The Signal, 1894-11-1, Page 3TR?RIX SIO1IAL GODeEUo9, ONT., THURSDAY, N()V. 1. 18lid. =glee NICHOLSON L D.O.—DENTAL 1s1� R. i RIOHANI/BON. L D. 4. glee estoam, etW1aM•t Ne L N_*o fsweliss °fa'., Mimi it IoW R. HUNTER. PIIINNOLAa. IDE- THE POET'S CORNER • tads v b.srtsms. loam Ir..d.a /hs. I wee stead by my .westh.art le inial., N T. out M1.ba, N .asks tracks, sed le To evaporate, paddle, skedaddle end To v, dwppuar and decamp. I was Bsss•ty requested the doable to tip, And the twig is the twinkle to bop, And I. gu1h my rage, and by table to slip, To ahao•.d, mid to vanish h.rlop. I was rice 1 to slope sod to seek • fresh ►edg.. To avast, to pack off and to start, To •brioastel•te, squattle, perambulate., 0•11P1011 a JOHNSTON.�1�� d.d�. tv�e�ew-�eA'a store talent': To diverge, d.lq•mes, and depart. rION. Y C» "" JO ' N I was bagged to oaks best, air to spool and I.... to gay, Amputate my a.hog•nim slick. Lad to leg it, sad beet it, and sup it and Yee, to Dike, slier, and trot double quick. 1 was praassd to embark, to weigh anchor, to glide, To withdraw, N move forward, to flit, To asoe.d Walker'. bus, sh•sk's posy ride, To worst tee, to quit, and to gat. I was bidden to dear, and to sheer, and ARROW t PROODjII iTT BAR- .tar jJ > lowest DANGLY. H1eBA "1Mo..y melee Cslhoww How � Qat. Sit E. N..rLEWIS, BAlaoyitisne S el w� OM► •mete Oshawa. Lew. » O. HAYS, Bl.ERIBTEII, SOLICIT R0. olt w.., to .; ems." ere • made N ted at lowest rens of totes slew est. (_ Lk. J. i Gem But answered, with heart h song low, yos•rs, T. Qarrew. Gem to to "111 do nothing a fearfully vu ger, my dear, CAMhltDr1, BULT 01311/8• I will merely, sod mournfully, go'" e•rrmtere. as►te•� to (•sere lbs. uotoyalOwesies. 111.0. ; P. dolt ; Dedise Holmes fO. WARD. OON VEY AN OE It, tries rescsaiseeem el intl. vas et rarmasigies. depentilese et DPW denser qjpow ia qv�ieu. see or see- �,ne r�•t Jenne. the twin reser is as tieing w Divides Court. Ireneso(tsss earefttllr getuon..e.,fe/. ard..o.sad� P.M. SdOa>aB nasal 10/YIYtIO. ame- t IMAGER./. ` & i sursace.so. esessite.Murties Mewl itION ET TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at 11 per mt. Notes discounted. C. d e•Ohil saes see site Marta'. Mom. bode rick. UONIY TO LOAN. — 026.000.00 Ill PrieW rubes to teed at it per seat. aa - seedy. LOyTtOI. DANCE%. brush. MOWN* Centers* Reset Uodryb, Nf-tt FI. J. T. IarTEL, Vias, Lim AND • ...laser bosoms* ....tat t..eet rensOise-Cur. NenNunes. eel ..t.. 0ed- ▪ . 0600,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO II GAMMON MOISt & ROLMDfa ✓ isk. Wet MONEY TO LEND. —A LARDS amount of Mtn* /na fesm laywomanaallb alma' no n D RADOLISTE, �eGENERAL nes- Lk. seremse. 2.1st• rod Nam rgsuos.00d• Messy te Lend o OIfS�te o. ►•saa�ne. et lbs tower ewe el newest_ >estiR .w � be tltuuafw n the Weld OsaEtreas.41 IMegatnatilinf Wim. GOWTIOLIESAMT AIM RalDl°11` ▪ M, • e. el Meet sena aaa tM••e� (y N ana Opus &en I is.5 w.. se& hen ? N M ►.n. ABOUT 9000�,,VOL''SS.IN LIBRARY. Ld ..wp D. p, Weal, rut nisatrwtd •tea, , M rile. PuONLY t resisRoan •pgllooMas rte .eatinhi0 rewind W Urines. lessee flismna !asONO. 11111 'IN. 7 oodrtsh h t� Allifilki0111001,1111111. THOMAS ODNDRY . AUCTIONEER �Awt • ender s.d�Mn las. Co.. am Owe Mark* Is.. Cs. Sales at awlen se Is ant tart of the coot•. phi TORN ENO?. GENERAL AUo- tt nor ad Lead Yawstar. 9odrtek. Om. Raving had eomalaeseale a ,.rlwoe la nada he el weletswies N ell sees M Yea. Orders .11efdtnaatt swetellly Od' r e dwell id to JOSH the • becasege web Martin's ENOX Oeiasy Aaellsser. FaAU Dwntai AnfOUfMmhnt. AN UNEXPECTED LESSON. IT aro.. Dsatiut a. . Stevan. •' 11►IUNT edicts- the sermon at all this morning," said Mrs. Fisk. " ii ...s - .d tome Dr. Prescott went out of his way to my odd thiays, and I am ..try to notice In is beginning to put on bide gdpit •ire. sesethav i .spec M7'dUWM Odliersy tlti.- What do you mesa by little pulpit airs, wile •' Why, didn't you notice how every little while ho he shrugged a shoulder•" sad Mn. Fish drew up one shoulder in exact unite, tiros of the minister's movement. " Then Nen was so affected way of glomming with great rapidity from right to left, as if swil- led by his own idem." Again Mrs. Fish mimicked the pastor, tarots( her eye. from side to side to se ludi- crous • manner that her husband laughed outright, and little Dot burst into • loud peal of laughter too. l i s such .1 QOM. lttU. inanaaristas as thea," she added. " That 1 call palpal airs, and as I mid Were I detest them ' I only wish semow* would tell Dr. Prescott how he spade the .Sect et *bet be is myt.g by smssd�sg soak leeks and attitudes." !Kiss Fisk and hoc husband had just re treed from church, and little Dot, seated e the floor, was paying sash hod atttetou to what her mothr was saying that her father asked lwghiegly, " And what do TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT MIN AT you thisk of rrulpie airs, little Dot " I a -tests em "' said Dot amphatimally. This cased • merry laugh at Dot's ex - poem for the little four-year-old was oar- ticularly food of getting hold of words al- together too large for ber little pucker of • mouth. The dimmer -bell novae lust then effected • casae• is the subtext. it was Mosd•y afternoon, however, that Dr. Prescott called os Mrs. Fisk, and the ssrvsat, thinking Mr mistress was at home, admitted him. Ilb discovering that Mrs. Fisk was away,the girl returned to the per- lor and was surprised t• Bud Dot carrying on what appeared quite an asientd convertor tion with the minister. WM . Mrs. Fisk returned she saw bar peeLef s mord IS the salver on the hall table, sad later in the •h rs000 as .hr sat sewing with Dot seated se usual on the fluor sor- rowed by her beloved dollies, the wea- ring, aitress, in paestag looked into the room and said : "I suppers you saw Dr. Pres.ott's card, wise! Mei. Fisk replied that she had moon it, and was sorry not te have sees the voodooism hisoelf. As the girl passed as, Dot l•ok"d up and remarked is • taw of great satisfaction "I seed his, and I tolled him I did a -test pulpit airs." "What'" Mrs. Fisk started se and spoke with such enemy that i)•t started too. Theo she added safe t uietl)) "Dot, toll mamma just what you said to Dr. Pr•soott." The child bila• again with • mti•Sed air, as if sure of ciommeadatica for baying mo worthily perforated • needed duty. "I tolled him i did stoat pulpit sirs, and he said, 'Wham do you inese,lits& girl" And i my, 'You ou stooks Dryou ehsald'r, and you Rom this way," and bet opened her brews d oyes to their ■tmoee attest a litd• bedyabout u her desire to as wild as pagoda*. What ehe did he say, d what didyos say asked Mrs. Fisk, her value fairly trem- bling with •z.itstiest sad anxiety. H• say, ' Who tolled vea that little girl " Aad I says, 'Miss M ittthews.' " sod Dot threw bask but head and laughed quite r. athat all he said r asked bar asoma.Ne; Who is Miss Yittikesx lad i say. 'Ole Mother Hubhart And he laugh and say, W he .ld Mother Hub- bard is" And l say, ' Little aid Mars Step -ted fete► it''" mad the usnen.oioas Dee laughed the birder. had N Mrs. Fisk, d•api ter laugh tee, bet she oskd again- " Lad what did Dr. Prescott ay then! Tell.sssme truly, Dot" H. never say 'aeshar word, may 1ine\ sty cheek and say, ' Ob, you utile mischief, you,." Mrs. Fief felt • little relieved. She had shown mush • predilection for silk mittens all winter that her husband hod sportive be Wpm, the wetter farther es tie •NM - M Tedi w Dom speak te ..�..e d thatia rls. New rasa. .bee, Del . And the kamee s Dot rsawred her, pre Wein "Weedy reels' seem le lel it to Dr. Prime* again, .or te any .ns dee. " ewer Y me" rimy talking the salter overt with but bee - Wad that sight Mrs. Fisk esseisdeed with the remarks, ' 1 did sot realise for as tides% that the Iitsis midget would uadaasteed is the hest what I was sayisr mob less treawr. up sad remember it. But it shows that par- ser isomer be moo owfsl what shimmy be- fore sbddren, and eoposi•Ily Moon others. As to my mimiry, 1 am simply ashamed of It, and acknowledge frankly waterier morell a cherisable and severs l gee only say 1 have learned • lassoo not soon to be forgotten." Net very long afterward Dr. Pr.eoett preached as adsirabl" arson to which Mrs. Fisk listened oath • treed sir of placid attention, all -hough her heart flutter ad an little en.w.a bouods at several points is the di•mur.s. There was satire abloom of any .uprfluous wa.riw, bet only a very earnest, impr.ouvs w, as the rood ossa admoauM.i Christian paresis to be- ware lest their style of couverattou prove ant thing but beneficial to the younger mem- bers of the family. Ila remtadd has bearers that ' pe cher be ever so faithful and ever so au• ore. his teachings would lees •ll power and his prompts all value, in tact hie onflueurie for good would be totally lost upon the young potpie of the n•o•ebold, if be was criticised infer orably in their bearing. A stogie remark. h.of • detrimental character—ea �iMa( iso destroy the easel earnest aorta en the pastor's part • And the sermon was use that could have been listened to with marked profit by many a well messing get thoughtless par ant. Amrisaa timeestasr. ONE STANDARD FOR BOTH SEXES. ienettee a.m.rbs ea the Subset from •• Josiah •Ilea's WW1." Jomeh Altos's children have been brought u p to think that iso of any kind is Just as sad in a man a. in a woman ; and any plac. of amusement that was bad for • women to go to was bad for a mu New. wino Thema aims was a YOM feller, he was h..hiked to ge to o lesser., sad Josiah said : " better let him go, Samantha : it h•in't so place for women and girls, bet it won't hurt a hey.'' Pays I, " Josiah Allis, the Lord mads Thomas Jefferson with test as pure a Mart as Tlrrab Ann, and no bigger ears and .yes ; sod if Thomas Jeferson goes to the arose Turek Asea goes too." That stopped that. And then he was b. - witched to get with other boys tb•t smoked .d citiewod mimeo*, and that Josiah was jest that easy turn that he would let bin go with 'em. Bat save I . Josiah Allen, if rhontas Jefferson goo, with these boys and gets to chewing and seating tobacco, I shall buy Tirzab Ann • DR. Z. RICHiRDSON'S somf•L ramose. @MA MK MOP NST-STUEET SODMIZOL• M. It sande me eatld etlea. atter • tie eg "boolollk la deo most tetaw► send Ye to allisentgI e mi imam 4h"Sid .N�w .oyes et tee& or et.ssp of asp row, seam. sad very Nth Mete le the ad" entrw mea nTHML-019LLOA2D� the patient mil the I. se inelb ow Imrsaless am miser. Ig the teeth�,yM a ve to Bels. FtMfmt• memo me Itis redMvw i,gv lo.. in /M.gbsts. APresrvedge et rho.nerd math a ar • adeftesdeftestspersei ae well ale I117 patten/ latest a stewsa, MIM DS. S. ItIORARDSON. --- galled her Yrs. MittRw, and of xouw. sakes up foo of or mambas trio Sham say ether erode of psa'ahene.t To remise wit' she hey, le talk it ewer with him calmly said lsmisgly wield We as hoer, perhaps two keens. Bus yes eau whip him is three ensures. A tam ashtrays, my at ow hsa- dred •adt •tone mends, might te be able to kessit a a�ye•r-old boy oat u the Brea rosad. Yes us to your wort nervous, salt s•kame -,q erttaW, year oe-ooieme•, if at be see osssii to mllesm.sm, lashing you with a whip of esorpisss. Aad the boy moo his way, wrath aid bate sed coss.sps writhing u he heart bre of the pais and ache of his smarting bask. It is the punish most of the stowage ; it has bees abolished from the Davy and the army, and is retain ed only is Christian homes, and other ho -,es net quite is Christer. And U whipping dues very little good iniad, I don't admit toot it dummy --.sold ung, which is the next most popular node of wisteria's', does absolutely nu good what over, Nader any oirvumeune,a Not one partial. All the scolding in the world, from the dews of cresteou dosn to this late, never did one solitary bit of good. It makes people—boys, girls, women and men nervosa with sever : it irritates, annoys fret• and maddens then, ; drives boys away from home, and men t" distraction, and tint is about all it does People sN, " Well, see bow your fayerit. `reed old prophets .•-olded " Yes, they did, and some of them sawed is two for at. And the people whom they scolded west on worse than ever. Resides, they scolded sen who ought to know better ; we ■re discussing the pun. ishment 91 boys. hoot could a boy. If you only knew of what he was thinking -pilo you were molding him you'd do it again. Of coerce, then must be punishment for offences : punishment for the sake of dimip line. The prohibitory law without the penal clam.s is of very little effect Rat re- venge isn't pauiehmeat. It is better by your example, by your helpful companion- ship, by your honest counsel, to keep the boy est of trouble than it is to whip him for • ttiog into it. The more loving and for- triviai• your punishments the deeper will be their impression upon the heart of the boy. fie gentle and pat tent with him. His worst faults irrithe you the most kesaly bemuse you know whence he inherits them If you •re geisg to make him • New Teet•mest me.. model yourself on the mise lime. It was Mira, the prophet, • good man, a holy mea awl allot flee, wits in righteous sager uposi l:esesi iRS leprosy of Neaman Mat should " clove unto him and usto his oblidre. boraver, ' • punishment for covet. comma sad lying Hut when the Man of Nazareth came into the world He laid His fraud upon the leper and cleansed his with portent !malls( ai..l tender words. When you have wide up your mind in about ten minutes or tea monads that your boy needs • good sound whipping, take about throe days to think over it • whipping will keep for • weak -and then see if you can take a • tisk and beat him. pipe." Aaa that stopped that. And about erudite ," says I, Thomas Jed isms, if it be the will of Providence to change yon to • wild hear, I will chain you up and de the beet I eau with you. But if you do a yourself. torn yourself into a wild t by drinking, I wirun away ; for 1 could never stand it, never ! Aad," I ass- tinned, ontinned, " if ever I use you hanging around bar -rooms and tamers dors, T,rzah Asn shall hang toe." Josiah argued with me. Says he : " It doesn't look es bad for • boy as it doss for . girl." Rays I, " Custom makes the difference ; and we are more used to geeing the mea. But when liquor goes to work to make a fool and • brats of anybody, it don't stop to ask about the sex, sad makes • wild besot •d idiot of • man or woman, and to look down from heaves I guess • arm looks as bad lying dead drunk as a woman Iowa" Says I, " Things looks differently tram up there than they do to us --it is a moresight- 1 d Ayou talk about looks, Josiah Allen esI don't go os clear looks, I go on principle. Will the Lord say to am on the last day, ' Josiah Altsn's wife, bow is it with the soul of Tiraah Ann ; softer Thomas Jeffercm s soul be being • boy it haia't of no acsouat !" No ; I shall have to give an ni- cotine His for mydealings with both ehuse noels maand taIshwd fool guilty if I brought him ep to think what was 'impure for • woman was pure for • gra. If • man has a greater desire to do wring—which i won't dispute," says I, looking keenly mite Josiah, " he has greater sts-eagtli to resist temptation. And so," says I in mild sweats, but firm as old Ply- mouth Rock, " if Thomas Jefersou Wags, Tb -rub Asa shall hang too." I have brought Thomas Jefferson up to think that it was just as had for him to list.. to a bad story or coag as for a girl, or worse, for be had mom stres,th to "- away, and that it was a disarms tor him to talk or litotes to soy staff he would be e sbaned N have Tirsab Asa or tea N hest. i have brought bin up to thiak that sanli- n om did. t ..sit is haming a vigor in his ism* and his hat on one tide, and swear- iag, and Haag phrases. and • kteiwledee of stieaable amnss eeests. bat is Myr' bolt oaf every duty that ossam to him with • tray and he cheerfulthe weak,and ; kelpie, to maht twarms.tted protest mak- ing the tart and beet et w lobed sadet teso l God bee gives him Is short. brought him age to think that purity lad virtue are both fesainine and .iasauU.s sod that Ged's easels w sot s.cessarlly all she ons' Josiah All..'• Wife. BOB BURDETTE ON WHIPPING- - Ter Oasisl Sou se M Sem doll•dteA. It dAar Good. 'l'io eeosties of puaishm..t—Trow ben lensed the mar. by heart a a as.smhame r alts Dot bad time. Thee. Memo, d Mr Nod- ose. Ila Ttiaad—What keesme.1 thatbwY- ^e.short lieges drold ys sr tar • Haber shapeless Mt ..hon I'd lull length portrait of yenrslf sad your first butls.d Mea Tw.Yrm-11 is bade. away up M Ike garret. My woad buehei d has .ever elms It yet. I'm k.epiee a 1nr • surprise. " A teepee• C " Yea If be over agsia gives me • 10- eon 0'eet heals et pertem•ry for • Christmas premat I'll glee him that patens( fes • New ''e•r'e Reece.." -- .teen .teen pone. r * A.. ee pleast sad peewit .e hgbsmad.speewitmis e, be.ewses. wire Amok Reim V t Mink ellbllbs.Meg Name, Pim MMM nend e,eroaft meek Iia brant beim restalT. !tis KOBURT J. lir REA gts. - net Two Boys.. It was os • Mi•higas ('..Mel train the other day. A t•Il, fine-looking mag and a handsomely dressed woman sat just is front .,f a plainly dressed, sweat -faced lady of perhaps seventy years. Ocoee is a while —pretty often—the man turned and made seem remark to the elderly wooer whom he called mother, and whom eyes showed shat she was proud and fond of her eon. The younger woman, his wife, seemed somewhat lees cordial, but she, too, oeoe in • while, turned and dropped • word or two into the ooaversation. By and by the porter announced that dinner was ready in the dining car, and the young man said : "Well, mother, Emma and I will go sow sod get • dinner. You ikeow she needs ▪ mg warm. You have brought your lsnchoon, I ootid•, and I will send you in a cup of tea." After the couple bad gone, "mother" eat looking out of the window in deep thought, apparently, land perhaps not altogether happy. Folly she reached under the seat and brought out a little worn, black basket, and began fingering the ribbon with which it was tied. Just than the train stopped at • elation, the door was Bun` open and a cherry faced noon stepped inside. He looked eagerly op and down the car, and his glance fell upon the old lady. "Mother!" ha cried. "John, my John "' answered the lady, and the two were clasped in • loving em - braes "Where are Frank and Samar" be de- manded. "'Toy have gone into the dining ear. Foams isn't strong, you know, and has to have a hot dieser." This hint remark she repeated in answer to a look in Jobs's eyes. "And you did•'t want any dieser, i sup- pose'" His eyes fell epos the Lasket. Be mustn't hurt his mother's feeliegs, and he checked himself. Aren't you glad to sea rue ! ' he said. "Aren't you surprised ' I found I could nest you here hotted of waiting till you reached Meese. And say, -ether. isn't that the tame basket that Trask end I seed to carry to school ! Vas, Iil. se, ' By this time there was • emses the mother's tea. Well," said John, "I'm pretty hungry. Suppose we keep this for supper, sd you moo with me and got a reed late dinner. No ; no .rows.' As they left the ear they eekli the ether couple. John ! Wham pea as.. from r "Row de yes de, Burnt loather and I are jest ens, to dim.sr. At Chimps the people who bad sate all this saw m handsome yeseg mea, with • little blank basket es his arm, tenderly w •seeing • sweet-faced old lady through the stoned to • earrtegs. As for the ether ample, nobody seemed to hat say eyes for ties. I.btard. The a�pallatiee " Nati• Maria g�..i.feseh it, Mr. Fish Aad applied Dot b Mb s ode, ber sad k.ewiu, tse hWOW g ige aid Mal Me Mager • mine he weld log the better she weeld like it. Mrs. Fisk took Dot os iterappt look- ing at her steadily mid gently a mese desiY little Dot, i want you to 1.11 me truly, did yie say ayNtag at all to Dr. or twDsf_ MMeekbborMd �iaialen is her • Ns i trimly reedy, I A Y say sawss am mope me at& flee ks• Ski added lIghtiVADOolsbiNI a Oe1t-1fa... If you must draw the line at ViiiP and have, like thousands of other people, to avoid all food prepared with it, this is to remind you that there is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable short- ening, which can be used in its place. If you will CO USE OLENE instead of lard, you can eat pie, pastry and the other "good things" which other folks enjoy, without fear of dyspeptic consequences. De- liverance from lard bas come. Buy a pail, try it in your own kitchen, and be con- vinced. Cottolene is sold in 3 and 5 po . nd pails, by all grocers. Made only by TN. N. K. Falrbank Corry pa ray, W el/sgeoa and Its. sty A Puritan Jars. The following list of • Puritan jury, which sat in Sumer, in)b. 17th century, is remarkable says the smote. I Keg I I:•sate. Many of the surnames are still common is the country, though few of their owners would oars to be eacumbered with the pre- lims of their sa.eators. The list runs thus: Approved Trewen, of Northern : Be Thank- ful M d, of Brightlirs ; lie courteous Cole, of Pevoomp ; Safety on High Seat, of t'ckfleld ; Search the Scriptures Mormon. of Selehesat ; More Fruit Fowler, of heath lege ; Free (lift *ebbe, of Chiddingly : In - cream Weak., of Cockfield ; Restore Weeks of Cnekield ; Kill Sin nimble, of Westham: Elected Mitchell, of Heathbeld ; Faint Not Horst, of H.athleld ; Renewed Wieberry, of HaiWiam : Return M•lweod, of Melting- ly elli■ ly ; Fly Debate Smart, of Waldron• ; Reek Wisdom Wood, of Waldron' ; Much Mercy C'ryer, of Waldro.s ; Fight the Geed Fight of Faith White, of Ewburse ; lhaall Hope Riggs, of Rye ; Earth Adamib 11 Warble - ton : Repentance Avis, of Mardali, pantos the wseeenly iatredo. of the efferied r Well—if the patient eespial l "1" right kers—I sheuld say, looking at the eeselsn from my ewe peat el view, Nat very dram it is hest et.eeed by emit - Om It. Hear in mind, this is the view of w who bas kerma le his life very Maly a Mae, complete eosld.see. bet two boys,Ysswlf and le owe bey. Awl be Missal very believee oe the red at all. Beating iinft been the hest and meet ones- .l trainees son the whip very I .ir set at ail, mad it he'► a bit sitildren. Bevy mout be wtsr tees.. say many time, jest es men and wetw have N be peniehed ma., rima Set Clod dowel beat et Every Sims we he He don't strike ss with lightning em rise we break • eostm•.imost , dues sot yaws ane swallow us up. Hie weaned pusisbnenm are the Mavis*. It swirl • word of smthl•g sd eentempt- sees rebuke test Woke bad Peters beart. Nee .wood it into • tesatds sf bombe mare s 1t was a lsvlag, ielese deist•' Uta a New reree.. Gsemi eaas,--I bed your 1111.R. an WI - bailout remedy for headache aid dizziness. 1 heel tried several remedies, but to so ef- fect. I hove taken three bottles of R. B. B. and feel mainly eured. In fact I feel like • difereet person. Mrs E. L Tay,oe, 2w Holland, Man. Subscribe for Ties StoiaL Daly $1 a year. seepasia Woodwork con■. Of all woodwork. that with the high varsieh poke's, is the w dlftlenit to keep leskieg wall—tet is a easy to mar It and se diicalt to repair, wriest Jame Theorise M the July ladies' Been JearsaL Whoa deem ate starches de see go entirely through the polish they any gsmetdtsa so removed by rubbing ayer with linseed .dl and rites Mese, swim/ • small piers of flat telt te Is the rubles.. hare, bswsver, should be taken ee as set le rub ten bard. Hardwoed Ream if polished with shells. r Mid, way be arse washed with sing and water, mod thee thoroughly rubbed with • Meth wet with all and terpentfns or hormone and water ; this will make them leak es well as whoa sew. Fleets faiwhed by the waxen menial of our ammeters may be revived by the ewe of t rpwe as. A SUSS may yvAAo�d lady meaRm. T. G Y. H lett(- e. Oat. wile mod of Msmbeefe Kid eytwo wed Lives THEY' AR E PLEASANT TO TAKE Y E T POWERFUL TO CURE £J1SUAY'S UNE L�E1CI$ ars' TS A SOL. They de not n: cerate or rack we; weaken the system Os pills and other purraiise., act they tone up the Sew and stomach, and give them sufficient strength to do their At naturally and well. 'Diet cure (.m nipaiion or ryspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, sew, t spies, `,It,wnen and all diseases sii.,n,; from impure blood, or elugci.h liver. Ask Tear tlewggkt it Them. PLANING. MILL. UTSIILISNEMiti. Bilcilailaus & Bhyuas earrwvaoyo.mr BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers Is W kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad bulldS's' materiel el every desorlptlos School Furniture a Specialty. •aifs�s AOirli.B Aging far PATENTS G. one. rm�a�mssess. 1teesmlsayg�l..*m-g1s;, ]TDwwrroMe�r pea.. M • i� .evea mos er s isms Scientific i nteritan NEW MILLINERY ARRIVING AND TO ARRIVE. ivrieS CAI�RRON Has just returned from the cities having made her Fall purchase in the latest lines of Millinery, Laces, Ribbons, &c., and purposes making a second trip. There will be no so-called Fall opening, but the show- rooms will be open at all times to the ladies of tlodbrich and vicinity. 81-2ai FLMILLE1,Y. The Hisses Yates have opened a large assortment of FELT HATS black and white. Also the latest in fancy FEATHERS and trim- mings. LADIES' WHITE WEAR. We do not intend having a formal opening this season. The Ladles of Goderich and vicinity are invited to conic and see our goods. _\, MISSES YATES. O3 -?m THE SQUARE. PATENTS! Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having receivtxl a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Goderich and surrounding country first-class goods—lower than the lowest. Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it. We have a large and varied stock to choose from anti feel confident that we can please you in quality, fit anal price. Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods. The old reliable stand— W. SHARMANI Jr, _ - 1Ugaair r *i. N. B. Custom work and Tel airing prcmtly Mie ded to.. N=w ZSN=E pp��C�R. UTL Met IIIIMISbuipp�1$ 1nse8 ldi.1g..WTS ros OM. mended linel. earlade at MoDia.4 the PW. Our �ee V /ho U. S. Peteet 00- am f ate. and w l W Hain Pa sal_ la ices one ins these '•••r• hem *A ING. r t send MOMIL Os DILA VINO. a ed. —IN— RR=SS CI -00=S_ Now arriving and to arrite, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cas basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. ,'.'.""' O I g�1shUNLaN .1'f10s to r 4� m a bee sed fora& se mole wepwesek. renews. Abet te •iI� Ot1ea flea oewlsg Lae leek the ted •'msee I tkwi• M ~ a omw�a-- .f Is- iwarr. fire N u•. w eserew ter Dia We iamra-y tang Bear t irbeet Me bey, set tes own ter w ma& bat Im ts..Y.. Eneh tar•• la m.sr� .,...nese le weal demo: t► yew w to this remedy Meal& rase sheen r Unset e eaon, we •are hemi treat to heal mom MMIGIGgh AIN iri�e de %w r nsorretet tow rtya D 0 beds we -'Ile► lacier of stt/sr a were b.� 'Ass wa aim • baeF MwM esu wbgplq respects kindly s.ltnted. e Per coat. Sl.eea.t M A MUNRO Drat ter and Haberdasher. Choloe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R. W. RUNOIXBN'S, stagess wens. o.dorleh. SPECIAL NOTICE Our Stook of BUILDERS AND GENERAL HAR!)1VARF_ Fee Tall trade le sow eempleew Lanes' Genuine Steel Barn Door Hangers and Track . T Strap and. Screw Hinges in all Sines. I3TFEL NAILS. Why Hay • Poor Nati who. roe can get t c ss.de hen sort BARIC RTSSI. as • wart e r.sall advise. air Pytee. We bays them n all i.a WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Portland Cement, Hydraulic Cement. Calcined Plaster, Roofing Pitch, Building Paper General Hardware. DAVISON Ulou_J1 1N L P. wfaaaatn Subscribe for "The Signal" $1 a year