HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-15, Page 44
flu eSignAl,
tit Sa MpAACITI est.
Neo oftv O
as - W Nw
Terme.r sahemepgros s
se math. ha savages
res mirth%
• I'
t wr mimed. the prime for idswill so
Leet as Tom Sahel.
Tear label is • smodtaa ressi$ et the 4mse
▪ which yea are paid q. sea iliac It Li too/
•sowed to Alt late arrear.
Whim • eh•ans of address I. desired, beth
the old sad the sew address sb.atd be elves.
Adveetlidas Rases
sad miser carnal advertisameats. las.
Cfor armIa.eettos, aada oats per lis
aper este sb..coww!detoured 1•atles. etoured b
•=cards of els Itsn ad wader. 53 pee
adveReasmate of Lost. Fogad. trtreyed,
Itrasintises T•osat. Rltuat4rw Waled amid
Chasm.. Wanted, fit ezoesdlag t
asaparell. 1 pee .talk.
es Sale and Farm os Sale. sot to
..Med f Il..., $1 for first month. las. per eon►
osewe.l mew,k. larger ad no. i■ properties.
Aar mooed setlee, the object of which le to
pesaseas the pecuniary heneiit of any mil -
Mihail Sr no..p•sy, to be ooneldered aa .d
vswtl@u..ent and charie..I aorordittgty.
Lend senor la saparell type ore rest per
word. se notice. Ieee t has xtc.
Leas! Nodose in ordinary reading type two
eases pword. No notice for lees thaw was.
Notions for churches and other religious and
bemeolest lsaltotluse halt rata.
CsesMKirl Coalesce - Ad vera lne..eata.
A Slotted aamlrr of dipleayyed advertise
matte will be inserted at the Moilowing rates :
mer lack, me laser ion. W Id
" tour Insertion. .. 1 00
- three roan the
•• six month. ...... l00
• one veer.... ..._.. 5 00
No advertisement Nen than two Inches in
Meath will be calculated oa show. haat.. 5
Per rest. discount allowed for men payments
as tree teoeths' °attract ; Ii per Deet. on din
mo•tbd. sad 15 per met. en a year's. These
saeduUeas will be strictly aforeed.
Wenn "The etgeal- Sallies,.
..ieeriber who fall to receive Tet Stay AL
ssrel aiy, either by minim er hp pall. will
enafsr a favor by •opeatstliso Ige Of ale tact at
Ile early • Atom peelnts.
R.jected raaausm'ipt• cannot be returned.
Correspondence must be written on one aide
N paper only.
reenneei s eotlre,
J. C. ton Tonsil• of Goderich. has been ap
petaled Local Travelling Agent for the town -
sides of Oodertob. Colborne. Ashfield and Wa-
Local postmasters over the district are time
empowered to receive subscription. to Tun
San s t_
All communications must be addressed to
Tan 81oset.
Telephone tall M, Oodetich. OM.
A LARU,F: number of accounts are
being sent sent out this week to is
linquent suls.cril.ers. It is expecte.)
that in every cane a response will bre
received. if not then the only course
left to U. will he to put each and Pteri•
account in suit for collection.
Clueing the past few months some
$1.000 or $ I,200 in accounts have lops
sent out from this office. in a nun,
bed of instances we received returns,
and we thank those of our subscribers
who acted the honest part in mailing
remittent -es immediately on receipt of
account . but in rnal,v cables tlelin-
quents failed to respond, esti many of
these are now receiving bills.
We have to pay our wages, bills
paper and ink accounts, rent, taxes,
foe!, and met of plant, and we have
lost all sympathy for the back ward
people who will not pay for their pa-
per year in or year out. If any of
our readers are of the class referred
to they can easily get front under by
paying up right away.
-'TI. Wort Hares protest isa thing
e l the past.
This looks like a had yeas for
Tammany all over
if this kind of weather keeps on
we will probably see '• The Beautiful
Snow " in print before mann moons.
--The "toiling moth ' of the N.
P. has etidently played the mischief
with soon of the protected industries
of Canada.
There isn't a decent mac or wo
span in tows who hasn't said, "Well
dose`" to the police smart work of
Thursday last. r __
Between the Boodle investigation
and the Moon, revival the pious
people of Toronto the Good are haviag
• real nice time.
The improvement in the morel at
mayhem is a vindication of theeffcrts
put forth to secure the appointment of
a polies magistrate for Goderich.
This boedling benistw in o0e04c
t.ron with eorporatioe work hs every
appears..s d being i=Metie m. is is
said that prison diet is the °sly ati'ti
-No$withetaading all denials of as
early gamer+l r=emiss, both parties
threeghowt the Destinies seem to he
ung ret preparations for the
--TWO in Oce imams d the year for
t....paper mammas. Tits tilosAL
from now to J aa. I st, 18116, for sae
dollar, is a line offer for the halliday
The Hon. G. E. Founts had a
-drawback " in the tariff kill which
he brought down to the House last
session. It was mighty near all draw
back before the thing got through.
It is quite evitioot that whets Mr.
Sestina stated nearly two years ago
that the immorality oa the South
boundary .weld be stamped out sum•
warily he knew what M was taikiag
For a strong prohibitionist, the
London addreas of Leader M•ell=
gives every indication of small beer
statesmanship. M 'KIWI I It's shoes are
many sizes too large for the sunber
for North Toronto.
The silver -medal hull has come to
the front as an issue in the London
elketioa, but the calf with the cough
has not t et Seen heard from. What's
the matter with the agricultural oil
for of the esteemed Free Press '
Two years ago The Toronto Em-
pire rejoiced over the annihilation of
McKit.leyism stress the line, and now
it is shouting itself hoarse ovor the
1►.tuooratic defeat. The Empire, evi
.dentia is a horn shouter and will shout
for anything.
Some of the iosraais art making
uncomplimentary criticism of the
mental equipment of the new Emperor
of Russ'a, forgetful of the fact that it
needs no mental equipment to be either
au emperor or a king. Like Tont,
they .lust have to be "horned."
The gay and festive rooster does
not seem to have been a strong enough
feature to do justice to the political up
heave! across the line in the columns
of journals of the successful party, anti
they have resorted to cyclones, snow
drifts, avalanches and earthquakes to
till the hill.
Mayor Rv-TLSn is out i■ a cart
to the electors in which he espresso:
the opinion that he will not retire from
the ineyoratty until the public is "tin
ecu of hitt. That's what Tammany
.ilid in New York quite recently. even
when the public wen• tired of it. The
ballot. did the rest.
TIiEaction of those who supported
the appointment of a police magistrate
for t:otlerich has been vindicated by
the excellent work alone by Pollee
Magistrate Siai:ek since his advent to
A little better than a month ago he
r•ct'ived his commission, and since
that time such an improtement in the
moral condition of the town has been
wattle that words of commendation
have been expressed on all sides.
Law breakers have been taught that
the impunity which previously reign-
ed is a thing of the past ; the " pro-
tection -, that hail a very appearance of
having been given to the social evil in
this town has .ratted to exist ; and a
general feeling of security prevails
that was foreign to the town for sever
al years back.
Tea SIGNAL and its friends who
worked for the appointnleat of the
polite magistrate congratulate the
present incumbent upon his good
work, and, if the truth were known,
the majority of those who opposer! the
appointment stow rejoice that they
failed in their contention, tied praise
the efftcientservite that bait been given
to the town.
No more will the contention he ail
vancwd by a public man that Haunting
immorality carnet he driven forth by
the law, and that disorderly houses
cannot be suppressed by legal means.
The reign of lawlessness is over, and
our local Tammany totters to its
M ISEI(Y makes Waage bed -fellows.
The 1 ►pptsition in the Ontario Legis
lature has, by the retirerneat of W
R. MtaairtTH front political life, Iota
its head, aad a substitute has been
(bund in the retreat if G. F. MWarss.
At the recent meeting is favor of
candidate Emitter, is London, it would
almost appear that the new leader of
the Opposition had also lest his head.
He has a following of twenty five
set sobers, all told, in • Hoa.e of aide
cyber, and yet he had the effrontery
to ash that Premier HowaT should re
sign, although the latter has • nomin-
al following of forty 'even, aad an .e
teal following of over sixty.
Not only did he harp on that ad
nurdity, hot, notwithstanding the fact
that Ksivanr had desousead the old-
time parties at the Leashites meetings,
and walled opsn the electors le tear I
themselves away from party linea is
toto, Brother Moana gathered the
Lottdoa political chameleon to his hila
mu, mad spoke is favor of his election
on the 20th inst.
Ons of MArtsut's plena for the sup
port el Flossy was that bosh of thew
were life long tewperauoe men, aad
that the support of the temperance
folk should be given them on that ac
count ; aad the Opposition lender had
the hardihood to make that statement
and to claim tauperaace support in
spite of the fact that at the last ekc-
tios he had placed himself in nomina-
tion in North Toronto against • more
cotuiatdtat towperanue advocate than
e ither NI Shrew or Eisner, in the per-
ms of J.ssrR TACT.
In one respect there is • diff'erence
between 11ARTna and his recently is
pousetl ■ominee. MAarsK has, until
the present break, bees averse to
demagoguery, whilst Enemy has been
• demagogue all his life. Ile ns
boxed olid c-•wlltaes, politically . he has
steered North by South on all ques-
tions , he has been everything to et,
erybody, and is his anxiety for noted
iety lie has not hesitated to make
sacrifice of his best friends. if he be
defeated in London and the eoadi-
tions point that way it is quite pas
siblo that the next tin • he and Lead
er MAsrru inert on the platform, the
latter will feel the weight of the most
vituperative tongue in London.
THE following notice of the with
.Irawal of the proton in Wilt HIM.
will preys of interest to those of ear
readers who have been watching the
case. It is a satisfactory disposal of
the atlair, and will meet with general
allt'r.RAI. i,14TR1.T or a 101T II RUN.
he waeM get to hosed beamed he eater -
Wad the keelawd er., bet
slater played ha,algbe
a, as people
mg. ' y.
Oh, •, 1 drag te =wee every See-
Se dose tams. ole wee sewer •
'hank that baton wee net is before is wee
ddeatal. hates is hese to sass. Yes
need sat Sasso v.eteen that be is dews in
the whiskey shops sad brotsia Me in
here. These mss dome is thea plasm ere
deed, sad he's on them say way. Ther is
so taUug what • moan goes to ahwreh Mr.
He may refer soma social position. M pea
ea is best...., er front some arse= .olive
It is set &stediag the chetah that imams
the Kingdom of God. A w easy have •
sr rose •ttashmest to the mirlater, er like
tee choir, or the chard, escelly mrd he
will os.t be lot is without biter hors
clam Some e•y I have boas bepuasd, I have
bees costvad, or I lave partaken of the
sacramental wise. lieu may do •11 that
that mad not be hada again. Dud sat Judas
p from the I' aver foam and sell by
Master ' Don't think that I not wading
op bre and tattoo' ageism the March, or
the church ordinaaose. I believe ie
hey/nein. I believe is the Lord's Yapper. 1
belt... in • thorourb church orp•eiaatiow
but wka you tut them in the plean a
salrat.ies it becomes a same, It u cwt
cnteisg nn, tm tosebags like this, and 1ev-
ieg ) ver leelttooggee wrought up. sheddiag •
few ran, or making • few good resolutions,
that is rang to do it, I vesture to my all
the rood r.solutios mode in this hall
during the pass week, if they were writes
as parchmeot, would take fourteen horses
to draw them away, sod they west be kept
se long se it took to mak. them. Kesdu-
time don't ave dyes*. It's not gems to
tb• funeral of seese of your family, and
preemie, the mists er that you .re gene
to lead • different life - last ie sot a new
birth, nor is it besevole.oa Its sot mhos
to church : it in not endowing colleges or
seetinarie.. That is all right in it. place ;
but if you put it in the plass or salvation it
b.00tn.e • aarw
"Than is not • cam hen to -sight that
can afford to have • photograph of his heart
takes. We are • bad lot the whole of as
acid if you have not found it out it is he
cause you harm t got &egalsted with
yourself. ('fi
our •eighbon have found it
out, I'll venture to say. Christ gives us a
photograph of the heart. Let the boort be
e ight, ad your life will be richt.''
I'etition of Joseph Bell against James
Thompson t:arrow presented tot the 2nd day
of August, 1994
The petitioner proposes to apply to with-
draw his petition on the ground, samoly,
that be boa not eufbeient eyide ee, sad
prays that a day may he appointed for
hearing his application.
(hated this 7th day of November A. D.
Witsee Joan= HILL.
R. I
A PREACHER in Torosto at the
present time is having congregations
so Targe that the edifice is which the
meetings are held is not large enough
to hold all who desire Ui hear him.
At the ante time there are scores of
churches in that city where for years
little the pastors have been preaching
to empty benches, practically The
people of Toronto and elsewhere are
asking why this state of things exists,
and even at the meeting of the Minis-
terial Association the cause of
Moot,'s marvellous suecees has been
made the subject of enquiry.
To anyone who has read the reports
of the proceedings carefully, the rause
of the .ucce.t of the evangelist is
clear. He preaches the old, old story,
without the frills and fripperies of
theological dogma or doctrinal diver
sity. He endeavors to maintain in his
service the simplicity of the " Lords
Prayer." and the "Sermon on the
Mount." Wien he asks the Lord for
• blessing on his work in Toronto he
keeps to the point locally, anti doesn't
travel all around the footstool anti
amongst the isles of the dam-
atThe apparent respectability of his
hearers is not of so much importance
to him as the condition of their hearts
and their need of salvation. He
doesn't look upon cherish attendance,
or even membership, as being the all
in •ll, nor does he gauge the proxim-
ity of his hearers to heaven by the
size of the collection or the looatios of
the pew.
These are a few of the reasons why
Mootn'a preaching has power. It is
the voice of a sinner saved by grape
who desires to me others saved.
Then is no trimming for fear of of-
fending big ones of the congregation
there is no whitewashing of human
sepulchres that are polluted within .
Christ, and Hint crucified, is the all
absorbing theme The followiag from
Monday evening's discourse, is a fair
sample of how the great revivalist
cerate his subject -
" I thank mems el the mimeses es the
platter= would be anrmed If they were to
saechies some .f shah ala ehoreh .sambas
ea the ubloot of regeneration and nes where
they shed. Os te the deer seam Assdmy
take the people by the head aad
say, ' W aka yes think yon ere bra
again'" Put that mashies, end yon will he
e mesed to bar what they wall say. I wee
is aria& O•lemhta fest or dee yawn mg.,
end Imet • lady and sae/ her Ymhe wee •
( farm eke tanked s ssrprLad tied aka,
aesweeed ' Why. Mr. Meedy, m brother Li
as •redress. i amid, •i didn't id H
rim brother wee er wan eta i merely sa-
d N yon ant.
were a Ohris s' Ph. mum he
ted to MIA Nay who she had • brother
sear -I-- i eh
suY elk r if the wan
• l lar .. 1 hmd .f • sea aha ass.*
4 reward the revises .1 the Weider of
by wf.rriag ops him the honorary
task of tvl.ret. This le debts' kat rirb,
as lose .e it l@ detselly a ndewasad. se is
t he came of the royal bleed e1 Edgw'i, flat
the Minister le she permitted to "inks the
Clad" is times el aapiesessamem la seri
as emerspary well -knows warners hko Cel.
Powell sad ether heads a dip rtmerts
meld be pushed to the (rest, aad is Ode
dolisate het writhe meaner be dnpmaed of.
(oselmkbM triable may beexpected, hew -
ever, is regard to the salter. to be wore by
the new onlood, ter although it Is desalted
that • rued to okssg ars like the Mist.ter
would de credit to say, leabesy will cer-
tainly rim aeons rhe dtterest braneben of
the sea .we as to which is to be the favored
eta It is supposed that this will be obvi-
ated by the MOO ., l•rtag Is • supply of
seeh. 'rhe ,racial reserve that at premed
mess nerreusd the blighter whom be es•
teed, . welcome visit to the ahem.' mem at
say .f the military camps or g•tbe.isge,
will he re..oved to • large .areas by the
sails,... fid the awing of " Ho. a Idly
g ood follow,'. may ander the altered atir-
someMaues be •oesstptsied sow fid thou
by the customary slap an the h•ok ee son
mos es these twa•eios. Toronto officers
declare the ruiner toe good to be tree.
CA3DI DATE Eseaiy, of London,
puts forward as a claim for election in
London, that he is the father of a
family and his opponent is not. This
is a new feature in election contests,
and if it is successful in London it
will beyond question cause a boom in
the matrimonial market. Bachelor
candidates will he at a discount. In-
stead of platforni speakers pointing
with pride to their business enterprise
anti the blocks of buildings which
they have raised to aid the progress of
their locality, they will simply ask: he
municipal clerk to bring in a certified
copy of the birth registrations, and
make a grand appeal to the electors
on that line.
THE public announcement by
G.okt,u: A'•tlswtey that he has con-
sented to he a candidate for the mayor
alty will Ire resvive.l with pleasure by
those of our ratepayers who are anti -
out to have a progressive man of
good parts at the head of the munici
pal ti, -bet. There is no guff or Hum
miry about Mr. Aenesov's declara-
tion, but it is the plain statement of
an upright, honest, reliable and safe
business ratan. anti of one who tins
a large stake in the town and a great
intermit in its prosperity.
JT is safe to say that had the magis-
terial reins been left in the same hands
as they »Preis for the previous four or
five years. so action would have been
takes to purify the tows morally, and
would have continued to Nourish in
their nefarious business. This fact
alone should set decent people think
ing, and cause them to act.
1 F the two columns of renin
scenes of Dean Hole, which the To -
route Empire published Bator
day last, are fair specimeas of the
"wit sad humor " of that lecturer, we
can inform our esteemed coritenaporay
that there are horse jockeys up here is
the Huron Trait who can dlowbledis-
count both the wit and the humor of
the venerable dear.
THE vomit Os-7FlSP.M
Hamilton Tisa : Now the Lefties
Fres Pres priori the Ostsrio registration
law sad elaino for Mr. Meredith the media
of Ito eteeaptuee. Alms ' sad this is the
sante Act which the Empire declassed as
as e.trar. on I..berty sad as emhodvisg the
went features of New York's T.nm..y
Hall ray ' it's eersgb to make Mr. Matter
o ak, "When am I at
TNr '555? ra1,.rEe
Tomato Glebe : Aeaoedisg to Sir John
Masdesald, Mir Leesuard Tilley mid 'hr
Charles Tapper the National Policy would
Abolloh Weiser depreeaoa.
Stop the exodus.
Tan the '• labra of tradein end
Tax Wiles roads is the balk less tha■
Give the farmer • hems market.
Develop oar ulisral wealth
Obt•Is r elpreeity with the rated
Redoes the debt to $100,000,000 by 11vo.
Pressen.. is Quads W begs • e.lemsl
Wince, every seg of its premien has to..
dlahegwed, it hes lana a drag on program
as *needles to ▪ ammedi.a. tosutbs nvag- es • Mf er
ewes**y chill .
■ e'. awes a .ter sent! aeon* ME /Will
Tenet Ilfllsgiem : w Is rime ed slat
the se.. J. C. hM.we, M.P., will N•ee-
Do you need anything in the wearing line --a Suit, an
Ulster, an Overcoat, a Hat or Cap, Boots or ddhoee, Under-
wear, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, Ties, Braces or anything re
quired for your outfit ? If you do, and you're a ready
money buyer, and want the best obtainable value, come
to the only Spot Cash Store in nGodl ch on you
get a complete outfit, saving
Nonce no local swarm la Dungannon
tor Tam Menet is at the Maio of J. 0. Ward
J.Y.. deriveyveeer, Ra, who will receive or
d er. for suiesontU ss, adeertiay •t.4 tet
work. sad is antburiasd se stye receipt, for
mumesats paid tor the same.
Tcanar, Nov. 13.
M at.t. tioou l s . e It -Farmers and
stases in this .ucialty are akisg ad
vantage of the excellent sleighing with
which we ars sow berg favored.
Ftsrr S,uw On Tuesday of last week
the iris regular snow storm of the session
appeared which was use:posted by many
who had sot secured the turnip crop.
IlwTt.,.. W. P Grur.00 amid wife, of
Winslow, were renewing torar sequalat
aces Mn on last' Sakhatb. Wingless
soma to agree wish them, as they leek
well •
Rs-artoormin. have hese Intermed
that oar .saetaat teacher, Mtn M. W ilaoo,
has been re -appointed for 1896, with an ad
vara in salary, which evinces her services
beteg appreciated.
Di arrow.' Mates... -The directors of
West IVawano.h Mutual Fin ioeurace
i'o. held the regular monthly meeting to
Tuesday of last week All the members re
ported present and trsas•oted the Wooing
which was brought before them.
ANpal. ■ Lts,.r Ao.,.. the Tuesday of
this week Thos. Klliott,of Ntl@,was brought
before Squire Mallough on • 'barge of
abusive lanruage, to which he pleaded guil-
ty and wee doe I one dollar sad coots It
le safer to.ontrol the league than to let it
wag toe freely, Thomas.
F.• Lattavncu. -On Sabbath last, in the
absence of the pastor, Rev D. Rodgers,
who, having received word that his lather
in-law, Mr. Lowry, of Delmore, was very
ill, lett hen last week to visit him .lehu
Ihutow, of Nile, eooductod divis..rytoe to
fore000s, and Rev R. Fairbsire evening
service. We hope his friend will improve
in health.
'at.n:AT/- - Mies ('baryta Wirgtou
and Reboil i/ev.deen were appointed by the
songregatioo of Erskine church on last 'tab -
bath as delegates to attend • convention of
1 coag People's Semite in oonsection with
the Presbyterian short+ to be held at Erus
eels on Manias. Nov. 19th. The pastor,
Rev K. Fairbairn. and presiding elder, are
aloo expected to attend.
Casual Pr4)11.tew Ion Wdse.day of
loot week three of our village msts.., not
testing very sociable te ase another,
we have bran informed, two of them tell
upon the other and greviouely tormented it
One of our citiseae took epos hin,self the of -
600 of pate -maker and endeavored to rpt •
rate them 0.. of them, • St. Bernard he -
loosing to Rev. .1. Jean., whether trona 's •
haustion or a slight stroke lay down and dim].
Moral - It is not Mato to be is bad company
therefore avoid it.
Aeatara Bt.v,Aau. The very stormy
weather whisk we experie.osd on Int Fri-
day being almost a Dakota blizzard --re-
minded us that Winter bas fairly sot in,
and although mea were of the opiaan that
the wintry appearance of the weather
would be of abort damtioa, it would non
by tbe eentinuaece of snow fall@ and frost
that Winter is thus tar king. Eseelleat
sleighing has existed for some days past
and in douse oeoce the merry jingle, jingle
of sleigh and ratter bell@ as well as wed-
ding halls are quite resonant, agreeably
breaking the otherwise unosotosrr tooling
that dell weather causes,
Wauoit Vistros. At a neeetiag at the
brethren of the R. T. of T. which was bold
on Tuesday evenias el lest week in the
beautiful sad opsaioes audit.riam ball here,
Br.. .1. K. Tom, D. C., of Goderioh, was
ppre+esc..ast and initiated two member is Royal
i►1'wssrra.e, after which be gave mi sxogll@at
addree. is "thigh he, to the k.n.fit aad de-
light of all pre est, explained the 8ala.t
Degree ne ales the s.aomiay of It it the Or-
der, it hang, ea it were, the b•ektAM of
the h.titatien et R. T. et T. The order is
iscrome a Imre sad doing geed work, se we
are isforsed. Mr. Tem was highly pleased
with the MMnnedies sed .e-4..Ue sail
is which they were ...embed and for whisk
the pnyrioar deserved great eredit.
Rercartowat_ -Os Tenday of Inst week
J. K. Tom, I. P.S., made es eisial visit to
ear public sekesl, it bong his mteoad visit
this year, and after Moog aarefally pfit
the 'Molars is the easier sad jester depart-
ments, through the various exerslaas is
..heel work, eiprimed himself highly Mese-
old with the result, as to substantial presxem
made by the pupils, ..swum of work, as al-
so sxeshie.t order bang m•rstaised, all of
whisk reflects teat credit to the system of
taitise bolsi imparted by ear cookers.
There were pretest messy -few pupils is
the easier and fifty is the junior depart-
ments. Trimmest J. B Crawford sad f.
Saleroom were preset sad aoaourred i•
the pieasing remarks made by the efficient
mespettor ea to the excellent condition of
the whoaL
They eeesss bee Arvept She Taotlmeay M
Tone of WNW hees..aeaal ender_.
Muvrsasi.. Nov. 12 --The Miens of Dr.
Met'ermiek, of Released, sad Dr. iL A.
Rees, .f Perched, remedy ruMhbed ever
their ewe igsier.a sr. tessifyieg se their
emplace awn teem Bright's disease end
Diabase regressively. by the est of Deers
Kidney Pills, have amkRehed to the sella•
fescue M mead' gess j}sermb, thee W
pas de all that le Maned fon sham by their
wZ-suelogeseereIMO are well
is their Mefonlsa, whole wad M
relied seen, nod whim rarely
soaks gew•hea The revels of arse bane
will be as anoneeme • ks Mmetresf. sale el Dedrl's Kids",
bb &abet Sit $. 4gesbeaMe.
Ranging trout $ i fi$ best manufacturers of these Goods in
ns upwards we hate the
S yITS I a r g o s t assort men t of
the country. We had to buy a large
quantity but some lines we can sell
new suits in town. Nell for the prior we used to pay e thein
made, well trimmed, good -wearing,
up-tociete material : the tit much w 'WATERPROOF to $14.00. R',.
period to the ordinary made to under. ishow a whoaCOATS
the price about half shouldn't this did range from
teuipt you to investigate. the standard
We a t a r t at makers, all at close cut Cash prices.
V. 9P4 for a reallyWe hate Mutest every
serviceable coat, MR kind of Fur Coat made
COATS. it you want to get in alt
the ground door gra ..0 r
with deep storm
collar. (''root this
price to $12.75 we after a large as- price before you invest
sortutent at prices you cannot affordA splendid range of
to pass if you have regard for anti BOOTS Lung H000ts W orkiuy
tic., direct from the hest
call appreciate good value. See a hat
AND • 17 Mine 13odrts Rubiwr.
we hate hetero you hay, wntway. SROM
qtr ,ell 1'a- manufacturers at much
d r r wear at lower prices than exclusive Shoe
wholesale _ E. Meta tan afford to sell them. _- ---
urea. Prices Nu fancy prices Thr
range frcostt '25r. HATS latest styles at a saving of
upwards, with a very large aseorte.t AND from '!5c. to #1.00 on w
to choose from The biggest range of QAI/S Hat. A large variety of
torr shirts in the county. .% special ('loth, Sealette and Fnr
heavy Navy Blue Flannel Shirt at Cap in stock.
9,4i., would be goof value at :1.25. Good Wearing Ali
White Shirts, laundered and unlaun- BRACES, Wool Sox at loc., '
tiered. the hest value in the lased. TIES, 15c., 17c., iticy
We hese w i t'h e u t sox. aha. '.lJc', •2'ic., 9Tc., .lOc.,
GLOVES doubt the largest as 1.'tc., 3. c. tread flrRee.
AND sortwent and boast value iimo 15c. to 45c. A special line of
MITTS in workingmen's Gloves 50c. Brutes for '25c. Ties in almost
and Mitts ever shown in 'endless variety. Great value in Cash
this section. We show twenty differ mere Mufflers, ranging front l _' 1,. to
rut pines bought directly from 'Ow
Don't forget that in dealing with us the Cash Cus-
tomer does not help to pay for the Credit Customer, or
the one who n ,ver pays, but all are on one level, all are
Cash Customers.
to she i esies as the (,rest
- - TIIE =MOT a"Z"MT - -
Biscuit Jars, Cream Pitcher and Sugar Bowls in the Wave
Crest ware.
After dinner Coffee Cups and 5 o'clock Tea Caps.
Bisque Figures, Hot Water Pots, Fancy Dishes for Burnt Almonds
and " Sweet Meats."
Fancy Glass Rose Jar, and Flower Tubes , the very latest.
10c.. 25c. and 35c. Cups and Saucers, sale price 10c., 12c. and 15c.
50c., 75c. and $1.50 Cups and Saucers, sale price 25c., 35c. and 50c.
$1.50 Salad Bowls sale price 98c.
$1.00 Salami Bowls, wale price 50c
75c. Salami Bowls, Rale. price 33c.
Fruit Dishes, Fruit Plates and Bread anti Butter Plates at Cost
Knives, Fork, and Spoons (Roger Brow. 1847) at Dissolution Sale
A line of Potosi Silver Teta Spoons, regular price $2.50 per dozen,
sale price Iltic per dor_
A line of Potosi Silver 1)ceert Spoons, regular price $3.50 per doz ,
sale price $1.25 per dor_
A few new lines of Baskets just to hand , they are yours at whole -
Rale prices.
An elegant line of Silver and Celluloid Photo Frames and Hand
Mirrors at one-half off retail prices.
All Ooods must be sold by JANUARY 1st.
This Sale is no or -finery event, but a blessing torthnee who intend
to buy Xmas Present,, and mnst continue until the Cash required is
The latest Toy, the Climbing Monkey, 29e.
goat IkediccoM Peemplosas eon
Book *oilers and Rtationsr's.