HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-15, Page 5Till BIGNAlk (iODNRICH, ONT, THURSDAY. NOV. 15. 1$4e
int --a Suit, an
dhoee. Under -
r anything re-
rou're a ready
e value, come
►here you can
2k. on every
a of these (;opts ill
had to buy a large
• lines we can sell
ed to pay for them
From $ l
DF to $14.00. W.-
rshow a splen
did range from
the standard
e cut Cash prigs.
have almost every
of Fur Coat matte
want to get in Ott
ound floor get our
t vest -
splendid range of
Boots, Working
Fine Boots, Rubber,
direct from the best
!acturers at muck
an exclusive Spew
to sell them.
fancy prices Th. -
Lyles at a saving of
!Se. U. SI .11X) oat
A large variety of
Sealette sail Fur
L oal Wearing .A h
col :hoz at 10c., I '1%a
c., tic,
c toric. 27c. 341.-
ll, c., 37c. (food Braces
. A special line of
!:ice Ties in almost
Great value in Cash
aging from I to
the Cash Ous-
t Customer, or
e level, all are
'SolT s .r.
a sad
either to woo -
are - by the
prompt action
of 1k. Pierre's
Favorite Pre-
acriptioc, A
weeaan'e beau-
ty depends on
tier health
beauty in this
ease can be
pur'hased. A
bad o•+.rnplez-
ion, a muddy
akin, a w rink -
led fact and
sinp ken eyes,
follow the disorders of the womanly
kection& Cupid is in demand for
healthy woman- -not for sick and
ailing .
The '• l'a1 °rite Prescription " is a
powerful, invigorating tonic, and a
strengthening nen int to be used in
all throw distressing troubles which
make woman's life miserable. You'll
in.l relief from aleeplt-esnesa, back
ache and bearing -down aensaiiona.
It's a medicine prrw•ribe(1 by an etni-
w-nt physician for this.- nervous
Conditions brought on by functional
disorder.--aueh as Nervous l'rwitra•
non, Kcitebilit , Fainting Spell,
ibtzinatea, Slid St. Vitus's Mance.
In [•very cas{e Of " female complaint
if it 'jormast benefit or cur-, you
have your history back.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
cures Catarrh in the Head.
.Tbe Mayoralty Geo. Aeheos..... .... S
Staple sad Fancy (;reds D. B. Colbert' d
\'eashor Wasted -Wm Mitchell
(Addy'. !admitted Fibrew•rs 7
Granby Rubbers . .. it
BMus* Miracle - Dv. Williams' Pial .
tills 3
iitlha.ry Misses 1 atm . .. .... 3
Protect 1' our ('best 11' 4'. Gedp 6
Holdoe (,moody t o. - limed Ore
House ,.... i
Another Chasm Russ. A Pen ... . 4
N eddmg Rimgs t'. A. Horeb_ A
"an ...
Martin's Cvdiest Feed -Kerry Wat.
son A Co... . A
For Service aloha Taylor .. . 5
Finest l'osiecti.nery--8. M. Halliday i
vrvast'.VS.Wd-M. [y. ;
air at the Great
11E 11,'S.
-Err w w
R. 15th.
owls 'n the Wave
for Burnt Almonds
very latest
10c.. 12e end 1St.
e !Sc-, 3Sc. and 50c.
titer Plates at Coat
at Dissolution Sale
ce 52.50 per down,
pries $3.50 per .hoz
are yours at whole -
Frames and Hand
;Grti)oee who intend
ss CAaah required is
Nowreoniar etu Ittb. at Casoingtes
Manor. Ansa . X. w 1'.. the site of H. L.
Mo.rsomery. of • silt.
AIt"iOTT IIONAGH At -Yta Crum, ('aH-
trala, on Nov re M. be Judge Cralg-
hal, William Armin, to Lie. Itesagk,
d.aptr of Mrs. See, Darr. r. ijedertek.
1 Or GOI.LRiCi-
i-Aotg• Asn (aSTt sriv, Having been
..loomed le • large number of ratepayers,
of both political parole, to allow myself to
be nominated as mayor .f '.odench or
1343, I have pleasure an c000eoUr.
While I claim no superiority over any of
my hone towassies, yet 1 claim that I have
some f.saci•l •bilitt, and think that her
tog been • readmit for the past forty years,
and being olre of the heaviest ratep.yers in
the town, at dorsal seem u.reaseeshly to
ask • liberal support es the prosect or
I •sn sot the retiree of any olives or
party, but if elected will, without fear or
favor, work for the retirees of the towo ef
loss obedient servant,
I :ederch, Nov. 14, 1894.
From the Reporter's Note►oek.
at we've • sets r a' ier its aft I reds
we met NI a Lta5re •meas to
Tnkv •sees. nn' tenth Mab
Press at. Barn..
and Stationer's.
W EDDIISO RD10*-New meek, fine 4usifty
resessasew sou M ive., Beek. at C Rooter t Sen
Guy Brea. thew wee wed, het the wisKty of
verb tae set h�p. R. i. W1ows' is • 1. If
dere at Sallow Ire dare right.
Se doubt you ad.lred the mat smog sett v
dud Goy Sees Mtmserds. P. J. mensal.
can It you .p as well U net better.
PiNE TAiWRIN5- at elate sac% priesa
mitre satterateen assure&. Jut arrived
?rillass is wrap and everaesttmP•
e Mese tabs les ready awls overawes
to /res. Must be aMi. Ser them
a MacCORM•C.
tearhld derma the he b.e•w we hays
SSe.lol apptlanes,
ea, sad eelel anew.
leap to beer ern the .s thPaer these
Memo w ma `TIM ym.r ere(• tt7. T.
e aatttfaeterr regalis
W E6AY, eptet� and eweslor.
His OvumOv'v. K M. H•Uiday epos
ed toot his .ow r.saaaoe, Cermet d Lisps
tee wrest sad the Ihrer , Smardsy last,
sad is ep--p est be remembered that
Tee swam. bad a sweet seer.
Moans. u SALyveas.-A series of
Payr athe.tiape we Ming bold In flalbord
way T.e.dday eteent•R, eend.Md by Rev.
Jon Edge, prier of Nereh+t Methodist
. bank Al who cpm armed them moring
me anted to Is er
Dew'? Femme I,. - Aber the lime we PS
to pr.e semi web, the o.s.hly es the
Teem Hall. eadr the attne-aee e0 the base-
aeahall aisle will he s fah. Wok The sir de -
seem • lyre rarer wed will se deer
ret 14. TMb Mays .e marker se L._hM to
make N a grand amara
Weems Terreetwe Asset- We resew
II•efellaig imam se gmMek rams or a lel
geode look freak male and eat • wassis
e.. Ir the .weer d dime at !wheys Die
Werke, Torero. A ..p OS Mom Trod
.uh.ery errs
"Tia Wait Coaanores ►s..T." - We bar
reserved from the prasbms. Jibs Leven
t Sea, Mwheesl, • espy et the •• War Oss
respsadeet ' by Jules l• er.a. It is racy
✓ eadies from ewer I. ever, sad tough. I.
be eagerly pursued by syr. of light lite
turn. tis sale at the bookstores.
Tee Houma Orme Co. -4 mem.-mar
es Metday. Nev. 10th, the Holden Opera
Cowpony will "soupy the (rand Opera
Houle ter • week in • sales* repertoire of
plays, sears and dross Maurits Thinks
Inner Day and saunas. The Hdds.t'..
acme highly t.....sadad and Manager
Hart is M be seepntul sed as the Mimic -
time M hes Ow tar eseurod.
l i... MIT A ovoid .oaeert will he held
is North et. Methodist church, oe the
we•tag of Thaek,giviag Dar, Thursday,
Nov. =ad. Mies Maggie Barr, pima of
Scottish ethic m stied by local totem, an
chiding Mr. 4tahleker, who will give sole•
tions en his Tither, will soaks ap ah enjoy
able prerra.me for the *visas. I►oer
epee at 7.30 ; ooheart to iseurnee at a 15.
Tile Hlsitor AT Se. PST= •d --Hs Lard
ship, Strap 011s.ser, if Leaden, ease to
(;od.nch Saturday, and oe Sunday took
part is the church ordiaahees, officiating at
early owes and delivering a powerful and
impressive set.., at the merman eeryics.
An .AKt w ti be made to erect • new
l atholic church in l i'ods.icb and the miaow
of the bishop wee to esquire into the ways
sad mere fer omit rutting it.
G.r.rsi. Tswrsaascs 11 sena,. The
Sunday •tteraoo. Gospel Temperance meet -
lags bold thew the ammo= of Eureka
Council, No. 103, R. T. of T., will eoe-
m.oee for the winter issue next Sunday
afterlives at 4-1S o clock. The Presider J.
E. Tom, I. P. S.. will occupy the .hair.
Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Kncardiws. Or'
petal us address the meeting. These ata
aheb_iaPd basiagjleaeMsffla the firs
emiefl AT are rooked M attend the mnt-
• $1000 W.a•tt.,. Vont enclose any
wrttr whatever in newepapere, photos. or
pascals which you are esodic by mail tut
lees you pay i ones per since for thou.
Oa Tuesday of last week the P.(►. Iespector
Geed • Brussels young lady $10 00 for et,
eloeieg •letter in • photo package cod post
tag it at photo rate. Several others are
pretty well reared for .icor tra.epressioos
which have not been decided yet, bet will
in dee time. Strange to say nearly all the
trasagressur• are giro
Orl•Tsaarr'RaI.0Hsai.• -All who ars
interested in a new growth of hair, or are
tired using worthless prepiratiooe, will be
pleaded to learn that the hur•rrowsr of the
old gypsy John 11. Komint. which is pro
docug ouch marvellous results in cunme
baldness even of many veers' standing, do
now be obtained tram the agent, A H. Roes,
Symood'e Hair Parlor', West -stn, I.odench.
These wishing to again espy the lo• ury of •
healthy and vigorous growth of hair should
give the remedy • trial. Orders by mail,
aecsmpaaied by $1.00 promptly filled.
lvvsas•Ttio. r. Hamot. Mrs. The Strat-
ford Herald says Hotel men are warned
to he on the lookout for a pair of sharpers.
Two toes, arraying separately and apparent
ly uns,.luainted, take • room on the same
Beer of the hotel. (See had a large trunk,
and the other a smaller. At the first chance
when no owe as about, the smeller one me
Put inside the larger. The owner ef the
former then declares his loss, declaring that
the property baa been stolen, and altos
leaves the house with • substantial sum is
Me pocket as • compensation for the vanish
ed trusk.
A L..•. H. a. Isgersoll Chronicle
Last Friday wernisg Alex. Choate started
from home with a load of kottsekeld goods
for Mr. Marsden, of Gedrich, laicisg at 4
o cloak is the morning sad arriving at Govt•
rich at 5 t• is. en Saturday, the distaste be-
ing about 75 miles. '1 he lest three miles of
the trip was made u 30 minutes, as Mr.
Cheats had gives his word that he wool/
reach there at that hour after leaving Sem-
forth. Time load, including the wsgos,5,000
pounds, and everytbise west through with-
out damage. Mr. ;Crate says the roads
were is splendid order for *early the whole
distance. He arrived lam ea Tuesday.
See tent. TxA.aeelVlee Sgavtcsa -The
pulpit of North -et, Methodist ekoreh will
be eocspied seat Sabbath, mer and
avesisg. by Rev. Jas. Livisgstons, .f Kin-
cardine, who will preach epeeist eormses on
that -:saris. The paster, Rev. Jos. Kdg.,
will ales he present. The ladies of the ra-
gregation regeirs $140 to meet onrrest ob-
ligations, sad led year they held • thanks.
giving supper is artier to nine funds to
cover their express is oonseetion with the
/Caret property. but it entails sooner time
sad later that this year they have dr idol
to ask the congneatsn to give them the
weeset asked for as • thank efi.ring sec
T,n PIMA • cg M urns. - The Sts Matthew
Temperas.. and Literary Seedy and is
the teesperen.e hall en Wedsssday, Nev.
7th. and elected their officers for the wa-
rt quarter. The following ere the aloes.
e lewted Hen. Pres.. Rev. Fr. West; Pros
P. ( )'Dsa ; viee-pr.• , F. Masse : tea , .1.
t;smpioe ; met. tea., F. Nivea; tease., Rev.
Fr. West ; are, J. MoAvey : editor, H.
/fats. The .silly dories the poet year
hne dune sod work both ler the temper -
aro ears sod from a literary peint of view,
and Mewls heldis. • politic entarteinsnent
seam. " The Abstain," the wobbly paper
.t Ne.eMeV, Is reef from M11t by the
eaksr, sad *resit It mash snort know -
Wee of the M•Munw mese has been
brought brae the member ed the .sissy.
Irmo.- Urs to Twi Motu Lo eu.l
Be:oser Peet Oiee lnpseeer Rlepktrk
is errs m Tess ay and had two of sr
risme up biro P. M.Tnt.o' is e .hare
ef e .01'ng.atwe.f the metas is a wow
psptt peat three* the mils. Meth armee
Weld the egos cod more fwd $10 sod
err The eases were very WOW bat ass
stlkwkd bass lams el the hew. sof It q•
krshslf>lenh» , tie ars pmbei
t Ike • awed. r . se pewee err fit� 4+e gabs
rad a. Se peer the Da.i•ies o.•.»'
from the.. peer violates, Sao geese eat
alien it es net the valise of too pester ties
hods to Ike Morass .f the law Mit is mese
4 sa erpedwa• le save the trouble of writ
tag a.othr ea.a•aieeties Peeps mast
resember, however, that se written or
printed matter, or say p.r.el .f say hied
.•e be eiro.s4 is • paper peeled at sow
paper sates without making both the sena«
and the receiver liable to a fire.
A Ss"ATIor1At. Erl,eua. Sarno of our
ciUras were rather startled oa Tuesday
,horning bet woes the hours of sine sod ten
o oloek at seeing one of our moat popular
and estimable t dung business men emerge
(rues use of the wide streets os to the
Soieare, ani proceed, with fraat a steps and
rather guilty mein, to his place of business,
carrying In his armor what at first sight us -
mistakably appeared to he the unconscious
form of • beautiful young lady with lovely
sobers score. It looked as it the days et
chivalry were being revived sod this modern
knight was carrying off his " lads faire,"
the enraged father is the distance hosing all
that was lacking to complete the scene. It
was. however, dissevered later that the ap-
parently eseesecres female was nothing
more thea the well known dummy figure
which formerly stood guard at the late C.
('rabbi store door, and which the said
young man had purchased sad rehabilitated
in up-to-date eeetua for the pttrpsse d ad-
vertising his goods, sad wbat et first sight
looked like a hiehly ssne•tioosl elopement
turned mut to be nothing more than a pure
bwrisee trwowctioa
��1yth Tan Aril"' dug%r W. N.
Andersen, nos -in-law of the late .fobs Kay,
of thin tows, hos been appointed :s-istast
treasurer of Ontario, vis. U. E. Camera",
resigned. Mr. Andorra's tnany blood" is
Godrict heartily oovratuta$e kin as his
sppeisttnent. The salary is $2,300 a year.
The Toronto Telegram has the following to
say of the new aeaistsat treasurer Mr.
Anderson, the s000eeeful applicant for the
petition. is • native of Scotland. H. is
.hest 55 year. of rev, but looks elder. He
hat been • reeideat of loronto for Dome
years and attends the acme church as the
Premier, St. James' square :'rosbytriaa
*home. He lila Dever takes say part us
political work. Rumor has it that he bee
bee. • I'ossarvative in political conviction.
From the standpoint of financial ezperieloe
Mr. Anderson as well fitted for the position.
Many years age be woe manager of the Ham-
den breech of the Bask of British North
America. In 1371 he came to Toronto and
took the position of Inspector of the Yank
of Commerce. lm 1874 be was made general
manager of that beak, which position he re --
tamed for twelve year' until 1886, when he
reeigsed. He then became apietaet to the
general merger of the Merchants' Bank. A
few vears ago he started the broking firm of
Andersen A Temple He will assume his
duties as the 15th of November.
A \ RN anew Currt.t. The following.
from the :Mitchell Advocate, refers to the
par.ste deer tmw.smas, Jolla t'ridkow) : -
the tulle, had • Comer seavereatisa •
fete Iwo ago with Mr. sad Mts. Jasper
Pridliemi Both are an their 79th year sad
have aided in this township for over fifty
years. Mr. Pridham said that when he
game to this section there were only about
a dome setters is toe township of Fuller-
ullerton and only about two houses in Mitchell.
Tim. has kelt lightly with this old couple.
and, although Mr. Pridham has partially
lost his eyesight through heavy lifting sod
the old lady is slightly lame, their mental
faculties aro as keen and bright as ever. and
it is • pleasure to luta. to Mr. Pridham re-
count the expertise's of his early year. and
watch Mrs. Pridham knit a stocking with •
nimble.em'seldom found even .mor the
young of today. Speaking of hard Winters
Mr. Pridham says that fifty-two year' age
raw fell on the 3rd of November to • depth
of 9 Indies, and that the road, were never
bare and no ploughing dots until the 16th of
May following, sad even then:the mow was
pied op al.sg the fomes& Cattle saved
to death. sad he n tr.bses driving along
the road ore day and .pint a lot of pigs de -
veering ens of their sumer to apposes their
hunger. The Adv.este'e wish is that this
happy old meek may live M tee lay more
Winters, hut net sass severe ewes se re-
counted above.
Tag Maas Wpugo;.-Ae announced
that talented trio of sstert•iset. appeared
Miste i large aid select rases* at the
(:rand ea Thursday evening. Although
differing somewhat from the ordinary the-
atrical 'bill of fare' 'weed to a t;oderich
audience the entertainment was ap-
parently mach appreciated. The popu-
lar opiates appeared that for the
.lass of psrferm•see it ass fret mess. The
hest pros, " Tbe Taming of the Shrew,'
was well placed •IlMsgk Mf. Peggy, In
e senmieg • measensc eharseter, at ti.ee
spoke • little Marines A feature of the
..chis was the dasoi g of " Rome, Ree.."
• delightful cembinatiea of groom and bean -
r, Mines Remslisd sad Ivey with ter
light lotteries ooetamsa sod wady baskets
soppeareffitahaest to float sheet the stage.
Thor meat was rewarded by • meal The
remedy " As April Joe," written especially
for the Miser Wean was well received.
M V Peggy ply. the .hereet•r .f the Mo-
iawa of the Mae vary +div.ty while Mien
Ree°ied and Lamy week tegether admir-
ably. The program word up with the
patristic sheer " Drieassia " in which the
enters woo erred is Met ember .4 the
eo.w.y repr.aser. Tbe demi( of the
werY-brows Ingh iirr end K.eSLL sword
dame tap
she elwarly dose. Manegr
Hart le Mersa op W re -tabes of air-
ier *sly ishelas atom sad the pekes ese
tyke 'Hrry'e' woad M it khat N he briar •
show here it is worth the money.
P.. v_., se Mees. -This teen held
its roger, merles as Climes a Tuesday,
the Uth bell. wllh the md..ter, Ree.
Neil Sew. M the chair. (ler. Jets Reim
of lilwgula, big root wee mar to dl
as • alremending rn.h.. Agates' were
eppg.ated M men nes tis ta.e.erle boob
W report ti Miser en the blebs as brig
sesieee4 her. The Inseam repoid
Brings oott fort and improvements and
Mods M sal enjoyment when
rightly scab The many, who live bet-
tor than uthe•ttaod enjoy life more, with
ler expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world', boil produces to
lbs seeds of physical being, will attest
lbs value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Fig&
Its excellence is due to Its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the tate. the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties el a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually elean•ins the system,
dispelling told•, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It ter given aatidact to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly fres tees_
every objectionable mubetance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by ae Mg.
gists is 75c. bottles, bat it is aut es-
faetored by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will ad
accent aatp substitute if eared.
Cheaper than Wheat -
Our Prices.
Below we give • list of a few ef our Bargains
Dress Goode, 'Sea, worth 40c.; 50c., worth 75c.: i:Il'., worth $1.35.
Ladies' Vesta, 20c., worth 'Sac.: 25!., worth Sac : 45L., worth t;G. Us...
worth $ 1.00.
Groat value in Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, h,.
Mutton Flannels, ac., worth Sc. up to _'Oe. per yard. Flannels, Blankets,
• ., at very low pricer.
Men's Underwear, ''ac., worth :i.'t.•.: 40c., worth GUe.; 71)c . worth 90'...
worth $1.00.
1 pair Men's Heavy Wool Socks for 23c.
2 pair Men's Heavy Wool Socks, Ribbed Top, for .25t•
No fake gift Picture, Furniture or Jewelry schemes to mislead unthink
aria people -
Merchants give away pictures enlarged in Indian ink (so called) on on
dition that you buy a frame for which they charge $i.:'4). The merch•ut
pays $1.00 for the frames and $L110 for enlarging the picture, waking a profit
of 50c. Where is the gift I • ,
inspection and comparison of prices and Ware invited.
I.odsrieb. (lot 3011. 1984,
W H simply ask you to give our (tak-
ing Powder one fair trial, and if it
does not do just as we represent, then
we to not ask you to purchase it
alai n.
We honestly claim that there is no
better baking powder beide and few
that equal it, and the 11rice commends
it to all desiring a first edam baking
powder at a reasonable rate.
Try it and add your testimonial to
the many we have received.
Only 30c. per pound.
Sold only here.
Jordan's Bloek.
.xteneien, accompanied by his w Ieft en
Thursday for their home in (maws.
Mrs. W. Campbell. of Weetiel/, and
Mn. (ib.) Gerdes, of I.ucksow, bays re-
turned from • vent to relatives at Clarke
and Tenets.
We are pleased to state that Rev. Mark
Tomball is now able to be sheat again, hey
has preached in St. 4:eer,'a and St
Siphon's as sundry.
Mr. I.evely and lamp M bra week
British Columbia, where shim will is
side. Mrs. Reeverly is • sister of Mrs. iA
Touiel and was • former residsat of this
Teacher Wattsi
ii bedertsh Pudic Bahasa Beard for the
Senior Dlvielen of W. David's Ward Molted.
Salary SM. fad Claes °erttlate. Services
I. begin January Srd. IMO. •ppltostloos re•
ueived up to November M. INC by WM MIT -
CH NIA, Secy. P. 11. R el•It
Niseors BharpeaISS
N these we have a h.e&' i
ful line of the latent and
most fa.bionable odor. mar ie.
Fragrant and lasting.
Chemist and Druggist.
4.77 scissors or shears dal: and wantsk.rpon
lag I If soleave them at the residwee of
Charles Payne. Good work guaranteed or so
town. par. Or. if you wish to save looser. he will
sell yeas device, both simple and durable: has
bees thoroughly tNONA and retail applied for
with Ientructlese that eat lady can do her nue
t homes, I. the shoo. In
m antes. Pries '4 sets. Try one of them.
t HAt!t P•YNLeeMssent for Horan sountr.
Randers tar the tageare Osderick. tt 4
Ooosarcis. Siff. Nth. 1h..
Oe braces for, Arnstroags.
'rh. town council will meet tomorrow
A re,ulr $10 N's later for 50 at
Armstrong'& DR he ae. u
The Collegiate Iweeitsie Litusskp boo esy
will hold its regular meeting teas Map
Geo. Thomson will supply you with any
make of piano you may rnlairs. I 'all on
hiss rad get rock bottom prices.
The Toronto papers state thea the Black -
Roatladge gang of burglars and safe blowers
is supposed to be operating in Huron
For Hale --Wharf property. Lots 1028,
1029 ane 1032, oa which is situated • prod
warehouse. For particulars apply t- .1. C.
Detlor, North Ray. 4t
James Stewart, of Balt ford, has purchas-
ed a lot cm the corner of South and Elgin•
stn., from A. Smith, and will build • com-
fortable and commodious restdeace on ii'
next dear.
A very noticeable iscrees, an the number
of the boys and young men attending the
churches on Sunday evenings has taken
lace during the peat two or their weeks.
Ye do not know whether it ie the cold spell
or the order the wnetebie received that
makes them c move ..o.'
Rheumatism Cured in • Itay. -South
American Rheumatic Cure, for rheumatism
and neuralgia, radically cum in one to
three days. Its ac-tiou upon the system u
remarkable and mysterious. it remove@ at
once the cause and the disuse immediately
disappears. The first does greatly benefits.
75 cent.. Sold by .lames \1 Henn, druggist.
Heart senses haltered in all Minutes.
1►r. Agnew's ('ure for the Heart rives per•
fort relief in all caw of I ►rganic or Sympa-
thetic Heart I h.eees in 30 minutes, and
speedily effects a cure. It is • petrifies
remedy for Papitation,Shnrtaeesof ikeath,
Smothering Spells, Pain in Lett Side and all
symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One done
con•inoes. Sold by .lames Wilson
ran Wheat, mewl standard
flour. family. per eat
flodr, call. per cwt ..
r,paon_tent. per owl
Shorts. • tom
& regains' K toe.
Oats . bask ......
Poet. s beet.... ,.••...
e arls,. two rowed.. bah
Hay. P toe
Potatoes. le hush. new
ins& freak .apeekdto dog.....
tt par lb
04: to 04-
1116 tot ea
f 00 to r 00
1 se tu14 .
1 SO toil 00
ie to 0se
MI to 40
'D to 0s
is to 0 IS
IS to 01t
. to 't 60
es to i ?S
Skins..... 3i to a 40
130 to 100
e M to a e0
Neil Shaw were •ppimnd to address the
Woman's Foreign Miseirmary Society at ita
annual meeting in January. The notice of
motion by Key. dna. A Anderson to have
the !'reebytery to bold its regular meetings
at d 'baton was withdrawn as acoount of the
iesrsased railway facilities now existing,
Isthe afternoon ...rico Rev. E. Cockburn,
of the Paris Presbytery, by instruction of
the Assembly's Augmentation committee,
addreeed the Presbytery in the interests of
augmentation fund. Rev. John Roes, from
the Presbytery of Maitland appeared before
the Presbytery to seek its oo-operation with
that of Maitland in the interests of the
eomgrsg•tion of W altos, which by reason
of various cases has been reduced to • con -
dittos to which it is scarcely self-su.taiblsg.
A oommittee eoodetiag of Rev. Arch. Mc-
Lean and Neil Shaw. with their olden, wig
appointed to visit reran church, Winthrop,
and ieport at the next meeting of Presby-
tery. The Birk read • circular from the
Assembly's Home Mission Committee, and
the Augmentatioo Committee, stating that
the amount expected from the Presbytery
for the former fund is $21.50 and $700 for
the latter fer the ineuine year. The Pres-
bytery anted to hold its next meeting at
Hesasfl on the third .Buhr of January.
Ur W. D. Shamed* is visiting frie ds
is Detroit.
Si, F. Blair, barrister, a Stonesls, was in
tows them week
Seater!' Mies Acheson, of Gederioh, is
vein at .1. M. fleet's.
Mw M. Mcleod, of Kincardine, is visit -
Ma relatives in town,
BFyth : Mir YonsP! Tof Godsrish,
is ylitig her sows, the Mies Bentley.
M'. Hays, cadent at the Medea school,
was at her hems sear ttsaforth over Sae -
Ui. Kale Meloted' left ea Friday last
on a visit to her niece, ►fro, Fisher, et
A. M. Todd, of The Newt Reoesd, Clio
tem wee a trasenet visitor to tows last
Mrs Won. Robertson was called to Luck•
new last week owing to the illness of her
Kincardine Mems Baud (i. Mtames,
of 4imdrlel, spent :Sunday with Mr Mc
David Munroe, who had been working in
Glisten dune( the flu.wse,, retard home
het week.
Mrs K C. Cera., of Seafertk, is visit-
ing at the reeidsw of her father, Cement K.
S. Chilies
D. tfs.hsm, who had been employed at
the See dneing the Mn....,, returned hoar
en Meetioy.
Mime nes Malster he returned from
Okisare after ea abases* of three years as
the Windy Qty.
Quite • mister .f peens people from
tows leek la the mama tis. at Port Albert
en( who~I. err laid up for • few days
he week, is, we are plowed me learn, new
e n the read to reemory.
Car Jnr S■th.h.d, .f the soh. Cess►
w ed, seerwed heir on Raewrday, having
laid up bin be..inSrra.
S. A. MoLosa..f hew., has aniseed.f
W livery liaises to Wm- O ,, et
Monis, who hes Sakai ress.ien of the
rams -M yhem Advisee.
Mea Rollet Jeherme ter w
IIl ds M
i.lseh.•maid of we thsiu olein
f>,pt W. M llberi d. el the oat SL
Oa' ssewrwd hems ea itis -E,, hsttyles
his permR whish awed • .brew i 1 W ep he MMU Pose Hama
W of f1N$.1$ Rasa N. )L Weft (lad A. Msd$a�a•a .ea*seu he the -
A mom to Horsemen. -Ube bottle at
English `spavin Liniment completely re.
moved • curb from my hone. I take pleas-
ure in recommending the remedy, as it acts
with mysterious promptness in the removal
from borne of hard,soft or calloused lotus,
blood spavin, eplinu, curbs, sweet', stifles
and sprains. George Koch, farmer, Mark•
ham, (),t. Sold by Jas. Wilson.
Relief in Six Hoon. i otreesing kidney
and bladder diseases relieved in six hour'
by the Great South American Kidney lore.
This Dew remedy is • great surprise and de-
lighteo amount of its exceeding promppttaaee.esa
in relieving pain in the bladder, kidney.,
back and every part of the urinary passages
in male or female. It relieves retentioc of
water and pain in peeing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief this is
your remedy. Sol/ by John Davis, dreg.
Austisfs Sales.
PERT Y. - Ry virtue of the power of sal.
oentdsed is • Mortgage. dated 23rd Septem
her. IMO made to the readers, there will be
mid at Mallough s betel. Dungan nos, (41mty
of Moron, on
at 12 o stook noon. by Joseph Mallourh. sue
Hooter. the North thirty five acne of the !fast
half of lot I In the Stb. Ceaceesion, t(amtern
Division. of the Township of .tshfleld in the
County of Huron.
This property is nearly all bush and is
situated about one and s half mlleo front Dun,
For twins apply to the uadereigned.
'•AMLEON HULr'.i drul.MICS,
JOSEi'H IMALLOUGN. Vendors Solicitors
Auctioneer. I )u ngen nos. 1,91,0
741. November. INN. -
Speelal NotiDii.
full line
of the best
odors front the
leading Perfumers of
France, Germany,
England, and
( l.ST(M LAIt'INO.-
Parties taking out loge this Winter, for
Spring huildleg or e►ipesent,
--- NOTF:
I am prepared to do custom easiest at of par
fit.. ter Hemlock. Rasauood and lido, $3 per
M.. for Maisie. /leech and Ash.
Having the byes sawyer In OWISSIIVW
can be guaranteed.
Building material or all filar
Li town lou to give away -
Call and hear about them,
ably Near O. T. R. depot.
lJr MACH1Nig WORKS, Partners -- Try
our new horse powers, pries IN. The Fleury
plows are taking well. The Rnsclman land
roller le the beet at t hr price. SW The Cr
I'ortnick bidder for sale, she implements
from the Watford, Fleury. Weiss and other
Orme. The headline of the Maxwell itnple-
Dieote hoe been transferred to Damg•.son as
It is claimed I sold them too cheap, i'low
polsts reduced in price. teatimes made to
order. ('ash for metal.
member havine put In a new set of
French Ruhr mill s4nea 'e prepared to do all
kinds of grain chopping with dispatch.
MBI will be running on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday every week. Firing in your grain
and get It chopped and theme same lay. caps
cit7 mss is, hour. retcle.s hotel and
stabs.� Plpp�� mien by. JNO. S. PLATT.
teal sad wed Tad
Medical Hall.
Kvery dollar's worth of our lure sista of
-iLelia and leavings Society.
Notice of changes must be left at this
Office not later than Satnyday
noon. The Copy for charges
mast be kit not later than Hon -
day aeon. (asaal Advertisements
aooept d up to noon Wednesday of
mob Meek.
Tlrsmelling Oahe.
rams Amb r eeonnnrcw
a MIN a,
1s..M a. m.
LN p,..
7.h. pot-
. e is p o.
Mailman Itspeess
Malaise Express
IWl and Eaprees DEPART...... . .... AM a.m.
Mill and Ex.so.s ,...• tee e...
Mined... KG p.m,
Situations Vaeaat.
bl.serroms.-Cameros, Bolt and Hdnses.
Dangling. -Interest Crepoauded every an
msattbe at feet per rat. per annum. on sums
a�msee deM•r upwards. Depositors will fled
t thole rarer to core ale vee en.
Lane -May be escured all ray time without SMITH'S
delay on the Ripeness
of se roved desirable I
tvicet•ed• lay ilio sr. 1r.i,. Appeltta;:enm
TM (into . r •fir or eoliclfon. u { +:1 at?"ANL)
Rat sae les( :Acme are toesied on North • Fr iR ` 1 I' lis h ..
ahs. �s1tt Ho
window iltb•ttl., Chinaware,
Plush and._ Leather Coats,
Albums, Japanw• Goo•)••,
•F'' ,
All will be sold at mat, and must be sold by
January let. I'otng into other lines.
Now la the Time for Bargains.
Sc l'aper--1, 2, 3 and 4c. 10e Paper --7c.
15c Paper -ilk. `IA and Me Gilt I'sper
lab. 30 inch ingrain Paper regular
price 25c, sale price Iso. Our shades
are the best in the county. Having
never bought say of the No. 2, or in-
ferior shade cloth lately put on the
market. I will aow sell them lower
than you can buy the interior shades
Humor Slow,t Oboe. o.. opposite
reg r . Preedent
valet. Apley N MILK. KAY. M It
i140ps rty ldl' els sir ter Rent.
he.mM.eater of Fortis sad B'uc.. s,
Lame two story bow. all melees raves.
tsar Othilltm with eters snared. abs
P'Oi.t.OVL at eater, apply to MRs. • iia
Let s la the arst eeneesdea. Oodrloh town-
ship. moat, of Hama. f miles hoes Goderich,
emheleme of 14o mess more or lees. Barn tea
N, .early new, geed Orchard of ohmage frail
�weelll mewed withaa/et week. an ezoe lent
` OHN iJJ X.bb Auuctt sae esay at.'
Int Ila the brains Root, west of the Lake
read ta the Towelled
betas. meet, of Rtlmed3 =nal tram
eetnprkdag Magna maws. Ltugs beak tram
Kamm Muse 1$ eked b�leattll nearly now
err ght os
ormo ▪ term. Amity t JOHN KNOX.. he Auumisa
I take this opportunity to Inform the publie
that i am .qH la the bueltsea not witbetanilas
all renters M the coaolsry. mid am ptrepared to
do every oar of work Is my line from making
• wlaaw frame to erecting a S etory build's,
Mr maenad roof. Estlamtee furnished sad
osalptitien Invited.
TM lag of bntidl•g material, loch as
loll. rad macer • •peeWty.
F. Elle BETH.
Y.aswlsh.,tmly 4th lax,
dose assineassiv=. W(ifled. t fine
Flew SeTVIse.
'My the MOW will de ssrvlo- en
et tinmuhgaetbw, let If, sew. I.
tet nwa.osttrTTIe is, Is sbasssi •
eu�br�ed a
Bach .I.. bbent. 205* TAT-
er 11e, P.(x M-41
i e. Ywosos Ma,
Rower Tmrn•sr.- as.
renovated the
.tmas�ss'In sem
beresolvethe mo
a laesl Otero r sew
A and 1a. Lab nese In the Umtshlp
d�mmm eonuWaif WS aures more er
=0 home bars sadsadta . About
ere trams
arm peseser.hard s� about
prise fereal!r?fhe arm Olaa be
creasers askipagries err
dblet Is the tows of platys, -Las
•I, Maryut, apmesltethe old would ;W, sews
prang rams lbeees, 1$ awry high tmmma�
mese with good Beer. all 1a •mud
seam �. Apmty N JOHN Nix
-- * LOT 241111D
;11. • ' %. ,
A RaleCome*. For Come* Geld.. ole. pee
Brows'. Balsas Wild ''lorry nark. ?Se' per
wtl.ee's ire. Palo, Me, a hex.
Use Our Ow. Csndlilen Powder's Me ter
sand p eettnh..
Gough Powders ter Rene@, an realest rem-
edy. lea per Mand.
Mesa ualme.t brenulard In Balk.
Sanative Ralsaw, me, • beetle
Ow desk of Hulk Perfume and Testes Seep to
J. W t Lee n ' • Psre.yyes Dreg mento
Telephone it
Aisne RS.Ul -
hTIRt)fo TIM M DU>Mxf1M,-.1OtiK
;it'ALB AT A samitu .-TILT es, ia''tey,�aiy1�j, shuass�
lad wY .Y�jj gsy,o ossa!
i�:�if� � ��ethreiiS�rlL►, la .r
r. »
Jtfl� •.ALII<