HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-15, Page 7ACES Pic 4Feet frmlACE rTfg,eeped• i, red besatntt mePW/es Deese W. wbkih beat Ire mese &treks IlelemeOseeleeMiee tree Power Iry 'MACE sae. Chaiiiher eneineme newer bedews Ileee I plat PFI ise ■y111MMsl TO1101iT6. ock, Uodorich Vett ('hest Protestors ' moony woe. Prices ,bice u the (•11.d.1 of s, rane ism rely es Nis Mlrg et 300d13. d Bret err:w•eg delle. sled with these and a t i;a eiiant Souvenir," n140. toil Wood Stoves to one of any I LEE, rs, Tinsmiths and h. 0. ial Gal's for 40c. INEP fZIE price. s, Garden an Also LTY. ;NZIE, flock, Goderich. mss rices N'S. at BON 's Litton Styli rmR. js the essay. onable 'tiller., wbse heb1 ►tie . ehm.gibi 0 share I'•rt d `� way to dee p SON. 'i. JOHN T. ACHESON. Will Values Oils Weet: 3 pieces Fancy Dress Goods, worth 40c., for 20c. 2 pieces Fancy Plaids, regular price, 60c , for 35c. 1 piece Black " Peaw de Soie " Silk, worth $1 25, for $1.00. 5 ends Fancy Broche Silks at $1.25. The above Goods are new and just received and will be found on inspection to be exactly as adver- tised. JOHN T. ACHESON. AN OPINION OF THE NEW ensu her. tefrhee • 5We.eie, es rose efkee ee sew 4.eresse revs', The teamster eettniete of the 1 •earowitch which prof. le If I.effeasa has contributed to the German press will be reed with geed iuterat, now that the t tuowiteh a the "'rare I'ruf t,efrchea wi• "1'he Carowitch is • noble, generous ce•r•cter, opposed to may kind of peewee tics cod especially to religious t soatici.m de has •Tread is presented • wrest deal el eewhnf and has softened doses may • straw tueesure He's a decided opponent of f'o:eudwaetrefl, and the latter will prob-' sats be renew' the lint to disappear under' the new regime. ' .11esaader III hay not always been • freed of l:eriaoy. At the time wee' the thio ',einem Crewe Pnow • Frederick III . west to !e. Petersburg to the funeral of I Ussasder II , tail e•i.t sumethieg about the !madly relations of the twu couutn.e, the a'ru reserked. ' Mais it y a pourtart I. pees •`• Riemerk,' who, he considered, was sstaus Do aeon the Baltic prow Imes. Aid nen after the crown Prime had cos• nand him, of the otter fuelsty of the idea, i be remained 'aspic:one,sod theme (annul elite sr -t• au Iii is fostered the fesits, " I to, feeling has recertl, ucderaone • tamer, as mai be 'steered from the Russo Gere on commercial treaty, elects was ooh pasmI I y the special order of the emperor epin.t the interests of tr. Moscow tier. e :auto and their allies in court. He was serer to laver •.Cele Free. h •Waste, and the i:.1! of Allier, el t,en'ai.of Cruosadt, Mile he ooufd not very well refuse, was j perful to him, pod he was islet when at me parer ' is t he otber hand, M aset.red I the '.erman emperor, ee his visit to Kiel, that re would Dever give mershiy order, tea *oak seedier so order that the Frisch Inge -.aeon Alia e•Lorra'se Hie Ole bsw.i..r et Pau has strict orders a, keep t fes i • Dion sod Per • festivities wither our tea lea f.. Brae,, he treated the Preach to elven es. in the word■ of • witty F:etgh.h e CRISP AND -CASUAL. Ohio has nearly 12,000 dnskior saloons. The 'southern states have 300 cotton seed mills. Douglas is a Gaelic earns signifying dark grey. Out of every malice persons 1,200 die from gout. France imports one third of the coal she C011111111104. I mlrella• make of oiled paper are used so Korea. Kum• has l a 1.000.000 btti�a�—where m ter "spurt. , I'ocle Sam hes nearly 180,000 horses and mules. America's exports amounted to $892 280 last , ear. London manufacturers tt2,500.000 worth of umbrellasar. a ye. The woolen factories of this country em- ploy 220,000 ptoses.. In 1843 15.210 applications for patents were fled to F.oslaad. Ten thousand American. are employed by the telephone companies m The longest telephone line is that fro from Easton to Milwaukee The neat of animal. which have Men bled to death keeps She best. Norway Pine Syrup cures aught, colds, ss hoarsene, sore threat, asthtra, bronchitis, ec. • IM THE SHOE iN HISTORY. straw sandal. are still in use in ('hiri'and span. t:tpe vptaa slims were made of palm and papyrus, inter:ace•f The ancient !Persians were $ ht fitting bane reaching to the busy. • brooms rogan of take Imes it. Meme from he rawhide 'eche: of the encomia Britons. Egyptain hierozlypbi,ts shows the cobblerno have been kwn in the time of the tieemys. THE SIGNAL': GODERICH, ONT, TIITTRBDAY, NOV. 15. 1894. Weak Women and all mothers who Ere nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott' Emulsive. This ;>repara- tion serves t w',i pu rpotes It gives vital strength tet mothers and else enr•-l•, . 1,1eir milk and thus makes their babies thrive. .S.cgd.a mulsio is a constructive Reel !hne pro- motes the making •' i,t•atthy tissue and bone. it i' a wonder- ful remedy for Emaciation, Cenerd Debility,Throat and Lung C3mptaintt, Coughs, gra, Colds, Anaemia, S' rofula and Wasting Diseases of Children. Srwl/erPawed/el ea Seer'r Reed,..w. flee. Seel) a asses, feller ile y i/priets. lit. • Si, ALL SORTS OF PARAGRAPS. The toed number of stiles of railroad constructed in Flneland amounts to 20,62'. Women have municipal suffrage in ('ape •'olouy, which rules 1,000,000 square miles. Municipal womma stiffness rules in New Zeeland sod at p,rhament•ry similes' also. India/is, Retie India, in New York state, 2'2 make 5,000 menially in the basket baej- nesa irIturdock Pills ie eel gbh They cure cotipatise Mel hl ache. l be abbreviation " goat " was formerly used to l' ogland as • title of respect, not as la sng. With half of the world to choose from, fermata stick to two little islands in Bob ring see. To destroy worms sod expel them from children or adult. u.e Lr, Low • Worm Syrup In, The popularity of precious stones now 's She peal tint, the rally second and the dte- ood third. On an &eerier, 3,000 umbrellas are con- stantly in the hat parcel office of the New e ork elevated. ,111,• Coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma, bron- cho', and ell lung troubles are 4uickly'cur- ed by Hagyard • Pe;;toral Baleen. 1m The town of tetrad, K.. , has three lames on it. Board of Edueatioo, and one of them, Mrs. Alice Haldeman, is president. Japan hat been inflicted by fewer internal revolutiuos than any other tattoo, the et 'stag government basal held Tabroken sway foe 2,500 years Jacob Kern, ot Monomial's county, West V'rguia, u 94 years of age and has 2ti3 liv- sag descendants, eleven of whom are great - great -grand children. The Rev. John K. Mateo, former pastor of thslVest Presbyterian church, New 1 ork, Denounces the intention of starting another church at the metropolis The survivors' association of the Eighty. second Pennsylvania regiment have decided to participate In • body at the onveilug ot the Mc 'ellen status in Philadelphia next . eek. d.plen.et, like • nun who carelessly suffer' he senses' of • girl throwing herself at le ask, bet who, at the same time, deem es am want to have anything to do with her. "The i'rsrowitch goes further. He is darn fly friendly to '.erniany, and ha. • wi a mum fneadship for in• Emperor lfJ• Ism The French have nothing to fear Ise ham, and the nipple Alliance has no - die to fear Hence, it ;s only the home Mktg in Puss • that will undergo • great ease ,.oder • new ruler, sod if the future le Car hes the a reogth to carry t hew chamgs though, they will be for the welfare of • de gest empire, sod will lose to the paella,. dy tins of the discontented elements in • Itemssal " Whether the mixt l 'ter will be sufh stent Irneergr!ic to eery out his strove opposi- tes to the present bureaucratic regime, and to'•traduc•e such reforms as are possible in Ram, remains to be seen. But in his ef- Ise. emeltemeltthat ewe he will have • vale- ** asei.taat is his neck., (:reed Duke VW,mir. The rest of the imperial family tamA bot «sent. (outwardly there will be few Removing the shoes is still a mark of re• spoet in the esst,ie it has been for thousands years. The Roman women wore house dipper- th cork s, es and increased their height kiddie/ up these soles to • great thick sees. The':reeks of '2,000 years ago wore shoes elneelycorrespnnding to these of the present. Those of the comae were fre'loently green coat& while the 'dudes' wore white. The turned op toes fashionable ma England ring the 300 years of the Plantagenet amity were sometimes two feet is length ad were feateoed to the knees ty gold or ver thread. MODERN PROVERBS. Wit cats but masa curs Widen) teaches us what to borrow Roodhouse.' measures the mule's foot. The devil oever needs a second istredae • be not hope to fill the belly by merely dear, . if the Crier was • lover of po•oe, es& ells Vit onlypushed onward where he knew Peeked would not dere to act an of lids for iueteneel, the ('rarowitch a still sen opposed to war " T eine A Iterhlees fl•ssdthrl/r. A n• reeking wanner m which semi of the wit Mee of the Kentish nobility rue info debt la illustrated by the alaates wide is the O1O m habruptcy court the other day by Lord ll fall +r,.4gu's,os, who is also • nephew of the +timoosly wealthy 1'.k. of Reodwoh. who %tallowedd that he had pot his carne to • fne $1,000, of which he hely received H �• 2500 of the helmet.being kept by the to helmet. ewer who discounted the bill, .ad $300 by els "gentleman" who bad given him tee Ie- high esN��tiee to the latter. Of seen. Tema'"taiu neva had the slightest intestine deleting this sots, and Neem he made mi diode• .boot the oat of the •eeominod•- ha Mews, upon the $100 that he received !dee profit, That's . young blood's way e•atieteng things ting the gong :end writing beet •ppreei•tes the valve • full stop. here is far more danger ef hearing ten h then too little. wordy man is lout a cheap dictionary boot deleittosa Some men's poor omens of humanity is re than reciprocated. he lectures on eloquence as a lost en are of affirmative proof Ms geeaime prophet could bankrupt the le limed of Trek. ow much longer is preerestisetios miss act se speaker pro tem The stars furnish the setroscmerr with t end the metrologies with lien Tb. eeeie seems to have harrowed • geed deal of its dignity from the sloth. Then is es mach differ's°. between talk and convefi,tlen as between silence and thought. APHORISMS ANO MAXIMS, 1860. Fer ami poor pewsbr Mere are 100 lath• gent Creditors have hatter memertss than debtor, Many Lays bees reined penny weetba The mooed vies is lying, the drat is nee siag into debt Meshes Is *weed. it r the easiest thing in the world to de- l" Iia velee of • homes by a blender. A baited ly plated where the head reset that a porter will hatter the 114,1 when be eernies a tread en stairs, or kettles ss as hiadore take a direct rests to g ream will do irretrievable 1•1111" Aired Meseta that are we dark ate eines • seem therefrom by • mese et `t'•, mid • stairway thee will in the eine e twist year lays tats its ewe The &swa y room meet be *reek '_ .,me hem j" i. 4 the .rep Ileing teem ~ ►�Il�terr �- �m g. E u !a bM with madam b Melt Im•d These have • sheet Lest who owe money to be paid at Raewr. The eye e/ a master will do mon week than both bin Made A piesgietas se his loge is better teas a gelemaa se his keen A shed • feel blot slew 20 shillings and SID ewer w eta Sri then bad us seed ef, and w lees thee shall sell sly s•eetaleise Ce lIMee are a a... esperselisses Mlearea4 eh - semen of ma awe ma Usea—SMm ed Remise Yee b� �it'tiMwie...G t bahs cheap ttgrielsss wittiest peoltive injury it we one e reh tiknfe e Aper Y.wape. de se at the pard of year th, ler. _ Me•4.141•1lhteietf AF.+. The tallest man in Europe a believed to he Grand Duke l'aul of Russia, who is &even feet nine inches in height. His hands ere covered with hair and be grads his teeth in his deep. Arrangements are making to have each sate in the union represented by eight rep - re eetetive women at ine great Atlanta ex• ptatttoa, the •pp•nutments to be made by the several governors. The demand for Ayers Hair Vigor in such widely separated regions as South America, spate, Australia, and India has kept pace with the home consumpuou, which goes to show that these people know • good tiring when they try it. A shoemaker in ':ermant.owo, Pa., owns • at which he declares is 31 years old. It is sightless, whiskerleee sad ire fur grows the wrong way. That the veoer•ble feline was something of • warrior in its youthful days is shown by the •bsean of oae ear and the ragged condition of its tail stump. It took much time and patience for Zip - pees Robinson, of Pawlin's Jun,tion, N.i , to teach a Muscovy duck to use a pair of roller skates, which be had coastrmcted es- pecially is Charleston. The flat webbed feet of the bird are tasteoed to the skates with small straps, and when Mr. Robinson says "Shoo'" the duck berms to glide gracefully forward, 'CYCLING PROVERBS. I ;r1 t makes a man but mars • bearing Neither men nor bicycles steer well with tight heads. Like • frie.d is need the handle -bar is only appreciated when the road is rough. The world, like the bicycle, would soon come to • stop were it sot for the crank. Mobilise is like • bicycle saddle ; though mach sat upon it generally menages to be oo top. Polities., is like a pneumatic tire ; there isn't mash in it, bet it eases many • jolt in the jemmy of life. A Mesmet disposition, like oil in • bicycle Marmg, reduce, friction •ad prevects a wend el wear and tear. Like • link is • bicycle ohms, we may set animist to much indiyidnally,bstcollective- ly we make the wheels go armed. Like balls is • bearing, the lives of meaty of s meet be one continual grind that other, may •joy themselves. Life is like • bicycle run- some weeny, fret and snatch alnat and soon reach the end, while ethers bake it easy and ejey themselves as they go. TEN THINGS. Moe at. les things for which so one has ever yet best sorry. The. are. Per •toting geed to all Fee spp a dee sell of ret. For hearing Were jedgiee. Per Fer bask*/ before . alding an awe len For befog kind the distressed. Fer oohing perdue fee ea meow. Per but., patient toward everybsdy. Per seeming the ora of • t•l.s.seer. Pb, adleNeehis taut of the ill eepeete, A some Sea A Idy heed Mra T. C. M. =lie Lome O•e, wbe used =hulw of Membeay's Vise" s d Liver Neser we, l 'rapid . ���sgsg.�s1,t� » the sorry eas•'4��4 �, s.ddaveerr kg..w demon ..4rew M j"' " en ROOM A MODERN SOLOMON'S PEN. A false limiams is ea ebeml.atie., bet am heesst oer dealer is ties oobleet work of Gad - Do net rob the peer because he is peer. It is smear to her hie reel estate at • as sale. The wicked fee m hen so stag pureeeti, but the oats seeker abeletb with ea for- ever. orever. The wayfaring teen event up strife and the fruit tr.. peddler eeeuedeth in trans- grea,ion A bury lied is • crew. of glory, but a deadhead is • holy area es, the railroad imp.rateudtnt. SURE CURE FOR SNORING. its se diens a Meeere este and raises a. ` eseeed rate—Seeteed and alter •e1, Oee of the mast relaarkable divorce eases ever estered is • Philadelphia court was ea Saturday settled without • final appeal to the blind goddess, says the l'hiledalpha Tres, When Attorney Robert Arundel Med • wines in the Common fleas 1 curt that the case of Flamer Kau. alienist her hwMsd, Hannibal A. Kane be dimes. tamed, Mrs. Kaniled her petition for an absolute divorce at the J use term of court, alleging as her remote for wishes' • separation std alimony that her huebsed subjected her Hi Look thou nut epee the poker chip whew cruel, unusual and barberious treatment. it is red, lest these adversary hews an ace up Hanaths%, the petition meted, had the habit hu sleeve' of munn* steotureusly at unseemly, end, in It loin not when thy enemy falleth and fact all hours of the night Sirs. Kane, be - let nut thy heart be glad when he slippeth jag of a fragile pbystoee sad nervous tem- oa a banana peel. ('onpdeoce to as unfaithful man in time of oanipssgn ezmtemeit is like a broken tooth and foot out of joint. Train up • child in the way he should go, and when he is old be will Out chew plug tobacco or play the accordion. promised to break himself of the habit. Be not leaser •gaiest thy neighbor u a TM only remedy, however, that he had I commented to use had proved worse then the 000tentioo over •lee frnoe. Say not •• will do him up as be hath done to me." disease itself. This remedy had consisted awake A prudent man forsooth the stove hat of en effort on Mr K•ns's part to lis awake with • brick in n ors th the by, stovepipe tit. all night and smoke • strait/ pipe loaded April foul kicked' it and huwletb with with bei smellingabeam. As • mese quote* he had .,o several occasions set ire para�eot, hail suffered intensely because se her husbead's noisy habit, and had Melly been obliged to call in • physician to treat her for • nervous affection resulting there- from. Mc. Kane, titter repeated protest. m4.31101004from his wife, had, on several m4.31101004 rayr. to the bed, and the unhappy troupes barely hthe fos thereof, epe h • crabapple tree shall eaits (M t escaped wtheir lives. the eight of iso cultivateth the esellon patch iatperteth chastisement and cramp colic to the smell boy. A soft answer turneth away wrath, but a tough answer, in the hands of an unskilled server, seetteretb gravy and confusion throughout the family circle. Ws,e■ aafrage the wield liver. to France the woman teachers elect women members on all boards of educatien. In Russia women householders vote tar all elective and on all local natters. In Arkansas and Missouri women vote by petition, on liquor 'tette in many came. Women have muniwppaall suffrage in Caps Colony, which rule. 1,000.000 alums miles. Municipal woman suffrage rules in New /walaad and at parliamentary elecusas also. About fifty thousand women of the ['listed States voted in 1890. In Moataus the arch 12 last Mr. Katie set ire to the bed. Mn. Kane's pet dog Gyp was eo seriously burned that he died. Mrs. Kane placed her ease in the hands Attorney Robert Arundel, and that gonia discipline of Kla.ketoae, who is alway anxious to patch up thew little marital di termites found, just after he had tiled t case, • moot novel method of heeling woes of the Kane family. At some place i of •he the a hie travels a friend of Mr. Arundel had some across • cure fur snoring. "It consist.," he said to the lawyer. "ot olive oil and mustard six drops ot she fur - mer to • pinch of the latter taken pet be - fere getting into bed. The fanettoo of the oil is that of • lubricant to a larynx, while the mustard oats as a counter irritant. 1 he cure I am told, was discovered by the late i». (1'ilewd, of Kilkenny, and has proved se effectual that no native of that country ever snores. t voted on all local tazetien. Attorney Arundel imparted hisseer, cure i In Ireland they vote for the harbor boards, to Mr. Kane, with the result that the 1 poor law guardaas, and in Helium for must. couple Saturday resumed the facilities of cipel officers. married lite. That is why he withdrew his In the Coiled States twenty-eight states and territories have given women some form I beetle I. tot ratahii. of suffrage. London Free I'ress: Medical men of ea - In England, Scotland oil Wales .roman I peen her. satisfied that the closing nese I vote for all elective offices except members of parliament. of life, when the circulation has become ' sluggish and the faculties dulled, is not peel Wes eel re have a meas.. Family left, ' of torturing pain. " Ninety-nine of every , 'Pitch atm' each other. hundred human beings," declares Dr. Cyrus l'riticise each other. Mart the tall roll- ' Edson, " are uocoa•ceou• for several hours ing while all are seated at the table. before death comes to then. All the Look 'daggers.' ' majestyof intellect, the tender beauty of thought, or sympathy off charity, the very f Say all the mean Woes you can think love of those for whom love has tilled all of welting thoughts, disappear As a little Don't put yonrself to any trouble to ac- baby just born into the world is but a little I 'emodatu any of the test of the house- fanimal, so the sage, the philosopher, the hold. I hero, the statesman, become but a dying Look nut for number one every time. , animal at last. A merciful unconscious - 1 loesslay. whet you please and do es you I lases seta in. as the mysterious force we call life slowly takes leave of its last citadel, the Disagree wjtn every other person, heart, and what is becomes what was. This s'et up an argument eh possible, f is death. and talk in • loud voice so that your settee I _ - bore will be sure to bear you. — E•eerier. Its setae, growl, irrunble, find fault.; Ail author ease that have treated on longe es, that's the sea to kill • 'hem - taken, ss one of the maim factors of • long 1ee•an. d that is the wa too rate, place exercise, e, moderate and regularly y mart' families do it. A Trneble.wperiemee. lite. That there are many exceptions does (:ee. Tribe, of etre fiord vilte, Oat., • not alter the fact that physical exercise is pretty village near the shores of Lake Erie, ' as useful in keeping on. healthy as it is to went through an experience lately that he prolog life. (rood walkers are seldom sink, will never ferret. He tells it in his own i and the same may be said os persons who weedsdaily take a certain p reecnbed For three years I suffered from skin din• � erase is both a preventive and reremedial ease in ita worst form. I tried Kennedy's meesure. Pliny relates that • (:reek physe Medical Iltscovery and the Cuticura new ' can who took up hu residence is Rome was dies, and doctored one year with the meet wont publicly to declare that he was willing physicians in the land, but got no benefit ; ; to he coldndere' • charlatan if at any time they proouunced my case • scaly eruption, I he should ever fall ill, or if he failed to die but failed to remove it. It same on is red of any other disease than old age. (:,ileus, bletrhes and spread over my body ; the skin , in speaking of the same physician, observe, became dry and formed hard, white scales ; that his faith in the benefit to be arrived at the itching was intolerable, but I am now ' by exercise wee so great that he had in • completely cured by the use of Burdock great measure abandoned the administratioe itlood Bitten. I can truly say that I ewe' of intermal remedies, depending niebaly on env good health to It B It , and I advise all hygiene measures and exercise. As an evi- sufferers to use this splendid medicine. - deuce of the eorrectnes of his views, Pliny 3wGeo. Thing' I talla us that thephysician lived to beacen- SStrabrdyille, Out tenerian, and then only died from an sod Well RaerrMed bee dekt. Farmer:Hodge (reeding novelette) I'm' femmes, en mss Grldlres. out of all patience with that Gladys Fritz- I Food Mother Rot, Edward, dear, feot- allwyo is the story- -the way she's abusing ; bell seam eo brutal to we- ber beautiful eves. she doss't deserve to ' Edward That is lust • womar'e view of have sore. l the elector. It is the most gentleman) Sim- sew Hodge-- What's she bean doing ! mom, who wee heble. n You Sommer' WelletI Fenner Hodge- Tbw bock is full of it ' hathe pend to kick off his ear in the coarse of Fust she thaw her eyes up to the coiling, i bye 1w' week, end en eke very tteright and them let them drop on tie floor ; thea ( the was laded,=other,I went right e•rridor, mid hi hb not in tie hospital see apologized to she darted them down a long meted them on the cool waiters of the kr him. meted Boor Thee she meet have called them beak Seeped letegese. somehow, for it says she bathed them ks There is no better,wafer or more pleasant sad, telt wept lt tears, wiped them, nod them remedymade than H with leer lathes ()raw she was feel aoogh Ragweed's Ponies - to rivet them a the dome, and when I l eseehe d It caw �ree•sll throat and off she was /zing them on • stastif, a eg y� bronchitis mad all sad bw WORRY! TRY UNIIC1IT Say fT BRINGS COM FORT ad WASH DAY 7 THE NEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. Flare you anon those new designs in Heating and ('coking fires at MORSEL L'S Those four -holed Pear. teal ranges were the hest at Toronto Eaht Hoon, The Wor.d's Fair is also a beauty. The Favor•te Parlor coal heater, with or without oven, i, guaranteed the ntottt Powerful at well as the Clean- est coal stove. yet produced We have also something entirely new in double heater, wood parlor stove. See our stock before buying. WORSELL & CO The Practical Tie and Steve sae. ., — —, , Word to the Wives i, sufficient. Better throw away that iron- bound, leaking tub and pail and get the unbreakable, light, one piece a title. All well appointed grocery stor keep Ed B. EDDY'SINDURATED FIBREWARE. Choice Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reasonable Prices at 11.W. TITCIMAN'S, ■Inion. Moret, Ceder/eh. THE FINEST GROCERIES ... T�r'.Py_ GOOD JAPANS (No. 1 DIRECT), C11INA, CHOCIERY AND GLASSWARE AT • STURDY BROS., HOW TO ODDER "THE SIGNAL "—CUT THIS OUT, D. MCGILLICUDDY, " THE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont. I to the following $ ' Kindly forward regularly THE ung address foe . months. SIGNAL fI TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months - Biz Months Twelve Months - - c. - $1.00. Name, ............ ......_......... P. O., County, Nov v. • Prov. [Sample Oopiea Free) 66 ' - — Date, P. _._....__ _—.�—..e........ _.... _.. _, 18 19.--R,emjt by money order�eai y if pl, blah or by registered letter. n, n •.t4 ....... ............... y