HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-15, Page 3LI iashimd lad samelbedee ee heed ler antra& NTAL RIOBARDBON, L D.8.. aestl.t, Dee and vs.l%esIhr •k �s of teeth atsta.Yss1Sre ~,.mirtml tlwaha tours dens M.mia YIaaL entrasmi dwelt IffedleaL DR. MUNTU PHYSICIAN. SHE t�emt So. 0/oo--Mole..'. Mees moa, ,Bait mile from ,British ■ stole M 1, Legal. CAMPIOI(A JuIINSTON, BARkhI- tom aellatiers, Netartes. Le_ Uedertab. tidaces-Over Jordan's Urea _Mem Z.CAM- t'ION, Q. C.. M. U. JOHNSTON.Glea is leas. Q1TUBs DANCEY, BARRISTER, Oonvg•sgr ao.,jate. Mosey set rates. Hertenailliteshestive- :seise calbiWie-Hotel.tiederiok. E. ter LE W Ill, BA RRIBTER, PRt lO- ter In Maritime Limns of Ontario aSo. Bssbh Oslbsrue Ceti. flw RO. HAYS, BARRIKTER. SOLICIT . Ofd. ao. tiMow Der. *sore tad West sIJe tpederteh, ever telegraph oleos. Pri- vate rams N bend at lowest este et later - se. ret. I1 ARROW t PROUDFOtYT, BAR - lx eine., ♦rage, asuMt4rs. to.. Bede rich. .1. T. Darrow. Q.C., W. Preadleot- l' AMRRDN, BOLT A HI►LMSti. Barrletets. 'ottoman 1a ChametI to. Dederioh. M, C, Camsres. 1-0.; ; P. hies MAW Mohave. J'0. WARD, OONVitYANOER, • as., sed eommi.loaer ter tenni and re- emrtsg reoea.iessos of ball. atidavtte a sMrmalte.A depositions or edema Molars- Niene to or oenoorstag as, wawa. suit er we- amebae J umioa Os rt of Appeal for tiain4 or ie 0J aWont, Mr Division Court, AU '+acuses csretaW sell prese sweated. Dte.ide•ee and P.O attars-Dsswssee lust. tab -t f LOWY, MMA 11.1111111410410. �SLAOSB, CUT VEYAIi4CUNu AND . I.serases einem agpsr ' IMeeti•%Mem MOMIT Ti) LEND ON MORTGAGE at 51 ler err.. Notes discounted. eaADIIM.. appee • Marina o'. Hl. teens � MOSSY TOO�,.i,+OyA.If/. -se p$Ib,St0.OU e asily WITl1S=. DASICrY. Herns'.block. sOlailetts CzYsene Mewl. Uodorleh of -U FJ. T. NAPTIL, FIRE, LIFE AND • seoyest issers.ce seri ; at lemma iaBta. Osee-Cue. NorabeL sad liquors. tied rt - TO WAN. APPLY TO 1 U rsa. MONEY TO LEND. -A .. A K it I Al aweentel Privets Foods for investment %Slowest mantis "rat•doe Mortgages. A ppt) noAaMOw t PROC OPUS? L ssea. eel 4 ,t. wedRRAL !Dewy �etedass emlinass re/rseeste.. loser te Iwd De 'wart Wino. at teas Issues rale.os�fI�tatre tattooist gat is L'L'tlml. .lwiar.. weiwiter:tr7dee Ilipplideeelemf ♦ODER1011 MEOHAIiIUS' INSTI- lvs TUTS LIBRARY AND R ADINU- DOOM, use. of Best .trees sad egesre De c1 asePramtmtr.r.,sadRamiMur... AbOIIT 1000 VOL'B 1N LIBRARY. Lowboy body, Wedgy Peel Iliwfralel Papers, Megiui ins, dr. on AIetali .N Md1:MBiIt$Hi TICRUT. ONLY al awtlag free woe of Limes, and Hesdlwtt ge Appliestlsoe tel memberrfp received by t/6earian. Is seem .1 H. COLBORNI- OHO. UTifTIN. Dederbb Mart* l!h tea. AM1pa0Mll1M. r I�HOMAB GUNDB2. AUCTIONEIR Aiwa and des ase._ Ags�,_DIllre Iwo. ett. Oat.a t�ea.�� rtes las Cat. w ad bletriett MMtiel Co. Saha at- tended to 1. any Dart of cls MestV. 0.17 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ACO - awl land Teamster. Od.rtob. Ont."111rr had dinelharge YON'veld h sonterience is the trade, . e:lp.. eh nfsel. - entreot.dti d to elm. Orders lett sot Merl' listed, re sent y aril to hoo address .Msrfck P.0, eorefelly mewled to. JOHN LINOX OeentyAsdb.esr. ISMO Donal Announosmont. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN MT Toa Oars ow ETHEL- CilLO!DE DL Z. RICH&RDSON'S IMINTAI. russets. 110D3ZIOE, ONT. it awes Sno tiYmiMa mtM.eties' after • Nthe =t patrists7r=ait 11_ hazer =I em terra Hart to hes lb Med eabawe ddesovery whisk Is Werra ted morn le steam Was Wt whim d w •a*sin of meek sr stomp of shy nM Is seedy every owe. sad very male peas la the meet oatrems .nom. MrriEr QZ,,-p$LORZD111 Ilatthe I the LIrsooloW se water. • .e tied seer tsieh best teams se earth te rentor the teeth spho.ndsvto pal.- Petiolate amen a. ft Is peeleively Mhryelees se tee VAIs.. Pronervatt.la et the.otwral teeth • spostalty. MMarissppserraattiws well sad ekillfu deme y .selsa llnew•M• we Wes. IMO e f DR. S. RIOBAiID11011. The Morn be .L Pettiest' Child People who live is citytT fife lawn lets ef eempny. i Wpm,. Cert (Atilt Weedd--Ns. esd ;iia atrial y- den't see hew." "Why, folks won't 'seism with the families shovethem resile they b thew Weer esad they hl with the families below them brews they is above them" Advo is.stet reds room. Molested : Ter the inserter Ishii shag to the pleb data he cartridge paper. Ter wear there Bk M. it min he alters ref weep the best v� to de wit seethed m set w lacks well apse la A vase • • 1 taste is arrival merely • formality b seel�eet�, with • MsM.�, le lest an a e.�latgl �f le hei he &Olathe sesamemail eimehall • venom ahead tareall s. *bleb b mat espsa- d m Y',Ives dense bowl the balmy ed • P od jeer e.--. employed rot awes Infos it cm. TAM SIGNAL GODSRWR. ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. Hi. ,Nie $ A SIMCOE a). MIRACLE. THE STARTLING EXPERIENCE OF MRS RIHINSON, OF MIDHU1tST. Bl.h-g3t Taaa.' ate'. .m. -tea Caea roe- Tw'e.'Bo russet%OLT Ilene awe -adi was meat t'r To eta IT Two DutTesn -vow a raver' or nem, ■t*LTs a!tp wratituTY P ros the Barrie i owner. Neu the vill gut of blldhuret, about int mils trues Herne, mends the smithy of Mr. dohs Itebiwuu, oboe with,. mood of his aevil is his home, whets to the Hutu .4 • large sad leafy .,.:herd dash the .ouch mil his fatuity. Mr Robotism is• tpy• of the proverts•I likelihoods with 'the vesselse of his br.w.y arae .. Krug s aro. hands,' but with Mot Robinson it has bees dilereut. The w fe and moW..r has for a luso tote herrn • noun to mute mud p til dropsy of the kidneys. Shortly after .he birth of her yr worm' child In• -c &bout 13 years .il) Mn. kobiosoe began b take leautiug •yalls ecou.nessie•h i•y violent headaches. This mistimed throug the years *him have $sheered, dunrg shtch time she has obta,.•N the Met wedioel .d t toe available F•.r •i out • year she w ,a in erratum terror of going .www H -r dull heavy healsche, bashing twin in the beck and weak .w...leu legs sot le.dy made her ease panel on• fearful To • represotauve . f the F.tamiuier Mrs. R+mue,n std 'It is borne ere or sex , 110116 stone I took wuree,ad some thee .s hey. epout hundreds of col lar. to isednin. and lot wediwl advice The svmpt.eu of ro • see were heavy headaches pain ,n the back and Milroy., and swollen legs I rapidly grew worse, aid last duly was given up by Iwo doctors to die, sod all my foetid* sad ne•ghb..rs tell me that they sever expected t.. see me out agatu I could not rats myself up, ...suit Dot dress myself, sal bad to he a..at-d cu everythMug Now I am well and s•.o•g. -nil coo put out • bis washing without •n . over eteetim, I have also suffered from. diarrb tea for a .uteher of years. and when i sp k of n to my doctor he midi( it were stopped woe,, result. would f Blow. At the 'v est request of my so, who was then living is Manitoba, nod per - (um,. of rn" wonderful cure, of Dr Welborn& fink l'.'Is, I decided to g.ve this remedy a trial. 'slice using the Pink Pills I have Mees c,mpletety cured and have felt wee but benebeial effects. Daly the week before I •-auinesosd taking the Pink Pill. 1 'Pug kd.i by • phvne,•tt that he could not curs me and that I would likely get worse trios* Spr.nv He so -dyed my blood Mai said it was to • fearful state and !Mt my dowse was dropsy of the kidneys which positively could not he cunt fha was about the middle of last January After the third hot of pills my haakache left me and it has tint same returned. 1 have tram thirteen or fourteen bore* ie all sad owe my recovery to Mi eroedsrful meditanr. I rant primes I' nk Pill. toe mach, whatever I sae "f them,' said Mrs Robiesos. I recommend t basin to everybody. I ene't speak bse hlaily of them- Tear saved rey life, and i fel it my daty to let others, who are .wrong as I was, know all shout them. Dr Willwns' Ptak fills strike at the root of the disease. driving it from the sys- tem and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, kidney mid liver trouble., eryeipe'ae, scrofulous troubles, etc , these pills ore superior to all other treatment They are also • specifier for the troubles which make the live of so many women • bunnies, sod speedily restore the rich .tow of bealth to sallow cheeks. Mee blokes down by overwork, worry or excisions, will find in Pink Pills a certain .urs. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for X2 50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Compa.v, Brockville, Out., or "aheeectady, N -Y. Beware of imitsti.ee and .dMMeles anted be be " just as treed." ABMs. be IIonttr Nis as. e.bes NEWS OF THE WEEK. Seism the .et Agree with the girl's biker in polities and the mother is r.Mg$su. U yes ham • rival keep an eye es him if, he is a widower keep twe eyes a bias Desi swear to the girl that yea ham us had ho►im. It will he tnougb for yen to say that you serer heard yourself were to year 1/w't put Loo much sweet stuff us paver. If you do you will bear is read is after years, aches your wife has mine especial purpose s is wtang spout yes the sem one portrayer ksows to • smarmed e.•n. Co how at • re a '- S le he.: u the seam- ier. Dunt watt till the girl her to throw bet whole soul tate • Tewin that she caMt Dover with both hands. A little thing like that may wase a ou,loeee is the very he- gisuto, of the game If, while we•rtog your sew summer trousers fur the first tone you sit down on s.,m- melees comedy that little Willie has left on the chair, smile sweetly and remark that you don't mind letting es molemes o•t,dy at all, foal that "boys will be boys." K .-,Ye your true testier for (uteri reler- eros If on the occastos of your first cull the girl upon shorn you have placed your young sffectioos lobs like as iceberg sad acts liie • mid wave, take your leave early and easy •way Weems in her hours of 'r-ete ,s uncertain. soy and hard to please in oo'd weather Booth Haying good•utvht in the tout. Don't stretch it all the way to the float gate. sad thus 1•Y the found. tics fur future sashes. hroeehitis, misrel- ate sad chrome cuterrh, to help yeti to worry the girl to death after the has star- riest you Don't lie about your financial 000ditios it se very annoying to • hride who has pie• tared for herself • life of luxury in her an- cestral halls to learn ten late that you ex poet her to sok a haid-b.-ceded parent who het been uniformly had to her to tab. leu is .cd of the cold. Don't be too soft. Don't soy : "These little heads shall never do a stroke of work when they are mine," sod ''you shall have not hies to do in our home but to sit all day long rand chirp to the canaries," as if any sensible woman could he ha upr fooling' away time is that sort of style ; and a girl has ►_ tpteiler_ stepped for the aSyht fine reeestiye met►ery f.r the soft Chia' .arse wl the Getegt. Words. "I thea eery sod sully promises of courtship, and co- hisses,," be mid to the hunt. "Base yea oestea.11r, in atter years, when she is wash sot Posy to eat "' in the dm ier dishes or ,etching the west "Nuelun but poo -um end of your trousers, she will retuned you of The traveller .+need, but watched pe - them is • c. Id, sarcastic too• of voice. tien•ly for the repot. After • lapse of • half hour the host came in, accompanied by three hound dogs and boldin[ a Ii.htwoed torch aloft. "Here," he said to his almost starving gust "take this rabl it foot an rub nit shoulder with it " • • t% hat is that feu'' asked the guest. "Well, ding it all, aunt I get to go out an ketch a possum for per *tippet!" -Atlanta CoOatitut toe At the alderm.ste iay.Upt+e., Termi- te. furless epidsaee el ee.esderahie interest was de.a. " , end • leper and telegram pet its white seemed le —..,Late to some es - Wet Mr. Kealg's srides's en Memday. There are prospects of smother strike in the Os..MLetlle mike resins. It has bees brewing for come time, and sabers have hese peeled asUisg ea the Doke workers sad mimes* to eons ea strike out Noy. 15. Heephrey Johnson. aged 66 years, shot his wife through the head, killing her in- ab.►Iv, ht ('dltapwood. a suburb of Cleve• lead, Ohio. He thee ran into the house mad seat • bullet tab hie owe head. His death 000arred • ,esu wooed• later Jeal ousm u said to Aro prompted the tragedy TI • Baptist State Coaysttu of Ar human has declared war on the church I'sivenity at Chtuago. It is alleged that Ur. Harper, President of the University. enurtuos and promulgates ideas at 'amines with the mover -mil belief of baptists is the divinity of all the books of the Bible. ifs. If you go out in the rain, come ' with wet feet and sit down to work without out changing our shoes, expect to take cold; you will be almost certain not to he dieappoistad It yea are always finding out the faults and werkneimesof your companions sod m- saoiais instead of their virtues MAY their loveable- polio', be very sure you will sot be grew.% mirrored sr Ielate.l; the world dos riot care mach about oystsaudfeult-tiaders! It you Derry sumhiue sad cheer with you aid help daily to lighten the loads with which y- n meet c..-.siently come in eostact, you stay look for friends oo every side sad you will be sure to hod them ' If you pelmet le sating and dnakioa what you k..ow does not ogles with you, or if you ail- sot take time to masticate your food properly, leu may expect to have dyspepsia of every kind, the ordinary r. jetties sad mental sod spiritual as well, Witt, All ,heir oouoon.itent evils' If you really want to help r.fozin the world '.egin w th yourself' A Mlosed arptos. whet oesoYera waste. The other document was • printed bill in • frame, which set f.;rth that the applicant • neo -smoker with the idea of showing ✓ ooters how much they wasted. had set hie self the task of pickier op all the cigar ends he could bud in seven years betwees Clapton sad the tendo. docks. The dis- tance be covered is search of them uaoos- eidered trifles was 11,823 miles. The num- ber of cigar ends found was 600,000,aad the o verage leash of the pieces was one and ons -half inches. Putting the average cost of etg•rs at the low price of 1'. pen' each the total origami cost would be t:3,750,'ad the amount wasted be estimates at 1:11100. Placed end to end the cigar sods which the •ppliwnt found would measure 13i mils long. It further transpired that their ends were freed from ashes and clasped. Then thee were tightly pressed into jars sad kept perfectly clans. Having exhibited the col Motto* to the public the appliaat took out a revenue home for the sale of tohsoco and sold the ends to tobacco masufacterer•- The appli at stud he drew the magistrate's attention to these facts to show that he was not • luy mita. but, try as he would, he could not ret work, and he was broke Before the dock strike be had regular work. het mace they be had been almost entirely excluded front the docks. A Sited Wised Player. A letter written by • Chioug. lady re- esetty to • western oorrspood•st =Weasel the tellewtog paragraph : gimes i wrote you last we have had a two. weeks' visit from Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Dillard, of Philadelphia. Mr. Dill•rd's playing is trulyrem,arkeble. P. bad told me a great about tt, but I could n ot realize that, without his sight. be could remember , ad put tutu practice all the re - flameouts of the great game At the elute he was watched by scores of enthusiastic players, as only a few could bass the op- portunity of sitting opposite or beside hon. He, of coarse, makes the American lead., ie a strong second hand player, sod is well in• farmed oa ell tbe little things pertaining to white.. In all his playing here be did not fail t t answer • "ell" or to "echo." To show kin remarkable me•oery, one erring at the end of • robber we bad otwasios to discuss • baud is the fist game. whoa to our s.tostabenest he placed the entire fifty. two cards sad (ave the play from bttginem, t• end. Beside the p eying at ear owa home, he was given recspiiese by the Chi °ago What club and the Hyde Park club; else by Mn. Felts, of the North stele, sad Mrs, Hayseed, of the South side. Chs of his expetisuoe• here was playtag with Profaner Swing, the "poet preacher.. He ',toyed with the pr.lessor against papa cad Mrs. Foltz, and to day, after • very sheet illson, the professor was carried to his last teeing blas attended and lamest - ed by • large cwmttr of Mises. hevug the largest formal ever held I. Chbsae. Yoe may be interested to keow how Mr Dillard keel's ha cods. For example. e� d for his especial eight of spade voila have the letter M per. forested ie I he loft head upper corner sod the sad the figure h is the right -head upper corner, sail se throagh the metre pack the suit sod rank of each card is marked by per. Nestles. Koch player culled his eard as it was thrown on the mole. i have • esw- plats pack whish i shall keep sa ` moseente, Mr. Dillard was •eooeipanied by leg wife, who, .song her other •eoomellsh meets, is ss e:sllemt whist player. A Amara Sae Debts. "New, this boes., said the satire of Alleghese enemy, l'tmasylvani•, pitiethly eat • let aside te the stranger, "is the sista wonderful struetore ef Me kind b this osootry •What's weederful about it r ••it o the eemly leg ebb wee of the All. (may meuatobe that Wasbiagtes hose't son is." -- Creep. iia end b � a outset The iJlplem weedsgG ter the dower it will sews pit lard • elsth tad sprinkle with mea - seed ed ewb geOhh is the sheet This This will st .et buer and are prima el moo of *elm moilwiththtidealien relieve gsigma end theambles will yant of pads ou t:1141= eMit Just the holy the deal day. se faeeNN H. Not lot/ ago a resident of one of the small teems mar New York came to the city to oeesalt an (miaow oeul et, whose fee for • ooesult•ti.e is toyer less the. tea dollars. He wee rather green in appear - secs, so the doctor, who is something of • wag,ad oho was is particularly fine spirits that morning, thought he saw an oppartuni- to bays • lisle fun at the expense of hu rur- al visitor. In the mares of the examinatien • prism was placed before the eye of the patient in order to test the muscles. 'Why, doctor.' he exclaimed, 'I toe two mediae !' Isdoed.' replied the doctor, 'you are vKy fortunate.' 'How se" 'Why, just think of what an advantage you have over the rest of roe' Yea me everything, double, and beautiful pictures charming landmass', and lovely tares •re all repeated to you, and you must get just so much more pleasure out of them.' When the exsmisation was ooneluded, sad the preecriptioa for the proper Klemm written, the man, without • smile, laid a Aye dollar bill on the table, with the remark 'There, doctor -there's tee dollars for you; ad was game in • momeat, leavior the as- tonished physieiaa to figure op the seat of hie pleasantry. The leesew Thee Wave ado* Vastest Pittsburg Dispatch : Hello, that's bogus ' said • tiaket agent, posing beck a well worm Mad. The coin looked to me sx•etly like the regular thing, sod i was curio., to know hew the tiokes man said tell it ea de" - Oh, its easy enough, he said. Teel it 1 f•11 it. i eoulds't Mel anything but the psis of use beer is itThen I meek eut ss • other nickel ad felt that. They looked sl:b., only the madames este was .tore wen thee the etssuhs. Thais becomes they simulate faster then good sees, said the Motet mos. Ce.a• tailed bills sad eesaterfeit mei., esstinsed the philesepher, are apt to weer out quick If. Tea see, peepla always sed very aster - A teed .treses. Police Magistrate "1: Hoolthao, you are charged with tieing drunk en Monday. What have you t'. my shout it'" 0 H -+khan "Mer Amor, of was cile- hreting the New 1 -ear." Police lfswat rate- -Ce ler atiog the New l/'Heolieban-"Yes, Yer Anner, Moody was the Jewish New Year. Yu. Auner, lint a slew." Police Ms.i.trate-•'Well, 'you can fast for ten days with the Gentiles.". is,, Answer. Agnew--'• What ore you writing, Minnie -your will' Minnie--" No, I"m writing my u/ 00'1_ George proposed last sight, and I told him I'd •rower to day..—Tit—flits. Let is tee owlish.. There ought not to be a dark room in any humsa habitation. To have too much sunlight for health is not possible. Its in- trust, y under exceptionable oircum+tacos can always be moderated as ocoasiou may require. a 5eree..Al rr•etltiener. arwis ie. Cameo -Dr. Tomtit is looking down in the mouth • good deal now Fens • - I thought he was working up • large pracu.e Comms - Ys ; bah N fa we a specialist is throat dieese'es An /weal a.sy/ris Washington Stec : 'I dunno,'said Chloe, as she went doers sate the kitchen,'I donor, b •wt dither I due bru'k fire teacups die day. an hyah tome the muerte an vita me mushrooms ter cook foh ma diuurr. A Christmas Book. 4t*-"‘.. %t Saturday Nigel may well oiler to place their Christmas Num- ber of this year alongside any- . thing produced anywhere. T he book haat I. ex- tremely hand- somer The cover le designed by Mr. Jahn D. Kelly, of Termite. end hose of the mask brilliant and attractive thiw0In the way of • sever ever dews la the Dawdles. Three ttletiaep, Instead of use, are glIri away with the Masher this year. sod "Charmed by the Swag S rd" has only to be sees to be admire,. Tre/sbiect Is a group of * s ni finelisteng to the I: wee painted by O. A. Red (Mame famous pmtures. "Mort- on/ins the Homestead" awl "Fereeisein t the Mortgage, our readers will remember hevlag semi at the Toronto Irak, and W reprodseed In the cheerful males of real life by the wewly Recovered presses celled photolithography. R Ise great plows Ka.il.pplemeat.' PWy- maen .. L a French passel awl a marvel of Salty edmrbg. Notin brook and wilts. culled " A iMMealt Trick.' Is the Met popular reeve- dilation epsdilation of ea old - liens steel «tpavtng by T. Webster. Oa the expiry of the egrright The fkwpp.A Pu _Mins Co. (leas) se saes had ally west m get rid of them. 861"_,_. lost • M� mss' ef widish May ere pace tieee. sh that tisk you tae gave ms, t yoa sod whet fermsrly swell nm he bseght lee Ism FA ▪ esus he shoved it out immdk►tol than ten omen they new elm with es. Mena - i • fellow who got it pored it en .s enoyl w• lHwlher ties. As • Maly hi dem H ean- s peewhi, rod the sex t fellow h.... �he Eby all The thaw n the . eim Tb. hese mimm►dw/ with tut; esus se on setil ye. ggeett simrei y all who ham ween thea The lees/ - it, wad 1 skewed It bank oa yes, sea ` Now lag story Is W Cheal`Js lumber%by Basei you kaew it b eo.aterteti you'll s•ter•11y fir' recently b. with Jac e, IL Ps rid si it the are .hoose yaw gel. pre►- swim. Is pa se Ir w twlew s wet roe. ably a a heron ear. e.d.Mur. Hail give letter kesewa as Rahe Sloes where . His It is themes be some weieaw, and she'll pat , ' Made the Deem seriAve Prete ,.mess H% Fat it else geisk year hemd'II swim. 'ABN sae's Ow Dire Owee%a/p ar t acaaro mesa are seof these bud MMkd, and A11' o. s Y Isla h Oars."' and the Mlth. of it thea thmy gw It Ifitfi. re e,fbL Other storm tie t bd nose, to etrealste rapidly am alas of Sank d Mer%ea : I. pwy as on, MON Smith; Why Jelled* low /he 4e tlS.eha• Whet fleck. by Millented R l vergers 1 The The eye masks all Isno.aese .ad Mills ef past:=111.611114•011.1111111, tea QIA Man, y Merpte. o no Waft heater thea the asegsm It halt ata A■ lode 111_Re_L pion. J hp' S. wpea_ma lere with everybody. end asf� wa roe heeM111lid ddtbwld rt. Kappa p, J. s. tbt.duelsa OM�• plow* sod lwhea i/w dant Rapp d �.ae. aakeiU • 1 �erl7hwllaA. *eth.a Thew me lead idols seemaee, Med the t$Nml pnttlpl . 1 giamagaieggatioseliseld Woe kdl tib wink at the sods tomMe s, N diem&am Mdeis drlatl me the Weir. II Woodoted. will make lee .asks .f d.� rub imath ea awl r fa. ahe ..antes sta. This is it. This is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. Itis an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re- fined beef set. You can see that Is clean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, and ecouofnicr.l--as far superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fair trial ill convince you of its value. Soh.. n ,rand 5 pound pails, by all grocers Made only by The N. K. Falrbank Company, Well/appal.. mad Ana arty JAUSITRSAl On the nen. She That last battle of yours must have he.: • terrible one major. The Major It was, indeed proudly) I wish I might have hail • photograph of myself taken on the field. She But they didn't take instantaneous pictures thea They Were Tsaie. Winks I understood you have been shooting, old fellow. What did you shoot Blinks ()sly • couple of brace of ducks. Winks Were they wild'. Blinks N ell, n s --le, but the farmer Subscribe fee Tan fl issu . Only $1.00 a year in &drataa r 1 Always-- 5/`^o{(e T�+E S ,� F9WNG CiGA Ir �S Really,s- 'qual to ahoy If/ported ter. TaK My Advice and Ir 3I5 t on ,eting this , 10 cent 5MoKe pr 50 t.. 1/14IR ;I"AMOND G„R- PILLS CONSTIPATION. BILIOUSNESS, DVSPEPSIA,';) -' Ci( HEADACHE. irIEGULATE THE LWYEkl. ON[ PI.L AFTKR LATINO INSUfti GOOD DIuL ,TION. P'tt;CE 25 CTS.TetpODD'S d'lE, o. LT PLANING MILL. UTIIIKMEU IgM,. Bllchaulau.s & Bliyllas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers Is all kinds of MILLINERY. - - LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES $3 'tin We have a large and choice aell;ortment of Felt Hats all of which we are Belling at reduced Prices. Also Jet Trimmings, Fancy Feather', and Birds, Ribbons and Velvets in the New Shades. MISSES YATES. THE SQUARE. LATEST STYLES - -IN _- 4110, FALL AND WINTER .MILLINERY MRS. R. B. SMITH. 3w (:leuguw aquas. ♦ad bui dors' material et every leoertptiee „ eaa wiricez ..MILLINERY.. EMP01111111,1iST STREET. School Faraitare a WO. SUMMER has come and gone, but LOW PRICES MISS H. M. PITCHER. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturer', we are prepared to give the people of Goderich and surrounding country first -clams goods- - lower than the lowest. remain the same as ever at the Furniture Emporium of GEO. BARRY. Hamilton -stn Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it. UNDERTAKING We have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident that we can please you in quality, fit and price. in all branches, attended to at all hoer* with neatness and dispatch. Embalming Fluid always on hand. Picture framing a speciality GEO. BARRY, OAfifnTals•aRs Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods. The old reliable stand— W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E i)oesira. N. B. Custom work and rt'rairing promtly attended to. N='V.T ZIIN=S —IN =R=ss C3-00=)3. Now arriving and to arrive, anti although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to data Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in doe course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of m\ Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. .wweetse. Kindly eelmlsed. 5 lie. Cane. SIseeent be Cori. A. MUNRO, K idd Draper and Haberdasher. SPECIAL NOTICE Our Stock of BUILDERS AND GENERAL HARDWARE Per Tall trade Is taw oompleee. Lame Genuine Steel Barn Dom Hangers and Track . T Strap and Screw Hinges in all Sizes. aCiTTBL NAILS. Wh pay • Peer Nsil whoa you os. tat Seems made trim SOFT RAMC STIEHL at • very rB advmu is lima. We heti tars t• err WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Portland Cement, Hydraulic Comm. Calcined Plaster. Roofing Pitch, Building Paper £ General Hardware. DAVISON &>r L fes. TCO., MSdrar .gsdifa>•aw Subscribe for "The Signal" 01 & you 1 (