HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-15, Page 1•
elI AL t •esdtrw eat etrosets "'o» tlaMi..yM... h err+11r. It ,.a
ttl•i .N. w howl trod
F( YEAR. 2491
T1-333 L313ADZNia NEW13PAPi1R O'' HVRow QOtTkrr
.h.. ,es first e.m. here Yoker. Jahn Z41.44(4.YR Joh. "'As. °II FROM OVER THE BORDER,
Bested OVER THE HURON TRIM Cleburne. Mrs. Hicks with other monition
AIA, wI 111"68 'ed I" CLEANING UP THE TOWN "'^ u
larniee. r u•••d• to day wseld nM Yo. Yore Lr al that so. carred thiggs
have tow tog a.dor • rhtry en with • high prang
mewl t•AA Yet ander • serestyl' antes HMO
Whaa11001Dtoa at lh.CaplW menti and possibly ewes • Meier ens Yb0 OAdal Draf;MS'0
W she 1 itra cheats so long
h, have •gren u
deieyed their .rowels option eiahrtve tai-eeteN ei e.aaU ewe stirred
•tam.• Why have they lewd head. with . b the A wsehl,
Nest aa" Their •hadee• Map iii Ihe masafaeserisg esusopeli.t , the wealthy tiered Mam/Ines aa1 Mor SrssN ninny. !t is Intolerable sod out of the
sip so aisle t•er,tbed,
u unitesh •h b be permitted to
hand. Detre tate youth d
the town sad others heaoulebly, and your
sesduct M. done Mere to ad•sace the cape, Th. Cadet trOm the
d ,til is this oomesunsty than ssything
that has h•ppeo•d is it for s gnat maty
It is now too late to alk of
of Mrs Sanders' tamely, here been ill wick I
�� rlui. y News Notes (t'om Washington
y d fever for gents weeks. She wee
.re} 22 sen of mod Imes • hluh•ad
/Me sed
TeMe—TIM/ /IoM d.Mar .tis• Seer that
Ise Sed a arra Telnet - peed
Mora ed the Tann aylslr.M•
wroth" eegaS 5 Seaweta daY. err eapiteliet and goverment OMeraaor u MW
WI sad Ste John Tie F..pte w nos foram( the tariff reforms :hey are sew
riper -The Parma* s.spsadble. pleMt for. They were gime L7i peroest
bythe Liberal adaisistnteee of Alemder
, aekearie bat they took oldie with the
Lary which same into sower with • 3b per
tea *ma at. l errespoedo.ss eget fanf sad with their vow they have
1 1lTAWA, Nov 11th. Deception; keit thea is �p'o°wer ever wnos. 'Fl .. are
w food it reward, as ser Inds mous i.di..table fast sed how, in the fees of sad down Huatlto. st until the oboe of
_. ... ti.
banal folies Magistrate Seeger was reached, mod •
number of men .55 two worsen shghted
from the vehtsle. As the tures female wee
a.eiseed trout the vehicle sad reached terra
Nem. the said, with • decried', 'jaggy •c.
sent, to the brawny eoostable wk. had ailed
her to alight, "Thanks, ever so much,de•r,"
sad got off several .emanots of • Immo
Oat taro.
The party at once enisred the police
m•gistraw' oboe sed Sb...osemry papers
for committing to Jeal Atom Strachm eel
Id. & ashall, two inmates of Med Hamil-
ton • bagatu, were made out, sod the
ABOUT 9 :IO roe Walnealay of loot
week a wegoneitc drove around time Square.
the border learned this week,sad the Iowa- linen. cat oar farmer.
crate hes bees smutted from eight. party of derehc11ou of duty whoa by their
Faas7 I own tote. they prenatal theft glviux effect
I toy came tete power pledged so memos to the referees .ad low fMIM they were
•aif,to • tariff that would mime the mut . pledged Le. _ _ -
mum of mimosa, sad the people Mtaved; A POINTER IFOR PAnww.
them. 'Heir reseed has bees ea. of uoful , — -
■lled prowess, and brutes pledgee. They , The trews of the Mweeehe- A Mw wleer-
did got keep faith with Shoes she rove theme
a pow lease of pewee std sew, at the gest
opponents'', those gen. people have re
...toted their Iadtgsatea by reptdt•tts/
these. We west through the game tares
here last mews then was reacted in the
sited Stamm whys thou tariff bill was be-
fore t'eogrea Mummer Fester and his
.01 abases had promised • broad measure .f
! will reform, bat what did the waked
h.►y hs introduosd to the House look like
when h. had it dressed up for the christen
tog' It was not the ems baby at ell •d
►,rte hardly keen his own child. It int
made it appears/seem tamer a attire,dress-
ed as • former sad talked se • farmer Bat
t n. baby see. had aspirstto.s •bos a the
tarsi : is,iepsdatd tis agricultural friends
.nil while the ticker pletons wane ir.t
riven it, "Tariff Hill," smelt to it, the ebild
at the does et the smeise Was Iec'.gnited :s
the tet of the bloated monopolist, wealthy
capitalist tied s•sasfassrer. Is was is be
the farmer', idol : it proved the farmer '•
tee ' But this te sot the wet the 1'oeser••
ore prem here look epos the result of
the resent ol.etnuse in the I sited
Mates. They, of mores, attribute Tee de•
fest e f the Lt.meer•ne party to the univer-
sal desire se the part of the electors of the
Coded Stases fee high protests= ani • re
podlsties of remotes tariff principles. Not
.oty that, bet they find ousoolation in tie
fact, es they allege, that this game septi
must that teary my has duetted the result
of the faired Stamm electsse r gloms
etresrth is Com•ds. It is to be hoped Ther
may to to the pole ragtag their faith to
• net platform. The Domiocr•ue party sold
•neir Irotate sad sew their fronds keys
sold them. There r when we bad the
.e tel to the elesdese agrees .he border.
It o wet • Cabinet ,..ret, for Hsfg et e
:needs tell it, shoe the Minster of Hsilweys
god the Premier are.uperescing • little of
:net sort of thief that to diplomatic circles
i• rated strained ret•ttoss. Anii it
ii all
..ver the Cerrito Bridge affair.
ssye H•ggan u sot semMeeat tons kis de.
pertm ret melees he Gan mower it bettor
titan he has a preventing the cuuo ret get-
ting tato tiger beg steal.. II John Henry
Pope had bens there they would have work•
ed the mama without *bowie( tome retheir nd.
t'o iofasstfy matters Hagg
sed mote ee the prnseenuoe of et. home.
her Je►a r.esastr•ted, but it wee either
ascribes Bt. Louts sad his refatios, or " I
step est, Sir Jolla." If those chaps she Mrs
gAversisg you electors had to fay fer womb.
sag their dirty Item they might he more
taroful shoat eeling is. Bet you deMt spa
peer to sore a • `it how many Cabinet
models ore unearthed or hew high a promo
Jim you pay en iwsarality. 11 some d
Yon who ore pa mg thirty, forty and fifty
Deep euseems et, lie she srta.lee Met y pIso, es Tuesday of
into year households, as tribute to the Gey- I This mod event re tookepla s maiden sort f
oremtemt, could live as the capital for • lest week.
while year eyes weld be ,peed what t was I.IZA* Stelk She was only • little over
lag Trereao,
.rats iheerver The new order of the
lemuioo ( •uvernmeet, •ll.wing a reMie of
ql1 per cent to manufacturers on MI metsrial
used is the manufacture of goods for expert
is • bed give away ors the proteetionuts sal
should still further open the eyes of the
t-.adtan outage to the toilsome of their
theories. The sew order makes no restric-
tisas as to the importation of the meteral
subtest to fillets. as to whether it M
manufactured in I'om&d• or not, as the pre
nose laws did : maaufactunrs are gives •
free hood to buy tart/ m•'eilp1 is the
d►mapeet market, The full duty,,: Wei me
per rent. is reloaded, thus giving almost
absolute free trade, and ooefes,teg is the
most motive of all wave, that free trade to
raw •aortal is aeesessry it place our
meauf,cturers in a position to meet corn
pieties in neutral mertets.
If lb..I'ansAiss consumer had the privi-
lege of enjoying the benefits tet the reduced
tinge in favor of the manutetturer. the
change would be bailed with dsligh' but
whoa it is cosridered that the remission ..f
duties is for the Mott of foreign purehas-
ats only : that it is te enable s farmer to
the States or Australia to buy a reaper or
newer, or • working man in distant coun-
tries to bey boots Of • o .1 food..
and the foreign hitter wife to ploy sugar,
from Comedies m•out•etoows at lees
thin they can be purchased in (' , at
the doors of the manufactories, the feeling
s ill he use of resentment Imgb•d d re.
poise. - - --- _r
Why should a 'Vest ItNM be she S.
buy hu flour from a I'snediso miller cheaper
than • resident of ('anada can ger it'
It is • good thing to ore the miller, the
implement weaker, the . tae brewer.
She boos and shoe maker, the maker of
Moo sad organs, hod of cottons awl eel
has, freedom from taxes. on the material
that goes iso the manfacture of their res-
pective wares, to Motile them to sell to ter
* rarest vastly reduced prices,why is it sot
• good tbitg to tree the farmer free paying
taxes en the material he require@ to onto -
vote and make marksishle his product'
Why should the pork peeker who mikes
Minis and bacon in.pnrt hogs prectieelly
Ire of duty while the ('eaadw farmer who
amnfactars hogs has to pay duty es the
material that goes oto their produetioe'
Th.w anomalies al ge to show the Mime-
tic* and isooagreities of the protective its -
tem, and the •hourdiuse which as. sere to
present themselves is sad et riag thft who
it work to the mtrhetsn
Meet by it.
two wumes were drives So their des
Lunation and pissed u durance.
The paling of the woes.. ,tracbm sod
Morsbsll wee the sequel to events that had
occurred earlier a the evening.
As is well k..wu, • wootan who goes by
the some of Maud liaaitltou has hem the
keeper cf • notorious brothel on the eolith
boundary of the town for nearly four vesre
past. with or without " utticul protection.'
Kee -y effort to make the su.honues move
bad been tried u vats, std even the dismiss
al of a derelict constable had Do edict u
waste( his saccessor o do hu duty, for the
women appeared t. have • "pull" higher op
is the municipal administration scheme.
Aft.r much petluostug and o.us
ter.petiticning, • police megutrae was ap
Pointed someehing over • month ago, and
that targe week a notorious woman named
Those.. who bad bees • curse to the town
for .oma rte previous, pulled up stakes,
and left for pastures new. Bet Maud
H•miltoo still faced the awing storm, hop.
Mg that the "pull - that had stood by her
for some three years and • half would see
her through,
I b the dwieml of Scholium from the
pwrttos d otgbtw•tcbttam • ed constable
and the *ppimmest of his wcueeser, Me
Loud, It wee ooafldently expected that Maud
Hamilton would sees reach the end of her
strew, but he •Iso wee rendered inert by
some malign Whims, sad although the
newel mood es wiissses is Midi it was
spsesleally stated that the closing of all
g_sslientobte resorts within the corporation
moist was part_ of hie duty, MoLe-d re
fused pont beak to take my anima.
Matters had got to this pitch when Wed
Deed•y lam Csest•ble McIver land an is
foraauos Milers Police Magtetrate Seaver
against Mend Haalltes for keeping • du
orderly home, and later in the evening •
ceaveyece castaway constables I;unary.
Yes., Meteor •d Newcombe raided the
pprr+swosees and gathered u the women
$e,a.isa mad Marshall and • young nen
who had been a frequester for some time.
The woman Hamilton sadsaotheryounr man
who had also been • frequenter were not in
at the tune, sad were arrested up tows
later in the evening. When brought before
the police magistrate the wonaa wee very
aniiess to put up peren.si bal,hut boil was
sot •.ospted, mid she had to follow her se
moeiates to Nil, where they remised until
11 •.a. mixt monitor. The two young men
were allowed oat on bail. as it was under-
stood they would be witsems if the women
the ems
Goerti=e tt tr of the ...stables from
plowing the wastes in jail, it was stated that
soother insists. who was lyine ill is the
hones, sod esker medical treatment, would
require • .ores, and the ooastables were in-
structed to see the umedtebl man and have •
n ares severed to attend to the sdortusate.
Also they were authorised to search the
premises for liquor as it was alleged that
liquor is qussuties and on sole weold be
found there. The constables •tfa.ded to
their duty so well that • 1n•.tity of liquor
wee disooyersd toed brought in, to be used
se evideisee against the keeper of the house
0o the follow's/ day.
Thursday rooming there was as large an
attendance of spectators .t the osorthoess
es if the holding of an awns court was in
s.seion, sad shortly atter 11 a. r. the three
wonua faced the bench in the Road jury
recut. Maud Hamilton pleaded not guilty
to the charge of keeping • disorderly home,
sad the wows Strachan sad Marshall en-
tered • moiler piss to the Miry of Meg
Iam•ese were defesidsd by K. Cam-
pos, ti.C., sad the Crow. wee repres•nesd
y K N. Lewis.
After plsediat. the ddb eiegietrat wee
asked to mouth the pismire
fallowing day at 2:30 p.m. Trimmers- *esa-
eel asked this Mad H nish°. be asked that admtheihailtted
b keit, and the Gose sad two suyetie•ia
he Geed at >NOO Messmer
Ijti960 eseh. Ddeadaate' oounesl lhenghs the
MiII excoludve. sad the primers were re
A oar sltatiea el sees.w eiwass, mes wee eld
between Mr. Cameos
es Mad HamYMa dssided she wield ate
oars o ge to jail se rumored. the eouassl for
the presasue se was sidled ie sed • deei.isn
arrived at whereby the plea of net guilty
would be withdraws is every instoace, • plea
of ' guilty" meld be enured ed the
women would lsre teems asked u re-
polies mat to
ma•eder tis saga as the amended plea, which
h e did.
The two iesm.iee pleaded rutty sod were
allowed to go es sespmdad sentesee. se one
IBMs, that thee left town within twenty.
Isar bars. pp
Mead lgaailten de youplead t guilty er
.m guilty t this *barge pollee
mettles you M ' ale I eaflv.aed
perry on hen any beater, and 1 now tell You /Mat /'Upped
-sad oak you to radios it ae • fact that
yye..►ave reached the sed of your Darner to
Gedetich. It is within my •uthortty to
ten apace you for the sh oee to which
Proem atter, erHIN.
}' "K'I'EK I K. Carling hits mutest
yew bey* pleaded guilty • considerable lei in the 40 now of land on St•t to• .t- to 'am -
.f imprwoomant, bet you have proposed u I Baskerville.
ahreugb your counsel that if I will suspend •
I k fikerid lissome McLeod. she had tow
tea in the s.. retort
you will leave to the cellar --boon krokeu • few weak* aro, u able
ton and wet saw nturr. 1 ,ball not now to � around &in.
proeoeece..otouce, but if you are found in•g
this tows or its nctslty-st •.y time, or en 'locksremith It Forsyth, the popular
any pretence, after the expiry of the time teacher of No. 2, is oersted for the ousting
gives you to take your departure, I shall t year at m advanced salary.
.nes have you hrought for sentence
shall impose • farm of impri"oentest to the
fall intent that the law directs. I do Dot
say this to you as se idle threat, but as a
matter which is determined upon. and
SCHNEL.l. Much regret we felt by the
people hen en tebrnist of the death of Mrs.
Jobe Schnell, of the 13th oonc see a of Hay.
i to She wee • victim of cow
belisv b ears of sqs
was pole es. deetmg. they nay, is
i.¢. sd so it might prove is year .vee
Every little while we ore made aware el
the not that gee, taw sr three oaobers of
the ('ablet have started out as a „it
peak Se tall the Melon ere
for fear they might (omit it. So • .ewer
Munson, Tapper. Oaimet sod Clarke Wal- all who know her. Her dest
lace left for the Maritime Proems, this bereavement to her husband sad family.
week. Joel leek op the Ladttr-I:eserst's and she will be much and deeply warmed
repent for Zest year, oar kaekers moss% by • large Wale of friend.. This sevh'e be'
high taxation sad .1 • 36 Mr rea..atnsl falls all the mon heavily upas
cent tariff, sd you will bed that $1.036 of Mr. Scholl is en moth that it is the tthird
of your veer want last year to pay the ebb dear to who has been removedwas
hire of Cabieet Mieistrs and $b.fo7 ler maple .f mssths. First his eldest sou
their travelling expenses. That's sorbing, takes *woe sad the sharer thee hie mother,
sad sow kis
vss it their of his joys lied
sadceetletebass will prsermit
tt. do/ern corows, ewe 1w. that Minae
some pioneer, sad reersaties Mad you gas ten h tai, i was es el este
"ell ahead them these luxuries. Of enure* halth. ad the esteem .'
theysever ase tk. wu•l the rail day el Ism west, was e high god the elm•
Mt would not meal She tMwwd
(or the bereaved family tragi
e mptso. sad had hem in delicate health
for mom. time. It is supposed she contract-
ed the damn while waieinr upon her sou.
who proceeded her to the bag home by only
• couple of months. She was • hied and
amiable lady and was greatly beloved by
Exeter Thos. Dew had • large growth
cat front hu right temple the other day.
'lee growth was unsightly but tie had worn
it for years.
ltiyth Messrs. Joe. Ortmmend and yy .
a Leh it is for you to fully realize and me- i ntteuden left this uiorois for liakota,
ups.". for. as I have pest now told you, your where they will spend the Winter in the
canto in this tows a now at an end, and lumber woods.
you must either keep your promise to stay tt'roxeter The (;oanercia hotel has
away from Gederich or resole the punish chap ed hamlet . We understand that the
Meet determined apes for the offGbte of new proprietor, Mr. Rues, takes puee.eios
which you have been eoo•teted. Staniar n- . P ext.
oonse.pueuere will remit as regards the two Mane) A•ou, eon of .John Klhott, tell
girls with you who fav been Ot rioted el from s cher last Sunday mor-. tog and broke
being inmates of ► r house if they •n kis arm. Abe tet six weeks ago the sante
found in I:oderich of Vicinity atter the train arm was broken nearer the wrist,
leaves tomorrow atteraoon. "
The wows listened to the police mops- I'r•ohirook : The Trustee Board f se re-
trste's ddrs: with an ter that showed engaged Mies McLachlan as aesiawt
that they were ooe"cloun that their teacher for t896 at an ad••.ee over lest
time in Godench was short, and pr.- year's salary. Mies Mclrchlan le a good
pared to take their departure, when the ease teacher.
of having liquor for sale oe the premises was Egmoodville lyugald Slaw. of Rodney'
brought forward by the prosecuting oozes• brother of the Kee. Neil she., with his
eel. bride, spent their first week of wedded life
Being asked to plead to that count, Maud at the mattes. They left on their return
Hamilton pleaded guilty, and was fined $20 home on Ttaeeday-
and coots. Wroxeter A omtingest of our hunters.
The court the.. adjourned. who left fur the wilds of the North, has re-
-- turned, after having had various degrees of
In the case of the two young mea charged of tusk. William Harris and William
with being fret!uentere, it was decided to Wright wen each successful is securing a
dismiss the eaee. ( leo of the young fellows deer.
was very eiregnose in his declaration of
Varna • The Orangemen of Varna cols -
never having
was been in the house is hu life brated the fifth of November by having es
until he was Informed that some of his Mi oyster supper at the home et John Reid on
ruts age, which had been found ea the Ks -
.the Hayfield Road. They are reported to
woes a shirt and cellars erg with his initials have had • very pleasant and enjoyable
on were in evidence •guest him. Tien time
he caved, and iso glad to get off, and take Brussels About 6QJ loads of gravel
big " duou
MARINE NOTES- .treete of Brussels dunsg the last Summer.
Th wort was well done and
way s mpadm sand a0 amities ss reboot
he right.They y!aWrity nil msrdiy er
spoil k.nmtey.lsesg of ear puriWi••l
daub the seen
t •ovetsesest.
Is it possible se themes amythhg mere
lead sh isms than the
4lflieelt to reh..e••• - nstil Presd••r d tier..
eiao'..nt made.hJ the Is the last win e/ yds, memoir et lest weak, the eoeaty of
the "•rima Larermsrd s 61111." Raf.rriag t Orme bet ore d itch sesl, i bthwai
ta The denser
Has lessees writ11ss be Sir Richard sed meet re.o•siw ,wet Comity, Int-
writhe as • liberal sed Dr' 1<yer'sn as • ed was a native of Ressow
nes•rvaMT•, t Malery my lend. sad with his father, Jami Rlirht O'.
-merely so paws weold ask Pattens to Cse•or• who was a .aptass is the tis 1836
d.ttos.d from the enabled pe.4h&O! they have se ltt�. •m- niatI to Csaads.y he
Basi, --.ember d osera-
Pm.fHsted by the large
re Cite followed the reinetas to the last
maims pies•—teeter Times.
O'CONNOR—Waikato. Telmsep - father H
the death .f A. A O'Oiemmo•
O'Cosnx..f W animism, es
y age sod two scall chi r.. to wrote her, sod
who have the heartfelt e. mpathy of • largo
..rote of friends in thou sad bereavement.
Brussels As will be seen by moos Mise
whore Miss Mary. youssest daurhter of
John Broadlout, of this plat, was uulte.l to
warner" to Dowel Stewart, hardware star
chest, of Astigoarh, News `cotia, of
which place the bride is &leo a resident.
The cerentosy was performed at the rest.
dews of Janes Bradfoot. Sydney, ('ape
Ireton, brother of the bride, as October
24th, by Key. J. F. Forbes. Mrs Stewart
left Brussels nomo four years ago IT the
Fast. Her many old from& here -oath her-
self and husband away happy and prosper
tea yesn.
Lumley ()nip night last week Wm. It s
inn, of this place, had a set of harass stoles
from the barn. The thieves seem to have
been in • hurry, ea they did not shut the
door after thee., (In Suud•y night last
week a ■ember of articles. soosisttog of
whips. robes, hone blankets. overeosts, oil
cloths and such like weir stolen from rigs at
the Bethany Methodist church during ser
vice. N. doubt the onee who tel them
thought it • good chaeoe to get • good pet
Lit, as the articles were •1l good once. SAMS
suspicious charseters have bees seen in the
neighborhood dune' the past few weeks,
and if they are not caretul may ret into
trouble. An unusually large number of
tramps have hem visiting this locality of
late, sad seem to be of the worst kind,
using threats of the most darieg sort, as
well as abusive language A warm ramp -
two will be given the nett one who attempts_
to iollow the same course
attuned end eared whose reser* have
mammas of partes
proved their inability Se asseemslieh that
whin! they mow prehr to deem It may
be tree that the Liberal party Mie tet hens
able to scmempli.! the reforms that sewp
te make up she Paws platform but who
than the farmers ebua.elves have prevented
the sees ikg el these reforms' Is Mere snT
feature et the Liberal plattor.n that w mat
coeines.e with sad es the very lime laid
tows y the Petrone : sad is then say
plink is the Petrie platform that
tt the
I.iberm' party of the Demi never n
torsed . The sgrteulteral Wow
per cent d ear Mire employed p. pets ink.
sod bed Mat pspuleMses pp they net
literal ted
Arty is Parliseme Ctoemmaens to
/seg ego bays skteted stet
power at Ottawa pled d g the mss e m
every memos MI repro
as isms
e~e rte r4 dam. will ase ith The P.lsu�the fibril
Party swills Ise Mien they �-
ed. Mad - M clad
the ham were is Names*
be taw posh MOM Tom 14004 'tIs
gas sat is the city of ;.endo•• ere
mentisw.d to reside for • member d years.
engaged is meek•nioal permits when he re-
moved so the tows of (bderiob in 1866 be
was poStraster ed clerk of the
Divisors Court at Rimed•le, ..d a few
years afterwards moved to Tessw•ter where
lie received eMnYr . ntmest.sed wide\
he es.ttaned to till the time of his
death. Is politico Mr (YCgnoor was a life
less Reformer, held the adtise of Prise -
dist of the Reform eseelatiem of ha riding
ler • member ef yeses, and wee es settee
worker ie the Reform same, whom IS wee
mesh weaker and less pop'
lee was,. Those whe hew him item, speak
et his in terms of the highest praise. end h
Me village where his lent days wore spet5,
he l be burie wwi h ie buTMe, in the
will .amatory, Ibis (Thesethey) ether.
A setts sarid Joseph
It his k}as - M ealtaleMai ja a
inIteni ef fo pseety ta.•e47.
ago " with him. hove been put oo the
---- amounting to $330,
t•tereattsa teems
Iracked I p. to sad Sear
lboThe Joe has been lead up for the 'Via -
A thin sheet of ice covered part of the
river this week.
A number of the boathouses on the river
have been taken down.
Bruder t McN•ugbtoa s steam hoist is
laid up is tee of the bays tet the Harbor Is-
Four of the lab boats have been hauled
out on the ulsod and will be thoroughly re-
The heavy snow storm Friday afternoon
and sight oosesitatd the blowing of the fog
hors continually.
S.O. HerveyBrawn was loaded with 120,-
000 bushels of wheat at Duluth in eighty
minutes last week.
In twenty -tour hours 106 vessels were
locked through the Soo (mods. This breaks
the record which wee 911.
Bahr. Speedy Messenger has been hauled
out on Harbor Island for the Winter. She
will be repaired for next tenon.
The pier exteseion work is now complet-
ed all but putting on • number of crow
bands The lighthouse will not be moved
till next Spneg.
Three fish boats from the Fishing Islands
called here Thursday al their way to Bay
field. The I)•uatlees that wintered hers
Cot year was Dae of the trio.
The G. T. K. dock will hays the more
liberal patronage of the beats waterier' hen
this eee.on as the Government charges five
dollars per boat tor the privilege of laying
up at that dock.
tour ladders 'are being put on the sew
piers two on the South and two on the
North for the benefit of these who wish to
,•joy the pleasure of deep water lathing
sod also fur throe who accidently take •
The bests that have already laid up here
are : Solara. Craftsman sad Tediums ; tugs
Mee Kim. Evelyn. Seibold, lie• Gull. Sea
t1..oa, Cheese : *tr. Jones : Soo Rabisg
boats t Moms /frees and twisty stem
mows sad a esternarea.
Selo. Kolfage, Capt. Mel toeald, light,ar-
rived Hendee evening frogs Semis. She
had a s fists w Matte we &adenoma d she • fast run e will
she Imola ho
go to the North Shore tf r lumthe �ah eohShe has
h ad the best some
this ee .Wa.
W• undershirt' that the three fish boat
from Rayfield which went to fish ap the
lake were brooking • claw of the fishier
law. It appears they tried to Ask coder the
lienees they held is Bayf old. Mit were pre
mord by the ash i.apeoeer. They retun-
ed hopes sadder but weer aass.
The following shipments of wheat wore
reedited by Haobieen ft Ogilvie this mum
and -stowed I. the Rig Mill and the G. 1'. R
elevator : Acadia. 19.500: lake Miobigas,
17,000 : Hall, 11B.400
; 54 M� 32,•28,0C1500:
Hell. : Myles.Eft. M us, 32.700; making•
Hull. 98.300: erg•
total of 956.100 bushels of wheat brought
hero from Fort !William sada nom►' Arthur..
If there was more Manage
mare would he bronght.
Thethe `ravel of •
good .quality. .1. M. Mortis had the cos tore the Honorable Mr. Justin blc►lahon.
,rant The firm case ow the het was Rat: •
W Ingham : Miss Hall of the teaching Hall, en moos by the plff. on • mortgage.
staff of the '4Vingb&m public school, was The ease was referred to the Master for ad -
called to her home in Klesheim. on Monday ministration and for esquire end report.
by the sudden death of her mother. The The next case watt that of F'a.son v.
deceased lady died while visite g friends i. Femme, which is an action brought against
introit. the deft. to recover mermen stogies said to
Egmondville . I:ohert EUistt,of Ottawa, be in his hands belongise to the estate of
spent some days last week et the parental the Offs. father. Referred in the Master Le
home here. He is the oldest ion of Wllli•o enquire and report.
F:Ilatt, of this yillag6, and occupies a poem Sample v. Semple was the nett cane on
tion on the staff of the Dominion Expert- the let. and is an action brought by the
mental Farm. pli. to t
have it doddered that they are e-
Hullett A very interesting event took titled to • hen . n deft'. Inds fur money
place en Wednesday last, at the residese.ofaid by p.ff. for deft. Referred u the
Mrs..loseph Martin, near here. This was Howe v. Ronald was an interpleader ac•
the marriage of Hugh Dunlop, one of Hul- lion brought to try the ownership of certaiprosperous
Serest retire Mail
Irene/Aeries tee Sew Mead loose -Will
Cleveland Seep Nis Priced. Populist.
I lain Titer Mere lima Meld wawa
owe Tari. lir visas.
Teem our Regalar OeMem11ad 'SS,
\v ASII I MUTON, Nov. I:'. Willthe'
adnuoi tis put another Ir.e of bonds
before the asssiblisg of ('o.gr.es ` That
question Me within theles twenty fours es
cited as mach asteroid se the result of the
eleeuoas. Although "ecretary you'll* has
said that no preparations were being meds
at the Treasury for a hood issue the ours-
tooa will not down. ♦.-.•..rdisg to the story
current In Washindtou. President Cleveland
is parentally looking atter the arrangements
for the erne of the bends,hecava Secretary
t'article upbosed it, until Congress was first
given an opportunity to provide the mosey
that it is clear will soon be needed by the
l :overnment, if sot • narked increase u the
receipts from custom dome which w away
below what was expected under the new
torte. The story gess that Proudest ('leve
land intends to get the b ods issued before
('ougre"a meets ne as to he sure of having
the money needed. being of the opuiootj•t
('omgrese would not suthonre an issue of
bend.. It is certain that unless there has
a radical change of sentimsst since the
gwbjsct was discussed at the last session that
Caesarea. would sot Aud it in equally ter
thin that if more bode are issued under the
.trate Itct=ce 'specie resumption at, by the .dmimetrs
A warrant wee issued by Ii. M'i'ornu.•k ti"n betseeo thus and it.. tir.t Monday a
for (ward unpaid.
I kcem►er, when c g
t .o . ress will neer there
against Jes ttydswill be .'he of the liveliest sort 'f rows is
Wm lfclkuuald had Wm. �mcleir up for Coolness. Meaty of the defeated desieaa-
torniog hose ea ham at the duel. I blend- tic members of Congress will nature to
lint wap found eM guilty ••a•••• datnlssed- Washington to finish nut their term, with
C. I►ulmage and Mary lane Ilwaldeon very biter feelings award Mr. Cleveland
were gent up for six mon.h•r on • charge ot and his administration, and an ire of
vegraney. bonds would give then • legitimate excises
('has. Elliott was brought up for tree- to relisve their firebugs by making open
pawing on Nile Metbdut church property warfare upon the dmiststr•tto They
and on request of trustees of church was let might net be able t.. accomplish much, but
on on suspesded sentence en paying ousts. they could make thing• very u.plsa.ant. I
do not believe the administration is going t•
CHANCERY SITTINGS• isms any beads at present.
Prw.dent ('level.ad has never enjoyed
Nape.at.1Ike('asse•testfame Warr lee the repit•tioo of helpers[ his friends On
Purl A tlhert weuus. the coetrary, he has been generally eredited
The sittings of the i'hmcery Davison of with being able to ignore those who have
the High Court of .lwtice was held in the Men his beet friends without "turning •
court house on Monday, the 12th mete, he
hair,- to use a hit of expressive •lang,whes-
ever it suited he Clunes. to do so. There-
fore the report, although it some. from
those coenscted with the administration,
that cuckoo ('opgressmen who were defeat-
ed are a!1 to have federal otiose, is takes
with a grain of salt, several grates, in fact.
This report even goes so far as to say that
one of the ('abiset will retue and be eee-
ceeded by Representative Wilson. of W.
Va., a., with the understa.diug that it • vas-
ascy Down on the bench on the I' S. Su-
preme Court during the remainder of the
administration it shall go to Wilson. It
may be, of sours., that Mr. Cleveland will
take care of the crippled a tckues. In fact,
it would be a probable proceeding oo the
pert of any other President, but his record
has not been such as to enc.'mrsge predic-
tieee'lu to his taking core of aoyb...dy.
The populists at the National head
quarters of that party do Dot admit that
they shared in the terrifi: defeatadminister-
tothe democrats. although they failed to
elect as many ntetnbers of the Hour as they
calculated to. Its the ouotrary, they figure
out a great •ietory, notwithsteaoding the
toes of Kansas and Colorado. Chairmen
Taubeneck, says they east double the num-
ber of votes this year that they did a 1892:
that Texas and N Carolina will henceforth
be populist States, and that the populists
and not the democrats, will he the principal
opponent of the republicans in the next P're-
sidentiel *lectaos. Ile says further that it
is likely the populists sill drop everything
but the money 'tuestion in the near future,
only asking that members of the party shall
believe in the free and unlimited minute of
silver. and that the party expects to event
pally •boort, all .f the free silver democrats
of the house. Mr. Tuner, the secretary ot
the eommittse, says the populists cast more
vow is Colorado and Kalem than ever be-
fore end that those Mates were carnal by
the republicans Mame democrats who had
heretofore sated with the populists voted
the republican ticket He latlmaw that
the seven populists Menetere will demand
pledgee of certain needed legialettes from
the party that they assist to organise the
Senate. it is generally believed is Wash
ington, however, that the reenblicens will
get the vow of Senators 1'efer, Stewart,
and Jose. and have no trouble in mimeo
lag the Kenate.
Prergn is being brought to bear epos
ptwideat /7ovd to ignore the tariff is
his mesa memo" to ('outer upon which
he is now at work, but all the indiesuess
are that he will insist that the Senate par
the separate bills already pawed by the
Hens. metier coal and ire. free, sod is 4.-
ieg so that he will pay his rempeofa tothe
S.oators who made tie pr got rand.
Ther isn't the remotest probability that
either the fres enol or the eras hill will be
passed, but se effort, which may he seems -
NI will be made to pass the free moor bin,
which Mr (levelesd dn.en't went psssad.
Sort's eldest au young fanners, o mise gods sexed bythe sheriff under m execu•
Sarah, eldest daughter of Mrs.Martin. tire, deft. decring the goods are Dot the
%Vi.ghem : A. E. Smith, of Halstead d roods of the clamant and therefore liable
Scott's hank, was called to Mt. Forest, on to be sold under thee:eeution.
Friday Imt, by the death of his wether. It
is only • short time rice Mr. Smith's father MUNICIPAL COUNCILS.
died and in Au`tnt last he bad • brother
near Brantford. 1 Council met today,, Nov. Sthi. Members
Wroxeter - Another of the old reeidents all preeeet. Minutes of prenous meeting
has sassed sway, in the person of Hamilton read and passed. Mewed by .lames Con.
Griffith. who was buried on Moody last Dolly. ssoonded by Samuel Sturdy, that the
Mr. /;ntfith was one ot the sturdy sons of nomination for reeve, deputy -reeve aid
old Ireland, hailing from the north, whence councillors. be held at Holmeeville on the
('made has reacted so Many worthy last Monday io Dec., and the polling places
settlers. The funeral was largely attended. be as follows, vii No. 1, tlrmge Hell, 1st
Seeforth Robert Logan and family re- con. No. 2, house of Nixes Sturdy. 7th
turned bene from Manitoba on Tuesday Des. No. 3, house of Thos. Harrison, 4th
Mrs Logan, .r., did sot return, and intends con. No. 4, house of R. W. Klltott, Ray
remaining in the Prairie Provisos during Line. No. 5, house of Richard Baker, 16th
the Winter. Mr. Logan mays business is con. No. 6, house of Wm. Crooks, 11th
loekiat up in Manitoba, and he thinks the eon. Deputy Returning (Moen be as Vol
people there lies about as proeperous ea they lows : No. 1, i'. S., Semuetlobnstot . Ne.
are in (letarb. 2. .John Sturdy : No. 3. Thee. Harrison :
F,gmoadville: There was • very exci'.ing No. 4, .iahn ('iuf : No. 5, Richard Hiker :
rune of football is town en Thursday of No. 6, Wm. Crooks. A bylaw was passed
kava weeh, between Kgmo.dville and Beech. confirming the same. Moved by Jas. John -
wood forthe Crawford cup. Bssehwoodoom• sten, secooded by C. W. Williams, that the
out victorious, to the unbounded delight of following mounts he paid, vii Star
the dwellers of that village and surrounding printing, $e2: 11y. Whitely, attendance es
seighborbood, sad married sway the cup county wards, $7.50: •clerk services at
There was a largo crowd of sethnsiatie ('.urt of Revision, $1.60; seleeuag Jurors,
apeetiton atthe ma'eh. $10: Thee Fast, oto, $15.10: f►. J.hseton
Versa : Thomas Ward, of Varna, hna a tttsv.l, $22 6 a: R. Jobssin.. gravel : $4.41:
mai which is sow thirty•tnree years old, e• forte', (Irev.l. $1506: Wm. Pilon,
sod her genial owner thinks that she could gravel, $8 30 : Janes Alexander, gravel.
Varela o
yet go from Varela as maS.aforth dose chert Iecem 1 Nixop &Man' (lerkiay
time many so-called good drivenShe . ----- ---
Ins hoes in Mr. Ward's possession sines she cARLow
was three years Old. She was Bind by ilio Yo.Dar, Nov. 12.
t'riese, and was prehsood by the late Wil F aceta.' leen:Tom Matrrtvei -- A meet
liege Ka Lie, of Swfetrtb. nag of the West Huron Fannon' Isetitste
Rrttesele A "."1"111.4u r mishap will be held here no Friday, Nov. lbth,oern
betel a horse helosgieg te U. MI 1i.e. D.n ,...dat 1 o'eloak The follows, wen
way horns his horse bes11mlata
. eery e. le Helensltoht. Iii iMillen, (o.e•iswee. J tl
sad nephew ki led in • railroad •ccidest '.unsiu a The sill, .
u{,S embed the wows, as she roes
sad maththe Mesh.
"This," NOM the pietas a ometraaa. „I
Ins. se sdtrusive hes to pass ...tames.
Per nerdy her yeses yes hate earried es
ywr nsias;ess teiak is this Mina without
Iassa*••den, end, es a shrewd were of
r.metrid sod deathless with swam d the
M boogie. • yam prawMip, this Ila
r1saMy W but pati tonne Iles yen weld
frost Mars*Aeight Rh. covered thved es Monday rs e
tree prom prey 60 miles in
four beets sad • hof, or at tie rats
ly 14 muss se hour. The speed
frelghl a esenem es the hikes is ally • bide
ever 16 miles This is set the fret time she
has made fast time es the lakes, sad the
often ren awayhew may et the fastest
steamers es tWith Ree gee lime sod
Me peed she Maoism arab well for her
maim Wm. Martha
U_l iDi kr' tin • year.
Mr Pips had bens to Er.msls sad on the will ad rem the meetis,. .I•• G•uwt. tit.
•x•"ni.ati s•.spperwas footed embedded whaatoa i,eadon: F. W Hodgenn, ihree
edgeways u the hot of the missal's font. to of F arsi.rs Iseaituw ter lamer., Alt
it .apposed that the awrywas „eats,aro e.vetwd._
is the mud on the street with the sharp AUCTION SALES.
edge upward whom the here tramped o. it
Wing►am Johns A-, aria of "Inns All parties sews( their sale iliis printe.i a .---
Aimee, id this tows, lted in Romanians o• this alas will have a free notice inserted The ides that a tabes imam* ,Mast M
Tuesday evesisg lest, is his 23rd year. The Is the Het es to 01011010 of sale. Cared reeves o M • essisey,
dirsessed yeast ea. bad bees werkieg is
Mesrs. Mal.olm A Watse.'s foreitsre the-
tety for the past two years, and es Friday
morning last was Mimi ill, from some all -
booties of the bowels, and passed away se
steted, sotwithasadiat everything had
has dose to nheek the di..ee..
McKillop Jams A Smith, of the Ott
oneassioa. hod the midortase to hate a
bed IF. at his place ou Tsgeday eight Tb.
lire Melte est shout 8 e'elook, and ems the
whets piece was Is Sam= The Implement,
wish were snarly new, sad all she W hiter's
feed, wen bsrmed with the building, slue
shout 600 bushels d gale. There was
shout $100 immerse is the Howie! Mute,
but this will set s..ely .over the less
11th... t ,Hers died is Respites hews -
skip se Tlssday last, •t Ni awsi1ssse of
Fainar, Noy, 16 - Auction sole of turti-
eare . 81% Barry's tureitsre "hop. Hamilton .1
at 10 i obek r tt. Terms I'ash. Thomas
Gaadry. soot_ --
"i tell yen. wobble sm. Deem¢ fa the introducti n of the remedy into this city. -
s ri•hu man ♦gicise. ha.. int Lwtau.d to pre.
"l'bet's a fart," said the bald herded ensu : „rib.rib. the pill". and nomerone sures have
Q1 val air', Nov. 5 -Lephysietaae are
mach gratified ever the letter of Dr A. (i.
Me'orwick• of Richmosel. this province,
testifying to his cure of Bright's Disease, by
. Deo
id's usof id's Kidney Pills. Siwe the
frost saidwnmai
the many pit
"there was Das Is trout of wee at the theater been the result 'Phil liteet testiea•.ey,
last eoskt and I .ever mw the stags Does. ' I maim from se well knows • atedieal Mae.
Polios Magistrate Def, ei Kesass.a• let• proves thee the leo•l mea were right is
deals ,..rely with people who • eek to de eha�t/(s�t�b�s ofd -tial. remedies for Doi"
grade the morale of the community. 1'he l Kum"p.' , ass" *sir jubih•tiea•
other day • envies nemod Primo wen gives �fw�
sic mons s s jail, withof the lroto of At the Smart Rea Prsideri,
sic months is eggdeMpayment of • Heim h �le
Ons of $60, lav Itespisce di•erderly theft .....l sed weft a the attacks made ea kite
The man was Mimi and the wemee lemma he sonasq.asse of his alleged menthe eh
Thole daughter ,.,._iSsd to seek serviea is the Aeasulma Preesselvs Amanita.