HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-11-1, Page 47 . 4 TIE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 1, Mt Slut $ignil, as reDA STRAY THURSDAY MORNING Me M. ■emdaoomm.T. Ogles e! Pis--i-a N.rthaseet. re.Tulsa .f aeaeeMpailea I tasatasMheale advents g LS tl w he agues& the prim Per Isar • Leek as Tear Label. Year islet M • etaediee regrlpt of the date Tee are paid up. See that It le set M fall late smear. • elreere of address to deem& beak the old rad the new address sherd be gives. adverrstae Sees sad other oaseal •dverttessmate. lie. qtr for .ret 1•sssttes, and I mate per Use gseeee►slsu seas at lsaertf.s. Mongered by eiaess carda of els slate ••d cadre es per feAdvertisaments of Leet, plead. Strayed O .. tw•tl.vacant Sttsstisa. Wanted •ad ',reds... Chascee Wanted. net ozoo.disg • s pared. $1 per most►. Lfe en Safe and Parer ea Sal., s« to 41111Med • Ilse.. fll for eras asostb, Ns. per ere of whisk lh. S5I .I special erica lamer advt.. la properties. day ericaMilanr le Wetmore the pecuniary Maeda of say nodi- vidsal or cowlosy. to be eosstdered an ad ve ilwont sadd.hregd acrordlaril . Load ..flew bi erapsr.0 typo one own per word. se Belem leas than 21c. Lesaleslissa to seedless*, reeding t pe two 15sW per ward. No sorter for les man deo. Nati..s for obverse sad other religious and besevole.t inertut loos half rat.. Y relaeaeer/al resrrert •dvertt.rmesr.. A limited eassbr of displayed adveKW meats will be t.eotted at the Yellowtail ram Per lack, gas luserties, M N four iesertters.... 100 " three months100 " s,. months ..... 100 one year • 00 No .dverti.asme•t lam than two laches in lesch will be calculated on above hasts. I per oast. dteoouat allowed for cash payments en three months' contract ; II per Bent on six inentha'. rad be per meat es • year's. Them essdlttos. will be strictly eaforoed. *boot ••TM algaal" suets•«y. Subscriber who fail to mauve Tom trot az e eeulaety, sitter by carrier or by mail. will .refer • favor by are orating us of the tact at e s early • dater possible. Rgi.otd manuscripts cannot be returned. Correspondence must be written on one side ei paper only. Pwbllabee's 5erere. J. C. Le Touael, of Goderich, hoe been ay twisted laical Travelling Aleut for the town- ships of Ooderioh. Col borne. Asheeld and Wa- rrior'. Local postmasters over the district are ,iso e mpowered to receive subscriptions to Tug box as. A:1 mean unicat ions must be addressed to D MoOII.LICCDDY. Tan Sees az, TIMoNhese Chit M. Od«b►. Oat. OODERICU. THURSDAY. Nov. 1. Irl STRAIGHT TALK TO DELINQUENTS A LARGE number of accounts are being sent sent out this week to de- linquent subscriber's. It is expected that in every case a response will to received. if not then the only course left to us will le to put each and every aoeoent in suit for collection. During the past few months some $1,000 or $1,200 to accounts have been ' sent out from this office. In a num ber of instances we received reter= and we thank these of our subscribers who acted the honest part in mailing remittances immediately on receipt of account ; but in matey cases delin- quents failed to respond, and many of these are now receiving bills. rhe day for temporizing with this class is gone, and everyone who geta an account this week and fails to re- mit inside of. ten days will be sued. We want as big a list of subscribers as possible, but we would rather have ten subscribers willing to pay for their paper in advance than ten hundred who have to he dunned. We have to pay our wages, bills, paper and ink accounts, rent, taxes, fuel, and cost of plant, and we have lost all sympathy for the miserable people who will not pay for their pa- per year in or year out. If any of our readers are of the class referred to they can easily get from under by paying up right away. THAT eminent political jawamith, Dr. RYERSON, has given the opinion that the next session of the Legisla- tors will be as important one. We might inform the e. p. j that all Leg- islative sessions are important, even if nothing further is done than to amend the Ditches and Watercourses Act. THE "vulture" lawyers got qu'ie a roasting from Juni= MaCMAHow re- cently at the Brantford Court of Ae- ons. This ie the class of shysters who undertake on speculation to work up Pam against newspapers for worthless diesta Here in Huron, thank good - Dees, we have few of the vulture breed of lawyers, but Tee Stain., during ite forty-six years, has known of one or two litgal scalawags who filled the hill in every particular. All that was wanted was for some no account rascal to pilose the button and they would en- deavor to ds all the reef. Pao>r•ma Camewm euy's letter, ',.snug the point. where Patreeime Med Literati= are at my and whish peWish is fs1 slew►ere is ebb is Wu midi will repay rsritiol. The subject is ably handled, and the fact is clearly daseesetrated that in al most every Uses raised by the Patrols the Liberals have bele the pioneers of the work. The writer points out that if common ground be taken by the Patrons and Liberals at the next elm - tire, the protective tyranny, which has cursed this country for the past fifteen years, will be overthrown. 13 ET W E EN now and the trial, sen- tence and execution of CHarreLLs it is to be hoped no foolish women or sea- tiwestal male drivelers will find time to slobber over the ruffian and do the bouquet act in Stratford jail. Of late Canada has been running to seed in the matter cf making heroic figures of cowardly murderers, and it is time the public got back to sober second thought. The general impression is that hanging is too good for the fiend CH•TTILLt, and the lunatic asylum should be made the immediate destina- tion of his first sentimental syntpa- thi.er. TH II fact that this fair Dominion has a special commissioner at the Court of St. James doesn't cut down the junket- ing trips across the Atlantic by mem- bers of the Dominion Government. J est so soon as it is discovered that the Dominion wants to float a loan or make some presentment to the Im- perial Government, lust so soon is it discovered the able and eloquent High Commissioner --with the accent on the High -is cot the man to present the case, and Finance Minister FOSTER, Sir ADOLrilll, Sir Joint Tin:tests, or some other brainy representative is sr- leeted to de the errand. In the mean- time the expense of keeping up the $40,000 house and the High Cotnmis- sioner's salary continue to run along in the good, old-fashioned way. GOOD MEN SHOULD RULE. I N many town and cities in Canada and the United States there is a big c immotion at the present time owing to the laxity of the civic government and the incapacity of the men who have been allowed to usurp public ofce& New York has been brought co.- spicueusly forward in this respect, and a legislative court ,of investigation, known as the Limos committees is at present at work unearthing the dark deeds and maladministration of the powers that be. Already enough has been discovered to discredit the police forceof the city-roundmanandcaptain -and eves the police commissioners, justices and those i,igher up have not escaped smirching. Rascality of the vilest kind has been, and bribery, sub ornation and perjury have been re- sorted to on the part of the guardians of the public to grow fat Ipon the vices and follies of the submerged tenth and others who are not so low down. In Montreal, it is claimed that a similar state of things exist. Crime and uncleanness have been rampant, and it is claimed that the authorities have been quiet onlookers at the crim- inal carnival, if not actual benefiei_ arias from it. The newspapers of the city are giving full reports of the in. vestigation, conspicuously illustrated, which proves conclusively that the city has been stirred from centre to circumference by the revelatioas that are being made. The consensus of opinion is that the shocking exposures that are being made are attributable to the low stan- dard of the men who have been elect- ed to public offices, and that hereaf- ter a higher standard will have to be fixed for those who aspire to honorable positions of a public nature. This is as it should be. No man can La too worthy to fill high offices at the hands of his fellows, and in selecting men for positions qualities of head and heart should always be the criterion. The best men only should be selected and the scalawags should be turned down. THE HOUSE OF LORDS MUST GO. It is beginning to look as if the House of Lords, as at present condi toted, is doomed. A strong call for its abolition has been made by the Radicals, and now the Earl of Ross - n eer has stated that its 'toiling or mending is a decided necessity. He has further stated that all other issues before the people are secondary to the abolition or remodelling of the House of Lords, and the remodelling twill stop little short of abnegating all the powers of veto or inclination for legislative mischief that sew prevail in what is by =enemy known as the Upper House. The eostenties pet forward by the Premier that as it respesible House sioald set have the power b hamper or hinder lsgielebes mashed in the popular fhamber is well takes. and even feed 8auasuse, the Op`psitios leader, doss cot take isue with him on that point. As at present constituted, the Up- per House in the Imperial Parliament in not only • useless appendage, but is, beyond question, a menace to popular government. SNAP SHOTS. East Huron Conservatives have seeais•ted Z. L. Dicsixss, barrister, W iaghem, for the Commas• at the aemiag elestios. Theme's • W legbm defter, s,•md M•cnoa•Lo, Wb will ptesribe lot the lawyer both bet ee sad after sleet ea_ It woeld almost seem that before the the average C.s•di•s jury the elgasst •ad able B. B Qtxsa aha lessee or tighten a repo erased w seek d • 'rimiest .oeerdieg as he is engaged to pronasnte or defend. The FRANK WLxrwooD murder mys- tery oeutinse to be se sayetriees as ever. The Toronto detectives will have to go out to the oonosesioo hues and get pouters from t be county ooestabal•ry. OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Gi'tst trout MO Lead NUL • Weekly MOWN .t enema use. .seed an M trds ieerybedy-rtt$ egad few• AtNM W',+.closest fie- Every ae.Wa Kepler : A. Iellsed, of Hay, hes seated kis farm to Jeb. Bletehiod for • term d years. Weimer : Wm. Adams *ad Mims XDu b ate, sad /r .. tesos Wed- Tsskseosith : Dr. Leadsbrou4h, the pepelr teethe, of wheel ••ctioa, Ne. 5, W besu sePed for seat year. elision : The oriohatem detested Brow Geld deb, os Saturday, by • scare of 71 to 48: this Gads the play for this ,ease* Bly th : Is the roadster elam at the Myth Fall Fair, M. Hanumed's "Ise 11." sad -814 Tolstoi ' we pros wiser.. 1'sskerswtth : At • galete Teckeremith last week, . team tat burly good workbag beeves was sold for the magnifioest sem of fA• Crimea : The other day while Will Hol- loway was out shooting, he brought dews a black squirrel which bad • toil as white as meow. The friends of J. L. Hwiuss are l3rresaate : Teddie Grower, • youth of 14 booming that eminest edueatioaiet for theyears, went outh see aerseeo last week j iissdd bagged three rabbits. He is said to be a good shot. Custom : Jas. Mdaaahrty, of town,has rested his farm of 150 arse, being lot 28, 13th cos., Hallett, to Thomas Cole for • term of years. Wiughem : Mrs. D. McKay and family removed to Walkerton this week to join Mr. McKay, who has bees there now for about • mouth. Grey • H. Csaoingbaw, who had such s marrow soaps from being gored to death by • bull, is improving quite nieely, we are pleased to state. Wiash•m . Sieg Ina, • ('hia•man from Leedom will open a buitesirjj re Wisgh•ai next weak. He has mated the earth halt of W. Diamond's Meek. Broeeels : t harlie Kendall had the mis- fortune to slice the first Inver of hie right band is a turnip slier this weak sad is temporarily laid off work. Hallett : Joseph Bromfield, coo. 2, Hal- lett, oommitted suicide at 11 30 •. r , oe Friday last by hanging himself with • rope te the limb of an apple tree. Wroxeter : Wroxeter has a printing press within its limits, sad the sheets of the Wroxeter Advocate will soon to flying to and fro throughout the world. Wingham : Geo. Russell had the end of the first finger of his left band taken off by • tutting tttachiso in J. G. Moes'. busboy cat Blyth on Tuesday of lass week. Of Wilms" : Robs. Corsyu, wife and child, have returnod from Itsvtoo, Ohio. Mr. C. has been engaged as foreman in the finiehiog department at the L'nias. Wrestler : Rev. R. S. C. Anderson, of St. Hellas, has •ooepted the call of the Pres- byterian church here. Hie inductor is en- nounoed for Thursday, Nov. 15th. Morris Robt. Sooch, of Morris, had • wild cat i. town Monday, Oct. 22 It was shot by his son at the rear of their farm. This is the wooed cat killed there this year. Toronto mayoralty. "Jir L," pdiiioaly and otherwise, r •bout the right eomplexies for mayor of Toronto. The premositioas are fur an early f)ominioa eleetios, sad the esteemed War Lord will bs in this seetioa presently ewer - ed a " weeding floes " politically. This royal marriage business in Europe leoks mighty like • very ordinary case of barter and sale, so far as the young woman u ooecereed. To humus and Tor Eseear are just stripping is Loudon for • fight to a finish for L.glal•tive home. And the Tons mean bestsee, tea Patron Candidate CosroLLY has de- nied, in The Empire, that he was • Coo• forestays candidate in the roost local legis- lative election. The German War Lord has turned down Premier Caratvt, and old man Bis - rata has his elee•es full of laughter. L.URIsR has left the N,.rthwest. New let the political eyeless ceme with all its fury. it almost looks as if Mrs. Hartley was bra ands a lack star. THE 173K, OF THE PRESS. THS N. P. ■•re •,Tic•. Sarnia Observer : The Montreal Gazette notices the fact that the French Canadian. in O.tsebec are beginning to crowd back to the rail!• in the Eastern Stets. A few months ago the same paper boasted of the nuking home of the French operatives from the clasped down mills in the Fast, as • proof of the beneficial effects of the National Policy sad its superiority ever that which the Democrats were pledged to adopt In the United States. What is the National Policy doing now that it does not prevent the exo- dus of Canadian born citizens ! ran WILL ARCM *orxef■ Wt Toronto Telegram : Grits whosucoeeded is mother nd of Sir Richard Cartwright will find that the Ceaservati•ei dislike which now oestres upon him will be trans- ferred with ssdimenishd fervor to some- body ales in the Opposition ranks. The dis- like which Sir Richard inspires is rather partisan thug personal. He has bees an ex- tremely fervent enemy of the Cesservatiye Government, sad Conservatives dislike him beelines he dislikes them. T11R "-ire r" roreiax• Pa1.7X. S trathroy Aga : Justis Burbridg. has refused permi.eiom to the Crown to appeal from the judgmest awarder the former parliamentary printers 9124,000 for work which shoeld have been dose be them bet was gives to jearn•le friendly to " the party " is the different parte at the coun- try. The ordinary price to the parliament- ary arliamentary prints.., the pap -pries to the organs who secured the work and • big bill of lao oasts se thetttateemerhip exhibited by the Thomp- son party in this master. That's sot the sort of seosomy the farmers ass •iter. reTTtPO e►r TWO rtlillL % ato News - O.tari* Government Horses will .rwialy be abolished dune( nom ag emsies and Mr. Grethway intimat- ed very strerigly last sight that the same tate will sees overtake the gubernatorial residesoe is W ealpee. Thus at least three previa es --(steric, Manitoba sad New Drsmewie&—will shert- ly be without as official remises* for their liesteaaat-Oeyersoee sad the remaining members of Cosf.deraties, as well as the Dominion itself, will fled it all -sigh im- possible to ream the deemed for demeratie simplicity thee aroused. The day .1 frills and orseeasete is rapid- ly passing away sad the people of (le.•da will coos lad thememilves relieved of all ex pewee is G.vrsmxe st exeept web as is absolutely sera= M the elleio.ey of the pelvis service. see'. the To Ci eM. le spa the fasbieao, mer de's go is faded primate ethos it M pwiWs to resters the engine! eider or appears*** to three yes are • little meeitive sleet. it pays to go tet well dreamed, sad tbls ass he doss he year faded ole hlsg dyed like mew at Paeb ' e Dye Werke. Tw..e.. ft is well ksowm that only the hest wank cam be dans at Porkies, where it is dose well. Des's pputN it at ea bet tate year wart te r egrets, Ysewei6 Illin rp stere. sedw halmW. rasa Lead.+m.: era, Ne..d W ed if his testingeit mile ani • ytartar Werth et Wssi111Mto H. W. ea.Ionsa. whit ear liars Colberwe • Jelin Tiffin. Colborne tows ship, fell from an apple tree, es Wednesday, Oct. 20th, breaking several ribs, amid sprain - tag his wrests. He is able to be around •gain. Rrumels: lest Monday. ()staving, the infant eta at Robert sod Elsaoor Watt died aged 15 days. The funeral took place on Teeed y •ttersees, interment being made at Brussels csatetery. Tuckrsmith: Mrs. James tiroadfoot, sr., of Teeteesmibk, has returned from as ox lauded visit to Kam= and will remain here for the winter. The many friends of the old lady will be pleased to {ears that she is enjoying excellent health. MoKillop : Samuel liasar has rested his farm as the Lake Read. to J. W. Tyr - man, of MoKillop. The farm contain 200 acres, and has been rented for five yeas at an annual rental of $350, the thirst to pay the taxes and do the read work. Ushers, : Another of those happy events took plass at the resideace of John Cottle, of tine towiekip of Cohere., on which *c- ession hie daughter, Mies Kielty, was suited in marriage to Matthew Clark, jr., of the township of Tv.ckeremitb. Blyth : Mrs. Thomas Wartime sad Miss Maggie Murray received by telegram one day last weak the and sews that their bro- ther I. Wkteea is wee dead We learn that typhoid lever was the mass of his death and t sorra Y eseregaently, could set be hs Barfield t A very pretty tweet took piece •e the hoes, of Mr. sad Mn Jas. Tbospes. of the Mit4Road,los W,dussday erening of last week, when LW". daughter, Miss Florence Thompson, was nailed in ali to Malcolm McLeod, of Ripley, by Rev. r. MsDoead, of Varna, Vane : Mrs. Jobs Wiles,, ter of Chas Weskits, of Varna, died le Mama, ea the fish that., of plearlsv are ef 26 years. Mr. Wilms moved with his wife se Msa:teha sheet four yews age. She leaves • bright little boy only fear years of age, sail a fond and devoted husb•ad to wipers her lam. Clinton : A. Derrell received the sad in- formation ae Monday, from his see Freak, who resides at Oxbow, N. R.T., that he bed lost two daughtos within • few days of took other, with Week diphtheria. The children were seed *beet 6 sett 8 years res- pectively. • sea, seed 12, was she at the pefat of death at the time of writing. Soeforth : We are glad le leant that Mies Agg1. McIntyre, daughter of Jobs Molstyre, of this taws, hes teem very emu e.geial in bar Seal examis•lfes for trained sures at the Tercets (',hill Respital. Mies Metier. awed swore the Int six sad obtained ever 70 nee east. at the pndbio tsoutherfee of =eke, 50 per .eel ►eirg meow racy for *pegs. "` ? Bromide : •t the St sN lab',,. as Guthrie, Oklahoma. U. S. Salm Arm- strong, fe merly of lree.,is. ted as ofd typo .t The Pest glad, wee Std pries is the male bicyds rasa, Ude 1.101: end Orel in • 5 mils open event, kms 17.41. Tha sass day he task the 1 was dash, dab ebemp a . die se a heavy trash d head cel. a 3.07, and third is a I mile rsoa Vest : • wee m,leeshely assiio-t, re- seltbeilethet thhetWilliam lam,lhredl- the farm Met ssy Mr. M.l., 3rd elVarea.tesit ig. R fl, i`eshmrayh, ee Friday Oe► 19th. It seam that Mr. lace wonGeVS aLeh ' + rg keul w: s great dews hate M he the p -psee ef jsilee the Modom. WU, the ,Wssailwidhwwais was `4 r ewes wig end end hi kerb s the aelowlesies malt ea the hied. sod, as is ..peened, Wimp hies imat.dly. Me was pot est of the wail .e weedily es pesMUs, hoe lite was thee •:tete. W lardy Theme= ow stung. Ow 116, reties, of let 19, Wmedary el Or ey .rod west se his bate te Med kis .seek. He left the boating r the eat= wWo he west overhead se threw news hay. A eels is suppled te have up- set the {asters and is • few Weems the I.., w task bete was • burning epos The seas..', seep eras pursed se Mr. Fultee had set threshedet. - In . ureset llama a aws at e Ws eserines. Yr. Fulsw bad tic mittens= S. have his hoses harm- ed im the Spring of 1803. HONORE MERCIER IS DEAD. woke.'s aa-rlemlot rases away Pease - telly. Mistreat, ()et. 30. —Homan Mereler died this messing at sheet a quarter to 9 o'clock. The end had boss axponted say time dor- ies the preceding 94 beers. Ike S P, Laehapelle sad Ratter were his medical .tund•sia, sad the last rites of the ch rch were administered by the Rev Father Daresaa, S 1. It r • remarkable fast that • spiritualist here had foretold about tea days ago that the sad would mese ea Oct. J0. Yesterday Mr. Mereir was useseeeioes moat of the rima For tee hoar* of tho day be lay is • comatose oss ditics. Mr. Mercier is kis primo would here weighed 186 peumda. His dead body is new a mere 'heroics, so ..Sok bad it wast- ed away. Mr. Mercier was is nor health ter rears before the sywptssr of diabetes made thaw wises samtstakobly evident Mk. ilea taas's Lira. Haore Mercier was berm is Ibsrville 1a 1800. Hie parent. were simple farmers, or habitants who bad lilted for many years is Montgomery Comity. He was educated at the Jesuit'. College in Meatreal. Is 1862 he bream* editor -is -thief of The Ceerrier de St. Hyeoisthe, sad made hie mark en • force- ful w. iter. He studied law is the Arms of Wnmhois Papaw= at St. ■yasi.the, sad in 1865 was admitted s:, practice. He was •ell knows is politic.. bet is 1866 oe • coouat of a difference with his colleagues be renounced hie editorial position and retired Prem the political field for • time, in 1881, however, be reappeared as out of the "Parti N•tiossl," and is 1872 was returned to the House of Commons for Rouville Is 1878 he was defeated by six TOWS is tit. Hyacinthe. la March. 1879, Mr. Maeda( was selected as • member of the Joly Cabinet as Soliottord:eeeral, and returned to the Quebec, Legislature from St. Hyacinthe. 1e at once took • prominent position as • toroidal and ready debater. In 1883 Mr. Mercier was Wiesen to lead the Quebec Liberals, thea in opposition. In 18d7 Mr. Mercier was returned to power by a majority of nine in the Hoa of Asemhly. Three years afterward his Government was ifefeaoed, grave charges of boedlag sad mi.mansgewaat hiving boos =ado. He was married twice, the first time to Leopeldine Botyan of St. Hyacinthe, who died, leaving cue daughter. Madame Mercier, nee Virvmio St. Denis, who sur- vives her husband, is one of the moot die. tinguuhed members of Fresoh-Canadian society. MARINE NOTES. tseeeeelgt feres ricked tp At and Neer The lake Treat. Steam barge is .reputed with • cargo of wheat. Schr. Speedy Messenger has bees laid op for the Wistar A number of logs that have brakes away treat torn41/ raft tame ashore sear here last week. The old board New that surrounded the lighthouse os the lull has been removed and a wire one erected. Capt Baxter has eloped his beat bear f the Winter. The floating bridge is laid one of the bays. kt%. Meeereh was in es Wednesday sed Illaaesa• kkkddd about W ears of salt and her She was pretty well loaded. Large members of tea gulls and will ducks an. Asan ea the lake and ever sod .lord great practice for our amateur sportsmen The perch are bitting pretty good at pre - seat. some of the boys otehieg all they can marry In theca days a rod weals • good maty perch. A Christmas Book. 1p-'- - .d lhserlle,Sgtrwdap lMlplt mag well ell* to Mass their Chretwse N s m- br of tide Feer •lougetde •.y - thing prod•egid anywhere. T be book Reit Y ex- tressely band- anas* The weer Is dealead by Mr. Jobs D. Elly, of Teres. and hese of the most brilliant and Teresa d athactive trawls the way of • cover over dose le the Demaidea Three metates, Instead sloes are given away with the Number tbie yer, sad "Charmed by the Seng wed- bas only to he seen to be admired. The subject is a moue d children listening to the birds. C. was painted by O. A. Rad lwbaes humane pictures, "Mori ratting the Homestead ' • amid " roredodsg the Mortgage,' oar readers will remember haremg seen at the Tomato ern and i. reproduced In the cheerful cern of real life by the mewy diseovared process celled pbotn-Uthags.pby. it Is a great pasture. No, TBmppkewest, "Hay sets," it • Preach wind and a wttrvul of dainty coloring. Nell. black .,d wtlts,enfled " A D4,eslt Trick" le W test pegsler repro - decree of an old farrier steel augravlag by T. W.beter. Oa the expiry of the oopyelgt The Sheppard PublIhfmg Cs (Ltd., at awe had • plate made, of which they are pieprtekme, and what formerly read sot be bought for tem than ten dollars they now give with theCkr0st- rem. Number tree. As a study le utas it san- er he equalled. The three picture* have be., admired by all who have seam thew. The Mid - lag .tory Is tb. ( rlstwse Number Y by Robert Seer. recast/7 ameidaaM with Amami L Jerome Is publishing the Lnsien Mfr, bet berm brews as lab Sharp; obese writings made the Delver Pr* Mess ffamsees. ib awry. Dee Dayti Osrwhy. esrupiss Moss pima The seams is Ind M Oaasd•, sod the laeshetlene are eseNuL Other sleet.. are : Ttm Web sr lib. by .Meds Mssw.: La leap Or es. by MOW 111111111111 why Jobssw weal Reef. y len"akai tepprd ( Tb Prdeg ed Sagge the Ihaa. by Manner iter,+, as/ as Nese.IMnalt y Sts am► Thew bssMLfWy testa- gems by i. W. owes* and twban Rett Zara tlrumgs and assess A. Teab r Time see lead wags= eft ell set. eammemmrsee0 W W et lay end ems readsm sheath me Ike hell S ewes Wig sues fMAmos W sa o i 15 t110 .hued in Mss seer Gtr le !!sss— pur'lsa he t lewW IUDa _Jsasis it.sa m, ,"t. Gentlemen: Do you need anything in the mixing line --a Suit, an Ulster, an Overcoat, a Hat or Cap, Boots or Shoes, Under- wear, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, Ties, Braces or anything re- quired for your outfit t If you do, andou're a ready money buyer, and want the best obtainable value, come to the only Spot Cash Store in Goderich where you can et a complete outfit, saving from lOc. to Mon every dollar. a. Reefing from $4.611 sat crass bought directly from the upwards we have the bast manufacturers at these Goods in largest asaortatent of the country. We had to buy a large new wits in towu. Well quantity but some lines we can sell for the price we used to pay for them. From $1.75 WATERPROOF to $14.00. We COATS show a splen did range from the standard makers, all at close gout Cash prices. We have almost every FUR kind of Fur Coat made. COATS. If you want to get in on the ground floor get our price before you uveas. A splendid range of BOOTS Long Bots, Working AND Boots, Fine Boots, Rubber, SHOis dm., direct from the best manufacturers at much lower prices than exclusive Shoe Stores can afford to sell them. No fancy prices. The HATS latest steles at a saving of AND front 25c. to $1.00 on a CAPS. Hat. A large variety of Cloth, Sealette and For Ceps in stock. SUITS made, well trimmed, good -wearing, up-to-date material , the fit much su- perior to the ordinary made-to-order, the price about half - shouldn't this tempt you to investigate. We start at $3.88 for a really serviceable Coat, with deep storm collar. From this price to $12.75 we offer a large as- sortment at prices you cannot afford to pass if you have regard for and can appreciate good value. See what we have before you buy, anyway. We sell Un - UNDERWEAR derwaar at AND wholesale fig - SHIRTS. urea. Prices range from 25c. upwards, with a verj large assortment to choose from. The biggest range of top shirts in the county. A special heavy Navy Blue Flannel Shirt at 98c., would be good value at $1.25. White Shirts, laundered anti malaise - tiered, the hest value in the land. We have without GLOVES doubt the largest as - AND sortment and best value MITTS in workingmen's Gloves and Mitts ever shown is this section. We show twenty differ IILSTERS AND OVERCOATS Good Wearing Sox 311141L0111, at l Oc., 121c., 15c.,1 7c., Tom, 18c., 20c., 23c., 25c., SOX,arc27c., 30c., 35c., 37e. Good Braces from I tic. to 45c. Ties in almost endless variety. Great value in Cashmere Muflkrs, ranging from i:tic. to $1.25. Don't forget that in dealing with us the Cash Cus- tomer does not help to pay for the Credit Customer, or the one who n: ver pays, but all are on one level, all are Cash Customers. traSICIMEK JlitashAm'entiti EVERYTHING TO WEAR. DON'T MISUNDERSTAND US1- - This is a Genuine Sale. Follow the people on any Street and they will lead you to the great DISSOLUTION OF PAARTNERSIIIP swi,R ERASER PORTER'S. Every Purchaser sends a dozen others to get Bargains. It is an o141 Motto tt First Come, First Served," and it is good advice to come early and get first choice. Everybody ii. willing to buy when they can get Goods like ours at and ander Cost Price.. When you expect to pay $1.00 for Goods and get ikBa for 50c. It makes you smile. If you can get other Goods at other Stores for twice the money don't come near os. No exception—its impossible for others. We have ten times the Stock and it must be sold before JANUARY 1, 1895. The place to buy is the place you get most for your money. This store, although the largest in town, is hardly large enough to holt{ the crowd. This week and next we run Pocket Books, Hand Satchels, Chatelaine Bags, Wallets, Ladies' Cara Coma, Gents' Card Cries: Fans and Photograph Album.',. Now for Pricer :— Pocket Books, 20s., Acle Pries. las. " " 36e., " 50a, Via " 'Iia , 46e. •• f111 -o0. 6Bs. tea. 90s. coo, " steed The Priem see 967, ism than Wholesale Prises. tdiei Cord tames and perms combined, the very Ansa! Leather, just the thing for Xms Presents, at Mss these one half regular prices. Remember these Lines are not bandied by the Dry Goods Stere, but manufaetered for ourselves and other first -clam Stationers. Some of them win last a life time. 14 14 61 11 1 91, Feather, lace and Gauss. One bait r f No Goods charged at riale Prune. Lad et the Clearing Bale of Wall Paper. ►digraph Mbar - 6000, Sale Trios, $2, 6- 100, " 2.50. 303. " 1.50. 1.16. t.0. " .60. Out M al Aim at feta sod Iles. 71.49 -NS, Hundreds to .,boos. from. IPPAut, as PORM, Booksellers and Slaleasrli he tf -wbe•e Sao itO..s