HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-1, Page 8TILE SIGNAL : GODICRICH, ONT.. THi1RSDAY. NON' 1, 1894. NEWS OF THE DISTRI;T. Wrest t our own Oori apondsnta. Thai's es asrleemmaen Mo That Cassel be • Usama Aarwbere Mee -flews of tha .nem r a.eetaus Om The .Meat LEEBURN. Treatise, Oct. 30. Tbe Miurek bee caw a fair attetdasee last week. The fs.c. at the south tide of the elevate has bees pelted doers and a looped wise fosse W replaced tt,wtth ceder potty. Agate this week so wedsesdey there will be a farther improvement mads by another he. Ravi ash' A..arN. Thos Btnrdy atter an Mimeos of somecan will again reside es his farm as Commercial street. For some years past he has lived is the circular town, and dr,ve out ab -stet every day, and by doing so wan a great assistance in pro- motive education in our midst by thew attending the school, gettinga lift into his democrat and sonversing withim. DUNLOP. Monday, Oct 29. CAN 1.iuca. BEAT THIS' -John Oke or. from his erop of masrolds this sea.w has raised nae which weighed 17 pound. and another 16l pounds. Omelette, ores ono see them any time. S..i'm. OLD Fninvov. - Wm Ihaon, formerly of the Dunlop Exchange, was in our midst last week. Mr. Dixon has given up the hotel bustneaa in itrumfield and will, we believe, in future reside in raster. 111BUCEF1f,LO. Tesedgy. O.L JO, Mr. RendeU has bees gently W less. tramedelled. J. Heater skipped a saisod camp of hop sad sheep te !lustre l yesterday. Rev. Mr. McNabb has bees abie to re - waw kis douse as pastor of the (' P. Aisne her. Mr, Preedfoet and two .f has rias lett Imes week for Algoma. The reminder .l the family (cave this week. We wise them rich .ween in their sew hems. The oriole' *bah have swaged the "Been Ideal" Comedy Company to give one of their estrtsismeste in the Temporises Hall ea Wedaeda, evening, Nov. 6th. Doubtless it will he • messes, daa.cially and tatellectuelly -TIlE— e61iu� Sis(ers haws been secured by the Management of the Grand Opera House, to give one of their Delightful Entertainments on the evening of MAaN1EU Ar ('LIeTO' - genial Y711161- oung townsman, John tike, lr , gave ('Ins - too a visit • few days ago and was MIS 01 married to Mies .1. Wilson, of Col- borne. The Rev. J. W. Holmes tied the nuptial knot. We, with • largs circle of -- friends, wish the young couple every anomie Plan .if 1{all at Fraser on life's tourney bolero them A new business has beee started liaikatun. Popular here by • butcher from • neighboring yal- ":k. and ;Vic. lege, transferring his residence to our bur He has already killed .everalbeeves. Should bust/mei succeed he will build • tine slaugh- ter -house. It is also rumored that there TheOld pay be • millinery establlsbmeet opened out eliorv:y, am: .. :. • success • weekly nswspaper would follow nett. DUNGANNON. Nunez.- The local agency is Doagan.oa ter Tax Swvai. le et the odic* of J. U. Ward J.P., oenveya cer, te.. who will receive or dere ter eutecrfptlona, advertieiag and Jet work- and is authorised to give receipts for amounts paid for the dime. Traei•.v, (act, 30 Vi+rti'... -Mrs. Small, of Orilla, is visit- ing Rev. L. Rimers, the esteemed pester of I)angea_os circuit. I Ai.i. S.vt.L. --Sales of stock and farming implements are being commenced. Auc- Doacers will in all probability be busy In their hue this Fall. It as. -rt trot ' M Komi % ... - The reru;ar qua: - tarty meeting of the directors of Dungannon Mechanic' Institute will be held in the reading room on Thursday evening, Nov. let, at 7 30 r. it. A lint ... V.S --Our popular and esteem- ed V.S. as rejotcw on the moans arnval of an heir. We congratulate him and hie ami- able partner on the arrival, hoping be may be loug spewed to them. Fon 'NIrVR1T On Monday our local buyers of cattle and sheep, took • large drove of sheep and one looking cattle, ea route for foreign market, via Luckuow. We wish them success Arroivent. Foe 1891. -We have been in- formed that the trustees of public school amnion No. ib, Ashfield, have selected Miss Tema Hawkins from a n•iwiber of •tipiiante to conduct the school for 18%. 11ern vnBerra* We,alo.gqwith theelegy trends of Mrs. I) Sproule, Who has been in e poor state of health for some length of time, are plee.ed to know, that she Is re - Severing and gradually getting back her health and strength. ldirr H.aa LAST Witt,---Edw'd i:obir soa, sou of our esteemed and popular vie - tater, having secured a good position in Pontiac, State of Michigan, left here last week to eater upon his duties. We wish him success in his sew sphere. IN E.- xi.i.x"T CONDITION - It HI • plea- sure to travel on the highways at present as they are in A I. condition for vehicles of all sorts, including the bike, which by the way is coming tate vogue in our burg and n ee= to he much in use for travelling. CnavuE ii W aa At the time of writiag it would room that the beautiful weather which we here been enj)oying is ap- parently about to chanre. listeners are flaking advantage of it in securing the turnip -map, which sonsideriog the season is fairly fill" - 'Wipe ]I c. it NxuDw.-We noticed in Bet week's eesue of the mush appreciated ..leans of Tat SuiiAi, that stops wen be- im taken by the tows elergy sad under- takers of I;oderioh tows as to hatter regu- Mtiens of funerals, which we heartily es dons and command. ANNEAL Toca_-Cwlleotora Medan. ('am- otes sod ('amck, of the munici alities of W. Wawano.b and Aahf.ld, reepectivelysro en their annual tour travelling the cocoon - Mem sod aids lice, etc. in their respective townships ; they of course sepses to be essdially,reeeived by all and sundry. Terme seek. Immuniser. --On Wednesda of last week, the remains of this late Ro� Beware to wheel disease rsfsrosoe was made u oar knik were inured in i)uaganooe cemetery being aosompanied from his reeidenss,thither by a large osocceres, composed of sorrow - lag relatives, friends and sympathimae aeyissintanoss. Rey. J. Jeans, eouduot.d lb. ehe.quiea I eTsaa ailT AWE /Monday last the remains of Arthur, son of Walter Sturdy, coo. 9, Wait Wawa_osh, were interred in ltnn.'ae- n on cemetery : cense of death, disease of the brain He was sued three years tend two weeks. Rev I; S. Anders..eesdseted the obs agues. The bereaved paresis have the sympathy of the neighborhood extended ea them in the bereavement of their beloved bee. Mlanur.aav MxaTti.: - On Friday even - Hag the 2md November, then will be held in tke Methodist church, here a meeting ander the auspiees of the Vt omen's Mesion ary ftooisty As address will be given by Mrs. Rev Coyle,. Having had sxpert.ses es mimeos week she will so doubt give se interesting address an the subject. Mem ealleetien, will be applied in behalf el the least soelety Mt .r. i►si I'..rv. ii. In one.,..., of ournm•at, the eouneil of the mole ty of Was W aweienh, met as the Town 1, ne Saturday, the 77th last. All the membere were present. After the trans- sellea .1 the ein.ieipal bntefaoen brought be fere is. the sensed ad1'e+rnsd to meet in the seine plass ea 18th I)esensber, that being theY oils-.statutoryl.. .i.Md lice .sxllag el a .v Porter's prices, CALL x .41.N D x SEE 008 NICE RANGE Laez'F Capes t?iTtail and examine geode and prism. C. K. 811111 1 00.g Mal.san s Blaek. Oar.Sgw, and Mentre•lat. - GREAT - CASH SALE El:PAPER For the balance of Opt, month only I will otter my large Stock of WALL PAPER This is a genui - Sale in order to room for ther Lines of Goods. Secure - t i ese - Barge before they go, at COAL The Popular Bk Si ALWAYS ON HAND. NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL The best and only. SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market at $6.50 with :r per cent. off for cash, making it $6.10 All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. .Wm. LEE Orders left at EAB2$$ k j.$$'$ store promptly attended to. GMT BABOAlIS My entire Stock et OVERCOATS and MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS is being sold at prices Far Below Cost! Also, the came reductions are being made in HATS, CAPS, TOP SHIRTS. UNDERWEAR, AC. Call and examine air Goods and Prices. L. CARD, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Hamilton -et.. tioderieh. D. B CALBIOB, The square. sederteh. WOstei'll Advertiser 101 Page Weekly - 9ti Columns. ONLY $1.00 Now to Dec. 31, 1895. Balance of Year FREE, Leading Weelly of the West. !HONE BITTER FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. GOOD INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS For Agent.' Terms, etc., address -- ADVERTISER PRINTING CO. LONDON. ONT. S8 6t This spec. is reeerved for LIALLIDAY'S IMPERIAL RESTAURANT, Granby Rubbers Always to the front. This Season's Goods Finer than ever. New that the public i- familiar with the excellent Quality, Style, Flt ants Finish of the Granby Rubbers, the demand is almost universal Everybody wants them. Every dealer sells them. Granby Rubbers Wear like Iron. NE FINEST GROCERIES... SAS.ADA T£A_ GOOD JAPANS (No. 1 DIRECT), aid a fell assnwtment of cab CHOCIERY AN GiASS WARE STURDY BROS., ON Tal .watt!, . W. ACHESON & SON :. e Correct Styles aid Largest Selection o NEW MA NTLES AND 7ACKETS IN GODERICH. For Elegance of Style and Finish, this Seasons Surpass all Previous Full Skirts and Sleeves, Close Fitting Waists. Perfect Models Plain, Braided, Beaver and Otter Trimmed, Stylish. Heavy Lined Throughout Coats at $5 Each. Best values in Goderich. A visit to our Mantle Department will please and profit you. W..•CIIESON & SON. Highest price for produce. UP TO DATE. Ladies' Belt Buckles, Souvenir Spoons, Birthday rings, etc. Also a full line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, AT JEWELRY EMPnRIUM. , O. £ UMBER & SON. ELECE'.A.-ISIERIECIF W-- A. 'TEL)_ ASC OF ALL BAMS The Business Cottage Sham W the meet to be despised. Not every Ins itution dabbed Bue:ssss College Is wu.ihy of rear suspect. You will is alt likelihood take • Besienes coarse bus once, therefore wt.y not select • Sc zoom that has earned a reputatio• for practical ooeseies boos work. The FOREST CiTY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Or LONDON. ONT.. mends head and shoulders above the avemexe Canadian School. Graduate. everywhere sec cessfsl. Catalogue Free. Address carefully. J. . WESTERVELT Principal. R. B. S. Four weeks have passed since we entered the business arena. Four weeks of business activity. 4 weeks of enthusiasm. We are proud of the work accomplished and of the business done. We are gratified at the enthusiasm so noticeable. We ate grateful for the kindly look ; the hearty hand shake ; the generous expressions of welcome, and now on the 1st of November, we're able to anticipate every fall requirement and stlpply the wants of families and individuals. The following dispatch reached us last Saturday : To C. W. ANUREW3, Manager. Offer for Moulders stock accepted. go forward to -day, special freight. ToltoNro, 27 Oct:, 1x91. Dress Goods and Mantle cloths K. B. SMITH. This stock and what is in transit from other sources will enable us to fairly double our lead for the great business month of November. X x r — ALWAYS BUSY- -That's the way you find us almost every time you come to the Store. People like to trade at a busy Store , they get better service and the condition is clear evidence that the store is satisfying custom- ers, of course. For the next week or ten days we give speeial prominence to the Stock bought last Saturday. Look around you and do as most other people do nowadays ---buy where you can get the best value and where a dollar will do the most good Our Offering Saturday will be Good all Milk Ribbon, all Colors, 2 yd. for Sets, Good Milk Colored Veiling, 2 yds for 5 Eta, And a mar>rtfacturar s agent's maniples of (love and Hosiery. 0. W. AIDRIWS, R. B. Manager. lexaMsfrok Mantles. - O M This is our First Season for Ladies' Mantles. Every Mantle this year's importation. All French and German makes. As we sell for Cash, these goods will be sold cheap—all the way from $2.50 to $20.00. No last year's Mantles showing as this year's goods. JAS. ROBINSON. CASH STORE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. MANTLES, FURS, FUR CAPES. Our MANTLES are direct from the Makers. The Fit is perfect, anti we guarantee the Making in every particular. No ripping in these Goods, and our Prices are at rock bottom. Our FI'R CAPES are acknowledged by all to be the best in town for the Money. We are going to clear out our FIRS at Prices that will astonish every one. LADIES' FUR COATS 1 almost at Manufacturer's Prices. We feel satisfied you can save money by buying the above 1seds from us. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Our Motto–Good Boots at low prices. The place that gives the best value for your money is the place you are looking for to buy your Boots, and that is why we want you to see our goods before buying and then you'll not go by ua Our values cannot be beaten. How do we know? Well, by the enor- mous increase in our business since we opened. By the number of new Customers we are constantly making. By the many words of praise for the value we showing that we hear every day. If you have not yet bought from us we would like you to give us a trial. Your neighbors dead here—ask them about us. Our Girls' School Boots, at $1.00, still lead them all. Our Women's Glove Grain, Buttoned or Laced, and Oil Tanned, Pebble Buttoned or Laced, at $1.25, will speak for themselves. Our Ladies' Dongola, Buttoned, Tipped Extension Soles, at $1.90, will strike you as a $2.53 Boot. Men's Working Boots, Bellows Tongue. $1.00. Men's Fine Calf, Laced or. Gaiter, $2.00. Men's Fine Dongola, Laced or Gaiter, at $3.00, good value at $2.50. See our hand -made Kips before buying. Extra Stock. Extra well made. In case any of our Goods rip we will sew them free. SQAIISESW MATES ABS rBSMrTET ATTtasss !a H. B. POLLOCK. LATEST STYLES - —IN— FALL AND WINTER 83-3m MRS. R. B. SMITH. Diagow Mona. MILLINERY.. EMPORIUM,WEST STREET. MISS H, MPITCHER,