HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-8, Page 3a, f luoaAlu»o$. L a 8..,r la /sadem~iafwy tasth.r1sh rat 1.prat Yam' m Msua. rem droll. N. HUN TOIL PHYSICIAN. 8U! mos. to .-blNl .• aa Mobs awns. from DrillW Ilovh, lllw ably Had. lairs/ IAN P101f a JOHNSTON. BARk1ri• tee%d�les�,55,, N aa. ua/rtob. Wiese ver Jerdaa's R CALM r1oN, Q. C.. AL O. JO dt0 W. Wes. LOFTUS t PANDIT. BARRItiT=R, e Iii. tN 0va1 tO.. et0. Yaley perms C_ . oeloati 1. NSW V �.h, Oat. sl-tr N. Liv SARXHITIK, PROO- 9g ,ar lg Osmtb of o.taeM Yost. fast D 0. HATS, BaitRIBTER, SOLICIT 1L. 0 to OM., ser. Sewn a.4 weN ever lsteeeaph hies. Pri- N yate to NM at lowest rates d! '!shi- est. ` 1 ARROW t PROUDFFOO'P, BAR. kJ dews LIoor. rs,asikih.., &e.. 054• nth. J. T. Gamow. .. W. Prominent. CAMERON HOLT a HOLM , /arr1Nre, aotiollore la Q.wsery, We. ob S er 0. 0. is. Q.0.; P. k.1t Osaka Illehaft. G. WARD. OONVEYANCER, J . &o.......mml..N..r kW' taalma ..d re soaring resoseleneses of bell. affil•vtte a oarnello•a bMNtlaae r seesaw Maes. Yeas lar any emte.0. Nit or pre eedf.s N the Court of Jessie, tie ..r5gll1ylNo.ICe err ea�AlsLor ia �tta.usolN.�eweetts04&ii wldw.spRM 1m.&wina. Omalat-`t _AiOe Sag IYYhNNe. T tigatizB„CON VEYANCINO AND g. L0IJY*eeeleit NMMtelktetM.iRasl *Neenah. jk(OMIT TO L ND ON MORTGAGE ANA .t q _Pr 1001. Notes l40cuO.w. C. aIA*iiR isle error* Mania'. Hotel. *d. rich uongy TO WAN. - $6,400.00 J.U. Private Verde to Med at lig worst as assay. WFTUS K. DANCIT. IGnoa's hook. spaa*tts Cather.. Messt. a.derisb. Mit L' J. T. NAlrTIL,,.�7114.1, Llli . AND thong ; lowest mesa Ot ee-4or. Xur*at aaol Square, *ed rel` TM W1100,10O TO LOAN. APPLY TO • GLUM( Mae A 101.2111161 OM* stN. M0 4IIIY TO L1ND.-A LA R Q I •mssatef Pease Iamb tar lace t cost et oare railOW PROUD/00T ROUD//0 T0 tsSA R RADOLIYYE, 0 �1J *.L 1Z - lt..ae 14 serease. a▪ pteetustel"11t- to Lard Ws,. st tart hew °en we.tkptraalaal)m. ee lair+& mutat le as 1 any . suit w eorrewr. OM- oes. ..� der tri. •.arra ansa cod► !eh 1s..Rea far Lalaatebi.. I % ODiWWE011 I[H06ANIO8' mem • TUTS LISLSY AND IIISADllg*- W OOS, sec et dot meet sod Square tap @ Mira lip.. nam 1 to e ►.*L. aid from T to le P.M. ABOUT 1000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. leseisse h,, Weekly Pse//s iwwe.t.atUss01rotd ualtWtSHI TP ICtST ()hWLY el le memos tree sus of l/er.ey •.d RsSdi.a- . tea St..nM e e4enllp eved br 1111a room • 3. a COLAORNIL 450. Myatt. fhwmde&t. Someway. Summates Morph stir WtH. __ A110191101111111PIIIII. THOMAS 0UNDRY. ADOTIONEER .ad IUN.r0i1e Agent. 0emenek. 0.1. A•mt Lead.. said l,•.es.hl . Fire Ire. Os.. w Were Diseret b/e1. 1 Ise. Oa Salsa at- uoded to la Yr mart of the oseety. ply [(MN KNOX. GENERAL ADO- tP Ya.1w sad Land Ta1u5*r. aldsresh. Oyu. Savtieg had esiddrstb aq.etmos N tho_ellsthossringtraille, ba N hi • peel*. se .heroes wlr lhsreegi otllasotan ea we.. whass• astromall lie Um. Orders left at "WW1 Y. rib mall to Ns atooadi 1*. JOHN INOZ 0.mav Aselionar, .Orli Dented Announcement. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIL gTngL-"caioRioE AT DB. s. BIOHARDBOWS NrT&l ramose. OPER/ SIMiI ROW RST-$T1EET SODIUM OWL It wade r setl.f..u... Owe • lei st_ « i ad &limeal: hie Mmes. te mit are red ♦ esee la Sod etfr@tlts4lito wverr whisk N ',arrested threw hoists Me Is psis 4ttr(.t w auctr.aYIS et Meth ere d.mep or uraL 4. "arty w ec•e. very INOy into (. the r.uM q t4i.lW esa LrOBLORIDNI test sever -saber the Mom is to Is b rwdeer as weear, Mel elie earth lam olgISta....elMve en Pathan Mom tae It is Ptell.ve4 Illarwetasn@ m■ lien Mess. Aar sswvcyeaees t �, /aeoMZ' ret mutlenrmer re.rage ars. •• 4 DS. L S>IOHA*D.ON. EMP• ca carve Ihimgo Reefed I Mere stew. far W tors ef owes is • resifts well worth k.ew- t. sad it a porter w__g. Ise, as • last Reader folk.brs Nom yme% is to gray el to mare blade that's mimed the deli, W barefoot go sad foie it se Da rho will rent K red I lilt year het 1e to dew •0d pet ANI stow tie AM el • A Riot of it ea the b jl. este ddy.. skis o'er sad e'r t Cerny t moray t Madly 1 goad 1 liter 1 Esrey t nifty t red t Tommy pulley1 1 Hew Seery 1 Mew rah" I Map Mew a ms Wreath wel .rn la�l sw t 1 yam I 'rss skim. dkftroa. QNTe. Tf1rU18DAT. NOV. $_._1194e 3 FAINTED IN CHURCH. Tax DIPWLLA$LI wNDrrloM of A 10l'NO LAD%' IN BRtx;KVILLR A rage TWAT t•wlaD UMW ItymaamT- wsan *105010 110 ent.oO mile Mit •faattTLT Oen/1MM TO nm lisp -muffle 55JOTImai tattrl.are MIALTlt. From the ss4vW. ihreeeler. Readers of the Recorder have .e doubt followed with telecom the sway tasta.ow related la them cola..as of recoveries sometimes ef • 7517 remarkable eaters, of peroses &Mewed with dresses, of different krads, by the ass of Ur. Willman' Pink Pills. Apart from the marvellous recover les, the a000u.s were iberesu.g to the people of Brockville and oeieity from the (act_ th.1 the. awn is the home of the Dr. w' illi ns' Cu. , and the pas .here the celebrated atedicine is mads Tb. family of Mr. Tbomta. Humble, reudeoi on Park street north, 4urai.li • ow of such recovery n o fogs wields than many previously pub- lished, that will be of particular interest in this *a..muurty. Mr. Humble u an 'no plops of Bowie h t'u , brewers, and is well known and hirhty rapeeted by many of our a4zeme. The number of hs family whose euro we have m aticeed, . hie eldest slaughter 1'erne, • girl of about nineteen years of age. The feats le the creme were fins brought to the notice 1i the Recorder by Wm. lurks, • well known merchant tailor, who 0m one coca* on •rated in re - wryly Miss Humble, who wee attacked with a it d extreme weakness wine a•taod- inr service in the (;siege street Methodist church. The other •..o:ng • reporter^ visited the home of the faultily in yueettee, . W upon s*Nog his assess to Mrs. Humble, the story of the caws was briefly re laced, sot hosevrr with ...y desire for notoriety, but rathtr • determination on her part that it should be wean if it might is the least to of b..elt u, others similarly atttict..d. According to her mother'. story Maas Humble's illness dates back ler the summer of I1189. Her troubls was extreme weakness and e*bauetloo, wooed by weak and watery blood. She was subplot to severe headaches, heart palpitate a, ..d other symptoms which follow • depraved eondt sea of the blood t /fire while down street ea business the young lady would beu.rmeen exhausted by the walk as to he scarcely •hie to get home, and she eras fre.toeetly twei.el to her bad fr week. at • time, and had to hove her m.vls carnet to her. For • period of over three years she was almost eoatrmoally under medical treat.meet. The deacon' mdicroe would prove of benefit while brag (thea, but as soca as the treat- ment was di.owttoud the patios would become worse. ■r fneod* were much dis- souraged and feared ebr would not recover. In the Wisner of 1893 Mr. Rumba read of • similar ow when a cure was birteght about by the are of Dr. Williams' Pink PM M prompted her to give them • 171.l to her laughter's ase, who was at the lire se weak that she V•11 4.1 001 leave her swan. T5. result was r.a•rkable. Then was egos a marked improv.meer,anl by the time two besot were need Miss Humble op - pearled to be es wash rseovre4 that the 1i1.11 was dl.000trnued. kat it later boas..e evident that the patient had net been fully restored for after • few months there was • rotors of the trashier. Mss Humble was seat on • Trot to some friends r. the United Staten in the hope that • change ef air would prove Wee4cial,but she retuned to her home worse than when she went away. Her mother was thea deter- mined to give lir. Williams lick Pills • further trail, and the result proved most gratifyieg, as the girl's health haa been oo..ple*iy restored, sod she le to -day as well and strong as any ;girl of her age. Mrs- Humble' told the story of her daugh- ter•s Moms sad recovery with an impre..- reettrm that carried conviction of its abso- lute tnthfslesse Mi.. Humble also cor- roborated her mother's st te..ent., and they than be vouched for by many of her friends in to chnrob,the Sunday school and others. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an unfailing core for an troubles resulting from poverty of the blood or *battered nerves, and when gives • sur trial they aS7er fail in oases libth the above orbited. Sold by all dealers, or seat postpaid at 50 ce.ta • hoz, or 6 box.. for $250, by ddres.tng the Dir. Wil- liam.' Medicine Co., 'kooky ills, (lot.. r 4cheoeotady, N. Y. is that the registered trade mark Mom all packages THE OLD SAXON WORD.' WOMAN-" -'Indy" Meme ....b-r.mWWMS • e ewe nestles el Frill. and Ferbelew.. (;\icsgo Tribune "'lady' manages sounds finicky and affected, and does wt smack of bestows It makes ow think of the average sewing moiety. when female goner meat to trek their needle goes m th..barao*r of their eeeigSbor.. tat it b. phi. Beard of Was.. M0magra. That old-Gi.Nosod word is geed ..otrgh. Be- sides, it meals .....thing, which is more ties ane be said of the other harm. T5. weal lady' is e• over-worked than days that it has goo* tato disrepute. There is something wgg..un d worth, of tender- n ess, of .trmgth of with gm .. tiem5 of dimity •d motherli5*es is the some of mesas. All the tributes to the am is the groat mestere of literature .re addressed to Tremas .0t 'lady.' Imagine 'Mott writl0g : " 0 'lad)r.' u thief hoer of met. Uaor(+1•, soy, .5d hard to pins, And variable se the shade BI the light, gaivrf.g ampsn Milk - Whoa pats ..danguieh wring 15. Prow. A ..imistri.g ewyel thea. It is eller that the eubstrtatiee of lady for wawa in to above would rut the dig- nity of the Hain. "le Otw•y afters farmed "0 woman, lovely woman. thee Te tesnpsr ..ss.. " b 9hak..peare "Tie beauty Obis ;doss eft mato women "Ile virtue deer mein them most ad- mired; 'Tie ..5ieory 7hi. than that makes an wan di- •• eye Iikewi.. "Rat great is pebble .en eome1ims, are sewn, A woman's soft in prima* life slew: Oar belief tamest in hit life dispigd. Year virtues oeppf.a fairest i5 the dada "Not • word awe =7 b whole multiplied "Them .Tamp'.. i h "Th e whet hem 'mite Mese- salve@ ,li.&e1 x sm511 to as mem .at ieiisa w • weak et Shakespeare's ts wr moMinhref &BRIU.1 se • rem weimes, ffiewhIlledeasr a wbe wan IS him b Are i. booth . term Mem ,.dish& b.Obwirss N M twit Wefa�ia'ew a. Ma' ti' Wia mos Yucaipa HMIs Bmsiely, the Weems a Christi•& TSmpfea.tw Utiles. These semi Meer eiwatier never mamma - tat. their titles fes rise tar- ..melmare. lap.usesd with them views. we, Omele,., mews yea. tum Peeeideat Palmer, to strike ser the word kip sod salmi M Moho Matelot the ped old haus word wosasm. FASHION'S FANCIES- • S..drss es etwe rYla.ig *Mee times Medea, Sloeoo are made .p i. s variety of .tyles, so se N .eft all Wte..d figures. .1..kln. 04peedemi.at., although draped mos are also 41 10. es Ye Rough geode and fairly smooth efts the used for etedoor wear. Rig Wreaks, showy plaids, sail etertliat effects la tartana are show.. ('ers,ges of scan of the aew irootiones are out m picket shape an 1 .re tight fitting. Marabou leather bow and *apes, a light red sealing colon air m white, are attract- ive and hemming sesas.orw to headmen. toilet& Bilk blouses, earths, taffeta, mein, short fabrics, pilaw, diluted. striped, made woolly upon Image, will be worn until very late in the fall. Loa( upper shoulder pewee to give • droops' effect, high crush or stook cullers ; pet some trtsnmi.g. ; ''..dyke puin•- downward from collar, and upward from belt an .11 shown. Jackets °outlets te show thewselves ; san.e with big velvet revers, others wi `i loose iream, and still other" with loose Woke. Doke elects that have either •yuan or fpointed outlaws•re eery popsies, jacket ronts complete short of loot baai.*a, red 'Wines in Wainer er sleeves impute a quaint charm to every figure. The barque -waist may he developed u shaded or figured mile to form put of the dressy toile', or may he made up its 00 10. exposes. vont• of woolen goods for every day. 'the hall large lace shoulder capes, like those seen in the ppoorrtrat of the hapless queen Henrietta 44.ri., ere steadily grow• tug i0 layer. and they oompStely metamor- phose • pima .ertft•e la skirt., tkiiiiislo miser fat tailor ef• feats are Sera For must ooeeiiat. French and English modistes agree la this though the former allow draperies fn dressy gowns. Brown felt plateaux, epos which are par - •11e1 rows of black *ilk braids, are among the novelties *hewn in mew millinery and, beet into becoming *baps amid trimmed with three or Ave blackbirds, they aro very stylish. The array of ba•ojuse aid waists is es varied and design fur skirts, ranging from extreme to the meet conservative fulness, are se numerous that meow may easily fiord styles to suit her *imperial meed*. Mitch use of black, especially of black nbbos in generous width* of bows, ties, sad rosettes to wean. A narrow *bow of black reentry over the *p of each shoulder and aiding midway of the armhole, frost and hack, is • happy tooth ups a groves of al- .nost any hos. Time ww..t quills and wing* are heavily frosted with iet, which glitter* charmingly sewer 640.5 or oolored trimmuce, while Bowen mad eves foliage are Wee sprinkled w ith powdered jet. SOME CLEANING HINTS. A housekeeper oaks, " Hew can I Gleam pre that hams been smoked ea • oca1-oil stove! I have tried soap and water ant it only makes than worse," azul Mrs. 0rayeoe replies i. Table Talk : " Mineral soap is recommended for this, but I have toned it easier to wipe o8 SA muck u possible with • piece of soft paper or ng dipped in vinegar, and then the s•odso•p to brighten it. Wbes using an oil *cove myself 1 have never had aaytbiag smoked ; but some servants are sot eo woeful to keep the wicks tweed low. This treatment will also remover Soot lewd emote from the mica in the door of Stoves whew a fresh fire iS ltgktd with kindling wood.'• And ease asks bow te keee the zi.o ander the stoves bright, and .nadeeap is again re- oemmesded ; kat a oloth moistened with keroeeae will polish mac as brtvht as silver. • scrubbing brush is kept is my bathroom, and meta props u re mooted 1s scab the toil- .lerbathieg; but owe week I have it rubbed (after itis thoroughly dried with • soft towel) with • cloth whtl has teen dipped in ooal-oiL heather ewe ow..plsim that her disk towels moll badly, .otwitamesattag the feet that 'they are waled eat every day.' if they are washed, se I have Sees tem demob is the rises water, I dM sot weeder they are disagreeable. They should be wombed, afar each time of eeimg in Wiese sold water two r ikon Naas, if sed le, to get .11 the leap oat, sad hang is the open air, when praoti..ble, to dry. Silver nod glass should sever be riesed,bat wiped." Some fes Mee mays : •• I have twee it stated that milk pans should be washed in add water. L net this Semethieg sew !" It ohm hap that people read oardeed►, graupieg mly part of .. Ides. P5e@,bowe, piteMeree and tumblers that have had milk in lets &Mad be washed firm is arid water, thee, is bide, soapy water, then molded with Mesa. hailing water aid wiped with . alone dry towel. Mammy perms, dry their pees y saran them ea the best pert of the sfei., het this is always risky], as ley are apt be bo forgotten, sod so iujor.d by the inertia. of the mower ; r if lined with gn.itt Of palmists' Ow lideg will e likely to rook sad peel of. Nr N It a geed plan to fill kettles or pre with water sad put these es the stove with the edea of Immunise wet..... &kid have adhered te tle.i le cooking ; it will ..1y maks them harder se regime. Tey should be tilled with amid water ad stead is le du or as site table with • Small pine el wash's/ soda r o taw drops of ...minia is moll. This will Soften and snake ems to escape oft whatever or as to teem. Whoa pesalbie to as se, ft is betty to womb molds( utensils as gees se you are thresh seise thous ; N is net tidy easier to de, bet it is better fur the hoods. If you have as old M. pan whish is ivory, Intik two or three holm in to ettem, is • ot throw it .way. ft will be heed hired.• able to empty eremite from the ..Sm•pet, w lee ee0, rinsing of asps .d thaws, sad ergs to peer the dishwater ala fiver through, bleb i•e •11 ru..h., welds. gulag to Web. itis gee wrwmbs, list from Ma - sloth .d towel% loose'triage frees the seep et hair from the brushes that help to ehelle .p to dram pips. And all this, .. *Id We pee, that is red kr soothing else will aye. • noose turfy � A lady aimed Ws. T. C. M. Y km Verier• Oft, who wasZariftert llal*h 1s..hmay"m Elam `-d Owe. bee t.,vrded • elsessmewe te M. east Mat le ee..ptr•miy medim bmmad igosy add Ill& L -. 0*.wr . Mesh • us seri& of Mamas, ywing se isetwire to giveM ami CALLING A HALT ON PK:KLL111 tr.eeem rel a cts Fee le he 1paeelve4 .r Tedi wvorim ate..N.e.. Bootee Weak* Transcript ; C...iser. this 4*s.uu a is beteg m•.4a..ed is taped te the lismil o&. sew provided ea time Wm ler bays aid girls in the loge schools. A* admoe every high seheel is the aim she majority or the pupils bay thew IaaoMw item the lattek coaster kept by the eases, end the feed so provided foes*.* largely d pies ed eche. "bakNsase def." as sem. p.opM .aft f' -ad pickles The *adorn beep drat ki.d of food bedew the pupils will bey l• la prelmmoe to other more wholeness* kited., ..d also eases there is probably mare profit is it. Nevertheless the paresis of the pupils are •axiom that some interest system may be adopted is the matter of furnishing laoe6eo.e. They time It high time that something was dose about it, for Is schools when then are 00 lu.oh 0.neten, peddlers of cheap wady. 000005ut wire. aid other unwholesome otemposade stake their appearance at raves and are generally well patronized by the hungry boys amid rind The lint official step toward bettering Use:state of things wee tikes yesterday, wise an order was pared by the School Board providing that all luncheons toad in the public schools should be sueb as are .p - proved by the committee on Hygiene sod I'ii'.oral troising. Moreover, the cour- ant tee was tsmructed to report at the Lest meeting of the board • !Ilan tor providing suitable lu.cbosas at ?roper places Ir the tog h school pupils. Just what the committee igjedr to 1f is herd to *ay, but several penises isie ie mtsd are hoping that it will he able to mske some arrangement with the New E.gi•ed kttah.o whereby soups, sandwiches, milk sad ether wholesome articles of food may be furnished directly to the pupils .t moderate prices. The krtoheo has its main station oo Pleaeaa1 street, and another wanes at the North 4:sd. It a thought that soups might he c.•ried from the kitchen to the schools io 1&ui.'. just as ooffee is sometimes tnespoi t- ed, u,.1 in that way might be served hot. Such a system *f providing Iuocbeuos would be mon favorable to the health of 15. pupils, ..d therefore more acceptable to the parents. As for the old amain, the ?Linton .re sot thought to merit any hams for they amply pi waded what the pupils would buy ; but now that the oanmittee has taken the matter in hand, it is likely that moot pupils will h..at to give up the practice of robing • luncheon on an eclair a piece of pie, sr • Male. writ pensive Faddism. Half - Hour Pudding Beat four table- spoons of batter to • cream, with half • pmt of powdered sugar ; add the bested yolks of three eggs, then half • pant of cornmeal and ttie whites of the eggs, beaten to • stili froth. Mix well and bake in a pudding dreh, well -buttered. Serve het, with *awes. Baked Indian Podding- A quart of sweat milk, an ounce of buttr, four well beaten eggs, • tea -sap of oatmeal, a half pound reams, • quarter rimed sugar. Scald the 1005, and stir in the meal while It is boil- ing- Int it stand until it is Wood -warm ; stir well together ; bake for an hour and • half, .sd nerve with sauce. March Puddw Wash and soak over n ight a sap of dried apples. Cut tato small pieces, mix with the water in which they they were soaked, add • cup of molasses and • teaspoon each of cinnamon and cloves Mix towhee one egg, a quarter of • cup of butter and a rep rad • quarter of flour. Add • teaspoon of soda to tl.e apple and molasses mixture. Stir an the flour. Bak. immediately, and serve hot with hard ..ace Molla..ss pudding -Three cups of dour, one oup each of molasses, melted butter sad hot water ; • teaspoon of soda. Steam three hours ; serve with • seaoe made of butter and sugar, worked to a cream, with hot water added to thin it aid flavored with vanilla. 0w -Two -Three -Four Pudding -A copof butter, two of sugar, three of Hoar, our an• us (e.tes separately ), • cup of sweet milk and two t*a•potos b•klag powder. Flavor with nutruev, and brim in • podding mould. Leave it in the mould until the n ext day, and then steam for three quarters ef an hour ever a kettle of boiling wa ter, and serve with bot moos. Welber as • Sy..t.Q. Heather wassail a yellow coloring mat- ter which is knows as "wick.," and is *la tamed by keeping the plant at the boil for half ea hoar with one put of alum to tea of the pleat asid thirty of water. A Ger- man chemist has .1.mind the Woeso..., leaves, stalks and roots of the plant sepa- rately, sad has made dye trials on mordant - e el ocean with to following results : 0. rotten werdeated with • strawy iron acoed..t, the blowgun give a reddish grey. brown or dark mod* odor ; to milk. • yel- lowish drab, and the rots • light red arab. 0. settee mordanted with • weak ices mer- d•st, the blossom@ give • reddish Frey : tie leaves • yellowish grey : the stalks a very light yellowish okaroeis. sad the roots rea- dmit gray medlar chamois. A straw . Ivies mordant eve with the blossom. • reddish mdi.m mode color ; with the Naves.. yellowish mode color ; wits the stalks, • very heat reddish aria soli soil with the roots, • tank ruder. A weak •lum- fee morda.t pre, with Om clews..., • dash ; with the leaves, • light reddish yel- low mode Geier, had with the stalks. a very INht reddish wean ; while the roma eve a light flesh air. Te Memos@ dyed se ehrs.n-oerd•oted settee • full teamed@ sheds, std the wbolo pleat, a yellow dt.k. The *wilier is ef ',Mina that aa entreat of the leave .ad blames °mild be seed i. 1ycieg and printiitt. On west .s stoniest is required. ..d lee•..@, thauei@ sad 5105 solace are produc- ed. Te me of Neem se a vier .t re- sults is ilia prodeaties o1 more Jobless shades ; it may be added Brest to to dye- bath. yebath. Whiter deak..v•vy hi 4.gtk from air ty-eight be femety-eight hiehm,audsre made ap hi •11 kinds of }shrift, to rougher hoe bong preferred. rhe lead wire are Mos, brows, gray •.d heath tweed, She - .est, keresy, estlfrt, beaver mired reads, hien' mei Nisbl'10, t5. Mast us..d be- teg the muse Oakum N the Wait l..sy for nreement ems" impliselliM orye d Reim imps, . chest sleeve sed *hrme- lab Te emhawd .rt with paters ie re - it mere Mie Osbert wadi les him Me Roaolmeme (Merge w mere Me Seb- iise leam ad there N a kind m.ed.-t&-d with sewing silk. r-bl eg palett aril n kat.s wheels. amens sad ether Aerostat dodges. Oyes far MI and Witmer wear are of Meeh. with yoke et velvet r seen rash'.. mooed the seek, aid berg Imes el Abba deem lake Jima. /emu ere Mapes are of .1a1k� w b mime N.FM.a, . wide\ ate em- eriti' jet, wises • great army of M. mom moa awrW Es the reel es *New width hobs vies sliftive.IM... OsMadessc. " Take a hole and put sane dough around it, then fry in lard.' This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard, which as we all know hinders digestion. In all recipes where you have used lard, try Ilene the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at t h e delightful and healthful results. It is without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results. With Co'rrol.BN* in your kitchen, the young, the delicate and the dyspeptic can all enjoy the regular family bill of fare. Cottol'no to sold 1n b and • pound patis, by au grooms. Made only by The N. K. Falritantt Company. R•elrt.gte. ..d A.. gine ei awned SN 'Rigida. •I'riaooer,' ..ad the pulmo, 'have you any °passel'' '1 bayou'. your heoor,' answered the mea on trial for stealing • ham, •I have no moon.' "Then the court will appoint Mr. Leggy to defend you.' The prisoner looked at the •kiouy,quist- eyed, stooped -shouldered pettifogrr point- ed oat by the court and rose to ester a pro- test 'Dodge, he said, 'I'.. w=Utesd, according to law, to • trial by • jury of my peen, . um'? 'You are,' replied the court. 'Theo, your honor,' rejoined the prisoner, lrawinp • shiny coat sleeve screen his nose, •I think 1 ought to have • lawyer of the same kind.' 1 AiwayS d f; 5i e4. or i f THE ii CIGAF-_-v 1C 15 Really,.. room to atny imported = -t T& by Advice and Itis t on 5ethn tt iS e ,I0Ce, S/iol(e jbr C -kwe....,,..`� .-'-t.\ 5 /ak 18Atto AOwvta2 GU Re CONSTIPATION. 6" 31LIOUSNESS. DYSPEPSIA, ;ICK HE -ADAM -1V. !REGULATE THE, UVEB. 0NF_ PI1L AFTER rATI r1e INSURES 0000 016E5410.1. �P4tICE/5 CTS.TufQOD/s fit nur 14.-1931 PteicnPa MILL. BllcIlallalls & likyllas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Desire Is an kindle of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Aad bwl1mf.• ...torted or every desrtsilee School Finitare a Specialty. SUMMER has come and gone, but LOW PRICES remain the same art ever at the Furniture Emporium of GKN. BARRY. Hamilton-st. ERTG in all branches, attended to at all hours with neatness and dispatch. Embalming Fluid always on hand. listen framing a speciality. GEO. BARRY, ■•tlISLatesw. FALL MILLINBRY. The Mimes Yates have opened a large assortment of FELT HATS black arid white. Also the latest in fancy FEATHERS and trim- mings. LADIES' WHITE WEAR. We do not intend having a formal opening this season. The Lashes of Goderich and vicinity are invited to conte and see our goods. ria ..W MISSES YATES. THE SQUARE. LATEST STYLES - -IN- FALL AND WINTER .MILLINERY. MRS. R. B. 3111 Glasgow Haus. .4 F„ an Win ter ..MILLINERY...EMPORIMIREST MISS H. M. PITCHER. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Golerich and surrounding country first -clam goods -lower than the lowest. Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it. We have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident that we can please you in quality, fit and price. Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods. The old reliable stand - W. SHARMAN, Jr., Seooso.or to E. Dowptao. N. B. Custom work and repairing prcmtly attended to. N=W zd=NES _____ Iti SSR=SS C1-00=5_ Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the beet Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. rnmporiem real 0MOdeed. • rr Homs, Reese.* far (Leh. �. MUNRO, 7064 Draper and Haberdasher. SPECIAL NOTICE. Our Steak of BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE For Fall trade is now eampiort. Lanes' Genuine Steel Rare Door Hangers and Track , T Strap and Screw Hinges in all Siaea oTEEL NAILf_ Y wkr h Sara ... Nell we 4.v o twhet r.ler mt0nSTEMI. e em 'ors. moue STet a vier n..ea veto (.5.. ia efthem Will AR)E BZ&DQUART'TR8 FOR Portland Cement, Hydraulic Cement. Calcined Plaster, Roofing Pitch, Building Paper General Hardware. DAVISON &w E. 9.1 C w-a-off ' baeoribe for "The ateina1"--$1 a year