HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-8, Page 44 1610 Ape, El rweram5a WIRT THURSDAY MORNING ST D. taemOiiei-'e. fie, ef hier S. lretrtaserm . Terme ee sa.sajMabn t M me•ejr .4'.. .. cwt m it ... M THE SIGNAL: GODERICA, ONT-, TIIIRSDAY, NOV. ie 1P4. etas hvatrY* in Ometima mid w ,rend ham ha yeah Nib Vwf W�_____r bomPoW b woven. womb Se seek. Omit w ova doo mem la Vireo= MPH that war iirratie U16e retrwt bed a I hem b.eu potted agalmet the corrupt system that was festered beneath Tamtnany's beamed. Nearly a gaadter eek a century 110 Tammany, then under the malign influ- ence 01 WIRLIAN 11. Twain anti his thieving •s.ecitest was drives to the wall, and it took many years for it to gain smother foothold,bet oflate years it has been enabled to dominate the msmieipal politica of that city in • way most prejudicial. The crusade of Rev. Cash PARK Ht•VAT, which &t Hist was bitterly op permit, has latterly prevail highly sac cessfu1, .ad the investigations of the Letow Commiesiieo, appointed by the Renate, has turned the sweet waters of Tammany to bitterness. The revels- tioss made before the commission have been of • moist astounding na- ture and cerruptio• in almost every branch of the municipal service has frees unearthsI. The police and judiciary have been proved to be is league with the toughs, thieves aad prostitutes of the city, aad a system of bleckluailiag has been in- dulged in by the keepers of the peace such as was sever heard of before in any civilized community. Au assess- cuent system is shown to have been in v...ue, upon the payment of which "protection" by the police and judicia ry was granted to bawdy houses, gambling dens, green goods '•stablish m.nta, ouees of assignation, pool room occupants, bunco ateerers, and every grade of tie lawless element of the great city. .-- This terrible this Of aiNeS tltdd .- ed for years, but at last, owing to the good work of PARi.URST, anti other friends of clean methods, popular in- dignation TM been aroused, and the people have risen up and driven the Tammany tiger to his lair. New York is to be congratulated upon the vault, and the lronmtry at large will reap a great benefit from the over- throw. What is wanted in every city, town and village, not only in the United States but in ('ansda is the inaugura tion of clean methods' by the election of ele&n men. • candidate in the field in the person et Mr. JA.. K (Muir, but it seems in this we were mistaken, it our present information be merest. One thing we feel assured cf, and that is that the Patrons will have some difficulty is getting a better =funned or more clever caadidat. than Mr GAUNT. or one who more truly and honestly has the interest of Patronise' at heart. Snit es Tawe 1abs1. Year hint I a ea.adlaa reoat$ a1 I s abet wbM\ yes paid ass tart to fell eve ite lots arrow. • &basso of Gabes, is deslrse, beak GU odd and the sew address should be uvea. Adel Mabee Meese {,�asI see OA.' owns' advertisement& IM. /ar ffa& for trot t.ssrstas, sada coma per Ilea lee p.Nu*a es w&tfa•I Inaosties. Meeeers4• b eareil leneeese cards eif eta hers &ad seder. M par Advenftwoneste of L. Foaad, eteleb. l/tntaat4s.s va•at. MWooled aled .5.5544 Deolaew C►•aow Wanted. sot .seoedle.1 Ws, nespare1I. 41 per month. Ross= ea Sale sad Farr cm nate. M to SOMI 1 nese, 41 for first mouth. Me per we seisent moat!. Larger advt.. i5 properties. Amy special mottos, the obiect of wide& la to ptomes, the peeusiaty hone& of any udi- .t4ual er nompae7, to be ooseiderd .m ea- ventsrmeat and Housed a000rdinell. Local notices In nonpareil type one cwt per weed. N Wtioee lee. time me. a Local mooseI orals fry reeding tees Int pee ovate pword. No Notfese for Aerobes aad other religions sod b.se.oleet Ia titutioss halt rate Coo mental Costrart ♦dv.nteernruta. A limited member of disp�usIed advertise meats will be inserted at the Koaowt•g nese : Air Inch. one insane/a. M 44 .. fourim.Ittsaa....--- 1011 there month.- ........... 1 m '• sin months 100 one year S 0e No advertisement les, thea awe isobar to Iwitb w111 be rwlculated on above hast& S per coat. discount allowed for cash payments on yaw mostly' contract ; 11 per cwt. on six months'. and IS per Gaut. es • year's.. Mae . eadltMaa will be strictly **forced. A1owt ,•Tb..gt.*- I'' Metivesy eneneribnr who fail to receive Tis t .w*L rewu1ar17. either by carrier or by mall, will touter • favor by sooaatetiuI ns el the toot at as early • date as ...Mbls. Refected manuscripts caned be returned. ()err ..pon.teios moat be written ow one side N paper only. r.bII.ber'• Notice, J. C. Le Tonsil, of Ooderich. hes been ap petered Loral Trevenlnk Arent 1,r the towo- a the of Dodericb. Colborne, Aebfiold and We Immesh . a - Immesh. Local postmasters over the district •re also empowered to rooms subscriptions to Tun S lott AL. Al commnaio•tioms must be addressed to D Mdi1LLLIICUDIeD�O Tas. Mandan Ms. Tannins Oil N. 1N this week's issue will be found an editorial correspondents which appear of in the last issue of The Canada Farcners'Sun,o vitae signatare,.'Arat- rum," and wh repay perusal. It gives • history of the c&u0Wa which led to Canadian cattle being schedul- ed in Britain, aad dhows conclusively that the blame of the transaction rata exclusively with the present Canadian Government. This ie a question which deeply affects every farmer, and the cirwmsMoces which led to the sched- uling should be carefully considered and mole a no= of for election put - poem. THE banquet, address and preseuta. tion t0 ARCiitiALD McNAtu.HToe Tuesday evening was a spontaneous expression of esteem on the part of a number of our lading business men to one who during his residence has proved to be a thorough -going and up right man. Mr. McNAt' .uTor from the first day of his arrival has been a useful and respected resident, and on the completion of the contract for the harlcir improvement had succeeded in gaining for himself the goodwill and esteem of all with whom he cane in contact. He leaves this town with the best wishes of all for his future welfare, and the respect and regard of all who did business with him. SODi1tICH. THURSDAY. NOT. A 1mt- STRAIGHT TALK TO DELINQUENTS A LARGE number of accounts are being sent seat out this week to de- linquent subscribers. it is expected that in every case a response will be received. If not then the only course left to us will be to put each and every amount in suit for collection. During the pant few months some $1,000 or $1,200 in accounts have been sent out from this office. In a num ber of instances we received returns, and we thank those of our subscribers who acted the honest part in mailing remittances immediately on receipt of account ; but in maty cases delin- quents failed to respond, and many of these are now receiving bills. The day for temporizing with this class is gone, and everyone who gets en uceount this week and fails to r.- THE MOODY MEETING TOR(IN 1'0 appears to be all astir in the matter .f the meetings which are being held there by D. L M000v, the celebrated evangelist, aid his co- workers. Never before has such re- ligious excitamwt been manifested in the city of churches as seems to prevail at the present time, and the Yenerel belief is that the advent of the evaria- li:t will tend to make the lad people of the Queen City good, and the good people butter. Moonv's method*, if we are to judge by the first efforts, are somewhat dif- ferent from those of most evangelists. Ile first wants the church members to get right, and says that must be done before they can expect good to be ac- c.n.plisbed with outsiders. He tells then, they must be of exemplary con duct as well as of loud profession there must be harmony in the .hurch and brotherly feeling between church - members : questionable modes of rais- ing money for (cod's service must be eschewed, and the 'principle of volun- tary giving on subscription lines mast be carried out , acting ,dishonestly in business transactions and then placing large gifts on collection plates as a solatium is to be taboo(' , that strict mit inside of three days will be sued- obeervnce of divine service on Sunday We want as big a list of subscribers will hot compensate for the serving of as possible, but we would rather have Mammon during the remainder of the ten subscribers willing to pay for their, week -in fact, the Moony movement paper in advance than tea hundred is opposed to many of the methods who have to be dunned. that are now current in many of the We have t.o pay our wages, hill. churches amongst the members. The paper and ink accounts, rent, taxes, evangelist wants everything measured by a scriptural ata.cd&rd, and claims fuel, and cost of plant, and we haus that no blessing can result unless God's lout &11 sympathy for the backward work is done is God's way. people who will not pay for their pa The new evangel is being tak en to per year in or year out. If any of kindly by the people of Toronto the ear readers are of the class referred Good. Ry what envioes o.tsiden say to they can easily get from under hy even the best among the population of that Meet/smith oentury city can be paying ■p right away. improved upon if sseasnted by a first AT tb• solicitation d • large number' century standard, and the =onto point 01 friasd., we understand Mr. Giotto' nut the way for them is with them and AcBasoN has decided to allow his the times are propitious. if M000r's name to stand in nomination for visit to Tomato does nothing more J(ayor of 0oderich for 1895. As Mr. than eau= the good people of that city Amass is the largest taxpayer in to look within, examine themselves town and has done more to improve more closely and doff the pharisaic Ooderich in late years than any other garb which they have had wrapped men we know of, no candidate around them for, lo, these many years, ought to receive a larger support he will ha'e performed • gnat work from the electorate •t large. under divine guidance. BY the the Auditor -General's report The work is being greatly ailed by the city set►spapsr* in their sews u that l reached as, we find that Gottacolumn, bot we have searched in vain rich was hese6ttsd last year by fits for any .,fawns of & ebange d heart payment 01$1287, that &mount having been rwosived for public services by in the editorial columns. Caof Them days the whole lump mayy be our townsman, MAGUS SWANSON. It hehmeet el cringed@ w mitt. sere sad esmgllste In them owestey, seems vert mesh Me it mmebery. l kis state of •lana, and it is es esa11sseMes, is ens Monet to eta - se. _ OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Orbit from this Iweal MILL A weekly Myers of .means sews mend p N sem MveSFlwb-r1th nod resat L Mikes nod CemessaM Irwin msety &eeeese SNAP SHOTS. They was a laniishde in the Democratic vote across the line yester- day. The Little lap has brought the Bi:; Chinaman to his knees. Maier& methods are bound to rule. The Manitoba Government has decided to stand by its action on the school question, and claim a proviacial right to do so. ZURICH The big swamp drain is n ow 4sishs4. 1t took nearly three years. Chains : 1). C•ateien will this senaoa bonito about 22,004 barrels of apples, or 150 oar toads. Hokmss.dl.: F. C. Mord went e• Wednesday last to take a come" u •ttriou.- tre at Guelph College Rlytb : Herbert Astir/try left for Outs- hoot as Wedeesd•y m•rat•g to who • nurse is the hennas collage there ('heron : M,a DeC:ew, of Flet. is here se •000uat o1 the Wain et her billet. Mr. rim*. who is net expected te resrssi. Wiegham Fred J1 amens, 6Mta a 1. T. Beira furniture rennet, get Set 'tt his aeon badly cat with a caw, Int week. Brussels : with. Campbell W a lei oat inflicted w hie right bead whitlows/Meg is M.bler'e Kreps/nor Wedneady, Det. 31st. %uriob : Seery Geiger. who left for Ca - .•Iter. Dakot., retar.ed bone • few days age. toad iatssda to stay in Osteno OM ouster. Brussels: Adam Geed sod family teemed removing free' ureses@ to Alma, between fiwfortb .ad Clinton, where he will run • market series. Molesworth . Dan. McDonald, who has clerked in A. M. P.tterso• a .toe for seat years past, loves for his caw pwisios this week u Listowel. Wroxeter : The removal of Relish 8.1- taotv.e to Manitoba, aad the death of .john Brook has left • .pleadid opening for • 000per a this place East W.waeosh : The other day W. Dohs, of lot 32, oo.. 2, weighed four pota- toes, and hued than to go 10; Ilia . ohm po- tato weighed 2 lb. 11 atoms. Stanley : The present year has besot favorable for the growth of potatoes. 1). Res,, of the 20‘, ane a large caber, which weighs a little .ver two pou.da. Newt was received in the city Tussda of the death of Mus Lucinda Graham, M. I1 , aad Mrs. Malcolm, wife .f Dr. Win. Malcolm, of the l'anadiaa Presbyterian mia- woe in Hosea. Kuban : An old Gad respected testiest of tbia wilkag! and .eighborhood is the pee - sou of Raphoel Stephenson, pored peace- fully away Thursday morniog. (Jct. 25, at t4*e ripe old age of 82 years. Grey : ,john McNeil has leased his farm, lot 19. sou. 13, to Alez.ad.r **wart, 16th cos- for • corm of 6.e years, at a rental of 4175 per anoum. Mr McNeil willcoatiaas to reside in the neighborhood. Zurich : Jacob Schluchteir, who formerly lived oo the 14th ooncesnw, but now re- sides in Koalas, has been vistas, he' chil- dren and other friends. He thinks Ontario u the boast -ilaem te the world. The supper given to Contractor MCNAUs;HTor Tuesday evening was a well-deserved tribute to an upright and Itonoreble Imagine= than. lie leaves Goderieh with the best wishes for his success is the future from a host of 1riesdo:. there » say more pub' mossy going lesvesed. and waw that time Danes, as `y When It is to be hoped that Ooderieb will °ON it will, it is to be b•p•d, it will be '1 not he overlooked. When money is a Sew". tin ane the •mit? 50d good - 11 ra,y we refer to haw, our townsfolk will that will exist ie the seisms that gat it, nether than to see• it go to wt- at present teem with the vitalise= of & party and the virus ef =mine= ri- elder valry WE have hoes isfnrtned that the TAItItAyfra (ROUT. Pogroms et 1.d.•try is Weet Ruruet ---- win seen presently to sabeet • o•.d1s TH s despatches bring news of the lswyor t ".yM1l.g 1h• •hen•p se dumb deem iir the Oommws is the coming ros,pl•M rout ef the Tammany Hall t tat him w talus gwwst Iii="1" day neem b.>r ss4eyts if�lmirJ ♦•► myon• Up te the Mime m 'Mho( oaadid•gse in New York, sad, it is maw embe swim. ami mine ee a .see or ids Ill$wsemdee we W loses et epic- claimed, that a mt•i.rity d 40,000 Ma asentaia SAF 1M "beret jesli•s tlssy : A telegram was tessied tram Unsay Teseda,()sa. 30, by Jas. .it.. 01 5n14 typhoid levee, fellow a hears lame wief drankMss Biishopp~ sadshhem kenTertian all s. a.mer, reining bine .moi rid'04 m was spfeyed as w fl+rs. Tag - (Mates : O.Ig tf tb. /wt .peeMw of ameans meas soy sgstrst ever seen he thisMany was oboe es Sandal by W. Franc It r as large as • -sited fu - les, wish a tail nearly • feet Mae sad mew - rel hobos weed. Mr. Foster will \ase the stria hosted. Jos. Rest+bery rhea •sim- inas 0., te, evidently mate, • eosins of weeks mo. %srion . While use of R on Roans a team - mem, oflay meetly was werbls( with et tteam is the mil yard. tbeygoa too skis, some to a well. awl by e mefottuse both of the hetes, fell ca. It task some nee to get then eat. The beet horse was dead. sad &. f the ether started fat the wbleopie .a sheen be mo,efetal •beet their old wells and have them better protected. �ey•tt;trty� theis W \ter, Awes, wee dam - MUNICIPAL COUNCILS - warn 5•wasotio. Ceased met sos•rdia. to .dlssrsmeal es Saturday, Get. 2Qth. Members all pretest. The teasarer'e report lee September show- ed balsam sad retwpt. of $301.17 with e1• Pyu'tit8344 94, Waviest $46 24 to Oct. Mc4. Filed. WaviestJohn Clark •eked the eesi� te I.essener het ..05556, for extras 'tae hoe_d_,pr e.�.04 at teat noott.ig. 1111111111111111W wnetn&ered the account to Some Mega bet deemed to ohmic. the do- nne* arrived at lee. meshy. Moved hy Mr. Todd. .teuoded by Mr. Medd, that Willman Caaaagbase be paid 44 20. on bail of a.00snt does to h,n boggy by d.isotive roadway of the smite boa5d5ry. Omr11d. The feilowieg cheeks were need Jas. Haiti, j oenttact W. R , $72 36 : Wm. Hoary, 1 soatraot nen. 5, N ; David Taylor. tape hoe. 42 ; Thos Lou, oostr•cts, $23: Thos Agnew, 000tr$cts, $26.85; weeny Ander-we, contracts, 49.44 ; Hash Nor - 1.& inepscueg rravelliag, 42 ; Fmk (;Inn. e..irsot S R , 415,70 James Rimy, gravelling, *16.60 ; W..1. Fowler, repatnmg (.ride*, etc., 46 62 ; A. Nweeksos, contracts, 451.52 ; Jas. Agnew. graveling, 46 60 ; W. H. Wilson, nivel, 46.96 ; Joke Woods, gravel. 46.83; John Crag, lumber, d.tch sad bridge, 440 88 : Wm. (unaughem, damage to bury 44.20: John Kilpatrick. contracts, $44. 76 ; Alex Stuart, selecting tarot's, 44 ; Walter Wawa, selecting jurors, 43 ; R. K. Miter, eelect'•R Jurors, 44 ; Mrs. Robu,sos, charity. 410 ; Georg, A•dtrsoe, sra.siltg, 415.01 ; J. 1.. Ward, culvert, 41. Osumi' adjourned to asset &Geordies w statute on Dee. 1s, et 10 • elook. R. IL Moue. Clerk. -Making tariff bills in the 1'nit•wl Stall= appears to be a sort of hoodoo for American statesmen. The author of the McKinley bill was retired from Congress • couple of years ago, and no. the father of the Wilson bill is relegated to political obscurity. THE VOICE OF THE PRESS. ■a DIDN'T v&TTY AT Tae PreLic 111111. Hamilton Theses : Mercier had his faults; some of kis dotage are eat to he ezoaaed; but be died poor after unlimited opportunity to steal from his Ge..try. ie Tory oyes that one fact negatives bis title to sines- maa.bip Had kind hinds sot kept up his life ineerseee policies kis family would he.e bee len in utter poverty. H. had am the sag5Wtisw1es et • Tupper. sad polities did not sono to ►M se a 1r•sial .&leatios. se it wet to the present finance Gent • lemen • Do you need anything in the wt *ring line -a Snit, as Ulster, an Overcoat, s Hat or Cap, Boots or 13hoes, Under- wear, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, Ties, Braces or anything re quired for your outfit ? If you do, and you're a ready money buyer, and want the best obtainable valve, come to the only Spot Cash Store in Godchwhere onou can get a complete outfit, saving ry dollar. Londesbore : John Coldwell, Jas (-old- w , and John McVittie returned oa Fri - 'tweak from Nebraska. John hes Eve years away, James three, ya • : ' M.Vtttie &boat • year anti • half. Brussels, lin Monday of last work Atex. Forsyth had the misfortune to inflict & out on his right foot with an •x•, while chop- ping in Mr. McArthur'• bush, Morris e will he laid aside from work for some time. Sea orth : Wei Hester Robineen,d•ugh- ter of Richard Robinette, of this town, who Lee be.s te&ehiag sheet in Section No3, l,esu� for the past year, has been a-.apg- e d for next year, at • ubeta•ti•1 increase of salary. I rey : Talking _.boat Io.g stalks, Manny Yses cDeld, math half IM 17, am 1, Grey. has some samples not eerily beams. The mss measured was 7 fent 7 bashes lose aad was of the Rad FI.phaat variety. - A NEW AMT. Montreal Star : When the Federal Ge.- ereineet estoes next te give an see.5st of ire stmwerdehio to the people, is will 4•d • very different eoestry seated is judgment thea it foiled even is 41. The old leader will sot be at its heed ; • arm braille mus- sel. weariest the dram of the termer, will., - peer .Smut it ; and a vast somber of the voters will be free from the beads of party pesjdtea Mem of sober •rtmese sed Ism of drum -beating will be required, .d & keener ,watusy of r*'oed. than this cow - try bee ever smile befoe, may he wanly .z• peered- • 'yam Tank 4a re'. •.D PITY'rm.'ono rues. Galeria Star Recent .vents 4. erims- al seam sewn to be aemethi.g Wm w ea- eonr.gsmerst Ie arses M.Wrtell sow ed the paws. sod the lawyer ler Ttesby, the 8.dwfo4 wdmer. s ~bang the .meliseall sweaty peas. Mrs. HarWy is &against d the mentor sl her beebtod, sod regi g Irma the ermine s se the risme the verdict i, skewed as & mis errsss elf jel- lies aad . ti es* d legal rts.dl.g. 1b been Matteis is said te haws Lass been is - mem. tied she Wan ,sport le that • Tinian Exeter : Reeve Bowden of Exeter, last week purchased the 40 acre fans of she estate of the late Mrs. Steens of Cen- tralia. sad akin 01, 50 erre fano near K ivpse frees Mrs. Haat. A good price was paid in mob ease. Morrie The comfortable madame of Jobs R. Miller, of Merr4b•nk, was the some of • berry nen ea the evening of of Tuesday. Oen 16th, whoa their yonsgest daughter, Agave, was sailed in marries* to Atex. Gibson. Morris : At the rssideens of Arthur Dra.ay, [fakes►, Br.es sanity, es Wed- e seday eveei.q, (h& 10th., his daughter, Mary A., wee married te (leo. Cookerline, of North b Bay, sen et Robert Cookerline, of this tow.ship. A.. H r t.LD. The Asbbeld council met `i•tnrday, (1st. 13th. Menten all present. Masan of prey teas meeting read aad adopted. Cheques were trued for the following •mount: Angus Mar•tyns, A.h1eld's share of asbttrstioc expenses ,n connection with S. S., No. 4 and 14, 411 : W. Rutherford for gravelling oo Igoe. 12, sari 4 R. 6 and 7, 450 ; James Hee,. for work o• K R Aak4eld'. hall, 172 36: A. MoDermsid, gravelling S. R. 6 end 7, 453.90 ; Jones Vilw.rls, inspecting. 46.75 ; Robert Lower,, culvert oo N:- R, 43, also for sul von en cos. 2, 43 85 ; John Black ditch and spur toy road coo 2. 43 ; A. McDerin&id, for two culverts on N.13 A.h6Nd a hall 44 25, oleo repairing two culvert* S R .ad 10: 44 ; James I&ith.at, repairing two culverts o• S. R. 6 .•d 7, 44, also gravelling on L R , sen. 12, 467.04: W. Helloed, grading sad heading • culvert on con 3, $15 : Thos. Wince, deals at Port Albert, 46.96 ; Matthew Fernee for culvert &ad d11iog approaches, 1. R 6 and 7, 49 : Mr. Rsachlor, for plank, half to be pod by Colborss, $3.04: Robert Fitzgerald for 'desk. 42.50 ; Thos. Disbar, plank 420.83 : Gm Johnston. repairing culvert. k Rt. 6 aad 7, 41 ; John Hart. mooring euivert S. RC 6 and 7, 50s ; 4. Animates, repairisJ culvert sad work en Du•gaasee hill. :9: Jobs Kilpatrick, brtdgisg,466: gravelling oo S R 3 aad 4,$60.37,gr5dsog on S. R. 3 aad 4,461. - 25 ; Wesley Maser, plank for bridges on L. R. 418 82 : Tees it Really, usep.ctor, $7 18: Jame. Reid, dramas stoat, S. R. 9 aad 10. 42 :.juke Hussey, remise o5 D. L 41 : ThosIaasaa, ripening gravel pit, 8. R. 3 and 4. $240: J•srpk [Merl, in- specting. 45.M ; A. .Io1Mtoe, repairing obvert, S R 6 sad 7, 50c; John Kilpatrick culvert .ad grades ooh. 6. 49.70; Pat Mona, r.paineg four culverts and gravel pit, .0 9, M : Teta Whitaker for keens" foot bridge at tort Albert, $5 ; .laser Yearn,culvert at Port Albert, $6 : A. C. Hawkins, isswotieg pray' .t Part Albert, 42: Doman Mcleod, inspecting gavel es Kin1Si1, 46; Jobe Stevenson, gravelling Graham's hill and planking =Meet, L. R . 430.97 ; Joke Kilpatrick, gravodling ooh. 6. 410 48; Jobs Risen for tile, 46 56; Johe Spindle's aitch, S.R. 3 and 4, tan. 14, 415: Delia (7asspbell, balance tor bridge, L R.. 400 ; tt-illMw 8beekelt e, inypaoti.q gravel, ton. 6. 54 36: Jobe Lilpetriek. gravelling, eau. 7, 4119 10, ales ter gravell- tet at let 4, on. 6, 428 44 ; Robert Hai - tea, spikes fer bridge at McDa 44'., 46 ; James (his•, hoarsens'[ maven, see. 1.0, 1495; Jess Dens, saw 't144 iraealr eve. 12, 44.17: James Jehe nes, i.epstieg gravel, 1Lake Reed, $6 ditch ., '.halt p40 Mra Clan, for gravel. $11.40 ; Kea. weekMoi.er. deaklq aad grading es iake Read, 53.90 ; Jamie Jeb.st.e, heard te Miss Mei ova, some, ward, 590: Donald Me - Dahl, band l Mre. McDewid, eenty ward 406 ; Jobe Kilpatrick, osier at Craw - feed's bridge 43 77, .len scraping en 8 R.. 9 aad 10 ami coverts( three',elveris, $7 ; Wm. Fielayee, gravel sed peen en Lake Range, 416 ; James Dell. impacting Smug. me. 6, 410 80 ; W. Martie, for polling beth, N : Har► Meissen, for p.hlloas N; Y. J M.K• ersvelli•g en f1. 9 ad 10. 437 48: Jolla Dlekse•, snort- ::.g ;we culverts, esu 12, L. R. $111; Janna . c •, dish, est 14, se; James M.Ksdgh1, Ips v. ills( and repartee rad, 8 R , 9 ad lU. n t-07, baa for wavelike se R It, 421 ; 1 -cep.. Dauber, dins se on 2, 43 ; Jabs .formt +, Mew u Merdeak'a brigs, 413.- 30, also . -Mdsg tele•• 4970, sad let crib ea.! s .• r w: -k u Prit herd's. 400 ; P. J. Attati., r b 'aid repass" culvert an lel Thema@ Murphy, ler re pars 1 .,d, sen. 6. 44 50 : Jim Deas, 5vt1Neg O'Ktial be brides. Lake Read, Ranging from $1 6r( sot :inns bought directly from the upwards we have the deet maisdacturers d them Goode in SUITS l a r g e s t assortment of the country. We had to bay a large new suits in towu. Wall quantity but some lines we can sell wade, well trimmed, good-weanng, up-to-date material , the fit much su- perior to the ordinary made-to-order, the prior about half shouldn't this tempt you to investigate. ULSTBRS AND OVERCOATS We start at $3.98 for a really serviceable Coat, with sleep store' collar. From this price to $1'3.75 we offer a large as- sortment at pricers you cannot afford to pass if you have regard for and can appreciate gond %alue. See what we have before you buy, anyway. Seaforth : The beilds4 erected for the preteettw of the market soaks, en the mar- ket Freesias, is new sompMted, sad • very er.dit&ble stesstsre it W. The pec•.s lime ales tee mined ad all weighing is new dose es the new market. Chases The spiny .!d 4rissds is Hares eh the Rev. Jobs Orsy, formerly .4 thin tows, sow of Sparta, will be pacified to Man that he bas re,estly some rte eeens- den of some 460 000. left to lira (fray thane' the dents el • relative. Rreasele W iib heating ducks near Oadar Creek es isterday. OK Y.', Robins Crew, sea st t: 'V. Crsas, of Kiagevilk Brit -1a., formerly of arta, wee sbel is the arm by w seaidcutal i ... Grp el hie gaa it is hared that the . ••': will have S be aspen. &tad. Steaky : The Ostia( pleat c' for Qs' Amine Sebe uv bees punnets' by Gm prismpsl et the 1 .dna Industrial Reboot. Neil Gilmour will imitate the teens ladies. tate the mysteries of the '.rt pr.sereMh.e, Neil is .wet lira Neil 4ii1•war, et Yeses Jew. Innerly of the gad ewe. PM *tsase. Wipebam : Jean., the sixteen-year-eld end 44. Boon, wY1a reaming at ND sped after a feet -bail ea the ewtescw bask et was adael-gnwld es Monday afternoon, Oe► 114. pet his Jae 1a a hale pied bad 1 J• 1y, ksapss Mary lwey bath kens be his right kg brsbn • short toasty ward, M6 : Meet/hew Yam. gn.ell- /stones Mane the ankle, (4R, sea- 10, 96a 1 Themes Hayrides. gawk M w Carrs . 0017 wsrdb. NOW. 1...wk: Del l A &trey.swert's mw ale ss Consul sta5.,i . 1/ev. 1711►• iM.a.a1a sus nanny damrsyed by are en W. 4. 10mes. Cfesk. rkeiss ay night, Out Mb. w Mw beim dswes,d .bast 12 5'd.d. 11. hem W AUCTION SALMI ands very ..em one I.ylwmaeeta dart.e the pass test. They had 51.110 Lsmasea All healsid w : Wm. Mwee and oblda, I for the price we used to pay for them From $I.7'. to $11.00. W, show & splen did range from the standard makers, all at close cut Cash prices. We have almost every FUR kind of Fur Coat male. COATS, If you want to get i t at the ground floor get ..air price before you invest. WATERPROOF COATS A sp4oilid range of BOOTS Bt,•ts, Worki,tg AND Hoots; fern Boots, Rubber, We sell l'n- SHOES kc., direct from the hent UNDE:. WEAR 'd e r w e a r at manufacturers sk ,uuth AND wholesale fig HIRTS. urea Prices range from '25c. lower price' than exclusive Shoe Stores can afford to sell them. No fancy prices. The upwards, with & very large assottnient HATS latest style, at a saving 01 to choose from. The biggest range of AND Iron. 25c. to $1.00 on . top shirts in the county. A special CAP$. Hat. A large variety of heavy N•ty Blue Flannel Shirt at (loth, Sealette and For 9$c., would be good value at $1.25. taps in stock. White Shirts, laundered and unlaua- Good Waring Su. anted, the heat value in the land. BRACES, at 10c., 124c., 1Sc.,17c., TIES, 18c., 20c., 23c., '25c. soxsox, Good d Braces front 15c. GLOVES MITTS MITTS this section. We have without doubt the largest as- sortment and best value in workingmen's Gloves to 45c. Ties in almost endless variety. and Mitts ever shown in Great value in C.ahmere Mufflers, We show twenty differ- r&aging from I21e. to Don't forget that in dealing with ns the Cash Cus- tomer does not help to pay for the Credit Customer, or the one who n. ver pays, but all are on one level, all are Cash Customers. w \stMtni ..d asal•afn, 1. .. t• the atla. of e.la i S"CifOhV�C JiSS\" oiQctt'J pCR� EVERYTHING TO WEAR. DON'T M SUNDERSTAND US. - - him sf Mn. Iiib' eve wol� j met see N isse.awe Pessay. Nev. 9n.-Asyllso a of era Ws.wmna. ,Ina. le Mlm Mims ee of a 0sl5I sly - wa soil at )et YeWmmd tt• be. w. a. w et Mink wed WI P. ' 11. Wen. M 1 .'Muse. Rea.. w This is a Genuine Sale. Follow the people on any Street and they will lead you to the great DISSOLUT ON of PARTffERZIIIP SkI1E ERASER & PORTER'S. Every Purchaser sends a dosen others to get Bargains. )�iht�Y mid mgMO : , ° F L t Oeme, First Served," and it in good advice to come early and get first choice. Everybody i' willing to buy when they can get Goals like ourn at and under Cost Prices When you expect to pay $1.00 for Goods and get thein for 50c. it makes you senile. IEou can get these Goods at other Stores for twice the money don't came near un. No exception -its imponiible for others. We have ten times the Stock and it must be Bold before JANUARY 1, 1895. The place to boy is the place you get most for your money. Thin store, although the largest in town, is hardly large enough to hol.l the crowd. Thin week and next we run Pocket Books, Hand Satchels, Chatelaine Hangs, Wallets, Ladies; Card Cases, Gents' Card Cane& Fans and Photograph Album& Now for Prices :- Pocket Bosky, 213s. Pale Puss. 19.. •• 99s. 50. " 4s. Mia " 41.00. SOL • 12h, " 69e. • 1. b0, 90e. 2.00, 41.05 The Prices are 25;( leas thee Wbel.mle Prima. Ladies Csrd C1...s and purses combined, the very Fined Leather, just the thing for Xmas Present*, at less than one half regular prices. Remember thee. Lin are not ha.adled by the Dry Good. Store, but manafaetared for ourselves and other first-class Stationer& Some of them will lad a life time. Plielegyeek Albums - 1,.)0 w 46 8•k Pries41 75- 4.00, 150. 1.50. 2.50. 1.26- 1.00. -M' O.e b. sd Albums as 96.. 5S4400. Feather, Lae aad Userl).o half eft. fiesdr.de se (faces tress. No Goods charged at Sale Proems. Last d the Dearing Sala of Wall Paper. Swat FR&SSR & PORTER, Booksoders and Stationer* 111101:=111 lieleeelheme