HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-8, Page 5be der- re- Rdy )me can rery cher dr in large ▪ Dell them 11 W, splen from ideal 7418. every tom le in ort t •our r of irking Abhor, e best much Shoe The ing ot on a my of Fn 1 Sox n l '.- arlety alder.. r, or I are ,porta They evert game very ....is ad la mieeoyesrm,re drench dbegg.i•ted is Yew ere,. A door is taw, hoe er. ham lees ski mei here, ad Meade el the deer - banter hem begs treated t. • resat .1 aai- ems. le Mnu -Them is •• i.deilmide some- them omathem ahem • em's Maks that .team Ms, well dressed or •.sem& thee e.•sethl•[ is, dem be got hle ek•shi•M domed at Parka'. ' (loth., leek batter •did last tenger Mee cleaned .4 Parker's Dye Werke, Tomato. homey .1 Mime Y e ta' milli.ery rasa A REI'ORD 'twenty -live years of mew is made I)r. 1 ierce's Golden Medical Dia- overv. In all blood dinordrrs, this itieeiiv has numbered its cures by the thousand& Years of minter - meal gnomes long ago lea the pro- ir;esOf. to sell this remedy as no ado blood - purifier oar be Gold. nay bare Go much confidence ill she u Discovery w that they 'waren- * it in all diseases that Dome from s torpid liver or impure blood. As s blood cleanser, flesh -builder, and strewth restorer, nothing like the *Discovery " is known to medical srien-•r. I)v,pepMa, Indigestion, l3il- eametu, and the most stubborn Elkin, .* *lp, or Scrofulous Affections, [irklt yield to ata purifying and 4oensing properties. If at doesn't benefit or cora dee lave your money back. For every case of catarrh which they cannot core, the proprietors of Dr' Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to ►'a> 11-100 in cash. You're cured by its mild, ,lathing, cleansing, and heal ti if Prt,pertirs, or you're paid. NIW ADVERTISEMENTS - NOV. S. - File 1 ale. LE fs• gain. body i" er Coot SOc. It money a We 1, 1895. lyugh t<i Iatchels, is: Falun her, jtret tore, but Of thein as,di- 7b• fere,f2.76. 2.59. 1.60. 1.'r. .h0. se w Ine- MB, TUU SIGNAL': GIODERIOR, ONT", THURSDAY, NOV. 8. 1594. lieu. Uumolle. We ham bee ahem by Walter HLk, er., of (:odeneh towbdip, a min* of oats grown nose Sept. 10th or 12th, white smembres from 90 i.dtm to 221 tabes i• lebgtlt. Wheat was drilled in o0 the oat .labble en the dans tmeet.ie..d, aid the marvello.e growth moos then s •vi - am ma •J the Ase greens weather we have ked. Teal:. R. 11. C. A wseai v. Wt week we 05Mwdieed that the 1. Y. B 4'. ball would be held in the Agricultural Hall, het w. her. Wesel moos that it is the imw Me to Mid it is the Tows HaU a Wed- nesday evening, Nev. 21st. Tbe members of the club ere doing eventide, in their power to make the pNetog a very em- ends' en sit. Tea>ao..I, n.. t'os4•tl1T --Tb. Kpwerth Legge SI :Teeth -M. uetbodiat dime W sailed rim M•ggt. Rory, the fametieleith• dieseg, ter • .noorc in the f h r the eromme sf Thanksgiving (�sF day, Nov. 22adi. Miss Barr is spokes of highly in other place nod the Eli - mirth Lague bop. to see a 'ergs attend awe of their !reeds K unto INTO A I)aAI, 1►o Thursday last a borne b•tsaging to R limns, accident- ally walked into an open drain cm Victoria - et. As • coos* ueoee the Art mod hareem were damaged .umewhet led the hone sus- tained mime slight injuries. TM horse for- mb•tidy was walking .t the time sr the re - Malt might have bees more serious. Mr. Inns, as will be is.. by the minute of the lts.icil, has put in a claim for damage .us• mead. TMrr WENT m l'I.I'm,. A number of the members et Kareka Cooped No 103, R. T. of T., dreve to Clem Thursday even - 'tot last sad gem ea enterteiament tor the boned' of the Clanton Council. There were MJ.. quite • number of Seialortb and Holme- ville Royal Tempter. present Ws under Mead that sem. ninon or twety applies - for membership have bees placed in tM heae of tks sseroury of the ('louse C.uu.Y.s a welt 0f the meeuai. l y Si„ t [re. - The Collegiate le - mutate y.tt•eary Society lost last Friday •veoi g. The recently elected preaideet, N. Bailey, gage as Inaugural &dorms ; esse- ntials wee& given by Mies F ergusse, J. Jodie sad Balt" hurry : as isstrume.tal sob by Miss Fair . a readmit by .1. Kush. asd two choruses by the glee l lub. A lat- ter from Mr. Haldane. relating some of the early history of the school, was read by Mr Strome, Alio read also from a letter he had received from an ex pupil, Mr. Tomm who is Dow in the chs. ITU Kat- We 1VA,T.--.F.veybdy wants N know what le grog 00 around town. It is a popular ides that the °ew.pepor man is bene, there and everywhere at the ens time. We travel around a good deal, bat th.reare many littie items of *tenet that we mus. You all have friesdu oommg er going .t some time or ether, sad your }needs about tow* would be imere.t d ta the news. Whenever you have treads visiting, or if coy thing out ot the ordinary happens. Just sand us a oda of it or drop' into the ethos and let es know. Thee hale item would M of interest to trismic and else bright a the paper. I.n•al. New, --The judgment in R••ob- ter v Andrews delere that by reams ot the plaintiff falling to furnish theme t1 peeweewith good nod sufficient peewee e. feada0u are exonerated from their oo.tract to purchase the rattle, that se to the fifty head which defeedesta 4.4 their stables, m they fed them at the l of the laintiff and he is batik fee their fed. The roast - is that plaintiffs action is diamineed with goes and that dedeedaats reeovr against pianist( oe their counterclaim the em of 11612 sod conte- Aytawertb, V. ('., slid M. 0. Johsetes fee plwttft. /:arrow, (.7-('., sad rr.0df.os fee deadline. Deem or Mee. WIisor.-The foll'.wtag from as .sehaage My M of Itereet to Meme el the older readers of Toa Sweat. On Theed•y toseraet Wt Mrs. R. Wilms did M ler home at Niagara F•lln, .fie • pre - longed illness, aged seventy-two yearn. De- emed wan the .Ido sister of 1. K.yworth. el this law* .ad she was well -knows to washy ei our old resideata. She we twee tarried. her first heaha.d bed Dr. Corr. el Ooderlek. During her Mame she wee tenderly oared for by loving relatives mid Ass attended by the met skillful pkyseei•ee .l Ni.gars• Min Keyword", of Ki0.ar'di*e, was passes at her bedside, •did was with her Ahs• her whit woe called to part with the meet,L The /moral ea Sesday fakeer- tag 11,w1•[ wee very largely mudded. Mr. Key - worth lett here enSsMrl&Vwprises' a the em. terest, retuning en A boasted. two gess Dad • d•.tbNr ger. T1m the wife .ad wither, end they .yt.p.tky of • very purge st- mesa. Ar hrfusserteri Krum- forme Seer - day Night : A very mt.reeth•g ,vet is hsseery was .dMbrasd ter the .rot time is Mee boom of Mr. sad Mn. Arthur Curses, at °er[M HOODS, Ooderiek, a Thursday et bet wash, by • diaper party, it base the sesieasery et the Merge et the Light II4Md•i, Mesh wee led by Mr. (ier.aa% great seek, lad (10dip.• a °ember 26, 1/Mill. Dimmer we .erred • la Rem. with • meet rieher.be mese, t. • ssmbr eco ob..fterwdk honk elm a abase ' T he ss..gory et the g1rMti. Me- d the pima" The seem Owdlites wee � deems Mug ed proldely es *eel el Were* tositAbo. wise yMontilla Meters@ eel etigir ihisaa Ilya Airtime Own lashed War lo trimmed with �s rid d isessea *bre lli--e- F. J. PridMm 6 Mese R. R Sams. 5 Maps i A.Naia Perfume sad H•ki•g Powder --Chea D. Wtllians . 5 30 1 ttaau. sat - W . Ado.,. t Sao 8 71 KC -J. W. Wae.rvelt. prssipsl 8 Castom Stwfeg-.les Kasai 5 Teacher Wasted -- Wa Mkek,ll... 5 Bergamo -Colborne' lees .... 8 Removed -C. A. Rub 8 !•erv.nt Waisted - Mea Kay 5 Nonce -.1. M. McLeod 5 MARRIED. 1&$tl.l. WILSON -?(armed Nev 7th. at Tiotoru at. parssoaae by Rot [I. lrv'se Sam (4-orms Metal or Ja5M it dna. 10th of AMAMid temahi0. DIED RI•'wl'T.-Is Oedema en Friday. Nov. lad. 1*. George Robert. eldest mea et George B:mott. aged It yore. awl! mselhs. WHITKI.T-l0 Codieeictt. es Tuesday. Nev. dth. Jeer* L_W4IINy. egad is ream sad uneaten, ev. Ilth 5' it ylre. K.e, wUl In Metr• *4 0ayy Perciial4Mama sed *yeses. Till TALK OF THE TOWN. bar seeds with bar deligbtfal playing . 4 reamag. Ameog chase prese.t Are : Owe tem &UMW, et Iakedidd, Ms Edward L.egb, el Teresa., Kr. sad Mra Maeesn,M. Mr..d Mee, lttehard Rddills, Mr. sad Mrs. Aldir *ad Mho M.D..ld. Q A %ATtam at TWT Laza su sMa.NT. --Abates New Kra . Mr. Porter Iodism the work e (late pool .les mate greater thee he had anticipated, and rendre, the impseri- bt4ty ot performing it to the eatisl ob.. el the public sad the deparunc.t, wittiest ea, pert ,wrtaace, has sneered dr • year, the eerviess of W U. Fair and Me sister. Mr. Fair, we u•dersteed, se to have fell coats" el the *dim, hat, of coarse, soder Mr Peru's *pervious. This u u erring. met that will peeve thoroughly ttatiafau- t ry to the public, we ere sun, and. we have so doubt, will be to Mr. Porter's interest, sad it in as •esuraeee that the d,i• ties will be discharged with the same regu larity and roloMhty as hitherto. Wu Cr 'rnat TitI,. o) Haa---The fol- lowtag clippie, to fro., The Stratford Her Old of last week had refers to the appear- ance of a promiae.t young t:odericb hely to that sty The reoeptioe Mo.d•y sight of the aa.tvre•ry estertaa.ment of the Waterloo st Methodist Sunday school drew out • good audios*, which derived great pleasure frees the program put before them As The Herald reported the eaterteinme.t very (ally last week, it is unneeoaeran now to go tato particulars to the Dame extent. There was, however, • clever nod charming addition to the program in the person of Mw Mamie V. Acheloos, of I.odench, who recited and sang. Thu young lady is .d- diuoa to • aptivtine appsaraece, is the possessor of anduubtd talent as • reciter. Her imprsenetioa Monday evenieg of var- ious child characters was very apt, and she was rewarded with amoral eacere, both after staging nod reciting. Her rendering of the song •' The Fairies," was especially •poja.ded. A MOb7 KLr1'c so KpTaa1AIt MINT. -One of she bats it not the beet, sissird troupe. whir W Mets held the bei, a lbrevand opts. house was that of Guy Bros. last .vesjag. The house was crowded to the dome sad stendtng room only was available rhea the curtain was rung up. A hum of s[rprise welled op from the audieooe when the ovesiDy seens was revealed. The cos- tumes, ooeustsg of mailed mutts, shone sad gunned in the light like burnished silver, and altogether the mooted. was a moat bnUlast ase. All the solos, which were reedered duri.g the evening, were exoelle•t end the Joke were Dew, bright and mirth- provoktse to an extreme degree. There is no doubt but that thei:ny Eros. hove se 'acted the pereoun•Je of their troop char sea- son with the idea d making it the best on the road, and it ea he • galaxy of stare, ;.deed, that can out* then as refined fits - makers. The engarmiest of such a troupe reflects credit on the management of the Opera House. Teterboro ka0at:tor. 1: oy Bros. Minstrels will appear at the I:rand Opera Hoose en Wedoesday, Nov. 11. LOCAL BRIEFS. C. A. Humber k Son, the jewellers, have removed to lecl.eas'n Mock. sear Kimono - s1. Geo. Thomson will supply you with any make of polio you may require. Call es him ..d get rock bottom prices. 1)r. McLeod's laboratory has been remov ed ta Bre.,+t_, first dor around the cor- ner from I). K. !etrachw's store. 5 11 toeve a Ude is a' eor re Ms. 1 rode prsite The cold snap dam see So tbe garnet affect the.ioality vreek mimed out by R. Sal- low% iley *ace i up to dam la every in Waver outfit treat r. Prudhoe'. the ireeplife 0.• us Mon sad 700 make se ma - 171•11 TAILORINI11- at nisei omit pries. Mane satieteetloa assured. fast arrived st met. Most to set& fees Mess. MmOORM AC. 01' SPICTACLE TRAWL has lacereseed. fetrfoid Marian the Min red. 1140.0.• " "" 1"°,111 oeetliteees. sad helot mega' Kane- IsSMI to boar *no the seem. dee reams Tris asus 'Test roll weir lir. A. U. Ines. et 8yessede Hair Parters. WOMal. loss sneered the sole edema! 7af th• "'w.v =relation Ier the heir lies ever at mood or glow seitehiplowlee reel he seem of hellinees sms7 lam latizatirrA tie Me metered remedy. All w bar is mak er twits% out proneterne se ..jr. ban are Welted te Nov Ass Datruta-liado yes sees diem liot air dress that Wesel is maim ' Sem ems pet es year Moire sad you will sera save the prise of it is teal. %uxorial' or bbc."-Thb. stablest will be theme of Rm. Jos. Ades seness is North - m makers Maimienit. -The rather ilathur Temperate* Asessistim hell esley evading. The Amoebae. meets every Tusk, sight Tug Amuse Sesesse. -Deal forget the Wilgeot Sisters' enterteiessest at the (Mod Opus Hems this elliewelbel Wow St Priem 50e. gad Vbs. They are highly tikes et is the press notiess. Hay ix F1•1111. -The twee, voles is ▪ iu Ames so fireabis time fee say feta mate is °Mario, the Scare Welt lkillKKO. Middlesex nate meek with 01,0 Leireuesa Gem. -Chabb's cid "usele. ream* seed se a sew mill let ble stud the agree emd emmests ler lows set its reseed Mites sway seelabor *Me hue been pubilsideg item sheet .6404 lost wart berusesse, Merle '''vess, had the pleseme el mistime soli MY the bresela dews the seam "WU eas beat thee r* +steadied here Orem the Geddrish. doer KNOWLEDGE Brings eosfort and :ern, rov.ss.s aid Weds be personal enjoyment when rightly med. The teeny, who Beebe,- ter ivebee.ter than ot hereaad en joy life ours, witk lees expenditure. by more promptly adapting the world'[ best products to the Med* of physical being, will attest the ,ales b health of thee pure liquid laxative principle embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its eicellenee is due to its presenting in the form most seeeptab:e end pleas- ant to the taste, the rdreskittg and truly beneficial properties .f • perfect lax- ative ; eSectually cleansing the system, dispelling sold[, headache and fevers and permanently curia; constipation. It ha* given satisfaction to millions and met with the •ppn,val of the medical profession, because it seta on the R id - soya, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs i* fur sale by all drug- gists in Y5c. bottles, but it i* manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whom nesse is printed on every package, alio the same, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if oared. Cheaper than Wheat - Our Prices. Below we give • list of a few of sear Bargains : Dress Goods, 25e., worth 40c., 50c., worth 75c.; 75c., worth $1.25. Ladies' Veleta, 20c., worth ^.k:., 25c., worth 35e : 45t., worth ti(k., 70c., worth $L00. Orval value in Indies' Moves, Hosiery, Corsets, kc. (canton Flannel*, !Sc., worth 8c. up to 20e. per yard. kc., at very low prices. Men's Underwear, ":,c., worth 35c.; 40c., worth 60e.; 85l•., worth $1.00. 3 pair Mien's Heavy Wool flocks for 255. 2 pair Men's Heavy Wool Socks, Ribbed Top, for 25c. No fake gift Picture, Furniture or Jewelry scheme, to inn people. Merchants give away pictures enlarged in Indian ink (.o called) on con clition that you buy a frame for which they charge 13.50. Tile merchant pay, 11.00 for the frames and $2.00 for enlarging the picture, making a profit of 50c. Where is the gift! Imitation and lotnparison of prices and values invited. Flannels, Blankets, 7 I4,., worth WILLIAMS' SL'PKRIOIt BAKING )WDR 9th.: si*kad tutthit:k JAMES A. REID, (:odricb, Oct. 30th, 1894. 'WE simply ask you to give emir llak - ing Powder one fair trial, and if it dem not do dust .s we represent, then we do not ask you to purchase it again. We honestly claim that there i, no Ibetter baking power inside and few that equal it, and the pries (rant mends tt to a:+ (desiring a first clam taking powder at • reasonable rate. Try it and add your testimonial to the many we have re:iveni. Only 300. per pound. Sold only here. • Jordan's Block. Bt. Rev. P. O'Conner, bishop of Loudon Amoeba will preach at 10 o'clock Maas next Sunday morning in St. Peter's church. At • meeting a the Quarterly Official Board ot North -et Methodist church, bold last Tuesday evening, it was decided to ea- ger, iu evangelistic services at as early • ade in January aa passible. Chews New Ere A certain herdwere Meer in this misty gold no lees then three dozen revolvers *gide of me week remedy, mealy to farmers the presumptiee is that they are arming theinaelven as • precautiosi amiest tramps - Rheumatism Cured in • Day. --South Americas Rheumatic Cure, fee rheumatism end sears** radically awes in one ta three days. Its adieu epos the system is remarkable sad ayemmus. It removes at ems the ranee anti the dams immediately disappme rh. first does greatly benefits. 75 mtg. Feld by 3sines damp* A mom to lioreeMsn.--One Wale ad litagiish Stove Ushuaia acespiellely re- moved • curb frees ay berm f plum us in froximismOnding the remedy, aa it seta with mysterious preemptions a the rewieval from horses et berd,sidt sr oalloomod lumps, hue, Out. Said be Joe. Wilma. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. M dtoe4ei Frites. O000uca. Nov. Ttb. 1.1. Wiest. Fall leowl ,tender& 1 47 to 5 471 47 FlFlour. family. per cwt.... 1 ,g to 1 e5 our. FN4 pee ewe ........... Flour. papas. nee .wt l 00 to r 00 Hiram a tea.. Boors. • tea bcreeni.fe i tee- tt•ts. ei huge As, i bash. Bari /, two rewd. i bush Hay. tee Potatoes. • bosh. sow Ratter 11 a 1013 IV H M told 110 11Mtoll m 8III 1.027 be able ta float the project on the market, sad beton loom it will I0 an established not." Walter Cooper s said to lave coofesad to the robbery of the mail bags at Kisirst'w and revealed the hiding place of a lame portico of the no0ev. Oa November the 10•.h then will be • Olt to 0 elt040 d5S107M a s rf0 0 070to07 eleto11 =heels eapaebad. j Ars..... a 14 too l W l 00 to 3 010100 90 250to2 r, 03510.4 3 10 to 4 00 6 00 lo :, 25 .��...,� • 14 to 0 1 Ham. per lb.. ...•1a10e Wool Hides beep Skins Live r sdH neo Moos 4 4, 1'E It F U NI } s. IN there we have .. beati- ful line of the latest awl most fashionable odors male. Fragrant anti lasting. MISS ANH A_ LTSHAW, �TSACCR�IR OF dem idM AN. Psrwa�. wlitet, tll�st ..Looe. Sharpening. l'ISSORSSHARI'ENING--ARB YOUR tr.dieit of Aiercury over the sue '• disc_ 45 *rimers orabeam dull and want sharpen The sext tra.alt will be in 1907 and 1914. in[ ! If vo leave them at obs refdeaos of The sect 'meat of Venus is in the year Charles Payee. flood work guaranteed or ao pa.. or if you wleh to save roamer. he will 2004. will you • device. bet b si m pie God d arable, has A great many people are asking the date boom therewith', tested mod patent applied for o of Ca.ada's ThankeviDg !lay. It Is Nov- with instructions that any lady tendo her nwa ember 22. 1d the United States, Thaoka sbarpeniot si hose orin the shop. to three m Dote•, l'noe n f M bees tiebiog. She toyed one of Clark's fink boats down, Wm. Cootie, late of the Buffalo Fish lb's packing department has closed • bargain es • ties wild meat bronco which he u training for • wild west show. Steam barge St- Magnus arrived on F ri- day with 32,000 bushels of wheat from Feet William. She unloaded .ad went to N'tod- eor for • mixed rar,o. Str. Ness, Capt. McAuley, returned this week from Wiartoo She hu been arrylog fish had fishermen's supplies to and from the various stations of the Buffalo Fish a o. on t:ergian Ray. The crew are busy lay- ing her up. Relief is 8ix Hosea --Distremieg kidney sad bladder dimmer relieved in es hears by the Great Bonk Merriam Kidney Care. This sew remedy im • great sureres sad de light es secosest its exesedieg pros= is relievieg psis is the bladder. k' butk sad orrery part et the orimary passages is mks or Ism* It relieves remotes ot water sod pais ia easeieg it ahem* im- mediately. If yea least quick relief this is your remedy. field by Jess Davis, dnig- 1081. Heart Meese Salieved in 30 Minutes. - Dr. Agmew's Care fee U6s Heart. Mess per. feet rdiel is all arse of Ormaie or Sympa- thetic Heart Darr in 30 minutes. mil remedy for Palpitieties,Sbutseesof Mrtet, speedily dhow • awe It is • olmothsrim Spells, Psis in Left Side sad ell symptoms of a Hissesed Heart. One dose remise* Sold Iry Jesus Wilma. MARINE NOTES - Last week word waa received here that • young man, named Steuford, had been drowsed at Ihiluth off the etr. Empire. It appear. that he Ina on the dock making the hoes fast and In the darkness stepyr over the odes aad fell tato the water. He came from Huroo teweehip, Bruce Maxine ttev.ee Throughout the eatire Dorman:a there was not • single @team vessel built in 1893. The number of sail vessels built burin. tbe year waa 362 of 28,- 440 set toms Forty Vht sail vessels were built in the Trevino. Oatario, their fig- ment* teenage was 4,126. Os Dec. 31, 1803, the number of mesas on the registry books of tie Dentiiiion me 7,113 and the tessege wee 712.539 eta The lees of cae- sura se compared with the MIN detain 1892 51,590 tens, as compared with 1873, twenty year* ago, 161,179, but this great variation is oak ot west, ',I:Drumm as die total ot tonnage es the of the Dania - los dories twisty years peat sever mooed - ed 1,333,000 toes, sod Nee km sad min from am yes. to smother has bees very slight The figures here 'Leveed are frees the latest mime report of the department of manse end deherion. ''y orate. T one o t m. giving Ila u the f'Bowieg Thursday the. uHAt4 PAYN1Lcele.seot fee Huron euotr. 7 29th. Resid...e near the Square. Oederieh. i0 4 The young couple who were caught bus o0 the street, the other eight, hid better wait until they have paned the seclusion of the parlor an4 pulled down the 1 mitten .(the Hour of Refuge, Co Huron, Mind. will receive sealed tenders. bulk or sewage. The four conductors, Refries, Tmmb1y., until noon ea Friday, November So. h. I1 4, for Johnstone and u Mulligan, e have becoin. the erection of a Hum. of Refuge at ('Ileum. Tenders Wanted. CHAS. 1). WILLIAIIS, Cb.mi,t and Druggist PERFUMES. pl►NTitACT 1)RS THE COM - nutted for true! at Montreal, charged with Ue all l infPlaras aeandsWccla0nomdti0,t stchanohtlcseesoffhad s defrauding their employers by mesa. of McMurebie. Phi . Reeve at (limos. tot.. 1' forged ticket. at lbe o0lcr of Meese,. Fowler and Fowler. Terence and Woodstock. Tenders are to M No less than *eves steamers loaded with Kat in on form • provided and to be addressed. cotton took fire in the harbor at S.vaaoab, marked "Tender". to W. 1'roudfo or. Chair I'.., last night nod ssveral were destroyed. man of Committee. Hour of Refuge. inn io. (lode - others being more or less damage.!. The t • origin of the fires is • mystery. A crime has been revealed at 1'auldisgs t Ihto, rwembhor in many respects the murder of .less Keith, at Listowel, only in this cue there were two victims, and the murderers snght to conceal their crime by burning the bodies in • brush heap. W. P. Prower, undertaker, of Bow• tranville, went to Englaod for hie health. Receo'ly he sent an order to his foreman to bring over • co8in and emb•Imiug materials, ao4 the odd shipment left Moa i tread oo the Vancouver on Saturday. The erinkme of poisoned rainwater mussed the death at Evergreen, OW, of Mrs. James Donnelly. Her father, .loeeph i de Little and her three sisters are believed to be dying from the same cause. The Poison lime from white lead, with which the house had been p010td. St. James' Prebyteriao church, London, (►rat., has decided that hereafter, in ad- ministering Holy Communion, each com- municant will have • cup. The system has been in vogue to Kr -chaster and other places acmes the line, but St. ,lama' to the first church in I'anada to adopt it. The tour nig packing hour firms of swift Armour, Morris and Hammond, of 1'hic+go, south" by litigation ta secure from railway oorporatiou,oe`0nm the.n the (:rand Trunk, about $5,000,000, alleged excessive rated, cF.reed on meat shipments. l esterday • dectmoa was given against the packer.. The lake le 46 mimes the steams TIMM wee lead ed with Ma tons el bee ore ei Tee Mr bora All lir ish beak irises the scathes Ash - beg gym& me Mob. They all report hav- ing imal es esediest mem COMING AND GOING. Berry Clem was is tom' ever Senday. Mrs. Robe. Ms& is deities at Ilimiltes. Miss Lizzie Ashanti' is venue st Om Naas, el Detroit. wee ie tows ts.. John Cieff„ el %alertly visited tows Mb Mrs. thindry, a Uxbridge, is is Miami her gem David M of Chutes, visited his peruse is tees week. Keg. Beek. Desesonses. is week g holidays at his beats here. MoDeseid. el Jar* Fah, Superior, is date, Me parents is tem. we MOM, the feeesseg parents, 1fie. and Ilea Oss. Cm. R. Baiter, who bad bora seread emeimer ea the Mr Cambria remised home fres) Owes Semi lere week. Mrs. Ileekey, Qesbeset.. hes reamed frem whither she had beim la- ths funeral of her eider-ia-law, Strayed Animals. IL'ISTRAY STEER -CAME: ON THX d premien of the subscriber, ter 111e led of septesber. • red. 2 rear old steer. Thaewner is re'tuested to prove v. M charg • rad take it atm. St Weller, e lot 4coo. AMMO. yv 1).. AMO. K P.O. twat TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at thin Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. Vassal Advertisements accepted op to noon Wednesday of each emir. tows Travelling Guide. MUM) TRUNK HALLWAY. IRMO AND TO OODZSUCM. Siumeal Notion. CI: A7 TOM CrA%Yt\I:. - l Parties taking out lose this Winter. for Spring building or .b i pmen' . - NOTF:- 1 am prepared to do custom mei a}t at 52 per M., to Hemlock, Rama trod and is. 13 per M., for Maple. Beech had Ad. Having the best sawyer in Cased* my work can be guaranteed. {ill material of all kinds AT PATRON PRICIER 1", tewn lots to give away -- Call gm hear ahead them, A full line of the Ilea odors from the leading Perfumers of France, Germany,England, and America, at J. E. DAN IS, PHM, l Medical iiall. W F. ARK IN IT, TOO : - SOLLINI: OUT AT CUttT. MACHINE tt ORIEL Parma, - Try our Dew borer powers. prior 5115. The Seery plane are tatting well. The Honcimon lead roller bi the beet at the price. ilk The Cormick hinder for sale, also implement* from the Watford, Fleury. Watson and Wise draw The headline of the Maxwelt matte has been transferred to liangiuspon no It is Maimed 1 sold them too cheap. Plow points reduced in pries. Castings made to friss. Cash for metal. Mixed Meow. Mail asol Express Lei p.m. Mixed 7.0 liaised express LW pm. Man sad Uwe= Mail mil IMMelle Mined Fish teg flee geese, Capt. N. MeDimaid, retursed ea lissiffay frees Club Mend where she fished thin sessas. nesse Ise perish %him wee employed as the barber bet molt. bumdrede of that teeth - skimmed MR beteg heeled. (Made bee is sieves years expended filIA.548..48 es the Ose:glawhemo Hz wormy. The werh is sew seedy IRsh big See Gull. OWL Masa, elfish bid' this seem et South Ow. usisessil rag Chem Gogh rediumed en Mawr bees iirieseree, where she bed EU ass. eif in. altussilioun Vitamin. V‘ west. haply t• IKKIL KAT. Notioso Every dollar's worth of our large stock of NEW CHOPPING MILL. -TH SI' It scriber homier put in • mew oot et French Buhr mill stogies 's meowed to do all Made of man chopping with dispatch. Mill will he running on Tuesday. ThtillifleT aad Satarday every week. Brien In pour 'resin Tad WA it chopped and thorns same day. aspe- rity omen= por hour. Firet-olses hotel sod *taboo eesessediuen mos hy. 4240. 8. PLATT. &Oat mad Weed Yard Margeret M. Mel:game err McLeod pr- am la bear refusal to live with um I will net be ressiessitie ter any debts she my centred moy name atter Mb miles. CAP4ADIAPI CURRENCY. (*sera' Soak. el the lisleaties Army, was warmly welossed to Weshimetes,Mes- mass ms badly Wisdoms! with. Preeklese flemeleind Is mid to hove Map- ped 110 mends off bis weighs Miriam Ms vs - Mies. Mt Idled the trede gad esa the Ire - weed ter the May. Voters' Last. Th. MINA Iwo. Awe west beggh- walks, es Smart sad em el • Me mil Webs his sm. Mho sheald be • mrsieg le MON dee% eat le break the Ilshbeely Parsitse wee at Wise*. es ble eases hem whar. h. 1=1.. me working fa the iniallise el ths LOS.. cad Swings Society. WALL PAPER Window Simile., l'hineware, Plush and Leather Coods, AU Inn be sold at enst, sad must be *old ill, January 1st. 4:01111 10t0 other ham I f 18 NOT WHAT YoU EARN. BUT WHAT YOU NATI, M AN f.8 YOU RICH. THE HURON AND BROCK LOAN AND INYIMIKIINT COMPANY. sotscrrous.-caateres. Hen aad names. Derceers.-lisierest Compounded every ets noieths at four per coat. per liossUrn. ea same trees me dollar upwards. Depositors will Sad It to their advantage to come and see no Loawe-titee be secured se ear time withem SOW se the eseurit, of moored deidenlin received by do ffieseser er setiottore. Sweet The Coate jesi=lbrozz: Meted on North Humes flulatt. 1Properqr lbr Salo or tor Rent. F. smEETH's PLANING MILL , SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. Now Is the Timis for Bargains. MIAS LIST COURT. -NOTICE 18* hereby Mom that a Court will be held Frani ta the Ontario Yam' Use MUNK nsair Vies et las Ompity elelerieh. es the lab eter=ber, UK at 7 the severs' mes errors sad esteekree Wide* In theeeVesa. and dimermine *the Velar( of the mengstpalit, of the Tews et bedsrigh tor Mel. All perms* having libeisbms at the Court are WitivrillTaltiLL, Clerk of tie towa of Zit to sties/ tat mid Wm sad gted Oa Rag et Osseber. 1181. r VOTERS' LIST COURT. -PIOTICIC 18 V hereby eves that • Overt will he head try Ulu Meese HMI Of the orient, a November. 11114. I o'elimin la the ettessees. to beer god dessentee the severe emplabotai et errors and gesissiese le tie Vows' Ida el the esuatelpality et the Towe- led* et Ceitteres ter 1111N. All perems having beellemes at the evert me wete&tnerendi et wall dew sod plow F. AWL Clerk et tbe Yosemite et =rev. WOOL 15e Paper --10c. 20 and 25c Gilt raper 1Sii. 30 inch Ingrain Paper regular price 25c, sale price 15e. Our eludes are the best in the coenty. Having never bought say a the No. 2, or in- ferior shade cloth lately put on the morket, I will sow sell them lower than you can buy the inferior shades SMITHS FURNITURE STORE AND ART DEPOT. Tits 0ROY Al. EMU, NOW OPTIC Ms. Sown Tmerem. hew- resemed de MI burseales- seem hes lamed et, wool& as • OUSIM FOR SALK -LOT AND TWO Lanai two story beets. all modern asps ven- ialness. Optima with mere steehed. see plietlintlar• apply 10 MKS. AGN at eattege. ALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PROFARTT /OR 11411.1 DR R arasess onas acres more or leen Rare Ws M. nearly sew. good erehard of cholas fruit. well watered with wring creek. on mooned nzfarm am bie home ow easy terms. gte JOHN 11140g. Aeotioneer. Let 1 la the briskets trent. won of the Lake read is tie Wester' division. Township of Col Yoram, emus et Hares. 1 miles trees Ooderieh fraisess= 2=8 high. nearly sew and geed bruit, see be tonight os Coleoree. wiesessind el NO woes Ism. There me es Taresalees a frame hewn hems Imre aad stabled Ahost t aterweraef Mee. This term is aired • grelliiier MM. T141 fileM TOM Ms divided to mit Ilefelliallier• smakteen sem term. Ase* le JOHN RIME. Heim end ha is Me teas ot Mates. -Let with imager. all 117 FOR BALL-S.1i LOT 81, IND 00N- ige nest toiAltWo BALI AT • RA MAUL -THAT Woomera. •• =Una err. se I take this oppertuaity to inform the public that 1 me 0111 la the havinees not withstanding all rumors webs mousey, and am prepared to do every elms of wort la ray line teem making wish rearward roof. Betteeoteo furnishe4 and competition in•Itedi. Tne rumbaing of betiding iositerial. such as Ooderioe. Jahr 411 SOL 1,1111.71,810N OF COD LIVER OIL AI wolves %him WM Merry Dark. lie' per Wilms.'" Dee Use Ow Osa Cough POWIIIMPS MI eseolloot rem Allea's Liniment our saws or new --171. Tees Rear .• Telisehooe 11 Marla. from Suoincoc ReTilturo num own mom sem Owego el kb esidre Of ages riths era sekility. JOSS RALIFIL es Se for