ee•ag your family er meant, it will leg probably on some poreoa's head, and •• a g.eleral rale oar ar•eiame are sot as hard e• derkeys, for I reeneenlssr mediae where this same thing hsppeeed to a begger ani all h. wasted to knew was, "Who fns. du Mick• het some probably if it should happen to any white p►estMhey would wino went • doctor nr an undertaker. I have found many ehtimney top the past month lin a very dilapidated meetitsen sad net safe tin touch, the he,nkiayees arro seeded se Imaw' of themI ihisk them very d=o W' set he y ars,end they fines ld teat to lit oreif ..nit for !he safety et the pubis, ila ehialneye lewd is tide Nam mss be es CALL x x BE OUR MICE RANE La' Fur Capes -gceadmialla0goods and prices. 0.1SHIM itCo it McLean* lrsrk. Oar. Rimer and Meetrealet. Have you tow my IMPORT ORDER OF Staple and - - - Falicy Goods? Just received from France and Germany. They are very choice and all the Newest Goods. 14 Y PRICES X -- .X SUIT THE TIMES. IF you want • PaaSZITT of any kind it will pay you to call at The Popular Book Slott D. B. CALBIOK, The sgaare, aederMb. tected by looking up at them, no seed to go on the roof at all, they speak for themeevem and are chimneys that have been neglected and left to burn out, their only remedy if not attended to. Bricklayers do not work for nothing It is no easy matter to build p oldieg around a chimney Ito re -top it. 1 this trouble and expense can be avoided by keeps* your chimneys eleae, for if kept clew there is nothing is them so bun out, and often great results depend on little things Before closing my few remarks. I'him- B ey clean_ne is a thing greatly neglected to l:oderteh by many. If they knew the many benefits to be derived from it they would attend twit just the same as they do any other part of the home. Spring or Fall, and should have preference. Many of my read- ers do it twice a year and they know the good result of it. If any of my readers have not done so, let him try it and he will find it will pay hint well to keep his chimney clean. It is rather a dirty lob, out it mast be done by some one an dose properly. I wish to state I am Be novice in the business hang followed it for the last ten years for several residents in Ioderich, the names of a few of which you will hod appended be. low, and at the euggestioa of a few leadtag ratepayer' of the town have decided to make it a business Spring and Fell in I:odench for those not able or not Baring to do it them selves. I hope anyone reading these few remarks I (have made will study them at their leisure, and if any of them may be the cause of bringing good result I shall deem myself well paid for my trouble, and tt there is an,thln, 1 have said needs commenting on by anyone I would like to bear from than through the press. If it will not be the means of dome any good I do not think they :will do any harm. You *early all know me, my anchor is dropped in Gode- rich. I have been well patromiied this last month by many of the leading rues of the town, who hays had their chimneys cleaned throughout their entire block.. These were level-headed men who knew the result of keepioQ their chimney■ clean. I have •Iso coameoi the chimneys of all the schools is tows, and also of many private residences. I leave them to judge if my work was done satisfactorily in every particular or nut. I also wish to state I intend to costume the business all through this mouth when weather permits. No matter if (your stoves are up and your tarpmu down, you do not require to dust after me. .lust show see the chimneys you want cleaned, I will do the rest. All orders left at my residence', near the Square, will le promptly attended to. ('>ARLItS PAN NE, To Wane IT MAI Cuts. gay • Mr. Payne has cleaned our chimneys for • n umber of years sad has given us great set isfaction on every occasion. We have had n o need to remove carpets or make the least preparation, only showing the chimneys we wast cleaned, he dew the rest, and leaves so seem after him whatever. You can rely M him ne every rearm. • agmed. Mite, F'.wnon, Mn -• W. K.,, MD*. Can rviti, Ma. Hone, Mott. Kinn, Ma. Wtnoam. Mr. Steamg. Head Master Collegiate In- stitute, states " i bed four chimneys very dirty and did set know who to mall on to algae Mem. A frieeed of mine told sae Mr. Payne had cleaned their's for years. I Ball . d as him ani secured his services to clean mine also, and which I have fennel ever sines give me great satisfsetiem I think it • great bees to the teem to hay* • mita so well lumen as Mr Payne a to have under- takes the bushman. asset thick he should he well patrosieed, for it was much seeded in (Oedertoh " 20 PER CENTS DI8COUNT I ♦ 41/11d stater. The plinsant flavor, gentle action said soothing *(Berta of Syrup of Figs, whoa in need of • latative, ami if the father or metbisr be oetivs or bilious, the tweet gratify Ise results follow its use ; so that it is the bet family medic,.. kaows,aed every family should have • betels on hand. Gentle es, do you wt cloth. • ISa't won Arsotrear•s "ads pegs 4. The Suprema Overt hes djesrnd until hammy l& Armserst g's heavy ribbed eamh ie a haw se sou, e`ephmge apes M W. ACHESON & SON. A late season and our new mantles arriving late, We commence to- day our entire Stock of over 100 of the Bev ,t, t and lost Stylish Jackets and ladles for this year Fur 'I'riuinit•t! Braid Trimmed. Plain Stitched and Silk Lit, -.1. All Styles of Newest Goods at a5ove big Discount. -This means a large loss to us, but the racks must bt Cleared. We invite all Ladies interested in Jackets to see these Bar- gains in our large, well -lighted Mantle Rooth' W. ACHESON lc SON. Highest price for product• RrEMOV D Mantles. - This is our• First Season for Ladies' Mantles. Every Mantle this year's importation. All French and German makes. As we sell for Cash, these goods will be sold cheap -all the way from $2 50 to $20.00. No last year's Mantles showing as this y'ear's goods. JAS. ROBINSON. CASH STORE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. X Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. C. A. HUMBER & SON have reeved to M mS+�t near Kingston-st. Lcok Out For Advt. Next Week. People of GOOD COMMON SENSE usually appreciate a good article that itm honestly made. well finished and up to date This explains the great success of GRANBY RUBBERS THEY WEAR LIKE IRON AN ALL AROUND REPORT. •ewrpo degliellgiests Om�a/iNnty kept Mor Sere timers Aagnetue Sale, the noted newspaper writer: " It u something to be able to tell the a IOL1 Ll l - GRAND OPERA HOUSE! Week c otnni.-n, int; EYE et ilint ¢w 10!1 lith, Ph ppe hen heera that was still1have Kitsigse ofLuutheu D French ; that I have seen wall, Thies, 1:tit,ot and laaxartins . that I have miaow- ed three revolutions In the French capital : that I followed Garibaldi is his compaiga in the Tyrol. that I have heard i)stel tit onoell deliver • speech at the London Tavern : that I knew Lord Palmerston : that I knew the first Lord Brougham : that i were in the Fresco -Mexican war at the storming of Peebla : that i spent 13 month in America when she was to the midst of war : that I was personalty acquainted with Abraham Lucoln, with Seward, with Stanton : with Charles Sumner, with George Mancroft, with Longfellow and with Bayard Taylor, with Grant and with McClellan, i with Horace t:reeley, Raphael Semmes and Jefferson Davis. " I have conversed at Algiers with the I Emperor Napoleon ill . I have been patted on the head es by the great Duke of Welling- ton : I lived is Cabe when there were negro slaves there, and in Russia whoa there were millions of serfs in the dominions of the CMS'. I can remember to have seen the CMS' Nicholas himself •t the Ascott races; I attended the funeral of the assassinated Alexander II., and the *cremation of Alex- ander, III.. I was in l'000tentinople when the first Turkish constitution was proclaim- ed from the steps of the old Seraglio, and I ems hear new the unanimous shouts of 'Amin' from the Moslem troops present. " From the organ loft of St George's Chapel, Windsor, I have witnessed the funerals of the I htcbmes of Rest. of the Prince Concert. of the Duke of Hanover, asd of the iluke of C.'lareaw. From the same coign of vantage I have watched the n uptials of the Prince o1 Wales sad the Primer Alexandria of Denmark, of the huh, of Ceonaught and of the Duke of Albany. I saw the covosattou proosemies of her ne piety (ossa Victoria, mad i was is Wretmtuister Ah'eey at the royal jubilee service sad in St. Pail's Cathedral at the thanksgiving service for the recovery frees ✓ elieves of the Velma of Wales, and 1 be. held the mooed funeral of Napoleon the (:rear. mooed '• i have sou 12 murderersI have sates the turtle of 4b lord Mayors, mesa 1 was at the farewell banquet rives to Charles Dickens prier to he emceed visit to America. !Schuss and Thackeray were the friends of my youth my editors is my ma- turity. I have twee roead the world and sees things anal people is Califer is sad the Sandwich Islands, in Amatralia and New Zealand, in India and Ceylon. I have .mea Macready, Charles Kean, Tyree Power, the .15.. Farren, Charles Matthews, Mss. %Maria, Mn. Glover. Mrs. Ne.biu Rachel, 1Seja,et and Frederic Iamaitre set. I have heard Pasta. Mahbraa, (:ilii, Pers:sai, Reber, Tambnuriai and !debauch* sing, and have sees Tagliesi, Fanny F.Ileal.r, Creite, and lfuver.ay dance. Mw se Qat • small he P1.s•r.- Seed Jb " Sunlight Seep wrappers hearing the words (' Why lyses a Woman Leek Old Somme Than • Man "Ito Leen Ass.. loud., 43 Reno it Teraina, and yes will retries by pest a pretty picture, tree from advertlsimg. and well worth framing. TIM is an may way to decorate year bows. Tb. .map is the best is the market and it will wily gest le. aeetmge to seed in the wrappers, if ire• leave the sods epee. Write veer mem a rdully. ly Babeerihe for Ta. Seger- Only $1.00 • year is adesses. THE HOLDEN COMEDY CO'Y in • Repertoire of The Latest Plays, Songs and Dances, and at POF'VLAR F'RIClfif3_ Thanksgiving and Saturday MATINEES. els. apes. Thursday paw- el Pryer eerier's aseht Aloe. The Old Reliable COAL ALWAYS ON HARD. NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL. The best and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market supplied at current prices on shortest notice. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. WM. LEE Osiers Illus at WIPER A L231 store pre■/gy attended to, ORBIT BAROAIIS ! My entire Sleek of OVERCOATS aad KEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS r beteg geld at prices Far Below Cost ! Aloe, the same redeeMsss are being made la HATS, CAPS, TOP SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, AC. ()Ba anti woe.eds my Goads and Pales. The place that gives the lest value for your money is the place you fire looking for to buy your Boots, anti that is why we want you to see our goods before buying and then you'll not go by us. Our values cannot tie beaten. How .lo we know ! Well, by the enor- mous increase in our business since we opened. By the number of net. Customers we are constantly making. By the many words of praise for the value we showing that we hear every day. If you have not yet bought from us we would like you to give us a trial. Your neighbors deal here -ask them about us. Our Girls' School Boots, at $1 00, still lead theist all. Our Women's Glove Grain, Buttoned or Laced, and Oil Tanned, Pebble Buttoned or Laced, at $1.25, will speak for themselves. Our Ladies' Dongola, Buttoned, Tipped Extension Soles, at $1.00, will strike you as a $2.53 Boot. Men's Working Boot., Bellows Tongue. $1.00. Men'. Fine Calf, Laced or Gaiter, $2.00. Mens Fine Dougola, Laced or Gaiter, at $2.00, good value it *50. See our hand -made Kips before buying. Extra Stock. Extra well made. In case any of our Goods rip we will sew them free. ■tr♦Srettt< ta►TT% .ttw rawwrrst aTTtsrta TO H. B. POLLOCK. The New Shoe store. BARGAINS! 1 Wool Seal Cape, $16, for $19. 1 Wool Seal ('ape $'30, for $25. 2 Ladies' Coats, $10 each, for $3 each. 4 Ladies' Coats, $5 each, fur $1.50 each 6 Colored Cloth Capes at Manufacturers Price. :i Ladies Dogskin Coats, worth $30, for $23.50. + } s + ends of Mantle Cloths 1,.0 at-about Half Price. 16 pieces Dress Goods Slaughtered Examine Prices. X 20e. for 15c. -25c. for 15c. Inc- for 15c. -33c. for 20c. 40c. for 29c. -50c. for :40e. 90c- for 60c.-S5c. for 570.. 65c. for 45c - 75c. for 50c. 20 Short Ends of Carpet, good Stock, lefts than Wholesale Prices. 'Lou must save money by buying the above Goods from COLBORNE EROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. HALLIDAY'S IMPERIA ffi AN UP -TO DATE RESTAURANT. + + + + + 4 - Choicest Choicest Confectionery, Oysters, Fruits Only the Best kept on hand. etc. The Small End of Nothing. ls seomsearty seas. Jost es mall are the herniae le Arrived trews attesdIng seine a oriel ' heelnsse estrous.' Time 101111117 CITY 8($1111 at AND SRORTILLVID C'OhA.L LONDON. COT.. em thew hist • ls meld asp Meth tas scot ammeter of He wick. Tea emu eswmi •' im 'leJ. w. Warr aysur >llrewf$.L Subscribe !der "The Sigaer-1111 6 ti h tl u tt M u r.. tk l\ tr M 4:1 ix ea et a HI tis is wl on pr wt the pa the my Bbl ail ea' me all face in the as, stere ettl etr rem POO bas he VII art ed t, bens ort rq .sB h`em tad men per sop o. the lead blue aro 12, anon he *IM 'sae sell ppgde elf .none o sous a sato it Hr be calf i nt ie nkat Impel fee I nye. ^tome it isms Metro ris soul 1,ti she Wasp ere $I n It Ala n A r is