HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-8, Page 2A Racking Cough
Cti1111d by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral'
Mrs. 1'. D. 11.ti.L, 217 Centime St..
Lockport, N. 1., sac,:
"Over thirty years igo. I remetnh. r
hearing my father describe the wou.l.
hal r urattte effeete of Ayer's they ••
Pectoral. Ihirlug a recent •tt:a•k "t La
Orime, which a,•.rnsc,: the I.,' in of a
catarrh, threw -as of the lungs,,•m-
peehd by au acgrac..tintt rough, I
nerd various. ............, preor•rtpttoo..
While some of ti._ -+e tue.ir .u.a 1w-tialty
alleviated the c .u,-hln. di•rintt, the da3.
sone of them afforded me any relief from
that spasmodic mg. 'r.•. ( the lune_. wt.
would ite fro use the moment I attrmpl, d
to he down at night. ,1,t:e: to_ or tyre; re
such night., 1 was
Nearly in Despa.,
end had about derided to sit up all n:Fht
in my easy cliair, Burl prc"aur.• v. hat
sleep 1 could in that wry. It tern o,-
rnrre.l to no. taut I lied • bottle of
Ayer's Cherry PeetoraL I took •
•pcau,'gl 01 fit :+ t tia•t".ikon In •. little
water, ander:a.;,lole to Iiu d..wn without
toughing. 1 , w n:utsr r'•‘, 1 iv!
•deep, soil • 111 t:,c' tuor;dn •
greatly refrrahe•d and 1.r!'• •t
bet tea. I took a ti•:aspoonf;.l ui ::.. 1
torsi evcry tt .l,t for .t tr,n/ , ;• , n
WiTiy- len Feat eta
week, iny tame. veal uro.i."
Ayer's CI erryH�af►}fitC:r
ire awes 1•r. J. rt. Ayer w. •. L'a
Pro' '"e•tOCtdrr
is the those, they mads meth • .IsIMr. f1e
they were bread op .ad J immte% W
'tothori with the athembranes sun,
BThem eras •• grout thea of
the% or awe woad bays boon dmasked
it wd uldM
amt have laded the mere
or ~ash •t s.ocseemed the fee ; het wulight
it was barred mat by Wed mad Atlas
acia4 prose to ewe deeds el
e r
It1was ►saatiful eat of d There wadi
read tag
• through' a
plsas•st mauls( valley with • diiw.uertag river
•sd beautiful kills Wooed. There were
sod weeds at the book of the boas. a.d •
✓ est rock with an overheegiag Mee where
the millirem played. Tho these Meed is •
talepias., where rmso 4 bent we heathy
and =mad •bnsdent sogg•'tiis .i joy.
Wt the metas saw it sot. She altos rusk-
e i to the doer lir out to the bra or tato the
wades, to see if the mop was dry, oft tt
bhad it
aa d laid, or the bugs were •ati•Il the
m .renhers, bet .M had .yes for whither
tog river see plainest valley ear the he•.ti•
fel bus bmy.sd.e • ..I � BOM to
her threes lou t door, "Isn't
NM a lovely day !" "I dent know •ay
Nog about it. I'm tee homy to be always
a -'ratans the weather.' was the metallic
reply. plasm? °. o
.they would drip
mew maks dirt.
et little Jimmie
foe,Ktihimself,browe into Meat home
a whale
peat heedful of buttercup., as
many as hie fat Green could react resod,
sed with his fascinated videos riveted w�!
golden mass exclaimed. e
Ain't Nee lovely T►e woman aseeVsea
quickly, "les, I game se, but doe's
that mere u here to get 'em all eve my
floor. tarry 'et right out dor, that's •
good boy." W Jimmie carried them
d way.
No, there were w flowers nor say each
rubbish is Chet hoses. It was all seat, ver)
seat ladies'. The copper teat was like
void, the rine like silver and the biscuits
would melt in your mouth. Aad the
woman was this, very then, sad her °•limo
drew flapped stealthier eery year. She
was always tired, always to a nervous
hurry. She wont days at • time with bar
bead bandaged in •tamest. She knew she
was overworking bar bdy. She did not
koow she wee dwarfing her immortal soul
She neve[ larked Otto the sky except to
oom.ider Watheth-ge-70 drying the clethes
bbe sever .oticed the trees except for de
tectior caterpillars. nor saw the moon ex
apt tf it wane "wet' Of "dry." n .,dmmere
r sever
she never knew thewere any
kissed the children. She .erabbed their
4.005 and raped their bur anJ kept them
glean, so clean. Rut tender endearment
was Rose ot here. She existed meagrely on
the dry bone" of life, miring all its sumo
lent juices. 1 -et that woman was\ra l usinhe in
what to her was • good comm.
only one of a pitiful number of women who
..e but one side of this poly -aided life. Her
very ideal heaves was • place where there
would be no disc Her god was neatness,
her house was Juggero•ut. So by and by.
.erubki•g brush in hand, down .he went be -
meth ite wheels end died. -growl', •ted
When the chikiree, now half
the man stood in that dim hod dustless par-
lor where her body lay, and looked upon
that drawn, white face, they felt mon awe
than grief. and did not dare t., stay. and
went out afraid. The womanbad
died the
way else lived, gaunt, meagre,
What had .he carried with bar and what
had she left behind ' She had carried a
shrivelled soul. She had left --the neateet
Mase in Feast Medfield, to be oomfrtshly
enjoyed by the *wood wife'
I de get so W.4 .l work. mirk. week.
said Primate Mee rims Me•a•1 meow
my until Saturday night ..d ower a bet el
ohs .s.
Motels• tried es drosses sad mastics as
Mesas iter mad :Codarle• e. mak we •
sett of livt.g abw•bi•ek et hereon for rho
hes.at et We imetemetn; end whoa ►*raw
was dull .he helped is the drees-akins de -
podgiest. She W .. home. She W
misply' holt-brdrees is Mn. Neokei e
be.rdtsg-b..se and • dreary spat esesgk it
Kitty Oates. who boarded out door,hed
them ea this bright Saoday •wring, late
i a Asgast, roiliest is • deep 11h.emd silk,
• sae of imtt•tte• tames, and • basset work
tar (1.•L 051011.LR a ret•■ i. TII. "1'p0.
THERE was a woman once. She
bred i. • hew. It was • rood hoose. It
had floors .red carpets and curtains and
crockery and best chine and Bristol Irick
and a copper tea -kettle and stove polt.h.
The woman loved the house. She worship.
pod every detail of its belongings, from the
muff hair flower•work in the parlor te the
moored table in the kitcho*. It was all
that, very that indeed : and shiny, very
bright and •lura The woman was lean,
very lean, indeed ; .ad-idle-vmry 1011 •.d
they. She wore • .p re-biskinr alioo
drew, end had elbows, diary elbows, and
very little hue.
But she was seat. She wanted to be
neat. She wanted to be neat more than
anything else is the world. She was not
comfortable, neither were those .taut bee.
But that signified nothing. She had al-
ways bees called the ne•teet woman to
Basi Medfield, and so had her mother be-
fore her, she was thankful to say. So that
woman was up with the sun to the summer
and very much in advance of him in the
Waster, shaking the rues sad rattling the
tine and taking time vigorously by the fore
lock She scrubbed and scoured and 'wept
and garnished, and equered every chair to
an exact angle to the wall.
Children ' Il, yes, there were children in
Muir house. That u, children were born
then and they stayed there till they were
old enough to roll their little bodies down
the doorsteps. After which they lived out
ot aeon mostly,
The this ! Well, yea, there was • man
who was marred to the woman years age,
mad he lived in that hoses. That i.. he
slept then and am* in to meals after be
bad wiped bis feet on two doormats, sod
washed birthed in the woodshed. Yes ; he
lived chars He likes the ehiliro., and the
flaky pies, ..d the light biscuits- end he
liked the woman. That ie. he liked hr
pretty well. Asd he was sot without •
atrtnin pride of poeeessiou is her Weal re-
psbtioo of being the emotes► woman ie
Xebec Mediad,
Yet, be was oo••0tous of • vsroe dimens-
ion. Weak day he did sot mind, but
Sudsy, he lett rather stiff and oat of place
He meets not seem to sit dews anywhere
and .ray there Sometimes he t1 o.gbt it
Ir his Sasda boots
might ed ilia drying
ell the week sad the
theme stee.ked ler mdlar se stiff. He •1 -
ways felt as H be maid 'rade whelk he
set down
ventured ism the prim porter
se the Wolfed shit. it might be the eater,
sed it tight he partly Maass" . lemma
wool& set let the okiures gohi there
be amid bear little fear -ear -old Jimmie
softly sobbtsr °staid* the door. But be al-
ways Wit suffocated in there, .ad so he
would go out to be with the children in the
eitsittg-r'emt, when t•sy were admonished
by the wears sot to wash anyshi.r and te eat
keep "till became it was Ss.d••y.
bw. a the erns -este rocker to coarser
nm bis breast for • while the wean
Ishked sharply is with an isjem ties sot to
reek, poking wet the carpet. When h.
*meld fain •tr tot out bio limbs upon the
heed beirobth toning* she wool& 'mil to ►ia
from the Umbel sot N pet his fest up se-
ism he took et len dw end asked if M W
pspst.wavere8o he sshead� will we dm the lonnere d es u
Mbar r tate the .dsekes.'. had the
Andres they khked, se, ewer, their Moil
booker P it i.p'! wine.
yes me, �
wastes W me use fee ,44.g. Mho dies%
With. is wentleg thee thele gem. She
wale•& to mew the time. What wash/ the
seers say tt they were le eases Is end
gad he0it.ing dews readies a se.epgsr
There wee the sesidb ea pekter elm* Alm
Oro W se be embed Irak '• skim mak "
shim *wee week. Some Mks ail
wed w b.tbtth wise. bas she Imo% ase el
ghee 11sd. Aad the psefare shelved sod the
arse eldest who wee rig le beep rase
comma at she Wed wrap her Wee mime
Whoa she Afh/reo semi home Moa Wheel
do same them Mad es she wt; tille dm leek
tor thelr ea* disk awlkr•ait their bread
ata beledt Thee ty of toPh.p-• ilk,
1lmwrap1 r gkMiYtfsIN UM Imes
�arw+r MelebtilatfdM lemmw.s+s
almmtee soft w.str.wigld aloha/re them
heMM •way with bite -he a ,.as
wham I
pig4sotly bete ! A• 1seyesoilte..stbsr tier -
after favi les bee hires *Imams
he dies s eppeove of the way I ectal. And.
sMegeihr, added per Kitty, bursting Mao
these. I wish I woe dead sad ens of sty
M•shiea Aad it ail ease hart that Sas-
pirseariast. Mare Beets Me temp
walker. Due% lathe •q mottos, Pet eMle.
Vs. tea Kish add •t••r•sv. we sell • great
deal et Oriental lase far bbe•t' sloth* ; k
wastes sod wean be•asdml Tee yardsdid
gad Poodle Trestle, riding hems ire*
the 'tattoo in the twitbht,witb her baby is
her lop. 0.4 hews Cobol .t her aide throb -
ed Heaven that She had :oto+ she riOt
path es that Selassie lseday awratsg,w
good sad had easels 'move teatber es her
at least throe different varieties of birds
skewered epos it with gilt pica
Dear! Dear' said lima Clef se -she wee
• saleswoman u • Moe and .dluety store
-bow leaky that yem've got your hat
Yes, math Priscilla, I'm seise to :dare►.
March ! cried Kitty. •levt..g bar nese
in the air. Chorea ea ouch • lovely more.
hog as this. Non/ese (lurch r •11 very
well for • relay day bat 1 te got • Intuit
plan ilea that. W. aro all foie' to Rook
away Beath- -we mid Harry S.ed.ee.s.J doe
Mks ora iter young men, and Sem lines,
soul rosy isst make tar eves somber The
it. are i.M•prise today. became it ego
reg os ler the eel of the seamen ; and we
seuld't her. • bomber day fee the seashore,
sot if we'd sent aid .speed it beton baud.
Cowie! Make bests ' The exesnios boat
mils at 10. sad they aro all wrung mitt
Bet -bot, oriel bewildered Prisc7i•-it's
Of coarse it is, satirically retorted Kitty.
If et wasn't bow de you snpp in, I could get
sway from the sere!
I don't behove it's right to go on ea wi-
umraom today, said Priseill• is • lo.
"Fiddlestick•• said Kitty, if you're going
to play pious i doer want von.
I'm sot pious, said Priscilla. At least,
.he corrected hermit, sot what you would
call pion: bet my mother elw•ys taught toe
to road my Bible and go to church of • Sun
day. And -if yoe91 sot be offended Kitt,
-I'd rather sot join this pigmenting excur
roe of yoers.
"Just as you please," said Miss Chafe,
and she flounced out of the dor, cloning it
behind her with $ bang that startled the
little vie.ineet in the next room oat ot
his Seedily nap.
Pricilta bunt inter Nan when she war
left .loss And thee it was that she utter-
tterd the piteous little ex.Mmatioo that beads
our sketch.
"1 don't want to gr. to :harch at all now,
exermnred Pricilla. 'I goeea i'll stay ••
home read. The mt.istee always preaches
monad band merinos, in hot weather, and
half of the choir has gone away."
Rut then our little heroine thought bettor
of it and decided that she would go.
' • W Mover the old minimus says will be
better than my own wicked thoughts,' she
mused. "And almost the last word.
mother ever said to me, whet she lay in her
last Mpem, were, 'Be sure you dost forget
your church. Priscilla' Mother thought •
great deed of 'bomb. Oh, if only I could
see mother once again ' '
Priscilla was • little late to church. nat-
urally enough, and when she was snugly
.esti is her accustomed corner and ven-
tured to look up, she perceived that the old
'moister was not is his usual place. A fair-
haired young mao with •pectaeles occupied
the pulpit. His topic was Home Mission..
There was ire in his soul, magoetum in hi.
voice. Priscilla found herself rousisg up :
her eyes sparkled. Her heart begets to best
It seemed as 0 his cry for aid in behalf of
hes work had reached her very tool.
" How glad 1 am." she thought " that 1
Ji4 net go with Katy Chaffee" party to
da At the elate of the •rmo. she waited •
obureb door.
" if you please, sir," she saki, " you say
that you want worker. Will you let me
Work for you' I have only Sundays and
evening but surely that ie something."
The young mao looked ►crony at her.
Then is work for every day and liner,"
said be. " Ye. i adapt your offer will
ingly. "
Some of the other girls of the co.tregs
tion had volunteered also, sad • little band
of laborers was enrolled at that. Priscilla
Paine was Riven • dais of cbildres in •
crowded part of the city --an e.snror clams
-and she set herself bravely to work. It
is possible that she exerted herself beyond
her strength, for, the sultry September eve-
oieg the Woad at bot Rota.
This will hot do,' maid the kindly
yoosg olerpmas, " yen need cheese and
rest, and fresh Messes and ooeetry air."
I mart o•.trive te do without them, mid
Come, said he cheerily, there moat some-
where be • solution te that riddle. My
'amber is the beet old lady in the world
is the world •n1 you •ha11 n out and help
bee at Daley Farm fee a week or two
If I man earn my board there, sad PIM
oak ►embly.
MM wont down to Daisy Farm, and Mr.
Treaties mise doe o at the u pir.tiou of •
moot\ to gad the shadowy. pale Priscilla
rose. asd • nay, ma horsed maiden in her
weed, g&Neny bright entente leaves Mose
the .modish. paths
"Are you ready to go bask, Mini POW -
said he.
"Vette ready," PrMetIM answered, dreop-
is. bet bead, end Mathias • little.
•'N°, oho hemi'" sturdy Caleb Trento.,
the yoa.g minister's termer beadier, made
reply. "She islet going back at all, Her-
bert, She is living to May with me, tor
geed sod sit"
if -if yem don't mid "' whispered Priv
eine. "palet says he loves me, sod 1 am
lithe SUM test i love ham."
Herbert Treaties glowed heftily from one
10 mother of these young .
":.m goad of it," he k y.
And 1'riadin• over keine Mew near she
had 1esu e o the heart of W yearns preach.,
with mpetacise amid the ensure voice.
Ohs had boos marred ever • year, vibes,
gar* up to the city W bey ease lam for
ler Ars1 beby'• ole sutuba. •h. sae
kit (:bete• b.btad tar scooter.
lie it M yea, is it r said kitty. And
Priest& saw that dm we. pile and
NW bad • realm m notlei bur ors, •
10Mr.wM.e ianyle is M valve daintily
married, eh, and all that 'set of thisy
Ileal, mon folio bay* all the leek. i al -
Iowa trees PrreW., that I W staid as hems
fret Reeks •+y Seed time Sy
and seem to d fek tt v. hid you
blow hew N caritas MA? we sad • eegs1►r
Ai* wI puma falba As tries lbteleg earl
net reviled.
Tom was always an example to the school
Ler politeness, and when, on the railway
platform one day, he aecide.tallV trod on
the tee of an old gentleman, who, as it
turned out, was •tllicid with deafness, this
was the conversation that took place.
Tom : " I beg your p•rdou, sir."
Deaf Old Gentleman . " 1'h, bey, .hat
d'y. say .,,
Tom testae, his voioe i : " i beg year
pianism, sir."
Deaf old Gentleman : "" I dost yoits
understood you."
Tom (loudly 1 " 1 beg your pardon,
trod on your toe."
Deaf 1)1d gentleman " What for
Tom Ishoutio 1 " I did it by accident
1 did :t by aoctle.t, air."
leaf Old t eotleman " An accident
Mesa my heart, you don't say leo' Anybody
Good Wtrttt for lies owe Sam
♦ premisaht Jed". being agar area
situ, .Wtmet te here • rough foambath.
seat ler • as. and sod to let, 'I
a u t this fences mended to keep out the
c..ttie. It is :oat of might hoot the house
• e ) ne ossa not take time to woke a ...at
.k of i I w01 "sly pev you • dollar as1
• belt,' Hew.vee, afterwards, the judgsee,
cosi( u look at the week, foetid that tk.
ho.rds were plated and the team neighed
.iib exosedug hmt.w deppo•tmg the
Tomug mem bad doe* it u war to make •
mint jet el it, be said sorrily, '1 1.14 yeti
the taros was to be ou.ered with vim I
do am care how it logk.. '1 do,' mid elm
mar. 'How moth do yea .Mrs,
• tar ledge. 'A dollar sod • half.' tee
new after the jade had • contra* to Rive
for the budding of • .sgnitlbmat public
buildimg. There were litany septicemia
tholes tisieler bellders,but one lase attr fit•
d amentws. le was that of the m.e who
had built the twos. '1 know,' and the
jaoge afterwards, telling the Mry, 'we
should have only good, genuine work from
him. I gave him the contract, and it suede
a nab Inas of him.'
abase* MIl/o.es.
Sweet Sarah Sawyer's sickly ether Susan
sat singing swiftly. Squire Surgeon Stew.
art's son Sam strolled, smoking, P.rrowfully
meeting sweet Mems. Suddenly spying sal
Susan sittiag singing, gam elo.obed slowly,
e tteafing sunflower$, "oaring sweet Susan.
Soma, starting, screeched, " S•m, lamp
steelier sunflowers ; seek mote stale meed -
witches '"
Sam mixed several. swallowed seven, sash
slowly Melting " So smsisk." Serena
Sweet Barth sauntered slowly.
Sam so seasick she said. " Slater Sasha,
sprinkle some em•llug-.•Ita"
She sprinkled some mho, etngieg sweet
✓ oup Som .urvive," snake Susan. She
sobbed silently. Sam mid, " `Selma, step
mSh Mopped, shivered, messed soddenly
--se goldenly Sem shuddered. Somewhat
startled. 8ssaa said, . Swtrt Sam. sing
w ine ed S.aday-school •mid•
Sas ease sseee..fally•
Mee thewesere in • at asseaar.
Chicago Record : " Is this • lunette asy-
lum or the Board of Trade ' asked •
stranger who had wandered into • qutck-
mr.ios reotaurul u Moron street.
No weeder he asked ilia goeasiea It
w.• • few montes past the neon hoar, and
the every day stampede of wild eyed and
battery Ranchers was at ite worst The
tables and the bone counter hod Clod np,
and then was the tumid clamming of dishes
sed t norm and fort.
What surprised the stranger was the eoo-
duet of the colored waiters. lin* was clap-
ping his hands hod another an•pp,n• his
Carers. °then were boldi•K three fingers
to the air, doubling their tits snit crossing
their arm..
These mysterious sig0e mid signals were
being given to the cooks •t the beck of the
room, shad wereapparentl) uod•r.tood. The
stranger ordered roast herf, rare, and the
waiter immediately clapped his hoods twice,
snit then made s motion with hie right
hand, as if he were trying to stake some-
thi, g off his fingers.
' What do you mean by that'" asked
the stranger, es he turned in wonder and
au1i iratiom to sore • NII colored num give so
imitation ot a Dutch windmill.
" You wwted roost beet rare, didn't
you ! '
'• Well, that's what I ordered.'.
" Hew about that fellow wavior hit
" That's chicken riblets. h'e're got
ahaut 1.emy•fl.e signs. It does away with
" Ib the .hens that you n,ak• give any
reasonable expl•q."on of whet a orieted.,,
"• Sometimes los see, when I clapped
my hands twice that. meant rout beef. and
then .hen 1 made 'hat motion with my
hand, ss d te shake . fl the dripping• of
hlond, that meant to have it rw.
" It's a kind of • 11.Iw.rteen method "
•. Ne. sir ; the Mrs gait it up. We've
got a funny ,order for kidney stew. I'm
•frsid to show you tor fear they'll think Fin
ordering it "
I see : you make the •^?Inns suit the
thing to be ordered. Whoa it's eco cream
yes roll up your collar and shiver, and if it's
green apple me you put both your hands on
your stomach and Omaha. op "
1:•. os, hoes You're hevin fun with
ms Here's your rout beef now," mid he
r.oe,ved it from another colored man, who
was eeroestly inviting him to "tote it
•why "
A Christmas Book.
Blew M I MI Mai • S"resoe,
• voag Meseek Weimer, .ewly Herrod
to prise& the Gmepel. was asked by an old
mini iter of a parish ta i . ire se preach
W first Demos is kis thatch on the follow
keg Seaday. la dee costes the young
presser arrived for duty es Sunday morn -
lag, and is going to aura the Meister
asked him, '• Whet may be the Werth of
roar sermon, Jamie !" "Well, it will he
sort thees quarters of an how," .as the
answer. Tees, tees, that wises doh ave.
Y. ens there is . .sorra' i ee.iom after the
esrvktm sed the farmers will be furious if
they are ewer leen is pitta same to their
dimmer. You7i .sed to ak' it shorter."
" 11'. here, sed I can sake it thither keg-
e g-
et mer shorter ; I ash jet gis 1t as it is,
was the reply. At ter leasee of the year
((• ) there was umeaily • hied el seater*
hslwe he ssr.uca. Mt, to mike the harries
shat Me semi ire tk, the Mesa? was dr.
p...4 will! and ills mews was k ,* as
ones. At W MOM el the servise, when the
Tame preseher *a dews fret the pd.
pie, the *Id .hsekiseer tapped bile se the
sheelder whim M wish isai sees t i4* tab' 1 MO M
the aka tree neem. tbg frogs., rd
veal! he some week% swee.Melfe' INIIe 11
.!I f.1afbee wish wemea
"'how the meets .#t" --she baser
pararory -my ba applied se muster es
well es ee mem The gaga e1 dross rtes
lurk M she Mewl w 't nosed ems'
Ayers SweelersateeBaMesrl'w she II
arm dimibeld kp M sow sada-
tilet •
in the cud w la f}.
w he mei wike.gFur/
M tllf wee blame. be% tee.etbS hes a meal moa IkseMmslsg
11 padWA at
Toned. Artardis
Mahe may well
roar to ghee their
Christmas li.m-
her of this yaw
•Iong.lds any
tains produced
anywhere. T ke
book itself M ex-
tremity hand-
some. The ether
Pure QuIUs
Make a better filling for Corsets
than any other known material.
"Featherbone" Corsets are tough-
er and more elastic than any
other make, as they are entirely
filled with quills (Featherbone).
o be had at all Retail Dry hoods Stores.
Mysteries of the
be deigned by Mr. John D. Keay, d Tarsals.
and i.one of the most brilliant and attractive
things In the why of a other Ivr data In the
Dtdolon. Throe pa -tures, d.mted of one. ma
g iven away with the Number the year. and
"Charmed by the Bon' Hard - has only to be
sass to be admired. The .abject 1. • group d
etudes a Beanie' the birds. 1. was painted
by O. A. Reid tethers famine. pistons, " alert
ping the Honwtead and "rorgmWg the
Mortgage.- our madam will remember having
sees at the Tomato Y•Irl ad is repredueed le
the ohesrfnl colon of real Me by the newly
discovered protege called pboto-llthSSraphy.
1tleameat peters. No. !flopplemeat,"Pta7-
aeatss•� Is • French pastel .ad • marvel of
ylntrgetsrieg. No. 3 In sleek sad white, *lied
A I)tla.lt Trick." 1. tae ant amoebas, resew
lame* of an aid -t &M -ed steel e.gravIng b
T. Webster. On " , sgMy of the .oprisaa
Tbd sthessard PnMYMi-g Os. ILtd.) at ewes bad
• plate made, or whisk' they are p eertet..s.
sad whet formerly *mala est be blight Ger bre.
IW tin dollen taw wow giro with tbAplp`
ars Number free. As a •lady 1. flaw Bass-
e s" be egoalld. TM three plctaris Mee less
admired by all wise have men thea. The Nth -
lag awl la t1Qrtstmere Na>•MrlaM Robert
Men% reeestls mthelaboll with James L
Jerome is paWtMsg tha Laeidee lase. tet
better knew• w lip Sham whims wrillegle
made the D ells 1Pars Pow* teases. r
story. One Dare odrtlNp. mee■psss Mesa
pion. The mime l 1s1. r Orsi..M the
sumfadeas w ancon► claw spas* ON
TM !We fit finis. 11I /easels llstb-; U
Laplis ew, lel Omsutd rsh 1 wiw ldare
11110611 Dee% b rm.era 11 it,pr.d 1 The
remise et bgp ow able Ibis. >w llanpna
01.ogpttmsAss Medi. hr m.,krthes7mte
Therrw IMmidetir s•tbai hems hr A
w, oft rmlbsw welYml
sl�mpA-1%4W 'lywewkge.l
rabomsslssest icon
et Nies. lealliribeellh ret she leek
ewes ilgr a.1/Mmans eel AL well le 1p
U41•421►e/IsMe wpd M*M
M he arms-iwtw►
The latest dlgeovey in the seienti•
fie world is that nerve centres located
in or near the bass of the brain oon-
trol all the organs of the body, and
when thew nerve osntrres are
deranged the organs whisk they
"apply with nerve fluid, or nerve
fares, are also deranged. When i1
is remembered that a serious injury
to the spinal send will muss paralysis
of the body below the injured point.
bemuse the nerve fore' ie prevented
by the injury from reaching the pars -
lysed portion, it will be understood
bow the derangement of the nerve
e migres will geese the derangement
of the various organs whish they
supply with nerve gores; that is, when
it aerie Oratee is deranged or in any
way diseased it is impossible ler it
to simply the gems quantity of nerve
dor.e ae when in a bealtbfe1 wadi -
Son ; berme the orgasm whish depend
epos it for nerve force ger, end are
enable to properly perform their
work, and as a remit disease makes
its appear.see.
At least two-thirds of our Amnia
diseases and ailment' are dm to the
inrperfea/ belies 1 the serve mares
at tie bags 01 the brain, and sot from
a dessngseasut primarily originating
in the ague ilsdf. The gest alb-
edo ed pbyeisi.n. is Intlisg these
dielesee lethal /bee trait the eros..
ease tarsi .alb seesi.I aitiskts• le de
,im►i.ti.�Minter. , vial*s moose•
ptemsdh opAsf+• Met Orbs fir the prompt
Voce,esmgntiea ed all thews mf
A p••54 el We s..es.es
MOM etee eq.* emethhis see fag
bo is seed st am hi web ewe we ash
that ear users S phase will m w withyerier t
the approval d ear esteem
alat irktod►s
TW eiloid sties is kept ia the frill
=of ga•litiss orae as low
IT.tttar lAetad►s
In this line we have • very I•rgt
stook of floe writing pipers gait
able for every glass of besiege.
Md ia thin locality, sees
laid and wove, Brea.,
ge•driYs and other papers, riled
.r sanded. as may be required.
vwtSebo. ii‘t sero
are not so generally mad, they 1111
.n important place in cote eerci•1
oorngpoodemee. Bee what we've
got ander the above heads.
If the "psjaoyee-go" plan was
the order of the day the demand
for amount paper would sot be
e. great ; bet there are some men
who get so many dossers that
they wonder if the stock will ever
ma out. We don't intend it ts,
•ad at present our stock is was
piste in this line with four share..
Good paper and neat rwliag.
Both single and doable dollars
and Dents columna They come
cheaper than bill heads, .ad art
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a mouth. They
are sure to fetch him 'round --
sad trot the nerve metres wbi.h ars
the triose of the trouble.
The wonderful cures wrought by
the Great Booth smeriean Nervine
Tonic aro dos Mose to the feet that
this remedy is based upon the fore-
going prineipts. It ears' by rebuild-
ing and strengthening the nerve
centre., and thereby increasing the
supply of nerve force or nervous
This remedy has been found of
infinite value ler the sure of Nervosa -
nese, Nervous Prostration, Nervous
Paroxysm., Sleeplessness, Forgetful.
age., Mental Despondency, Nervous•
saes of Fetal... Hot Flambe., t3iek
Headache, Heart Disown. The Ant
bottle will eonviw anyone that M
care is eer'tain.
South Armhole Nervine is with-
out doubt the greatest remedy ever
di..overed for the cure of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, sad all Chro.ie Btomseb
Troubles, becau.e it sets throsgb the
n erves. II gives relief in ole day.
Mad absolutely • • is a permuting
rare in every midarea, Do not
allow your prajod»ge, lir the —.
di... 1 ethers, to hoop yes trams
u sing this bealih-giviaig remedy. It
ie based es the result at years of
Weetd& reeeareh naiad .tady. A
single bottle will .avis.* the maid
-Vartwao\ its
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, sod to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep • large stock on
hate.!. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, .red
Die priors will range fruit .'k. to
$2.11u per M. We handle . on,
mercial and legal .10*. .iclv.m .4v
has already bees partially rearm
erated in .ems of the beads above.
There is, however, • vast anions
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more thaw take
up the entire space occupied by
this sdv't, but we do it all at Tee
Swims -
Z . touts
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require cosgiderable t•.te in seller
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and saw.
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned ort, from the
plain but neat to the moat elegant
with cord and pined ettoched.
MI. DA:V-113,
e;•V CAo\tar s
We aim to .Keel in all the differ
ant kinde d work we tars out.
but especially in thi., and keep
in stock plats sad fancy papers
suitable for all reguir.m.sta.
e mer d►s and. T'toktts
This bead covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat e•lhag card, from as or-
dinary admi..ios tiok.t to a tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed roembsrship ticket
cr tars
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work am evidenced by the
fact that the great bulk .i it i•
done by ter. This Use also in-
Ileselbs "TM' Illgatir—g0 '
which our area fast.ruaaing lob
pKseee •re •b4e toturn out i. •
oarpririagly short those
ga\t Bt\\s
basking to the posher dep•rta•so
aim, sad we mak. • specialty of
tb.ss—pronspfnm.e being our him
In this respect A ratios d sale
will appear hi Tills t lr*L he* •f
Glory when bilis for same ere got
#u Y►tu►,s 4 'W cue 1c
in this typegraffisel rimingNo.
in aa SxpSfiUoea
m.ats.r end
o v 4 rttt s let•
vii+\\ t' So"t'�+
.t, reasawois
sad artkii.
W. sttt'md test tbraks for past far
els attd .choir • eMti eases al tie