HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-8, Page 7MACES
*bic coat
sIPMIlePtrelles Oases
d1••ar. whieh heat
Is are mese Marshes
or«iat Bessltlg r=:
cube tlMrbhe
u Obervweaswereting tea.
1�pyIM Pet
sae■ ear ■eDoe
F Sod, ealsrick
lest Drying,
id Furniture look like new.
d soreo am mea or hetet.
Prise 25o.
Coves and Range
" Radiant Souvenir,-
/ up t
ouvenir,")upu 140.
Cosi sad Wool Stoves
.oderich to one of any
1 &LEE
lumbers, Tinsmiths and
o Ierich.
titled to.
Imperial Gal's for 40c.
t a low price.
Goods, Garden and
!ala, &e. Also
;, �&c•�. p
ECIALtari .
;rabb Block, Goderich.
L Prices
W-lr l AO
J. misthe imseatra
his ase Nrilliar,
Ism years, has a
es byes t. share }art at
Ms year way M the IWO
Y & SON.
d 0i
Nni NS i Tama
Sci Vuez 1Iiis ee1:
3 pieces Fancy Dress Goods,
worth 40c., for 20c.
2 pieces Fancy Plaids, regular
price, 60c , for 35c.
1 piece Black (t P'$1.00.
aw de Sole
Silk, worth $1.25, for '$ 00 it lis e t
5 ends Fancy Broche
The above Goods are new and
just received and will be found on
inspection to be exactly as adver-
Dees everybody haw that the best amp
wing Ire • poultice or • et stared peen is
tams paper
Cribs" that have bees uprlahId will sot
mildew for days, eves te Nearer. if kept
sway from the Are.
is s silver epees whom rookie, mush
roomy. The silver will be bl.ckssted if any
isluriosu yssUt► is pr, meet.
Air the WOW rtwrghly every day. eves
•'t h..ugb theleig r d.wo im serrests sr
the ..ow brie be
1)o set he et.lsiwd by wits was hors
', superior felwU.r. psBrlt " for rim UM
hared eal, than b .s4 I' better.
Be .themed to iron a limp shirt bosom '
ilea do sot so role can for • pollehed
eh art frost as they de for a stiff the
Or posed of .bas's wool is capable of
praisers • yard .t ,loth.
The average Ovral exp.am of Vale
studts last year was $1,132.
Men than 10.000 tams of matches were
made is tee country last year.
The wheat product of Texas this year is
estimated to be 6,000,000 ba.Lel..
Two or three New Yat physicians make
$100.000 or over sash amamdly.
Msay apseine O! brs tlrarocapable of
doubling t atwhs! miry bear.
Mirky steamboats reds is Pittabrrg ere
plying on Sootb Amerless river&
Delaware is the (ower state aad Colorado
the blithest above the s.. level.
The United Stats uses nearly one-half
of the taiais& redwood is the world.
That the bat ad most convenient oover
Metall lighthouses ars supplied with oil
for • jolty ter rt
►ter r tate paper Ieased ,0 pump ace the wavesra case of • storm.
ver the top of rte filar by • rubber head. Heuseataide is reglasd reams an aver -
That beads may be kept •meeth is cold s!e of 85 use.......... uad ••forced '
weather l. avoiding Me we of warm Belgium imports mom wheat from the
water. Week them with acid water midVatted States thea from soyother oer oou.try.
soap (Maes, play an dosi fodly tame rod too
It u •geed idea for • tall women to have
h er kitties u►le and uvulae board • little trlsecubus to create say sen es impretsiens.
higher tl:aa ordinary. It will *aye w► a The greater part of uie grata imported
backache by Germany (sines from Austria-Hungary.
Use great caro in orimisi toad for tie Serral op•ratsoaa command the largest
utile, ea the sinatlest splatter of grew s fees kasw& to the medical profession.
envy Weenies the sopearssin and epode an Burdock Pills do not gape or siokea.
otheewtsai pretty dish. They cure oo.stipstioa and sack head -
That the beet way to clear eat •ad sobs- lin
strait/titan the Inoge of towels, dollies, Ota, It is'etiolated that altogether then are
before treeing, is to tomb it while drop 400,000,000 mummies of human beteg* in
with aa oath leatth of co.nr•t toilet nom►. Egypt.
Glows had drys wipe to perfecters Some deep sea fear hays luminous organs
whoa washed is very het water. Use a esti Bert their own way through the dark -
dish easp. 'sap thither, sad an Mee dish- mess.
somber These •1'o expediate the labor. as To destroy worms and expel them from
eery bet wirer sum be used. children or adults mea 1*, Low • !Worm
A few yeah ago a habion.bls table was Symp. 1m
so plied wttb hi"h dims+ that it woo repo- There is • colored prisoner in the Ala
sthle to was anis res -a -cis without PeoPis1 hams agues wk* speaks twelve different
coder the heavily laden silver and woes; laiyuses.
were. Now a table is wondered valpr coughs. mid,. acre arrest, uthma. broo-
wh•a &ot laid IS • haw, simple mraaer. Aids, end all le tenmmkl•• ter quickly cur -
That plant MUM day work for the ed by H•gyasi's Nmttssrl >ds•m. lm
;rider chddreo .e to be fouled in the making
of • scrap book of the portraits of noted I QUEER LITTLE ONES.
men sad women, the portraits to be obtain- queen Victoria pa over 54,000 • Year is
ed from publisher.' catalogues, magazines, 4' r
new.p•peas and other available esurer doctor'. fees.
Thu eseoo* of peppermint, applied with . Won out ivory billiard balls are usually
the linger tips over the mot of pais, givr cat up tato dross
relsef In beN•ehe, toothache, or sears! q Ababa leas • newspaper whish is publish
pais ID say pan of the body. ('are mast ad but ono, • year.
b• taken wet to put it directly seder theNorway Pine Syrup cares oouihs, oolda.
eye. ea account of tee smarting it woad I bs.r.eiw, sore threat, eatbma, kroseh,ti.,
cause. i a I m
PEARS OF TRUTH. la Liverpool reamed, 150 temperance
dwmo.• were preached on what was Msery-
I d as Temperasos Monday. - Wtlw. I It is said that it takes ton sten to carry
r iratelabhorsry, lits the drama, abhors Lsgtbi•
It is may when we aro is prosperity to
et.' advice to the &Rioted. -Array's,.
Eros from the body's purity the Iliad re-
eivt• • secret, ywpathetio.id.--Thsrees.
Capacity without education is deplorable,
sad education without capacity is threw
Pat this rewrites es your pleasures --be
cautious that shay injure no bsiag that
yea -- 7,immereasa.
It is hooky tar es that the bra doss mot
look spam the bossy comb in the sabre light
we da — W b tsiy.
Poesy is of se imbue a upirit that to the
porta' eat et she leaguug• tato soother it
will evcpseate. -Denham.
The Muth 1. seres alarm at the &p -
prey& ed sin, rod kr relimcsy te the dig-
aity .t Neese.
Sane desire le ssamnisry is keep life is
motion ; he wires real web are eappli id
muss Math Lhasa of tarry,---.iclmsema.
To write well is to atak wok,1. Istel te.11
amd be reader well ;kis to suses•• at ewes
Msse, soul and taste. -Bala
He that moires te be she head et s pasty
will Ahd it 'more dlffieslt 1 plsaw bbiy
fnesdt them te perplex his foe.. --Cress.
the impsr'er of Clause's umbrella. There
NO troy people in this oouatry who have
mere men than that carrying their um -
Many people. when a little oo..ttpated,
make the mistake of using 'alias or ether
drastic par/staves. All that is seeded is •
mild does of Ayer's Pills to restore the reg-
ular movement of the bowels, &ad mature
will do the rest They keep the system in
perfect order.
Sum stalesmes air hers tate ; err hay
maims= three% epee them td sen bay IL
A wins e.dldate will let • votar sheet
bur is • bees trade.
A es. remmrs dam'% res abash was is
evatebin the harks •y Swam that Oas'b
.,stab hie tusk.
Aleut the ►Mr thing flat ends be dem
with rarity is te basg it .p with a reps
whir it cab dry.
Ths Augarlbe. aegis WI ter oak. bat
sem or his •--shim' is.
��party's paimsla kis Marl awls heed
nrich@ le pima
B • •p'party realloseoh'/ asehtm 1.
• mit weep. 1. shoe teems r le the pellW
Thr, weed► he cry Lis talk es the
WWI M wire= wee lb
/astl ks.
mtlatw l� is
_Pe•�� r:ft�id
by the
Mia y►1411f!''w".I ell palmearry
is Your sirandratber'. My -
The used of 1he whole ooaetry did not
equal that of a single woad -rate office now.
lfatt.es were scarce and expensive, and
the trousers were :weird with pegs or
The ouly Woes we,. stoat Oestri 000us 0vaso•, of
strove bode, with wttedes pare .
A lever patient woe lertidds to drink
weer, sad emallp.z was treated is • dark
'(here were so thre•hiag macrame&
Whest was threshed eat as the bars floor
with gaily
Therm were so pjsao• ; the ladies o1
mssiml tarsi played es the epeeist or harp-
Rear skims sad Angelo
g�rob robesWare
were •a a me_
bed weds,'
lex err.
A rail carrier was test out from hostas,
Phibtidpbia .r New Tort to • oesstry
town ray whoa then trent tsesetIl 'mil se
pakiug ter the trip.
heelers the hew and the pit
is the Theatres were wits', sad the peo-
ple M the farmer rametim•• wet dews as
the beads el the aroma brew.
When • Vkghite started as • �ssrasy to
New York, be wile his will sod heM !seer
1re11 to his frbsdss,gss e. though be emperor
n and polarises gereally
is their Lee
i'« tsure.Mwt here bats pi.-
pertly, by being read ey the perressers.
Porta sips reprematime red dem, Nes
eel rho ramerhablo asisa s ay.
'yrs averirw .4".:i .s.•r. t ism..
mil Misr
for 20 Years
the formula for making Scutt's
Emulsion has been endorsed by
physicians of the whole world. No
secret about it. This is one of its
strongest endorsements. But the
strongest endorsement possible is
in the tx4al ,tremgih it gives.
nourishes. it does mole tor weak
Babies and Growing Children than
any other kind of nourishment. It
strengthens Weak Mothers and re-
stores health to all suffering from
Emaciation and General Debility.
Fos Coughs. Colds, Sore throat, Bron.
Mite, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Blood
Diseases and Loss of Flesh.
Welt Mae•, liemwMi• M S, sits lit0 a t1.
111 Issepbtr 0elbtH/aura. Wbkb are Ills
covered rn his writing..
Travellers change their gutew, not their
The Regi and she t.•.
The bey tree ttaiimg Ys she sail ed oda
treat, aoebesad shuns thy hot eat is the
river, and a p-Ysemas en shore was womb -
tog him.
•• What w yen dreg there'" oat/ad this
elbow, whim rd as he saw the boy pa■s &amen•
Who ate you •" asked the Iry with as
eye se kis bob.
, l'm • pries elbow."
,. Where!"
„ Right here tla the city of Detroit."
7he oiliest thought he had caught • run-
away tram the O•sadiaa ..d., sad ooselud
. dto play Nes • bit, before hauling him
" ss.
What state r Detroit t& "' asked the
' Miohyas," replied the officer, without
n otemng and the b.y gnarled.
" What's your awe •"
•' Joke Smith."
The oacsr was havtag lou of fun.
" Are you sero'" asked the boy
"01 sautes ; 1 ought to know toy own
same, oarbta'$ I !"
" Sun ; but a boy owlet atwsys tell what
• kerma by what be tells ham."
" Well, I'd like to kasew why 1 oughtn't
to know my owe name," asked the offtoer,
Pat met your trust in money, but put
your mea.y u trust
With most arse life is like hack gammas
_half skill and half luck.
Controversy Delisa fools and wise arm
in the erne way -sad the fools know it
She has ray teals, but a lie is the handle
which its then •11.
Faith always implies disbelief .( • lesser
last in favor of • /recur.
The seetidc study of man Is the meet
difficult of all brew hes of koowldte.
A parses is always startled when be bean
himself called old for the first time.
Gd bless all good women I To their
soft hands and pitying hearts we must all
come •t Isrt.
You may set it down as • troth which ad-
mits • few exthat those who ask
your opinion reel y want your praise.
When • strong brain u weighed with •
true heart, it seems halaocing • bubble
against a wedge of gold.
Then are a good many real miseries in
life that we cannot help smiling at, but
they are smiles that make wrinkles and not
The ptres for as arbe 1.
Tee first day at school. (Ln you put
Toenail( Ica; eneugh in year little boy's
piece to know how he teals, wheo, for the
first tune, he ie left, a poor little unit &moa"
• sr.wd of lorangs's ' You feel like stay-
ing with him, but the teacher so evidently
prefers your going away that you do not
lake to act oo your own judvment, sad se
with a tar at your hear•atrtegs, off yeu go.
As you walk down the .treat you wonder
whether Willie's ewr.ge will not fail,
whether he will cry, and if he dos, whether
the children will make fun et him. ('hild•
ren can be very cruet. Maybe that roguish
boy a the hack seat w111 .tick a pta into
Willie, or the other youngster near by make
faces a: him. It is r•ooderful that the
making -up of farm can frighten • sensible
child, but you know that when you were
little you hated and dreaded • certain
juvenile person who entertained himself by
all sorts of grimaces when the teacher's
back was turned. You know, toe, hew
dittideat your little n as is, sad you are
afraid that be will aot take to ask for infor
matiam which, being • stranger, he will
After all, the boy must go through the
ezperiesoe, and the trouble to you is that it
is the int time thus far in his little span of
life in which yon cannot help him. His
father. not les. tinnier then yourself but
more •f • philosopher. tells you that you
mama always coddle the child : that he
mast learn to .tend on hie own feet. To do
the little fellow justice, he dos. not object.
I have seen • child of four, who had never
been • day beyond reach of his mother or
bus nurse, est his little jaw firmly, and
brace, up in a resolution to restate alone et
• kindergarten. though his nurse offered to
stay with him tor the first morning. To do
thus re.luured as mush heroism as for • maw
to start single-handed, oe • new eaten pries,
in • strange oonntr y.
You are trot to be criticised, dear mother.
if you take the atmioat caro bselecting your
child's lint wheel_ The primary school
by. the fossdstios It does trot essater
very muck whether the boy shall be cram-
med with foots or drilled with repetitious
bare. bat his ows faculties need to be
brought out, his powers developed. He
moat learn to reaper the nghu of others,
to bear himself courteously, to be unselfish
and punctual and obedast From the tint
day at school, character is bsisg formed
.ad .tamped with impreugioas that may be
.sduriag. "Wax to restive add marble to
retain," may he written en every obits'.
mind in the beg naming of hie days.
Thar L baiter Trnmr.
it te supported by two of the strongest
t.edssctss in the homes eater.-saimal
appetite &ad love of mosey. It defies legis-
latures : it bribes juries ; it breaks- throesh
the flimsy cobwebs et municipal laws : it
dictates political platforms : it tromps
soder its cloves hoof the holy Ilahhath and
the law d tied : it grows rich ea the hard-
wood wipe of poverty ; it fattens on the
murdered seals el ram : and mistier a its
Wiry poises, or lowest in its filthy der
is lasghe at the brokes boons, teen at the
whirr*. Was, or rooks the orphan's ery
ler bread. It steals the sea's kind heart,
add rose the mother of bus lova it leads
the Swaiag daughter thrroou�gh the dim
the 1 w hamar et eis.terletrw11 kit t Moto y
the bather'slsytm� bate. It shares
the lovedervelty and
ter sa bride into the
dradgiy slave el the dro.kard's hat. it
swim the te the drsabnrd'imesiem• dome,
awl dray the erphaped
he..d Maedaas&ta K hes t�. pmt -
rid Lases 4+sashes to float se dewdward
Iter wares tui dirk. Thr deem it sweep
the sow frim ehIldhsed'• earn Nes, 11
ydins s thelemem , eel the
` ;oaf ago,, .mild a Neste.
Daae Th - s hat or d It w terrible
rah bus ie pe vows .4* the tlma rale
baby was kW Me a obriehm. Wbee he
was Pre Meath§ ata 1 ISM Il .'. (lad
umtt OO ihsabsw, teff !fees ase art
a bslf Me'We OW eks *Way bell Irby
�� ter
sodoies bole to sholhousitiashitiflitr.
Yom J. O.
haessis}e. ~K
tilts! IL 1W
M a mosorest alai ger 1tlt a OINIIiiin col we
bbwk�s sl ik B. bUba reliable wiligambeth ter hd16 is
Wm sed or • lima
earn; Zito, Lasal. a4 a • y•
Meed LAMP ears see Lata
Bt. Loeb (!lobe-1lsnserat: 111 luck s.Oms
to hese narked Fitzroy U. Marone, she
yeusg w el as Old Swot lardy. ler am
barks W family have hese warttime, end
the lad looms tam Soothed osperse messy
trephlas el OM& power. His shier brother
is a Major- Gametal is the Isle\ army.
Tweet► years ayge. F ritrry ears te Auguries
sad maimed isthe Niset.eseb Usltad Stases
ln[•at,7. and was emelt • ped 'aldose that
throe years age arras eeneets were mem"
pkted a Stade him • oommaieeiesed Mire.
He °reheated it se extes.ively Chet hisosm
mtemies lw.. withdraws. Thee he era
h en, sod has been werklsg ever Woe, •1•
ways is hard luck. Leet week • Smash law
t eam notified him that an aunt had left hiss
$100,000. The next day he was taloa sick
with pews.ouua, sad today hie body wee
serried to the cemetery, followed by his
landlea•1 rod a few soldier timed. Hr
Smith rslauree have cabled to have the Lady
.nbalmsd sad they will come for it. Some
.l his soldier (meads a the Nineteenth, eta -
Lewd here, say they believe it was ley that
killed bum.
Tote Traveller( Tree.
Oa the !.lead of Mad•gasi»r then is •
quite ouuled
• 1 can't tell you," d the bey, '• and 1 tree •• which is of the greatest wetutee to the
can't tell, neither, why you dam'! know Fee tired and tbisty. 1t u called 'the travellers'
thing wham you 'se 1 ain't dots' nothing tree,' and is wonderful in several respects.
ales," and the boy slapped out a fish about It has no bnashs, the leaves growing from
ten inches long. " There, he exclaimed, the truck and spreading out like the sec-
" do you know soy mors how &std the !too11 of a lag, )`hese Jeeves, of which there
officer had busisem elsewhere. - Detroit Fret; are generally not more than twenty !err od
Preen each tree, are from sit to eight feet in length
Miaowresistor's...and from four to six feet broad. At the
boneis December, 1891, 1 was tug I'•letoo. e of each leaf u a kind of cup,coht.ainisg
about 'a .luart of cool, sweat water. The
One afternoon I visited the Pilot:1W law Muses save themselves the trouble of
court. Two pruonere to chains were intro- climbing the tree by throwing • spe•r,which
droed- an -woe old , too ifirm u a, s the leaf pwh
tk* other • youth,mt.stelsnblynvugor uaw, butlkisDaero•toyed. The •t waterthe tahent
show.ere dothewnwater art.
&bjeet •stdm(orbs u demean heThe pre the vowel held beneath it, and the traveller
side andarin appeared, est down and 05u purse!,1 is enabled to Oonllnpurse!,cheered
sipped hu Les, while as official pattered land refreshed by the premier Iiqutd
out • long oratisa presumably an lodtct• asture has so kuhdly pwvdsd for bis
meat, for the ptrisoe.rs proceeded, as
understood to peed • hot guilty.' What
followed was this : The old toad was held
up -mot held doers while two stolid
Chiswugse flogged him with lout, pltalet
canes above the knew The youth was
divested of his chaise, which were then
piled up in front of him. ('poo these be
was compelled to heed, while his fest,
hoods, and pigtail were all attached by •
cord to • post behind him and tightly
The cries of the victims and the complete
composure of the spectators were alike du -
gusting. 1 said ea ouch to my guide, whon
generally regarded as an ami•bl. being.
His reply was. "Thu very ihtsrestug. 1
never seen this before," though I have no
doubt he had. The ezplaaatioo of the
dreadful some ---excuse then could be none
was that by the law of China, no Ilse
can be executed until he has confessed his
guilt.. There two individuals had been ooa-
victed beyond Melia of heinous crimes, but
they refused to confess. The alternative
before them wee executiou or death by tor-
ture, and 'apparently they preferred the
latter. Thefosremony i witnessed was to
be repeated de die in Diem until either:life
or resolution gave way. How the end came
I never kasw.
W ergbN .r setal.
Railway Review : Cast iron weighs 444
pounds to the cubic foot, and • me inch
square bar will sustain • weight of 16,500
pounds : bronze weighs 525 pounds. teasel, y
36,000: wrought iron. weight 480, t.sweity
50,000: hard "struck" steel, weight 44),
tenacity, 78,000: aluminum, weight 168,
tenacity 26,000. We are accustomed to
think of metals as being stronger than wood
and se they aro, generally speaking, if only
pieces of the same size be tested. When
equal weights of the two !materials are com-
pared, it is then found that several varieties
of wood are stronrer than ordinary steel.
A her of pine just as bees as • bar of steel
an inch square will hold up 125,000 pounds
the best ea you
Lock 200,000 pounds. Wood is bulky. 1t
occupies ten or twelve times the space of
steel. The beat ras!iegs made for the
United States Navy have • tenacity of 65,•
000 to 75,000 pounds to the *quer* tech.
By seu
lidifyisw such castings ander great
pre, -are, • tensile strength of 80,000 tod
150,000 pounds may be obusin.
h 175 0ode, o
►• some hem-
slrrnmYaare• atter lessee.
la Paris, where bicycling has become very
common. an ardent wbeelman was lately
vaunting the advantages of his favorite
�7 LAgiOun as ATKA COM OAT I
she does, see that
the wash is ntade Easy and
Clean by getting her
which does away with Lbs
terrors of wast! -day.
Experience will convince her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
Mere Than Ile wawa se Kew.
She was very pretty and eta was stylish
ly clad, and she occupied • whole seat by
Ha was • druinmw and ne thought him-
self irresistible. 11e was toad of • 1it11s
Airtatiam. , _ 1
His d' w eye sedetected that
prewar of thehan some •ad stylish girl,
mid his feet soon carried him to her prox-
He indicated with • slight ware • f his
head the vacant seat by her side, as i.e re.
marked, in his blsadest to...
�•„ I beg your pardon, but is this seat w•
rhe maiden surveyed him from head to
foot, and then said, with dignity, to which
her 'napping eyes added emphasis
No, the seat isn't engaged, but 1 am
He est elsewhere.
Hate you seen those new designs in Besting and looking Sto'ea at
Those four -holed Peg!', coal ranges were the l.e.,t at Toronto Exhibition.
The World's Fair is also a beauty. The Favorite Parlor coal Heater,
with or without oven, is Gsarantderl the most Powerful as well as the Clean-
est coal atovr• yet produced We have also something entirely MOW ie a
double heater, wood parlor stove. See our stock before buying.
The l'ra ttle& Tia and Steve man.
bet a Perfect ■.■.
Detroit Fres frees : The prisoner,a very
well -appearing mac, was before the force
Judge as a auspicious character.
"You look like a very decent .ort of man,"
said the Judge. '• lb you drink'"
" No, your honor,' was the prompt re-
shThee seemed to encourage the .lodge.
" Ib you iambi. !" he asked next.
" No, dr.
•• Smoke
" No sir•'
• • Chew!"
•• No, air."
" Play wards "•
One of B. B EDDY'S Indurated Fibre -
ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of
5 hoopbound wooden ones.
Besides, thevlOre.much more conven-
ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask
your grocer for
" No, tura"
The Jud,. was nonplussed.
Why," be exclaimed, " whale dr. yesdo Y' choloie
•' 1 sur Honor. plied the motion
iog, " I presume I steal sometimes. At
least. I have served two terms in the pens
t .tiary for it," and the Court held him
tor investigation.
The Last steams,
Hs was plunged into a vortex of perplex
try, and the g:11 was standing r• solutely on
the brink, going down at him.
He looked up at her hopelessly.
'Aad you object to my callings tregoent
ly" he mid.
'Ys,' .he sedated.
'And 1 am not to be your escort oa all oc-
maoss. as heretofore'
'Nor call you by your 11. at fame''
" 1 ,,aert," be said, " that the bicycle is •NK think of you any Iooger as enylsweet-
`s every reepeet reeve serviceable than the bears"
H. eased up.. her as ore standing upon
the shore gorse upon • resediag ship.
Well,' he greased ; the end of our
romans bas neoe sod we must "et mar-
The light that .hose is her faos gleamed
is triumph.
" Aad I," said another ora, " can prove
to you the oostrary, by citing to you • ease
where yes would have much preferred the
" What case is that ".
•• The siege of Perla If you had attempt-
ed to sat your bier&M thea i think you
would have found it pretty poor picking."
Ybe • new Person.
6rm.msate.-I ked year iL s & as ex-
cellent remedy for headache and dizzies.+.
I had tried several remedies, bat to no of •
feet i have taken tiros bottles of B. s B.
and feel ..Mroly eared. In tact I feel like
• dursteee person.
MM ill L. Tavws,
!Weed, Mae.
Me Ned a (Trere.
Tommy (who hues ea a plantation .ad
who has ben prayer for • little brother or
sister)--ti.eur to me the Lord is • mighty
long time media( that baby.
Aa.I -Yoe must have faith, Tommy.
Whish de yes wast most, a baby brother
sr erre !
Terry -it deal meeke no diRuresoo to
las, me Lag as it's white. Mudge.
The Best in the Market and the Most
Reasonable Prices at
1110 -s SNest. s.devtrb.
and • full •seortment of
•r von Mrass.
Goderich, Ont.
Ow tlries,Ose.
I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL
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