The Signal, 1894-11-1, Page 2what Weems wee Mr. Week—ate dnfedsd Mss. 1 1 de .n say it as • rs.e.ash. has it b • paq�p et< hmtery. thmo at Mr. Maekste was_ by the vets& d lib_ saletie jm.were misled by the fake !! •r . M item mhes, hlh piNms s. w"e(SI grown y hew sot by the reehises ed lg 'threat eharlaMse wee Miami this pre - SIM eret-mive areas ea di.da is Mil "Inst se farther seely.° the Patron plat lot. Lea us take the One plank. the alto - likes el the Mesas.. Here the veal majority el Oaten* Liberal@ will oert•ialy apse with the Peres& The ezistesos of esti a body is fl@ present ahem se absolutely iodides e dits and a most menden Met as represses - sake g.verese.t It represents aothlsg. ersept the eery worst newest of a forties. It is irremovable and eaurely erreepeasibls either to the Crews er to toe people, and is as sesely absolutely soder (besides beteg es�suwre! as as inetitadon efdahe earl ors well be let waiving the yeesties whether it may er may not be p to erode a ` ante which aortic be 4 some real serves to tbept•te, we mast nonmember that oars as • Federal ooastitutios and that whether the Hems of Common" or the people of Ontario like it or sot, the mote can only be abet @shod by an Act of the Imperial Parliament, which sot will assuredly net be passed with- out the coo urrunoe of • decided majority of the several local legislatures Oe this point, therefore, while there is so differease of opinion, there is se great possibility of immediate action. 'What an the other planks el tee Patron pladore. afeosiag Dendaioe polities T are tow : 1 sessem of •dmtaie- &ratioa. 2. rang sad i p.ad.o s of of Parliament. 3. Tariff for revenue only. 4. Remproe•1 trade. 5. Proseetion of labor from m000polres. Q No railway boles.. 7. Voters' lists by local officals. E No gerrymeadertsg. 9 Lauds for settlers. Now, there is simply so single one of all them object* which the Liberal party have sot bees tighter for, moving resolatioos for and doing their very best to obtain any time during the less twenty year. Look at the reoerds of Perla/neut. Look especially at the several motions oo the budget. Look at their platform and at the very Zest re- eslutios moved by myself in Parliameet, sad you will see that as regards Dominion politico there is absolutely so ground for differ`.` between the Patinae and the Literal party. Wbes the Liberals were is power, as I have shown, sad proved, they were in fact as well as in name • most e0000miu•l party. No party either hes ever suffered so severely as they hare dose, more especially in Oaten*, by Franchise Acts, by gerrymander bille, by the i osssast briberies practised against them by meas. of railway ►onuses, by the creation of monopolies privileged to plunder the people es condition of sharing the spoils with the opposeata of the Li►ters1 party. "IMO! for revenue wall and taxes on lumina..ad sot on neessearies, reciprocity and reservation of lands for the mutat settler, are things the Liberals, collectively and individually, have always advocated, nor is there any single ergaa nut which has ever been suivamod in favor of all thee. things either by the Patrols or anybody else which had sot boon previously stated and meet geeerally stated many times over by the members of the Liberal party is Par - lament and out of it. All this I make so doubt is quite well known to a man of your intelloresos and does it sot prove the truth of my oo.tention "Yoe see as I have said that the objects of both organizations are absolutely ideatn- oeL The Liberal party f:a tiltcau years sod more have bees ighung at heavy odds ler the very objecte the Patrese profess to de- sire. The Liberal party lost office rather then forsake these principle.. The Liberal party might have long sure regained office if they would have betrayed them and yet we dad certain Patrons oontinuelly dell/w- ing that both p•rtw are alike and advising their •eeciaw to make so distinction be- tween • Liberal and • protectionist candi- data Take the °,ideace of our l,fslosg opponent*. You know what Mr. Mc erthy said ea this subject. Hen are his very words Mr. McC•rtby—"Ad t.o ret ism power, my friend says Ile ie a politician. Nu doubt u the world that we were out el power, end by going in for gate I. d'., and taking the wind out ef Mr. Mackeazie's gaols we got into power. We became ideeti- e•l with the protective policy, and if Mr. Maokeszie had adopted the protective polivy we would have bees free traders. I am willing to make this cesfemton. If Mr. Mackenzie had been a pretationist there would have bees nothing left for us but to be free traders. Bus Mr. Maekeu zie was either too holiest or too rigid in his views to bend to the wake of public opinion, had the result was that he was swept out of power, and had cooly a eorporal's guard to support him wises the House met. We adopted the N P , and we told you, at least I did, be- muse I was very young and staple at the time, that we were going to melte every. both nth." "Now Liberal Patios are asked to desert their party and destroy their fid ede to kill the very men who risked their political .slime` time and again for the sake of the very object* the Patrons desire to Rain. Why commit this ingratitude! Moreover, is it not as clear as the sun at noonday that le do sore to deetrey all their owe chance et pee nement memo ! 'Ter what are the Government and their preseotiosist seppertere preying and in- arigaieg to -day but that the i ateou of la- dastrr and toe Liberal party may out sash cabers threats! Per what sae are their saeariee se diligently stirring up opposi- tion to Sir Oliver Mowat on very wadies armo.ds azespt that they hope to sake bad �ww� thereby between you sad the Liberal party out of whish the.proteotiosiste expect be make their pointieal prods is the Deem les eleotsas whieb easnot be very keg de- layed' "Sapporo we have • series of three-eor- awed ooswts all over this previnee aid that the Patinae sorry a large sasher of seat,. Seppess, for • space, they soma to held the hokum of power end are able be make w `table government es Mapes- sbiLy es keg as the old palatial parties sestinas se preserve their proms, relations towards esek ether. Suppose farther, that they w`e`ed In (Irking eat .f P•rliasest • esuiderahle member of those Liberal repro sa.totives ohs have in time peer, through geed report sad evil report, proved them- selves tee et enihest eppsuense of the pro - Motive system and the staunchest, ehas- d the very des. the Payees of Is- ere sow pleading for. Sappers all Ude end semen that the Patrons have se eerie ey weakened the Liberal party es to make the prbamontert esesees ispeaibis de pee imagine that this will esteem the Psbmn's ens ,mneme,, ! " WM by any Maurer of meant Whet it may mot very likely will dem te mak. `rimes caber eembis--Mne paellas 'Minh is. Is, web mals en the part of abs Pan seas would neer be dreamed el. We will de well to remember ,sae ease all NOM* ie Sob the whaled ane Demeeins sad Mei ender serek seadWmoe she ewe a isdeg !mire mar emblem end w rims, M intinabie map am flerefler pups= will V tie ese TNF SIGNAL: a :f "DKk if%1H- ONT.. TN11R8DAY. NOV. 1. IR04. where wdl la fuss Mee meal essttpi°Wy d`i`eted themesfvee ed satisfied the whole wpm of their caistess- . Now you will her is mild that I am were ter !rem esyiee thee .sole • esautl.n would he jesediable er deskaMa My peke ferththe min ememof all dime Pantoreeekt none y le sure I. armete the real welfare of their .`usury, and who, I maks so doubt, hoes,!. tete the mat majority of the enter. that seek • move wield be always es the garde in the `vest of such pseosedfare es the part d the iatrons at 1 ve iadiestd; sad I may add Mae they, .f .l1 mea, wield Me e the least right te soderea meek a matinee. seeing eine is weeid be the mamma meows* and result of their owe deliberate amiss. The Maim la sash a ens as I have describ- ed would have lam with the Pekes, them selves all tkeeeph. They week have de- liberately quarreled with their owe friends They would have shows that thee utterly veered bag sod faithful settles ender ow- ,wmetanote of aggravated tsmptatios and they meld set osmplaia if the average member of Parliament. Liberal er Comerva tive, took them as he lowed them and acted • eoordisgly. la each .s overt also you might be perfeesly sur that the Paints w - genasomos world moo crumble, sad what is more important that the object. they have in view wield be farther from attainmsst thee ever. This, I for one, would greatly regrs. I believe that it is sow is the po w• er of the Patreso el Industry to secure Remy 'Wags for themselves and for the eoantry at large by adopting • rational nouns of poit'cy " The tame is ripe for veru azteneive and far reaohisg reforms, We have suffered much and have, it le to be hoped, lest -nod . metning 1, fee my part, would be sorry to see the ams dwindled down to • mere ysestios of a revenue tariff. This is a got d thing in itt way but very much more than this is needed sow, and very much more thou this can be got it only our chasms aro not recklessly thrown away. We need among other things a radical readjustment, not only of our tared but of sur whole sys- tem of t•latien. Great evil has bees done, bat out of evil good may home and the sol meal villainy of the protective system may be made to pave the way for en thorough a reform that it may prove possible for the first time in the history of Canada so as to distribute the pressure of tazattue that every man shall be compelled to contribute to the public seats sccordiag to his mesas and toot acconiiag to his pleasure. " I have so intention and indeed no de- sire to see your organization put at the die poeal even of the Liberal party. Let it re- rra:n distinct but friendly. This is pressmen neatly • ease for mutual oeaceeuos. Seth Petrone sad Liberals profess to have the same ends is view. Let these meet and ad- just their difficulties. Differences of pm ciplee, there ere none. The descend for an adequate representation of the great eget- cultural interests is • fair and proper one, and so also on the other hand, Is the claim that tried and faithful reprisestetty es should not be lirhtly discarded. because they do not happen to be Panama Such men are sone too plenty anywhere and you cannot •lord to les them. The position of ,'erred• in many ways rs • difficult one and you will not help your country or your ,elves by dispensing with experienced pub- lic servants except for good esnse. " One of the greatest difficulties with whieb my euteeesd friend, Mr. Mackenzie, had to eostesd, lay in the fact that he was enamelled to form his Cabinet entirely out of mem who had no official trsiaisg or ex- periebee, and it was partly is 000eequesoe that he himself committed the series" error of attempting at one and the same time to administer a large and most laborious de- partment and to act as leader of a great political orgasizatioa. It was -no wonder at all that his pbyeical pewees broke down un• der the strain end it was very largely in deed to this mistake in judgment that the defeat of the Liberal party in 1878 was due, -es I have myself heard his rival, the late Sir John A. Macdonald, admit in convene - turn in my premium. For these reasons I would for the last time repeat any warning. The one thing which can defeat the Patron —the one thing which cos prevent their at- taining the objects they wish to obtain - sad the tree thing which the adre amerof protec- tion desire mon than aught ebbe is for the Petrone of Industry to quarrel with the Liberal party. " Now, whatever some few may have said or even done up to this time I do sot believe that the Patrons se a body, on salmi consideration, will be so ill-advised as to commit any such suicidal act : and i would most certainly urge you and all Liberals who have been fit er who desire to join the ranks of the organization to use your best endeavors. alike in the interest. of the Pat roes themselvs and all true friends of hon- est government to Cased•, to prevent such • disaster. As I have said, then is • hard fight before us in any event and you may rely on it that both Liberals and Patrons have their work cut eat for them in advisees if they septet to vanquish a tyranny which is the lest Ifteen years has soot Canals a thousand millions of treasure and over • milhoe and • half of people besides deltas - lag and degrading the whole tom of public amorality, sod of public lite to an extent which no other rystem ever did or perhaps could, -and which, if sot sternly checked while there is yet time, will ultimately and inevit•bl cad in reducing the great mass of the to • pseitioe very little bet- ter t that of serfs bound to pay tribute to • few score or • few hundred millieAaiw Knowing you to be a thoughtful and redact - tee man •d having also every reason to be- lieve that you are sincerely desirous of pro- moting the wellbeing sot merely of the farmers of O.tario, bet of the whole cow mushy to which we below. I have thought it well to place these e•nsidermiese before yea, with tell liberty to make we of them here er elsewhere as you se It. Withsiseere regards, Rt'RAan J. CsaTwatowT. Garston, Oct 1. Cur is, the Serie. In a setas town •.umber of etrem were ceahlsbd. There was a faith oars, • het water sere sad a ere for the blue 'Melting that in these days of besinees ds pr.te.oe end ga..ei.l striagesey, when mere et leas mete Mamba d the hien are so pre relents to be shame .p d is, a reliable remedy would he • t, we give the me recommended at this sora Os his arrival at the tare for the blown the pottiest was d own iota • email cross where est • physi- cists. After quests deg the patient a little h e rave his a .sal bee, charging • few e mote ter le. mod -•mealy ►is le keep the emotsees te a dsemen I. the bet was • d ip ef paper with thea word "Let se day lase without dig ting far sems mea This preeaytbn carefully taken is .metaled be mw the men abrade .tae. •hsps If saves* ender wham eye this may Amuse to ell @s sugerl g fro this mi.e - y dimes. he will give it a trial asoam a em de be eeee. Byyrd's Yellow Oil We mord dre.b r'-- '—ti set/ joists sod .wdllsep y.ew' therm -`s eller all Mime mase W Wet Is all herr of is/eam• - y end mearral er pale N is a g s s .me Elie s WINDOW GARDENING- a•pesUens is, These type Mena to Celli - tate Nem. east. is W tater. Most wurlow gardens are filled with • in scrllans ous selection ut so-called dower- ing plants, whose few poor scattering blue - sums scarcely pay fur their hare and might with profit give place to thus without beauty of dower, bat oboes foliage is at lease atrstivs. indeed, so often te this the ens, that nosey householders are ben Ishiug all dowering plaits, depeu.diugg solely upon palms, aspedistres, me, fur their window a4rtiouent But if on. p er. dower to foliage -- este most potpie du—this is all wrong. A few fine fu.iago plants see indeed •arac t.ve, but they do not take the plow of fragrant blossoms, that never seem half ss lovely newborn all outside nature is hidden beneath scow and toe It is out necessary for the wiudow 'u be fiowerles, even with the poor facilities of the oowmou living room, if tba following rules are adhered to: 1. Select only snob plana as are winter 0:i omens 2. Choose only those that will thrive in the temperature at which you keep your room. Select carefully to suit the amount of sunshine or shade in your window. 2. Examine every plant to make sure that it is entirely free from insects before bringing to the window in the autumn 4. Shower the leans of your plants once a week, to keep down dust a -i .risme,.. If insects appear, fight them at once, and never give up until they are routed. S. Keep dowering plants in small or me- dium sized para See that the soil is rich, the draiusge an inch deep at bottom of put, and a crust of hard earth is never al- liffirtd to form at the tap of the pot. . a Water only when dry, then give suf- ficient water to wet to the bottom of the lot Boo chary of water in severely cold weather. 7. Turn the pots frequently, pinch off withered Sowers and failed leaves. Allow all Holland bulbs to not six or eight weeks in the dark before bringing to the window. 8. Give weak liquid manure once a fort- night to all plants elbowing buds—never to half-grown plants. To comment a litt:e on these rule` It is useless to select summer bloesomers for the house in winter. A few i ego.im. abu- Hlos and petunias are precdsally ever bloomers, but most plants must have their season of rest. Few roses, geraniums or fochias bloom well in winter, but them few any florist can name. Allimms, ageratums, retinae, cyclamen, eioerari•., petunias, nicotiana calla., the otalicit* orange, hyacinth., paper white and double }Omen narcissus', and Chinese snored lilies are among the surest bloomers for the begin- ner. Nearly all plants can be grown in a mod- erately warm room, but iu either • very warm or quite cool room the choice must be more restricted. For instance begonias, heliotropes, impatient., snitani, salvias and torentias would soon come to grief is a low temperature (unless prut-cted well at night), while they would flourish in the warm room. The exact reverse would be the case with carnations, ten-weekistocka and camellias. in the same way begonias, primulas, nicotians, and a few other plants will flower well in a shady window, while mess, geraniums and heliotropes must have sun, and plenty of it, to bloom. It is the attention to the minute* of plant culture that makes the successful amateur. Yet thew rules are not burder.- some to the true flower Veer, for it is not a task to minister to our friends' reson•ble wants, es our plants' want. ant Clean, well fed plants are always ready to bloom if they have half a chance. The Ceerepla Ksp.er,.r Caterpillar. This gigantic and strikingly colored caterpillar is probably the largest of all our insects, and it they were at all abund- ant would prove a devastator without an equal. However, they ore too few in num- bers to cause any great injury except to in- dividual trees, and their large size and conspicuous coloring enable them to be ra-M►IA EurOuis CATanrtt.LAlt e asily detected, when they can be easily picked or knocked off and destroyed. The caterpillar is shown in figure above, and when it L full fed it will spin • largo brown cocoon on the tree. Next the cream of Cod-liver Oil, with I-lypop�C,ofM. h for Sore Throat, lironchfds, Weak Lu Loss of ►Issh, 'Emaciation, Weak tables, Crowing Children Poor Mothers Milk, Scrofula, Anaemia: in fact, for all conditions call- ing for a quick and effective slwrijhawtst. Srs !/er PssihId. FRIT, fMet a bem same- aa riche s. se• a P. NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Isp•rtaat Evenaa is a rens Weeds roe Neer Yes.ters. The T , Fi. dt It by-law was I laml lion. It is now said anaemia has tet in in the cane of the liar. :sortie Nixon died at London from the effect of the shooting accident Lord and Lady Aberdeen were pleasant- ly entertained at Prince Albert. Mr. Gideon Deruire was killed at Mon tried by grasping a live electric wire. Key. S. Dew. rector of ('brief Church, Belleville, baa rvcigu.d from the ministry. At Fall Kiger, Sfans, the niillnten have voted to open the mdthi under • reduction. General Booth arrived at Gananogue, Ont., on Friday, and was given a great re- ception. E. V. Debi-, of the A.H.Q., anal St others have been indicted by ohs. Vs td jury at Milwaukee. A great storm caused damage and loss of life and enrols on the lakes and on the Atlantic coast. William Little, an employee of the Grand Trunk at Bothwell, was struck by a train and killed. The annual county Wellington W. C. T. U Formic on Thursday. A Winnipeg despatch any. coal is welling in Edmonton Sol cents a waggon load. Two tramp. were arrested at Three River., Que.. on a charge of setting fire to buildings and rubbery. Diphtheria is so had in Dalhousie Wanl. Ottawa, that it hm been found necessary to cline the schools. At Chicago the birth of Father Matthew was celebrated in a temperance parade in which IS,oun peri lot participated. Mixt Frances K Willard, World's Presi- dent of the W. C. T. l-.. is seriously ill at Cincinnati. Lady Somerset is with her. Editor /trinity. of the St. Thomas Jour- nal, who was charged by Mrs Beaton, of Burlington, with libel. bad to pay el dam- age. The British ship Chicago Le ashore at C'oliston, on the English coast., and is like- ly to become a total wreck. The crew were saved. A heavy storm raged all along the New England const Thursday, doing much damage to shipping and summer resi- dences. Mr ('harlea S. Fwlroner, principal of the Cayuga High Schaal. flied at the Hamilton City Hospital, where he went to be treated for heart disease. F:dwanl Bowers, who shot young Cain in liiddulph sonic time ago, was Thursday sentenced in Iwon,kin to five years in peni- tentiary for manslaughter. At Detroit. Mich.. Julius Lichtenberg, one of the members of the Boned of Educa- tion charged with accepting a bribe, shot himself. He will recover. A Port Huron Mich.. despatch says the Grand Trunk elevators at Sarnia are blocked with grain, and there are no rim available to relieve the glut. The United Cloak and Snit Cutters' Union. of New York, comprising 701 men, went out on strike Friday mowing in sympathy with the cloak makers. Mr. Alf. M. (iuetle, stag of Dr. Gestin, of St. Thoms's, was on Wednesday morn- ing married in New York to Mrs. Harriet M. Webb, the famous elocutionist. The ,.mount paid for pensions In the United States during the year ending June so wart ttlli,w)t-Mtl.ed. leaving a balance of *Pi,906.712 M1 of the appropriation. The clnakmaker' strike at New York is spreading. Reports received by the strik- ers' committee are to the effect that the operators In all the big shops are out. At Fredericton, N.R., George Brown and Jefferson Mount were ,sentenced to twelve year each in the penitentiary for setting Ike to the Salvation Army barracks. Capt. Lang, graduate of the Royal Mili- tary College at Kingston, has been ap- pointed instructor of the School of Mili- tary Engineering at Chatham, England. Mr. Wallace Nesbitt, Q.C.- bee been re- tained by Toronto city to conduct the In- vestigation before Judge McDougall into the alleges) aldermanic blackmailing cases. The weavers in the Dominion cotton mills at Brantford, went on strike Thugs day agafnet • new schedule of prima, which involved a email reduction of wage. A great atewin did much damage in New York and vicinity A tenement house was blown down and many lives were loot. Numerous shipping disaster are re- ported. brought by Della Keegan to recover el(n,mn damages from Russell Sage, the New York millionaire, for breach of promise of marriage, bas bees dir mimed. Nerle, the ctiatom%tdecial who ebseond- ccl from Alberta end was captured in Lam - don. England, has confirmed and Will re- turn to ('sturla with Inspector O'Leary, of the Dominion police. Warden Chardon Moreton, of flag eke prison, is dead He suns the sus who so - sewed Kemmler at Auburn prison, the first murderer to suffer death by shoetree entire in New York drew Michael YAtagea, who wee formerly a reddest of Inagalou, wee blows hem the top of a er ef lumber at Sofa* es his bend. Wk stall was freetared amI be died le • few .`Metas The Paris MMM pidikkes an hast... wide Mr. Rmremry of Wer. U.tIM1ah her Ispeessil es saying that we. hawses >fa f and Trema is eat of the gmmtla. carried In `mean` nlirnana rota spring from such eoseous there will emerge a large, beautiful moth which proceeds to deposit eggs for other eaterptllar. Al though nosy sap are deposited compar- atively few develop eaterpillra Plant sod pear tress are the objects of their rev Ora mplltatete ,.•team Slaeaa A deserfplfen te gives of • method for araeetag the growth epi cabbage heeds near- ly mature, mod thereby remade( their 'reeking. This is performed by main( tee o•bhape abet half er two-thirds some, with a sharp prating katfe and thee re feeding the cM Maar up or down far a abort divas. If aha cabbage dem sot bead over by it own weight mod thee widen the ap&► • ROAM, of weed stew-! he Inserted to beep Um oat e—iae s apart fly tie gems oke Airier growth of the hest is as -Med. see yet aaliele t hap rashs. them be beep then bah tease weasel he us. convention of the was held at Mount that good county at 'iit 1v'B a 11141111Gp tbtV e ft -Gstot.ks . �fRE . '� S'S°S• .%).1 V /.•a° rsol.,....%%.1.1151 •� V t"�ts�►,aw�3 wee tar. . u... j use: t.m.t w wteM� p°�t t ftok HµuR� t►soe J beton ,07 r:o eA4 Ga. hey pt �r.a tier'" `.. _,.,0- .‘,......- iv. twille_ upas r.� obeli `°`.. ►is. �.et ;0°1 *re" Mice tat w rhea .O W g�e0� u ,N The Signa 10° re- -swim Oy •' spooti •ti , M1 Ou��jes w • twee terVi t wyt•�ss'" • ~e' ~it" w road woo :woe thealsoes • os.r.. tt ear�move.idi dr, Mote ail s„otass�y'e""a►1 Wes sea eje M stedce, jt. la i. t , Grub..6• os. PEATHERB ONE Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR MOM DEARS WIRI. EX -MEMBER PARLIAMENT REUBEN E. TRUAX ease Jrases�taiemw�eagm M ly IM anderreseessise el an alma sf • esel el the a nnN my be in seed �el, sad is miebtease we soli. tth`at w afarto is'pMs.. will me weuadith the approval el seer gMeese l luta limbos This useful sins is kept is the tall r.oge e1 ualitiss same as latter kends While -,char kkecu ►s In this line we have a very large steak el lime wriWsg papers wit able for every elk.s of isles.e ratedis this locality, outs peens laid sand wavey, lino., quadrille and other papers, ruled �a or mantled, as may be required. ato. kita►as are act so generally used, they 1111 an important place he ensmereial essw gsadsmes Ike wiat we've --psi filler 1 sebse ► busk $t\‘. AeAse.s It the " pay -as -yea -go " plea was the order of the day the demand for account paper would sot be so great ; but there are some mom who get so many dinners that they weeder if the stock will ever ran out. We don't intend it to, and at present oar stock is ewe pieta is this line with tour aims. Good paper and seat r liag. �to►tcmf.V►ts Both ulagls and double dollars and cents columns. They wee cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send atter • delinquent onoa • month. They are sure to fetch him 'road— sometime. Hon. Reuben E. Trus:, one of Canada's ablest thinkers and stabso men, a man so highly esteemed by the people of his district that be was honored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the pubis. inasmuch as it is one in which all will place implicit oonsdwee. Mr. Truax says " I have been for about ten years very much troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. I was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a bottle, and I must say I found very great relief, and hay* sines taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion. and would strongly recommend all my fellow"wssers hem the disease to give Beeth Amsrie.n Nervine se immediate trial. It will our. you, "REUBEN B. TRUAX, " Walkerton. Out." It has lately been dissevered list certain Nerve Centres, lasted near the base of the brain. dottrel sad supply the stomach with the seam gamey ewes loves to preNly diesel i teed. When theme Nene de. tree are in any way deranged the supply of nerve ores is at one. diminished, and es a result the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronic Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearance. South American Nervine is se prepared that it acts directly on the nerves. It will abeolntely cure every ams of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and is an absolute specific for all nervous diseases and ailments. It usually gives relief in one day. Its power, to build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It cures the old, the young, and the middlm.aged. It is a great mead to the egad and infirm. Do not wariest to we this peeioaa boon ; if you do, yea may neglect the only remedy whish will restore you to health. South American Nervine is partially sale. and very pleasant to the tests. Delicate ladies, do not fail to am tins great sure, because it will pat the Moors of freshness and beauty upon your lips and in your abseils, and 9talebty drive away your disabilities sad Dr. W. Washburn, el New Rishod. Wilma. writes : " I kava tried Swath Ameriess Nervine in any fierily sad puuribad it in rip pasties. II is a meet psssedy Fi n*ekov.es Now, it would be hard to get along without .evelopee, nand to keep up with the idem for them we keep • large stock on ht►riel. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75e. to $9.00 per M. We handle com mereial and legal sines exclusively. Comimerc.a\ Z'rvsvi x g, has already been partially Daum emoted in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amour of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it .1l at Te. SIGNAL T nfMu►<f.ons to an "At Hem' or a wedding require considerable taste in seise tion sometimes. but we make it an easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and tee. -Vrot rams of entertainments and meetings promptly tuned out, from the plain but Mkt to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. tu\,ayes We aim to 'noel in all the diger est kinds of work we turn Duet bat especially is this, and keep in stock plaia and tansy papers suitable for all requeewealn ceras one. T'vckcts This head covers a largerang, of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary adminneo ticket le a testy bailees card or a handsomely printed membership ticket Ostf es Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great balk of it is dose by us. This line also la - eludes DoasLers which our three fist -ruling job presaes are able to turn oat in • surprisingly short time. %o\s B%\ks to thedepartment we sake specialty el thee --promptness being our aim io this respect A noticed sale will appear in Tan twAL free of charge wiles bills for same see got here. #\\ Rh 1 OS W ooh. is the lice can be dews d this adabreimsut Is as expeditious aid artist& Masser and O, le rots Yea‘ SovAsit 4*r trt.SsorbLb\t.. We meted her tbaaka Orr past b. use and Whit a assihosassa el We JOHN Wholesale bad Ratan t lar Bubsaribe for "The B gnil"—Ili year. 11111110. lite �►j„�gj(�t'�lat.e